Low pressure tires for standard UAZ. How to convert a UAZ to low pressure tires? Tire pressure

SUV equipment big wheels with teeth, every lover of non-format thinks UAZ. Tuning UAZ 469 on tires low pressure increases cross-country ability dramatically, but they are still not considered correctly; they are too large and unpleasant for driving on hard surfaces. A well-established opinion is generally justified, but a fair opinion breaks new tire from famous brand offroad "Avtoros"

Target: Create an all-terrain vehicle in the truest sense of the word. So that the car can feel great both off the road and on hard surfaces.

This will help us:

  • Autoros tires AVTOROS M-TRIM 900-450-18LT RUB 15,300 per wheel *4 = 61,200 rub.
  • Wheel discs RUB 15,000. *4 = 60,000 rub.
  • Snorkel
  • Spacers RIF 4 080 for 2 pcs. = 8,160 rub.
  • Shock absorbers, springs, springs Ironman
  • Steering rod protection RIF

For tuning beginners, there must be cost awareness. Prices do not constitute a public offer and are for informational purposes only.

In order to accommodate our wheels, it is necessary to trim the arches without losing aesthetics. And we will preserve this by securing the plastic arch linings. We also raised the body using RIF spacers, and now ours seems high enough to overcome obstacles that may arise on the way to the hunting or fishing grounds.

In such a hostile environment, it is necessary to protect important elements of our SUV. To protect the bottom, we will manufacture and install aluminum protection. And to protect the steering rods, it will install protection from the RIF company, which looks like a grille under the bumper.

Low pressure tire test for UAZ 469

The maximum declared speed from the manufacturer is 80 km/h, but we managed to go 100 km/h. It is quite comfortable to drive 95 km/h. I would like to immediately note the disadvantages, the tires are not intended for highways and the car shakes (this is due to the tires), but at the same time the tires can be balanced. I would also like to note that the car is fully controllable on the highway and brakes well. Overall along the route UAZ behaves adequately, there are no obvious disadvantages. As for the soil, the grouser performs very well precisely on loose soil and dirt. We were pleasantly surprised that when hitting branches and stumps, the rubber did not puncture. I would also like to note that these wheels are much lighter than analogues with even a smaller radius.

The legendary car is back at the peak of popularity

Cars are gaining particular popularity these days. all-terrain. A type of transport such as an all-terrain vehicle based on a UAZ car can be created with my own hands. This is a cheap form of transport and convenient. Most car owners who have such a car in their garage can be proud of it, because they created this miracle with their own hands. At this stage, there are already many exhibitions and forums have been created for craftsmen who share their experience with beginners.

Such all-terrain vehicles are most often created on the basis of UAZ, from older models to newer ones, the main thing is that they are in working condition. UAZ 469 cars are being converted to be equipped with low-pressure tires. In this case, the car turns into an all-terrain vehicle, capable of driving in the most impassable places.

Tires on a UAZ are quite expensive, so many people are starting to think about how to use their money more economically. And everything is quite simple: make low-pressure tires with your own hands. But in order to “change the shoes” of the car, equipping it with this type of tires, you will have to redo various suspension elements and body parts, and re-equip the axles. All this is caused by the fact that colossal loads are created on various systems due to frequent shifts in the center of gravity in the car.

Axles installed on the UAZ 469 model can fail due to constant driving in off-road mode, and the clutch system will quickly fail. Therefore, converting a car into an all-terrain vehicle on low-pressure UAZ Patriot tires for driving in difficult areas must be approached in detail and all issues must be resolved in a comprehensive manner.

  • the vehicle's cross-country ability increases;
  • the pressure in UAZ tires allows you to create better traction with any moving soil by increasing the traction plane;
  • lugs specially provided for in the design of the low-pressure tire make the UAZ 469 more responsive;
  • it becomes possible to use the car in agricultural production, since due to the low pressure in the tires, the UAZ has less impact on the ground and does not crush plants when driving through fields, leaving them viable;
  • Due to the larger width, ground clearance increases, which ensures better vehicle stability on the road.

These tires are intended for off-road use only.

However, low-pressure tires on UAZ have a number of disadvantages:

  • to install them, you will have to make quite a lot of modifications to the car, requiring large financial investments;
  • the car becomes higher, as a result of which the center of gravity shifts, which can lead to the car tipping over;
  • due to their greater softness, tires wear out greatly during long-term driving on asphalt;
  • the tires are not suitable for high-speed driving, but only for off-road driving, which is a limitation in the use of the car;
  • Due to greater vibration and a shift in the center of gravity of the UAZ 469 vehicle, when driving in off-road mode, the load on the transmission and other components increases. But the most critical increase in load is felt when driving on terrain that requires tires with a high tread depth.

The choice of low-pressure tires for the UAZ 469 is influenced by the temperature indicators of the region in which the vehicle will be used. To operate a car on this type of tire in both winter and summer, you must have two sets of tires. Although in this case there is no clear division into summer and winter tires. It is important that at sub-zero temperatures the rubber does not increase rigidity. Excessive rigidity reduces cross-country ability, since the ability of tires to be flexible is the key to off-road driving. If it is impossible for a hard low-pressure tire to deform on an UAZ, the contact patch on the ground or snow will decrease.

There are several UAZ tread patterns on low-pressure tires. Each of them is designed for a specific type of soil on which it is planned to move on such wheels. Moreover, a tire with a deeper tread is not always better. The wheels of the UAZ 469 with large tread interact more effectively with the ground, providing good traction, but at the same time create excessive load on the transmission. Therefore, it is very important that the pressure in UAZ tires has a certain indicator.

Soils vary in consistency, which must also be taken into account when choosing a low-pressure tire for the UAZ 469, UAZ Patriot.

Tire manufacturing instructions

Homemade low pressure tires

To manufacture low-pressure tires for UAZ, it is necessary to find the source material. You can use cameras for helicopters and airplanes: they meet quality requirements and will last a long time. The high cost and scarcity of this product is an impetus for searching for other, more affordable options. One of the best solutions in this case may be the use of tires trucks. Of course, to convert them, it will be necessary to make considerable efforts, both physical and temporary, but this will reduce the costs of converting vehicles based on the UAZ 469.

Cooking necessary tool(knives, a sharpener, a sharpener, a hammer, an awl, wire cutters) and determine the size of the required tire. To remove layers from the tire, we use a hoe - a fixed winch with an electric drive and a start button located at the workplace. Now we need to remove the outer bundle of wire cord. To do this work, we will cut a window, thanks to which we will cut one of the turns with wire cutters, wind the wire around the pliers and pull it out. It is advisable to perform these manipulations along the entire length of the wires. We cut the entire sidewall from the cord to the tread with a distance of 7-10 cm and go deeper to the first layers of the cord.

Using pliers we undermine the fang; this should be done only along its edges, and strictly clockwise, because with right side the top layer of cord will appear.

Graphic markings are the basis for tread formation. The pattern in such tires is determined by their functional purpose. Herringbone is one of the simplest and most common options. Having finished the drawing, we cut out its contours. The tread section must have the shape of a regular trapezoid. Having finished the work, we begin stripping. The longest part in this process is preparation, but it is this that affects the speed and quality of work. It is necessary to avoid cutting the tooth protector, since the slightest mistake threatens us with irreparable consequences. After processing the last canine, the layer of cord on the right will also disappear.

Using pliers, you need to pick up the fang and slowly, increasing the tension of the winch cable, cut the side edges. This work is relatively easy to complete, but you need to work with concentration and attention, focusing your attention on the smallest details. Otherwise, your low pressure tires will start to delaminate.

When selecting low-pressure tires for a UAZ, you should focus on many indicators, including factors environment and areas of application of the vehicle. Particular care must be taken in choosing the tread of an off-road tire.

Don't forget about disks. They can be made using standard analogues, having previously adjusted them to the right size and proportions. You can secure discs and cameras using straps or a fire hose.

Snow and swamp vehicle "Unkor" TTS-33106 with a 4x4 wheel arrangement is designed for transporting people and cargo in off-road conditions, including on virgin snow, loose sand, swampy terrain, swimming through small water obstacles, etc. Modification - cargo (based on UAZ-3303).
The Unkor snow and swamp-going vehicle is designed for operation and garage-free storage at ambient temperatures from -45 to +45 degrees Celsius. The all-terrain vehicle tires are low pressure, (1300 x 700 mm), double-layer rubber with cord, the lug is 2 cm. The all-terrain vehicle can tow a trailer weighing 750 kg.

All-terrain vehicle (all-terrain vehicle) "Unkor" TTS-39105 with a 4x4 wheel arrangement is designed for transporting people and cargo in off-road conditions, including virgin snow, loose sand, swampy terrain, swimming through small water obstacles, etc. Modification - cargo (based on UAZ-3909).
TTS 3910 "Unkor" belongs to the category of vehicles "C" or "D" (depending on the model power plant) and can travel on public roads. Snow and swamp-going vehicle on low-pressure tires 1300 x 700. The tire is two-layer rubber with a cord, the lug is 2 cm. Allows the installation of a rubber tube. Ground clearance 750 mm.

All-terrain vehicle (all-terrain vehicle) "Unkor" TTS-39102 with a 4x4 wheel arrangement is designed for transporting people and cargo in off-road conditions, including virgin snow, loose sand, swampy terrain, swimming through small water obstacles, etc. Modification - passenger (based on UAZ-2206).

Snow and swamp vehicle "Unkor" TTS-39101 with a 4x4 wheel arrangement is designed for transporting people and cargo in off-road conditions, including on virgin snow, loose sand, swampy terrain, swimming through small water obstacles, etc. Modification - passenger (based on UAZ-3151).

Photo from drive2.ru:

Modification domestic cars does not stand still. You can improve the car both from the inside and from the outside. A striking example of this is the UAZ on low-pressure tires. They can be ordered from specialized workshops or made by yourself. This design is successfully used on heavy soils, where standard wheels difficult to get through.

What is a low pressure tire?

The element in question is an enlarged wheel, resembling a pillow, inside of which there is low pressure. This design creates excellent traction with any type of soil and allows you to drive on almost any off-road terrain.

Has the following features:

  1. A significant area of ​​contact with the ground makes it possible to overcome obstacles that a conventional wheel cannot handle.
  2. Low tire pressure avoids significant load on the soil, which is actively used in agricultural work and geology.
  3. Driving a vehicle with this modification requires considerable experience. Wheels are not designed for high speed, especially on asphalt and other stone surfaces, where they wear out quickly.

UAZ on low-pressure tires: modification features

Before use vehicle on low pressure tires, make sure they are suitable for the climate of the region. Although this type of tires does not have a specific division into winter and summer look, it must be taken into account that greater rigidity reduces the contact of the wheel with the road patch.

Simply modeling the structure in question will not work. Significant modifications to the body, transmission and axles will be required. Although the increase ground clearance when using such tires, it provides better vehicle stability and provides a number of other advantages that were discussed above; there are certain disadvantages. Firstly, tires are subject to severe wear on hard surfaces. Secondly, the load on the transmission unit increases and chassis auto. Finally, low-pressure tires on UAZ, the price of which is incomparably higher than standard ones, require special storage and operating conditions.

Tire pressure

It is necessary to remember about correct balancing when this point is one of the most important factors that affects the proper operation of the machine. Special structures should be installed to help increase driving characteristics and reduce wear and tear on the vehicle.

What to do after the upgraded tire is installed? Low pressure discs on UAZs must be protected with beadlocks, which are mechanical rings. They ensure wheel stability in the event of additional lateral loads. In essence, this is a rigid fixation of the tires to the wheel bead.

Pros of bedlocks:

  • protect the wheel from being beaded:
  • Easily installed and maintained.

The disadvantages of this element include the impossibility of perfectly accurate balancing and a slight increase in the weight of the car. In addition, a UAZ on low-pressure tires will feel more confident if it is equipped with a tirelock, which ensures reliable fixation of the tire along the edges of the rim.

  1. All wheels should have the same tires.
  2. It is necessary to maintain optimal pressure in them.
  3. Periodically, you need to check the wheels for air leakage using a soap solution.
  4. To ensure even wear, it is advisable to swap the front tires with the rear tires after every 10-15 thousand kilometers.
  5. After running in new tires rebalance.
  6. It is necessary to ensure that tire characteristics are consistent with seasonal changes.

Do-it-yourself low-pressure tires for UAZ

To make the structure in question with your own hands, you need to select the appropriate material. “Shoes” from airplanes or helicopters are ideal. However, this is a rather expensive option. In most cases, you can use rubber from tractors or trucks. The tools you will need are a sharpener, a knife, a hammer, wire cutters, and an awl.

Then the following manipulations are performed step by step:

  • A new tread pattern is selected and cut at the owner's discretion. The most popular is the “Christmas tree” look.
  • A cut is made around the circumference of the wheel being processed so that it is possible to remove the reinforcing wire.
  • Gaps are made in the form of small rectangles along the inner base, through which the wire will be removed using a winch device.
  • It is necessary to focus on the intended pattern of the design, using a winch and pliers to fish out the unnecessary layer of reinforcement. Taking into account the previously applied pattern, the drawn part is adjusted using a knife.

Main process

When mastering how to install low-pressure tires on a UAZ with your own hands, you must follow the following steps step by step:

  1. The rubber is removed from the sidewalls and tread in layers.
  2. The prepared surface is cleaned with sandpaper and straightened with a hammer.
  3. A new frame is assembled using welding, metal disk and plate elements.
  4. Welding seams are ground.

It’s quite possible to make rims for new tires yourself from scrap materials. An aluminum basin is suitable for this. The parts can be secured using the remaining conveyor belt or fire hose. Then the camera is put on the frame, pumped up and checked for air leaks and internal pressure. All that remains is to install the new design and set off to conquer any trails that are too tough for standard wheels.

Features of operation

A UAZ on homemade low-pressure tires can overcome various obstacles. This is due to the contact of a significant area of ​​the wheels with the ground. Such rubber envelops almost any surface, taking the shape of an object in its path. Experts say that an SUV on low-pressure tires has an efficiency that is 20% higher than that of cars with standard wheels.

Disproportionately large tires avoid high pressure to the ground, which is important in agricultural sectors and on farmland. Operating a machine equipped with the design in question requires certain skills. On such wheels you need to take turns very smoothly, maintain a moderate speed and try not to drive the car for a long time on asphalt and concrete roads. This will avoid premature wear non-standard rubber.


The UAZ car has a wide range of modifications. This machine has been used, and in some places continues to be used, in the following industries:

  • Medicine.
  • Hunting.
  • Agriculture.
  • Food and light industry.

Affordable price, easy to operate and design features made this car one of the most popular means of transportation in rural areas. Upgrading a car allows you to expand its capabilities. For example, the UAZ “loaf” with low-pressure tires makes it possible to drive in swampy areas and on any type of soil.

It is worth noting that with some modifications to the body and chassis, low-pressure tires can be installed on all UAZs, including “classics” and “Patriots”.

Financial side

Low-pressure tires for UAZ, the price of which ranges from 50 to 100 thousand rubles apiece, are more profitable to make yourself. Considering the pros and cons, this procedure is no less effective and much more profitable. Judging by the reviews of the owners, this modification is extremely suitable for any off-road. However, the use of such tires on standard roads is unprofitable. On hard surfaces, the low pressure design wears out quickly. Also, such cars are not designed for high speed.

If you compare the optimal pressure in the standard wheels of a UAZ with the same indicator that a UAZ has on low-pressure tires, you can understand under what conditions they should be used.


Having considered all the advantages and disadvantages of low-pressure tires, we can note the following:

  • They are ideal for off-road use.
  • These wheels should not be used on paved or other smooth surfaces as they are subject to significant wear.
  • The ability to make a product yourself will save a lot of money.

Before deciding to install high-pressure tires, you should compare all the pros and cons of the modification, taking into account modifications to the car’s body, chassis and transmission. The modernized UAZ will perfectly cope with its assigned responsibilities in the field of agriculture, geology, and exploring areas where there are no standard roads.

Its use on hard surfaces is impractical and may result in excessive consumption. cash And frequent replacement rubber. Another important nuance is compliance installed tires climatic conditions of the region.

Not long ago it released new low-pressure tires M-TRIM, size 450-45x18 LT.
Those. The diameter of this tire is 900mm. Avtoros also produces wheels for this tire with a UAZ hub part.
So they can be installed on UAZ!

One of the first projects to install M-TRIM low-pressure tires on UAZ Patriot was the BALU project led by Viktor Sverzhevsky.

A car with such wide “paws” resembles a bear, which is why the name BALU appeared

To install large and wide wheels I had to trim the arches.

Lift the suspension.

And install the wheels themselves using hub spacers. :(

This made it possible to minimal costs install low pressure tires on the UAZ Patriot.

All that remains is to refine appearance: install expanders wheel arches, bumper. And also test the design in action.

Primary tests took place at the testing ground of the Avtoros company

There are puddles and slightly swampy sections of the road. Just what you need for a pneumatic car.

I even managed to sit at the helm of the all-terrain vehicle.

The feeling is interesting: it rides softly, as if a cat is sneaking. But the imbalance of torque is annoying.
The engine is standard, petrol ZMZ-409, five-speed gearbox, manual transmission with reduction 1.9. All this leads to the fact that the wheel speed is too high, even with a lowering. To drive through the swamp "pull" you have to "torture" the clutch.
It is necessary to lower the speed either by installing a kit in the transfer case, or by using another Main Pair (MP).

Main gear(or Home Couple ) - gear mechanism of transmission of cars and other self-propelled vehicles, serving to transmit and increase torque from cardan shaft to the drive wheels, and therefore to increase traction.

The most important characteristic any gear mechanism is " gear ratio ", which is determined by the ratio of the number of teeth on the drive and driven gears. To obtain the gear ratio of the GP, you need to divide the number of revolutions of the cardan (the larger number) by the number of revolutions made by the wheel (the smaller number). For example, the cardan revolutions are 37, and the wheels are 8, dividing 37/8 we get a gear ratio of 4.625

On UAZ Patriot with Spicer type axles, until 2015, GP 4.11 was installed on gasoline models, and GP 4.625 on diesel ones. Currently, GP 4.625 is installed on all UAZ Patriot models. There are tuning kits with GP 5.14 and 5.29.

Victor confirmed that there is such a thing. He said that he would get out of the situation by installing a more torque GP.

Photo from rolling around the range. Can be compared with a “standard” UAZ Patriot “Yeti” car on 32 wheels

In BALU you somehow feel calmer when the car rolls. Due to the wider track, there is less roll, and due to the width of the wheels themselves there is no tendency to bury themselves.

But there was one drawback.

Left front tire flat

We tried to pump it up with a compressor

But that was not the case. The air was leaking out from under the connection between the tire and the disc. Apparently due to the fact that no sealant was added during assembly. (And about assembling the wheel a little lower) We need to reassemble the wheel. BALU left for the service area.

There was a time during which the General Director of the company AVTOROS Vladimir Volkhonsky spoke about model range low pressure tires, production and problems related to business in Russia

A whole sea of ​​tires

But before connecting the disk into a single whole, a tire is put on it and a spacer disk is inserted.

The spacer disc prevents the tire from compressing when the tire pressure is minimal.
To fix the tire to the edge of the rim, it is coated with sealant during assembly.

Looked at the cross-section of the tire

Two layers of cord are clearly visible.

While we were looking at the tire industry, the UAZ BALU was restored and ready for new adventures.

Which were not long in coming.
In the summer of 2015, the ABT festival was held under the leadership of Alexander Trushnikov, where BALU also demonstrated its capabilities.

The roads on Chukhloma are very different: from snow-covered, ice-covered to water-soaked dirt roads with ruts.

On all terrains, BALU drove better than the other eight cars in the team.

There was a lot of water, the snow had just melted. The narrow wheels “cut” the ground and began to slip. BALU simply rode on low-pressure tires. Moreover, the cleanability of the tread is very good.

Video where you can see UAZ BALU at Full Chukhloma 2015 (and there is a full video from HRCP 2015)

But there were some incidents :(

At zero speed, when turning in place, the rear left wheel almost unscrewed.
An autopsy showed that the pins that secure the spacer had been cut off. It’s a miracle that this happened not on a 500-kilometer stretch from Moscow at a speed of 90 km/h, but here.
As an excuse, we found out that this particular wheel was removed before the trip and, apparently, the studs were not tightened.

But after that I completely stopped respecting spacers. Unnecessary and dangerous thing.
The studs were replaced.

But then, we checked the condition of the studs and spacers - everything was fine, there was no urge to unscrew.

Of the minuses - the wheel was cut. It is unclear where this happened. We discovered it after the end of the period.

But BALU has always been in the spotlight.

To sum it all up: the project is very interesting, this type of wheels has its pros and cons.

Pros: the rubber is soft, squishes well, allows you to reduce the pressure to 0.15 kg/cm without being dismantled. The car goes calmly on the highway at 90 km/h, and at the same time it stays confidently on the road. However, there is vibration and hum from the tread, which can be reduced to some extent by “playing” with the tire pressure.
Works well on weak-bearing but unbroken soils.

Cons: noisy on the highway, afraid of cuts, under strong shock loads the internal spacer ring may break and the tire will begin to “etch” along the rim. Installation requires modifications to the suspension and vehicle (lift, cutting arches, spacers). It is advisable to install more powerful GPUs. Due to the larger track width, the car does not fall into the standard track and moves with a load on one side, and the risk of breaking the spacer ring increases.

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