Passing driving school with gold marks. Walkthrough of driving school in GTA San Andreas GTA San Andreas where to find a driving school

GTA San Andreas: Driving school

There are 4 main schools in the state of San Andreas. If your goal is to complete the game 100%, then you need to finish all schools with gold medals. In this section we will describe the car driving school. There are about 250 types of transport in San Andreas, and each has its own controls. Driving school will teach you how to drive the best cars. So, let's begin:

1.360 (or in other words “donut”)
We are starting a mission on Infernus. Our goal is to complete it in 10 seconds.
If you know how to use the brake, this will be a very easy task for you. All you have to do is hold down the gas and brake and turn either left or right. The wheels will leave a hot circle. The task will be completed if the car stops where it started.

2.180(rotate 180 degrees)
We are given a Blista Compact and the goal is to complete a 180 turn in less than 10 seconds.
It's pretty simple. Accelerate and when you reach the cones, hold the handbrake and turn right. Then accelerate and stop the car in the marked area.

3.Whip and Terminate
We are given a Banshee and the goal is to complete the task in less than 5 seconds.
Just accelerate, press the handbrake when turning and try to park very ACCURATELY.

4.Pop and Control
We are given the SFPD PC and the goal is to complete the task in less than 5 seconds.
Get to the spikes and before you run over, release the gas. The car will puncture the tires and slightly lose control. Then accelerate and stop at the end.

5.Burn a Lap
We have Banshee again and we need to complete 5 laps in less than 35 seconds.
In my opinion, this is the most difficult mission in the driving school. You need to overcome this distance using the handbrake. You need to make 180 degree turns with incredible precision. Here you need to know “Pedal to the Metal” and not let off the gas. You need to enter the turn using the smallest radius. The task can be completed VERY easily and very quickly by typing the cheat for “handling”;)

6.Cone Coil
Banshee again and the goal is to complete this task in less than 10 seconds.
Here you need to lightly release the gas while turning to get to the marker and back. The task is not difficult. The main thing is not to knock down the cones!

7.The 90
We have a Banshee and we need to complete it in 10 seconds without damaging two cars.
Just like in the movies)) You need to park at 90 degrees. To do this, drive and before turning, turn slightly to the left (right) and release the gas. When parking, apply both brakes at the same time. If another car gets even one tiny dent, then it will no longer be 100%.....

8.Wheelie Weave
You need to drive the Banshee on 2 wheels without getting damaged.
There is a springboard ahead that you need to drive onto with your left wheels and balance to the marker. When you reach the marker, put the car on four wheels. All! Mission completed J

9.Spin "n" GO
We have a Taxi and the goal is to complete the task in 5 seconds.
Now they want to teach us how to drive a taxi. To do this, simply drive back and turn the car around. Then you have a clear road to the finish. It helps a lot when you get stuck in traffic jams.

10.P.I.T Maneuver
We have SFPD PC and we need to complete the mission without getting damaged.
You just need to stop the car that is driving in front of you by completing the maneuver. To do this, catch up with it and push it into the rear wheel at around 40-45 degrees. After this, the car will turn 90 degrees, and then it will be opposite you.

11.Alley Oop
We are given a Banshee and we need to flip over in less than 5 seconds.
We need to get to the springboard and drive onto it with one pair of wheels (left/right), and the second pair must remain on the springboard. In the air, we release the gas and turn left or right. The car should roll over on its axis and land backwards.

12.City Slicking
Graduation test.
You need to use a Super GT to get to the end of the city and back without damage in less than 1 minute and 40 seconds. To do this, it is better to go by tram tracks.

That's all!

Although driving around the city in the game does not require a license, after the mission “Deconstruction” CJ will have to go through a series of lessons. To qualify for a gold medal, you must first figure out how to pass the driving school in GTA San Andreas to win best cars as a bonus for completing the course.

To start improving your driving skills, head to the training ground in San Fierro with the "Turning Tricks" billboard - also marked with a red letter " S" on the map.

Driving school lessons

The course is divided into 12 stages, at the end of each of which you are assigned a rating:

  1. Gold medal – 100%
  2. Silver medal – 85-99%
  3. Bronze medal – 70-84%

Each lesson can be completed an unlimited number of times, so if there is no damage to the car, no knocked down cones, accurate parking and timely completion, the highest award is quite real.

The 360

  • Car: Infernus
  • Requirements: make a 360° turn in 10 seconds

Using rear drive, press and hold the " W"(gas), " S"(brake) and the arrow "right" or "left". Ideally, the car should leave an even circle in the form of a wheel mark and stop at the starting point.

The 180

  • Car: Blista Compact
  • Requirements: make a 180° turn in 10 seconds

Having accelerated in a straight line, hold down the handbrake (spacebar) and the turn key at the cones. Return to the starting position.

Whip and Terminate

  • Car: Banshee
  • Requirements: turn around and stop within 5 seconds

Once you have accelerated, slow down when turning ( hand brake– space) and park the car.

Pop and Control

  • Requirements: drive a serpentine track with a flat tire in 5 seconds

Accelerate by slowing down before the spikes, then accelerate again and move along a small track without hitting a single cone.

Burn and Lap

  • Car: Banshee
  • Requirements: complete 5 laps in 40 seconds

Without releasing the acceleration button, hold Spacebar while turning, sticking to the farthest cones.

Cone Coil

  • Car: Banshee
  • Requirements: drive between cones in 10 seconds

Apply the handbrake after crossing the first cones. Release the throttle before the third set of cones, turning 180° with the brakes pressed, and head towards the red marker.

The 90

  • Car: Banshee
  • Requirements: Park at 90° in 10 seconds

When approaching parked cars, simultaneously hold down the space bar and the turn key.

Wheelie Weave

  • Car: Banshee
  • Requirements: ride on two wheels without damage

Having driven along the springboard with the left pair of wheels, hold the gas until the red marker.

Spin and Go

  • Vehicle: taxi
  • Requirements: turn 180° in 5 seconds

Hold reverse, when approaching a turn, press " A", then accelerate and stop in the cone fence.

Police maneuver

  • Car: police car
  • Requirements: turn the car around without damaging it

While following the car, touch its rear wheel and press in, forming the letter T. Move until the second car turns parallel.


  • Car: Banshee
  • Requirements: perform a barrel roll in 5 seconds

Having driven along the springboard with the left pair of wheels, turn sharply in the air in the opposite side and land exactly on 4 wheels.

Driving around the city

  • Car: Super GT
  • Requirements: complete a circle around the city in 120 seconds without taking damage

Finally, you have to drive through San Fierro, checking in at the red checkpoints. To avoid collisions, drive along the median and tram tracks.

All schools are marked with a red letter on the map. « S".

Driving school for “gold”.

The driving school is located in San Fierro and will be opened after you complete the mission "Destruction". Jethro will call you and indicate the location of the school. In the driving school you need to complete 12 small training missions that teach you masterful driving a passenger car in the world of GTA San Andreas. For each completed task, medals are awarded: bronze, silver or gold. To graduate from driving school, it is enough to have a bronze medal (70% in the task), but it is still better to try and take gold. Depending on how you complete the driving school, bonus cars will be available in the parking lot near it:

Bronze –Super GT

Silver -Bullet

Gold -Hotknife

So, to help you with advice on how best to complete a difficult task, let's look at all 12 lessons.

1. "The 360"

Exercise: Perform a turn, spinning in one place.

What's the best way to do it: You cannot move forward or backward in this task. To perform a turn, hold down the gas and brake keys at the same time: (W) + (S) + Left or right arrow. To get gold, you must not only make a complete reversal, but also stand exactly in the position from which you started the reversal.

2. "The 180"

Exercise: Using the handbrake, make a U-turn and return back to the starting point.

What's the best way to do it: If you have a multi-button mouse, I recommend assigning the handbrake function to one of the buttons on the mouse, this will allow you to brake effectively and quickly. The 2nd task is also not very difficult. We accelerate on the small Blista and, using the handbrake, let the car skid and go through the turn. To go for gold, you can’t knock down the cones and park the car at the finish line not crookedly, but as level as possible.

3. "Whip And Terminate"

Exercise: Accelerate in a straight line, go through a sharp turn, go straight again, stop.

What's the best way to do it: You have 5 seconds, so we do everything clearly and quickly: we accelerate as much as possible, a few meters before the turn we simultaneously press the handbrake and the turn arrow in the right direction, then we accelerate, at the end of the straight we slow down a little and carefully put the car in the “garage”.

4. "Pop And Control"

Exercise: Drive a police car over the spikes and drive to the “garage” with a flat tire.

What's the best way to do it: You have 5 seconds again, and the task is much more difficult. You accelerate on a straight line, and just before the spikes you suddenly slow down. After a puncture in the rear right wheel, accelerate but be careful, when skidding a poorly controlled car, brake very carefully. In this task it is quite difficult to have time to place the car on the platform, and if you drive very quickly, there is a high chance of hitting the cone.

5. "Burn And Lap"

Exercise: Drive 5 laps as quickly as possible.

What's the best way to do it: This is one of the most difficult tasks in a driving school, the whole difficulty is that to get a gold medal in this task you need to drive all 5 laps in 36 seconds without hitting a single cone. I recommend setting the view from the hood; although it’s unusual, it’s very convenient for this task. Try to take turns in a small radius so as not to waste time. On the straights, accelerate strongly, and a few meters before the turn, release the handbrake and turn sharply. At first, you don’t have to pay attention to the safety of the cones, just feel the turns and find the optimal trajectory for passing the turn. Then, of course, go through the turns carefully, without knocking over the cones. In this task, the cones can be moved; no penalty points are given for this.

6. "Cone Coil"

Exercise: In 10 seconds, drive to the marker, turn around and come back.

What's the best way to do it: Another rather difficult task. Again, there is little time and again, in order to get gold, you need to park the car level in the “garage” and you cannot knock down the cones. What do you recommend? I don’t know, just try over and over again to go through this entire track as carefully as possible, go around the cones as close to them as possible so as not to waste time, make a turn as sharply as possible when you approach the finish line, try to level the car, otherwise you will park it crookedly, and they won’t give you gold.

7. "The 90"

Exercise: Park between 2 nearby cars.

What's the best way to do it: A fun task - this is exactly how they park in major cities. We have 5 seconds and little parking space. We accelerate, move slightly to the right, when we almost reach the cars, very sharply press the handbrake and turn at the same time. To get a gold medal, two cars need to stand up symmetrically and without a single damage. In order not to crash the car, it is recommended to brake together with the riverboat and the regular brake (key “S”). This task usually requires quite a lot of attempts, but it is still doable.

8. "Wheelie Weave"

Exercise: Drive with 2 wheels onto the springboard and drive on 2 wheels to the marker, standing on 4 wheels on it.

What's the best way to do it: We start, move slightly to the left, fly up on a springboard and drive on 2 wheels. Controlling the movement is quite problematic; when trying to turn, the car ends up on 4 wheels long before the marker. So you need to turn sharply just before the marker. Even if the car does not drive strictly on 2 wheels, but scrapes the body a little on the ground, no penalty points are awarded.

9. "Spin And Go"

Exercise: In a taxi car, drive in reverse, turn 180 degrees and drive in a straight line.

What's the best way to do it: Use your mouse to navigate to see where to turn. We accelerate using the standard combination: handbrake + turn, turn sharply (without hitting the cones!), then accelerate forward.

10. "P.I.T." "Maneuver"

Exercise: Expand police car.

What's the best way to do it: A signature move of American cops. We accelerate, catch up with the second police car, position ourselves in the area of ​​the rear wheel and make a sharp turn to turn the “werewolf in uniform” car around. They will give you gold if you don't damage your car and stop very close to the 2nd car.

11. "Alley Oop"

Exercise: Jump on the springboard, flip over in flight and land on 4 wheels.

What's the best way to do it: We accelerate, drive to the very edge of the springboard, press the turn arrow in flight and try to land not on the roof, but on the wheels. It is necessary to stop straight, maintaining the direction and in the right stopping place.

12. "City Slicking"

Exercise: Get to the marker halfway through the city and return in 120 seconds.

What's the best way to do it: 120 seconds is for bronze, to take gold you need to do it within 100 seconds and not damage the car. This is quite difficult, but there is one trick - cut a little in one place and drive straight. So, we start, turn slightly to the right and drive up the street, there are few cars on it, but it’s better to follow the tram tracks, we reach the end of the street, cut a little across the field, carefully go down the street to the marker. Do not use the handbrake; when you use it, the car loses control and crashes somewhere; in dangerous places it is better to just slow down a little without going into a skid. So, we took the marker (it’s acceptable to spend 45 seconds on this), then we drive back along the embankment, after refueling the Xoomer, there will be an industrial building on the right, there is also a trailer there and the armor is spinning, we drive up to this armor, behind it is a small passage up the hill, overgrown with grass, we carefully drive into this passage, go up, then a little along the railway tracks, turn and here it is, our own school! It's quite possible to do it in 100 seconds.

The driving school is located in the south of San Fierro, with a small car park at the main gate. It will open after Jethro calls you. He will offer CJ to undergo training there, CJ will of course be indignant and ask him what he is hinting at. Jethro will say that I’m not hinting at anything...

So. We're going to driving school. There are 12 missions waiting for us in the driving school, and in order to pass it we need to score at least 70% in each mission. But all 100 is better! Then sports cars will appear in the parking lot near the school and your driving skills will improve. If you graduate with bronze, you'll get a Super GT. If with silver, Bullet will open. Well, if you try and end up with gold, you will become the owner of Hotknife.

This mission is also simple. It will have to be performed on the familiar Blista Compact. You need to accelerate, raise the handbrake without knocking the cones, turn around and accelerate back. Requirements for "gold": complete in 10 seconds.

This mission is more difficult and must be completed in a Police (SF) vehicle. As always, you need to accelerate, drive through the hedgehogs and, with punctured wheels, get to the end without knocking over the cones. Requirements for "gold": complete in 5 seconds.

In this mission you will need to drive your Banshee around two rows of cones, then turn 180 degrees around the cone and come back. Requirements for "gold": complete in 10 seconds.

This mission probably depends on luck. You need to drive onto the ramp with your left wheels, the car will fall on its right side, and in this position, on both right wheels you need to drive to the red marker. Car - Banshee. Requirements for "gold": 0% damage.

In Police (SF), you need to turn another police car 180 degrees, with minimal damage, and stop as close as possible. If you can't do it, you need to train more. By the way, later when you buy the Wang Cars car dealership, which is next to the garage, you will need to steal a car for this dealership and then the ability to turn a car around will come in handy.

And finally the last task. In a Super GT car, you need to drive through the city to the checkpoint and back in at least 120 seconds without crashing the car. Requirements for "gold": complete in 1 minute 40 seconds.

Walkthrough: Driving School |

The driving school will become available after completing the mission "Deconstruction" behind the Garage. Jethro will call you and tell you where it is located. There you will meet Michelle Kann. It is marked like all schools with a red "S" on the radar. To complete the school, you need to complete 12 missions. The 360
Mission Goal: Make a 360 degree circle.
Walkthrough: Press (W)+(S) + Left or Right Arrow and start drawing circles. The 180
Mission Goal: Make a 180 degree turn.
Walkthrough: We accelerate and fly towards a semicircle of cones, apply the handbrake (Space) and accelerate, driving back. Let's slow down and see the result. Whip And Terminate
Mission Goal: Drive the track.
Walkthrough: You need to drive a short straight and turn left or right, first it will choose, then stop at the end of the road. Press (W), then (A) or (D), release the gas before turning, then release it again. You should brake a couple of meters from the cones. All mission completed. Pop And Control
Mission Goal: Drive a snake on a flat tire.
Walkthrough: This mission is a little difficult, but not so difficult that you can't complete it. Your faithful servant, graduated with honors. You are in a police car. The police hedgehogs lie in front of you. You need to start moving with the forward button (W). Your right rear tire will go flat. In this position, you need to drive a small serpentine track and stop, and not knock down any of the cones. Everyone has passed. Burn And Lap
Mission Goal: Complete 5 laps in 40 seconds.
Walkthrough: So, use a scientific approach to all the turns. In order to exit a corner at a good speed, you need to enter it correctly. We make turns according to the formula: From the outer radius of the turn to the inner radius. It works like this: suppose you need to turn left, you move to the outer radius. It will be Right side roads. Turning left, therefore, we shift to the inner radius and begin to straighten the trajectory. In general, here you need to take turns with composure and do not make nervous movements with the steering wheel, now in one direction or the other. Cone Coil
Mission Goal: Complete the route in less time.
Walkthrough: The track consists of two straights and one 180 degree turn that connects the two straights. We give gas (W), reach a 180-degree turn, press the handbrake (Space) and begin accelerating back. We brake where we started. We look at the results and move on. The 90
Mission Goal: Park the car at 90 degrees.
Walkthrough: Without further ado, gas (W)! When approaching two cars, feel the body, steering wheel to the left + Handbrake (Space) and, for safety, a regular brake (S). Get up! Wheelie Weave
Mission Goal: Drive on two wheels to the red circle.
Walkthrough: We accelerate and drive onto the ramp with one pair of wheels (the left pair), and drive in this position. Do not steer too much or you will fall, you need to fall back onto 4 wheels, always in the red circle. Good luck! Spin And Go
Mission Goal: Make a U-turn and stop at the indicated location.
Walkthrough: You are in a Taxi, you need to drive back, make a U-turn, accelerate and then stop. For convenience, we rotate the camera so that front bumper looked at you with his face. We press reverse (S), when we approach the turn, we press (A), and the car turns in the desired direction, then gas (W) and a sharp brake in a special pocket of cones. Passed! P.I.T. Maneuver
Mission Goal: Turn the police car around.
Walkthrough: The goal of the mission is to turn the police car around and stop as close to it as possible. We accelerate (W), catch up with the car in front, align ourselves with the left or right rear wheel, it’s up to you, and make a sharp turn with the steering wheel towards the enemy, turning him around. Your task next is not to click your beak and press the handbrake (Space). This will block the car and pass this test 100%. Alley Oop
Mission Goal: Perform a "Barrel" in flight and land on 4 wheels.
Walkthrough: We accelerate (W) and drive one pair of wheels (left or right) onto the springboard. When you come off the ramp, take your hand off the gas and immediately press the Left or Right Arrow. It depends on which direction you want to turn your car. You must do a 360 degree in the air and land on all 4 wheels at the same time. Calculate the time you hold the left or right arrow!!! Let's move on to the final stage. City Slicking
Mission Goal: Take a cruise around the city, to the checkpoint and back.
Walkthrough: You need to cover the distance in 120 seconds there and back. The car must be in perfect condition, otherwise there will be problems completing this mission. Don't use the handbrake, it's your enemy in this challenge!!! School Completed if you graduated with:
Bronze, then there will always be: Super GT.
Silver, then there will always be: Bullet.
Gold, then there will always be: Hotknife.

And at the same time, Jethro will call and say that there will be racing at Wang Cars. If you wish. Then he will call again and offer to buy Wang Cars. After you have bought this car dealership, there will be missions there that will not cause you any difficulties. The point of all missions is to steal cars. It won't be too difficult for you to do this. As soon as you complete one mission for Wang Cars, you will have it, the latest Wheel Arch Angels salon tuning is available. Enjoy the adrenaline rush you get. - About cars - Information portal