Safety instructions for electric car drivers. Industrial transport. Operation of electric cars. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work


1. Electric forklifts used for transport on streets and roads comply with the Law for motorized Vehicle and the rules for its use.

On every email The loader must be supplied with an internal factory number.-

Every email the forklift must be assigned to a specific driver who is responsible for correct operation and keeping it in good working order.

4 If there are goods that require special attention (during loading, unloading and transportation), it is necessary for the immediate supervisor to give additional instructions.


5. It is prohibited to work with a faulty electric forklift. Taking email The driver must inspect the loader that he will operate in accordance with the operating and maintenance instructions and make sure that it is in full working order. Work on electric power is prohibited. forklifts with faulty brakes, sound and light alarms and reflectors. Do not operate the electric forklift with wet or oily hands.

Before entering a workshop, warehouse or other workplace, the driver must ensure that the environment is not explosive or fire hazardous. The use of email is prohibited. for loaders in explosion or fire hazardous areas.


9. The driver must not handle loads exceeding the rated load capacity.

10. The driver should not increase the load capacity of the electric vehicle. loader by adding additional counterweight or lifting people onto the counterweight.

11 The driver must transport or handle only properly installed and stacked or palletized loads.

12. The driver must not allow people to climb onto the electric vehicle. loader.

13.Electronic movement Loaded or unloaded forklifts are operated at a safe speed.

15.It is prohibited to stand under a fork or work attachment.

16.Picking up the load. the loader should be carried out by the forks that are as far apart as possible from each other and symmetrically located.

17. Before moving electric. loader from a place with or without load, the lifting device must be installed in the transport position - the frame is tilted back and the fork teeth are at a transport height of 300 mm above the ground.

18. Avoid sudden braking, especially when electric. loader with a load, in order to avoid electrical discharge. loader from a state of balance and loss of loads.

19.When transporting oversized cargo, the driver must make sure that the height and width of the passages (roads) are sufficient for free passage.

2O. When transporting bulky cargo that interferes with visibility in forward gear, the driver must drive in reverse.

If for one reason or another this is not possible, the movement is carried out slowly in forward motion with the help of a person showing the driver the way.

21. When using el. When using a forklift to transport bulk cargo that produces dust, the driver must wear safety glasses.

22. When moving with a load suspended on a removable device, measures must be taken to ensure that the load does not swing or rotate.

23.Bulky loads with a small support area should be transported by first securing them to an electric device. loader.

24.Before switching from forward to reverse or vice versa, the driver must stop the electric drive. loader.

25.When moving electric. forklift with a load on a slope, the load should be directed towards the top of the slope.

a) the required clearance for the forks is not provided under the load;

b) the handbrake is not applied;

c) the load is incorrectly positioned in accordance with its load diagram indicated on the plate;

d) the load is not balanced and not secured against movement;

e) there are people near or under the load.

27. The driver should not leave his email. loader with a raised load.

28.Electronic driver The forklift must comply with the following stacking rules:

a) the stacking area must be horizontal;

b) lifting of a vertical carriage with a load must be carried out with the electric motor stopped or locked with brakes. loader;

c) movement of electric The loader must be operated slowly until the load is in place.

29. It is prohibited to lift those frozen to the ground, overwhelmed or with an unspecified weight of cargo.

30. The driver is prohibited from using open fire when checking the electrolyte level.

31.Before starting work, the electric driver. the loader must check that the caps are screwed in batteries and close the lid over it.

32. The ventilation holes of the battery plugs are cleaned daily, every time the batteries are charged.

33.The top of the battery cells must always be kept dry. Terminals and cable lugs must be clean, lubricated with Vaseline and well tightened.

34. It is prohibited to work on exposed conductive parts and battery poles without using protective equipment against electrical damage. electric shock

35. It is prohibited to use batteries that have cracks or leaking electrolyte.

Zb. The use of electric power is prohibited. forklift with pneumatic tires that have cracks or worn tread patterns.


37. At the end of work, the driver must leave his email. loader in a designated parking area, clean it and write down any malfunctions noticed in a notebook.

38. Before leaving email. The driver of the loader must set all control levers to the zero position.

39. If the el. is damaged. The driver of the forklift must immediately stop it, secure it against unintentional movement and, if he cannot eliminate the damage himself, seek the assistance of a responsible technical person.

40. In the case when automatic charging stations are used, the batteries are connected to the rectifier by the driver himself, after appropriate training.

41. Before charging the battery, the ventilation caps are unscrewed, and when charging them electrically. its cover is removed from the loader.

42. The condition of the battery is checked with a voltmeter with the rectifier turned off. Checking by creation of K.Z.

43. Accession and disconnecting the battery from the electric the forklift is only allowed after the charging current has been switched off.


44. Mounting and dismantling of pneumatic rims and inflating tires is carried out at a place designated for this purpose. When inflating a tire, people should not stand in front of it.

45. Pumping and installation pneumatic tires on removed wheels must be carried out using a special safety device.

46. ​​Dismantling of the pneumatic tire is carried out after how all the air will be released from it, using serviceable and suitable tools.

47. Each work site must be available first aid kit The first aid kit at the gas station should contain bicarbonate of soda and a 3% solution of tartaric acid.

48. In the event of an accident, provide assistance or self-help to the victim, if necessary, assist in transporting the victim to the nearest medical center or call a doctor, reporting the incident to the work manager. Observe the situation on site
the incident as it was at the time of the incident, if this does not threaten the health of others.

49. If a fire occurs, raise the alarm, report to your work supervisor, and take measures to eliminate the fire using fire extinguishing equipment.

50. Electric driver a loader who creates an emergency situation and violates the requirements of these instructions is liable in accordance with the established procedure.

This labor safety instruction for the driver of an electric forklift is available for free viewing and downloading.


1.1. Men and women who are at least 18 years of age, medically fit, trained in a program for electric forklift drivers, have passed an exam and have a certificate to drive a forklift are allowed to work as an electric forklift driver.
1.2. At the workplace, the employee receives initial instruction on occupational safety and undergoes:
— internship on this vehicle under supervision experienced driver;
— testing of knowledge in the scope of Group II on electrical safety, theoretical knowledge and acquired skills safe ways work.
An employee allowed to carry out transportation and movement work liquefied gases in pressure cylinders, explosive, flammable and other dangerous and harmful substances (acids, alkalis, etc.), must undergo special labor safety training and have a certificate for the right to perform work with increased danger.
1.3. While working, the employee goes through:
— testing knowledge of labor protection requirements once a year;
— testing knowledge on electrical safety for electrical personnel in the scope of group 3 on electrical safety — annually;
— hygienic training with passing a test (for food packaging) — once every 2 years;
- periodic medical examination.
1.4. Repeated training in the workplace on labor protection is carried out at least once every 6 months according to approved programs.
1.5. An employee may be exposed to hazardous and harmful production factors (moving machines and mechanisms, moving parts of handling equipment, collapsing stacks of stored goods; low air temperature in the work area; increased level vibrations; increased air mobility; increased voltage in the electrical circuit; increased level of static electricity; insufficient illumination of the work area; sharp edges, burrs on the surfaces of equipment and tools; neuropsychic overload).
1.6. The employee must be provided with personal protective equipment in accordance with the standards approved by the Company.
1.7. To ensure fire and explosion safety, do not drive a forklift with an explosive design into premises where there is a danger of explosion or fire. Clean in metal boxes Used cleaning materials (oiled ends, rags, etc.) with tight lids.
1.8. Persons who fail to comply with or violate instructions on labor protection are subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and internal labor regulations and, if necessary, are subject to an extraordinary test of knowledge of labor protection norms and rules.


2.1. Before starting work using an electric forklift, you must check:
— fastening control levers; state brake system. The brakes are considered to be in good condition if the loader with the working load stops at the following distance from the start of braking, m: 2.0 - at a loader speed of 10 km/h, 1.5 - 7 km/h, 1.0 - 3 km/h;
- availability and serviceability fuses;
— serviceability of the forklift (no damage to the chains, correct attachment to the frame and carriage of the forklift, etc.). Make sure that the lifting and tilting mechanisms work when moving without a load;
— serviceability of the electric lock;
— wheel mounting, tire condition (pressure in pneumatic tires);
- work sound signal and light signaling (lighting);
— electrolyte level in the battery;
— serviceability of batteries. The battery cover must fit tightly to the housing.
2.2. Periodically inspect and lubricate the steering mechanism, rubbing parts of the controller, brake levers, etc. Check the controller at least once every five days.
2.3. Check that the workplace meets the following requirements:
— absence of foreign objects;
— the seat and backrest should not have torn places, protruding springs, dips, sharp corners, the floor in the workplace should be in good condition and covered with a rubber mat.
2.4. It is prohibited to perform work on an electric forklift with the following recorded defects:
— unadjusted and faulty brakes;
- faulty sound and light signals;
— cracks in the welding seams of the forklift frame and carriage, forks, etc.:
— chains with defects or wear in excess of the established rejection standards;
— noise, crackling, grinding in the hydraulic system of the loader;
— weakening of counterweight fastenings and their incompleteness;
— leaks in oil pipeline connections, hydraulic systems and batteries;
— loosening of the fastening of the load chains to the frame and carriage of the forklift;
— non-rotation of at least one roller of the frame and carriage;
— loosening of the sprockets of the load chains;
— unreliable fastening of cylinder pins;
- low pressure in tires, presence of through punctures and damage to the cord;
- other malfunctions.


3.1. Work on moving cargo should be carried out under the direction of the official at whose disposal the loader is allocated.
3.2. When driving, follow the traffic rules for drivers. Operate the loader on work sites with a hard and level surface, cleared of snow and ice in winter, and sprinkled with sand in case of ice.
3.3. Observe the established driving speeds depending on the condition of the road surface and the nature of the work being performed. Reduce speed at intersections pedestrian paths, at the exits and entrances to production premises.
3.4. Do not exceed the speed of 5 km/h on the territory of the Company; in narrow, cluttered places, indoors and on turns, when moving past gates, doors, stacks - 3 km/h.
3.5. When meeting pedestrians along the route, warn them with a signal, being at a distance of at least 5 m; If pedestrians do not leave the road, stop the forklift.
3.6. When transporting cargo without containers, make sure that the cargo is securely placed on the fork and does not touch the surface of the travel path.
3.7. Sound a warning signal before moving forward or backward, lifting or lowering a load, and in all cases where there is a possibility of an unexpected collision with a person.
3.8. When feeding the loader in reverse, especially in narrow passages, first make sure that nothing is blocking traffic.
3.9. Keep your distance to avoid being hit by a sudden stop. The distance to the vehicle ahead must be at least 10 m, and on slopes - at least 20 m.
3.10. Take into account the dimensions of the opening when entering and exiting through gates and doors.
3.11. Keep the key to the main switch and the controller box with you, and do not give the key to unauthorized persons.
3.12. Constantly monitor the condition of the batteries and prevent them from being discharged below acceptable standards.
3.13. Constantly monitor the braking system, use the brake as little as possible, and turn off the engine in advance.
3.14. Before going into reverse, you must give a signal and brake the loader until it comes to a complete stop.
3.15. Transport cargo across rail tracks at a railway crossing with the barrier raised and the traffic light signal permitting.
3.16. Approach the loading (unloading) place in first gear, do not brake sharply in icy or wet conditions, slippery road.
3.17. Use a fork to drive under the container or load at low speed, position the forks so that the load is positioned evenly relative to them.
3.18. Carefully move the forks of the load gripper under the pallet. Do not simultaneously lift and slide the pallet out of the rack cell, and vice versa.
3.19. Place long loads using twin forklifts under the supervision of a designated person.
3.20. Grasp the load with a fork when tilting the frame “away from you”, lift the load - when tilting the frame “towards you”.
3.21. Tilt the fork with the load slowly, smoothly moving the control lever.
3.22. Pick up and leave the load only if there is sufficient clearance under the load, allowing free entry and exit of the fork.
3.23. Before lifting and lowering the load, first inspect the place from where the load will be lifted and where it will be placed.
3.24. Lifting and storing cargo must be carried out on the condition that the loader is standing on a flat horizontal surface.
3.25. Lift and transport loads in accordance with the machine's lifting capacity and table permissible loads on the forks of the electric forklift, depending on the position of the load’s center of gravity.
3.26. Drive a loaded loader when descending a slope of more than 3 degrees. only in reverse and at low speed.
3.27. When transporting cargo, lift it to a height of no more than 200 - 300 mm from the track surface, and do not tilt the lift completely towards itself.
3.28. Be careful when transporting cargo in narrow passages, do not touch stacks of cargo when turning.
3.29. Place the forklift before lifting and lowering the load. parking brake.
3.30. Place boxes in a stack one at a time or in ready-made packages.
3.31. During work it is prohibited:
- work on the machine with the shield covering the panel with electrical equipment removed and the battery box cover removed;
— place the load above the protective device that protects the driver’s workplace from the load falling;
— place loads with a crane directly onto the gripping device of the loader;
— lift and move cargo using only one grip of the loader;
— touch uninsulated, damaged wires and electrical distribution devices, do not run over electrical wires lying on the ground;
— lower the load onto gas and steam pipelines, electrical cables, temporary ceilings;
— lift and transport cargo whose mass is unknown, lift jammed and frozen cargo;
— lift, lower and transport people on the forklift;
— allow the presence of people under the lifted load;
- transport goods in faulty containers, boxes upside down, on the side or end walls;
- drive on slopes over 14 degrees. and allow sudden braking of the loader;
— work near and under power lines;
— be and drive under a raised load;
— leave the forklift turned on, place it in places where vehicles move and on the road surface railway;
— leave the control station with a raised load. If you need to leave the forklift, then: lower the forks, remove the key from the electric lock, put the forklift on the parking brake.
3.32. Stop work if for any reason the carriage of the moving mechanism stops moving along the slides and the fork does not lower or rise, and inform the person in charge of the forklift. The driver himself is not allowed to fix these malfunctions.
3.33. If the loader loses its stable position (when the rear wheels begin to lift off the ground), immediately lower the load down.


4.1. In the event of a fire, immediately stop work, turn off electrical equipment, call the fire department, inform the immediate supervisor and administration of the organization, and take measures to evacuate the premises. When extinguishing a fire, it is necessary to use primary fire extinguishing means and take part in the evacuation of people. When electrical equipment catches fire, use only carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers.
4.2. In the event of an injury, the sorter must stop working, notify his immediate supervisor and call emergency medical care or go to a medical facility.
4.3. In case of electric shock, it is necessary to free the victim from the action of the current by immediately turning off the electrical installation with a switch or circuit breaker. If it is impossible to turn off the electrical installation quickly enough, it is necessary to free the victim using dielectric gloves, and you must also ensure that you do not become energized yourself. After releasing the victim from the action of the current, it is necessary to assess his condition and call an ambulance doctor. medical care and until the doctor arrives, provide first aid.
4.4. If a breakdown or malfunction of the electric forklift occurs that threatens the safety of the driver or the safety of surrounding people (especially if the brake, steering and sound signal are faulty), immediately stop working and notify your immediate supervisor or official at whose disposal the forklift is assigned.


5.1. Place the forklift in its parking area.
5.2. Lower the forks or work attachment to the lower position.
5.3. Set the parking brake on the forklift.
5.4. Open the plug connector and remove the special key from the socket of the operating circuit switch.
5.5. Inspect the loader to prepare for the next working day (clean it of dirt, dust, check the bolts are fastened, there are no oil leaks from the hydraulic system, etc.). If necessary, tighten the bolts, tighten the oil seals of the frame lift and tilt cylinders, etc.
5.6. Take off special clothing, wash your hands, and, if possible, take a shower.

Chapter 1. General requirements for labor protection

1. Persons who have reached the age of 18 and have passed:

relevant professional training, including on labor safety issues, having a certificate for the right to work as a forklift driver;

mandatory medical examination and found to be medically fit to operate a forklift;

introductory and initial training at the workplace;

knowledge testing in an amount not lower than the second group in electrical safety and must have an electrical safety certificate not lower than the second group;

internship and knowledge testing on labor protection issues.

Forklift drivers undergo repeated training on labor safety at least once every six months and an annual knowledge test on labor safety issues.

Books on certification of workplaces for working conditions in, "Bamboo" (Ukraine)

2. The forklift driver is obliged to:

comply with internal labor regulations;

perform only the work assigned by the immediate supervisor;

know and improve safe work methods;

comply with work technology, apply methods that ensure labor safety established in labor protection instructions, work projects, technological maps, and loader operating instructions;

use tools, devices, equipment for their intended purpose, and report their malfunction to the work manager;

know the location and be able to use primary fire extinguishing equipment;

immediately inform the work manager about any situation that threatens the life or health of workers and others, or an accident that occurred at work;

undergo appropriate theoretical and practical training and be able to provide pre-medical care to victims of accidents;

if necessary, ensure delivery (escort) of the victim to a health care facility;

observe the rules of personal hygiene;

in accordance with the nature of the work performed, correctly use the personal protective equipment provided to him, and in case of their absence or malfunction, notify his immediate supervisor.

3. The forklift driver must be provided with special clothing, shoes and other personal protective equipment (hereinafter referred to as PPE), in accordance with the Model Industry Standards for the free issuance of personal protective equipment, the forklift driver must be issued the following PPE.


Cotton suit 3Mi - 12 months.

Combined mittens Mi - until worn out

Leather boots MP – 12 months.

For outdoor work in winter additionally

Cotton jacket with insulating lining Tn – 36 months.

Cotton trousers with insulating lining Tn – 36 months.

Insulated tarpaulin boots SlTn30 - 24 months.

Insulated mittens Tn - until worn out

4. The forklift driver is prohibited from appearing at the workplace in a state of alcohol, narcotic or toxic intoxication, as well as drinking alcoholic beverages, using narcotic, toxic and psychotropic substances during working hours and at the place of work.

5. While working, the forklift driver may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful production factors:

moving machines and mechanisms, products, structures and materials moved by machines;

increased dust content in the air of the working area;

increased temperature of the surfaces of equipment and materials;

increased or decreased air temperature in the working area;

increased voltage of electrical current that can pass through the human body;

increased noise level in the workplace;

insufficient illumination of the workplace;

physical and neuropsychic overload.

6. Smoking is allowed only in specially equipped places. Smoking in undesignated places and the use of open fire in places where vehicles are refueled with fuel and oil are not allowed.

7. The forklift driver is prohibited from:

operate a forklift while sick or tired, under the influence of medications that reduce attention and reaction speed, as well as transfer control of the forklift to a person in such a state;

operate a forklift with a faulty brake system, faulty steering, faulty light and sound alarm devices;

operate a forklift that is not assigned to the driver;

leave your place or leave the forklift, unless measures are taken to prevent spontaneous movement of the forklift.

8. The assignment of the loader to the driver is formalized by order of the head of the organization.

9. The loader must be used in accordance with the technological documentation for the work (work projects, technological maps), which outlines safety measures and practices.

10. Reconstruction and repair of the loader, requiring changes to the design of the machine, must be carried out according to the design and technical specifications developed by the manufacturers of the road construction machine, the parent and specialized organizations that have a design license.

11. The forklift driver is obliged to assist and cooperate with the employer in ensuring healthy and safe working conditions, to immediately notify his immediate supervisor or other official of the employer about the malfunction of equipment, tools, devices, vehicles, protective equipment, or about a deterioration in his health.

12. For failure to follow these instructions, the forklift driver is liable in accordance with the law.

Chapter 2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

13. Check the serviceability of personal protective equipment necessary to perform the work, put on special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment.

14. Check the presence in the loader cabin of a fire extinguisher with sealed shut-off valves, a first aid kit, the boundaries of the danger zone, and a means of communication between the driver and the workers servicing the loader and drivers of other machines. Work zone at night it should be illuminated.

15. Perform shift maintenance and check:

fastening control levers;

condition of the brake system. Brakes are considered to be in good condition, if the loader with a working load stops at the following distance from the start of braking: 2.0 m - at a loader speed of 10 km/h; 1.5 m - at a speed of 7 km/h; 1.0 m - at a speed of 3 km/h;

presence and serviceability of fuses;

serviceability of the forklift (no damage to the chains, correct attachment to the frame and carriage of the forklift, etc.). Make sure that the lifting and tilting mechanisms work when moving without a load;

serviceability of the electric lock;

wheel mounting, tire condition (pressure in pneumatic tires);

operation of the sound signal and light alarm (lighting);

electrolyte level in the battery;

battery health. The battery cover must fit tightly to the housing.

16. Periodically inspect and lubricate the steering mechanism, controls, rubbing parts of the controller, brake levers, etc. Check the controller at least once every five days.

17. Check that the workplace meets the following requirements:

absence of foreign objects;

the seat and backrest should not have torn places, protruding springs, dips and sharp corners;

The floor in the workplace must be in good condition and covered with a rubber mat.

18. Check the compliance of the operating devices of the loaders (forks, hooks, buckets, etc.) with the technical documentation.

When transporting small or unstable loads, forklifts must be equipped with a safety frame or carriage to support the load during movement. Fork extensions must be equipped with latches or devices that securely secure them to the forks.

19. Forklifts with the following major defects are not allowed to operate:

unadjusted and faulty brakes;

faulty sound signals;

cracks in the welds of the forklift frame and carriage, forks, etc.;

chains with defects or wear beyond the established rejection standards;

noise, crackling, grinding in the hydraulic system of the loader;

weakening of counterweight fastenings and their incompleteness;

leaks in oil pipeline connections, hydraulic systems and batteries;

loosening of the attachment of load chains to the frame and carriage of the forklift;

lack of rotation of at least one roller of the frame and carriage;

loosening of the sprockets of the load chains;

unreliable fastening of cylinder pins;

low tire pressure, punctures and cord damage.

Chapter 3. Labor protection requirements when performing work

20. Before starting to move, the forklift driver must make sure that there are no workers on the route, give a warning signal and only then move off.

21. Particular care must be taken when reversing from a stop. If visibility or visibility is poor, you should use the help of a signalman, who should be appointed by the work manager.

23. There should be no paths for manual carrying and transportation of goods in the forklift operating area.

24. When driving, follow the traffic rules for drivers. Operate the loader on work sites with a hard and level surface, cleared of snow and ice in winter, and sprinkled with sand in case of ice.

25. During stacking (dismantling) of stacks of cargo by forklifts in the area of ​​their work, there should be no paths for manually carrying and transporting cargo, and no reloading work should be carried out.

26. Observe the established speeds depending on the condition of the road surface and the nature of the work being performed. Reduce speed at intersections of pedestrian paths, at exits and entrances to production premises.

27. Do not exceed the speed of 5 km/h on the territory of the enterprise; in narrow, cluttered places, indoors and on turns, when moving past gates, doors, stacks 3 km/h.

28. When meeting pedestrians along the route, warn them with a signal, being at a distance of at least 5 m; If pedestrians do not leave the road, stop the forklift.

29. When transporting cargo without containers, make sure that the cargo is securely placed on the fork and does not touch the surface of the travel path.

30. When reversing the loader, especially in narrow passages, first make sure that nothing is blocking the movement.

31. Maintain a distance to avoid being hit by a sudden stop. The distance to the vehicle ahead must be at least 10 m, and on slopes - at least 20 m.

32. Take into account the dimensions of the opening when entering and exiting through gates and doors.

33. Keep the key to the main switch and controller box with you, and do not give the key to unauthorized persons.

34. Constantly monitor the condition of the batteries and prevent them from being discharged below acceptable standards. Constantly monitor the braking system, use the brake as little as possible, and turn off the engine in advance.

35. Before going into reverse, you must brake the loader to a complete stop.

36. Approach the loading (unloading) place in first gear, do not brake sharply on ice and wet, slippery roads.

37. Approach the container or load with a fork at low speed, position the forks so that the load is positioned evenly relative to them. Carefully move the forks of the load gripper under the pallet. Do not simultaneously lift and slide the pallet out of the rack cell and vice versa. Place long loads using twin forklifts under the supervision of a designated person.

38. When placing cargo on a forklift, the following requirements must be observed:

the load must be placed on the fork in such a way that no overturning moment occurs; in this case, the load must be pressed against the lift frame;

the load must be placed evenly on both legs and can extend forward beyond the fork by no more than 1/3 of the length of the legs;

large cargo It is allowed to be placed above the protective device, but not more than one place.

39. Grasp the load with a fork when tilting the frame “away from you”, lift the load - when tilting the frame “towards you”. Tilt the fork with the load slowly, smoothly moving the control lever.

40. Pick up and leave a load only if there is sufficient clearance under the load, allowing free entry and exit of the fork. The gripping device must ensure a lifting height of the load from the ground of at least ground clearance loader and no more than 0.5 m for a loader with pneumatic tires and 0.25 m for a loader with truck tires.

41. When operating a boom loader, you must first lift the load and then transport it. It is prohibited to push the load off the stack or pull it up.

42. Before lifting and lowering the load, first inspect the place from where the load will be lifted and where it will be placed. Lifting and storing cargo must be carried out on the condition that the loader is standing on a flat horizontal surface.

43. Lift and transport cargo in accordance with the load capacity of the machine and the table of permissible loads on the forks of the electric forklift, depending on the position of the center of gravity of the load.

44. Drive a loaded loader when descending a slope of more than 3° only in reverse and at low speed. When transporting cargo, lift it to a height of no more than 200-300 mm from the track surface, and do not tilt the lift “toward” completely.

45. Be careful when transporting cargo in narrow passages, do not touch stacks of cargo when turning. Before entering a forklift into a narrow space between stacks, equipment, structural elements of buildings and structures, the driver must stop the forklift and make sure that there are no people in the area of ​​its operation.

Set the parking brake before lifting or lowering a load.

46. ​​Place boxes in a stack one at a time or in ready-made packages.

47. During work it is prohibited:

carry out preventive maintenance or repair of the loader with raised load-handling devices (without insurance);

work on the machine with the shield covering the panel with electrical equipment removed and the battery box cover removed;

place the load above the protective device that protects the driver’s workplace from falling loads;

place loads with a crane directly onto the forklift's gripping device;

lift and move cargo using only one grip of the loader;

touch uninsulated, damaged wires and electrical distribution devices, run over electrical wires lying on the ground;

lower the load onto gas and steam pipelines, electrical cables, temporary coverings;

lift and transport cargo whose mass is unknown, lift jammed and frozen cargo;

lift, lower and transport people on a forklift;

allow the presence of people under the lifted load; transport goods in faulty containers, boxes upside down, on the side or end walls;

drive onto slopes over 14° and allow sudden braking of the loader;

work near and under power lines;

be and drive under a raised load;

transport flammable liquids on electric forklifts, as well as acids if the battery is located under the loading platform;

leave the control station with a raised load.

If you need to leave the forklift, lower the forks, remove the key from the electric lock, put loader on the parking brake.

48. Stop work if for any reason the carriage of the moving mechanism stops moving along the slides and the fork does not lower or rise, and report this to the person in charge of the loader. The driver himself is not allowed to fix these malfunctions.

49. If the loader loses its stable position (when the rear wheels begin to lift off the ground), immediately lower the load down.

Chapter 4. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

50. Upon completion of work, the forklift driver is obliged to:

clean the loader from dirt and snow;

place the forklift in its parking place;

lower the forks to the lower position or change the working attachment;

put the loader on the parking brake;

open the plug connector and remove the special key from the socket of the operating circuit switch;

inform the work manager about any malfunctions noticed during work;

take off overalls and other personal protective equipment in a specially designated place;

perform hygiene procedures, wash your hands and face with warm water and soap, and take a shower if possible.

51. Washing your hands in oil, gasoline, kerosene and wiping them with contaminated rags is not allowed.

Chapter 5. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

52. Stop work if situations arise that could lead to an accident or accident.

53. If a fire occurs on the forklift, immediately stop it and begin extinguishing the fire using available fire extinguishing equipment.

54. If a fire occurs in the forklift parking area or on the territory of the organization, the forklift driver must:

take measures to ensure safety and evacuate people;

take measures to evacuate the forklift in accordance with the developed evacuation plan;

take measures to extinguish the fire using available fire extinguishing means. If electrical wires catch fire, it is necessary to take measures to disconnect them from the source and use carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers.

report the incident to the immediate supervisor;

If it is impossible to extinguish the fire using the available fire extinguishing means, call the fire department.

55. In case of an accident at work, you must:

quickly take measures to prevent the impact of traumatic factors on the victim, provide first aid to the victim, call medical workers to the scene of the incident;

report the incident to the person responsible for safe work performance or another official of the employer, ensure the safety of the situation before the investigation begins, if this does not pose a danger to the life and health of people.

Please note that you can download other materials on labor protection and certification of workplaces for working conditions in organizations in the section “ Occupational Safety and Health».

on labor protection

for the driver of an electric trolley and an electric car

Agreed: I approve:

Chairman of the trade union committee Head of the organization

__________2002 ________________2002

Protocol No.



1. General safety requirements

1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have completed:

    induction training;

    instruction on fire safety;

    initial training at the workplace;

    instructions on electrical safety in the workplace.

    To perform the duties of a cart driver, persons who have a certificate for the right to drive this category of transport, who have no medical contraindications for this profession, and who have at least the second electrical safety group are allowed.

    The driver of an electric trolley and electric car must undergo:

    repeated instructions on occupational safety in the workplace at least every three months; unscheduled and targeted briefings when changing technological process or rules on labor protection, replacement or modernization passenger car

    , devices and tools, changes in working conditions and organization, violations of labor protection instructions, breaks in work for more than 60 calendar days (for work that is subject to increased safety requirements - 30 calendar days);

    dispensary medical examination in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 90 dated March 14, 1996;

    testing knowledge of PEEP and safety regulations during the operation of consumer electrical installations.

    The driver of an electric trolley and electric car is obliged to:

    comply with the internal labor regulations established at the enterprise;

    comply with the requirements of this instruction, instructions on fire safety measures, instructions on electrical safety;

    comply with the requirements for operating the forklift

    follow safety rules when loading and unloading cargo;

    comply with safety regulations when operating consumer electrical installations;

    The driver of an electric trolley and electric car must:

    be able to provide first (pre-medical) aid to a victim in an accident;

    perform only the assigned work and do not transfer it to others without the permission of the mechanic;

    know the requirements of this instruction, instructions on fire safety and electrical safety measures;

    know the regulations on discipline of railway transport workers;

    know the rules and regulations on labor protection, safety and industrial sanitation;

    while working, be attentive, do not be distracted or distract others, do not allow persons unrelated to work to enter the workplace;

    The driver must know and observe the rules of personal hygiene. Eat, smoke, and rest only in specially designated rooms and places. Drink water only from specially designed installations.

    If you find malfunctions of the electric cart and electric vehicle, devices, tools or other shortcomings or dangers in the workplace, immediately stop the cart. Only after eliminating the noticed deficiencies continue work.

    In the event of an accident, provide first (pre-medical) aid to the victim, immediately report the incident to the foreman or workshop manager, take measures to preserve the situation of the incident (accident), if this does not create a danger to others.

    For failure to comply with the safety requirements set out in these instructions, the driver is liable in accordance with current legislation.

    Installation and dismantling of pneumatic tires and their inflation must be carried out in a special room equipped for this purpose with a special safety device (grid cage).

    In accordance with the “Standard industry standards for the free issuance of special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment to workers and employees,” the driver of an electric trolley and electric car must use the following PPE: cotton overalls, combined mittens.

    The main dangerous and harmful production factors are:

    moving and rotating parts and components of an electric vehicle;

    colliding with another vehicle or hitting people.

1. General safety requirements

1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have completed:
induction training;
fire safety instruction;
initial training at the workplace;
instructions on electrical safety in the workplace. To perform the duties of a cart driver, persons who have a certificate for the right to drive this category of transport, who have no medical contraindications for this profession, and who have at least the second electrical safety group are allowed.
The driver of an electric car must pass:
repeated instructions on occupational safety in the workplace at least every three months;
unscheduled and targeted briefings in case of changes in the technological process or labor protection rules, replacement or modernization of a passenger car, accessories and tools, changes in working conditions and organization, violations of labor protection instructions, breaks in work for more than 60 calendar days (for work which are subject to increased security requirements - 30 calendar days);
dispensary medical examination according to the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine
testing knowledge of PEEP and safety regulations during the operation of consumer electrical installations.
The driver of an electric vehicle is obliged to:
comply with the internal labor regulations established at the enterprise;
comply with the requirements of this instruction, instructions on fire safety measures, instructions on electrical safety;
comply with the requirements for operating the forklift
follow safety rules when loading and unloading cargo;
comply with safety regulations when operating consumer electrical installations;
Use the personal protective equipment provided for its intended purpose and take care of it.
The driver of an electric vehicle must:
be able to provide first (pre-medical) aid to a victim in an accident;
perform only the assigned work and do not transfer it to others without the permission of the mechanic;
know the requirements of this instruction, instructions on fire safety and electrical safety measures;
know the regulations on employee discipline railway transport;
know the rules and regulations on labor protection, safety and industrial sanitation;
while working, be attentive, do not be distracted or distract others, do not allow persons unrelated to work to enter the workplace;
keep the forklift clean and tidy.
The driver must know and observe the rules of personal hygiene. Eat, smoke, and rest only in specially designated rooms and places. Drink water only from specially designed installations.
If you find malfunctions of the electric vehicle, accessories, tools or other shortcomings or dangers in the workplace, immediately stop the truck. Only after eliminating the noticed deficiencies continue work.
In the event of an accident, provide first (pre-medical) aid to the victim, immediately report the incident to the foreman or workshop manager, take measures to preserve the situation of the incident (accident), if this does not create a danger to others.
For failure to comply with the safety requirements set out in these instructions, the driver is liable in accordance with current legislation.
Installation and dismantling of pneumatic tires and their inflation must be carried out in a special room equipped for this purpose with a special safety device (grid cage).
In accordance with the “Standard industry standards for the free provision of special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment to workers and employees,” the forklift driver must use the following personal protective equipment: cotton overalls, combined mittens.
The main dangerous and harmful production factors are:
moving and rotating parts and components of an electric vehicle;
colliding with another vehicle or hitting people.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

Make sure that it is in good condition and put on proper special clothing, fastening it with all the buttons, and tuck your hair under your headdress.
By external inspection, make sure that the electric vehicle is in full working order and check:
technical condition, reversing Special attention for the serviceability of tires, brake systems, steering, lighting and alarm devices,
tire air pressure in accordance with standards;
check the screwing of the battery covers and close the cover over it;
The top of the battery cells must be kept dry. Terminals and cable boots must be clean, lubricated with Vaseline and well tightened;
charging batteries, checking with a voltmeter with the pantograph turned on;
availability of serviceable tools and devices;
While driving, check the operation of the steering and brakes, the operation of the "STOP" signal, turns, lighting, as well as the sound signal.
If any malfunctions are detected, do not enter the line until they are completely eliminated and report this to the administration of the motor transport department.

3.Safety requirement during operation

Before starting to move from a stopping place (parking lot) or leaving a garage, make sure that it is safe for workers and other unauthorized persons and sound a warning signal.
Be attentive and careful when reversing. If visibility or visibility is insufficient, you should get help from another person.
Select the driving speed taking into account road conditions, visibility and visibility, intensity and nature of traffic of vehicles and pedestrians, features and condition of the electric vehicle and the cargo being transported, but not higher than 5 km per hour.
The width of the path and passage corridors must correspond to the width of the electric vehicle with cargo.
The driver of an electric vehicle is prohibited from:
-work with faulty brakes, sound and light signals;
operate an electric vehicle with wet or oily hands;
must not transport people:
To avoid hitting workers when approaching at least 5 m, sound the sound signal.
The speed of movement through the workshop area should not exceed 3 km per hour.
When driving an electric car, sit on the step only with your face in the direction of travel.
The driver is not allowed:
able to drive an electric car alcohol intoxication or under the influence narcotic drugs;
transport cargo if it obscures the visibility of the path or exceeds the dimensions;
transport cargo that exceeds the lifting capacity of the forklift;
transfer control of the electric car to unauthorized persons;
3.10. When transporting oversized cargo, the driver must make sure that the height and width of the track are sufficient for free passage.
3.11. When transporting bulky cargo that interferes with visibility in forward gear, the driver must transport it in reverse.
3.12.When moving an electric vehicle with a load along a slope, the load should be directed towards the top of the slope.
3.13. When placing the electric vehicle in position Maintenance not having forced movement, or repair, tighten the parking brake lever and engage first gear
3.14. When repairing an electric car, keep the work area clean and not cluttered with foreign objects. Drain oil and water only into special containers.
Lifting an electric car with a jack should be done without distortions (the jack must stand vertically, rest on the ground with the entire plane of the sole, the head of the jack must rest against the entire plane of the axle or in a specially fixed place, if the ground is soft, place a board under the jack, and put shoes under the remaining wheels).
3.16..On disassembly and assembly work, use only serviceable devices and tools. Moisten nuts that are difficult to unscrew with kerosene and then unscrew them with a wrench.
3.17. Check the alignment of the spring ear hole and the shackle only with a punch.
3.18. Work related to replacing and rearranging tires and springs should be performed only after the electric vehicle is installed on the trestles.
Remove the tire from the wheel rim using a puller and inflate the tires in the safety device. When inflating tires on line, place the wheel with the locking ring facing the ground.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

If a fire occurs due to a malfunction of the electric vehicle equipment, the driver is obliged to:
- stop the electric car;
- take measures to extinguish the fire by using carbon dioxide fire extinguisher or sand, tarpaulin.
4.2. If cracks are detected in the battery housing, stop work and require replacement.
4.3. If damage is detected in the electric car, the driver must stop it and inform the technician.

5. Safety requirements after completion of work

After returning from the line, check the electric car together with a mechanic from the transport department. If necessary, submit an application for Maintenance with a list of faults to be eliminated.
5.2.Take off your overalls and take a shower.

The instructions were compiled by:
Head of department


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