Bus transportation as a profitable business. Business Idea: Private School Bus Business School Bus

* Calculations use average data for Russia

It can be called surprising that there are virtually no school buses in Russia. Still, this is a fairly convenient mode of transport in order to deliver schoolchildren to classes in an organized manner. But the budget of most educational institutions does not allow to support enough expensive car, and the authorities do not at all seek to develop this direction.

In this regard, schoolchildren are forced to get to school in any way convenient for them - from a trip by car of their parents to a trip by public transport or even on foot. In big cities, parents always take some risk when sending their child unaccompanied to school, so running a special bus may seem like a pretty profitable undertaking.

However, this type of business is associated with many difficulties and features. In any case, from an economic point of view, the maintenance of a minibus is much more profitable than a school bus, which is why businessmen are in no hurry to engage in such a business. But for those who want to combine profit with a socially significant cause, starting their own school bus can be a good undertaking.

In such a business, there are many options for building your own concept of doing it. However, at the moment this species activity falls under the definition of passenger freight transport. In this regard, in order to start your own business, you must register as a business entity. Registration takes place at the local branch of the tax authority, it is optimal to choose the form legal entity, and in order to be able to enjoy the simplified taxation system it is recommended to choose a limited liability company (LLC). This will allow transferring no more than 6 percent of revenues or 15 percent of operating profits to the state. It is also necessary to correctly indicate the OKVED code, and the provision of school bus services is best suited (OKPD 2) 49.31 Services for intra-city and suburban passenger transportation by land.

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After the issue is resolved by registration, you can proceed to obtaining a license for passenger transportation. It is issued to entrepreneurs who are engaged in cargo transportation on vehicles with a capacity of more than 8 people. If you plan to engage in transportation on cars that, according to their technical specifications unable to carry more than eight people at a time, then a license will not be needed. This license is issued by the local branch of Rostransnadzor, does not apply to Passenger Transportation in urban, suburban or intercity traffic. In order for the application for a license to be considered, a package of documents and a receipt for payment of the fee, which is 6 thousand rubles, are submitted to the licensing authorities.

You can greatly simplify your task by contacting a company specializing in obtaining licenses. This is unlikely to shorten the application processing time (which is up to 45 days), but this intermediary certainly has well-established connections with these government agencies. Of course, such a company will require a lot of money for its services, but it will help the entrepreneur significantly save his nerves and time. By law, obtaining a transport license is possible for individual entrepreneurs, but in the case of a law firm, the licensing authority will be more supportive. List of documents required for submission to the licensing authority:

    Legal registration certificate;

    Certificate of tax registration;

  • Memorandum of association;

    The decision to create a society.

    Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;

    Letter from Rosstat;

    Vehicle passport and registration certificate;

    Certificates of "Traffic Safety" and "Professional Competence" for the responsible person in the organization;

    A car park lease agreement or documents for the ownership of the premises and land;

    A contract for medical care with an organization that has a medical license with such a type of work as “Pre-trip medical examinations of drivers” with a copy of the medical license of this organization;

    Driver's license (must be category "D");

    Labor books of drivers;

    Health certificate for drivers;

    Technical inspection coupon / diagnostic card;

    Car rental agreement or title deed.

The latest innovation is the need to insure the carrier's civil liability to passengers (OSGPP). At the moment, the calculation of this insurance is carried out according to a very complex tariff scale. Therefore, it is rather difficult to name the exact cost for this type of insurance. This is due to the adoption of a government decree Russian Federation No. 1484 dated December 30, 2012. To calculate insurance, many factors are taken into account, such as: the number of flights per day, the length of the route, the number of planned passengers, etc. In addition, we should not forget about civil liability insurance (OSAGO) and, possibly, CASCO. The second is relevant if the buses are bought on credit or leasing, because the credit institution is not ready to risk the mortgaged property. It should be noted that OSGPP insures only liability to passengers, but not to other road users. You can compensate for your own damage in the event of an accident through your own fault only if you have a non-binding CASCO agreement.

It should be noted that the transportation of schoolchildren by bus can be carried out not only within the same city, but also in long-distance traffic (for example, between several small settlements or when transporting children who study in a large city, but live in satellite cities or on the periphery) . In this case, the transportation process is much more complicated, since the transportation of children in long-distance traffic requires a special permit, the presence of an on-duty medical team in vehicles and the escort of the bus by a traffic police car. In addition, the bus must have a responsible person who organizes the transportation of a group of children.

However, in most cases, the school bus is engaged in transportation in only one city, and the entrepreneur himself will probably give up the idea of ​​​​transporting children between cities, because the conditions imposed by law severely limit this possibility. However, you will have to transport children on specially equipped vehicles. As already noted, it is best to use machines with 8 or more seats, that is, full-fledged buses, and not minibuses, are suitable for this purpose. However, if you only need to work with a small number of schoolchildren, then a minibus can be a good alternative to full-size buses. After all, the cost of such a machine is much lower, it is easier to manage it, and it is much cheaper to maintain it.

To technical equipment vehicles also have special requirements. First, the design of the bus must comply with technical regulations for the transportation of passengers, not to mention the fact that the car must pass the scheduled technical inspection and be allowed to participate in road traffic. The bus should not be older than 10 years, so purchase decommissioned or almost faulty cars, as many trucking companies do, releasing collapsing buses on the line as public transport, will not work. If in the course of its activity this or that machine is outdated, then it will have to be used for any other transportation or even sold. According to the current legislation, all vehicles must be equipped with satellite navigators (GLONASS or GLONASS/GPS) and tachographs. We must not forget about the simplest identification marks, which include the sign "Children", special coloring and similar elements.

Next, you should find qualified drivers who have the rights of category "D" and have at least 1 year of experience. Drivers must provide a medical certificate allowing them to work as a passenger transport driver. Cars are additionally equipped with several fire extinguishers and first aid kits. The bus must always have clean water, each seat is equipped with seat belts, and the responsible person must be able to move around the bus, and travel is always free for him. This person will have to be found either on your own, or negotiate with schools to provide an employee for such a position. It should be noted that if the buses move in a column of more than three cars, then, as with intercity communication, it will be necessary to escort a traffic police squad. The driver must always have waybill, move only along a given route, do not deviate from it.

Cars must periodically undergo technical inspection, and for this it is necessary to have either your own car park with a service station, or conclude an agreement with a third party for scheduled inspection and maintenance. Vehicle. In order to have such an opportunity, it is best to contact the automobile transport companies. In the ATP, you can count on the fact that the employees of this enterprise will help with maintenance and provide communication services with the bus. ATP also has links with Rostransnadzor and therefore can help in registration and confirmation of the school bus route. This moment can be called one of the most difficult in organizing a business, since for this you need to coordinate the schedule and route not only with educational institutions, but also with government agencies. In order for the bus to be able to move along a specially allocated lane, you must also obtain the appropriate permits and approvals from the department of Rostransnadzor. If this is not done, the school bus will move along with the rest of the traffic, while standing idle in traffic jams. This is followed by lateness to lessons and dissatisfaction with consumers, which are the parents of students.

A considerable difficulty lies in the fact that the route must be coordinated not only with government services, but also with educational institutions and parents of students. It is unlikely that one car will be enough, and for this it will be necessary to buy several buses that can transport students of different age groups, whose classes start at different times and who get to school from different parts of the city. It takes a lot of time to ensure that the route is really convenient for all participants, so that there are no delays, so that it is possible to accompany the children to the stop before going to school and after it. In this case, you can work, focusing either on the school or on the parents of the students, but it is much easier to coordinate the schedule and the operation of the bus with the school administration than with many parents.

This type of business has the prospect of government assistance, but you should not count on it, because the municipal services themselves could offer free school bus services. In this regard, before starting activities, schools interested in the bus should be found, the administration of the educational institution will independently find children and their parents who are ready to use the services of a commercial school bus, which will greatly simplify the work of the entrepreneur. Only after all issues with the administration and parents have been resolved, you can begin to coordinate the route with Rostransnadzor. At the same time, the movement of the school bus should not interfere with the movement of public transport.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Currently, a bus can be bought for a relatively small price (about 700-800 thousand rubles), and for a very substantial amount (more than two million rubles). Given that the vehicle must be no older than 10 years, you will have to buy buses that are not of the lowest price category. Buses Russian production different good quality so it's better to buy foreign cars. It is also worth considering the cost of bus service.

It is worth thinking about what drivers will do during the classes of students, because their duties include not only transporting students to educational institutions, but also the return trip along the same route after school. It turns out that the bus will be idle for several hours, and this is not economically feasible. As an option, you can consider their delivery at this time as public transport, but then it may be difficult to provide a bus at a specific time. If possible, you can find several schools or other educational institutions that hold classes at different times, and do not forget that in many schools children study in several shifts.

In some elite lyceums and gymnasiums, school bus services are included in the cost of education, but not every educational institution wants to have its own fleet of buses. Therefore, you can offer your services to newly opened paid schools, and in this case you will not have to look for customers among the parents, and the school itself will pay a strictly fixed amount, while the driver will move along the agreed route. Since almost no one is engaged in such a business, it is quite difficult to determine the acceptable cost of services. It is clear that in big cities the school bus commercial basis will be much more expensive than similar ones in villages and small towns. But in any case, it is not recommended to set the cost too high, because wealthy parents, as a rule, bring and pick up the child from school on their own.

School bus services will be used mainly by middle-class families, and this service is more relevant for parents of primary school children. From the entire school, there will not be even half of the students who will ride the bus, but even two or three hundred people will make it possible to conduct a very profitable and highly profitable business. With the development of business, several buses will serve one school, but two or three cars for two or three schools are enough to start. This will significantly reduce investment.

This type of entrepreneurship can be attributed to socially useful and significant events. To begin with, it will take several million rubles, depending on the number of cars. There is practically no competition in this market, which allows the entrepreneur to set the most favorable price for his services.

The commercial school bus is a new and unusual phenomenon, which at first a large percentage of the population will be afraid to use. At the same time, a small number of consumers at first will quickly be replaced by an ever-increasing demand for this service.

Working in a big city, you can count on cooperation with a sufficiently large number of educational institutions, while even emerging competitors will occupy other schools in other areas, which will allow several enterprises to coexist. However, the business is complicated by the fact that it has many restrictions and checks, and also requires obtaining many permits and licenses and coordinating actions with many authorities.

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This implementation is possible in several ways.

First, low budget. Or rather, this business can be implemented almost from scratch. To do this, we need to open a private enterprise and it is desirable to make a seal. Conclude agreements with the directorates of schools (although you can do without it), and take advantage of their authority and help. At parent-teacher meetings, teachers will find out which parent will agree to pay for the school bus. I am sure that every school has children living in other areas who come to school by city public transport. After you decide on potential customers, it will become clear to you how many school buses you will need. I am sure that it will not be a big problem to negotiate with private taxi drivers (minibuses) and drivers scheduled buses so that they set aside one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon to drop off and drive the children to school. Also, there should be no problems with the leadership of the city, since you are doing their job.

Even if you calculate income in such a way that you give half to drivers, you will remain in a big plus. For example, you serve 5 schools in the same district. And 250 students became your clients. Travel per student $0.5 per day or $12 per school month. 12x250=3000 dollars. We give half for renting buses, and keep the rest for ourselves.

In the future, if you can convince the city authorities of the need to develop this business, you can count on part of the city budget and possibly the purchase of specialized school buses.

If you are looking to succeed in this business from the start, and you have the necessary investments, then buying a fleet can greatly expand your income opportunities. Since you can conduct excursions for children on your buses during school holidays.

In fact, I showed you a good business idea that should be adapted for your region. Carefully consider everything, calculate and preliminarily find out the demand and cost of expenses. But the fact that this one is in demand and will be popular, there should be no doubts.

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In many countries, the service of transporting children on a school bus is actively developed. This is a fairly convenient mode of transport, especially for families whose children are forced to travel far enough to school.

Also the school bus best option if the family budget does not allow maintaining a car.

In such situations, the daily long trips of the child to an educational institution, especially in a big city, are not only inconvenience, but even a risk. Therefore, the idea of ​​organizing a school bus with a good advertising campaign has the right to life.

Where to begin? Of course, with registration!

First you need to register a business entity. From taxation, you can choose a simplified system, and the legal form is a limited liability company. Thus, you will transfer only 6% of income or 15% of profit to the state.

You will need to obtain a license to carry out passenger transportation. It is issued by Rostransnadzor. The amount of the fee is 6 thousand rubles. List required documents you will receive at the branch when applying.

Requirements for transporting students

If we are talking about a minibus, then there are the following rules for the technical equipment of transport. The machine must pass a scheduled inspection and comply with technical standards for the transportation of passengers. The vehicle must not be more than 10 years old. Do not forget about the "Children" sign, which is attached to windshield bus.

The driver must have a category "D" license and work experience of at least 1 year. You will also need to get a medical book.

In the bus, the seats must be equipped with seat belts, you will need drinking water, a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher.

Coordination of the route is carried out both with government services, and with schools and parents of students. It is unlikely that you will be able to get by with one car, but if the city is small or you decide to gather children in one locality(for example, in a cottage village outside the city) and lead to one school, then one car will be enough.

While the lessons are...

It is also worth considering what the driver should do while the students are in class. To prevent transport from being idle, you can advertise for various services, for example, taking children on excursions, renting a minibus, etc.

Expenses and income

The main investment in such a business is the purchase of a minibus. If you already have it, then getting started is much easier and cheaper.

The business of organizing a school bus is socially significant and useful. So far, this niche in our country is not too developed, so you can set the most favorable price for yourself, as well as firmly take your place in this area.

Such a business is beneficial to society.

What are school buses, many know only from Hollywood movies.

Although in major cities In Russia, such a luxury is still sometimes found as an addition to the package of services for private gymnasiums.
Pupils from other schools have to get to their place of study by public transport or use their own parents as drivers.
Needless to say, parents are not happy about this. And if a high school student can still buy a ticket for city transport and console himself with the thought that the child should become more independent, then in elementary school, both the director and the head teacher often object to such trips for children. And if we also remember the state of public transport in many cities, it will become clear: if you don’t want to limit the choice of a school for a child only according to the criterion of walking distance, work as a family driver. Many fathers and mothers are used to this, but, perhaps, they would have weaned very quickly. There is a reasonable alternative.

In the US, the school bus is commonplace. But even there, not everyone is satisfied with the organization of delivery of children. Sometimes you have to wait a long time for the arrival of the school bus - both in the snow and in the cold. There are areas where the bus does not reach. There is a problem of forced coexistence in the limited space of school buses of students of different ages: for the younger ones, this is fraught with injuries.

Therefore, it was in America that an alternative to municipal school transport appeared - a private school bus. He delivers children from door to door, from home to the school door and back.

One of the first in this business was 37-year-old Ozzy Saez, a resident of Hillsborough. A hereditary transporter, he started with the repair of vehicles, and today runs the company Kids Door to Door. His bus transports mainly children who live far from the school. But there are those whose parents are just happy to pay for the safety and convenience of the child, although he could walk to school on foot.

A daily bus ride from Kids Door to Door costs parents $35 a week, which is nothing by American standards. But at the same time, the bus is equipped with soft seats, air conditioning, cheerful music sounds in the cabin. The staff is specially recruited drivers who are distinguished by courtesy and patience. In general, after the advent of the private school bus, parents, forced to leave for work a little before the light and leave the child at the mercy of unreliable municipal transport, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This idea does not seem particularly revolutionary, but it may well be in demand in Russia. After all, there are a lot of working parents who want to protect their children from all conceivable and unimaginable troubles on the way to school.

Buses for children, or simply put school buses exists in almost every developed country. As for Russia, such a means of transporting students can hardly be called an established tradition. Not in every city you can meet special vehicles on the streets, and even in large ones.

What can we say about the regions that are far from the regional centers. Naturally, the use of this transport is entirely the prerogative of the municipal authorities. routes, technical condition and much more depends on the financing of the city administration. For example, in America school bus is the norm of life.

However, even in a country like the states, not everything is going smoothly either. with timetables and routes, there are shortcomings. Children are almost always forced to wait for the arrival of the bus for 15-20 minutes, the same figures remain even in winter period time, which, as you understand, can adversely affect the health of the child.

Just like in Russia, in America there are areas of cities where buses do not go at all. In addition, younger children have an increased risk of injury as they travel with older children in overcrowded school buses.

After analyzing everything, comparing the pros and cons municipal school bus, American entrepreneurs have proposed an alternative replacement - private school bus. Now children will be transported from home to school and back.

Ozzy Saez from Hillsborough, this 37-year-old entrepreneur is one of the few who decided to start his own company Kids Door to Door for the transport of children. Even as a teenager, he was an assistant to his father in his transport company, and after that he himself opened a company related to the sale and repair of vehicles, hence such a huge work experience in the transport business.

Of course, the main audience are children who live far (more than 2 miles) from the school and the children of those parents who wish to provide their child with safety and comfort. A weekly fare is only $35.

The difference between municipal and private buses is obvious. The new buses are equipped with softer seats, air conditioning, music and other amenities. Qualified drivers are friendly and carefully help the kids get on the bus and get comfortable in it. Parents whose work schedule is very busy, those who have to go to work at noon and dawn are simply grateful private bus that will transport their children safely from home to the door of school and back.

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