Do I need to go through that 2. It turns out that it is not necessary to go through MOT at a dealer or a “conspiracy” of manufacturers and official dealers. We pass MOT in other service centers

It's no secret that the auto center earns practically nothing from the sale of factory cars, and the main revenue comes only from the subsequent maintenance of its goods on four wheels, this is the reason for the high price that the "official" wrings for additional services, whether it be installing a car alarm , parking sensors, crankcase protection or simple maintenance. Often, the price is unreasonably high, which causes dissatisfaction among the average client. It turns out a vicious circle: you don’t want to pay fabulous money for a tiny amount of work, but it’s expensive to do maintenance in the garage of local craftsmen - you will “fly off” the guarantee. In fact, you can reduce the cost of maintaining your iron horse.

The final cost of maintenance consists of several components, this, together with consumables, and the man-hours spent on work. But if you can’t do without the work of a specialist, then it’s quite possible to save on materials. How? Buying everything you need yourself. It is enough to find a good specialized store with quality products and reasonable prices, this is not prohibited at all, so feel free to bring your oil, candles, filters to MOT.

Everywhere there are nuances: if trouble happens on the road, the dealer will put pressure on the fact that materials of unknown origin were used in the maintenance process, so it is important to keep all receipts, and first check with the seller in the store with certificates of quality and conformity. You need to study auto forums, talk with knowledgeable craftsmen: which brand to give preference to, what type of oil to fill in, and the like.

The second nuance is that you need to know what you need to buy for maintenance. Employees of the auto center may or may not give a list. Fortunately, there are kind people in the world who post the necessary information on the Web, go for it. Using consumables purchased on your own, you can achieve significant savings - about 20-30%. And this is already something.

We pass MOT in other service centers

Saving on the cost of materials is good, but even more can be achieved by contacting an outside service center. Disclaimer: sometimes the warranty contains a clause stating that visiting unauthorized services is prohibited. In this case, the car will “fly off” the warranty if maintenance is not carried out at an authorized dealer. But if there is no such ban, and there is a good car service with competent specialists in mind, then why not contact them. The main thing is to complete the entire scope of work prescribed by the regulations, usually all this is indicated in the car's service book. Then there will definitely be no complaints from the official.

An interesting fact: often a car dealership refuses to change this or that unit under warranty, appealing to the fact that maintenance was carried out on the side. On the one hand, everything is logical, but if you look at it from a different angle, then the notorious logic begins to crack at the seams: sometimes every refusal to repair is justified by the fact that the car was serviced elsewhere, and the situation reaches the point of absurdity, with which many are familiar. Some dealers will not agree to repair or replace the gearbox if the burglar alarm or parking sensors were not purchased and installed in their car dealership. The law is on your side, the warranty is not lost - glass broken by intruders has nothing to do with the sudden stop of the electric power steering.

Naturally, all this applies only to new cars. The owners of "new clothes" are forced to guarantee period be serviced where it is specified in the contract. But if you choose a used car, without a guarantee, then you have the cards in hand: you are free to choose a car service with the most fair prices, buy consumables yourself, thereby saving the family budget.

IA "". When using the material, a hyperlink is required.

If you are NOT having your vehicle serviced by an authorized dealer, but the warranty period and “warranty mileage” has not yet expired, are you eligible for warranty repairs?

You will say NO, I thought so myself, and you will be wrong!

Our rights with you in such a situation are given to us by our state, and not by automakers and not by automakers to take away what is not given by them!

What will each of you face if you come to an official dealer and the master-receiver will show service book, where it is indicated that the car is under warranty (by period and mileage), but maintenance was not carried out according to the regulations at all or is overdue by 2-20-50 thousand kilometers? Without blinking an eye, the master receiver will tell you that the car is not under warranty.

Even if you are a rather stubborn consumer, then you will demand to call a warranty engineer and he will laugh at you, say “what is the guarantee if the last MOT at the dealer is 70 thousand kilometers ago ?!!”.

And only when you reach the head of the auto center, or at least the head of the service, and ask on what basis you are being denied warranty service and demand a written refusal of warranty repairs, then perhaps the rhetoric will change and the boss will say that he did not say this, but there one of the subordinates made a mistake or you misunderstood something.

And all because we have the "Law of the Russian Federation of 02/07/1992 N 2300-1 (as amended on 07/03/2016) "On the Protection of Consumer Rights"", which reads:

In accordance with paragraph 6 of article 18 of the LOZPP:

The authorized organization ... is liable for defects in the goods, unless it proves that they arose after the transfer of the goods to the consumer ...

The whole point is that the official dealer, as an authorized organization to which you hand over the car for repair, if you disagree with something, then MUST PROVE that the breakdown was your fault. You do not have to prove, initiate an examination, but they do.

You may ask, what about the warranty conditions in the service book, which clearly say that only the officials should be serviced or the warranty will be “limited”, as they formulate ?! Again, we turn to the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights:

In accordance with paragraph 2 of article 16 of the Federal Law

it is prohibited to condition the purchase of certain goods (works, services) on the obligatory purchase of other goods (works, services)....

It is forbidden to condition the satisfaction of the requirements of consumers presented during the warranty period, conditions that are not related to the shortcomings of the goods (works, services).

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 16 of the Federal Law and Provisions of the Law, the terms of the contract that infringe on the rights of the consumer in comparison with the rules established by laws or other legal acts Russian Federation in the field of consumer protection, are recognized as invalid ...

In this case, the seller's warranty obligations are made dependent on conditions that are not related to product defects. As well as the purchase of a car, it is conditioned by the obligatory purchase of service services.

And if the dealer claims that this is due to the shortcomings of the goods, then require a written refusal. Always ask for a written waiver. Everything that you are told orally, state in writing and require confirmation of this also in writing.

Your rights are confirmed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. No one has the right to limit your choice, and even more so to create a monopoly of the venue Maintenance. In accordance with Article 209 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the right of the owner to own, use and dispose of his property at his own discretion is violated. You will no longer be able to get service at another location of your choice, at a more low prices.

So what are your rights? For instance:

Article 18. Clause 1 of the LOZPP The rights of the consumer in the event of a defect in the product:
demand immediate gratuitous elimination of product defects or reimbursement of expenses for their correction by the consumer or a third party;

What should the dealer do?
Article 18. Clause 5 Consumer rights in case of defects in the product:

The absence of a cash or sales receipt or other document certifying the fact and conditions of the purchase of goods by the consumer is not a basis for refusing to satisfy his requirements.

That is, you can even come without a service book at all, if the warranty period has not yet expired.

The seller (manufacturer), an authorized organization or an authorized individual entrepreneur, the importer are obliged to accept the goods of inadequate quality from the consumer and, if necessary, to check the quality of the goods. The consumer has the right to participate in the quality control of the goods.

That is, you hand over the car and wait for a quality check, in fact, this is a diagnosis or troubleshooting. Further, either a quality check shows that the breakdown was not your fault and you get a warranty repair or it comes to an examination.

In the event of a dispute about the reasons for the occurrence of defects in the goods, the seller (manufacturer), an authorized organization or an authorized individual entrepreneur, the importer are obliged to conduct an examination of the goods at their own expense.

The consumer has the right to be present during the examination of the goods and, in case of disagreement with its results, to challenge the conclusion of such an examination in court.

If, as a result of the examination of the goods, it is established that its defects have arisen due to circumstances for which the seller (manufacturer) is not responsible, the consumer is obliged to reimburse the seller (manufacturer) ... the costs of conducting the examination, as well as the costs associated with its implementation for storage and transportation of goods .

In addition, I note that the car must be accepted by the dealer IMMEDIATELY, as indicated by paragraph 1 of article 20 of the RFP... agreement on such a new term and do not release from liability for violation of the term specified by the agreement of the parties initially.
So, in the dry residue

Written refusal to warranty repair they will not give you, otherwise you can safely go straight to court with him. It should be understood that the dealer can intimidate the cost of troubleshooting, expertise, that its cost will fall on you in case of detection of improper operation and your fault, or even immediately demand to pay for the expertise, which is obviously illegal.

How to act?

1. Sign up for diagnostics at an authorized dealer.

2. Print out two copies of the claim in advance, demanding to immediately accept the car for free elimination of defects, describing your position and referring to the laws. The link to the claim template will be given in the comments.

3. On the appointed day, come to the dealer and register a claim at the reception. Your copy must be stamped, signed / decrypted, position, date, incoming number.

4. You go to the acceptance master, if you hear a story about the withdrawal from the warranty, then ask for the information voiced by him in writing or call the warranty engineer. If the warranty engineer also pretends not to be aware of the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law, keeps talking about the service book, then ask to call the head of the service or the head of this whole almshouse.

5. Then they can simply refuse you verbally, then it only remains to wait for a written response to your written claim, or they may offer to call in the repair area by signing an order. Here you need to be very careful, as you may be asked to sign a regular commercial work order. Refer to Article 18, paragraph 1 of the LOPP, which speaks of the immediate, free of charge elimination of deficiencies. There is no talk of any money in the ZOZPP, except for one nuance - you will have to pay for the examination if it shows that the breakdown was your fault. If you are not at fault, the examination is paid by the dealer. This is evidenced by Article 18, paragraph 6 of the RFP.

6. Already after they carry out a quality check, in accordance with the RFP, they can agree to a free warranty repair or start a dispute about the causes of product defects (car malfunctions). In this case, as I wrote above, they will appoint an examination at their own expense. At this stage, they may offer to sign a tripartite agreement under which you will owe something for this expertise. The POZPP does not say anything about any agreements. It clearly says - an authorized organization at its own expense.

7. You can invite your own expert for examination, who will give his own, unofficial opinion for you, and also will not let an independent expert cheat.

8. If the expertise is on your side, your car will be repaired and you will not owe anything. If the examination is on the side of the dealer, you can challenge its results in court, then the court will appoint a forensic examination. Your expert may also be present and speak in court. Usually, ceteris paribus, the court leans on the side of the consumer, in disputes on the RFP.

In general, you need to get an understanding in advance of what happened to your car and why it happened. If this is some kind of unattended assembly or unit, then it is very difficult to prove that you have operated or serviced it incorrectly. If the problem is with the engine, then the expert's flight of fancy can be much more.
But in general, it’s worth knowing that until it comes to examination, you don’t owe them anything at all. Whether to continue the dispute and whether to get involved in litigation is up to you, this is time and, possibly, money. On the other hand, if you act correctly, you are sure that you are right and you have time for this, then there is every chance of getting repairs at their expense, as it should be. In the end, it can become a matter of principle and a matter of restoring justice.

Tell everyone you know about it, as many people as possible should know their rights. Stop dealers and/or automakers fooling consumers by sucking hard-earned money out of us.

PS I heard the phrase "consumer extremism" from some representative of the officials, as they call it - when you achieve what is required by law. But it looks like the opposite.

To begin with, I often sit on forums and in groups of Kia Rio, Hyundai Solaris.

Newly minted owners always ask the question of whether it is worth going through MOT at an Official Dealer. Experienced participants say that you need to "send them to the forest", and the class of eternally busy motorists who do not want to think and waste their time on car service say - go through MOT at the "officials", because. you will stay under warranty and there will be no headache about it.

Every year the maintenance price tag increases and the dealer's proposals for replacing something become more and more exotic.

For example, for TO2 (30 thousand mileage) they may offer to replace brake fluid for a lot of money, or replace the bushings and stabilizer rubber bands for 4000 rubles !!! Yes and replacement cabin filter, which takes one minute, costs almost a thousand rubles.

Somehow it does not fit with the term "budget foreign car", isn't it?

Recently, an order was posted in the Kia Rio group (I am attaching a photo)

with the cosmic cost of TO1 - 9 thousand rubles with kopecks. The seal of Alfa-Bank hints that this MOT was done on credit! God... where is this country headed? Just recently I saw a poster - "Get your child to school in CREDIT!" This is all very sad...

I want to say that changing the oil with a filter at the Shell station costs some 200-300 rubles ... All other things that are indicated in the order can be done independently in an hour. You may be afraid that not passing the MOT at the Official Dealer removes the warranty from the car. When such nonsense was voiced to me on the phone, inviting me to TO2, I laughed in response. "Is your office above the Law of the Russian Federation?" - I said. In accordance with the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, no one has the right to impose their services (supposedly mandatory maintenance at the Dealer), and the buyer also has the right to demand warranty repair or replacement of a defective product. In fact, and all this has long been hyped up on the Internet, dealers are playing on the legal illiteracy of citizens.

In fact, you can service a car anywhere, and change under warranty those nodes to which it applies when the manufacturer is defective. On the contrary, there are a lot of cases when the Dealer "shaved off" with the guarantee of the owners who underwent MOT. Someone sought justice through claims, and someone through the courts.

One more point. As our artificial crisis in Russia began, the dollar jumped up like a pimple on a soft spot, Official dealers cut the salaries of their masters, as a result of which they left for private services. Dealers in the state left inexperienced youngsters who train on your cars. After maintenance, you can find scratches in the cabin, broken ears of the cabin filter box, and these are still the smallest flaws ...

In general, I advise everyone to protect their rights, because. starting with yourself, you can change the world (On the Drome, there were reviews on the Lada Granta with automatic transmission, where the money for the car was returned to the owner through the court, although it took a lot of time, a review on the white Solaris, which was rusty, where the dealer took the car for trade-in and for a surcharge of 20k rubles issued a new one).

I am enclosing a "copy-paste" with the owner's history and an exemplary claim:

"In early November, I felt a beating in the steering wheel on bumps and noise in engine compartment car, went to the official dealer (hereinafter referred to as O.D), told them what was bothering me, they told me to leave the car, I left the car.

They call an hour later and say it's broken steering rack and the alternator pulley, there is no mechanical damage, bring the warranty book, we will change parts under warranty.

I brought them a warranty booklet, they look that I only have a mark on the passage of MOT in 15,000 KM and at that time it was 47,000 KM, i.e. I didn’t go through 30,000 and 45,000 km, they told me because I didn’t pass I was denied a warranty repair.

I tell them that I live far from O.D. (750 km to the nearest OD Nissan) and MOT did not take place at O.D.

Well, as usual, the conversation began, proving by me that they should change these details for me for free, and they proved the opposite to me.

I came home and decided that I needed to do something about this injustice and try to solve this problem in my favor.

My actions:

1) called in Moscow to the main office of Nissan. They told me to send my complaint to them by email.

2) I made a claim, here is the full text:

Personal data:

Actual residential address:

Brand, car model: Nissan teana ***

State registration number:

Vehicle mileage so far:

Vehicle VIN:

This Official Nissan Dealer:

Index: ******

The address:***********************

In June 2007 I bought new car Nissan Teana at the official dealer in the city ****

November 5, 2009 I, full name, owner of the car Nissan Teana, state number: ****, VIN: ***, mileage: ***. turned to the official Nissan dealer in OOO **** with a knock in the steering wheel over bumps and an extraneous sound in the engine compartment.

The warranty engineer accepted the car and an hour later said that the steering rack and alternator clutch were to be replaced and asked for a warranty book. I provided a warranty booklet. The warranty engineer informed me that I had not passed MOT, and accordingly, there was no stamp on the passage of MOT in the warranty book, and they refused to repair under warranty. I replied that I carried out a Technical Inspection every 15,000 mileage of the car, but not at an authorized Nissan dealer, I asked for a written waiver of warranty service, to which I was refused and told to write a complaint.

I consider the actions of OOO ***** unlawful because:

In accordance with clause 6.8, article 5 of the Federal Law and Provisions of the Federal Law, the manufacturer (executor) has the right to establish a warranty period for the product (work) - the period during which, in the event of a defect in the product (work), the manufacturer (executor), seller, authorized organization or an authorized individual entrepreneur, the importer is obliged to satisfy the requirements of the consumer, established by Articles 18 and 29 of this Law.

In this case, the manufacturer has set a warranty period - 3 years from the date of sale of the car or 100,000 km (whichever comes first).

The warranty period is the period during which, in the event

detection of a defect in the car, the manufacturer, seller, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer are obliged to satisfy the requirements of the consumer established in the Federal Law

Warranty up to 100,000 km. contrary to the above law, since the warranty period is a period, and a period is a length of time. Accordingly, time cannot be measured in kilometers.

In accordance with paragraph 6 of article 18 of the RFZPP (and paragraph 2 of article 476 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) In relation to the goods for which the warranty period is established, the seller (manufacturer), an authorized organization or an authorized individual entrepreneur, the importer is responsible for the defects of the goods , unless it proves that they arose after the transfer of the goods to the consumer as a result of the violation by the consumer of the rules for the use, storage or transportation of the goods, the actions of third parties or force majeure.

LLC ***** refused on the basis of diagnostics, without examinations, etc. which contradicts the above article. That is, the sellers actually condition the fulfillment of the guarantee obligations of the seller and (or) the manufacturer by concluding an agreement (contracts) on the performance of maintenance (TO) of the vehicle exclusively with certain business entities (with organizations performing the functions of a seller or manufacturer, or with other directly certain organizations). Accordingly, it is illegal to oblige consumers to carry out vehicle maintenance exclusively at authorized service centers specified by the manufacturer or dealer.

To refuse warranty repair of a car in the event of untimely maintenance, the car dealership must prove a causal relationship between the untimely maintenance and failure of the part. Proven by expertise. Only the fact of untimely maintenance is not a basis for refusing warranty repairs.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 16 of the Federal Law and Provisions of the Law, the terms of the contract that infringe on the rights of the consumer in comparison with the rules established by laws or other legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of consumer protection are recognized as invalid.

Thus, if a clause of an agreement or a warranty booklet contradicts the current legislation on consumer protection and infringes on the rights of the client, it is invalidated, regardless of whether it contains the consumer's signature.

Conditions that are contrary to the law are recognized as invalid.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 16 of the Federal Law and Prohibition of Laws, it is prohibited to condition the purchase of certain goods (works, services) on the obligatory purchase of other goods (works, services). Losses caused to the consumer as a result of violation of his right to free choice of goods (works, services) are reimbursed by the seller (executor) in full.

It is forbidden to condition the satisfaction of the requirements of consumers presented during the warranty period, conditions that are not related to the shortcomings of the goods (works, services).

No one has the right to limit my choice, and even more so to create a monopoly of the venue technical inspection. The seller's warranty obligations are made dependent on conditions that are not related to product defects. Moreover, in accordance with Article 209 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the right of the owner to own, use and dispose of his property at his own discretion is violated. I am no longer able to get service at a different location of my choice and at a lower cost.

This behavior of the dealer contains signs of an administrative offense under Part 2 of Art. 14.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: the inclusion in the contract of conditions that infringe on the rights of the consumer established by law, which entails the imposition of an administrative fine on legal entities- from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles.

Based on the above, please:

1. Carry out warranty repairs to replace the steering rack and alternator clutch on my Nissan car Teana VIN: ***** within the legal deadlines.

3) Sent by email. this claim to Moscow to the main office of Nissan, and also printed out this complaint and sent it by registered mail with notification to O.D. who refused me a warranty repair.

4) 3 days have passed since I sent a claim to Moscow by email, the director of warranty service from the Auto Center (A.Ts) in which I was denied a warranty repair and says: ... please come at a convenient time for you so that we can discuss the solution to your issue.

5) came to the A.C., met with the guarantee, he apologized for the fact that they made hasty decisions and at that time refused me a warranty repair. He also said that they have already ordered the necessary parts and on 11/20/09 they will change these parts under warranty.

6) they changed all the parts that were broken under warranty, gave me an order for an outfit and I saw there an amount of almost 50,000 rubles. and I think it’s good that they changed it under a guarantee and I won’t have to pay, otherwise I would have to pay a tidy sum ...

7) now they call once a week and ask how the car is, etc. =)

Whoever encounters a similar situation, use the above complaint, maybe it will help you save honestly earned money! Thank you for your attention =)

Issue price: 0 rubles"

Often, owners of new cars ask themselves the question - do I need (do I have to) undergo MOT (maintenance), I mean warranty, from an authorized dealer? And what happens if I refuse? After all, everyone is thinking how to “rob” me and, with an interval of 10 - 15,000 km, lure “exorbitant” money out of me! I’d rather buy oil myself (which manufacturer ordered), filters (oil, air, cabin, etc.) and replace it myself, two times cheaper (or even three). But what if something breaks on the car? The question here is not at all unambiguous, we will understand. As usual, there will be a video version at the end, so read on and watch ...

Actually, what kind of thing There are a lot of articles on the internet right now that say - that even if you yourself undergo maintenance (say, at home in your garage) and refuse a warranty pass from a certified dealer (after all, the price tag for work and materials sometimes differs by 2-3 times), then if the car fails (what breaks -or), the manufacturer will still YOU SHOULD REPAIR THE PROBLEM ! And if he refuses, then that's it - RUNNING TO COURT AND DEFENDING JUSTICE. But is this really so and what does the “Federal Consumer Protection Law” (abbreviated as FZoZPP), manufacturers and dealers themselves tell us. Today we will understand in DETAILS (so that later it would not be excruciatingly painful).

I have two illustrative examples and they both defend the same and opposite point of view:

  • When on a car that passed only the first MOT (at 15,000 km) and at 47,000 km, the steering rack and generator bearing broke (although the second (at 30,000) and the third at (45,000 km) MOT were not passed) - She had these units replaced under warranty. !
  • Second case. When on a car that traveled about 69,000 km (the maintenance interval was 10,000 km, only the first maintenance was completed, the rest did not), the automatic transmission ordered a long life - warranty was denied !

So where is the truth? Let's examine each example in depth. The article will be large, BUT USEFUL. So let's stock up on tea and go

Replacement under warranty - case one

Now there are a lot of examples on the Internet - when something changed on a car, even on one that did not undergo maintenance at the dealer (usually they do the first, and then they clog and change everything in the garage)

Let me remind you - we will talk about the steering rack and generator bearing. Which failed at 47,000 km (but 2 and 3 MOTs were not performed at an authorized dealer). However, everything was replaced under warranty.

There are reasons for this, they usually refer to several articles in the law of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation. To start, we read:

Clause 6.8, article 5 of the Federal Law The manufacturer (executor) has the right to establish a warranty period for the product (work) - the period during which, in the event of a defect in the product (work), the manufacturer (executor), seller, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer are obliged to satisfy the requirements of the consumer established by Articles 18 and 29 of this Law.

Here we need to look at our warranty, for many it goes - 2 years, for Japanese-Russian-3 years (they also limit the mileage to 100,000 km), and for many Korean-5 years (150,000 km).


The warranty period is the period during which, if a defect is found in the car, the manufacturer, seller, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer must satisfy the consumer's requirements established in the Federal Law

Warranty up to 100-150000 km. Contradicts the above law, since the warranty period is a period, and a period is a length of time. Accordingly, time cannot be measured in kilometers.

Clause 6, Article 18 of the Federal Law (and Clause 2 of Article 476 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) In relation to the goods for which the warranty period is established, the seller (manufacturer), an authorized organization or an authorized individual entrepreneur, importer, is responsible for defects in the goods, storage or transportation of goods, actions of third parties persons or force majeure.

To refuse warranty repair of a car in case of untimely maintenance, a car dealership must prove a causal relationship between the untimely passage of maintenance and the failure of the part . Proven by expertise. Only the fact of untimely maintenance is not a basis for refusing warranty repairs.

That is, if there is a guarantee up to 100,000 km, BUT you have not undergone MOT. Then the dealer (manufacturer) needs to prove that the broken rail and generator bearing at 47,000 km broke precisely because you did not undergo maintenance at the dealer, conduct an examination

Clause 1, Article 16 of the Federal Law the terms of the contract that infringe the rights of the consumer in comparison with the rules established by laws or other legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of consumer rights protection are recognized as invalid.

Thus, if a clause of an agreement or a warranty booklet contradicts the current legislation on consumer protection and infringes on the rights of the client, it is invalidated, regardless of whether it contains the consumer's signature.

Conditions (which the dealer, manufacturer is trying to impose on you) that are contrary to the law are invalidated!

Clause 2, Article 16 of the Federal Law It is prohibited to condition the purchase of certain goods (works, services) on the obligatory purchase of other goods (works, services). Losses caused to the consumer as a result of violation of his right to free choice of goods (works, services) are reimbursed by the seller (executor) in full.

It is forbidden to condition the satisfaction of the requirements of consumers presented during the warranty period, conditions that are not related to the shortcomings of the goods (works, services).

In simple words, no one can LIMIT ME IN THE RIGHT OF CHOICE! And even more so to monopolize the places of technical inspection! The manufacturer's (seller's) warranty is made dependent on conditions not related to product defects. Moreover, in accordance with Article 209 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the right of the owner to own, use and dispose of his property at his own discretion is violated. I am no longer able to get service at a different location of my choice and at a lower cost. That for many it is categorically IMPORTANT!

Such behavior of dealers and sellers (manufacturers) contains signs of an administrative offense under Part 2 of Art. 14.8 of the RF Code of Administrative Offenses : the inclusion in the contract of conditions that infringe on the rights of the consumer established by law, which entails the imposition of an administrative fine on legal entities - from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles.

There are a lot of LETTERS, but if you summarize in SIMPLE WORDS. It turns out that:

  • The manufacturer gives a guarantee for the PRODUCT, in this case it is a car.
  • The dealer cannot (JUST SO) refuse warranty repairs to you, even if you have not undergone MOT with them
  • If the dealer refuses you, he must have good reasons for this, for example, an examination proving that he is right
  • If there are no good reasons for refusal, then the dealer must fix the part of the car that failed. Even if you didn't pass MOT!

Everything seems to be great and you can use it. BUT as practice shows, such judicial practices took place in 2010-2012. But now dealers and manufacturers have become much smarter.

Case Two - Warranty Disclaimer

“For every force of action, there is a force of reaction” is a law of physics. Of course, dealers and manufacturers began to plug these holes in the law and now EVERYTHING IS NOT SO SIMPLE.

I will quote the paragraph of the law, which I quoted above:

Clause 6, Article 18 of the Federal Law (and Clause 2 of Article 476 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) In relation to the goods for which the warranty period is established, the seller (manufacturer), an authorized organization or an authorized individual entrepreneur, importer, is responsible for the defects of the goods, if it does not prove that they arose after the transfer of the goods to the consumer as a result of the violation by the consumer of the rules of use , storage or transportation of goods, actions of third parties or force majeure.

As you understood the key word here is - if it does not prove that they arose after the transfer of the goods to the consumer as a result of the violation by the consumer of the rules of use

But these rules can be adjusted. Now many (yes, almost all manufacturers), from our Russians to elite Germans, have the following inscription in the service book:

Carrying out work on maintenance and repair of the car not at the official Dealer LLC (Such and such a manufacturer), as well as untimely maintenance (more than 1000 km or more than 30 days, whichever comes first), may cause a limitation of warranty obligations for automobile

Well, now we put everything on the shelves:

  • Who is OD - official dealer? This is a certified service center that has trained its employees to repair and maintain a certain type of car. Which then passed the exams and received the appropriate certificates for this. And how many third-party companies (regular service stations) have done this to their employees? I think few people!
  • The manufacturer's warranty, according to the law, of course, not one official dealer can take away. BUT ONLY for those nodes that a priori do not require maintenance. FOR EXAMPLE - body, cardan shaft, manual transmission (and that’s not a fact), a beam, some suspension parts (for example, silent blocks, shock absorbers, stabilizer struts, etc.), steering rack (and even if it also needs to be serviced), bearings, electrics (and even then not all) , catalysts, etc. THAT is everything that should go for a long time (ideally, the entire life of the car).
  • BUT for units that require maintenance, and a priori it must be carried out by an authorized dealer (see point 1), you will simply be politely refused. These units include the most expensive units - the engine, automatic transmission, clutch, air conditioning or climate control, even the cooling system (all radiators, stoves, etc.), etc. you will be politely refused.

Thus, in the second case, when on a TOYOTA CAMRI with a 3.5-liter engine, the automatic transmission died already at 69,000 km (and it can die there at 7,000 km). The owner, who believed in the reliability of CAMRI, did not go through MOT at the officials, but did everything himself. And then having started the court - I LOST IT WITH TRUSKY!

Arguments of the official dealer (manufacturer):

  • Did you change the oil in the automatic transmission or not? She should have been 60,000 km away
  • What oil is filled in?
  • At what station did the change take place? Are there any certificates (in this case, TOYOTA) on staff training
  • By what method (method) was the replacement made?

Only the third paragraph already gives the right to refuse repair or replacement under warranty.


Friends will express their opinion about the warranty on the car and undergo MOT at the dealer or do it yourself.

Let's start with the fact that, of course, dealers have a much higher price. If we take an ordinary car, class "B" let's say. Then the cost of maintenance will be within 5 - 6000 rubles. NOT LITTLE!

However, let's calculate how much it will be if you do MOT yourself:

  • Oil is now a very large run, but let's take a good one and it's about 1800 rubles.
  • Oil filter (I take the prices of the originals, since they will put you at the station just like that) - 300 rubles
  • Air filter - 350r
  • Cabin filter - 300r

TOTAL we have ONLY about 3,000 rubles for all consumables, well, we ourselves change everything in a friend's pit!

Difference of 2-3000 rubles (is it a lot or a little) . Of course, now there are a lot of unscrupulous dealers who bend you sky-high prices (they can bend up to 8000r in RIO). But no one is forcing you to do it for that price. You are a sociable person, call other official dealerships(if it is Moscow or St. Petersburg, there are no problems with this at all). If you are from a small town with only one dealer, then call the neighboring towns, sometimes it is much cheaper to roll up to them. For example, in your city it is 8500 rubles, and in the neighboring city it is 5000 rubles, the road is 100 km (one way), well, you will burn fuel for 500 - 600 rubles, but saving 3000 rubles.

MY PERSONAL OPINION DO THIS AT THE OFFICIAL DEALER ! There are several reasons for this:

  • If your car is complex, has a lot of everything electronic, climate control, automatic transmission. Even if all this is VERY strong (proven manufacturer) - it can break. And believe me, no maintenance savings of 2-3000 rubles can cover this repair!
  • Many bring their own oils and filters. THIS IS NOT REALLY FORBIDDEN AND DEALERS GO FOR IT! BUT I wouldn't do that either, why? Yes, simply because, if anything, an examination will take place and it may reveal a discrepancy with the manufacturer's standard. Then again they will refuse to repair you. And if you buy from them, keep all the receipts, where it is written that such and such oil was bought and poured, then it will be much more difficult to get out.
  • And even if your car is simple, let's say without a radio at all, on oars (“window twisters”) it will still have a catalyst, which now has not reached the end of the warranty. If this baby gets into the engine, then consider him a khan.

No savings in 2000-3000 with maintenance will cover its repair! However, here everyone decides for himself, it was my personal opinion, yours may be different. Maybe you are an experienced mechanic who has a warehouse of spare parts (for your new purchased car) and you don’t need this warranty for nothing! - About cars - Information portal