Robotic gearbox, manual transmission. Robotic gearbox, manual transmission You can tow a vortex tingo with a robotic gearbox

Hi all. I'll start right away as best I can. The first car was a Muscovite, 412, 1976. Memories of him are different. Next I got caught
, Oka, 1999, to be honest, this is a crazy stool. It was even scary sometimes, when you accelerated to 130 km/h your heart sank into your heels.
After Oka I bought a king car in body 103 in 1994... a piece of wood. Very strong and reliable car. helps to this day.
After some time I decided to update the car. Having saved up the amount of 130,000, I went to look for a forik through car dealerships, or something higher. I came across Vortex Tingo. I liked it. He brought in the Initial and took it away.
So this unit fell into my hands on February 20, 2013; at that time it was already 19 months old. Robot.
First impressions were delight. I skated for a year without any problems. I didn't go off-road. In the second year I moved to the village to live, and away we go. got stuck in a puddle. I decided to skid. Result: repair of the box for 35,000 Spare parts were not yet available, only on order and expensive. It skidded well. A month later, something rattled in the suspension. Replacement of levers, 2-3 weeks of sealing blocks on the lever. I bought the original. And they whistle through the lever. Primondryacheli ate like. Another month reverse gear began to fly out. The locksmith doesn't know what's wrong. Everything is fine. They will do it again in a day or two. Then 5 began to fly out. I decided to change it. the cost of the box is 60,000 without a robot and 120,000 with a robot, and to replace all the insides except the body and the robot is 27,000. They did it. I stay away from slipping and dragging anyone on a rope. It works flawlessly. With the suspension from the beginning I was glad that it was cheap. Then I calculated that something needs to be changed every month so that it doesn’t rattle. It doesn't turn out that cheap. Suspension is hard but better than in Lada cars on many and more. This is my opinion.
After 87,000 a check came out. Speed ​​1,2,3 turns on and that's it. Replacing the speed sensor 900 RUR. When winter arrived, the stove stopped heating. On 4 it blows like on 2. I took it apart, found nothing, assembled it and, miraculously, it worked as it should. At 150,000 I changed the calipers, they got it. Every 3-5 months I took them apart, cleaned them, lubricated them, changed the rubber bands, but to no avail. Rear lights They shake constantly, but according to the current everything is normal. What do they want? Idk. When it rolls up, it creaks like the last time. To summarize:
+Cheap service by 70%
+Heated seat
+ heated mirrors
+ very stable on the road.
now it's bad
-light bulbs are on, even diodes
-mata with pads. The lubricant leaks out quickly and they jam
- you won’t skid or drag. The box is weak
-small chips are immediately covered with saffron milk caps.
-The suspension constantly makes itself felt.
-When switching from upshift to downshift, he thinks for a very long time
P.S. I’ll write what happens. I'll post pictures later

Alexey, I have a problem with my car in general!) Vortex Tingo 2012, with a mileage of up to 50 thousand km. robot. I’m already tired of regretting taking the car, there’s no other way out. My conscience will not allow me to resell it because I was sold...
I bought it two weeks ago in the Rostov region. I drove it to Rostov, my wife and I were very happy with the purchase because it went very well on the highway, and there were no problems for two days after the purchase. After the Priora, I just fell in love with this car). To celebrate, I went to register it, and then in a traffic jam the gear didn’t change once. The revs are up to the ceiling, but the gear does not engage. You accelerate, and she’s in one place, well, it happened just once that day, I think everything will be fine further and I went... I registered it, I also drove back through traffic jams and again she didn’t want to shift, she’s already been on the road twice - the length approximately 10 km. I was afraid to get upset and think that there was something wrong with the car... Everything is fine, everything is fine, maybe it’s not warmed up, maybe something else... in short, I calmed myself down) I went to work in the morning and then it started... I started to go down from heaven and get more and more upset... I drive for about 10 minutes, stand around for a while, and that’s all... because of me, the whole of Rostov is stuck in a traffic jam) In short, the car doesn’t shift to the next gear. If you pray, it switches, if you don’t pray, the sun lights up + check...)) About 200 meters with breaks I got to work, worked and went to the service station with the same problems. It seems to me that this happens after the car warms up. They put me on a lift - oil was leaking from the gearbox, the gearbox was cracked, they sent me to another service station, since these guys did not have equipment for this brand. I barely got there again... They did the diagnostics, they didn’t say any codes or errors, I didn’t demand it, since I read the topic after that. They wrote to replace the gearbox housing + replace the clutch slave cylinder, it was also a little in oil... Of course, there are no spare parts in Rostov... I realized that in Rostov there are no specialists for this gearbox. Before this, the car didn’t even switch from first to second when it was cold... I went to the forum, unscrewed the sensor, sealed everything with sealant, installed it, the car drove... Even my wife and I managed to drive to the supermarket about 10 km, in the evening without traffic jams.. In the morning I went to work with joy, I thought that I had fixed everything, I’ll weld the box later and everything will be ok.... But again the same problem, the same problems were stuck in traffic jams. It doesn’t switch, the check light comes on and the sun comes on... I came across a guy, he collected these cars in TAGAZ. Explained to me a little about this box, I now went to him. He did the diagnostics and said that there were two errors - one in the gearbox, one in the control unit, he didn’t ask about the codes, he also didn’t yet know that they were needed. In words he said that the clutch cylinder was in oil, it needed to be changed, and of course the gearbox housing needed to be changed. Again, there are no spare parts, it turned out to be only a new sensor, I bought it, installed it, the car is now driving, but again with God’s help it switches, that is, the first, second - almost without problems, on the third - you have to pray, it switches, but not right away, as if it thinks about something for a long time before grabbing 3rd gear, I accelerate, the speed rises, but it doesn’t shift right away, but after four or five seconds, I feel it’s grabbed - I crossed myself, I drove on. But today I got to work, from work, in traffic jams without a single stop due to a breakdown, and the third one, sometimes the second one doesn’t turn on right away, but if you’re driving downhill, you don’t have to be afraid, it’ll turn on in 4-5 seconds. If it goes up, then only on the first one, well, okay, on the second one you can risk it, on the third one there is a risk of stalling) I ordered a clutch, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow it will arrive - it’s true, but they assure me that it’s very good, with some kind of modernized cable (15 thousand . rubles), and ordered one part (the main one) of the gearbox housing through Legionauto (17,000 rubles), it comes from China, until the spare part arrived in Russia, I’m sitting there waiting, maybe I ordered the whole clutch in vain, maybe it could have been repaired, who knows. ..maybe it’s not the problem at all. I installed a new sensor and the problem is almost gone. No one here understands, it would seem that the city is big, they were assembled side by side (Taganrog) and still there are no craftsmen... I also want to change the clutch disc, just go for a walk... and Since several times I tried to slowly climb the curb, but it It seems to me that it was slipping, and there was a burning smell. Maybe it's because of this that the gears aren't shifting? I’ll invest money in it, God forbid it doesn’t go, I’ll drive it across the new Voroshilovsky bridge and straight into the Don, let it float to itself))) Thanks, if anyone can help with advice!

In the process of getting acquainted with the operating experience of the tingo, you may get the impression that the car, taking into account its price component, is an elementary design, a device with several mediocre abilities and slight shortcomings. However, it is very naive to believe that such an opinion can be fair. One way or another, even this TagAZ product requires knowledge of some nuances related to the specifics of the car itself, its individual nodes and details, terms of use. Having summarized the most characteristic features of vortex models, we bring to your attention the features of the Russified Chinese.

Body defects

Quality external elements Tingo Vortex does not cause any comments from drivers.

Painting done well enough high level, the individual parts of the body are installed neatly and evenly in relation to each other - these are the opinions you can hear about the assembly of the car.

But for those who will be getting acquainted with tingo for the first time, it is very important to know the following features of its appearance:

  • First of all, we are talking about the bumper. Do not rush to argue with the seller or dealer if you notice a wave-like arc on front bumper. These are not the consequences of a traffic accident or manufacturing defects. The whole point is that this bumper is not cast according to the shape, which is why it is uneven. A similar nuance is noticed in almost every model, and therefore you just have to put up with it: this cannot be called a disadvantage, it is rather a manufacturing feature;
  • another feature of vortex are the pads on the handles rear doors. “What's so special about this?” - such a reasonable question may arise from any car enthusiast. And the specificity is that the car you are purchasing may not have these same linings. Alas, the reason for this is the selfish claims of unscrupulous employees of technical centers. And although this may seem like a trifle to some, this element of the car’s exterior still arouses a certain interest, so it’s worth taking into account.

Specifics of automatic transmission

Next tagaz feature vortex tingo is his learning robot-automata. The box is really prone to learning, manifests itself exclusively with positive side, not capricious and not slow-witted. But the vortex gearbox has certain nuances:

  • firstly, it’s not very convenient to start driving with it at intersections, since either the front wheels are slipping by the robot, or it takes too long to start moving. This situation requires skill from the driver, and therefore one must be prepared for the fact that the first time driving a tingo will be fraught with certain difficulties;
  • secondly, you need to take into account the operation of the system when overtaking. If the mode is “auto”, then a slight thoughtfulness of the kick-down will help you, in other modes you should simply lower the gear in advance;
  • thirdly, some models suffer from an unknown disease of the robot box. The bottom line is that the robot simply refuses to engage gears, while emitting some signals. No diagnostics will reveal any deficiencies, so it’s not worth spending money on it. Just another feature.

Strange vibrations when driving

Among the features of the tingo is the presence of vibrations when moving. Why is this a feature?

At a certain speed, the car is exposed to persistent vibration, which goes away either when the speed decreases or after it reaches 110 km/h and above.

The reasons for this phenomenon are unknown, on some models vibration is constantly present, on others it is only present winter period, others are completely devoid of this trait. Just don’t be surprised and don’t rush to the service station if you suddenly get “lucky” and your car also starts to vibrate.

Finally, the specifics of ABS

Main purpose anti-lock braking system The name implies quite clearly - preventing brake locking. In principle, this system it should not reduce the braking distance, or rather, this has never been guaranteed by anyone. But here's the car vortex tingo shows that the situation can be completely opposite.

Very often, when braking sharply in urban conditions, the following picture is observed: the system, activated too quickly by Chinese electronics, literally does not allow the car to stop. Unlocked wheels continue to rotate for too long, which negatively affects the braking distance. And this is fraught, of course, negative consequences. But the most important nuance is that such situations occur periodically, not in every case, and therefore it is almost impossible to guess when your car will stop immediately and when not.

The only way out, a means to eliminate this far from pleasant feature of tingo, is to install another system, not made in China(since similar nuances are also observed in other cars with roots from this country). However, this will require a considerable sum of money and impeccably performed work, otherwise we will only be talking about a greater degree of caution and prudence of the driver himself.

In principle, all the considered features of the vortex are not “fatal” and the car is in pretty good demand among modern car enthusiasts. If this is what you were considering purchasing vehicle, then we advise you to close your eyes to small shortcomings, because every car has them, especially since the reviews about the Taganrog brainchild are mostly positive. - About cars - Information portal