The best cars for men. The most brutal SUVs The most brutal car

For some reason, many motorists are used to dividing cars into male and female. Compact hatchbacks and convertibles are a priori classified as cars that are designed for the beautiful half of humanity, but the possession of huge SUVs and pickup trucks is at the mercy of men. And they are happy to try. After all, a real man must have a brutal gasoline eater who will instill fear in not so respectable participants. traffic. It remains to find out who in the world is dearer to the harsh male heart.

10th place - "UAZ"

Unpretentious, but reliable and proven UAZ 469

And we will start not with overseas beauties, but with a modest domestic car, which, for all its disadvantages, is very popular in our country. We are talking about the beloved by many men "goat" UAZ. But there really is something to read about this car. A simple, if not archaic, design, excellent cross-country ability and maintainability, low cost of the car itself and spare parts for it - these are far from all the trump cards of UAZ. But there are also enough shortcomings. In order to drive a domestic SUV, you really need brute male power. Yes, and with reliability, not everything is smooth. Fortunately, it is possible to bring the "goat" back to life almost in an open field. For this, this car is loved by men who cannot imagine their lives without hunting or fishing trips.

9th place - "Mercedes Benz Gelandewagen"

At the other automobile pole is the famous for the whole mercedes world Benz Gelandewagen, which many decades ago was an extremely simple and unpretentious SUV, which was created exclusively for the needs of the military. But years later, everything changed. Gelandewagen outwardly remained the same courageous “brick”, but inside there was not a trace of the former asceticism. Leather, Alcantara, wood and metal inserts, a huge color display on the center console - all this has become a reality for the owners of the German SUV. But the price is right too. Without an extra hundred thousand dollars in your pocket you can’t approach.

8th place - «Ford F-Series»

But even if you have not yet earned such huge money, this does not mean at all that you are not destined to become the owner of a brutal male car in the near future. You just have to choose a car a little cheaper. American Ford F-Series pickup is fine. It will not impress you with luxurious finishing materials or ultra-modern technical solutions, but it will surely shock you with its huge size. The length of the legendary American car, which in the United States is officially considered the best-selling pickup truck, is more than five meters. Next to such a giant, not even the smallest crossover Ford Kuga is lost.

7th place - "Land Rover Defender"

It is impossible not to mention in the ranking of the most brutal cars the British legend, which has been rightfully considered for many years Land Rover Defender. He, like mercedes benz Gelandewagen, many years ago was created for the needs of the military. But then it became obvious that the British all-terrain vehicle, which has amazing reliability, maintainability and maneuverability, is simply necessary for civilians. Since then, Defender has spread to the most remote parts of the world. And if you ever decide to take part in an African safari, you can be sure that brave guides, and these will be exclusively men, since it is very difficult to imagine a woman driving a Land Rover Defender, will accompany you on this particular car.

6th place - "Toyota Land Cruiser"

Or on Toyota Land cruiser, which has been rightfully considered a real male car for many, many years. And if the latest generations of SUVs are overgrown with automotive “fat” in the form of all kinds of electronic systems who are ready to take on all the difficult work, then those Toyota Land Cruisers that were released in the seventies and eighties of the last century are really capable of everything. It is difficult to imagine a place on our vast planet where it would be impossible to drive a Japanese SUV. And let's not even talk about the appearance of the Toyota Land Cruiser. It is absolutely recognizable and loved even by those who are infinitely far from the automotive world.

5th place - Dodge Ram

But the Dodge Ram looks just as good. This is another stunning American pickup truck that is the favorite toy of real men. And if Ram owners have the opportunity to admire the evil radiator grille, huge wheels and immense body sizes at least every day, then you will not envy those who have not yet become the owner of an American pickup truck. You will see this in the rearview mirror and, willy-nilly, you will want to move into the right lane and let this giant car go ahead. Let it rush forward like a wild horse. Otherwise, he will trample and not notice.

4th place - "Jeep Grand Cherokee"

Our next hero in the dashing nineties in our country also often gave way. And if they didn’t yield, then the driver Jeep Grand Cherokee instantly showed his displeasure with bright flashes high beam headlights And in a couple of seconds the road was free. In those days, this car was respected and feared. Even now, the Jeep Grand Cherokee, which has managed to change several generations in twenty years, looks even a little more elegant than its predecessor, but is still very courageous. And for this it is worth thanking the designers of the American company, who sacredly honor traditions and from generation to generation keep the branded seven vertical rectangles on the radiator grille.

3rd place - "Suzuki Jimny"

Vertical rectangles on the grille are also Suzuki Jimny. Only there are not seven of them, but one less. Yes, and Jimny itself is much smaller than all those SUVs and pickups, which were previously discussed. But did this miniature Japanese SUV become less desirable for real men? In no case. Off-road, he will give odds to most full-fledged "rogues". And all thanks to all-wheel drive and the almost complete absence of body overhangs. So that geometric passability Suzuki Jimny is close to ideal. It is not for nothing that many people buy this quite affordable little car just to hang a frightening-looking “kenguryatnik” on it, install a winch and toothy off road tires. And this is just the beginning. By and large, you can modify the Jimny until you run out of money.

2nd place - "Lamborghini LM200"

But the Lamborghini LM200 does not need to be finalized in any case, since it is criminal to modify a work of art. Do not believe that this boxy, uncouth car deserves to be called an automotive work of art? And what else can you call an SUV that accelerates to a hundred kilometers per hour in 7.8 seconds! And after all, we are not talking about a modern car, but about an SUV that was released in the mid-eighties of the last century. Then, not many people could boast of such dynamics. But if supercars could show all their agility exclusively on flat pavement, then the Lamborghini LM200 absolutely does not care what is under its huge wheels. That's just the appetite of the Lamborghini LM200 to match it speed characteristics. For a hundred kilometers, an Italian supercar in the guise of an SUV requires 30-40 liters of fuel. Although this is unlikely to scare any of the owners of this car. Considering that only 301 such cars were produced during the entire production period, each of which now costs more than one hundred thousand dollars, then refuel fuel tank with a volume of 290 liters for any of the owners of the Lamborghini LM200 is not a problem.

1st place - «Hummer h2»

Hummer h2 consumes no less fuel. Yes, and in design it is very similar to the Lamborghini LM200. But this is where the paths of Italian and American cars diverge. If the first one became a toy for wealthy men, then the Hummer h2 managed to take part in many military conflicts during its life. And only thanks to the shots and pictures taken during the Persian Gulf War, the Hummer h2 got the opportunity to live a civilian life. Now the world-famous Terminator and part-time former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger rides on this. In a word - a brutal car for a brutal man.

But these are far from all the huge pickup trucks and impressive SUVs that have become desirable for the strong half of humanity since their inception. The list of brutal "rogues" can be continued, if not infinity, then long enough. But the top ten is just that. And which one will you choose?

The history of this model, as befits a male car, began with a military conflict. conflict between North and South Korea, which lasted from 1950 to 1953. Acting on the side of the latter, the US government announced a tender among Japanese automakers to develop a light SUV that the US army could use throughout the Asian region. Toyota passed the tender commission and began developing its own version of the car. However, the first Land Cruiser prototype, the Toyota BJ, appeared after the end of the Korean War. The car resembled the legendary American SUV from World War II - Willis Jeep MB.

In Japan, the car was immediately taken to public service, making it the transport of the army and the police. In 1955, the second generation of the BJ 20 SUV appeared, which, in response to the British competitor Land Rover, it was decided to rename the Land Cruiser (translated from the English “land cruiser”). Since then, for more than 60 years, the model has gone through more than a dozen generations and variations. Now Toyota Land Cruiser 200 is one of the most popular SUVs among officials and bankers, as well as military and businessmen. And although you can sometimes see a girl driving a car. "Land cruiser" - real male SUV, with a serious and concise design. It is simply inconvenient for the fair sex to climb aboard a huge car, which was not without reason named after a warship.

Another company that received an order from the US government to create an army SUV was Nissan. The first prototype of the Nissan Patrol rolled off the assembly line in 1951. It was a 4W60 version which, like the Toyota BJ. strongly reminiscent of "Willis". Soon a station wagon model with a closed top appeared, and in 1955 the world saw New episode car 4W61. Second Nissan generation Patrol came out in 1960. It was an eight-seater car with two side benches and a front row of seats designed for three passengers. The Japanese planned to use this machine as the main tool in conquering the North American market. However, the Americans were distrustful of the Japanese SUV without an automatic gearbox and power steering. As a result - 4,000 copies sold in 8 years. But in Asia, where the positions of competitors were weaker, the car gained high popularity.

Specialized versions for fire brigades and ambulances were also produced. The third generation of the Nissan Patrol 160 appeared only 20 years later. At home, it was sold under the Safari brand. For the first time, a car could be called comfortable. Decent soundproofing appeared - a plastic dashboard, power windows, air conditioning and even a "rollometer". Nissan Sales Patrol 160 became a real economic victory for the company. In 1983, an analogue of the Ebro Patrol SUV appeared in Spain, which was later renamed Nissan. The SUV began to be produced in many countries of the world, and is still being produced in Iran. In 1987, a new generation of the car saw the light - Nissan Patrol Y60 and 10 years later - Y61. The current version of the car, the Y62, appeared in 2010. If the cars of past years were more suitable for fishermen, hunters and travelers, then the modern Patrol is a businessman's car. This is evidenced by both its design and price tag. However, despite the glamorous appearance and belonging to the premium class. Nissan Patrol still knows how to drive on any road.

The next truly masculine car in our selection is the Chevrolet Tahoe. He is relatively young and has never served in the army, he has a stern and tough character by nature. It hails from North America, and its history is inextricably linked with the off-road twin brother of the GMC Yukon. It started in 1987. General Motors has released a line of Chevrolet C/K and GMC C/K pickups. on the basis of which Blaser and Suburban were subsequently assembled. In 1992, on the same IGMT400I platform, an analogue of the Blazer appeared, the GMC Yukon, named after a river in northwestern Canada and Alaska.

The first Chevrolet Tahoe saw the light in 1995 and was like two drops of water similar to the Yukon brother. He went down in history as the car of the American special services. Thanks to the rigid frame and high cross-country ability, the SUV was immediately chosen by the FBI, CIA and police officers of the country's border areas. The first generation Tahoe was produced until 2000, when the second series of the model was introduced to the automotive public. She was transferred to new platform GMT800, which also assembled Chevrolet Silverado and GMC Sierra heavy pickups. The modern incarnation of Tahoe was revealed to the world in 2007. This is a severe frame giant, gluttonous and impractical. Riding it is a challenge to city traffic and the environment!

Another heir to the legendary "Willis", assembled by the engineers of Foggy Albion, is Land Rover Defender - the most old car our selection. The British thought about its construction immediately after the end of World War II. In 1948, an unbearable burden fell on the shoulders of the Rover company - the restoration of the country's destroyed automobile industry. At her disposal were all the capacities of the aircraft factory in Solihull, which easily coped with the production of old models and left room for the production of new ones. Such new model Land Rover became a utilitarian SUV with a simple and cheap design. Great Britain experienced an acute shortage of steel, so it was decided to make the body and chassis of the car from aluminum, which was in abundance. On April 30, 1918, the model was presented at the Amsterdam Motor Show, and a trial batch of 48 copies was produced before the end of the year.

Land Rover won the hearts of the public as a cheap four-wheel drive car. A kind of laborious farmer from the countryside who gets up with the first roosters and works tirelessly in the field all day. Actually, the model was designed for such an audience. From the moment it was born to the present day, the car has gone through many generations and variations, and the name Defender was given to it only in the 90s. However, the SUV is still recognizable and in demand. It's scary to think, but the current car series has existed since 1983, more than 30 years! Perhaps the manufacturers simply have nothing to add to the ideal design of the Defender, because there are legends about its reliability and cross-country ability. Or perhaps they are afraid to scare away the true fans of a truly masculine car with innovative solutions and technological quirks. No wonder the car, which looks like a UAZ sheathed with aluminum sheets, has sold 2 million copies over the years of its existence. He does not care about appearance, the main thing is what is under his hood. Obviously, that's why they love him.


Driving this car is not something to see, it is impossible to imagine a girl. There is an opinion that these cars are simply not sold to the fair sex. Meet. Mercedes-Benz G-class, Gelandewagen, or, affectionately, Gelik. Gelandewagen (translated from German as “off-road vehicle”!) was developed by order of the Iranian Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. The ruler went down in the history of his country as a ruthless tyrant and traitor who wanted to strengthen his power by buying 20,000 original all-terrain vehicles for his personal guard.

However, in 1978, the Islamic Revolution took place in Iran, as a result of which the Shah was forced to flee to the United States, where he lived until the end of his days. Daimler AG lost a major contract, but did not stop developing the car. "Gelik" - rolled off the assembly line in 1979, and its first military prototypes appeared two years later. It has been adopted by a number of countries including Argentina, Norway and Indonesia. During its history, he had the opportunity to carry many important people, including the Pope and Boris Yeltsin. The 90s linked Gelandewagen with the image of a new Russian, a bandit, the top of a criminal pyramid. Now this car is an indicator of excellent taste and high prosperity of its owner.

Tags: Car review 1393

Hit parade of the most MEN'S BRUTAL CARS! in Russia -

On the eve of the men's holiday itself, the most automobile portal of the car city prepares for its readers a unique gift - the hit parade of the most MEN'S BRUTAL CARS!

Who are the most loyal fans of the auto industry? Who knows how a "sedan" differs from a "station wagon" and what is the difference between a "crossover" and an "SUV"? Who does not blush at the word "SUV" and does not start to giggle in embarrassment at the mention of "clearance"? Who doesn't shy away at the sight of a flat tire and doesn't panic when the engine stalls? Of course, men. Today's article is specifically for men. So if a representative of the fair sex accidentally opened this material, then she can safely close it and go to read glossy magazines, since "The Hit Parade of the MOST MEN'S BRUTAL CARS" is a reading only for real men.

Ever since its first introduction in 1948, the Land Rover name has been a firm association among car enthusiasts with all-wheel drive vehicles. Defender Discovery, range rover and Freelander are unique all-terrain vehicles that know no equal. But today we will not talk about these classic jeeps, but about the new, sporty SUV Range Rover Sport.

The Range Rover Sport is the fifth model in the venerable Land Rover family and complements the award-winning Range Rover. Its main difference from the eminent colleague is the new, eight-cylinder, super-powerful supercharged engine developing 390 horsepower. A new system Dynamic Response suspension and chassis adjusted to powerful engine, provide the car excellent handling and ride comfort. The Range Rover Sport is a stunning off-road vehicle with the daring nature of a sports car.

acceleration 0-100 km/h: 7.6 s. length: 4788 mm. width: 2170 mm. height: 1817 mm.

Buy as a gift to your loved one: from $120,000 to $144,400.

In second place is the Cadillac Escalade, a luxurious VIP-class car driven by an eight-cylinder engine with a volume of up to 6.2 liters and a capacity of 403 "thoroughbred horses" ). Increased engine power gives the driver confidence and a sense of complete control over the car.

The appearance of this car excites and delights. A powerful radiator screen with rectangular cells and an abundance of chrome parts in the appearance of the Escalade uncompromisingly declares that it belongs to the Cadillac family. Inside the cabin of the Cadillac Escalade, you understand the concept of "space" in a new way. Here you will find three rows of seats, exclusive materials and quality finishes.

But the most important thing in this huge car is not an elegant appearance, but exceptional safety. The Cadillac Escalade has a record number of AirBags: frontal, for the driver and front passenger, inflatable curtains for the side seats of the first, second and third rows.

acceleration 0-100 km/h: 6.8 s. length: 5144 mm. width: 2007 mm. height: 1887 mm.

Buy as a gift to your loved one: from $97,250 to $107,300.

Well, it's just a classic, gentlemen. What man does not dream of a Hummer h3? This huge car is just the embodiment of brutality. While other automakers strive to give their SUVs more fluid forms, sometimes at the expense of true off-road qualities, the Hummer h3 retains a tough, masculine appearance, without embellishment and smoothing. It has a strong military bearing, excellent cross-country ability, a spacious comfortable interior and high technological equipment. Hummer h3 is the perfect combination of comfort and handling both on and off the road.

acceleration 0-100 km/h: 10.5 s. length: 4,820 mm. width: 2,063 mm. height: 2,080 mm.

Buy as a gift to your loved one: from $89,950 to $98,850.

Next on the list is the same "Boomer", more precisely the BMW X5. The BMW X5 is a huge, stylish car that you can't help but want. Yes, in a new interpretation of the famous tale, a real man must do three things in his life: sleep with Elena Korikova, play a joke on Pavel Vol and smash a BMW X5 (preferably someone else's and preferably a "Cossack" or at least "Oka"). But seriously, the BMW X5 is a large powerful SUV with a stylish, memorable appearance, excellent driving performance, comfortable interior and good behavior off-road.

acceleration 0-100 km / h: 6.5 s. length: 4854 mm. width: 1933 mm.

Buy as a gift to your loved one: from $91,000 to $116,200.

On the fifth place of the Hit Parade is a mid-size SUV from a luxury brands Infiniti- QX56. This car has been in production since 1996 and is the epitome of luxury. Nissan Armada. His specifications and appearance surprise with its ideality and thoughtfulness. Not a single superfluous detail, not a single stroke that does not fit into the overall picture of perfection. Infiniti QX56 is able to captivate even the most fastidious car enthusiast. But the true charm of an Infiniti SUV lies inside the cabin. High-class leather, precious woods, spaciousness and comfort combined with the latest technical developments make the interior of the QX56 not just luxurious but unique.

acceleration 0-100 km/h: 7.8 s. length: 5255 mm. width: 2015 mm. height: 1997.7 mm.

Buy as a gift to your loved one: $99560.

On the 6th place there is a car for a real Casanova. If you want to attract the attention of women, then buy a Mercedes M-class. After all, you must admit that a pretty blonde will not appreciate such a rare model as Infiniti, but the familiar emblem with three rays (Mercedes) will definitely impress a buxom beauty. And the memorable appearance of the Mercedes M-class: smooth lines, original radiator grille, embossed wheel arches, the abundance of chrome parts will no doubt make your new acquaintance lose his head with admiration.

If you have not met naive blondes on your way, do not despair. Instead, try the bestial might Mercedes M-class, because in the maximum configuration it is equipped with a 6.2 liter engine with a capacity of 510 Horse power, 7 speed automatic and permanent all-wheel drive. Impressive isn't it?

acceleration 0-100 km/h: 6.2 s. length: 4780 mm. width: 2127 mm. height: 1815 mm.

Buy as a gift to your loved one: from $88,200 to $178,500.

Tremble fans brand Audi. On the 7th place of our hit parade is an SUV from this German automaker - Audi Q7. The Audi Q7 combines sporty character, urban versatility, modern technical content and the luxury of an executive car. When working on the appearance of the Audi Q7, the designers sought to create completely new forms and make the most of the space inside the car. The result of their work is a fast-paced, dynamic car that is the perfect fusion of sportiness and versatility, luxury and practicality, aesthetics and functionality. And inside the Q7 hides a 4.2 liter engine that accelerates this large car to hundreds in some 6.4 seconds.

acceleration 0-100 km/h: 9.1 s. length: 5086 mm. width: 1983 mm. height: 1737 mm.

Buy as a gift to your loved one: $94,525 to $132,920.

What is a luxury SUV? Executive SUV is Volkswagen Touareg. This car is the first representative of Volkswagen's uncompromising triple concept: despite excellent driving performance and the comfort of an urban sedan on the highway, it has the excellent off-road capability of an all-terrain vehicle and the wild power and handling of a sports car.

The Touareg engine range is not only sporty, but also highly economical and environmentally friendly. The eight-cylinder petrol engine burns 13.8 liters of fuel per 100 kilometers and releases 329 g/km of CO2 into the environment. And the two turbodiesels, also part of the family of engines, have a fuel consumption of 10.1 - 12.6 liters per 100 km, and CO2 emissions of 267 - 333 g / km.

acceleration 0-100 km/h: 8.6 s. length: 4754 mm. width: 1928 mm. height: 1726 mm.

Buy as a gift to your loved one: from $56,130 to $89,075.

In ninth place on the hit parade is the brainchild of the most popular Japanese car brand Toyota - Toyota Land Cruiser 200. This huge pile of iron (weighing 3.5 tons), equipped with a powerful 4.5 - 4.7 liter engine, despite its relative "youth" has already gained wild popularity on both sides of the ocean. Its muscular, masculine silhouette, wide aggressive radiator grille, powerful bumpers, and huge wheels attract the admiring glances of tender, impressionable girls and make owners of modest city cars turn painfully crimson with envy. But not only the catchy brutal appearance distinguishes the Toyota Land Cruiser 200 from the motley car stream, the main thing in this car is its increased cross-country ability. The Land Cruiser 200 was the first in the world to feature Crawl Control, which automatically controls the engine and braking system to maintain very low speeds without spinning or locking the wheels. Thanks to this system, the driver, when driving off-road, just need to rotate wheel, the system will do the rest for him.

acceleration 0-100 km/h: 8.6 s. length: 4950 mm. width: 1970 mm. height: 1950 mm.

Buy as a gift to your loved one: from $89,840 to $90,330.

And we deliberately leave this position free, so that you, dear readers, can put in 10th place the car that you think is the strongest, most brutal, largest. In general, the most ... masculine.

9 most brutal SUVs |

On July 17, 1945, Willys Overland released the first civilian version of the famous Jeep. Since that time, hardy machines from different manufacturers have been very popular. Consider the 9 most brutal "jeeps" in modern history.

Mitsubishi Jeep

One example of adaptation of the legendary Willys Jeep is Mitsubishi's SUV, which began production in 1952. The Jeep CJ3A model was used as a sample. Two years later, Mitsubishi made its own changes to the design of the car, starting to install engines of its own production.

Willys MB

Willys Overland received an order to develop an army SUV in 1940. And a year later, a model with the MB index went into production. In the Allied forces, the car quickly gained fame as an unpretentious jeep that could go through almost any terrain. The American SUV was also supplied to the Red Army. In total, more than 50 thousand cars were sent to the USSR before the end of the war.


At the very beginning of 1941, the Soviet leadership instructed the engineers of the GAZ and NATI enterprises to develop an unpretentious off-road vehicle. As a result, the legendary GAZ-64 model was launched into production. This car was simple and cheap, which was a big plus in wartime conditions. A light off-road vehicle has found its application as a command vehicle and a cannon tractor. It was also used to transport cargo and the wounded.

Horch 901

Not only the allies were engaged in the release of jeeps. most popular German car off-road was Horch 901. This SUV was distinguished by high speed (90 km / h) and an impressive power reserve. Thanks to the 110 liter tank, the 901 model could travel about 400 km. But still german SUV inferior to analogues of the allies. Due to the complex design, the Horch 901 required frequent quality maintenance, which was difficult to organize in the field.

Land Rover Series I 80

In 1948 Land company Rover began production of the Series I 80 SUV. This model was the first civilian off-road vehicle from a British manufacturer. Today, the successful 80 series is produced under the name Defender. This car with a rich history has been in the most remote areas of the planet and in the most extreme conditions.

Nissan Patrol

Nissan began production of its famous Patrol model back in 1951. The first generation of the car was called Patrol 4W60 and was based on the developments of the American Willys Jeep. The external similarity of the Japanese and American SUVs could even be confusing. However, the engine from the Nissan 290 bus was used as the Patrol engine. The successful production of the first generation Patrol continued until 1960.

Toyota BJ

Toyota also used the Willys MB concept to create their own SUVs. The jeep was based on a chassis from truck Toyota SB. Also, for the first time in the world, a powerful 6-cylinder engine was installed on an all-wheel drive passenger car. The Toyota BJ has been used in the police, military, agriculture and other extreme environments where vehicle reliability is key.

Mercedes-Benz Geländewagen

Your first civilian SUV Mercedes-Benz released quite late - only in 1979. However, modern trends in auto design did not affect its appearance, which turned out to be quite brutal. The original 460 series has not yet stood out in terms of appearance from the models of those times. The car was available with two types of wheelbase - short and extended. Today, the famous Gelendvagen has not changed much in terms of design. This car with a masculine character is available in various modifications, among which the “charged” versions are no exception, which turn an SUV into a fast-moving sport car.

Hummer h2

Of course, one of the most brutal SUVs is the iconic Hummer h2. The success of the images of the M998 Humvee military jeeps led AM General to consider releasing a civilian model. She saw the light in 1992. Until 1996, when the second generation of the car appeared on the market, the Hummer h2 remained one of the most charismatic off-road vehicles.

Oleg Kirilyuk Car enthusiast

10 most brutal SUVs

Russian roads are turning into a mess of pits and puddles - spring has come. We present the best SUVs - 10 of the most brutal SUVs, ideal for conquering the virgin lands in spring. 4 Japanese, 3 Germans, 2 Americans and an Englishman will be happy to conquer the Russian expanses. Do not forget about the escort tractor... Such a competition cannot do without the Cadillac Escalade. This chic car is good for everyone, except that on a real off-road track it can lose half of its beautiful body kit. However, for the city during the slush period, it is simply ideal. The Mitsubishi Pajero is quite good. Yes, he is not as glamorous as the previous contestant. This does not prevent him from combining excellent off-road qualities and interior comfort. What's more, there's also a DVD player for those who can't imagine standing in a traffic jam without watching a movie or two. The Mazda CX-7 is gaining more and more popularity. Although made more for city driving, it will quite allow you to slightly “knead” the dirt somewhere outside the city. In addition, this car has become a truly fashionable one, which allows it to compete on equal terms with more expensive models. It would be unfair to ignore the Infinity QX56. Compared to previous contestants, this one is both big and fast. Ready to get into the dirt. Yes, only the owners, usually, do not spoil him with trips to difficult routes. They are used exclusively as a city car. The X5 was a success in the past. In the dirt, in the opera - the car was suitable for everything. What can we say about the new model. There are more and more of them on our roads every day. There is no need to argue that “kneading” the dirt on the X5 is much more pleasant than, for example, on the UAZ. Range Rover opens the top five. Let them say that you need to have two such cars: while one is in the service, you can drive the other. In fact, everything is not so bad. Air suspension allows you to feel quite confident even in a snowy field, not to mention the spring slush. Toyota Land Cruiser 200 did not reach the top three just because it is too young. There are few of them in Russia, practically none. But in a year, this car will be able to compete for the highest places. The Audi Q7 becomes the bronze medalist. Air suspension, bright appearance, excellent dynamic characteristics. Yes, this model is very popular. If earlier there were hundreds of “Kruzaks” around, now the Audi SUV is confidently pushing them off the road. The silver goes to the Mercedes-Benz ML62 AMG. For the opportunity not only to drive on dirty roads, but also on clean ones to “tear” so that even most cars could not catch up. Right, many people complain about not very good brakes. But everything is relative, not very good exclusively for a car with the letter AMG. The winner of the competition was almost predetermined. This is Hummer h3. No car can deliver so much pleasure and “fun” from off-road driving, mud, swamps and so on. This is the element of Hummer and he does not intend to give up his positions.

What kind of cars do men prefer to drive? Specialists of the automobile statistical company have been collecting data for several years, and as a result, they found out which cars real men buy in Russia.

The percentage of men who own cars of these particular car brands exceeds 90%. That is, women prefer to drive cars of other brands.

TOP 10 men's cars

Subaru - first place

More than 95% of Subaru owners are men. Cars of this brand are assembled only in Japan. Cars are famous for their reliability, which is probably why this brand is so popular among the male part of motorists.

Jeep - second place

A well-known and popular brand all over the world. SUVs of this brand look quite brutal, probably, this circumstance contributes to the popularity among the male part of the population. Among men, the number of Jeep owners exceeded well over 94%.

Now the brand belongs to the Italian-American concern Fiat Chrysler Automobiles. Jeep cars are assembled in the USA, from where they are distributed all over the world.

Toyota - third place

The famous Japanese brand is known for its quality and reliability. Toyota vehicles travel around the world, including on the roads of Russia. Among the owners of cars of this Japanese brand, men are slightly more than 94%.

Infiniti - fourth place

Another Japanese brand attracts a large number of men. This car brand belongs Japanese company Nissan. The division is engaged in the production of premium cars. Infiniti cars are distinguished not only by reliability, but also by a high level of comfort.

Men, among the owners of Infiniti - more than 93%.

Honda - fifth place

Honda is known not only good cars. Probably, the company became more famous thanks to motorcycles, which are popular among all the words of the population. The factories of the Japanese concern are scattered around the world. Among Russian Honda owners the proportion of men is almost 93%.

UAZ - sixth place

The list of cars for men also includes our domestic SUVs. Even some women risk getting behind the wheel of these brutal cars. Among UAZ owners, the number of such desperate ladies is more than 7%.

Lexus - seventh place

The Lexus car brand is owned by the Japanese corporation Toyota. Under this brand, premium cars are produced. That is, buying Lexus car, you get a reliable and very comfortable car. More than 92% of Lexus owners are men.

Mitsubishi - eighth place

Cars of another Japanese brand haunt Russian men. Among the owners Mitsubishi cars men 92%.

Mercedes-Benz - ninth place

In ninth place in the ranking of men's cars is a well-known German brand - Mercedes-Benz. Among the owners of Mercedes, the proportion of men is almost 91.5%. Cars of this brand have earned their popularity due to their high performance characteristics. Everyone knows that the Germans make very good cars.

Volvo - tenth place

Close the list of men's cars - cars of the Swedish concern Volvo. At this point in time, the Volvo brand and logo can be used not only by the Swedish concern, but also by the Chinese company Geely. She owns a division that produces cars Volvo.

Among the owners of this brand, the number of men is just over 91%.

It can be concluded that real men mostly prefer to drive Japanese cars.

10. BMW 7 Active Hybrid

Yes, now not only Lexus and Mercedes have hybrid executive sedans. Since 2009, the Bavarians have been filling X6 crossovers and 7 Series sedans with Active Hybrid units. Thus, now the Russians have the opportunity to order a luxurious executive bmw sedan 465 hp with hybrid drive, 8-speed automatic transmission and fuel consumption within 10 liters per 100 km combined cycle. If, of course, there is such an opportunity ...

9. Nissan GT-R

Who has not heard of the cult Nissan Skyline scattered around the world in right-hand drive versions ?! More recently, sales of the direct successor to Skyline, the Nissan GT-R with a 3.8-liter biturbo engine and all-wheel drive, began in Russia. And most importantly - finally, left-hand drive! Four and a half seconds to 100 km/h and four and a half million rubles for a unique Japanese supercar. In the basic package.

8 Audi A5 Sportback

Why did Audi cross the A5 coupe with a sedan? To get the A5 Sportback - another experimental body made by the German car industry. Why did we list it as one of the top ten "men's cars of the year"? Because it's rare for a woman to prefer a five-door high-capacity coupe when there's just a coupe that's much more stylish and elegant...

7Kia Mohave

At the end of the outgoing year, Kia introduced, perhaps, its most brutal car - Kia Mohave, which became the second frame SUV in the company's lineup, and in terms of size it completely became the undisputed leader. The presentation of the seven-seat "rogue" in Russia took place like a man: 1300 km through the steppes of Kazakhstan in the "faster, the enemy is on your tail!" mode. Nothing, he survived - which means that he does not care about the harsh realities of our Motherland.

6 Porsche Panamera

Porsche has finally taken care of those who can afford a sports car from Stuttgart but can't drive a coupe or SUV to business meetings. The first four-door Porsche in modern history costs at least 5,200,000 rubles, and for the top-end Panamera Turbo with a couple of extras, you need to pay all 8 million. Nevertheless, all the Panameras allocated for sales in Russia have already found their owners.

5 Ford Ranger

It's not that driving a pickup truck is not a woman's business. And not that in Russia, ladies who buy a car for themselves for a million rubles require at least an “automatic”, ESP, comfortable lounge and a softly tuned suspension (the interior of a Ford pickup is quite comfortable, but with everything else - alas, not at the right address). Ranger took its place in our hit parade, because summer residents, hunters and fishermen will appreciate its cross-country ability, unpretentiousness and simplicity of design, as well as traction capabilities.

4. Hyundai Genesis

Only a man who is determined, optimistic and ready to experience something completely new will decide to give preference to Korean sedan business class for 1.75 million rubles (at least). However, new sedan Genesis is no match for either Grandeur or Kia Opirus: rear drive, 3.8-liter 290-horsepower V6, excellent equipment and stylish appearance suggest: “What if the Korean business class is no worse than Japanese and German - only cheaper ?!”

3.Mitsubishi Pajero Sports

In the outgoing year, "three diamonds" introduced a new generation of Pajero Sports - a real SUV without the admixture of convenience that you have to pay extra for in "just Pajero". SUV "unadapted", therefore unsuitable for women. Feeling the vibration from the running engine, most ladies will certainly decide that the car is faulty. The representatives of the stronger sex cannot be frightened by the noise of a 3.2-liter diesel engine and a transfer case - they are frightened when this noise, on the contrary, is not heard ...

2. Mercedes GL

Mercedes' largest SUV simply has to be designed for men (however, this fact also attracts some women). The GL is a collection of stereotypes packed into one all-metal body, the strongest of which are "big SUV" and "new Mercedes". GL is sure to arouse the envy and respect of your friends and the awe of everyone else. Whatever you say, but a big SUV brand Mercedes is still the solution to many problems. And transport among them is in last place.

By far, the most brutal cars are big cars, and especially SUVs. I believe that these include the following models:

1) Mercedes-Benz Gelendwagen - without it, this list would simply be impossible. Since Gelik is truly the most brutal car that the automotive industry and society as a whole has seen.

2) Toyota Land Cruiser is also a large SUV, a kind of mastodon. On the road causes respect and fear. If, due to its huge dimensions, it does not fit on the road, then other car owners will simply give way to it, pulling to the side of the road for fear of being crushed)

3) Lexus LX 570 is a luxury brother of Toyota Land Cruiser. Also big and powerful, but very sleek and expensive.

4) Nissan Patrol - you can talk about it a lot of things, but everything can be seen from the photographs. If you take a ride, you can get a little goofy from the thrust and sound of the V-shaped 8-cylinder engine.

5) Range Rover is also brutal, at the same time, very beautiful, expensive and respected car with a long history. I would even put it in third place in terms of brutality after the two hundredth Kruzak.

The list can continue dear friends!

The car is part of the image of a man, an indicator of his status, and sometimes his character. It's no secret that many models are considered. If a guy is driving such a car, then he is unlikely to be able to avoid the smirks and sidelong glances of other members of the stronger sex. Men and women prefer car models, and even manufacturers - it's a fact. In addition to gender, the way of thinking of people, including the formed beliefs in different countries, also plays an important role. At the same time, there are no “female” or “male” models in their pure form, this concept is relative.

It is traditionally believed that cars with a masculine character must be bulky and powerful. According to statistics, men really prefer cars with a large engine capacity more often. The stronger sex likes large sedans, SUVs and crossovers. Modern realities also dictate their own rules, and the choice of a machine also depends on the conditions in which it will be operated. Hours of traffic jams, maneuvering in tight spaces, finding a parking space, saving gasoline - most residents of large cities face these problems.

A real men's car does not have to represent the category of the elite class and be excessively expensive. It is certainly not the cost that gives the car courage. Sports cars, although endowed not only attractive appearance, but also with considerable power, are unlikely to give the car owner a serious look. So, a large sedan or crossover will help to emphasize the status, and off-road lovers will suit an SUV, which with all its appearance betrays belonging to the male sex. At the same time, a small car will not at all lower the dignity of a male motorist. Compact sedans or hatchbacks, although not as brutal as off-road conquerors, will definitely not be ashamed to appear in public in such a car.

Top 10 most masculine cars

According to the results of a three-year study conducted between 2015 and 2018, the experts of the Avtostat analytical agency determined the most male cars, according to Russians. For the most objective assessment, the rating was formed on the basis of an analysis of over 180,000 questionnaires in which the surveyed motorists shared their point of view. According to the survey, car brands with the largest share of male owners were selected. So let's get started.


In the first place are the car models of the Japanese automaker Subaru. It is this brand that men's hearts choose, among Subaru car owners 95.1% are men. Brand cars are assembled in Japan and are distinguished by reliability. These qualities, combined with the presentable appearance of the models, have made the brand one of the most popular in the world. Currently, for Russia, the model range of the legendary brand is represented by Forester, Outback and XV crossovers, which became the car of the year in 2018, as well as Legacy, WRX and WRX STI sedans.


Silver went to the brand Jeep cars currently owned by Chrysler. The range of the brand includes exclusively SUVs, and the very word "jeep" has long been a household name for off-road vehicles. With the change of generations iconic models Jeep retain the features of a purely masculine nature, without any compromise. The owners of Jeep cars are 94.6% men, which is quite natural, given the brutal nature of SUVs. The legendary cars of the American assembly in Russia are represented by the Renegade, Grand Cherokee and new Compass, Cherokee and Wrangler.


The favorite brand of car among Russians is Toyota, which motorists highly appreciate for quality, reliability and comfort. 94.2% of car owners Japanese brand male. The model range presented in Russia is quite wide and each of the models is the embodiment of a unique style and charisma. Not to say that women do not like Toyota, but still, most copies of the brand are really endowed with masculine features. What is the frame off-road vehicle Cruiser, despite the change of generations, retains the image of a calmly brutal handsome man.


The Infiniti brand continues the rating of the most masculine cars, company-owned Nissan, another Japanese brand in the top five cars preferred by men. These are capable of emphasizing the status of the owner in the best possible way and are distinguished by reliability and a high level of comfort. The unsurpassed exterior and no less luxurious interior of the models, combined with power and dynamics, have formed the exceptional charisma of men's cars. The number of male owners was 93.4% of the total. The range of cars available in Russia includes crossovers, SUVs, sedans and coupes. Stylish cars Infiniti is the choice of respectable men and confident guys who know how to stand out from the crowd.


Honda is a leading Japanese manufacturer of motorcycles and cars with a rich history. Transport from conveyors of Honda factories, scattered around the world, is characterized by excellent quality, wherever the model is assembled. Despite the fact that the company has practically curtailed sales during the crisis Honda cars and the premium brand Acura in Russia, leaving a meager lineup consisting of CR-V and Pilot, Russians love this brand, especially the stronger sex. Male motorists account for 92.9%.


The leader of the domestic auto industry also got into the list of men's cars, which is quite obvious given the obvious masculine features in the design of cars of this brand. SUVs with such a brutal character are owned mainly by men, these are 92.4% of motorists. At the same time, women also get behind the wheel of UAZ cars, which is already a little surprising, because the SUVs of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant are quite unambiguously endowed with masculine features.


The premium Lexus brand is the brainchild of the Toyota auto concern, while being a separate brand, as is now the case with major manufacturers. Stylish and modern cars combine power, dynamics, comfort, and all this against the backdrop of stunning external data. You certainly can’t call these cars women’s, but representatives of the beautiful half of humanity sometimes want to feel the power that premium segment cars allow you to feel on the road. Brand Lexus is a worthy choice of strong men, 92.2% of the owners of these cars are male. A wide range of brand models is available for Russia.


Japanese cars are very much appreciated all over the world due to the quality and comfort inherent in them, and it is not surprising that another brand from the land of the rising sun is among the favorites of the male representatives. So, 92% of Mitsubishi car owners are men. The largest automotive company with a rich history full of interesting twists and turns, occupies a leading position in the global automotive market. In Russia, the brand is represented by several models, including the iconic Pajero, L200 and Outlander. and women.

Automakers today are betting more on crossovers, while full-fledged SUVs are becoming less and less. At the same time, in each of the categories and classes, you can pick up a car with a real masculine character, even if this car is compact and economical. Usually a car is a reflection of temperament, so style is very important, as well as enough power for active maneuvering in the city and on the highway. - About cars - Information portal