Homemade snowmobile Ildar Sumy. Do-it-yourself snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor, a motorcycle and a chainsaw: instructions for craftsmen. We make a snowmobile with our own hands

After people see the prices for snowmobiles in the store, they ask how to make a snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor, how expensive and difficult is it? How does the manufacture of homemade products begin - a snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor? First you need to determine how much engine power to use. We used the engine of a walk-behind tractor in 6 as an engine. Horse power. Usually, four-stroke engines with forced air or water cooling are installed on walk-behind tractors.

You can also use a reverse gear from a walk-behind tractor, centrifugal clutch, steering and fuel tank. Next, you need to think about the propulsion of the snowmobile. Most of them are fitted with a caterpillar drive.

The best homemade - a snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor

In the manufacture of a home-made snowmobile, tracks from other snowmobiles are used for it, or home-made ones assembled from improvised materials. After choosing a track, you need to decide what type of suspension to use. You need to choose from two main types: suspension on rollers and skid suspension.

Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. After that, it is important to decide what kind of layout the snowmobile will have. Typically, a snowmobile is equipped with two steering skis in front and a caterpillar block in the back.

The engine can be mounted either at the rear or at the front of the snowmobile.

How to make a snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor

This snowmobile can be made in a few weekends in the country in the garage. At first glance, its design looks very simple. If we compare its patency in wet or loose snow, it will not yield to many industrial-made snowmobiles.

The creation of a snowmobile proceeded from the principle: the smaller the weight and the larger the size of the caterpillar, the higher its cross-country ability in deep and loose snow. Therefore, the design will be as light as possible.

How to make a homemade snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor on tracks

Four wheels are installed inside the caterpillar. When movement occurs, they roll along the conveyor belt, with fixed lugs. The caterpillar drive is carried out by a chain from the motor, special drive sprockets, through the driven shaft. They were taken from Buran.

The engine is taken from a conventional walk-behind tractor, the power of which is 6 hp. You can't accelerate quickly on it. Soft suspension skis and tracks were removed, because the snowmobile is intended for driving on loose snow. This design was simplified and the weight of the snowmobile was reduced.

Making caterpillars for a snowmobile

Consider the process of making a caterpillar. Plastic water pipe 40 mm, cut to 470 mm long. Of these, blanks for lugs will be made. After that, each of them is sawn lengthwise into equal parts with a circular saw.

Grousers are fastened with furniture bolts to the conveyor belt. When a track is being made, it is extremely important to keep the same distance between the lugs. Otherwise, there will be a "running" on the teeth of the drive sprocket, as a result of which the caterpillar will slip and slide off the rollers.

To drill holes for mounting bolts in the conveyor belt, a jig was made. To drill holes, a wood drill with a special sharpening was used.

This jig allows six holes to be drilled simultaneously in the conveyor belt to attach three track lugs. Also, drive sprockets (2 pcs), an inflatable rubber wheel (4 pcs), sealed bearings No. 205 (2 pcs) were purchased.

The turner made the support for the bearings and the caterpillar drive shaft. The frame of the snowmobile is self-made. For this, square pipes 25x25 mm were used. The articulated axes of rotation of the steering wheel and skis are in the same plane and on the same line, so a continuous tie rod without ball ends was used.

Ski turn bushings are quite easy to make. A water coupling is welded onto the front cross beam of the frame, the internal thread of which is 3/4 inch. There are screwed pipes with external threads. I welded bipods of ski racks and tie rods to them. Corners are installed on the skis, which serve as an attachment to the snowmobile's turntable. A metal undercut is made from below in order to better control the snowmobile while driving on packed snow or crust.

Chain tension adjustable by motor displacement

Driving a snowmobile is quite simple. To increase the engine speed, use the throttle, which is located on the steering wheel. This engages the automatic centrifugal clutch, causing the snowmobile to move forward. Since the engine power is small, the speed of the snowmobile is 10-15 km/h. Therefore, no brakes are provided. To stop you need to slow down the engine.

Caterpillars are made in any width. Choose what is more convenient to do: a narrow but long caterpillar, or a wide but short one. It is important to remember that a larger track will put more stress on the engine and make it harder to steer the snowmobile. If the caterpillar is made small, then the car can fail in deep snow.

The weight of the snowmobile with all parts turned out to be 76 kg. It included: steering wheel and engine (25 kg), skis (5 kg), wheels with axles (9 kg), drive shaft (7 kg), caterpillar (9 kg), seat with racks (6 kg).

You can reduce the weight of some parts. For a snowmobile of this size with a track, the weight is quite satisfactory.

Characteristics of the resulting homemade snowmobile

frame length 2000 mm;
track width 470 mm;
between axial distance of basic skating rinks of 1070 mm.

Homemade snowmobile from walk-behind tractor video

Is it possible to build a snowmobile on your own, where to start and what to look for? The main components and assemblies are painted.

In the harsh Russian winter, it would be nice to have a snowmobile. Previously, such a car was a luxury, and it was possible to buy it only abroad. Today, this vehicle can be found in almost any motorcycle showroom. A snowmobile can be purchased just for fun (for winter fishing and hunting), sometimes you can’t do without it at work (rescuers, foresters, surveyors).

The cost of a snowmobile depends on the manufacturer, modification, power and other factors. The simplest model can cost about 100,000 rubles, and the price of a more advanced snowmobile reaches 1,000,000 rubles. Of course, if this equipment is necessary for work, then it is not worth saving, because people's lives can depend on the reliability of a snowmobile, especially if it is operated by rescuers.

But for fun, you can assemble this miracle machine at home.

How to make a homemade snowmobile, and is the game worth the candle?

A homemade snowmobile can be built by any person more or less versed in technology. Before you start making a snowmobile, you need to understand what benefits you will get from it.
Advantages of self-assembly:

  • Price. For some, this may be the biggest benefit. The price of a homemade snowmobile will cost several times cheaper than if you buy it in a store.
  • Specifications. When making a snow machine, you control the whole process yourself, choose the configuration, power and appearance.
  • Reliability. By assembling the device yourself, you will use the best components and parts.

A well-made car with your own hands can be used not only in the city, it is quite safe to travel outside settlements, to ski resorts and travel off-road.

Where to begin?

It is best to start assembling the device with your own hands from the drawings. To create a drawing, engineering skills will not be superfluous. However, if you have not succeeded in this, then you should use the Internet and print the finished scheme.

On the World Wide Web it is possible to find drawings of snowmobiles different modifications, from the simplest and cheapest options to complex ones that only an experienced mechanic can design. The drawings are in the public domain, by printing which you can easily build a dream car.
When studying the drawings, pay attention to the mass of the unit, the lighter it is, the higher its permeability will be.

The snowmobile will easily maneuver on loose and deep snow. However, not only the mass of the finished product affects the patency, the bearing area of ​​the caterpillar is no less important.

What is a snowmobile made of?

Any snowmobile consists of basic parts that will not change regardless of the modification of the device, such as:

  1. Frame. You can use a frame from an old motorcycle or scooter, if there is none, then you can weld it to order. The turner can easily cope with such a task.
  2. Engine. You can use a motor from a walk-behind tractor, although it is worth saying that with its power, the resulting product is better called a children's snowmobile, it will not work to disperse it to a decent speed. There is an alternative to using a motor from a motorcycle or scooter. The choice of engine also depends on the weight of the snowmobile.
  3. Caterpillars. The most important and at the same time complex detail of a snowmobile.
  4. Drive unit. Connects engine and track. A chain from a motorcycle is great for driving.
  5. Steering wheel. Here you need to build on personal preferences and convenience, but most often it is also taken from a scooter or motorcycle.
  6. Skis. Here, a ready-made version is used, if any, or you can make skis from plywood. It is better to give preference to sheets of plywood with a thickness of at least 3 mm.
  7. Fuel tank. For this part, you should choose a container made of plastic or metal. The capacity of 15 liters is enough to cover long distances without taking up much space.
  8. Seat. It is best to make to order, since a homemade snowmobile will be operated in harsh conditions, strong, wear-resistant materials should be preferred. Do not forget about convenience, you should feel comfortable on it.

Can you make caterpillars yourself?

This is the most difficult element for self-manufacturing. The tracks of the machine play a decisive role in how fast the machine will reach, and what will be the hitch with ice. Qualitatively made in a handicraft way, caterpillars can last quite a long time. Most often, tires from a car are used for tracks.

First you need to free the tires from the sides, leaving only a flexible track. Now you need to make lugs. To do this, use a plastic pipe with a diameter of 4 cm. It must be cut into pieces 50 cm long, the resulting blanks should be sawn further along. These parts are bolted to the tire.

It is important to observe the same interval of attachment of the lugs, otherwise the track will jump off the roller. It will be optimal to mount them at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Caterpillars are made in a similar way. For their manufacture, you need to use a conveyor belt, which should be cut off, making the length optimal for a home-made unit.

It is important to correctly and securely hook the cut tape. To do this, its ends overlap each other by 5 cm and are fixed with bolts. Alternatively, V-belts can be used to make tracks. They are fastened with lugs, forming a caterpillar with ready-made recesses for the gear.

When making caterpillars with your own hands, you need to take into account such a nuance: the larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe caterpillar, the better the device will pass through snowdrifts, but it will be worse in control. In stores, finished products are most often presented in three versions, with standard tracks, wide tracks and extra wide tracks.

To simplify your task, instead of self-production, you can purchase caterpillars in a store. Thus, you will get the opportunity to purchase tracks suitable for the terrain and travel conditions.

Assembly features

The finished frame, welded by hand or borrowed from other equipment, must be equipped with a steering wheel by welding. The engine is installed strictly in accordance with the drawing. It is best that it be located as close to the carburetor as possible. On the finished structure, you need to install tracks that were made in advance.
When the main work has been done, you can start connecting the tank, gas and brake cables, and installing the seat.

The easiest way to make a snowmobile

Taking a walk-behind tractor as a basis and modifying it into a snowmobile is probably the easiest way to create a unit for moving through the snow. It can be used completely, you can take only some details.

If the walk-behind tractor is used completely, then a frame with rear axle and modify the working shaft into a drive, which should transmit rotational movements from the engine to the caterpillar. If the walk-behind tractor is not used completely, then only the engine and the steering fork should be taken from it. Tracks will need to be installed on the bottom of the fork.

In this case, you must also take into account that the power of the walk-behind tractor is designed for the weight and pressure of the wheels, which are less than the tracks. In order to avoid unnecessary waste of gasoline and depreciation of parts, the snowmobile wheels should be low pressure. The mini homemade snowmobile is easy to drive.

By the way, if a home-made snowmobile turned out to be not very powerful and speeds up to 15 km / h, then it is not necessary to equip it with brakes. To stop a homemade snowmobile, simply reduce the speed, and it will stop itself.

Having approached the work seriously and having studied all the available information, you will surely be proud of your own assembled unit!

lifestyle, DIY, Snowmobile, articles

Source: https://vodabereg.ru/lifestyle/delaem-snegohod-svoimi-rukami/

Homemade snowmobiles

Most bikers, in addition to their passion for riding a motorcycle or similar vehicle, are very fond of building various devices themselves or upgrading their bike. Among the man-made creations you can find a variety of and unusual devices. Including homemade snowmobiles.

You can make almost any vehicle yourself. Snowmobile is no exception!

A snowmobile is not only fun to make on your own, but also cost-effective. After all, if a person lives in a country house, then he probably has a shed where you can work and there are some devices such as a walk-behind tractor.

Using these resources, you can spend time with pleasure, make a snowmobile. Of course, this will not be a Yamaha snowmobile, but nevertheless, the design will turn out to be quite solid. Sometimes the appearance will make passers-by smile. But we are not accustomed to these views. In addition, home-made units often turn out to be much more mature than industrial designs.

Let's look at a few examples of home-made devices that craftsmen made with their own hands in this article.

We wrote tips on how to make a snowmobile in the article of the same name.

1. Snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor

Almost every villager has a walk-behind tractor in his arsenal. However, few people thought that with a certain amount of stubbornness, the walk-behind tractor would also become an excellent snowmobile. It is enough to make a drive for the caterpillar and homemade rollers. You can also make a caterpillar with your own hands or use a standard one. The drive must be transferred from the wheel to the roller. Instead of wheels, skis are put.

on KryptoBike: Preparing the snowmobile for operationPhoto from motoholder.ru

2. Snowmobile from a moped or trike

This option differs from the classic snowmobile in the absence of skis. However, his permeability is quite decent. It is very easy to make such a design. You need to have a moped and a welding machine. Then we make new forks for large cylinders and enjoy life. The patency of such a thick-wheeled fat bike is sometimes even better than that of simple snowmobile.

Photo from obinstrumente.ru

3. Snowmobile from a snow scooter

This option causes a smile, but in terms of genius it can surpass all previous designs. Despite its simplicity, it will ride on rolled snow. Such a unit is made very simply. Usual children's snow scooter and walk-behind tractor as a driving force.

Photo courtesy of allkoreancars.ru

4. Snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor with a rear engine

If it is possible to work with a welding machine, there is metal and enough time, then a more advanced model of a snowmobile can be made on the basis of a walk-behind tractor. From a standard metal profile, you can weld frame structure and position the engine at the rear.

Photo from popgun.ru

5. Snowmobile with huge wheels

You can also make a very simple version of a snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor. Instead of wheels, attach two huge skating rinks, and make a sled as a seat. Even caterpillars are not required, and welding can be dispensed with.

Photo from rocketcreative.ru

6 Chainsaw snowmobile

Even such an option exists and craftsmen use the saw engine to create snowmobiles. With a minimum of tools and an understanding of the basics of building vehicles, this is not so difficult to do.

True, you will have to work on the frame and mover, but the chainsaw gives everything else. The power of the chainsaw engine is enough to confidently push one or even two adults.

After all, the working volume sometimes exceeds the volume of moped engines, and two-stroke increases efficiency.

on KryptoBike: Do-it-yourself snowmobile from a bicyclephoto from reglinez.org

7. Do-it-yourself muscle powered snowmobile or bicycle snowmobile

A snowmobile does not have to have a motor. You can make a great snowmobile out of a bike. What is it and how to make it, read in our separate article.

How to make a snowmobile from a bicycle?

In fact, such a snowmobile is a conventional high-traffic bicycle.

Homemade snowmobiles allow you to easily move through the snow-covered space, even in the absence of a knurled surface. Sometimes it is enough to spend quite a bit of time and you will get a great vehicle in which the soul is invested and in the quality of which you will be sure.

Making a snowmobile is very easy if you have necessary tool and materials. A set of tools for an advanced motorist and simple welding is quite enough.

The question always comes up: how to make a caterpillar for a snowmobile

Several options are used:

        1. An old tire is taken, its bead is cut off and an endless tape is obtained. If you take a tire from a truck, you get a decent-sized caterpillar.
      1. A tape is made to which auxiliary corners or profile strips are attached. They act as hooks. They can be attached to the tape even with ordinary bolts.

Then everything is ready. It remains to make a frame and a system of rollers. The gear ratio can be combined from bicycle or motorcycle sprockets. Chains can also be borrowed from these vehicles. Rollers can be welded from a large diameter pipe, or you can take ready-made rollers.

The engine is taken ready, because it is the most high-tech part of the entire installation. Her in garage conditions do not work.

Source: https://www.kryptobike.ru/moto/snowhod/samodelnye-snegoxody

Homemade snowmobile: building an inexpensive DIY structure

In remote areas where it is necessary to overcome considerable distances, fishermen and hunters need to have their own transport. Due to the high price today, many cannot purchase it and are trying to design a homemade snowmobile with their own hands. It is not easy to build it, but if you apply maximum patience and diligence, then this problem will not be difficult to cope with.

Before you start building a snowmobile, you first need to select the material. The easiest way to make a homemade frame is from wooden bars. It will turn out to be a very light and fairly durable design, which is considered the cheapest and easiest to manufacture. For this you will need:

  1. Wooden bars.
  2. Sheet iron.
  3. Metal scissors.
  4. Drill and drills.
  5. Hand saw.
  6. Bolts and nuts.

The advantages of building such a structure are undeniable. In the event of a breakdown, the wooden model will be easy to repair away from the settlement. In the forest, it is easy to find improvised material that can be used for repairs. But the main advantage is that this snowmobile rarely falls through the ice and does not sink in the water.

Wooden structure

It is known that bars and boards made of wood do not have special strength in their places.

connections. Therefore, before starting construction, it is necessary to make additional metal corners. To do this, take sheet iron and cut out square plates with scissors along the width of the bars. Places for bolts are marked in them with a tape measure, and then four holes are drilled with a drill. After that, the plates are bent in half strictly at 90 degrees. These will be excellent fixtures for firmly fastening wooden bars in the corners. homemade frame.

Usually they start construction after they make a drawing with exact dimensions. And already four bars are cut off with a hacksaw, and holes for bolts are drilled in the corners with a drill. Then they are placed on a flat floor surface in the form of a regular rectangle. Metal corners are applied to the joints, bolts are inserted and tightly tightened with nuts.

To mount the engine and caterpillars on the frame, an additional two more crossbeams from bars with holes for bolts at the ends are installed. But before that, corners for fastening are first made. They are cut out of triangular iron sheets and drill holes in the corners..

It is better to immediately make eight pieces and put them on top and bottom. Then the fasteners will be more durable and reliable in operation.

When they are ready, crossbars are inserted inside the frame and triangles are placed on top. In them, holes are drilled exactly in size with a drill through the bars. Then long bolts are inserted there and tightened tightly with nuts. On this, a solid wooden frame will be ready, which will last a long time on a homemade device.

It is much more difficult to engage in the construction of homemade metal products. It requires special tools and devices that not everyone may have. Significant costs will be required to purchase or rent them. However, this building will be much stronger and more durable than a wooden structure.. Here you will need:

  1. Welding machine.
  2. Electrodes.
  3. Mask.
  4. Bulgarian.
  5. Spanners.
  6. Pliers.
  7. Hammer.

In addition, more durable materials will be needed to build a metal frame. You will definitely have to buy them in the store, since today they are not found anywhere else. And I don’t really want to build a new home-made snowmobile from old parts because of poor reliability. Therefore, only good materials will be used here:

  1. Metal pipes.
  2. Iron corner.
  3. Sheet steel.
  4. Channel.

As a rule, before starting the construction of the frame, you need to make a simple drawing. According to its parameters, cut the pipes with a grinder and use a welding machine to connect them into a rectangle. Inside the frame, insert a couple more partitions from the corner for installing the engine and caterpillar. If you make them from a channel, then the design will be much stronger and more reliable in operation.

After that, you just need to cut off two small bushings from the metal pipe.

And then weld them to the corners of the front, where the swivel ski supports will be inserted. The metal frame is ready and you can start building, as well as installing the main units and assemblies.

Hanging equipment

To make a snowmobile fast and strong, you need to put a good engine on the frame. If you install a low-power motor, then this design will move poorly. And also you need to correctly calculate the caterpillar. If the area is too small, it will sink in large snow and will not pull even on flat terrain. Special attention you need to pay attention to skis, which should create good stability and safety when driving on high speed.

DIY rubber caterpillar

In order to move easily in the snow, it is very important to make a good rubber track for a homemade snowmobile. It is not easy to make such a device with your own hands and it is better to purchase it in a store completely with rollers.

Installing a standard factory track on a homemade structure is not difficult. To do this, you only have to fix the drive shaft and rollers with bearings on the frame.

If the financial situation does not allow you to buy the entire device, then the most expensive parts are easy to make yourself. This will require:

  1. Conveyer belt.
  2. Plastic pipe.
  3. Bolts, washers and nuts.

cheap homemade caterpillar for a snowmobile, they are usually made using a thin conveyor belt. To do this, blanks from a plastic pipe are sawn off along the width of the rollers. Then they are cut lengthwise into two equal parts and holes are drilled for small bolts. After that, the halves of the plastic pipes are fixed on the conveyor belt with bolts, washers and nuts. The caterpillar is ready and you need to proceed with further construction.

Homemade skis

It is no secret that in winter it is much more convenient to ski in deep snow. They also serve well as a control device on a snowmobile. It is not difficult to make a wooden structure, but only durable boards made of birch or oak are suitable for this. They must be well dried, planed, and then heated and bent the ends. It's not harder to make metal skis. To do this, you will need to cut two plates from sheet steel and weld a thin corner on the sides.

In order for the skis to turn freely, metal pipe racks are welded to them. In working condition, they are held in the front bushings of the frame, where they rotate easily..

Washers or large nuts are welded to the top of the racks, where the rods are inserted to control the snowmobile.

The steering wheel itself is easy to do with your own hands or it is easier to remove it from an old motorcycle. Thus, it remains only to install the motor, as well as the driver's seat, and you can move on.

Source: https://tokar.guru/samodelkin/samodelnyy-snegohod-svoimi-rukami.html

Do-it-yourself snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor: how to make, drawings, making all-terrain vehicles and swamps

Motoblock is a seasonal technique that is used mainly in spring, summer and autumn. So that it does not stand idle in winter, you can construct a snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor with your own hands. With minimal instrument skills, it is not difficult to do this. Reverse alteration after the winter does not take much time. Thus, the walk-behind tractor will be used all year round for household work.

A snowmobile is a useful unit that is able to overcome snowdrifts. The technique allows you to carry small luggage. Many residents from the northern and central regions prefer to make such units from improvised means. A snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor is hardy and powerful enough. It has good cross-country ability and maneuverability.

What is a walk-behind tractor

The walk-behind tractor is a universal unit that is used for agricultural work. This device helps to facilitate work on the plot. The design is made on the basis of a single-axle chassis. The person driving the walk-behind tractor follows the machine and holds it by the handles on which the controls are located.

On motoblocks are installed mainly gasoline engines, but there are also diesel ones. Power units of walk-behind tractors have automatic speed controllers that simplify the work of the operator. Engine power ranges from one to ten horsepower.

What can it be converted into

To create alterations from a motor unit, you need only elementary knowledge of mechanics and the presence of a tool . The robust design of the block, very well developed by engineers, allows you to modify the unit.

The most common are the following typical designs:

  • snowmobile;
  • mini tractor;
  • all-terrain vehicle or karakat;
  • swamp;
  • ATV;
  • motorized dog;
  • lawn mower;
  • dump;
  • potato digger;
  • potato planter.

The mini tractor is perhaps the most popular homemade product. This design has a higher level of comfort, compared with a motor unit. Here it is necessary to take into account the factor of displacement of the center of gravity. This problem solved by installing a second driven axle and increasing the front. A mini tractor is often complemented by a trailer.

On the basis of a walk-behind tractor, you can design an ATV or a karakat.

You can convert the unit into a motorized towing vehicle, which is capable of pulling shovels, transporting gear and working tools. To assemble a motorcycle dog yourself, you need to additionally purchase some spare parts. The frame is constructed from a square tube, and the control levers from a round one. The finished unit has a low speed, but it turns out to be very maneuverable.

You only need to attach a walk-behind tractor to the boat hull, and instead of milling cutters, put aluminum blades, which should be located in the same plane with the shaft (perpendicular to movement). The upper parts of the blades will move through the air, the lower parts will sink into the water. This makes it possible to develop a sufficiently high speed.

Harvesting firewood seems easy only at first glance. However, for this you need to have endurance and considerable strength. A wood splitter from a motorized unit is a convenient and simple device that even a teenager can handle. An inexpensive device allows you to save time, get rid of monotonous and hard work.

What tools will be needed

A homemade snowmobile is used for sports activities, tourist walks, and chores. After determining the purpose of the unit, the main scheme can be slightly changed.

It is necessary to prepare the following tools and materials for work:

  • apparatus for manual welding;
  • special mask and gloves;
  • grinder;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • a set of files;
  • pipe bender;
  • frame pipes;
  • brackets, clamps and other fasteners;
  • small parts;
  • drill;
  • spanners;
  • clamps;
  • vise;
  • wheels.

To save money, many parts and spare parts are made independently. To better imagine the design of a homemade product, you can use the advice of those who are familiar with experience, ready-made schemes, special literature, drawings, and photographs.

Watch the video showing self-propelled machine, created on the basis of a walk-behind tractor.

We make a snowmobile with our own hands

By following a certain algorithm for mounting a homemade product from a motor unit, numerous errors can be avoided. Snowmobile equipment from a walk-behind tractor must be assembled in a certain sequence. Consider the step-by-step process of self-manufacturing a snowmobile from the Neva walk-behind tractor.

First, a sketch of the future design is drawn up:

  • homemade frame (1);
  • the second sprocket of the intermediate shaft (2);
  • intermediate shaft (3)
  • the first sprocket of the intermediate shaft (4);
  • driven sprocket caterpillar shaft (5);
  • caterpillar drive sprocket (6);
  • caterpillar drive shaft (7);
  • two support ski racks (8);
  • idler axle (10);
  • hitch (11);
  • tensioner (12);
  • four drum flanges (13);
  • four drive sprocket flanges (14);
  • steering rack (15).

Digesting the frame

First you need to weld the frame. For this, steel sheets and round pipes are used. With the help of a pipe bender, the parts are given a certain shape, before that the metal is heated with a gas burner. It is necessary to connect the parts together by welding. After that, the frame is painted so that the metal does not corrode and lasts longer.

First you need to study the design diagram, drawings of an all-terrain vehicle or a snowmobile attachment to a walk-behind tractor. Do-it-yourself transport must be operational. Typically, the circuit consists of a driven and a leading part.

The driven part includes the following elements:

  • steering column;
  • skids;
  • shock absorbers.

Elements that are included in the leading part: frame, power unit and drive. After studying the drawing, the frame is welded. Pipes give the necessary shape. This is done with a pipe bender.

To eliminate errors when creating a frame, it is desirable to carry out the initial fastening of the elements using spot welding. If errors are found, such a connection is easier to fix. After all inaccuracies have been eliminated, the structure is welded with a non-breaking seam.

Brackets must be welded to the resulting frame, which will mount the engine, seats and steering column. Old armchairs can be used as seats. A bicycle wheel will also come in handy.

Two skis are used as skids, which are connected to the steering column with the help of hinges.

Two skis are used as skids connected by hinges to the steering column. The bolts are swivel bushings. With constant lubrication, they last quite a long time.

Clearance can be changed behind the nozzles.

On the leading part of the structure, it is necessary to mount the engine together with the gearbox. The future snowmobile can be made wheeled, then its maneuverability will increase, but the cross-country ability will decrease, especially if the snow is loose.

With caterpillars, the throughput of vehicles increases, but maneuverability decreases.

We design a suspension

The depreciation system for snowmobile equipment consists of a front and rear suspension. These elements are designed to provide the smoothest possible ride so that the driver does not feel vibrations while driving over bumps.

Telescopic suspension is one of the most common and simple designs. It consists of a shock absorber and a spring, which are located in the rack. Therefore, the suspension smooths out shock-type vibrations. As a rule, the technique with its use shows decent maneuverability.

In order to make the rear and front suspensions independent, it is necessary to connect the spars to the strut and steering wheel bushing. With this option, smoothness is ensured. For the front suspension, you can also use regular shock absorbers from a motorcycle.

Making wheels

Wheel installation. Snowmobiles usually use cameras from a truck. Due to the hub, they are attached to the suspension. With the help of such wheels, ease of control and safety of movement are ensured. For manufacturing, you need to put chains on the cameras for winter driving. Then the chambers need to be pumped up, wearing chains will turn them into circles with a ribbed surface.

There is another way. Two discs made of metal are connected to each other, then mounted on a sleeve, and then a camera is put on them, which is fixed with pieces of a conveyor belt. A tire protector can be used to protect the camera.


The easiest way to make lighting is to use a "native" electric generator. Manufacturers of motorcycles provide such an opportunity and install electric generators with a power reserve. Therefore, there is enough energy to power additional electrical equipment: direction indicator, headlight, sound signal.

Connecting the light from is quite simple:

  1. The generator must be wired to the switch on the steering column.
  2. Wiring is bred from the switch to the equipment: a sound signal, a headlight, a direction indicator.
  3. The wires are placed in a protective channel so that they do not interfere with the driver.

Halogen lamps can be used to illuminate your unit, but they quickly fail. It is better to make a headlight from a device on five-watt LEDs, which consume electricity economically, shine brightly and far away.

Other types of machines

You can also assemble an ATV from a walk-behind tractor, however, this unit does not develop ultra-high speed, but in terms of maneuverability and cross-country ability it is not inferior to its branded "brother". Landing in a homemade ATV remains traditional, not motorcycle. Wheels are used from any car.

Worth mentioning interesting homemade called Karakat. The strength of the car lies in its large wheels, which are ordinary autotubes, pulled together with strong belts.

Home-made disks are put on karakat, modifying standard automobile ones. A very original disk is also installed on a light walk-behind tractor. To do this, two aluminum basins are connected along the contour, after cutting the bottom to fit the size of the hub, stiffeners and side stops are mounted to fix the camera.

With external clumsiness, the karakat has high maneuverability and stability. It not only can easily overcome swampy lowlands, but is capable of carrying a significant load (up to 100 kg).

Pros and cons of a homemade snowmobile

You can buy snowmobile equipment in the store, but many continue to create such machines with their own hands. This is due to the fact that homemade vehicles have some advantages over finished products.

Main advantages:

  1. Low cost. It is precisely because of the price that many do not buy ready-made models, but create snowmobile equipment from a motor unit themselves. If we compare the cost of finished devices, then their price can be 10 times more expensive than a home-made design.
  2. Ability to select options. Some homemade designs are more powerful than branded popular snowmobiles.
  3. Reliability. Snowmobile equipment, even from branded manufacturers, often breaks down during use. For their own all-terrain vehicle, people choose only high-quality materials.

Source: https://bibiauto.club/sovets/poleznoe/snegohod-iz-motobloka.html

Homemade snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor on caterpillars

A caterpillar snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor is perfect for moving through a snowy forest, overgrown bumps, and frozen swamps. The machine is made during the summer, using simple tools: a jigsaw for metal, an electric drill, a chisel and a hammer, welding, etc. You will also need electric welding. Bearings can be purchased at a car dealership, and shaft ends can be ordered at a workshop.

Do-it-yourself caterpillar snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor

For the manufacture of a caterpillar snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor, simple materials are used. The frame is made of stamped channels and square tubes. For the manufacture of shafts, round water and gas pipes are used. The engine was used from the Neva walk-behind tractor.

In appearance, the snowmobile came out a little rough. But after conducting winter tests, good driving performance: speed, permeability. It is also light and compact, and in terms of fuel consumption it is quite economical. The original design assumed an asymmetrical engine layout. This gave a number of advantages: during maintenance - good access to the engine; convenient start and gear shift; redirecting the chain drive directly to the track drive shaft.

But during the tests, when moving on loose snow, when a turn was made, the snowmobile often fell over. Because of this circumstance, it was decided to place the engine in the center of the front of the snowmobile.

The design has been finalized, and especially the front of the frame. An intermediate shaft was also installed, which transmitted torque from the engine to the caterpillar.

In addition, modernization was carried out, which improved the driving performance, comfort and reliability of the snowmobile.

How to make a snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor

The scheme of drive units and the frame of a homemade snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor:

  • homemade frame (1);
  • second countershaft sprocket with 17 teeth (2);
  • intermediate shaft (3);
  • the first countershaft sprocket, 21 teeth (4);
  • track driven sprocket, 37 teeth(5);
  • track drive sprocket, 8 teeth (6); caterpillar drive shaft (7);
  • two support ski racks, made of steel pipe 32x4 (8);
  • two tension rollers caterpillars (9);
  • idler axle made of steel pipe (10);
  • hitch (11); tensioner (12);
  • four drum flanges made of steel sheet (13);
  • four track drive sprocket flanges made of sheet steel (14);
  • steering puff (15).

In order to place the engine with the subframe in the center of the front of the frame, a platform was welded there, in which holes were prepared for the "legs" of the subframe. Similar holes are made in the traverse. The holes in the "legs" of the subframe were converted into longitudinal slots in order to tension the drive chain when the engine is moved.

The seatpost frame has also been redesigned and moved back a little. Thanks to this, the engine is started on the handle. A big plus was the presence of a forced cooling motoblock on the engine. I used this to direct the air heated by the engine cooling to the carburetor. The gas tank was also moved to the body. It is installed there on racks in the corner, for supplying gasoline to the carburetor by gravity through a long hose.

Moving the engine to the center of the car, led to increased stability. Thanks to this, the track of the steering skis was reduced to 950 mm, which led to an improvement in the maneuverability of the snowmobile.

After the intermediate shaft was installed, the angular speed was reduced due to the increase in torque. The speed of the snowmobile was slightly reduced, but the traction characteristics were significantly increased. Now the snowmobile is able to carry two riders with cargo, and pull a light sled with luggage. The drive sprockets of the caterpillar mover were also replaced with the same smaller diameter ones.

Scheme of the steering rack of a snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor

  • Steering rack diagram:
  • front traverse of the frame (1);
  • rack made of steel pipe (2);
  • steering wheel support (3) made from a 25x25 corner;
  • steering shaft made of steel pipe (4);
  • crossbar made of steel pipe 28x28 (5);
  • bipod (6); bronze washer (7);
  • support sleeve with angle (8);
  • nut, type M10 (9).

It was this small improvement that led to an improvement in the snowmobile's patency. There was a lifting of the sprocket above the supporting ski. As a result, the caterpillar reaches the upper layers of snow much easier, and it also overcomes bumps, sastrugi, etc. more confidently.

Scheme of the intermediate shaft assembly of a snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor

Scheme of the intermediate shaft assembly:

  • seat support made of steel (1);
  • frame cross member made of steel pipe 28x28 (2);
  • stand made of steel pipe 18x18 (3);
  • a traverse made from a 45x25 corner (4);
  • jib made of steel plate 40x5 (5);
  • two bearings 204 in the housing (6);
  • steel intermediate shaft made of pipe 27x3 (7);
  • first sprocket with 21 teeth (8);
  • frame spar (9);
  • second sprocket with 17 teeth (10);
  • rubber casing (11).

Checking the snowmobile before the upgrade revealed that the sprocket teeth frequently hit the wooden track. Therefore, it was decided to cut off all the teeth, making them rollers. After the upgrade, the caterpillar moves from skis to rollers smoothly, silently and without crackling. The tension mechanism has also been improved: now it has become a screw.

Scheme of the caterpillar block of a homemade snowmobile

Scheme of the caterpillar block:

  • made of steel bar, two ties with M8 nut (1);
  • track block drive sprocket (2);
  • caterpillar drive shaft (3);
  • tensioner and roller (4 and 5);
  • track made of rail (6);
  • spar homemade frame (7);
  • driven sprocket of the caterpillar shaft (8);
  • supporting ski (9);
  • support ski suspension bracket made from a channel (10);
  • bolts: M8 and M6 (11 and 12.13);
  • brass guide (14);
  • screw (15);
  • support ski sole (16);
  • fastening of the bearing housing (17);
  • idler axle (18).

We did not forget about the alteration of the caterpillar. The number of tracks was increased to 33, and the distance between them was reduced to 38 mm. The dimensions of the tracks are 500x38x18 mm. To ensure the accuracy of mounting the tracks, a slipway template was assembled. This made it possible to avoid distortions.

The front steering skis have also been upgraded. From above, they were reinforced with spars. Springs have been introduced into the suspension of the skis, which allows the snowmobile to go smoothly on the snow crust. This increased the life of the skis and frame. A handle was attached to the body pillar, for the convenience of pulling out a stuck snowmobile. For the same purpose, a similar handle was attached to the wads.

To protect the tie rods from damage in the event of a collision with snow-covered stumps or other obstacles, a protective bumper was installed under the tie rods.

After cleaning all the external parts from rust and painting, the snowmobile got a pretty good look. Given the excellent performance when driving, it has become an indispensable assistant in the winter season.

During cold weather, transport on two wheels becomes irrelevant, and it is sometimes impossible to drive in the snowy expanses even by car. What to do in a situation if there is no money to buy transport more adapted to the harsh winter?

In this case, you can make a homemade snowmobile. Winter vehicles are most often equipped with a caterpillar drive, steering skis are installed in front. The snowmobile has high cross-country ability, light weight (70-80 kg), which allows it to drive both on valuable snow and on well-packed snow-covered roads. It is easy to drive this vehicle, and the developed speed is low. So riding a snowmobile in the countryside in winter is not only convenient, but also safe.

Features of homemade snowmobiles

A huge number of companies are engaged in the sale of snowmobiles in the CIS. But their prices are high even for families with decent incomes. If you don't want to pay extra money for advertising and are a hardworking and creative person, then try making a homemade snowmobile.

A self-made self-propelled gun costs 7-10 times cheaper than the cheapest factory-made models.

The success of your own snowmobile production depends on several factors:

  • your personal skill;
  • your engineering and design thinking;
  • the presence of parts and assemblies from other snowmobiles, motorcycles and other things.

It should be borne in mind that riding a snowmobile, like any vehicle, is associated with increased danger. Despite the fact that home-made devices, as a rule, are not capable of reaching speeds of more than 15 km / h, the quality of parts, welding, and bolting of elements should be approached with all seriousness. The issue of operational safety and reliability of the final unit should be the main one for any person who intends to build a snowmobile with his own hands.


Before proceeding with the manufacture of a snowmobile, it is necessary to calculate the main parameters of the apparatus. If you are a bit of a design engineer, then it is appropriate to make a drawing of the unit. In principle, all snowmobiles are arranged in the same way and simply. Your task is to make a reliable device in the model and likeness of all other variants of this class of vehicle.

What is required for manufacturing:

  1. Pipe for the frame, for pendants and other frame elements.

Experimentally, it was found that the optimal pipe diameter is 40 mm. If you are using a profile, then 25 x 25 mm will suffice. Wall thickness - 2 mm. With smaller parameters, the resistance of the device to deformations will be reduced. For large ones, the car will become heavier, which, accordingly, will affect the already not brilliant driving characteristics.

  1. Wheels with rubber on the axle.

Wheels from ATVs (small models with a wheel diameter of 30-40 cm), some carts, etc. will do. In total, 2 axles with 2 wheels on each are required.

  1. V-belts or conveyor belt.

The main element of the "caterpillars". The optimal thickness is 3 mm. This is enough for stability and wear resistance.

  1. PVC pipes.

Of these, lugs are made - the second element of the "caterpillars". The optimal diameter is 40 mm with a wall thickness of 5 mm.

  1. Propulsion system.

As a rule, they use the engine, carburetor, fuel tank from a motorcycle.

  1. transmission mechanism.

As a rule, they use stars and a chain from a motorcycle, stars from snowmobiles. Drive shaft from any unit, suitable in size.

  1. Guide skis.

It is optimal to take skis from another snowmobile. Since this element should be as reliable as possible, designed for the load of the unit itself, plus the driver and possible passengers.

  1. Steering wheel.

As a rule, they use a steering wheel from a motorcycle, respectively, with a throttle handle and a cable.

  1. Platform, seat, body.

In principle, you can do without a platform by attaching the seat(s) and the body (optional) directly to the frame. But sometimes an additional platform is constructed on the frame, for example, from wooden boards, which provide slight depreciation, allow you to place several seats, and at the same time slightly burden the structure.

  1. shock absorbers.

This element adds additional complexity to the design. Therefore, they often do without it, especially if it is supposed to drive on unpacked snow. Depreciation is installed on the front suspension and the driver's seat. You can take from an old snowmobile or from a motorcycle.

  1. Small parts.

In addition to those listed above, other standard parts will be required to make a snowmobile: bolts, studs, nuts, hinges.

How to do: instruction

First, the frame is cooked - the frame. Obviously, the larger the frame, the heavier the apparatus will turn out and the slower it will move. The optimal frame length is 2 m plus / minus.

On the frame are sequentially fixed:

  • drive shaft with a host star;
  • power plant with a transmitting star and a gas tank;
  • front wheel axle (fixed fastening to the frame by welding or bolts);
  • rear wheel axle (fixed fixed with a movable guide element);
  • front suspension with steering structure and guide ski(s);
  • seat(s) and body.

Caterpillars are made from drive V-belts or a conveyor belt. The optimal width of the tracks is from 40 to 50 cm. With a smaller width (40), the snowmobile will be more maneuverable and better controlled. With a larger (50+) - the patency of the device improves.

The function of the lugs is performed by PVC pipes sawn in half along the diameter indicated above. They are attached to the rubber base with bolts and nuts. Insufficient width V-belts can be fastened together with metal grousers.

In order to be able to adjust the track tension, the rear wheel axle is mounted with a movable guide element, which allows the axle to be fixed in a certain position.

Additional notes:

  1. The center of gravity should be approximately at the center of the structure. Since the power plant is mounted in front, the driver's seat should be centered over the front axle or slightly shifted to the rear.
  2. Distance between drive shaft and power plant should be minimal in order to minimize the loss of energy transmitted to the shaft.
  3. If you install a shock absorber under the seat, then the front seat support is fixed rigidly on the profile arc, and the rear seat rests on the shock absorber.
  4. If you are making a snowmobile with the expectation of a large load, then to remove some of the weight from the tracks, it is advisable to install an additional ski in the middle of the base (between the two tracks). This ski, 50-70 cm long, is attached directly to the frame. However, this design involves a more accurate preliminary calculation with subsequent alignment of the height of the "legs", which complicates the manufacture of the snowmobile.
  5. It is desirable to maintain a low pressure in snowmobile tires to avoid rapid wear of parts and high fuel consumption.

The considered version of the snowmobile is the simplest in design. With tools, a welding machine, it can be assembled in the garage without problems.

Do-it-yourself caterpillar can be made by any master. If you have been thinking about how to make a caterpillar for a long time, then you should read the recommendations presented. To carry out the work, you can use a variety of tools and materials. It is permissible, of course, to use, if necessary, a caterpillar that was produced in a factory. But it will cost much more than if you do it yourself. The article will present several options for making caterpillars, one of which you can choose for yourself.

A simple way to make a caterpillar

Do-it-yourself caterpillar can be made using the simplest technology. This will take you the minimum amount of time. The caterpillar mover can be made on the basis of a bush-roller chain, as well as a conveyor belt. To carry out the work, you need to prepare some set of special tools or equipment. In order to extend the life of the tape, it is recommended to sew its edges with a fishing line, strengthening it at a distance of 1 cm. It is necessary to use the principle that seamstresses use to overcast the edges of the fabric, which will protect the tape from damage.

A do-it-yourself caterpillar can be made by conjugating elements into a single ring, this can be done in several ways. So, it is permissible to use a hinge like a piano loop, you can also use a less reliable method, which involves sewing on the ends of the tape. It is important to consider that the thickness of the tape must be chosen, which corresponds to the power of the motor. If you intend to use a motorcycle engine domestic production, then you can use a tape whose thickness is 10 mm, similar to that used on agricultural conveyors.

If the caterpillar with your own hands is made using this technology, then you will not have to spend a lot of effort. Despite the fact that such a caterpillar model is made quite simply, it has a long service life and a long resource.

Making caterpillars from car tires

You can make a caterpillar yourself using car tires. To carry out the work, it is necessary to pick up tires borrowed from trucks, it is recommended to use a suitable tread pattern, and you will spend less effort when working with the tire. The manufacture of such a caterpillar must be carried out by cutting out the sides from the tire, while leaving room for the treadmill. It is worth considering that this work is quite laborious and involves the application of a large amount of patience and strength, and it is necessary to use an exceptionally well-sharpened shoe knife.

In order for less effort to be expended in the manufacture of a caterpillar for a car with your own hands, it is possible from time to time to wet the blade using a soapy solution. As an alternative solution, you can use a device designed for cutting, it is also acceptable to use an electric jigsaw. On the latter, you first need to fix a file with small teeth, the file must also be pre-moistened with water, in the process of work, such manipulations must be performed periodically.

Work technology

Do-it-yourself caterpillars for a car should be made using a technology that involves the initial removal of the bead from the tires, after which, if necessary, you need to remove the extra layers that are located on the wrong side of the formed ring, this is necessary if the track has increased hardness. If the tread pattern is not suitable, then you need to cut a new structure, which will be necessary in order for the structure to be able to cling to the soil.

A do-it-yourself caterpillar for a snowmobile, made according to the above scheme, will have many advantages, even if compared with the above option. This is due to the fact that it has a closed loop, which indicates reliability. But there are also disadvantages, one of which is expressed in the limited width of the caterpillar, but if there is a need, then a double width can be applied.

Making caterpillars from belts

The next version of the caterpillar is especially attractive because in the process of carrying out the work you will not have to spend extra effort. Before starting, it is necessary to prepare belts that have a wedge-shaped profile. They have to be joined together using soil hooks, which are fixed with screws, as an alternative solution, rivets can be used. The result is a do-it-yourself caterpillar for a snowmobile, which has holes designed for the drive sprocket. In order to form holes, it will be necessary to leave some space between the straps.

Another option for making a caterpillar

Before you make a caterpillar with your own hands, you need to choose the technology for the work. You can also use the method below. The frame of the propellers can be welded using pipes that have a rectangular cross section. It is recommended to connect them using a frame, this will make the design collapsible. The spline part can be borrowed from Buran, this will make it possible to make drive shafts, they need to be welded to the spline part of the shafts, which are borrowed from Oka. It will be necessary to use brake discs. Working on the front shafts, you need to install brakes on them. Some part of the gearbox housing needs to be cut off. Making a caterpillar with your own hands will not only save money, but also move around a snowy area without any problems. This design can be used for a long time without the need for repairs.

In regions with heavy snowfalls in winter, it is not advisable to use two-wheeled vehicles. But a car is not always needed. In such cases, a snowmobile comes to the rescue, but this mode of transport is expensive. If you wish, you can make a snowmobile with your own hands, and there are many ways to do this.

How to make a snowmobile

You can make a snowmobile from different vehicles that are in the garage.

From a motorcycle

You can make a snowmobile out of a motorcycle using different models. The most popular are IZH and Ural. The advantage of this alteration is that no special changes need to be made. With good preservation of the funds, you can even leave your native frame.

The conversion technology is as follows:

  1. From metal pipes or appropriate corners, make a rectangular frame. Its optimal dimensions are 150 * 43.5 cm.
  2. In addition to the IZH motorcycle, it is necessary to make a steering beam. It is made from metal corners. Optimal dimensions— 50*50*5 mm. Additionally, the beam is sheathed with metal plates.
  3. After that, it can be installed horizontally on the drilling machine. Process the junction. Do the same with the frame. In these places, you need to make special grooves for secure fixation. In addition, attach a corner to the front frame.
  4. Now you can attach the motorcycle seat.
  5. You need to make holes in the spars.
  6. Between the front and middle part of the frame, it is necessary to place a channel to strengthen the structure.
  7. Regardless of whether a snowmobile is made from the Ural or another motorcycle model, it is necessary to select a caterpillar sprocket and a rubber band in advance. The optimal dimensions are 220 * 30 cm with a thickness of not more than 1 cm.
  8. Before installation, it is recommended to sheathe the caterpillar with nylon, which will allow the material not to delaminate during operation.
  9. Now you can move on to the transmission. It consists of two parts. First - front axle, is leading. It is made from a tubular shaft, caterpillar sprocket and roller. Second - rear axle. It is made from a caterpillar drum and a tubular shaft.
  10. You need to finish the process of making a snowmobile by welding sheet metal skis.

When converting a motorcycle to a snowmobile, it is important not to change the steering system. In the final product, this part must perform its original functions.

The principles of rework are the same, they do not depend on the model of transport. But a snowmobile from a Ural motorcycle will be heavier.

From Zhiguli

The design of the car is characterized by simplicity, ease of control and high maneuverability. For manufacturing, you need to follow the instructions:

  1. Frame assembly. It is better to make it from pipes. The frame consists of a front and a central beam (steel pipes with a diameter of 5 cm), two lower diagonal elements (bent pipes with a diameter of 3 cm) and a rear strut. Welding is used to fix the elements.
  2. Installation of steering columns. To do this, two bushings must be placed on the front beam.
  3. Half shaft fixing. It is located on the rear frame, you first need to weld the body under it. It is made from a metal pipe with a diameter of 6 cm. Fix the axle shafts with bushings and electric rivets.
  4. Installing the engine from the car. First you need to make the front and rear fasteners on the central beam of the frame. First they need to be placed on the engine itself, and only then welded to the frame.
  5. V homemade snowmobile you can install large diameter wheels or sheet metal skis. In the first case, the rear and front wheels must be connected in pairs with a metal pipe. At the same time, make grooves for the bearings in the hub, which are subsequently fixed with spring rings. Additionally, install a spacer between the bearings.
  6. On each wheel, install an asterisk depending on the expected maximum speed. This snowmobile can be used at any time of the year. For a snowy winter, a design is suitable in which the front wheels are replaced with skis.
  7. Steering system installation. It is taken whole from a car, for example, from Zaporozhets, or a motorcycle. The choice depends on personal preference. In the first case, gas, clutch and brake pedals are additionally installed. The gearbox is controlled by a lever and a rigid link.
  8. Installing the cabin of a snowmobile, the role of which is performed by the body of the car.
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