Strong engine vibration, or why Toyota's VVTi engine is troiting. Strong engine vibration, or why Toyota's VVTi engine is troiting Sick or simulator

If we talk about the history of the creation of Toyota engines, then, undoubtedly, it is worth noting that their history is very rich. For example, if we consider the 1SZ-FE engine, then it should be noted that this model very different from all the previous ones.

This is due to the fact that the Toyota concern bought out most of the shares of the Daihatsu company, which was currently developing the K3-VE engine. It was on its basis that they began to develop the 1SZ-FE model. First power units had a cast-iron block in their structure, and their main difference from other models was the presence of aluminum cooling of thin laser-cut seats. It should be noted that the repair of the components of the motor is impossible without special equipment and skillful hands masters. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, and talk about the progression of this engine model.

What was the 1SZ-FE engine like first

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The first models that were suitable for installation on modern cars began to be produced by the middle of 99. These were liter engines. After the modernization of the engine, new models appeared on the market, on which a new generation unit with a volume of 1.3 liters was already installed. After appeared 1.5 liters. motors.

Features 1SZ-FE

1SZ-FE in Toyota Vitz

feature this engine is that the toyota 1SZ-FE is the only model where the drive is due to the plastic Morse chain (this can be seen today in modern cars, on the basis of which a CVT motor is installed).

Pluses 1SZ-FE

  • Quiet work.
  • The ability to transmit huge torque, which in turn leaves the possibility of this chain driving the oil pump and single VVTi in action. To be clear, VVTi is a system that regulates the interaction time between the engine and the intake camshaft. In turn, this leads to greater efficiency of the car, which proves the great importance of torque. This technology was first developed by Toyota automotive engineers in 1996.

Disadvantages of 1SZ-FE

  • Due to the length of the chain, it was necessary to install additional acceleration blocks, as well as an additional shoe with a hydraulic tensioner. All this increased oil consumption (which is poured from expensive brands), and also generally increased the cost of this motor and car.
  • There is a high probability of bending the valves at the moment of tension and loosening of the tensioner. Then the timing chain needs to be replaced and overhaul engine.
  • The oil pump is designed and developed without the use of a sump, which increases the time during the start-up process. full turn oils in the system.
  • Although 1SZ-FE is considered the most successful motor, developed by Toyota, but it has the largest and significant disadvantage. In this model of the engine, the valves work due to the influence of a system of pushers on them, which makes the process of adjusting the valves useless and expensive if you still decide to change them. Indeed, in the case of adjustment, it will be necessary to completely change the drive glass, which, during the service, has already formed a certain place in the engine head.


Particular attention should be paid to the following specifications 1SZ-FE

So, we continue the history of the operation of Toyota Fankargo. This time I will tell readers about how I solved the problem with tripping and jerking (vibration) of the engine.

I recently wrote about my experience with a high RPM problem after a throttle flush. After that, I successfully traveled for a month. And at one fine moment I start the car, and the engine began to troit. Moreover, the car at the same time began to twitch, especially at idle. There was such a vibration in the car that the children even began to laugh, and the wife was frightened - what happened.

What's the first thought? That's right, candles. Twisted - like normal. Put the old ones, maybe the problem will be solved? But no, the twitching and vibration of the engine, as it was, continued to persist.
I thought - for sure, bad gasoline - VVTi is so sensitive to it. Filled up at another gas station, the problem did not go away. So it's not about the gas?

I will describe my observations and symptoms:

On a cold morning, the car is normal. It starts as usual (that is, there is no vibration at startup), runs smoothly, at 1500 rpm, then drops to 900 rpm. I'm going. After about 5 minutes it starts - on a warm engine, a slight vibration of the entire machine is felt at a speed of about 40-50 km / h. The slower you go, the vibration becomes more sensitive. At a speed of 3-5 km / h (at low speeds), tripling, jerking and vibration are very strong. Also, when you stop at a traffic light, it seems that everyone is pointing a finger at your car - it twitches so much. When starting off - the same unpleasant picture. When driving at a speed of 70-80 km / h (with the overdrive button pressed), the traction becomes very weak, up to 100 km / h you have to press the gas pedal for a long time.

I went to the service station, where they cleaned me throttle valve with valve idle move.
The guys asked about the symptoms of the problem, then they threw off the wiring to the ignition coils for each candle in turn, and everything became clear - one cylinder does not work (that is, what to throw off, what not to throw off, the engine works the same way, but when the wires are thrown off from other candles, the engine stalls ). Damn, I thought, it must be something with the compression. Valves or rings?

Checked the compression - everything is fine!

We started checking the injectors - here it is, one of them does not click! Injector dead!

They changed it (I had to buy it on parsing - there was no such one in the store).

They started the car - oops, the engine whispers, no twitching, no troit anywhere, neither at idle nor in motion.
Well, advice to anyone who has such a problem and who does not know why the engine troit, twitches and vibrates, especially at idle: check the injector nozzles. Surely, the point is in them (although there may be banal candles, or wires, or an ignition coil, or compression ...!).

And the reason for this twitching, in my opinion, in my case is the following:

When the engine speed is reduced to 600 per minute (when you are standing at a traffic light), fuel through the nozzles enters the cylinders in an insignificant amount, since you do not press the gas pedal. But in one injector, the fuel flow was not regulated in any way, and the fuel actually poured into the cylinder in large quantities, which led to tripling, which led to a large detonation and jerking of the crankshaft. At high revs, this was not observed at high speed, because fuel was supplied to all cylinders in approximately the same quantities.

Another reason why a 2nz engine can triple is

More useful for motorists. If you have a vibration on the steering wheel and humming wheels while driving a car when picking up speed, be sure to read this:.

Vasily LARIN

People are shrinking. Previously, for example, they served in the army for 25 years, and nothing, withstood it, but now they want to “knock off” the service life to a year. Laughter, and nothing more. Cars are getting smaller too. Not in terms of size and technical richness, of course. In spirit, in their physical endurance, in the beauty of design solutions, if you like.

We are talking about modern rehabilitation measures designed to alleviate the consequences of atypical conditions of existence, that is, exploitation. What can the current diagnostics do to solve problems and what are the chances for “simple” cars to survive?

A correct and timely diagnosis, doctors assure, is half the success in treatment. You can’t argue if you don’t say that this is the most important thing. How much health and human lives have been ruined due to an incompetent assessment of the symptoms of the disease, there is no point in reminding - the problem is burning. Moreover, even with high technical equipment, the common truth is the same: professional talent, intuition and responsibility of a doctor is of decisive importance. Again, treatment can be different.

So in automotive world, especially with those of its representatives that are at risk for reliability and unpretentiousness. In recent years, unfortunately, in the line of "conscripts" from among the second-hand, the previously almost flawless Toyota does not shine with good health, and first of all with the rank and file of the new formation - a family of compact small cars Vitz/Platz. Brought up for civilized megacities, by the will of economic processes they are “cannon fodder” thrown into the embrasures of Russian reality.

Why these models, even at such a young age, are not very suitable for the role of combat guards, our newspaper has already told in general terms. And now there is one concrete example. Everything converged in it - the symptoms of malaise typical of this generation, the current possibilities and specifics of diagnostics, the essence of the nature of the disease, as well as methods for its treatment.

Sick or pretender?

Hatchback Toyota Vitz. In the most ordinary version of this army of “tots”: with a 1SZ-FE engine with a volume of 0.998 liters. The smallest of the new mass-produced Z series, with which Toyota is replacing the good old guard of A and S series engines.

The motor, even though it’s a 4-cylinder, is also equipped with a set of fashionable philistine spillikins: the VVT-i variable valve timing system, individual coils for each cylinder (the so-called distributed ignition - SLI), plastic intake manifold, mass air flow meter... Stop, more to the point from this point.

On our battlefields, only about a year, and after the first winter experienced, the car began to seriously mope. Yes, it's starting to die! It began to start poorly, gas mileage rose to some incredible values, idling as such disappeared, and the engine began to shake like a fever.

If it was possible to start it, for some time with difficulty, but it worked at warm-up speeds, then, as it warmed up, the speed dropped and in the end it completely “rotted out”. If you turn on the gear, that is, the automatic transmission controller is transferred to position D, the engine also stalls. It was possible to get under way only by getting used to it: turn on the gear under the gas and so, under the gas, if you're lucky, you can go.

In general, not riding, but fighting. Some blows in the transmission are worth something, not to mention the ease of movement. What can the service "ambulance" do in such a case?

It is difficult to say who advised the owner, but he turned to the service not empty-handed. According to the information he previously received, and completely unfounded, for Toyota of the latest generations in general and for the Vitz / Platz family in particular, the failure of air flow sensors has become characteristic.

Now, of course, they are not of the “eternal” paddle type, as on fossil Toyotas from the 80s, and not even MAP sensors, which were the standard for the same Toyota for a long time, but “super-sophisticated”. If such a flow meter "ends", just similar symptoms may occur.

But if everything in modern cars were so simple! Like, he suspected something was wrong, went, bought a flow meter for a hundred dollars, changed it like a filter, and everything returned to normal. Alas, it probably won't. In this case, it didn't work.

Nevertheless, just in case, a brand new flow meter was immediately ordered and purchased by the owner. Such a small thing in a plastic case for 1SZ cost the owner almost three thousand rubles. Original or alternative, it's hard to say, but then it will play a significant role. Or rather, it won't play.

What is good about the current "Japanese", not excluding Toyota, is the presence of normal OBD connectors that allow you to scan organisms for all sorts of abnormalities. But only, of course, if you have the appropriate testers-scanners.

Even before connecting a smart device (by the way, in this case it is called Automedics Pro), the initial visual inspection did not reveal anything supernatural - apparently, at least one of the cylinders does not work, the engine is very interrupted. Folk remedies in this case, it is known - to consistently “disassemble” the engine and, by way of elimination, change “everything in a row”, starting with spark plugs (also not cheap, by the way). The civilized, or rather, the qualified way, is different.

With the tester connected via OBD, the primary diagnostics in a matter of seconds confirmed the malfunction of the flow meter - the signal from it is zero! Q.E.D? No, not everything is as simple as already mentioned. If you want, today's troubleshooting can even be compared to medicine. This is a kind of detective story with an intricate plot that an experienced detective will have to unravel and discover "criminals" who, as usual, no one would have thought of at first.

The tester “found” the oxygen sensor (lambda probe) alive, but semi-paralyzed ... showed only 8 switches in 10 seconds - in fact, the lower tolerance limit, according to the manual for the car. Such a “brake” sensor is quite capable of negatively affecting the operation of the engine, namely, “inclining” the injection system towards unauthorized over-enrichment of the mixture.

In addition, reading error codes (DTCs) detected failures in the ignition system, namely in the primary circuit of one of the coils. It turned out a whole bunch of problems, or that tangled tangle of facts. At the same time, the tiny naive 1SZ seemed incapable of serious problems - where could they fit in here ?!

But now, in order to find the ends of the ball, it was necessary to “climb” into the very “lair” already with our hands - we had to visually examine the most tense nodes of the system. First, remove and check the coils. And here they are, the first results of the “inspection”: traces of high-voltage breakdowns are visible to the naked eye, and even decent tears on the sealing gum of the spark plug tips of the 1st and 2nd cylinders.

This, of course, is serious "evidence", but it is far from the point. The candles twisted out of the “darkness”, in turn, became silent witnesses of the “crime”: their state completely reflected the chaos in the process of supplying and burning the mixture. The spark plug of the first cylinder in terms of the type of insulator differed sharply from the rest in a uniform dense soot. On the insulator of the spark plug of the 2nd cylinder, the “smokyness” is not so strong, but uneven. The remaining two had light insulators, but the thread edges were black from soot, which should also not be in a fully serviceable engine.

And we'll heal you

Well, diagnostics are diagnostics, but what to do next? Is it possible to "quickly" cure and how? The scanner had already given out what it could, but all the information collected did not yet allow a final diagnosis. Nevertheless, with such facts, it is already possible to start taking the engine out of the boundary state between life and death. Anyway, worth a try.

But the subtlety of the matter lies in not rushing to change everything to a new one, but, guided by common sense and practical expediency in relation to this particular car, try to eliminate the disease with “little blood”.

The first steps were unexpectedly successful - the punched sealing gums were replaced with those from conventional tips high voltage wires without violating the "authenticity" of the system in any way. Hooray! - The Vitz body, despite its technical advancement, showed some penchant for inexpensive maintainability, which supported the former glory of Toyota.

But the joy was short-lived - engine performance improved, but only slightly. And why would it be if the flow meter is “zero”? The surgical intervention logically continued with the replacement of the native sensor with the one that the client brought. But what is it? The readings of the new flow meter suddenly also turned out to be zero - he was silent like a fish! Accordingly, the work (more precisely, not work) of the engine has not changed at all.

That's "repairability" for you. The situation, of course, is not a dead end, but it is also extraordinary. Maybe the new sensor is defective? No, it can’t be, - the owner of Vitz assures, - it was purchased from a reliable company, at a considerable price.

The only thing left to do was to dig deeper. In fact, putting aside a modern tester, resort to proven old-fashioned methods, namely, to carefully examine the external junk of the engine. Although he is electronically progressive, nothing “human” is alien to him either.

And for sure, it is: the “detectives” again found “bodily injuries”, but this time on a regular rubber hose going from under the damper space to the absorber purge valve. Or, in simple terms, to the fuel vapor absorber (there is also such a system here). Well, they found out, but what did it give?

Almost all! The hose was replaced, and not with any original one. It was enough to pick up from those at hand - the detail is not large in complexity. But with the replacement of this particular part, the operation of the engine miraculously stabilized, namely, vibration and interruptions disappeared. It seemed to rejoice. However, this was only a "comma" in the case.

idle speed regardless of operating temperature engine, did not fall below 1200. Somewhere, then, this mess remained an “accomplice”. It should have been looked for only in the block of the idle speed regulator. They removed its electrical part, which controls the speed when various energy consumers are turned on. But here everything turned out to be in perfect working order.

But the saboteur was still sitting in the regulator, but it was in its thermomechanical part, where the thermostatic heating machine and the spool assembly of the idle speed regulator work together. It was this assembly that turned out to be coked with deposits, so much so that the spool of its valve turned with great effort.

It was not difficult to wash and clean the valve, the aerosol agent used for carburetors was enough. The important thing is that this only partially helped - the speed fell, but only to 1000, which is not the norm. Again, a deadlock arose, for the exit from which intuition nevertheless pointed to the air flow sensor. As they say, everyone forgot about him, but he, as before, showed zero.

The new flow meter was again changed to the native one. Just in case, you can say, according to the principle of "trust, but verify." And the old sensor suddenly "activated"! Moreover, its revival with healthy readings of 2.58 g / s immediately brought the idle speed back to normal, to its legal 800 revolutions.

Now it was possible to put a point. The native electronic flow meter, despite its unimportant reputation, in this case turned out to have nothing to do with it. The torn absorber purge hose is to blame for everything, because of which air entered the engine, bypassing the sensor, and it was silent. Because of his silence, in fact, the processor turned the engine control upside down.

What about the new sensor? All in all, it really turned out to be defective. And it is unlikely that even at such a price it can be attributed to spare parts from the category of high-quality alternatives, since exactly the same sensors are on sale for 6 thousand rubles.

However, it is impossible to say that a bold point was put on this. Firstly, full-scale tests of Vitz did not give perfect results: a sharp opening of the throttle caused noticeable dips and vibrations of the engine at the initial stage of acceleration. The subsequent re-examination of the candles showed that all underwent normal self-cleaning, except for the candle of the 1st cylinder. Obviously not alive. Replaced with a new one, after which, finally, the operation of the engine completely returned to normal.

Secondly, the diagnostics showed deviations or, more precisely, the weakening of the work of other systems, which had not yet had a radical effect, but were already alarming. The mentioned lambda probe with its “slow” frequency of operation was asking for a replacement, since the composition of the mixture in this case was not optimal in all modes.

Also, when listening to the injectors with a phonendoscope (this picture generally exactly resembles the scene in the doctor's office), "heart murmurs" were found - a deaf operation of the nozzle of the third cylinder. In this case, flushing was recommended to begin with. fuel system and replacing the fuel filter.

In addition, we replaced air filter, which is a toy-sized 1SZ about the size of a dishcloth, and also had a manual idle setting. In normal maintenance, this is not done, but due to the parsing of the node, it was required. Moreover, the manufacturer, it is immediately clear, does not assume anything like this under normal operating conditions, since the adjusting screws have “secret” 5-sided slots for a special key, which you still need to look for.

In this way, this difficult, in principle, tangle unraveled. In this case, it is possible to imagine another way, when sensors, all candles, coils (each at least $ 80) change “stupidly”, fuel filter, ultrasound is assigned to nozzles and so on. But, in the end, the essence of the problem is not “hooked”, the correct diagnosis is not made, the matter does not reach the simple truth and is not seen best option"treatment".

And how many such "healed" and illegally "convicted" among the rank and file? And what will happen when dirt or something else “stops” the mechanism of the phase change system in their motors? It certainly won't be fun. - About cars - Information portal