Specifications acea a5 b5.

Used Motor oils, by definition, cannot meet a single standard. Various engines and types of gearboxes, operating conditions - all these factors force us to produce technical fluids

with various parameters. So that consumers (car factories and car owners) do not get confused about compatibility Supplies

with units, it was decided to create a system of quality standards.

Initially, oils were classified only by viscosity (SAE). Then the API (American Petroleum Institute) quality system was created, which was used in North America. Immediately after its implementation, the Association of European Engineers developed a similar classification ACEA oils

, for the European market. Both standards exist in parallel, without conflicting with each other.

What does the standard say?

The ACEA engine oil classification was developed to lobby the interests of European automakers. In addition, the “support group” included several US concerns with branches in Europe. Here is an incomplete list of the founders of the standard: BMW, Volkswagen AG, Porshe, Daimler, Land Rover

, Jaguar, Fiat, PSA, Renault, Ford-Europe, GM-Europe, Crysler-Europe, Toyota, MAN, Volvo, SAAB-Scania, DAF. How is it decrypted (more precisely, what information does the standard carry)?

What to look for when buying motor oil - video consultation If the abbreviation SAE refers only to viscosity, then ACEA contains data on compatibility with specific engines. Moreover, the lists of compatible units are agreed with automobile concerns

– participants in the certification program. The classification according to the ACEA standard contains the minimum basic requirements for the quality of oils. That is, their compliance (as opposed to selection according to SAE) guarantees trouble-free operation of the engine or gearbox. In addition, this classification provides information about

  • following parameters
  • and properties:
  • basic foundation;
  • a set of additional additives;
  • chemical composition;

physical properties;

purpose (type of fuel, engine load, operating conditions of the unit).

Markings and their meanings The ACEA classification of motor oils can be printed on the packaging along with other standards, such as API, ILSAC and GOST.. The conditions for testing oils to obtain the ACEA specification are significantly higher compared to other standards. European requirements are stricter than North American, Asian and Russian ones.

Despite the compactness of the classifier (for example, ACEA A1/B1), the abbreviation contains quite a lot of information. During the existence of the standard (since 1996), the layout of the symbols has changed several times.

The first certification options included separate markings for gasoline and diesel engines (ACEA A or ACEA B). Since 2004, all oils submitted for approval are simultaneously tested for all types of fuel.

There is no point in memorizing abbreviations with mono approval; such consumables are no longer produced.

Modern oils, certified for all types of fuel at once, are marked with a class indication separated by a fraction: for example, ACEA A1/B1.

Basic classification of oils according to the ACEA standard (including obsolete)

  1. Class A – certified compatibility with power plants running only on gasoline. The content of sulfur and sulphate ash is higher than modern Euro environmental safety standards.
  2. Class B – approval suitable for engines running on heavy fuel. Diesel load class power unit: “Light Duty”, that is, light and medium. The percentage of sulfate ash has been reduced to modern standards, and the sulfur content is quite high.
  3. Class C - a standard designed for a fairly large range of motors. Works with gasoline engines equipped with a catalytic converter, as well as diesel engines equipped with a particulate filter. Characterized by medium and low content of sulfate ash and sulfur, the oil corresponds high requirements environmental safety.
  4. Class E - A fairly narrow standard designed for powerful diesel engines operating in difficult “Heavy Duty” conditions.

Detailed classification according to ACEA

After 2012, ACEA introduced many additional subclasses:

  • For passenger cars equipped with diesel and gasoline engines. Low to medium load is implied. 4 ACEA engine oil categories: A3/B4, A1/B1, A3/B3, A5/B5;
  • For commercial diesel vehicles and heavy trucks of categories C1 to C4, the engine must comply with Euro 4 environmental standards;
  • For engines running on any fuel, with cleaning systems included in the design exhaust gases(catalyst, DPF) – 4 more categories: E4, E6, E7, E9.

The last digit indicates a sequential increase in quality and compatibility class. If in power plant ACEA A3/B3 oil is prescribed to be used, then ACEA A5/B5 can be poured into it. There is no backward compatibility.

Details about ACEA classes - video

The most popular categories with transcripts:

  • A1/B1 – Resistant to oil separation, designed to extend the drain interval. Minor friction losses. The main application is gasoline and diesel engines operating at low loads. The classifier is not universal - you should study the tolerances of the car manufacturer.
  • A3/B3 – Designed for gasoline engines with a high degree of boost, including turbocharged ones. When used with diesel fuel on the contrary, they are used on lightly loaded internal combustion engines. Universal weather operation, extended replacement intervals.
  • A3/B4 – Development of the previous specification: operation on turbocharged engines is allowed diesel engines with high boost. They are backward compatible with A3/B3.
  • A5/B5 is a relatively recent standard that has absorbed the advantages (more precisely, the requirements) of previous classifications. In addition to environmental approvals, the oil is classified as highly economical. In addition, the lubricant is practically not wasted. It is backward compatible with previous classes. The only exception is the lack of compatibility with specific engines (indicated in the instructions for routine maintenance).

Important! If there are several quality standards on the engine oil packaging, it is better to focus on ACEA.

The ACEA (Association of European Automobile Manufacturers) standard provides certification of motor oil for use and performance, and takes into account the requirements of 15 automakers (BMW, DAF, Daimler-Crysler, Fiat, Ford, GM-Europe, Jaguar Land Rover, MAN, Porshe, PSA Peugeot Citroen, Renault, SAAB-Scania, Toyota, Volkswagen, Volvo).

In December 2008, ACEA introduced the updated and most recent classification of motor oils “ACEA 2008 European Oil Sequences for Service-Fill Oils”, in which new classes C4 and E9 appeared, as well as adjustments were made to the requirements for oils of antioxidant stability and elemental composition of oils in connection with energy saving and environmental policy.

The new classification divides oils into three classes according to engine type: A (petrol), B (light diesel) and E (heavy diesel engines).

Each class is divided into categories of different levels of performance properties:

  • Four for petrol and light diesel engines(A1/B1, A3/B3, A3/B4, A5/B5);
  • Four specifically for gasoline and light diesel engines equipped with catalytic aftertreatment systems (C1, C2, C3, C4);
  • Four for heavily loaded diesel engines (E4, E6, E7, E9).

A more detailed view of the ACEA classification

A/B - motor oils for gasoline and diesel engines of passenger cars, vans, minibuses

A1/B1 - Resistant to temperature changes and difficult conditions of oil use. At high temperatures and large shear gradients, they save fuel consumption and do not lose stable lubricating properties. Helps extend drain intervals for gasoline and diesel engines passenger engines, as well as for light trucks Vehicle. Designed for the use of oils with the lowest degree of fluidity.

A3/B3 - All-season oils with high operational properties. Designed for gasoline and diesel engines of passenger cars and light trucks with average replacement intervals.

A3/B4 - for use in high-performance gasoline and diesel engines with direct injection fuel. Can be used instead of A3/B3 class oils. High performance help reduce fuel consumption.

A5/B5 - Oils resistant to mechanical destruction, intended for use with extended oil change intervals in highly accelerated gasoline and diesel engines of light vehicles, in which it is possible to use low-viscosity oils that reduce friction, with dynamic viscosity at high temperatures and high speed shear (HTHS) from 2.9 to 3.5 mPa s.

C - motor oils for gasoline and diesel engines with exhaust gas recovery catalysts

C1 - Oils resistant to mechanical destruction, compatible with exhaust gas neutralization units, intended for use in highly accelerated gasoline engines and diesel engines of light vehicles equipped with particulate filters and three-way catalysts. They are suitable for engines that may use friction-reducing oils that are viscous at high temperatures and high shear rates (2.9 mPa s). These oils have the lowest sulfated ash content and the lowest phosphorus and sulfur content and may not be suitable for lubricating some engines.

Oils resistant to mechanical destruction, compatible with exhaust gas neutralization units, intended for use in highly accelerated gasoline engines and diesel engines of light vehicles equipped with particulate filters and three-component catalysts. They are suitable for engines that may use friction-reducing oils that are viscous at high temperatures and high shear rates (2.9 mPa s). These oils increase the service life of particulate filters and catalysts and provide fuel savings.

Oils resistant to mechanical destruction, compatible with exhaust gas neutralization units, intended for use in highly accelerated gasoline engines and diesel engines of light vehicles equipped with particulate filters and three-component catalysts, increase the service life of the latter.

Motor oils for diesel and gasoline engines that meet the latest stringent exhaust gas environmental requirements Euro-4 (as amended in 2005). Oils resistant to mechanical destruction, compatible with exhaust gas neutralization units, intended for use in highly accelerated gasoline engines and diesel engines of light vehicles requiring SAPS (reduced content of sulfated ash, phosphorus, sulfur) and a minimum HTHS viscosity (3.5mPa.s), equipped DPF particulate filters and TWC three-component catalysts increase the service life of the latter.

E - motor oils for powerful diesel trucks

Motor oils that provide high piston cleanliness, wear protection, high resistance to soot contamination and stable properties throughout the entire period of operation. Recommended for modern diesel engines that meet the requirements of Euro-1, Euro-2, Euro-3, Euro-4 and Euro-5 standards and operate in very difficult conditions with significantly extended replacement intervals (subject to manufacturer's recommendations). Can only be used in engines without a particulate filter, and in some engines with exhaust gas recirculation and nitrogen oxide reduction systems.

Motor oils that provide high piston cleanliness, wear protection, high resistance to soot contamination and stable properties throughout the entire period of operation. Recommended for modern diesel engines that meet the requirements of Euro-1, Euro-2, Euro-3, Euro-4 and Euro-5 standards and operate in very difficult conditions with significantly extended replacement intervals (subject to manufacturer's recommendations). Can be used in engines with exhaust gas recirculation, with or without a particulate filter, and for engines with nitrogen oxide emission reduction systems. Oils of this class are strongly recommended for engines equipped with particulate filters and designed to operate on low-sulfur fuel.

Motor oils that effectively keep pistons clean and protect against varnish deposits. Provide excellent protection against wear, have high resistance to soot contamination and stable properties throughout the entire period of operation. Recommended for modern diesel engines that meet the requirements of Euro-1, Euro-2, Euro-3, Euro-4 and Euro-5 standards and operate in harsh conditions with extended replacement intervals (subject to manufacturer's recommendations). Recommended for use in engines without particulate filters and for most engines equipped with exhaust gas recirculation and nitrogen oxide reduction systems.

Motor oils that effectively keep pistons clean and protect against varnish deposits. They provide excellent wear protection, have high resistance to soot contamination and stable properties throughout the entire period of operation. Recommended for modern diesel engines that meet the requirements of Euro-1, Euro-2, Euro-3, Euro-4 and Euro-5 standards and operate in harsh conditions with extended replacement intervals (subject to manufacturer's recommendations). Can be used in engines with or without particulate filters and in most engines equipped with exhaust gas recirculation and nitrogen oxide reduction systems. Oils of this class are strongly recommended for engines equipped with particulate filters and designed to operate on low-sulfur fuel.

This is the Association of European Automobile Manufacturers. This organization was created to lobby the interests of automakers. One of the activities of ACEA was the issuance of requirements for the use of motor oils in the engines of companies included in this organization.
Today, the composition of its members is very impressive: BMW, DAF, Daimler-Crysler, Fiat, Ford, GM-Europe, Jaguar Land Rover, MAN, Porshe, PSA Peugeot Citroen, Renault, SAAB-Scania, Toyota, Volkswagen, Volvo.

The latest edition of the ACEA motor oil classification was adopted in 2004. From this year motor oils for diesel and gasoline engines of passenger cars according to ACEA are combined into one category. But, due to the fact that not all the latest motor oils, which are classified according to the new edition of ACEA, can be used in engines of earlier years of production, motor oil manufacturers still often write on the packaging of motor oil the previously assigned quality classes according to the previous edition of 2002 .

Please note that any motor oil manufacturer that uses ACEA standards in its advertising and packaging must carry out the necessary tests in accordance with the requirements of the organization responsible for meeting the quality of motor oils with ACEA standards.

What do the numbers and letters mean in ACEA classes?

In the latest edition of ACEA (2004), motor oils are divided into three categories:

A/B- motor oils for gasoline and diesel engines. This category includes all previously developed classes A and B (until 2004, A - motor oils for gasoline engines, B - for diesel engines). Today there are four classes in this category: A1/B1-04, A3/B3-04, A3/B4-04, A5/B5-04.

WITHnew class- motor oils for diesel and gasoline engines that meet the latest stringent exhaust gas environmental requirements Euro-4 (as amended in 2005). These motor oils are compatible with catalysts and particulate filters. Actually, it was the innovations in European environmental requirements that became the reason for the reconstruction of the ACEA classification. Today there are three classes in this new category: S1-04, S2-04, S3-04.

E– motor oils for loaded diesel engines of heavy vehicles. This category has existed since the introduction of the classification (since 1995). In 2004, cosmetic changes were made, 2 new classes E6 and E7 were added, and two other, outdated classes were excluded.

Description of classes and categories

A1/B1 Oils intended for use in gasoline engines and diesel engines of light vehicles, in which the use of friction-reducing oils that are oil-viscous at high temperatures and high shear rates (from 2.9 to 3.5 mPa s) is possible.
These oils may not be suitable for lubricating some engines. It is necessary to follow the operating instructions and reference books.
A3/B3 Oils resistant to mechanical destruction with high performance properties, intended for use in highly accelerated gasoline engines and diesel engines of light vehicles and/or for use with extended intervals between oil changes in accordance with the recommendations of engine manufacturers, and/or for use in particularly severe operating conditions , and/or all-season use of low-viscosity oils.
A3/B4 Oils resistant to mechanical destruction with high performance properties, intended for use in highly accelerated gasoline engines and diesel engines with direct fuel injection.
A5/B5 Oils resistant to mechanical destruction, intended for use with extended intervals between oil changes in highly accelerated gasoline engines and diesel engines of light vehicles, in which it is possible to use oils that reduce friction, have low viscosity at high temperatures and high shear rates (from 2.9 to 3. 5 mPa s). These oils may not be suitable for lubricating some engines. It is necessary to follow the operating instructions and reference books.
C1 Oils resistant to mechanical destruction, compatible with exhaust gas neutralization units, intended for use in highly accelerated gasoline engines and diesel engines of light vehicles equipped with particulate filters and three-component catalysts. They are suitable for engines that may use friction-reducing oils that are viscous at high temperatures and high shear rates (2.9 mPa s). These oils have the lowest sulfated ash content and the lowest phosphorus and sulfur content and may not be suitable for lubricating some engines. It is necessary to follow the operating instructions and reference books.
C2 Oils resistant to mechanical destruction, compatible with exhaust gas neutralization units, intended for use in highly accelerated gasoline engines and diesel engines of light vehicles equipped with particulate filters and three-component catalysts. They are suitable for engines that may use friction-reducing oils that are viscous at high temperatures and high shear rates (2.9 mPa s). These oils increase the service life of particulate filters and catalysts and provide fuel savings. It is necessary to follow the operating instructions and reference books.
C3 Oils resistant to mechanical destruction, compatible with exhaust gas neutralization units, intended for use in highly accelerated gasoline engines and diesel engines of light vehicles equipped with particulate filters and three-component catalysts, increase the service life of the latter.
C4 motor oils for diesel and gasoline engines that meet the latest stringent exhaust gas environmental requirements Euro-4 (as amended in 2005). Oils resistant to mechanical destruction, compatible with exhaust gas neutralization units, intended for use in highly accelerated gasoline engines and diesel engines of light vehicles requiring SAPS (reduced content of sulfated ash, phosphorus, sulfur) and a minimum HTHS viscosity (3.5mPa.s), equipped DPF particulate filters and TWC three-component catalysts increase the service life of the latter.
E6 Oils that are resistant to mechanical destruction and aging, ensuring high piston cleanliness, low wear and preventing the negative impact of soot on the properties of the oil. Recommended for use in high-speed diesel engines operating under particularly severe operating conditions, meeting the requirements of Euro-1, Euro-2, Euro-3 and Euro-4 for the emission of toxic substances, and operating at significantly increased intervals between oil changes in accordance with the recommendations of automakers . They are applicable with or without particulate filters and for engines with exhaust gas recirculation, with a system of catalysts for reducing the level of nitrogen oxides. Oils of this category should be used in combination with low-sulfur diesel fuel (sulfur content no more than 0.005%).
E7 Oils that are resistant to mechanical destruction and aging, ensuring high piston cleanliness, low wear and preventing the negative impact of soot on the properties of the oil. Recommended for use in high-speed diesel engines operating under particularly severe operating conditions, meeting the requirements of Euro-1, Euro-2, Euro-3 and Euro-4 for the emission of toxic substances, and operating at significantly increased intervals between oil changes in accordance with the recommendations of automakers . They have high anti-wear properties, resistance to aging, prevent the formation of deposits in the turbocharger and the negative impact of soot on the properties of the oil. They are applicable in cars without particulate filters and in most engines with exhaust gas recirculation and a nitrogen oxide reduction catalyst system.
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