How to avoid a collision in an extreme situation. Head-on collision. And here are the consequences of such a terrible collision

Head-on collision

Consequences head-on collision cars

Head-on collision- a type of collision in which vehicles (ships, planes, cars, trains) collide with each other on opposite courses.

In road transport, due to high speeds modern cars, a head-on collision usually results in death or serious injury to drivers and passengers.

In railway transport, a head-on collision involves trains being on the same track. This means that at least one of the trains is taking the wrong track or was ignoring the stop signal.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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One of the worst road accidents is a head-on collision. Moreover, even if both cars were moving at a fairly moderate speed, the consequences could still be catastrophic, since the speed of both vehicles in a frontal collision it adds up. That is, if the cars were moving at a speed of 50 km/h each, the collision would cause the same consequences as if the car crashed into a wall at a speed of 100 km/h. Based on numerous studies, such a blow will have the most dire consequences for the driver and passengers.

After a collision and an instant stop of the vehicle, the driver and passengers continue to move forward by inertia. This is why they get seriously injured. The most common is hitting your head on glass. Therefore, an extremely important skill for a driver is the ability to avoid a head-on collision. In some cases, if it is impossible to avoid a traffic accident completely, it makes sense to prefer a “tangential” collision or “contact” with a car moving in the same direction.

The first thing to do if there is a threat of a head-on collision

As practice shows, the lower the vehicle speed before a head-on collision, the less serious the consequences it entails. Therefore, at the slightest threat of a collision, the first thing the driver must do is to reduce the speed of his car as much as possible. Today, many cars are equipped with the most advanced systems that automatically monitor traffic situation. In case of dangerous approach or its threat, it will give the driver an appropriate signal.

In addition, a number of systems, for example, CMBS, are capable of independently activating the system emergency braking. But in their absence, monitoring the situation on the road becomes the responsibility of the driver. In addition to observing the speed limit, it is worth realizing that if there is a threat of a head-on collision, it is much preferable to end up in roadside bushes or a ditch rather than expose your own life to danger and your car to serious destruction. Naturally, you should not neglect the use of seat belts, since the airbag is designed only for a fastened driver.

One of the important points that allows you to avoid a head-on collision is experience. But it is absolutely not necessary to spend many years behind the wheel; it is enough to take special courses in emergency or extreme driving. Such classes last a maximum of 6 days, and give the driver not only a sufficient set of skills, but also the much-needed “muscle memory” that allows him to act in an extreme situation almost automatically (reflexively). If it is impossible to undergo special training, you can conduct independent classes in deserted areas. Some practical tips on how to avoid a head-on collision can be seen in the video:

Correct entry into the car and the 2-second rule

Proper entry into a vehicle begins with adjusting the position of the seat. In its normal position, the driver can engage any speed and fully depress any pedal. In addition, before you start driving, you need to adjust the position of the mirrors “to suit you” - they should provide the best possible visibility. Under no circumstances should you start driving with frozen windows that impede normal visibility.

The two-second rule has been around for quite some time. Its basic principle is to measure the distance to the nearest car not in its cases or meters, but in seconds. To implement this rule in practice, you should select a landmark for the car moving ahead and record the time it passes. If you manage to cover the selected distance in less than 2 seconds, it will need to be increased. It is worth knowing that when driving along slippery road the distance increases several times.

In practice, this makes it possible to adequately assess the impending danger and take appropriate measures in time to prevent it. The so-called reaction distance for a driver moving at a speed of 60 km/h is about 20 meters - this is the distance the car has time to travel before the driver has time to press the brake. Added to this is the braking distance. In general, the distance should be such that the car has time to slow down and maneuver to avoid a head-on collision.

Simple rules to help avoid a head-on collision

Quite often, a head-on collision is the result of improper overtaking, before which the driver was unable to adequately assess the situation on the road. To answer the question of how to avoid a head-on collision when overtaking, it makes sense to list simple rules:

  • timely activation of the turn signal will warn all participants about the maneuver;
  • when moving just one meter to the left, forward visibility should be at least 100 meters;
  • you should take care of the reserve space for acceleration so that the time spent in the oncoming lane is minimal;
  • before the maneuver, you should select the gear that will allow you to instantly gain speed;
  • The appearance of a car in the oncoming traffic is a reason to refuse to overtake and return to your lane.

Skills to help prevent a head-on collision

In addition to the banal observance of the simplest rules and culture on the road (give a turn signal, avoid sudden maneuvers), it is necessary to show maximum concentration and not be distracted by extraneous activities. Eating food, drinking drinks or picking up things that have fallen on the floor while moving is unacceptable. Just like changing the radio station or talking on the phone - all this significantly distracts from the road.

Important! At a speed of 100 km/h, in just one second the car travels 30 meters, and even a slight weakening of the driver’s attention is enough to enter the oncoming lane and cause a head-on collision.

Sufficient attention must be paid to the availability of free space around the vehicle. In this case, the distance must be selected in accordance with the type of vehicle in front. So, it is better to stay away from the motorcycle, since it has a shorter braking distance. It is also worth driving further away from the truck, since it significantly impedes visibility, and a sudden danger can be noticed too late, when a head-on/other collision is already inevitable.

God forbid you crash into a tree or wall at full speed. And a head-on collision entails absolutely terrible consequences: after all, the speed of the oncoming car is actually added to your speed. And energy, as they teach in school, is proportional to the square of speed - in general, it’s scary to think about the consequences.

Meanwhile, if you think about it and remember school physics, then... you get an unexpected conclusion. There is no need to add speeds at all! And if, for example, two identical cars collide head-on on the highway, moving at equal speeds, then the impact energy for each of them will be determined only by its speed and mass. In other words, the consequences for her will be approximately the same as hitting a stationary wall! And not doubled or quadrupled at all.

Not clear? Meanwhile, everything is simple - the situation was described by Yakov Isidorovich Perelman in his “Entertaining Mechanics”. Indeed, if we assume that at the moment of impact one of the cars was standing still, then it is obvious that the consequences of such an accident will be much less terrible than when hitting a massive stationary wall. Two cars colliding in this way will continue to move and will be thrown quite far from the point of collision; in this case, the deformation energy will be divided between them, roughly speaking, in half. But if you stupidly crash into a wall, then there will be no waste of energy on moving: all the accumulated energy will be spent on. If we now assume that the second car also had speed at the time of the collision, then as it increases, the movement of the crumpled bodies from the point of impact will decrease and, finally, if the speeds are equal, the cars will remain at the point of impact after the accident. The consequences of such an accident will be similar to hitting a wall.

Thus, a collision between two cars of equal mass at a speed of, for example, 100 km/h will be similar to hitting a wall at the same 100 km/h, and not at all at 200 km/h. This is approximately what Perelman spoke about when describing the famous experiment with the Magdeburg hemispheres. Let me remind you that they tried to separate them by two teams of 8 horses pulling in opposite sides. But the same effect could be achieved by using only one eight horses and attaching one of the hemispheres to a stationary massive wall...

It goes without saying that if the masses of the cars differ significantly, then the consequences of such a collision will be the same as when an elephant comes into contact with Moska. In all cases, the heavy “elephant” is obviously smaller than the tiny “Pug”.

The conclusions are quite gloomy, but I will voice them anyway. For a heavy vehicle, a light vehicle may be safer than hitting a stationary obstacle such as a wall or bridge support. For a small machine such a “meeting” is more dangerous. For cars of equal mass there is no difference.

But the advice in the end is simple: don’t race your horses, friends. After all, the energy is still proportional to the square of the speed...

Do you know how dangerous a head-on collision is? This is very difficult, and to avoid it, you need to know special care techniques. And probably many motorists have encountered such a situation when a car was rushing towards them from the oncoming lane at breakneck speed. Then the collision was avoided either due to a favorable opportunity, or the driver knew how to behave. What about those who don’t know this?

First of all, in order to avoid a head-on collision, the driver must brake or slow down when encountering an unexpected obstacle, but he must only act on the steering wheel at the very last moment.

Head-on collision

A head-on collision is the worst thing that can happen on the road. Especially if . Therefore, the first thing you should do is reset it.

This is the most terrible accident, and the driver is obliged to avoid it in every possible way.

A typical situation, but such an accident could have been avoided. The road is well lit, visibility is excellent and unrestricted. Although it is a winter day, everything is clearly visible and the roads are not slippery. Why is this?

The fact is that the driver of the car began overtaking on the rise. And as you know, you can’t overtake on a hill, because you can’t see the road ahead of you, especially if the road turns a little to the right. What should the driver of the car do in this case? How to avoid a head-on collision at such a moment? Of course, slow down as much as possible and try to return to your lane.

Often these types of accidents end tragically, and the smaller car is especially affected. Law of physics - different weight categories. And the driver passenger car, which is in the video above, you can see it right away. He panicked and became confused.

In addition, trucks have a strong frame in front if they collide with cars. She not only really protects truck, but also becomes a real scourge for passenger cars.

If suddenly an obstacle appears in front of you in the form of the same car, do not repeat the mistake. Avoid a head-on collision by slowing down as much as possible and steering at the last moment. It is even advisable to drive the car into the snow or a ditch on the side of the road, but without colliding head-on.

As mentioned above, in a head-on collision, speeds collide.

And here are the consequences of such a terrible collision:

By the way, in the collision between the truck and the car that we saw in the video, the truck driver should not have honked his horn, but turned slightly to the right. Thanks to this simple technique, the accident could have been avoided.

What to do if a collision cannot be avoided

But what if it’s already too late and there’s no way? What to do at such a moment?

Some experienced drivers advise (if there is an accident between a stationary vehicle and a moving one) to hide it behind the car in front and thus avoid a head-on collision.

In addition, even when stopping, you should know that in the event of a frontal impact, the airbags will not work, if anything, and you must be wearing a seat belt.

Now let’s talk about how to absorb the impact as lightly as possible in a head-on collision with a moving car. The first thing to do is try to move the blow tangentially. In other words, again, do everything to avoid a head-on collision by directing the impact to the side. If you don't panic, there will always be time for this.

As for the light, it is also needed. This is exactly what the truck driver did when he collided with a passenger car (see the video above), continuously signaling to him about the danger. This often helps and brings the driver of an oncoming vehicle out of his stupor. A loud signal at such a moment can act like a tub cold water, emptied on the head of the lost driver. In addition, in this way you also warn participants in other vehicles about the accident.

If a head-on collision cannot be avoided, and you are wearing a seat belt (this is very important), cover your face, especially your eyes, with your hands. Glass shards can seriously injure them.

If at such a moment when a collision is inevitable, you are not wearing a seat belt, then you need to lie sideways on the passenger seat.

It would also be a good idea to remove your feet from the metal pedals.

Reasons why accidents and head-on collisions occur

Head-on collisions occur more often in winter. Although the roads are mercilessly sprinkled with the reagent, in winter the weather is changeable and the road surface is often covered with an ice crust. It also happens that real winter ruts arise, especially on local, non-federal roads. It is clear that this greatly interferes with traffic safety. And such elements can play a cruel joke, even if you are an experienced driver.

If in Russia main reason If the roads become bad in a head-on collision, then, according to the foreign publication Forbes, common cause Drunkenness becomes such an accident. As you know, a driver who has drunk, even a little, has a noticeably reduced reaction and in extreme situations he behaves inappropriately. In those same states, about half of all traffic accidents are at fault.

Not only drunkenness and bad roads, but also mobile phone causes a head-on collision. Oddly enough, young people, and not only them, talk on the phone while driving and even send SMS messages. And as you know, when talking on a mobile device, the risk of an accident increases four times, and when typing messages - six times. The same goes for the reaction speed, which decreases by 9% if the driver is talking on the phone, and by as much as 30% if he is texting.

Unfavorable emotions can also cause an accident. Often drivers drive into the oncoming lane after hearing something bad, or become angry at someone and become inappropriate. There was a similar case in the capital, when a driver crashed into a truck at high speed. What prompted him to do this? Same emotions. He learned that his neighbors had flooded his apartment and rushed to save his property, but, unfortunately, died on the spot.

Finally, ordinary, unnecessary recklessness leads to accidents on the roads and head-on collisions. It is no secret that inexperienced and young drivers often become hostages in such situations. When they speed, they think they have learned how to drive. But that's not true. Recklessness leads to death and accounts for 13% of all accidents in the world.

Ability to overtake correctly

All of the above causes of accidents are nothing compared to. Indeed, it is the ability to drive correctly that saves many people from accidents, head-on collisions and death.

It will not just be about the ability to drive, but about the ability to overtake correctly. And often, when overtaking incorrectly, the car driver drives into the oncoming lane and collides head-on with another car.

Avoiding a frontal collision depends on this skill. And almost all motorists want to overtake on the highway, especially if there is a slow-moving vehicle ahead.

It will be useful to watch this video if you don’t have time to read the following paragraph:

Overtaking technique. And the first rule is: do not overtake until you are sure that there is no car moving towards you or there are no other obstacles! We must not forget that when overtaking, your car may find itself sandwiched between two cars coming from both sides.

In addition, there is always a possibility that the car behind you will decide to overtake at that moment. Therefore, you should never forget about the turn signal and you should always keep an eye on the road in the rearview mirror.

Each driver must comply with the following requirements for overtaking:

  • Before overtaking, turn on the turn signal in the direction where you want to turn in order to warn all road users about the maneuver;
  • know that, moving to the left by a meter or one and a half, the space ahead should be visible for a hundred meters;
  • We must also not forget about the reserve of space for acceleration in order to minimize the time spent in oncoming traffic;
  • if you are driving a car with a manual transmission, you should choose a gear that would allow you to instantly accelerate;
  • you must always be prepared for a possible refusal to overtake and return to your lane;
  • it is better to refuse to overtake if a car suddenly appears in the oncoming lane, and not to look for the interval-space between it and the car being overtaken;
  • When overtaking, you should be armed with extreme concentration and attentiveness.

By following all the above rules, the driver will protect himself from the worst accident that can happen - a head-on collision.

Video - head-on collision:

The topic we are going to talk about now is vitally important and quite sad. Why? Because we will talk about head-on collisions - accidents that today most often take the lives of innocent people or leave a person with a disability. And, as usual, all the blame falls on the shoulders of one of the participants traffic– in rare cases, such accidents occur due to an “unknown force.” In any road accident there are culprits. But if we talk about minor incidents on modern roads, then this is not so bad, but a head-on collision is a real catastrophe, tragedy, horror, misfortune (for some, even on a universal scale).

Therefore, before you continue reading this chapter, I would like to ask you one small favor: Read everything that is written below with special care! Take everything said seriously. After all, if you learn all the information from this chapter, then in the future you will be able to save the lives of not only yourself and your loved ones, but also other people who are also road users and, just like you, do not plan to prematurely leave for the “other world.”

“Read everything that is written below with special care.”

To understand the seriousness and urgency of the problem, you can take a break from reading and go to YouTube. Enter “head-on collision” into the search bar on the website. Look at how many accident videos are stored on this site. Include a few of them. I can assure you that you will be impressed and grab onto reading this chapter, and that neither your spouse, nor your husband, nor your parents, nor your children will be able to tear you away from the book.

It's all to blame...

Well? Have you watched a couple of videos? Yes? How are your impressions? Terrible, isn't it? Yes, and indeed the spectacle is not for the faint of heart. And you probably don’t want to find yourself in such a situation. Therefore, to begin with, before moving on to the main part, in which we will consider ways to avoid a head-on collision, it is worth paying attention to the causes of an accident of this kind.

As in most road accidents, the cause of a head-on collision is the driver's rash actions and violation of traffic rules. And many car owners are violating these days, despite the fact that serious punishments are now being applied to violators, including deprivation of driver's license or imprisonment (for serious fatal accidents).

I would like to note that at night, head-on collisions occur due to fatigue and drowsiness of drivers. Many motorists love to drive on roads at night, but for some reason they don’t bother to get proper sleep. Of course, if a person works as a truck driver, then you can’t argue with your boss - he’s not interested in whether you got enough sleep today or not - and you’ll have to go on a night flight. But many amateur drivers go on night trips of their own free will. And then tragedies happen on the night road.

“...the cause of a head-on collision is the driver’s rash actions and violation of traffic rules”

As an example, we can cite a standard situation that is repeated on the roads every day. The driver, naturally, without much sleep during the day, goes about his business along the night road. He is tired from the day, he really wants to sleep, but he has something urgent to do and he needs to solve it, not only in the morning, but also to do it in another city - a conference, a meeting of entrepreneurs, or just a meeting of motorists. In general, the reasons for such a trip do not interest us at all. The main focus is on the road and driver fatigue.

And so, the driver calmly moves along the road, sometimes adding gas to get to the destination early and have time to “doze” for at least a couple of minutes, but drowsiness takes over. The eyes close on their own, the hands relax, and the car gradually moves into the oncoming lane. And there, as luck would have it, a truck was driving towards us, and a loaded one at that. A truck driver honks at a car moving head-on and doesn’t even realize that the person driving the car has fallen asleep. The result is a head-on collision.

I would like to immediately explain why “manager”. Because when the driver fell asleep at the wheel, he simultaneously stopped driving. The man is just sleeping. What kind of conscious management can we talk about?

However, you should not think that “falling asleep at the wheel” is the only cause of head-on collisions. You can meet head-on due to a simple skid on a slippery road. And it doesn't have to be a snowy or icy road. A small downpour is enough to significantly wet the roadway. But if a skid becomes the cause of a head-on collision, it is only for another reason - a violation of the speed limit on a certain section of the road. It is speeding that becomes the main culprit of any serious accident. For example, on a slippery road it can skid if the driver drives along a curved road at high speed or rashly overtakes or goes around an obstacle.

“It is speeding that becomes the main culprit in any serious accident”

Another common cause of head-on collision is glare. high beam. Probably everyone has encountered this problem. experienced driver. Agree that at first, as soon as the rights were obtained and purchased own car, you sometimes forgot to switch the lights. It happened, it happened and there is no point in denying it. You won't fool yourself. There is probably no need to explain how a head-on collision occurs in such situations, since it is not difficult to imagine - the same as driving a car with eyes closed(figuratively speaking).

The next reason is maneuvering in conditions of limited visibility. Limited visibility can be understood as thick fog, heavy rain or snowfall, smoke on the road from fires in peat bogs, etc. In this regard, you can once again review the chapter on driving in fog, where everything is described in detail about how to behave on the road in poor visibility.

Reckless overtaking is another reason for head-on traffic. By the way, this very reason is one of the main culprits in head-on collisions today. And the birth of this reason begins with the promiscuity and inexperience of modern drivers (especially beginners).

Not everyone dies

Although a head-on collision is one of the most serious types of accidents, not everyone suffers in an accident. The driver and front passenger get the most damage. Passengers in the back may get away with bruises, abrasions, fractures or a concussion - but they will definitely live. But people sitting in front, in a head-on collision, usually either die immediately or in the hospital due to their injuries. And this is even despite the fact that engineers of modern automakers are trying in every possible way to increase the safety performance of new cars. But so far no one has managed to come up with a car that is completely safe in all respects.

Rear passengers pose a particular danger to the driver and front passengers. It is so customary in many countries that a person sitting in the back seat of a car does not have to wear a seat belt. And in the event of a frontal collision, the passengers sitting in the rear place their entire weight on the driver and front passenger. It is worth noting that upon impact, the human body moves forward by inertia (i.e. in the direction in which the car was moving). And at the moment of the collision, the body weight of the passengers sitting behind increases several times. On this topic, the Swedes came up with something like a humorous warning: you are leading an elephant behind your back! Of course, “elephant” should not be taken literally.

“ one has yet managed to come up with a car that is completely safe in all respects”

You probably thought that in a head-on injury the driver mainly suffers, and the passengers sitting behind receive only minor and life-threatening injuries? Not really. An unbelted person sitting in the back seat can fly out of any broken car window in an accident. It is not uncommon in a frontal collision for a passenger to rear seat ended up on the hood of the car/s.

How to avoid a head-on collision?

And so, we figured out the main causes of the accident. We also talked about who suffers the most from lobovuha. Now it’s worth moving on to solving the main issue that interests millions, and maybe billions of drivers around the globe. Every driver wants to be in control of the situation. And although at first glance everything seems so difficult and unbearably complicated, learning to avoid a head-on collision is not so difficult. Moreover, the methods are so simple and the solution to the problem is banal that after reading this part of the chapter you will be extremely surprised. You will definitely think about: “Why don’t I do all this and don’t even remember such things? simple rules? But I knew all this once.”

The problem of a modern person, in our case a driver, is that in a day he receives a huge, sometimes even excessive amount of information that “interrupts” the memory - really necessary things are forgotten. So now, before you continue reading, take a piece of paper, a pen, or open Notepad on your computer and write down everything you see fit. There is no point in pointing fingers at you and saying: “Write this down... and this... and this.” Therefore, decide for yourself what is really important to you and mark it in a way that is convenient for you.

And so, in order to avoid a head-on collision, you must first of all follow speed limit. I would especially like to pay attention to country roads and expressways. The fact is that it is precisely on such sections of the road that lobovukha is most dangerous. The danger is expressed in high speed traffic flows of cars. The higher the speed, the more severe the consequences of a head-on collision. Therefore, it is advisable to get rid of recklessness forever, and move on the roads only at the speed that is allowed road signs and traffic rules.

Always consider weather conditions. Do not overtake in dense fog, when visibility is limited to only a few meters, in heavy snowfall, heavy ice or a “wall” of heavy rain. Don't rush. It is better to drive calmly and wait until weather conditions and visibility on the road stabilize. Only then can you overtake - do not forget to make sure that the maneuver is safe for all road users.

“The higher the speed, the more severe the consequences of a head-on collision”

Also, don’t count on luck when overtaking. As was said in one of the previous chapters, thoughts like “I’ll make it!” I’ll ride!” must leave your brain forever. Forget even thinking about it. And if such a thought just appears in your head, hit your forehead with your palm and it will fly out of your brain. If you see that you clearly don’t have time, then don’t even try to overtake - wait for the right moment. And, of course, remember the famous phrase: “UN SURE, DON’T OVERTAKE!!!”

Always slow down before turning or when the road curves. Go through any curve keeping to the side of the road on the right. Never try to pass such a section of the road while hugging the median strip. Remember: “Any turn or rounding of the roadway requires a reduction in speed!”

Pay attention to the behavior of other road users. For example, if the driver of an oncoming car falls asleep at the wheel, you will immediately notice it - the oncoming car will begin to smoothly and slowly cross the dividing strip or slide into a ditch. If you notice this in advance, then you can save yourself from a head-on collision by stopping or avoiding the impact. In addition, you can nervously “beep” - suddenly the driver who has fallen asleep will wake up and be able to prevent an accident.

You should not drive if you are very tired or sleepy. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the culprit terrible accident If you become one, it will be good if you remain alive. Get some sleep and only then hit the road.

It was inevitable

No matter how sad it may be, it is not always possible to avoid a head-on collision. Therefore, every driver should be prepared in advance for the impact and know how to behave if a terrible accident is about to happen.

The first thing you need to do is try to slow down as quickly as possible. You can do this with the pedal and the handbrake, and generally with everything at once. The main thing here is to stop quickly. The lower your speed, the easier the blow will be. But all actions in this situation should be taken only when there is still enough distance to the oncoming car.

If the collision is rapid, the first thing to do is quickly remove your feet from the pedals and move them closer to the seat. This way, you will eliminate the possibility of serious injuries and fractures of the lower extremities.

“The lower your speed, the easier the blow will be.”

If possible, lean toward the front passenger seat so that you are facing down and below the level windshield. This is necessary so that fragments and car parts that fly through the broken window do not damage you. Most drivers die in a head-on collision precisely because of injuries received from car debris or glass fragments.

Be sure to wear your seat belt. If you see that an accident is imminent and you forgot to buckle up, do so immediately and as quickly as possible so that you have time to do the steps described above.

There is one more piece of advice that helps you avoid a frontal impact that seems impossible to avoid. However, this method will not help to completely avoid accidents. The method itself includes the following steps:

In the event of an inevitable head-on collision, you must try to turn the steering wheel to the right, so that the oncoming car hits you tangentially into the side of the car. That is, simply put, you must expose your side, but at the same time not allow a direct blow to it, but only a sliding (tangential) one.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that if you decide to dodge a frontal impact, then always turn the steering wheel to the right. Remember: If there is a possibility of a head-on collision, turn the steering wheel only to the right! After all, an oncoming driver may come to his senses at the very last moment. And where do you think he will turn? Naturally, to your lane, which is on the left side in relation to you.

As you can see, all the recommendations for preventing a frontal collision are simple and feasible. The main thing is to remember everything, write it down and occasionally recall or read your notes - you noted important points in your Notepad or on a piece of paper? Let's hope YES!

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