Organization and conduct of rescue operations in case of fires. Departure and movement to the fire site Traction force of the driving wheels

Firefighter traffic safety requirements

In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 74 dated November 1, 2001, approving instructions on the procedure for assigning qualifications to a fire truck driver and issuing a certificate for the right to work on a fire truck in the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, for driving a fire truck equipped with special signals (blue flashing lights and special sound signals) and having special color graphic schemes on the outer surfaces in accordance with GOST R 50574-2002, persons with continuous work experience as a driver of the corresponding category of vehicle for at least the last three years are allowed (for the period from 2002 for St. Petersburg and Leningradskaya region - at least one year) i.e. having certain skills in the use and operation of the basic chassis of a fire truck of the corresponding category. The driver of a fire truck must have a driver's license, a certificate of the right to operate a fire truck specific model, as well as ensure proper technical condition assigned fire truck (vehicles) and constantly monitor the placement and fastening of firefighting equipment and equipment on the fire truck to prevent it from falling while moving.

The driver of a fire truck, like the driver of any vehicle, is obliged to ensure the good technical condition of the vehicle in accordance with the Basic Regulations for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of safety officials traffic, which establish a list of malfunctions and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited

funds. It is prohibited to operate fire trucks with the following faults:

1. Brake system.

1.1. During road tests, the braking efficiency standards of the service brake system are not met. For fire vehicles with a permit maximum weight up to 3.5 tons inclusive, the braking distance should be no more than 15.1 m, from 3.5 tons to 12 tons inclusive - no more than 17.3 m, over 12 tons - no more than 16 m. Vehicle tests are carried out in running order, with the driver, on a horizontal section of the road with a flat, dry, clean cement or asphalt concrete surface, at a speed at the beginning of braking of 40 km/h, by applying a single action to the control of the service brake system.

1.2. The seal of the hydraulic brake drive is broken.

1.3. Violation of the tightness of the pneumatic and pneumohydraulic brake drives causes a drop in air pressure when the engine is not running by more than 0.05 MPa within 15 minutes after they are fully activated.

1.4. The pressure gauge of the pneumatic and pneumohydraulic brake drives does not work.

1.5. The parking brake system does not ensure that the fire truck remains stationary with a full load on a slope of up to 16% inclusive.

2. Steering control.

2.1. Total backlash in steering exceeds 25°.

2.2. There are no provided by the design movement of parts and assemblies, threaded connections are not tightened or not fixed in the established way.

2.3. The power steering provided by the design is faulty or missing.

3. External lighting devices.

3.1. The number, type, color, location and operating mode of external lighting devices do not meet the design requirements of the fire truck.

3.2. Headlight adjustment does not meet the requirements of GOST 25478-91.

3.3. Lighting devices and reflectors do not work in the prescribed mode or are dirty.

3.4. There are no diffusers on the lighting fixtures, or lamp diffusers that do not match the type of lighting fixture are used.

3.5. The installation of flashing beacons, methods of their fastening and the visibility of the light signal do not meet the established requirements.

3.6. Lighting devices with red lights or red reflectors are installed at the front, and white at the rear, except for the lights reverse and illumination of the registration plate, reflective registration, distinctive and identification signs.

4. Windshield wipers and washers.

4.1. Windshield wipers and washers do not work as expected.

5. Wheels and tires.

5.1. Tires have residual height tread pattern less than 1 mm, local damage (punctures, cuts, breaks) exposing the cord, delamination of the carcass, peeling of the tread and sidewall.

5.2. There is a missing bolt (nut) or there are cracks in the disk and wheel rims.

5.3. Tires by size or permissible load do not match the vehicle model.

5.4. Bias tires are installed on one axle together with radial tires, or tires with different types of tread patterns.

6. Engine.

6.2. The tightness of the power supply system is broken.

6.3. The exhaust system is faulty.

7. Other structural elements.

7.1. There are no rear view mirrors or glass provided by the design.

7.2. The sound signal does not work.

7.3. Additional objects have been installed or coatings have been applied that limit visibility from the driver's seat, impair the transparency of the glass, posing a risk of injury to road users (transparent colored films can be attached to the top of the windshield of cars; it is allowed to use tinted glass (except for mirror glass), the light transmission of which meets the requirements of GOST 5727-88).

7.4. The design locks of the body and cabin doors, the locks of the sides of the cargo platform, the locks of the tank necks and fuel tank caps, the mechanism for adjusting the position of the driver's seat, emergency exits and devices for actuating them, the door control drive, the speedometer, the heating and defogging devices do not work.

7.5. There are no rear protective devices, mudguards or mudguards provided for by the design.

7.6. Missing: first aid kit, fire extinguisher, warning triangle according to GOST 24333-97, wheel chocks(on fire trucks with a permissible maximum weight over 3.5 tons).

7.7. The presence on the external surfaces of fire fighting vehicles of inscriptions and designations that do not comply with state standards of the Russian Federation.

7.8. There are no seat belts if their installation is provided for by the design.

7.9. Seat belts are inoperative or have visible tears in the webbing.

7.10. Register sign the vehicle does not meet the requirements of the standard.

7.11. There are no additional elements of brake systems, steering and other components and assemblies provided for by the design, or installed without agreement with the manufacturer of the fire truck. If malfunctions prohibiting the operation of fire trucks occur on the road or during a fire (accident), the driver must eliminate them, and if this is impossible, follow the fire department taking the necessary precautions. And only if the working brake system, steering, headlights and tail lights that are not lit (absent) in the dark or in conditions of poor visibility, and the windshield wiper not operating on the driver’s side during rain or snowfall, the movement of the fire truck is prohibited. In accordance with the requirements of the traffic rules (traffic regulations), the driver of a fire truck, like the driver of any vehicle, is prohibited from:

§ drive a vehicle while intoxicated (alcohol, drugs or other), under the influence of medications that impair reaction and attention, in a painful or tired jeopardizing traffic safety;

§ transfer control of a vehicle to persons who are intoxicated, under the influence of drugs, in a sick or tired state, as well as to persons who do not have driver's license the right to drive a vehicle of this category;

§ cross organized (including foot) columns and take a place in them;

§ consume alcoholic beverages, narcotic, psychotropic or other intoxicating substances after a traffic accident in which he is involved, or after the vehicle has been stopped at the request of a police officer, before an examination is carried out to establish the state of intoxication or before a decision is made to exemption from such examination;

§ use a telephone that is not equipped with technical device, allowing for hands-free negotiations. The driver of a fire truck, in accordance with the requirements of the traffic rules, is required to undergo an intoxication examination at the request of police officers, and during the day on duty - an intoxication examination at the request of his superiors.

When driving a fire truck to a fire (accident) or training exercise with the blue light flashing beacon turned on, the driver of the fire truck can deviate from the requirements of traffic lights, while making sure that the fire truck is given way. For example, the driver of a fire truck is allowed to drive through a prohibiting traffic light, while ensuring the safety of vehicles and pedestrians at the intersection. In this case, it is necessary to remember that the fire truck driver must comply with the requirements of the traffic controller’s signals. Provided that the safety of the movement of vehicles and pedestrians is ensured, the driver of a fire truck with a blue flashing light on is allowed to deviate from the following sections and appendices of the traffic rules:

§ start of movement, maneuvering;

§ location of vehicles on the roadway;

§ movement speed;

§ overtaking, oncoming traffic;

§ stopping and parking;

§ driving through intersections;

§ pedestrian crossings and bus stops;

§ movement across railway tracks;

§ driving on highways;

§ traffic in residential areas;

§ priority of route vehicles;

§ requirement of road signs;

§ requirement of road markings.

Despite the above deviations, before starting to move, changing lanes, turning (turning) and stopping, the driver of a fire truck is required to give signals with turn signals in the appropriate direction. The driver of a fire truck should set the speed depending on the characteristics of the road (width and number of lanes, profile, quality and condition of the road surface), visibility conditions, density and tension traffic flows, remembering that the higher the speed of the car, the greater the likelihood and severity of the consequences of road accidents. Straight sections of the road allow, it would seem, a sharp increase in speed due to the absence of intersections, traffic lights, and pedestrian crossings. However, in practice, unexpected actions of road users, lack of reaction to special sound and light signals a fire truck can cause dangerous situations and accidents. Most often this is due to a discrepancy between the selected speed and the driver’s experience or condition. Stop for public transport– this is a place where a collision with pedestrians is possible. It is also dangerous to bypass buses, trolleybuses, and trams standing at a stop: a person may unexpectedly run out from behind them. The driver of a fire truck must be extremely careful when approaching unregulated pedestrian crossings, where a pedestrian may be invisible due to moving vehicles. The most dangerous section of the road (up to 2/3 of all vehicle collisions) is the intersection. At intersections, the driver of a fire truck must perceive and evaluate the behavior of several vehicles and groups of pedestrians simultaneously. Some intersections have limited visibility. Vehicles may suddenly appear on them. The limited size of individual intersections makes it difficult for a fire truck to maneuver. When approaching an intersection, the driver of a fire truck must sound a special sound signal, slow down the car, evaluate the type of intersection, visibility at it, the number of lanes, and be able to accurately estimate the speed of approaching vehicles, the distance to them and the time to travel in the desired direction. You should cross the intersection only after making sure it is completely safe, i.e. provided that all road users give way to the fire truck. The driver of a fire truck should know the sections of the road that create dangerous traffic situations. When a fire truck is driving at night and in conditions of insufficient visibility, regardless of the road lighting, as well as in tunnels, high or low beam headlights must be turned on. Moreover, the speed of movement in the dark in almost all cases should be less than the speed in the daytime. It must be installed so that the stopping distance of the car is half the visibility distance. Statistics show that almost half of all road accidents with the most serious consequences occur at night. During daylight hours, if necessary, the movement of a fire truck with flashing lights and special sound signal in the lane facing the flow of traffic, the driver of the fire truck must have the low beam headlights and emergency lights on light alarm. To warn about overtaking, it is advisable to additionally give a light signal, which in the daytime is a periodic short-term turning on and off of the headlights, and in the dark - repeated switching of the headlights from low to low. high beam. The movement of a fire truck outside populated areas must be carried out with low beam headlights on at any time of the day. In case of a forced stop (including during a fire or accident), where, taking into account the visibility conditions, the fire truck cannot be noticed in a timely manner by other drivers, the hazard warning lights must be turned on, and in the dark on unlit sections of roads and in conditions of insufficient visibility In addition, the side lights must also be turned on (in addition to side lights low beam headlights may be turned on, fog lights and rear fog lights). In addition, at a distance that ensures timely warning of danger to other drivers in a specific situation (at least 15 meters from the vehicle in populated areas and 30 meters outside settlements) the driver of a fire truck must display a warning triangle.

Behind traffic violation and other regulatory legal acts in the field of road traffic, the driver of a fire truck is liable in accordance with the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 6

Traction and speed properties of a fire truck

The traction and speed properties of a PA are determined by its ability to move under the action of the longitudinal (traction) forces of the drive wheels. (A wheel is called a driving wheel if torque from the vehicle engine is transmitted to it through the transmission.)

This group of properties consists of traction properties, allowing the UAV to overcome inclines and tow trailers, and speed properties, allowing the UAV to move with high speeds, accelerate (acceleration) and move by inertia (coast).

For a preliminary assessment of traction and speed properties, specific power is used N G PA, i.e. engine power ratio N, kW, k gross weight car G, t. According to NPB 163-97, the specific power of the PA must be no less than 11 kW/t.

Domestic serial PAs have a power density less than the recommended airbag value. Increase N G Serial PAs are possible if you install engines with higher power on them or do not fully use the carrying capacity of the base chassis.

An assessment of the traction and speed properties of a motor vehicle based on specific power can only be preliminary, since often vehicles with the same N G have different maximum speed and throttle response.

In regulatory documents and technical literature there is no unity in the estimated indicators (measurements) of the traction and speed properties of vehicles. The total number of proposed evaluation indicators is more than fifteen.

Specifics of operation and movement (sudden departure from cold engine, intensive traffic with frequent acceleration and braking, rare use of coasting) allows us to identify four main indicators for assessing the traction and speed properties of a UAV:

maximum speed v max ;

maximum grade climbable in first gear at constant speed (angle α max or slope i max);

acceleration time to a given speed t υ;

minimum sustainable speed v min.

Indicators v max , α max , t υ And v min are determined analytically and experimentally. To analytically determine these indicators, it is necessary to solve the differential equation of motion of the vehicle, valid for a particular case - rectilinear motion in the profile and plan of the road (Fig. 6.1). In reference system 0 xyz this equation has the form

Where G– PA mass, kg; δ > 1 - coefficient for taking into account rotating masses (wheels, transmission parts) PA; R k – total traction force of the driving wheels PA, N; Ρ Σ =P f +P i +P c total resistance to movement, N;
P f– wheel rolling resistance force PA, N: P i– lifting resistance force PA, N; R c – air resistance force, N.

Solving equation (6.1) in general form is difficult, since the exact functional dependencies connecting the main forces ( R To , Р f ,Р i , Р c) at the speed of the vehicle. Therefore, equation (6.1) is usually solved by numerical methods (on a computer or graphically).

Rice. 6.1. Forces acting on a fire truck

When determining the traction and speed properties of vehicles using numerical methods, the most commonly used method is the force balance method, the power balance method and the dynamic characteristics. To use these methods, it is necessary to know the forces acting on the vehicle during movement.

Traction force of driving wheels

Engine torque M d is transmitted through the transmission to the driving wheels of the vehicle. Data on the external characteristics of engines given in reference literature and technical characteristics of cars ( N e , M e) correspond to the conditions of their bench tests, which differ significantly from the conditions under which engines operate in cars. During bench tests according to GOST 14846-81 external characteristics engine is determined when only the main equipment is installed on it (air cleaner, generator and water pump), i.e., without the equipment necessary to service the chassis (for example, a compressor, power steering). Therefore, to determine M d numeric values M e must be multiplied by the coefficient K c:

For domestic two-axle trucks TO c = 0.88, and for multi-axial ones - TO c = 0.85.

The conditions for bench testing of engines abroad differ from the standard ones. Therefore, when testing:

according to SAE (USA, France, Italy) – TO c = 0.81–0.84;

according to DIN (Germany) – TO With = 0,9–0,92;

according to B5 (England) – TO c = 0.83–0.85;

according to JIS (Japan) – TO c = 0.88–0.91.

Torque is transmitted to the wheels M To >M d. Increase M d is proportional to the total gear ratio of the transmission. Part of the torque taken into account by the coefficient useful action transmission, is spent on overcoming friction forces. The total gear ratio of the transmission is the product of the gear ratios of the transmission units

Where u To u R u r – respectively gear ratios gearboxes, transfer case and main gear. Values u To , u r and u r are given in technical specifications ATS.

The transmission efficiency η is the product of the efficiency of its units. For calculations you can take: η = 0.9 – for two-axle trucks with a single main gear (4´2); η = 0.88 – for two-axle trucks with double final drive (4´2); η = 0.86 – for cars off-road(4´4);
η = 0.84 – for freight three-axle vehicles(6´4); η = 0.82 – for three-axle off-road trucks (6´6).

Total traction force P k, which can be provided by the engine on the drive wheels, is determined by the formula

Where r D– dynamic radius of the wheel.

The dynamic radius of the wheel is, to a first approximation, equal to the static radius, i.e. r D = r Art. Values r st are given in GOSTs for pneumatic tires. In the absence of this data, the radius r D toroidal tires is calculated by the formula

, (6.5)

Where d– rim diameter; λ – 0.89 - 0.9 – radial deformation of the profile; b w – profile width.

Rim diameter d and profile width are determined from the tire designation.

Use of force P to (6.4) for the movement of the vehicle depends on the ability of the car wheel under the influence of normal load G n g perceive or transmit tangential forces when interacting with the road. This quality of a car wheel and road is usually assessed by the strength of adhesion of the tire to the road. P φ n or adhesion coefficient φ.

The adhesion force of the tire to the road P φ n is called the maximum value of the horizontal reaction Tn(Fig. 6.2), proportional to the normal reaction of the wheel Rn:

; (6.6)

; (6.7)

For the wheel to move without longitudinal and transverse slip, the following condition must be met:

. (6.9)

Depending on the direction of wheel sliding, longitudinal coefficients φ are distinguished X and transverse φ at clutch. Coefficient φ X depends on the type of surface and condition of the road, the design and material of the tire, the air pressure in it, the load on the wheels, driving speed, temperature conditions, the percentage of wheel slipping.

Fig.6.2. Diagram of forces acting on a car wheel

The value of the coefficient φ X depending on the type and condition of the road surface, it can vary within very wide limits. This change is due not so much to the type as to the condition of the top layer of the road surface. Moreover, the type and condition of the road surface affects the value of the coefficient φ X significantly greater influence than all other factors. Therefore, in reference books φ X is given depending on the type and condition of the road surface.

To the main factors associated with the tire and affecting the coefficient φ X, include specific pressure (depending on the air pressure in the tire and the load on the wheel) and the type of tread pattern. Both of them are directly related to the tire's ability to push out or break through the film of fluid on the road surface to restore reliable contact with it.

In the absence of shear forces P φ n And Yn coefficient φ X increases with increasing slippage (slip) of the tire on the road. Maximum φ X is achieved at 20 - 25% slip. When the drive wheels are completely slipping (or the brake wheels are skidding), the coefficient φ X may be 10 - 25% less than the maximum (Fig. 6.3, A).

As the speed of the vehicle increases, the coefficient φ X usually decreases (Fig. 6.3, b). At a speed of 40 m/s it can be several times less than at a speed of 10 - 15 m/s.

Determine φ X usually experimentally by towing a car with locked wheels. During the experiment, the traction force on the tug hook and the normal reaction of the locked wheels are recorded. Therefore, reference data on φ X Refer, as a rule, to the coefficient of adhesion during slipping (skidding).

Lateral adhesion coefficient φ at usually taken equal to the coefficient φ X and in the calculations they use the average values ​​of the adhesion coefficient φ (Table 6.1).

Rice. 6.3. Effect on φ coefficient X various factors:

A– change in coefficient φ X depending on slippage; b- change
coefficient φ X depending on the wheel rolling speed: 1 – dry road
with asphalt concrete surface; 2 – wet road with asphalt concrete surface;
3 – icy flat road

Table 6.1

Road surface Coating condition Tire pressure
high low adjustable
Asphalt, concrete Dry Wet 0,5–0,7 0,35–0,45 0,7–0,8 0,45–0,55 0,7–0,8 0,5–0,6
Crushed stone Dry Wet 0,5–0,6 0,3–0,4 0,6–0,7 0,4–0,5 0,6–0,7 0,4–0,55
Ground (except loam) Dry Moistened Wet 0,4–0,5 0,2–0,4 0,15–0,25 0,5–0,6 0,3–0,45 0,25–0,35 0,5–0,6 0,35–0,5 0,2–0,3
Sand Dry Wet 0,2–0,3 0,35–0,4 0,22–0,4 0,4–0,5 0,2–0,3 0,4–0,5
Loam Dry In plastic state 0,4–0,5 0,2–0,4 0,4–0,55 0,25–0,4 0,4–0,5 0,3–0,45
Snow Loose Rolled 0,2–0,3 0,15–0,2 0,2–0,4 0,2–0,25 0,2–0,4 0,3–0,45
Any Icy 0,08–0,15 0,1–0,2 0,05–0,1

When calculating the traction and speed properties of vehicles, the difference in wheel adhesion coefficients is neglected and the maximum traction force that can be provided by the driving wheels in terms of adhesion to the road is determined by the formula

Where Rn– normal reaction n- drive wheel. If the traction force of the drive wheels exceeds the maximum traction force, then the drive wheels of the vehicle slip. For the vehicle to move without slipping of the drive wheels, the following condition must be met:

Fulfillment of condition (6.11) makes it possible to reduce the time it takes the vehicle to travel to the call location, mainly by reducing the acceleration time t r . When accelerating a vehicle, it is important to achieve the maximum possible under road conditions. R j. If the drive wheels of the vehicle slip during acceleration, then a smaller R and, as a result, increases t r. Decrease R when the drive wheels slip and is explained by the fact that when wheels slip relative to the road, φ decreases by 20–25%. x(see Fig. 6.3). Decrease φ x leads to a decrease Pφ (6.10) and, consequently, to a decrease in the realizable R to (6.11).

When the UAV moves from its place, fulfill condition (6.11) only due to the right choice rotation speed crankshaft engine and gear numbers fail. Therefore, the acceleration of the PA from v= 0 to v min should occur when the clutch is partially slipping. Further acceleration of the PA from v min to v max without slipping of the drive wheels PA with manual transmission gears is ensured by the correct choice of the position of the fuel pedal (engine speed) and the moment of switching to the highest gear.

Air resistance force

A moving vehicle spends part of the engine power on moving air and its friction against the surface of the vehicle.

Air resistance force R in, N, is determined by the formula

Where F – frontal area, m2; TO c – streamlining coefficient, (N×s 2)/m 4;
v – vehicle speed, m/s.

The frontal area is the area of ​​projection of the vehicle onto a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle. The frontal area can be determined from the general view drawings of the PA.

In the absence of exact dimensions of the PA, the frontal area is calculated using the formula

Where IN - track, m; N g – overall height of PA, m.

The streamlining coefficient is determined for each vehicle model experimentally, when blowing a car or its model in a wind tunnel. Coefficient TO V equal to force air resistance created by 1 m 2 of the frontal area of ​​a car when it moves at a speed of 1 m/s. For PA on chassis trucks TO in = 0.5 – 0.6 (N×s 2)/m 4, for cars TO V = 0.2 – 0.35 (N×s 2)/m 4, for buses TO in = 0.4 - 0.5 (N×s 2 / m 4.

When moving in a straight line and there is no side wind, the force R It is customary to direct along the longitudinal axis of the vehicle, passing through the center of mass of the vehicle or through the geometric center of the frontal area.

Power N in, kW, required to overcome the force of air resistance, is determined by the formula

Here F in m2, v in m/s.

At v≤ At 40 km/h, the force of air resistance is small and can be ignored when calculating the movement of the aircraft at these speeds.

Inertia force

It is often more convenient to consider the motion of the vehicle in a reference system rigidly connected to the car. To do this, it is necessary to apply inertial forces and moments to the PA. In the theory of automatic vehicles, inertial forces and moments during straight-line motion of a car without vibrations in the longitudinal plane are usually expressed by the force of inertia Р j, N:

Where j– acceleration of the center of mass of the vehicle, m/s 2 .

The inertial force is directed parallel to the road through the center of mass of the vehicle in the direction opposite to the acceleration. To take into account the increase in inertia force due to the presence of rotating masses in the vehicle (wheels, parts, transmission, rotating engine parts), we introduce the coefficient δ. The coefficient δ for taking into account rotating masses shows how many times the energy expended in accelerating the rotating and translationally moving parts of a vehicle is greater than the energy required to accelerate the vehicle, all the parts of which move only progressively.

In the absence of accurate data, the coefficient δ for PA can be determined using the formula

Power N j, kW required to overcome the inertia force is determined by the formula

Fire truck acceleration

The time of uniform movement of the UAV is small compared to the total time of travel to the place of the call. When operating in cities, PAs move uniformly no more than 10–15% of the time. More than 40 - 50% of the time the PAs move at an accelerated rate.

The ability of a vehicle to change (increase) its speed is called pickup. One of the most common indicators characterizing a car’s response is time. t v accelerating a car from a standstill to a given speed v.

Define t v usually experimentally on horizontal smooth road with asphalt concrete pavement with coefficient y = 0.015
(f= 0,01, i%£ 0.5). Analytical methods of determination t v based on dependency building t(v) (Fig. 6.8), i.e. on the integration of differential equation (6.1):


At 0 < v < v min PA movement occurs when the clutch slips. Acceleration time t p to v min depends mainly on the driver’s ability to correctly select the position of the clutch and fuel pedals (see paragraph 6.1.1). Since the acceleration time t p significantly depends on the driver’s qualifications, which is difficult to describe mathematically, then when analytically determined t v time t p is often left out.

Acceleration of PA on the site AB occurs in first gear with the fuel pedal fully depressed. At maximum PA speed in first gear (point IN) the driver disengages the clutch, disconnecting the engine and transmission, and the car begins to move slowly (section Sun). Having engaged second gear, the driver again presses the fuel pedal all the way. The process is repeated when moving to subsequent transmissions (sections CD, DE).

Gear shift time t 12 ,t 23 (Figure 6.8) depends on the qualifications of the driver, the method of gear shifting, the design of the gearbox and the type of engine. The average gear shift time for highly qualified drivers is given in Table. 6.3. In a car with diesel engine gear shift time is longer, because due to large (compared to carburetor engine) the inertial masses of its parts, the crankshaft rotation speed changes more slowly than that of a carburetor engine.

Fig.6.8. Fire truck acceleration:

t 12 , t 23 – respectively, the time of gear shifting from first to second and from second to third; ∆v 12 and ∆v 23 – decrease in speed over time t 12 and t 23

During gear shifting, the PA speed decreases by D v 12 and D v 23 (see Fig. 6.8). If the gear shift time is short (0.5 - 1.0 s), then we can assume that when changing gears the movement occurs at a constant speed.

Table 6.3

Acceleration of the vehicle during acceleration in sections AB,CD determined by the formula

, (6.52)

which is obtained after transforming formula (6.46). Since the dynamic factor PA decreases with increasing gear number (see Fig. 6.7), maximum acceleration accelerations are achieved in low gears. Therefore, to ensure rapid acceleration when overtaking in urban conditions, PA drivers use low gears more often than drivers of other vehicles.

Chapter 6


The theory of fire engine movement (FA) considers the factors that determine the time it takes a fire department to get to the scene of a call. The theory of motion of the PA is based on the theory operational properties motor vehicles (ATS).

To assess the design properties of the UAV and its ability to arrive at the call site in a timely manner, an analysis of the following operational properties is necessary: ​​traction and speed, braking, motion stability, controllability, maneuverability, smoothness.

The fire department when leaving and going to a fire - arriving at the place of call in the shortest possible time, so that liquidate a fire in the initial stage of its development or provide assistance in extinguishing the fire (if the unit is called additionally). To do this, it is necessary to accurately accept the address of the fire, quickly assemble an alarm unit and follow the shortest route at the maximum possible safe speed.

At the beginning of the 21st century, traveling to the place of call can be carried out at the following mobile fire extinguishing equipment :

  • firefighters and emergency vehicles;
  • river and sea vessels;
  • aircraft;
  • equipped equipment, and also, if necessary, on foot.
When traveling to the site of a fire in firefighting and rescue vehicles following an alarm signal, personnel quickly gather in the garage and prepare to leave.

Senior boss receives voucher(tours), card , fire extinguishing plan, checks the department’s readiness to leave and is the first to leave in the fire truck of the first department. This is followed by the second department, and then the special services departments (if they are required) in the sequence established in the fire department.

All fire trucks must follow the same route. It is advisable for all vehicles to arrive at the fire at the same time. Departure of the same unit on different routes is allowed only in cases where there is a special order chief of guard or the order of departure of departments on fire trucks to individual objects is predetermined.

On the way, the senior head of the unit, if necessary, studies operational documentation (fire extinguishing plan or card, tablet of the departure area of ​​the unit in whose territory the fire occurred) and maintains constant radio contact with the central point fire communications (unit contact point– PSCH), if technically possible, listens to information coming from the fire scene.

The fire department unit is obliged to arrive at the place of call, even if information is received on the way about the elimination of the fire or its absence (except for cases when there is an order to return from the garrison communications dispatcher or senior commander).

Definition optimal routes following to concentrate a significant amount forces and means for a particular object is carried out during the development and adjustment of fire extinguishing plans, fire dispatch schedules, carrying out fire tactical exercises.

The magnitude of the damage largely depends on the degree of continuity of the process of concentration and introduction of forces and means.

Therefore, one of the ways to reduce material damage from fires is the establishment of increased fire numbers at the first notification of a fire at particularly important and fire-hazardous facilities, critically important facilities, particularly valuable cultural heritage sites, facilities with a massive concentration of people, so that when fires occur, a continuous process of concentration and deployment of forces and funds. Currently, such a fire number system is installed at many city facilities. However, if a fire is detected and reported late, it cannot significantly reduce the damage from the fire during the concentration and deployment of forces and means. The situation is further worsened by the fact that as the intensity of urban transport increases, the speed of fire trucks decreases.

The period of concentration of forces and resources can be reduced by reducing the time of notification of a fire. This can be achieved by introducing territory monitoring installations at sites, automatic fire detection. Due to this, by the time the units arrive at the fire, all parameters of its development will be of the least importance, and therefore less effort and resources will be required for extinguishing and, as a result, the duration of the concentration and deployment of forces and resources and the damage from the fire as a whole will be less. Concentration time depends on tactical and technical characteristics mobile fire extinguishing equipment, the state of travel routes, knowledge of the operational staff of streets, alleys, other operational and tactical features of the area (region), climatic conditions and other data.

In some cases, mobile fire extinguishing equipment can be delivered to the site of emergency response work by rail, air, or water transport. If the fire department travels by rail or water, it is necessary to ensure the safety of vehicles during loading and unloading, and securely secure them to platforms and decks.

Methods of loading fire trucks are determined by the administration railway or water transport.

For security on the road, each vehicle must be accompanied by a driver and, if necessary, a guard must be posted. Personnel are located in one place. All delivery issues are determined in agreements and instructions developed and approved in accordance with the established procedure.

Requirements of the Fire Extinguishing Procedure

Departure and proceeding to the place of fire (call) includes the collection of personnel of the duty guard or the duty shift of the unit (hereinafter referred to as the guard) upon the “ALARM” signal and its delivery in fire trucks and other special vehicles to the place of fire (call).

Departure and travel to the place of fire (call) are carried out in the shortest possible time, which is achieved:
Travel to the fire scene (call) is suspended only by order of the dispatcher.

In the event of a forced stop along the route of the lead fire truck, the vehicles following it stop and further movement continues only at the direction of the guard chief.

If the second or following fire trucks are forced to stop, the rest, without stopping, continue to move to the place of the fire (call). The senior chief on a fire truck that has stopped moving immediately reports the incident to the dispatcher.

When the primary tactical guard unit, capable of independently solving individual tasks of extinguishing fires and carrying out rescue operations related to fire extinguishing (hereinafter referred to as the department), independently proceeds to the scene of a fire (hereinafter referred to as the department), and the forced stop of the fire truck, the squad commander reports the incident to the dispatcher , while measures are taken to deliver personnel, firefighting tools and equipment to the place of the fire (call).

If another fire is detected en route to the place of fire (call), the chief of guard or an official of the unit proceeding to the place of fire (call) as fire extinguishing manager :

Calculations of indicators of collection and departure on alarm and travel to the place of call

When conducting fire tactical crews The following calculation rules are used:

The travel time to the place of call can be determined using the following formula:

The main task is to arrive at the place of call in the shortest possible time in order to eliminate the fire in the initial stage of its development or provide assistance in and (if the unit is called additionally). To do this, you need to accurately take the address, quickly assemble an alarm unit and follow the shortest route at the maximum possible safe speed.

When an alarm is sounded, the personnel quickly gather in the garage and prepare to leave. The senior commander receives a permit(s), an operational card (operational plan), fire extinguishing, checks the readiness of the departments for departure and is the first to leave on a tanker truck. This is followed by the second department, and then also the special services departments (if required) in the sequence established in the fire department.

On the way, the senior head of the unit, if necessary, studies operational documentation (operational plan or fire extinguishing card, directory of water sources, tablet of the departure area of ​​the unit in whose territory the fire occurred) and maintains constant radio communication with the central fire communications point (unit communications point - PSC), if available technically possible, listens to information coming from the fire scene.

The fire department unit is obliged to arrive at the place of call, even if information is received on the way about the elimination of the fire or its absence (except for cases when there is an order to return from the garrison communications dispatcher or senior commander).

If another fire is discovered along the way, the head of the unit (department) is obliged to allocate part of the forces to extinguish it and immediately report this to the central fire communication point (CPPS - EAAS, PSCh).

If the lead fire truck is forced to stop en route, the vehicles behind stop and move on only at the direction of the senior head of the unit.

He replenishes the combat crews of the departments (PPE, radio stations, lighting equipment are also transferred to this fire truck), he himself transfers to another vehicle and continues to follow the call point. If one of the vehicles in the convoy (except the lead one) is forced to stop, the remaining vehicles, without stopping, continue to move to the place of call. The commander of the department of the stopped vehicle takes measures to deliver personnel, fire-fighting equipment, personal protective equipment and equipment to the fire site.

If a fire truck is forced to stop due to an accident, malfunction, or road destruction, the senior commander takes measures depending on the situation and reports to the fire communications console (EAAS, TsPPS, PSCh).

If fire departments travel by rail or water, it is necessary to ensure the safety of vehicles during loading and unloading, and securely secure them to platforms and decks.

Methods of loading fire trucks are determined by the administration of the railway or water transport.

For security on the road, each vehicle must be accompanied by a driver and, if necessary, a guard must be posted. Personnel are located in one place.

In winter, water is drained from the cooling system of engines and tanks. All delivery issues are determined in agreements and instructions developed and approved in accordance with the established procedure.

Travel time calculation

In general, the duration of departure and travel to a fire of any unit can be determined by the formula:

T cl = L / V cl, where:

  • L – length of the route, km;
  • V sl – average speed of movement (following) of a fire truck along the route, km/h.

The value of Vcl ranges from 25 to 45 km/h and is typical for cities and regions. It can be predicted based on mathematical and statistical analysis speed characteristics movement road transport in cities or calculated using the formula:

V sl = V dv.max · С 1 · С 2, where:

  • V door max – maximum speed traffic on a given street, km/h;
  • C 1 and C 2 are constant coefficients, respectively taking into account the condition of the roads and the thermal conditions of the engine of fire trucks. Depending on the condition of roads in cities, C 1 = 0.36-0.4. Value C 2 = 0.8 for summer conditions and C 2 = 0.9 – for winter conditions operation of fire fighting vehicles.

Determining optimal routes

This or that object is carried out during the development and adjustment of fire extinguishing plans, schedules of trips to fires, and conducting fire tactical exercises.

The magnitude of the damage largely depends on the degree of continuity of the process of concentration and introduction of forces and means.

Consequently, one of the ways to reduce material damage from fires is to establish increased fire numbers at the first notification of a fire for particularly important and fire-hazardous objects, critical objects, especially valuable cultural heritage objects, objects with a massive concentration of people, so that When fires occurred, it was possible to carry out a continuous process of concentrating and introducing forces and means. Currently, such a fire number system is installed at many city facilities. However, if a fire is detected and reported late, it cannot significantly reduce the damage from the fire during the concentration and deployment of forces and means.

The situation is further worsened by the fact that as the intensity of urban transport increases, the speed of fire trucks decreases.

The period of concentration of forces and resources can be obtained by reducing the time of notification of a fire. This can be achieved by introducing territory monitoring installations and automatic fire detection at sites. Due to this, by the time the units arrive at the fire, all parameters of its development will have the lowest values, and therefore less effort and resources will be required for extinguishing and, as a result, the duration of the concentration and deployment of forces and resources and the damage from the fire as a whole will be less.

As a result of the analysis of the general patterns of concentration of forces and means, we can conclude that this is a complex process that includes a combination of tactical and technical actions of several units in leaving and following a fire.

In many ways, this process is random in nature (the speed of movement of a fire truck to a fire, environment– random characteristics). Therefore, the process of concentrating and bringing forces and means into readiness for use must also be considered as a type of random process. Without such an approach, the level of control over the spread of parameters of this process, and hence ensuring the quality of its progress, is extremely low.

Regardless of the presence of accidents in the process of concentrating forces and means, it is based on certain patterns, the discovery and study of which is one of the most important tasks in fire extinguishing tactics, since these patterns mainly determine the effectiveness tactical and technical actions of units as a whole.

By the way, paragraph 76, chapter 17 of Federal Law 123 states that the deployment of fire departments in the territories of settlements and urban districts is determined based on the condition that the time of arrival of the first unit to the place of call in urban settlements and urban districts should not exceed 10 minutes, and in rural settlements – 20 minutes.

“On approval of the Regulations on fire and rescue garrisons”

Paragraph 63. The response system in local garrisons is formed based on the following principles: dividing the territories of municipalities into departure areas of units, taking into account the optimal deployment of units, the arrival of the first unit at the most remote point of the departure area in the shortest possible time.

Ways to reduce the time of concentration of forces and resources

  1. Providing economic and life facilities automatic installations notices.
  2. Device automatic systems to receive information and dispatch forces.
  3. Further improvement of fire trucks and their speed characteristics.
  4. Improvement of fire-technical weapons.
  5. Development of scientifically based regulatory documents on the location of fire stations and the implementation of firefighting and firefighting activities, their implementation in fire protection practice.
  6. Organization of fire patrol services at sites and organizations, training of personnel and propaganda work.

Literature: Fire tactics: the basics of firefighting. Terebnev V.V., Podgrushny A.V. (under the general editorship of Verzilin M.M.). Moscow, 2009 - About cars - Information portal