Which engine heater is better to install? Diesel engine preheater: do-it-yourself installation. Autonomous air pre-heaters for internal combustion engines

In winter, the driver faces many problems. First of all, they are associated with poor starting of the car engine. In order to solve this problem, experts advise installing special preheaters. These devices can not only guarantee engine starting in any weather, but also significantly reduce emissions. exhaust gases into the atmosphere. Thus, the driver has the opportunity to take care of environment. Some models of preheaters, due to their operation, save the owner quite a lot of fuel. Direct friction between engine parts is greatly reduced. At the same time, wear of important elements occurs much more slowly, which has a positive effect on the performance of all components. The most inexpensive type preheating engine body - electric, built into the cylinder block or placed next to it. Essentially, this is a modified electric boiler. Only its main task is not to bring the liquid to a boil, but to heat it to such a state that the engine can start quickly in the cold season.

With this type, everything is clear: the power of the devices is only 400-750 W. Their purpose is to maintain a certain temperature regime directly in the cylinder block. Apart from the heating element and the wire leading to a 220 Volt outlet, there are no additional sensors, pipes or other devices here. Simply cut the pipe leading to the radiator and insert a heater there at both ends. A “boiler” with a wire isn’t enough for you? Then it won’t be superfluous to buy an ordinary timer, if accuracy down to every second is so fundamentally important to you. The most famous Russian heaters of this type are “Besprizornik” (from 1,200 rubles), “Start-mini” (from 950 rubles). The devices mentioned are mainly intended for cars domestic brands, such as VAZ, GAZ, UAZ, but are there any obstacles for domestic craftsmen?

To be fair, it should be noted that our car enthusiasts still consider a car, first and foremost, a luxury, on which too much money has already been spent. People are somehow not ready to “pamper” their iron horses with expensive heaters, and therefore the popularity of models whose cost does not exceed 2,000 rubles is growing. The same cohort includes models with the names “Lestar”, “Start M1”, “Start M2”, “Sibir-M”, “Alliance”.

What determines the power of the preheater?

First of all, the power of the preheater is associated with the maximum frequency of the device. Typically, this parameter lies within 50 Hz, but deviations are possible. Additionally, the diameter of the piston is taken into account. Its size ultimately affects the rate of circulation of the flow. The higher the operating power of the device, the faster the temperature rises. Typically, the antifreeze in the engine can warm up to 60 degrees. The average heating time is 3 minutes. In this case, much also depends on the location of the preheater. As mentioned earlier, it must be securely fastened and not blown out.

Webasto preheater diagram

The Webasto model has a standard installation diagram. The engine preheater has a tubular electric heater in the central part. To connect it to the impeller, a special bushing is installed. The thermostat in this case is located in the upper part of the structure. Fuel is supplied from the cylinder side. Thus, the circulation flow of the device is quite high. The main chamber of the device is made of stainless steel, so it keeps the temperature high. There is a pump under the control unit. As a result, the power of the preheater can be adjusted.

Device model "Webasto 220V"

The Webasto 220V engine preheater differs from other devices in its volumetric heat exchanger. It is located immediately above the tubular electric heater. In this case, the piston has a small diameter. However, the impeller takes up a lot of space. The fuel supply to the system is regulated using a special sensor. In order to change the limit temperature of the liquid, there is a control unit. In this regard, many models are equipped with a self-diagnosis system. Additionally, the Webasto 220V engine preheater is available with fans. In this case, they cope with overheating of the main camera of the device.

Installing a heater with your own hands will not require much time or any special knowledge. Almost every car enthusiast who knows where the main working components of the car are located can cope with the task. The installation process itself will take no more than 3 hours. But if you are not sure that the installation will be completed normally, it is still better to visit a technical station. In case self-installation should be adhered to detailed instructions. As a rule, it comes complete with the device.

SEQUENCE OF ACTIONS WHEN INSTALLING A PRE-HEATER FOR 220V. 1 . Drain the antifreeze from the system. The volume of drained liquid must be at least 2 liters. 2 . Disconnect the pipe from the stove. In this case, it is better not to cut the “original” hoses that the cooling system is equipped with. It is better to connect purchased hoses of the required diameter. When connecting all the elements, do not forget to use hose clamps, which usually come with the heater. 3 . We install the heater using the bracket that comes with the heater. 4 . We connect it to the stove using hoses. 5 . We assemble the entire system, and it is important not to forget to screw back all the previously unscrewed nuts and tighten them thoroughly. 6 . Fill with antifreeze or antifreeze to the required level.

What power heating element should I buy?

0.5kW- the power of the heating element, which can be used in the parking lot to maintain constant temperature engine. This power is not enough to warm up the engine in severe frost. 1kW- heating element power, which is recommended to be selected for 8kL engines VAZ 2110, VAZ 2114 1.5kW- heating element power, which is recommended to be selected for 16kL VAZ 2110, LADA Priora, Kalina engines How long does it take to warm up the engine to start a car in cold weather? The time is selected experimentally and depends on many factors (type of engine, power of the electric heater, air temperature, etc.). Approximately: in order to easily start the engine of a VAZ 2110 16kl in cold weather -30C using a 1.5 kW electric heater, you need to count on a warm-up time of 30-60 minutes. Of course, you can turn on the engine heater for a longer time, then the engine will already be hot, but there will be no boiling.

The climatic conditions of most of the territory of our country are characterized by a very wide range of temperatures: from heat in summer to freezing cold in winter. IN summer time Operation of the car is quite simple, although it has its own specific features. And in the cold season, the car engine requires considerable time after starting for its temperature to reach operating values. And to facilitate cold starts and save time when you warm up the car, there is an electric engine heater, which in a fairly short period of time is able to bring its temperature to acceptable values.

Features of starting the engine in the cold season

Engine internal combustion due to the peculiarities of its design, it is capable of developing its maximum power and torque in a rather narrow temperature range. That's why cold start, especially in the winter, is so harmful to engines. Previously, before the advent of preheaters, the only way was considered to be starting and warming up at idle or increased speed. Now, with the advent of various means and methods of heating, this method can be neglected. Moreover, modern engines distribute heat from the combustion chambers very efficiently and warm up quickly, so you can start driving almost immediately after starting. But this can be done in normal winter conditions, but what if at night the temperature reaches 40-45 degrees below zero? Here, additional engine heating in winter is simply necessary.

What is an engine heater

In general, engine preheating is carried out by artificially increasing the temperature of the coolant so that it heats the engine parts (cylinder block and head, as well as the heater radiator). This allows you to significantly reduce the negative impact of increased friction during startup and local (uneven) heating of its parts.

Types of engine heaters

Actually, there are only two types of heaters - autonomous and electric. Autonomous heating, as the name suggests, does not depend on external conditions and is part of the automotive power plant: It uses fuel from the tank to operate. The most famous example is the Webasto autonomous engine heater. Special boilers use fuel combustion to heat the coolant, which circulates through the system - all without starting the engine.

An electric auto-heater is also built into the engine cooling system and, using a special heating element, like a boiler, heats the coolant.

Electric heater as an alternative to autonomous devices

Installing a 220V engine heater is much simpler (since it essentially has only one element and wires for connection) and much cheaper, and it does not use gasoline as a heat source, making do with electricity.

Types of electric heaters


The simplest type of heaters, which are installed in the cylinder block instead of a plug on the side. They consist of an electric heating element in a housing and a connector. Such models do not have a large power consumption (500-700W), however, due to the fact that they are located directly in the engine, they warm it up almost in the center. More complex engine heating systems can be equipped with cabin fan heaters, a start timer and a remote control. The only problem with installation may be the engine breather (crankcase ventilation hose), since it is often installed in such a way that it blocks the plug in the block.

Branch pipes

Such devices are installed in the section of the main pipes of the cooling system. The heater itself is equipped with a special adapter housing, which is installed directly on the hoses. The disadvantage is that most of these devices are designed for standard hose diameters. Such devices may have higher power (up to 2-3 kW), functionality and equipment are approximately the same as the previous group.


This is a special group of devices that are also built into the cooling system, but are more complex in their design and installation. Such models are more similar to Webasto heaters, only they run on electricity rather than gasoline. Such models most effectively warm up the coolant and cylinder block. The remote heater also provides forced circulation of coolant, which better promotes uniform heating of the cylinder block and minimizes the harmful effects of cold starts. The cost of such units varies by more than an order of magnitude (from 1.5 thousand rubles for ordinary Chinese models to 23 thousand rubles for a really good American HotStart). The power of the heating element also varies greatly and depends on the displacement.

Advantages of heating a 220V engine:

  • Low cost installation kit and the installation itself (from 1 thousand rubles).
  • Wide model range , compatibility with almost all motors, simple design and high efficiency.

Disadvantages of an electric heater:

  • A 220V household outlet should be located within close proximity.
  • Open hood during heating operation. On modern models this is not so relevant, since they are equipped with a special connector embedded in the front bumper.
  • Reliability of some models, which over time begin to leak coolant at the junction with the engine.

How to install engine heating

Installing an engine heater yourself is a relatively simple task. It does not require special tools or special knowledge. All you need is a general understanding of the principles of operation of car engines and an idea of ​​the location of components and assemblies under the hood.

To understand how to install engine heating, just look at the installation instructions included with the kit. The general installation sequence is as follows.

  1. Since the heater is installed in the cooling system, it is necessary to drain some of the antifreeze (at least 2 liters to lower its level and prevent leakage during depressurization)
  2. If a block heater is installed, remove the plug from the cylinder block and the heating element is installed. For the remote or pipe version, the hoses leading to the heater radiator are removed. It is better to use the hoses included in the installation kit so as not to cut the factory ones. When installing new pipes, all connections are secured with clamps, and it is advisable to coat the fittings with sealant to avoid leaks.
  3. The device body is secured using a bracket included in the kit.
  4. All necessary connections are made, the rest of the assembly is carried out in reverse order.
  5. Antifreeze is filled back to the required level. When filling, it is advisable to avoid the appearance of air pockets (pour antifreeze into expansion tank carefully, in a thin stream!).

Installing engine heating is a task that is quite feasible for almost everyone. Which type to choose depends on the specific operating conditions and design features car.

An electric engine preheater is one of the most affordable devices among other types of non-autonomous vehicle preheater systems.

You can, of course, start the engine when it’s cold, but, firstly, this is fraught with increased wear and tear on the entire engine system, and secondly, it’s much more pleasant to get into a warm, preheated cabin on a cold winter morning. Therefore, it is smarter, and in the future more economical in terms of maintenance, will take care of early engine heating by installing special heating elements in the cooling system circuit of your car. Since heating devices operating on electrical principle there are different power and types, you should take into account the time required for your engine and interior to reach the desired temperature, it takes on average up to half an hour.

What types of electric engine heating are most common:

Electric engine heater of a remote, external type, receiving energy for its operation from a 220V AC network. Its heating elements are made of quality materials, they are durable and low maintenance. The only feature that should be taken into account is the insufficiently developed infrastructure of places where you can use the heating service. In Scandinavian countries, in parking lots and near supermarkets, you can often find such small posts just for these purposes. For our people, buying an external pipe heater definitely makes sense if the car owner has an equipped garage or the opportunity to use the electrical network in the parking lot, in which case this is an excellent solution.

Block-type electric preheater installed in the cylinder block or oil pan. The absence of many meters of wiring and hoses makes them extremely convenient and efficient heating elements. They act in a targeted manner, heating exactly the unit that is primarily necessary for the safe and quick start of the engine. Heater control, that is automatic shutdown when sufficient temperature is reached, it is carried out using a thermostat or timer. Although there are low-power models where this option is completely absent, simply because they are not capable of bringing liquids to a boil, which means they are completely safe, even if you forget them on.

Most of these devices can be purchased either as separate components, if you only need an electric pre-heater, or as full-fledged installation kits for installation, from Atlant, Defa, Calix, Severs, Start, Alliance, Lestar. In such kits, in addition to the heater itself, the following are often available:

  • - a cabin heater unit that starts working long before the standard stove
  • - control panel, range on average up to 1000 m
  • - a device for recharging the battery, a completely useful addition in snowy winter conditions
  • - pump for more even warming of the engine

You can buy a 220V engine heater, with a complete installation kit, in a specialized online store; here it is difficult to run into low-quality goods or defects, which often happens when buying spare parts at spontaneous markets or flea markets.

So, a 220V electric engine heater makes it possible to start the engine at any time of the year, easily and with minimal wear, reduces the environmental load and fuel consumption by up to 24%, harmful emissions by up to 71%, due to the use of safer electrical energy.

Installing an engine preheater on average costs around 5,000 rubles. You can do it yourself or contact our specialized car service center. Our technicians will take into account the specifics of the provided cooling system and give their recommendations on purchasing and installing a specific model or electric heater installation kit.

Many manufacturers of foreign cars, focusing the sale of their cars on Russian market, offer models with installed autonomous pre-heater for the engine and interior. This option is especially valuable in regions with a long winter operating season. Those motorists whose cars are not equipped with a factory engine pre-heater should not be particularly upset. Buying it and installing it on any make of car is currently no problem in any region of the country. The more pressing question here is how effective this equipment is and whether it is worth the costs required to purchase and install it.

This is why you need an engine pre-heater in winter.

What does a pre-heater look like and what does it consist of?

Depending on the purpose and principle of operation, a pre-heater can be a device of various sizes and power used to warm up the engine without starting it cold. In addition, it can be used to heat the interior, windshield and wipers. Autonomous equipment includes a boiler with a combustion chamber and radiator, a pipeline system for transferring fuel, pumps pumping fuel and coolant. It also includes a thermal relay that controls the climate system fan, electronic unit control and heater starting device.

Thermo Top liquid preheater

Types of automobile pre-heaters

1. Autonomous engine preheater

By purpose and design, autonomous pre-heaters divided into liquid and air types.

Autonomous liquid pre-heaters

Video: Webasto or Hydronic (Webasto or Hydronic) which is better

Designed to heat both the engine and the passenger compartment. They are called that because they work by burning gasoline or diesel fuel from the car’s tank. They are mounted in the engine compartment and connected to the engine liquid cooling system. The heated air is distributed through the internal air ducts of the car. The system is economical in terms of fuel and electricity consumption and does not produce much noise during operation. It is used for heating all types of internal combustion engines - gasoline, diesel, gas and combined ones.

Autonomous air pre-heaters for internal combustion engines

Designed to accelerate the increase in air temperature only in the cabin. They are installed in the car cabin and are used mainly in passenger minibuses, crew trailers and shelters, and long-range cargo vehicles. They can heat the air in the cabin to a preset temperature. They also operate silently and consume little electricity. Unlike liquid devices, air devices have larger dimensions and greater performance, so their fuel consumption is slightly higher. These brands are the most popular in the country liquid heaters German made as Webasto Thermo Top Evo 5 and Eberspasher Hydronic.

Operating principle of a liquid engine preheater

This is how an autonomous liquid engine heater works

The device is activated from a remote control, timer or cell phone. The start pulse, reaching the electronic unit, generates a control signal that supplies supply voltage to the executive motor. The motor rotates and sets in motion fuel pump heater and fan. The pump begins to pump fuel into the burner, where a fuel-air mixture is created using an evaporator and a glow pin.

Fan-driven flammable mixture ignited in the combustion chamber by a spark plug. The heat generated during fuel combustion is transferred through a heat exchanger working fluid engine cooling systems. The liquid circulates in the cooling circuit under the action of the booster pump of the preheater included in this circuit. The heated liquid transfers the resulting heat to the engine housing during circulation.

When the coolant temperature reaches 30 degrees C, the radiator fan of the vehicle cooling system is automatically activated. begins to arrive in the salon. When antifreeze or antifreeze is heated to 72 degrees C, the fuel supply to the burner is reduced by half, and the system switches to a reduced operating mode. The liquid is cooled to 56 degrees and the whole process is repeated cyclically.

The design of the liquid autonomous engine preheater is similar to the cabin one car heater and is a liquid fuel burner (gasoline or diesel fuel). Even in cost they differ only slightly, not to mention the principle of operation. However, they differ radically in terms of installation location and heating principle.

In heaters, the burner directly heats the air supplied to the car interior, and in the preheater it heats the coolant, which, in turn, heats the engine housing and the standard heater. In order for the interior heating to work effectively, do not forget to set the heater control knob to the minimum “warm” mode. In this case, the heater control circuit will automatically turn on the fan at the right moment, pumping warm air into the cabin through the standard air duct system. The result of this work will be noticeable from afar; the car windows will be dry and transparent on a frosty morning. The cabin will be warm and cozy, you can leave the wipers on at night, you can sit down and immediately drive out onto the road.

A convenient feature is remote control of the operation of the internal combustion engine preheater. You can turn it on using a button on your car key fob while at home. This must be done at least half an hour before departure (depending on the frost outside), so that the coolant and engine have time to warm up to the desired temperature, and the process of starting the engine goes without complications. There are systems with automatic start from a built-in timer, on which it is necessary to set the desired start time before locking the machine.

2. Electric engine pre-heater

Design and layout of an electric engine heater

An alternative to a self-contained system is an electric heater, which is a spiral electric heater inserted into the cylinder block power unit and operating from an external power supply 220V. The executive element in this system is a small electric spiral installed in the cylinder block.

When installing the spiral, the anti-ice plug is removed from the cylinder block, and the spiral is installed in its place. Under the influence high voltage Current flows through the coil and it heats the antifreeze. Liquid circulation in the cooling system occurs due to natural convection. It is less productive than artificial treatment using a pump, and takes much longer. The most prominent representatives of the electric heater are the Defa WarmUp and Leader Severs models.

This installation is most suitable when parking cars in garages and parking lots equipped with electrical outlets. If you leave your car on the street or in the yard, then you will not need such a heater, since there will be nowhere to connect it. The downside is that it consumes a lot of electricity. To ensure economical operation of the device, it is equipped with a timer that allows you to set the required liquid temperature.

When the set value is passed, the spiral automatically turns off or starts working. Accordingly, in this case, the working fluid cools or heats up, which, during the process of convection, maintains the motor in a warm state. Standard options for an electric engine heater are:

  • heating the working fluid in the engine cooling system;
  • heating the interior by supplying warm air through the standard stove;
  • battery charge.

The principle of heating the motor in an electric heater is the same as in an autonomous system. Heat is also transferred to the motor by heating the working fluid in the cooling system. The difference lies in the heating method using an external power source. This also makes it possible to use additional option– which is especially in demand in winter conditions, when low temperatures contribute to its discharge and decrease in capacity.

3. Thermal accumulators

The operating principle of thermal accumulators is based on the accumulation of hot working fluid in the cooling system and maintaining its temperature unchanged for a long time (2 days). In such a system, when the engine starts, hot antifreeze or antifreeze circulates briefly through a shortened circuit, quickly warming up the engine. Classic representatives of such systems are “Avtotherm”, “Gulfstream”, UOPD-0.8.

What are the benefits of using preheaters?

Professional drivers recognize the presence of an autonomous or electric engine pre-heater as a prerequisite for a modern car, guaranteeing the necessary healthy working conditions in winter period operation. For trucks operating in Europe, this principle has been observed for a long time. From the point of view of ensuring driving safety, their use improves comfort and reduces driver fatigue. Among other things, heaters help improve the efficiency and durability of engines. This is achieved through:

Video: Engine preheater

1. Reducing the number of cold engine starts. It is estimated that on average each driver makes from 300 to 500 “cold” starts per year. At the same time, special research in this area carried out by well-known European companies has found that, in terms of one “cold” start, the use of engine preheating reduces fuel consumption from 100 to 500 ml. The amount of savings depends on the outside temperature and the duration of warm-up. Thus, according to rough calculations, the use of preheating from autonomous heaters allows you to save in one winter season from 90 to 150 liters of gasoline or diesel fuel.

2. Reducing heavy operating conditions that increase engine wear. The overwhelming majority of engine wear occurs during its startup. This is due to the fact that at the time of “cold” start the viscosity of the engine oil is increased and the lubricating properties are reduced. At the same time, the friction of the surfaces of moving parts is increased and wear in the connecting rod, crank and piston assemblies is increased. One “cold” start reduces the life of the power unit by 3-6 hundred kilometers. The Russian climate with 100 days a year of sub-zero temperatures can reduce the engine life in one season by 80 thousand km.

3. Increasing safety and comfort in driving. Cold contributes to increased body heat transfer and rapid fatigue. Drowsiness and lethargy increase, and driver attentiveness decreases. Driving mode becomes more irrational. In addition, the risk of contracting such occupational diseases as cervical, lumbar osteochondrosis, and acute respiratory infections increases.

Instructions for modern cars They claim that there is no need to carry out any preparatory procedures before the trip, just sit down and go, what’s easier? But experienced drivers have a slightly different opinion.

Those who have been driving for more than one year believe that exposing the engine to stress, which is essentially a significant load for several minutes after a cold start, is very risky. After all thermal clearances The lubricant had not yet reached its normal state; the lubricant had not yet reached the distant channels.

Even high-quality, expensive engine oil and perfect engine design will not protect it from accelerated wear.

With this type of operation, it will be difficult for an inexperienced driver to suspect that something wrong is happening with the engine, because the ignition and injection systems are controlled by perfect electronic devices, neither dips nor weak reaction to gas will be observed.

However, practice has proven that if you want to maintain the performance of your car, on a frosty day, warm up the engine before driving.

Best option:

  • start the engine,
  • turn on the heated seats, steering wheel, windows, a couple of minutes will be enough to warm up,
  • the beginning of the movement should be smooth, it is better to avoid both high and low revs, ideally the tachometer needle should be in the middle of the scale.

When operating in this mode, the motor will acquire faster operating temperature, the gearbox, if equipped, will get a chance for a longer life.

What about the instructions? In many countries, in order to combat air pollution, “smoke” is strictly prohibited in residential areas. The second, no less weighty argument is that car manufacturers are not at all interested in each of their creations living forever. By increasing production volumes, they assume that car owners will increasingly have a desire, or need, to replace their car with a new one.

For those who truly care about their vehicle and want to continue the period without problematic operation, you should consider purchasing and installing a pre-heater.

Moreover, installing a heater with programmable or remote control will allow you to pre-heat the car, even before leaving the house.

Heaters can be autonomous or non-autonomous, electric.

Electric heaters are popular in countries with harsh winters and are a built-in standard feature on many models. Since such cars periodically require recharging, electrical outlets designed for this are available in all parking lots and parking lots.

What does a pre-heater consist of?

Purpose of autonomous liquid device— warming up the engine before starting, i.e. without turning it on directly, which is extremely important at sub-zero air temperatures outside. In some cases, the device is used to warm up the air inside the car, and also to defrost windshield wipers and glass covered with frost.

The device is quite compact; the design includes several elements:

  • a block that turns on the heater,
    thermal relay for activating the climate system fan
    main unit - boiler, consisting of a heat exchanger and combustion chamber,
  • fuel line equipped with a fuel supply pump
    there is also a pump designed for pumping coolant

An electronic unit is used to control the device.

Installation is carried out in engine compartment, for installation you will need to make a connection:

  • heat exchanger of the device to the small circuit of the cooling system
  • electronic control unit - to the car's electrical circuit

Although this procedure is not complicated at first glance, it would be better if it was carried out by service station specialists.

Remote control of preheater

When installing a pre-heater, the car owner will have to decide how he will turn on the device: while inside the car, using a transponder (remote control) or using a GSM module mobile phone.

The first option is much cheaper, the cost with installation is in the range of 2.5 - 3 thousand rubles. The main disadvantage will be the need to go outside and open the car if it is necessary to reprogram the device, i.e. every time you want to change the switching time.

The second option, purchase and installation, can cost at least 10 thousand rubles, but at the same time it will eliminate the inconveniences associated with the operation of the first option.

The third option, using a GSM module, turns out to be the most convenient in practice; you don’t need to wear a remote control, all commands can be given from your mobile phone. Naturally, this will require the selection and purchase of a GSM module; the cost of these devices varies widely.

The operating principle of the preheater is as follows:

  • a signal from a telephone, timer or remote control triggers the trigger
  • diesel fuel or gasoline is supplied to the combustion chamber of the device connected to the fuel line
  • As a result of mixing the fuel with the air mass, a combustible mixture is formed, for the ignition of which either ceramic pins or spark plugs are used

The process of heat accumulation in the heat exchanger is accompanied by pumping the heated medium through the small engine circuit. Such heating allows you to obtain an increase in the temperature of all structural elements sufficient for subsequent rapid startup.

By activating the heating of the interior and windows, we get the following: the thermal relay is turned on as a result of the engine reaching the set temperature, then heat begins to be supplied to the interior of the car and to the windows.

Types of pre-heaters

The design principle of heaters may involve the use of liquid or air as a heat carrier. For passenger cars characterized by the use of liquid heating, for trucks and other large-sized vehicles and special equipment - airborne.

This division is justified constructively, air heaters larger ones can generate a significant amount of heat; naturally, fuel consumption will increase.

Liquid heating can be carried out by several types of devices.

A. Designed for cars with small interiors and engines whose volume does not exceed 2 liters, they consume fuel economically.

B. Universal purpose, with optimized ratio of dimensions and efficiency, can be used for small cars and for cargo minibuses.

IN. Used for SUVs and minivans, with more impressive dimensions, higher fuel consumption and higher heat dissipation.

A special feature of this type is the optimized fluid circulation mode, which ensures rapid warming up of large-volume engines and large cabins.

All three types are universal in terms of fuel; they can work with gas, diesel, and gasoline engines.

The amount of fuel that the preheater will require per hour of operation at maximum load will not exceed 0.5 liters.

Pre-heater Binar

If we talk about choosing a high-quality and inexpensive heater, then you should definitely remember the product from the Teplostar company. According to the principle of design and connection, the Binar heater does not differ from its analogues: the product produced as a result of combustion air-fuel mixture energy is transferred to the heat exchanger, which leads to its heating and heating of the antifreeze.

The heated liquid, using a pump, is pumped through the car's cooling system, resulting in heating of the engine and interior. The device is controlled by setting a timer installed inside the cabin.

Binar preheaters are devices that operate autonomously. They can be installed on cars running on both gasoline and diesel fuel.

The device helps simplify engine starting at sub-zero temperatures and helps preserve engine life.

Experts say that in some cases, one cold start is enough to damage a diesel engine.

Any type of pre-heater should be operated following a simple rule. The heater should be started at least once a month, regardless of the time of year. those. even in the summer months. This will help remove soot formed during fuel combustion. If you break this rule, you can cause the heater to block.

Since the preheater is powered by battery, then in conditions of short trips, about 10 - 15 km daily, and a long stay in traffic jams on city streets, it is likely that the battery will be completely discharged in just a couple of weeks. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended that the operating time of the preheater and the engine be the same.

The driver must ensure that the warm-up cycle is complete, otherwise there will be a risk of soot settling on the walls of the combustion chamber.

An interrupted cycle does not allow the soot to burn out completely, which can cause system failure.

Pre-heater with auxiliary heater function

The main advantages of using liquid heaters are usually:

  • possibility of preheating the interior and engine,
    defrosting glass,
  • the ability to start a trip without waiting for the engine to warm up.

With careful use, engine life increases significantly.

Among the positive ones, it should also be noted that autonomous heaters can serve as additional heat sources that will help warm the interior on particularly cold days. After all, with very low temperatures A car moving at speed gets cold very quickly.

The possibility of additional heating will be especially useful for a diesel engine type, because its calorific value is much less. In the design of some modern cars initially provides for the presence autonomous heater engine.

thermal thermoses-accumulators

Some cars, take at least the version of a hybrid car produced in the USA Toyota Prius, are equipped with special autonomously operating heating devices and heat accumulators. According to the principle of operation, they resemble thermoses in which well-heated antifreeze accumulates.

Such a thermos can maintain temperature indicators for a couple of days.

Starting the engine leads to the supply of warm liquid to the small circuit of the cooling system, the temperature of all available antifreeze increases by 12-18 degrees.

Diesel engine preheater

As the air temperature drops to +5 C, owners of cars with diesel engines begin to have problems. The reason is that diesel fuel at such temperatures changes its viscosity characteristics and begins to wax.

This causes deterioration in the passage of fuel along the line, in particular through the filter. Those. There is a very real threat of interruptions in the supply of fuel to the engine.

The second negative point is the increase in the amount of fuel consumed. Since thickened diesel fuel is less atomized, its combustion process in the cylinders is not complete, engine power decreases, which leads to an increase in fuel consumption.

The surest way to eliminate these problems is to warm up difficult to pass areas fuel line. Optimal temperature values ​​can be ensured by installing vehicle-adapted heaters.

According to their purpose, such devices are divided into pre-launch and main ones. Pre-launch, accordingly, the engine is heated before it starts. During the heating process, the paraffin crystals that fill the pores of the filters melt.

March heating used to ensure uninterrupted fuel supply through each element of the line during engine operation. This will require the installation of an autonomous device that can provide heating for each section of the fuel supply system, from fuel tank all the way to the engine.

The design of fuel heating devices can be of the bandage type, i.e. it is installed on the filter fine cleaning, the second option - ensures uniform heating of the entire line through which fuel is supplied.

Devices of the second type can be:

  • flow-through, their design involves passing through the heater jacket, they are also called mortise
  • tape, designed for wrapping problem areas of the highway through which diesel fuel is supplied.

From all of the above, it is easy to draw a conclusion about the usefulness of devices for pre-heating engines and mid-flight fuel heaters for diesel engines. The only drawback of these useful devices is the relatively high cost.

It is up to the owner to decide whether to install heaters or not, of course, if they are not built-in initially on a given car model. But before abandoning such an improvement, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons.

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