How to take care of your car. Proper car care - what does a well-groomed car mean. Self defense against corrosion

How to take care of a car with auto chemicals?

Modern chemistry can work wonders, and the constant use of car cosmetics brings a more effective result. Car care must be constant and accurate, then the reward in the form of a clean and sparkling car is guaranteed.

In this article we will talk about how to take care of the car with the help of autocosmetics and autochemistry.

What auto chemical product to choose for a car?

Manufacturers have thoroughly worked to make motorists dizzy from the range of products offered. But autocosmetics is not cheap. So what to choose when the budget is limited, but you want your car to sparkle like new?

First, take a critical look at your car and answer a few questions:

  • What condition is the LCP in? paintwork) - are there any chips, scratches, stains, abrasions, rust spots?
  • Does it suit you appearance interior parts - upholstery, instrument panel, glass, seat upholstery.
  • Is there any damage to the plastic bumpers?
Having discovered what exactly does not suit the appearance of the car, answer the question more difficult: "What do I want to achieve?"

And it is from this moment that the formation of a "cosmetic bag" for a car begins - after all, it is clear that before the owner " new foreign car"and owner" old car"there are completely different tasks. If the first one needs to keep and protect the car in its original form, then it is vital for the other to keep the car in good appearance.

The main types of auto chemicals

1. Car shampoos - dissolve in water and are used to wash the car. May contain polishing additives that give the paintwork shine and short-term protection from environmental influences. Read more in the article Choosing a car shampoo for a manual car wash.

2. Shampoo cleaners (in a concentrated form, they remove persistent insect stains, resins with paintwork, in a diluted form, they are used as a regular car shampoo.

3. Waterless washes - are used for local removal of contaminants (for example, bird droppings) from the body and trim parts of the car.

4. Polishes. About polishes are described in detail in the article Polishes for a car. Purpose and main types.

5. Plastic, vinyl and rubber cleaners in car interiors - cleanse, refresh color and give the new kind upholstery and trim details. Well dissolve plaque from tobacco smoke, traces of oil, resin. With regular use, they protect the skin parts from cracking and premature aging. Good result when removing traces of polish from the edging of glass, moldings and other body elements. Do not damage the paintwork of the car.

6. Purifiers rims - used to care for the surfaces of discs, remove dirt from the tar, allow you to extend the life of the surface. They are used for expensive forged and cast wheels.

7. Insect and tar surface cleaners - remove traces of insects and other stubborn dirt, dissolve bitumen, remove old stains.

8. Instrument panel polishes - gently clean and give a new, shiny look to plastic parts, dashboard. Condition the surface and prevent further dust build-up. Usually available in aerosol form.

9. Engine cleaners - subdivided into foam (subject to further washing with water, after the dissolution of contaminants) and liquids for wiping surfaces engine compartment. Effectively dissolve deposits of stubborn dirt.

10. Glass cleaners - compositions with ammonia (marked “With Ammonia”) for wiping glasses. Remove dirt, plaque from tobacco smoke.

11. Anti-rain - special composition applied to clean, dry car glass, side mirrors. Improves visibility when driving in the rain, allows you to do without “wipers” for some time. Read more in the article: anti-rain for cars - personal experience use.

12. Glass polishes - the ability to grind off small scratches and scuffs with windshield clearly exaggerated. Effective on new glasses, gives a “crystal” transparency. A good effect is achieved when polishing headlight glasses. Read more in the article: do-it-yourself car glass polishing

13. Cleaners and polishes for plastic and vinyl - used to renew the appearance of plastic bumpers and tires, restore a "new" look, add shine and protect against premature aging.

14. Chrome cleaners and polishes Removes corrosion from bumpers and other chrome surfaces and protects against new stains.

15. Rust converters - for etching of spots of corrosion and preparation of the processed surface for touch-up. Two main categories: for local application and for the treatment of large surfaces damaged by corrosion. Read more in the article: tips on how to deal with rust on your car

16. Repair (wax) pencils - used for cosmetic repair of scratches and small chips, protective polishing is required over the pencil. The pencil does not lie on “flat” chips; there is nothing for it to “catch” on when applied. Places treated with a wax pencil require periodic renewal, since the touch-up result is not very durable.

17. Repair bottles - small bottles of instant acrylic paint, used to touch up chips. A small brush is inserted into the lid of the bottle, which allows you to handle small chips and scratches. Before application, the surface must be rinsed, remove traces of corrosion and degrease (with white spirit).

How to wash your car with car shampoo?

Regular and high-quality car washing is an extension of the life of the paintwork. Regular visits to the car wash are not cheap, so many, especially in the warm season, wash your car yourself. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for washing to be carried out on the shore of a swamp with dirty water and sand. Such a wash in the future will only bring disappointment - the paintwork will be damaged and it will take a lot of effort, time and money to restore it. So this section is about how to wash your car properly and effectively without damaging the paintwork.

You will need a bucket, a large sponge with large pores (it is easier to wash sand out of them) or a brush with soft bristles on a long handle, a large, clean, lint-free rag (or a special “scraper” - like on sinks), .

WARNING: Never use washing powders to wash your car as the paint will lose its shine very quickly. If you don’t have money for car shampoo, wash your car with just water.

We pour a bucket of clean water - and with a sponge we begin to wash off the upper dirt from the body. The sponge must be squeezed and rinsed very carefully so that the sand falls back onto the body as little as possible and there are no scratches left. The water in the bucket must be replaced with clean water as it gets dirty. When changing water, rinse the sponge and bucket from the remnants of sand. Do not forget to open the doors and wash the sidewalls - a lot of dust accumulates on them. Attention: rims, arches, sills are washed last.

After the dirt is washed off, you need to pour clean water into the bucket, add shampoo and lightly beat it into a foam. Depending on how dirty the machine is, the amount added may vary. The usual dosage recommended by the car shampoo manufacturer is from 0.5 to several caps, but this indication should be adjusted so that the shampoo lathers well. Rinse the car thoroughly with a shampoo solution, squeezing the sponge from the dirty solution and changing it as it gets dirty. Separate, most persistent stains should be washed locally with a concentrated shampoo or an agent to remove this type of stain should be applied.

To wash out the shampoo, pour clean water and rinse the machine thoroughly. No need to feel sorry for the water it is best to wash off the roof by “freewheeling” - pouring a bucket of water on top of it . Poorly rinsed shampoo (especially with wax polishing additives) will leave streaks and stains, so rinse thoroughly.

The washed car must be wiped. Well, if there is a “scraper” with an elastic band - it will allow you to remove water and almost dry. But you can get by with a large rag - a clean piece of an old sheet will do. We cover, for example, the roof, let the water soak slightly into the fabric and slowly pull the rag off the edges. A microscopic amount of water remains, which dries instantly. Thus, “in one touch” we wipe the entire car. Glasses, mirrors, headlights wipe separately.

Touch up scratches and chips. How does this happen?

Chips, scratches, swollen paint bubbles - all these are pockets of corrosion. They are especially dangerous in winter, as salty moisture gets on the metal, which greatly accelerates corrosion. Before using autocosmetics, all these “pimples” must be carefully treated and neutralized.

scratch treatment

1. Scratches on the top layer of paint - “hair” scratches or “rays” can be completely hidden with a wax pencil and/or color-enriched polish. For deeper, finer scratches, a wax pencil will do. Before applying the composition of the pencil, rinse the scratches from dirt - white spirit is suitable. Can be polished with abrasive polish. If the scratches are wide, touch-up will be required. The paint must be very carefully applied to the scratch, trying not to smear around.

2. Scratches down to the ground - especially thin ones can be repaired with a pencil, but it will have to be updated periodically, since the durability of such processing is not very good. Wider ones need to be painted. In order not to go beyond the boundaries, you can circle the scratch around the perimeter with a narrow band-aid or adhesive tape. Tinting should be done in two layers, paint layers should be thin.

3. Scratch to metal - sealing only with tinting. Moreover, on primed machines, at least one thin layer of primer is recommended - in addition to an additional layer (since the depth is decent), applying primer will allow the paint to stick better. After the primer has dried, apply the paint in 2-3 thin coats and dry thoroughly. If yellowness is detected, etch with mineral spirits to bare metal, wipe with a damp, then dry cloth and apply On-Rust primer (primers with anti-corrosion additives applied to a surface affected by rust).

4. Scratches on painted plastic bumpers - it makes sense a neat tint from a repair bottle.

Chip treatment

Chipped paint. Despite the seeming harmlessness, the chips are quite insidious - in these places the car begins to rust, “blooms”. Therefore, it is desirable to regularly conduct an "audit" and repair these defects.

Sealing chips is similar to repairing scratches, with the exception of one moment - the chip has a small depth and a relatively large surface. Therefore, a wax pencil is practically useless. And it’s better to tint all the same (if the chip is to the metal, this is a must, if it’s to the ground, you can try retouching it with a color-enriched polish and covering it with a protective one). In case of emergency, it is recommended to at least cover the chips with Movil until "better times" - a little unaesthetically, but rust will not go. Subsequently, the Movil can be washed off (with white spirit) and slowly repair the damaged area.

Before touching up and polishing, chips must be cleaned of yellowness (if any), degreased with white spirit.

paint bubbles

A phenomenon well known to owners - the paint swells with bubbles, which then burst, exposing points of corrosion. If such a defect is found, it is better not to wait until the paint “peels off” , exposing the rusty metal, and open the vial, carefully remove the lagging paint to the place of a reliable connection with the metal, rinse the area with white spirit.

The prepared "hole" (it turns out to be quite deep) is tinted in several layers. As the first layer, a primer can be used, which can be applied to corroded metal. Fill the hole with paint in several layers, bringing it to the level of the paintwork surface, then you can polish it to remove the tint border.

Car care. Problems and Solutions

Below are the most common cases in which the owner of the car decides that polishing is necessary, as well as general recommendations on the use of drugs depending on the case.

Care new car

Taking care of a new car pays off. Fewer paint chips as the protection strengthens the paintwork to a certain extent. It is easier to clean, the dirt does not stick as much, the machine retains its “new” look longer and is less sensitive to moisture and salt. We recommend polishing with a color-enriched polish (in autumn winter period), in the summer you can get by with protective polishing.

Used car care

Even the most used car can be maintained in good condition. It is necessary to monitor chips, scratches, corrosion spots, repair them efficiently and on time. And for such a machine, you will need both abrasive and color-enriched and protective polishing.

Repair scratches and chips, eliminate corrosion spots on the body. Carry out abrasive polishing until the smoothness and gloss of the paintwork are restored, polish with a color-enriched polish (preferably with polishing paste to obtain a denser layer). The final layer is a protective polish.

Pre-sale preparation

What is the first thing a potential buyer notices? That's right, the look of the car. And he must be attractive. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary that the car shine with a "deep" shine. And here polishing with wax or wax polish will come in handy with preliminary preparation by an abrasive (if necessary).

If the car is old, remove chips, scratches and corrosion spots, treat with abrasive polish. Next, polish with a good "wax" polish. Do not forget about the elements of plastic and chrome trim, interior cleaning.

Self defense against corrosion

Polishing with a protective polish, with the obligatory and careful control of corrosion points and chips. It is performed before the start of the unfavorable season and, if possible, during this season. It is especially important when preserving the car for the winter. Carefully close chips and scratches, if necessary, polish with a color-enriched polish. Next, treat with a protective polish with Teflon.

Blurred paint, streaks, lack of gloss

Usually, this is the result of poor paintwork or simply the age of the car. Everything can be fixed, but you have to work. The dullness of the coating is removed by polishing with abrasive polishes, and it may be necessary to polish it several times, first with a coarser polish, then with a more delicate one, and cover it with a protective layer. Depending on the condition of the paintwork, abrade one or more times until the surface shines. Make a protective polish with urethane or Teflon.

Stains, streaks, uneven discoloration

The result of a local (independent) touch-up, the difference in shades in tone. Poor paint selection. It is not always corrected successfully, but something can be done. Stubborn stains are also left by unwashed bird droppings, used oil, this is especially true for a non-new paintwork that already has microcracks. Depending on the nature of the defect, polish with an appropriate type of abrasive polish, make a protective polish.

Scratched paintwork

Scratches in all manifestations - from thin and in paint to ugly to metal. In this case, polishing by itself is pretty useless. - It is necessary to pre-prepare damaged areas for processing. Polishing can only retouch the repair of scratches. Narrow (thin), but relatively deep scratches can be hidden with a wax pencil. Wider ones - tint with paint from a repair bottle. Polish with color enriched polish. Apply protective polish.

Plastic bumpers and other elements exterior finish

The plastic of the exterior finish has a rough surface, which contributes to the settling of dirt and dust, on the other hand, it makes it difficult to wash these surfaces. Therefore, rather quickly, these elements become unkempt. Returning them to their original state is quite easy.

Plastic and rubber care products are intended for black surfaces. Remove impurities, create protective covering, which prevents dirt from “sticking” into the pores of plastic. You can make it easier and cheaper - bumpers and other plastic elements are washed, dried and wiped with a rag.

Chromed surfaces

Chrome cleaners quite easily wash off the terrible red spots and bring the chrome to a fine, mirror state. How to use - spread, wait 2-3 minutes, wipe with a clean cloth until dry. The tool is used very sparingly.

Cleaning of textiles in the cabin

In this case, we are talking about removing light dirt, since only professional dry cleaning at the station, cleaning with a washing vacuum cleaner or washing covers can save you from serious stains.

How to use: shake the bottle, spray the foam on the fabric, rub the foam into the surface with a brush or sponge. With a clean, dry cloth, wipe the surface with a little pressure, as if squeezing out the absorbed product. Let dry (30-40 minutes). This treatment refreshes textiles, removes a yellowish coating from tobacco smoke from ceilings, door trim, creates a protective coating that prevents the re-adherence of dirt. Removes static electricity.

Plastic, vinyl, rubber car box

The most common tool is dashboard polish. It is used to remove light dirt and give a “new” look to the elements of plastic trim. Adds shine to surfaces, deodorizes, removes static electricity. However, it is ineffective in the presence of more serious contaminants (oil, technical lubricants, old stains).

Mode of application: apply to the surface or piece of cloth, clean, wipe dry. In case of heavy soiling, pre-soak the stain. In combination, this tool removes dirt well from the engine and other elements of the engine compartment.

Your relationship with any of your vehicles does not have to be short-term. But this will require a lot of effort on your part - you just need to take good care of your car, and not change it every time something starts to fail. What's more, you don't need to be an experienced mechanic or technical genius to take care of how your car functions. To do this, you need to know only the basic concepts and be able to apply them in life. Naturally, at first you may need advice or a few - that's what this article is for.

Start with a good car

Of course, the main focus should be on how you take care of your car, but if you want to achieve long-term use, then you need to start from the very beginning. You should not buy a used car in frankly bad condition solely because they will give you money for it. good discount. Better spend some more money and purchase either a new or slightly used car with a mileage of no more than thirty thousand kilometers. Also pay attention to the fact that certain brands of cars themselves are prone to breakdowns. For example, American models may look stylish, but they break down constantly, and it is also not so easy to find spare parts for them.


There is a specific schedule for your vehicle in which you need to perform all the necessary maintenance work. Be sure to do exactly what you need, at exactly the time period when it is required. Do not skip maintenance steps, but do not do more than necessary - the workshop may offer you additional services, refuse them, as your car definitely does not need them.

good mechanic

When you see that it's time for your next service, you need to look at what services are available in your area. You should either go to an official dealer service, which has the best personnel and first-class tools for carrying out Maintenance but their services are very expensive. So if you can't afford the pleasure, try to find a mechanic who is reliable and does quality work - for this you can ask your friends where they get their inspection.

Repair reserve

If you own a car, then you always need to remember one very important thing - cars break down. And another breakdown can hit your budget hard if you're not prepared for it. So always set aside money in the event of a breakdown so that you can then simply take it out of your fund to fix it without hurting your core budget.

Drive Carefully

Naturally, you cannot avoid all the trouble if you drive perfectly, because there are not only you on the road, but also pedestrians, other drivers, as well as many external factors that cannot be taken into account. But this does not prevent you from driving carefully, thereby reducing the likelihood of a traffic accident with your participation. And the absence of an accident, of course, prolongs the life of your car.

Clean your car

The paint on your car is not only a decoration, but also a protection of the metal under it from corrosion. And if you don't keep your car clean, it's likely that the paint won't protect the metal the way it used to, and your car will start to rust. Naturally, you will not want to drive such a car, and you will decide to buy a new one, and this is a huge expense. Therefore, a simple advice is to clean your car, visit the car wash regularly, do it yourself, but always keep it clean.

Be on the lookout

If you are driving, then you need to pay attention not only to the road. Always listen to how your machine works. You know how she's supposed to sound when she's fine. And if you hear some unusual unfamiliar sounds - this is an alarming bell that something is wrong.

Breakdown repair

Something broke? Many drivers put off fixing until better times, but by the time they get there, the consequences can become much more extensive, and you will have to invest a huge amount of money in fixing something that could be fixed for a couple of dollars. Therefore, always repair breakdowns as soon as they happen.


If you want to take care of your car, then you need to think about learning as much as you can about car repair and maintenance. You don't have to become a professional mechanic - just know the basics to help you extend the life of your car.

Know how to let go

It is clear that for those hundreds of thousands of kilometers that you run over in your car, you will get used to it and love it. However, at the same time, you need to understand that one day there comes a time when you better let go of your car, because nothing lasts forever, and you need to move on and take care of a new car.

A car is a friend, an assistant, creating an image for the owner. A car covered with a thick layer of dirt is a deplorable sight both for the owner and for those around him. One of the most simple ways bring your "iron horse" to proper condition is a car wash, but you don’t run into salons every day. Proper Care behind the car - a guarantee of a well-groomed appearance, prolonging the life of vehicles.

Car cleanlinessExterior washDisks and seals Headlights cleaning Minor defects care products Interior care New upholstery Cleaning details Car storagevar index=document.getElementsByClassName ("index-post");if (index.length>0) (var contents=index .getElementsByClassName ("contents");if (contents.length>0) (contents=contents ; if (localStorage.getItem ("hide-contents") === "1") (contents.className+=" hide-text")) )

Car cleanliness

Did you know? In the state of Minnesota (USA) for dirty wheels you can get a fine of 2 thousand dollars, and windows that are not cleared of snow and ice in Finland will cost 35 euros.

Car washing depends on the season: in summer it is advisable to carry out the procedure once a week, and in winter - once a month. Work for motorists adds precipitation. It is especially difficult for a beginner to understand where to start, how to get to hard-to-reach places in order to eliminate all dust, dirt and debris.

body wash

The most reliable way to bring the car to its proper form is a hand wash.

For this you will need:

a basin for water; a microfiber cloth; a brush on a stick with a foam roller and an elastic band for driving water; a sponge; a brush or a regular brush for discs; detergents; water.

Before washing the car body, rinse with plain water. This will remove small particles of dust and dirt from the surface and not scratch the varnish. It is advisable to purchase shampoo at an auto shop, as your favorite dish detergent will erase the wax, shortening the life of the paintwork. It is more convenient to lather the body with a microfiber cloth: the porous sponge will draw in the remains of dust and small stones, scratching the paint with further use of the washcloth. After washing the body clean, it must be wiped dry with microfiber.

Important! Using a suede or cotton fabric will lead to streaks on the surface of the coating and may scratch it with small crumbs. Microfiber can be rinsed in water, squeezed out and continued to dry.

Now you can remove minor scratches from the body using a special kit purchased at the store. Next is polishing. You should not use a grinder for polishing: it is quite difficult for beginners to determine the degree of pressing force, and cheap low-power tools come across often, which can lead to paint abrasion. To obtain a “wet” effect, use a sponge applicator to apply wax to the car, wipe off its residues with microfiber. You can also use liquid wax.

Discs and seals

Clean wheels will not only add gloss, but also improve traction and braking. Wheel disks, tires, door seals can be washed using a brush. Seals should be lubricated with silicone grease from sticking, especially in winter.

Important! Tires and rims must be washed with separate water. So fat from the wheels will not be transferred to the body.

For this procedure, the lubricant must be applied to the fabric and gently lubricate the seal. Thoroughly washed hard-to-reach places are the best protection against corrosion, it is in them that the greatest amount of dirt accumulates.

Discs are washed using special products, based on their type:

Steel wheels are black, covered with caps. Chrome, aluminum wheels in gray or silver.

The agent is applied to the disc, left for the time specified in the instructions, and washed off with water. After that, you need to wipe the body dry. Waxing will prevent heavy dirt sticking to the discs in the future.

Cleaning headlights During operation, a decent layer of dust and dirt accumulates on the headlights, which worsens the lighting, making it dull and scattered. The easiest way is to remove the glass and wash the parts, but most cars have fixed lenses. In this case, they will have to be removed. If the owner is a beginner, it is better to look at the instruction manual vehicle and learn how to remove headlights.

Headlight cleaning sequence:

Remove all bulbs from the headlight. Pour cleaner (purchased or soapy water) into the hole. Close the hole and shake well. When the color of the liquid turns dirty yellow, we can assume that the headlight cleaning was a success. After soapy water, rinse the container. Dry the flask with a hair dryer at a low temperature. Insert lamps back.

Instead of soapy water or a cleanser, you can use an alcohol-free micellar makeup remover. The lamps are washed without touching the bulb, holding it by the base. So the service life will be extended, and there will be no traces of sebum on the light bulb. If this is not possible, use rubber gloves. outer side can be washed with special detergents, but the most reliable is always at hand: ordinary toothpaste does an excellent job with this task.

Elimination of minor defects

Often, during the operation of the car, scratches and chips appear on the surface of the body. They can cause rust. Minor repairs are required to avoid trouble and bring the car to a well-groomed appearance.

The paintwork consists of several layers:

varnish protecting from environmental influences; base enamel; primer; phosphate layer.

If only the varnish layer is affected, they resort to cosmetic polishing. To do this, a polish is applied to a clean, dry surface and a scratch is rubbed. The top is varnished. Scratches and chips are removed with automotive putty. On a degreased clean surface, a mass is applied to fill the damage. In this case, the main thing is to guess with the color. The same principle of action for restoring pencils.

Contactless car wash, how is it different from the usual

How to clean a car air filter, types of filters

Popular car cleaning equipment

How to clean a car from bird droppings and what tools are needed for this

Wash under the hood

Care products

Dust, oil stains, soot, pollen, gluten from buds and leaves, etc. collect on car surfaces. Washing them off with household products is quite problematic. For these purposes, there are special shampoos for cars. Hand washing involves applying shampoo to the surface with a rag or sponge. Properly selected active substances act on dirt, making it easy to remove them from the surface. Wipe the surface dry with a soft cloth.

More fast way- contactless car wash. The whole process will take 20 minutes, but its application will require special devices: a foaming agent, a high-pressure apparatus. The method is simple, fast and perfectly cleans the car. There are shampoos with polishing effect, without it, car wash products with damage. In the latter case, the shampoo protects the body from corrosion.

Important! It is necessary to clean the car with gloves: the aggressive substances of the detergent have a negative effect on the skin.

Salon care

Washing the interior consists of wiping plastic surfaces, cleaning rugs and caring for upholstery. To give the plastic a pristine look, a polish is used. There is a polish matte and glossy. The agent is applied with an aerosol can and rubbed with a cloth. Antistatic is used to repel dust. Rugs and upholstery are vacuumed, but chemicals are used for a more thorough cleaning.

New upholstery

The fabric interior is cleaned with foam cleaners. These simple yet effective products foam up the dirt and push it to the surface, after which you just need to wipe off the foam. Leather and leatherette require more careful care. These materials do not tolerate changes in temperature, humidity, direct sunlight.

Such surfaces should be properly cared for with creams and oils. A cream is applied to cleansed skin, 30 minutes after absorption, the action is repeated. After applying the cream or oil on the skin, you can apply a tinting cream.

Important! The cream should not tighten the material, leave crusts.

The nuances of cleaning

There are some tricks that will be of interest to a beginner when caring for a car:

Before washing, it is important to cool the body. Sudden changes in temperature adversely affect the engine. It is better to moisten a thick layer of dirt with water in advance, so it is easier to eliminate it without leaving scratches. Abundant foam can be created using a porous sponge. It is necessary to use only special shampoos. Washing is carried out from top to bottom with warm water. After the car is wiped dry, it should be waxed.

Car storage

Particular attention should be paid to the proper storage of the car. Open parking is slowly killing vehicles with direct sun, rain and frost. A metal garage is a way out, but it will not protect against temperature changes. Best Choice can become a stationary garage, but not everyone can afford this pleasure.

Did you know? The very first car in history that could accelerate to 100 km per hour was electric.

In an open area, it is recommended to cover the car with a cover so that the fabric does not adhere tightly to the surface. Thus, the body is protected from direct sunlight and precipitation, while the car is well ventilated. When entering a stationary site in winter or after washing, rain, due to insufficient ventilation and temperature changes, the outer coating dries out, and the internal hollow parts remain wet, which contributes to the development of corrosion.

A similar situation is observed in cold garages. To reduce the risk of metal damage, the machine is treated with special anti-corrosion compounds, mixtures for conservation and, of course, regularly washed from dust and dirt. At temperatures below +5°C, remove the battery, DVR and receiver from the car.

For long-term storage in winter (preservation), a soft cloth 1-2 cm thick should be placed between the cover and the body. Before long-term storage, the car must be prepared: washed, repaired minor damage, applied preservative. It is also necessary to turn out the candles, drain the fuel and pour 20–30 ml into the cylinder engine oil, rotate the crankshaft several times and insert the candles into place. Shut off the engine and put the car on stands. The wheels are slightly lowered and cover the car until the next season.

So, properly caring for the car means washing the car in a timely manner, monitoring the appearance of minor damage and repairing them, protecting the “iron horse” with special means from external negative influences. Storage conditions are an important component that affects the life of the transport. Subject to the above rules, car care will not cause difficulties even for a beginner.

Proper car care will not only save its value, but also ensure the safety and reliability of the vehicle. To do this, the car must be subjected to regular technical procedures, not all of which will be easy to perform at home. However, knowing what needs to be done to your car will make it easier for you to explain it all to the worker. service center who will service your car.


Timely replacement of technical fluids and filters

    Check your owner's manual for your vehicle for specific maintenance requirements. While many aspects of car maintenance are universal, your car may have Additional features associated with its release, model, or year of manufacture. Check the user manual for timing of the technical procedures so you don't miss anything important.

    • Some cars require replacement of drive belts after a certain number of kilometers. Otherwise, there is a risk of damage to the engine cylinder head.
    • If you don't have a user manual, visit the vehicle manufacturer's website to find all the information you need.
  1. Check the levels of all fluids in engine compartment and add them if necessary. There are plastic tanks in the engine compartment for brake fluid, engine coolant, windshield washer fluid and working fluid power steering. The lowest notch on the container shows the minimum allowable liquid level. If you see that the liquid has dropped below this level, add it to the very top notch, which indicates the full filling of the container.

    • Some vehicles have special requirements for the type of engine coolant or brake fluid. Consult your owner's manual or vehicle repair manual to find out which type of fluid is right for your car.
    • To fill any container, unscrew its lid and add liquid to the top notch on the side of the container. Then screw on the lid.
  2. Change engine oil every 5,000 km of run. As soon as you pass the mark of 5,000 km, raise the car with a jack and place a container under the oil pan. Remove the drain bolt (the only bolt in the sump) and let the old oil drain into a container underneath. Then find the location of the oil filter and remove it. Put some oil on your finger and run it around the O-ring of the new filter, then screw it into place. Screw the bolt back into the oil pan when all the oil has drained out.

    • When the drain bolt and new oil filter already in place, fill the engine with the correct amount of engine oil of the correct type.
    • Different engines have different requirements for the quantity and type of oil. Consult your owner's manual or vehicle repair manual to find out which oil and how much you should use.
  3. Change the air filter annually. The air filter keeps sand and other debris from entering the engine from the outside. In most cases, these filters need to be replaced annually, although there are some filters that need to be cleaned rather than replaced. Locate the air filter housing at the end of the air intake pipe leading to the top of the engine. Release the 2-4 latches holding it and open the top cover to access the air filter directly.

    • The filter is located directly inside the housing. Take it out with your hands and install a new one in the same place.
    • Close the filter housing and fasten the latches.


    Tom Eisenberg is the owner and general manager of West Coast Tires & Service in Los Angeles, California. He has over 10 years of experience in the automotive industry. Learned how to change tires at age 16, and has since moved forward to his current position in the business. Magazine Modern Tire Dealer named his auto repair shop one of the top 10 in the area.

    Owner of West Coast Tires & Service

    Did you know? Most mechanics recommend changing the filter every 24,000 miles, but that number is heavily influenced by where you live and where you keep your car. For example, if you live near a freeway or in a busy city, the air filter will get dirty much faster, perhaps every 12,000-16,000 km.

  4. Use gasoline with the correct octane rating. The octane number reflects the stability of the fuel under pressure. High pressure or supercharged (supercharged or turbocharged) engines require higher octane fuel than most other car engines. The use of gasoline with too low an octane rating can damage the engine and cause serious problems in the future.

    • For most vehicles that require premium quality fuel, this is indicated on the dashboard and on the lid fuel tank.
    • If you are not sure what octane rating your vehicle requires, refer to your owner's manual or the manufacturer's website.
  5. Replace fuel filter every 60,000 km of run. The fuel filter blocks the entry of contaminants and gasoline deposits into the engine. To replace the filter, locate it on the fuel line from the fuel tank to the front of the machine. It looks like a cylinder with nozzles at both ends. Place a container underneath to catch the escaping fuel and use a flathead screwdriver to release the latches holding the tubes. fuel line on pipes.

    • Loosen the bracket holding the filter itself and remove it.
    • Insert new fuel filter in place and secure. Attach to pipes fuel pipes and fasten the latches to secure them.
    • If the latches break, you can purchase new ones from the auto supply store.
  6. Flush the engine cooling system and refill with new coolant once a year. Jack up the machine and place a container under the radiator coolant drain plug. Open the cap and let the refrigerant drain. Then close the cap again. Open the radiator fill cap at the top and fill it with water, then close the cap and drain the water from the radiator. Next, fill the radiator with the appropriate type of refrigerant for your car.

    • Most vehicles require a one to one water refrigerant solution. Usually in the auto supply store you can buy coolant ready for pouring into the car.
    • Consult your owner's manual or repair manual for your vehicle to find out how much and what type of refrigerant you need to use.
  7. Clean the radiator with a special cleaner as it gets dirty. Spray the cleaner directly onto the radiator and let it act for a few minutes. Do not touch or rub the radiator. Due to your touch, the plates may bend, or you yourself will be injured about them, since they are quite sharp. Instead, just let the cleaner take a couple of minutes to work and then rinse it off with a hose.

    • Read the instructions for the cleaner you are using carefully to apply it properly.

    Maintenance of brakes, drive belts and automotive hoses

    Electrical Care

    1. Clean the battery contacts once a year. Battery contacts can sometimes be corroded or covered with dirt, which interferes with the vehicle's power supply. Use a wrench right size or a ratchet with the appropriate socket to loosen the bolt holding the negative (-) cable to the battery, and then unhook the cable. Repeat the same with the positive (+) cable. Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda (14 g) to 240 ml of water, then dip a steel brush into the solution.

      • Use a steel brush and a baking soda solution to clean all traces of corrosion and dirt from the pole posts. battery and bare cable ends.
      • Wipe the battery posts with a clean damp cloth and then connect the positive cable.
      • Connect the negative cable last.
    2. Check headlights and replace burnt out light bulbs . Have a friend stand in front of the car to inspect the headlights when you turn on the dipped and high beam. Then check the left and right turn signals. Next, have a friend stand behind the car to also check the taillights, brake lights, and turn lights.

      • The headlight bulbs can be accessed through the engine compartment of the car by accessing the headlight mounting panel. Access to the taillight bulbs is usually provided through the trunk.
      • Remove the plug, disconnect the power wires for the headlight or taillight, then turn the bulb holder counterclockwise to remove it. Replace the bulb and reassemble the headlight in reverse order.
      • If you can't figure out exactly how to change a headlight bulb, see your owner's manual or repair manual for your car for more information.
    3. Check and replace fuses as they fail. If some of the lamps in the car do not light up, it is possible that the fuse has blown. Locate the two fuse boxes in the car. One is often located under driver's seat, and the second - in the engine compartment. Use the diagram on the cover of the fuse box to find the fuse responsible for those lamps that have stopped burning. Then remove this fuse and replace it with a new one with the same amp rating.

      • The amount of current that a fuse can handle is usually indicated on the fuse itself. Make sure the new fuse has the same number as the old one you decide to replace.
      • If you can't find the fuse box or it doesn't have a diagram, consult your owner's manual or repair manual for your car to find the blown fuse.
    4. Replace spark plugs every 50,000 km of run. Open the hood and locate the spark plug wires leading to the top of the engine. Grasp the near wire and pull it to disconnect it from the spark plug. Use the spark plug wrench to unscrew and remove the spark plug from the engine.

      • Using the special spark plug electrode gap measuring tool, set the gap on the new spark plug to the correct gap. Refer to your owner's manual or vehicle repair manual for specific clearance requirements.
      • Place a new spark plug in candle key, and then insert it into the engine. At first, work only with your hands, and then tighten the candle with a wrench.
      • Reconnect the spark plug wire and repeat this procedure for each cylinder.
    5. Use an OBD-II autoscanner to check the car's systems and rid them of errors. If you need to check the car with no load on the engine, turn it off and connect an OBD-II scanner to the rounded trapezoidal port under the steering wheel. Turn the ignition key to the auxiliary position to the "ACC (accessory)" mark, and then turn on the scanner to check the operation of the vehicle's systems.

      • Write down the code that the scanner will show you, if it does not accompany it with explanations. The meaning of the code can be checked on the website of your car manufacturer or in the repair manual.
      • Use error codes to identify problems with your car that need fixing.
      • After the appropriate repair, use the scanner again to make sure the problem is corrected and successfully pass the test of all systems.
      • You can buy an OBD-II scanner at an auto parts store, but you can often scan your car there for free.

    External care

    • Many air compressors for tire inflation, which are located at gas stations, there are built-in pressure gauges.
    • Under-inflated tires can lead to reduced fuel efficiency and premature tire wear.
  8. Use a ruble coin to check for wear. Minimum allowable tread height for summer tires is 1.6 mm, for winter - 4 mm. To quickly check the tread height, you can use a ruble coin. Turn it towards you like a double-headed eagle so that you can see it clearly. Lower the eagle with both heads into the groove of the tread and see how well you can see it.

    • If you can see the body of an eagle (without necks and heads), then soon you will need to change tires.
    • If you can see the eagle completely, then it's time for you to change tires.
  9. Change the position of the wheels every 8,000 km. Change the position of the wheels periodically to evenly wear the tires. Jack up the car, put it on jack stands, remove the rear wheel and put it in place of the front wheel. Front wheel install in place of the rear. Then repeat the same with the other pair of wheels.

    • Tires on the front and rear wheels wear differently, as the front tires wear out more through braking and cornering.
    • Some types of tires allow you to change between the left and right wheels.
    • car soap and rinse thoroughly. Let it dry or wipe with towels.
  10. Apply the wax to the car's paintwork with the applicator attached to it, while working in a circular motion. Then wait for the wax to dry.
  11. Buff the wax with a clean suede cloth.
  • Many service centers and auto mechanics will offer to fix your car, but such work is not always worth the amounts requested for them. For comparison, ask for full list operations, which includes debugging, in each specific place.
  • Most of the operations described in the article can be performed at home with ordinary tools or contact the nearest service center or car repair shop for this.

1. Washing. It is very important. If your car is washed poorly, with streaks, then sooner or later the paintwork will deteriorate, the car will stop shining and even after washing it will look sloppy. It is best to wash your car in the same place where you are known and hope for your next visit. Do not use automatic contact car washes, which can often be found at gas stations. Of course, it's very funny to sit in a car and watch how, right in front of your eyes, huge brushes rub the roof and doors of your car. But for paint it is very harmful. Sometimes there are even scratches. And the cleanliness of the car at such car washes is very conditional. There it is rather rinsed. And bird droppings are also very harmful to the paint. If some bird has marked your car, do not be too lazy to wipe it all off with at least a damp cloth.

2. Polishing. At the sink, they will definitely impose polishing or something with the prefix "nano" on you. Don't be fooled by these persuasions. That waxing is good. Hot wax is good in winter, cold wax is good in summer. It is advisable to wax the car 1-2 times a month. And polishing is actually a very specific procedure, and high-quality abrasive polishing costs from 6 thousand rubles. What they offer you for three or four thousand is a waste of money. There is no guarantee that after polishing the body will not have terrible stains. Poor polishing spoils the paint, and in the sun the car looks like a worn boot. Abrasive polishing is enough for about six months, but even here a lot depends on the skill of the polisher.

3. Vacuum cleaner and cabin filter. Don't forget to vacuum the interior. This is also done in the car wash. And to ensure that there is always fresh air in the car, do not forget to change the cabin air filter. This is already done at a car service and is inexpensive.

4. Salon. If you have a leather interior, do not forget to use special leather care products. If you want your leather to shine like new, use sprays or wipes, which are also sold at auto shops and gas stations. If the interior is velor, it should be vacuumed regularly.

5. Rugs and thresholds. Many people forget that thresholds need to be washed. Dirty thresholds, of course, do not spoil the appearance of the car, but when you open the door, the car looks untidy. If the mats are rubber, they must be washed. If rag, then at the sink they should be knocked out and vacuumed.

6. Headlights and glass. Even if the street is dirty and dark, you should not rub the included headlights with wet wipes. Hot headlights can become cloudy over time. If possible, it is worth pouring water over them and slightly shaking off the water with a scraper, which is also sold at all gas stations and in all car dealerships. In winter, for lack of water, a small amount of pure snow is quite suitable. Here you can already slightly rub your hand.

7. Flavors and odor absorbers. Now the choice of flavors is simply huge, and you are free to choose any. But if suddenly something spilled in the car (for example, alcohol), then you already need to buy an odor absorber. The flavoring will not destroy the smell, but the absorber will. Odor absorbers are sold in specialized car dealerships. There you will be advised which absorber is better.

8. Order in the cabin. Many ladies arrange another living room in the car. Given the traffic jams, this is understandable and understandable. But don't mess with your car. It makes sense to carry with you only what you really need. And be sure to throw out the garbage - bags, coffee cups, yogurt bottles. You yourself will be much more pleasant to sit in a clean, tidy cabin, which smells of flowers or Christmas trees. Place food packages in such a way that nothing falls out of there and does not roll into an inaccessible place. And water bottles rolling around the cabin can in the very dangerous moment hit the brake pedal!

9. Smoking in the car. Ash creates a lot of trouble. In wet weather, it will certainly stick to the body if you shake it out the window. It also pours past the ashtray if you dump the ashes in the cabin. But the most unpleasant thing that can happen is the fall of an unextinguished cigarette cigarette on the seat or, even worse, on the floor. So in any case, do not smoke at high speed. Firstly, you can burn the entire interior, and secondly, it is simply dangerous. The greater the speed, the less time for maneuvers. - About cars - Information portal