Categories of child seats in cars. Child car seat: differences, features, the right choice. Expensive car seat or budget alternative

Transporting children in a car without a special holding device (called car seat), prohibited by the Rules traffic and is fraught with a fine. How to choose a car seat for a child and what to look for when choosing – advises the women’s website “Beautiful and Successful”.

Why are children's car seats needed and what are they?

It is clear that child car seats have one purpose - to provide child safety on the way.

While driving, anything can happen: sudden and strong braking, car skidding, and, unfortunately, accidents. How often they happen and how much more severe the consequences they have on our roads compared to Europe, probably, there is no need to explain to anyone.

Again, fasten your child using the seat belts provided in the car (they are called "regular") is possible only if it is already big. A small child cannot be secured securely enough with the belts or there is a risk that the belt will will have to be at neck level.

The problem of choosing a child car seat is relevant until the child turns 12 years old(or if you focus on other parameters - until its growth reaches 1.5 meters, and weight – 36 kg).

To choose the right car seat for your child, you need to consider it age and weight.

Categories of child car seats by age and weight of the child

Group 0. Designed for newborns (up to 6-9 months, weight up to 10 kg). It's not so much a car seat as the cradle in which the baby lies. It is installed sideways in the back seat of the car. Fastening - using standard car seat belts.

Group 0+. Designed for children's age up to 1 year or up to 14-15 months(child’s weight is up to 13 kg). The child reclines in such a chair. This car seat is installed "backwards" progress.

Why exactly this way and not otherwise? When we decide the question “how to choose a car seat for a child,” the main thing that worries us is maintaining the child's health in any situation.

Therefore, we must remember that while the child’s spine is still forming and the bones are strengthening, the baby’s neck is still too weak and his head is heavy. And in any collision, it is precisely the position “against the direction of traffic” that will be for him the most secure.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that such a car seat has pen, which will make it much easier to move your baby from car to car.

Group 1. If the child is already one year old, he weight 9 kg or more, then we choose a Group 1 car seat for the baby. You can install such a car seat along the way, so that the child can already look out the window. You can adjust the backrest angle for sleep mode.

You can use this car seat for quite a long time - until your child’s weight reaches 18 kg and his height is almost 1 meter (this is approximately 4 years old).

In all three of the above groups, the child is fastened in a car seat internal seat belts(three- or five-point). Starting from the next group of car seats, fastening is carried out already standard seat belts car.

Group 2. How to choose a car seat for a child after 4 years? This is exactly Group 2 - car seats designed for weight up to 25 kg, age up to 6-7 years and height up to 120 cm. Here both the backrest and the headrest are adjustable. Since the child sits high enough in the car seat, he can clearly see the road out the window, and the car's seat belt will be fastened as it should - through the chest, and not the neck.

For older children, variations are possible.

Eat Group 3. It is designed for child weight from 22 to 36 kg, age up to 12 years, height up to 135 cm. There are so-called "boosters"- these are the seats themselves without a backrest, so they cannot be called a car seat.

We named above “classic” groups of car seats.

But since a car seat is quite an expensive thing, manufacturers came up with so-called hybrid models, which combine the characteristics of neighboring two or even three groups. This is how group 2-3 and even 1-2-3 car seats appeared. It is difficult to compare them with classical groups.

Therefore, if you decide to choose a car seat for a child of exactly this model, as they say, "to grow" Pay attention to the fact that the chair allows you to adjust the angle of the backrest, so that the internal belt can be unfastened over time so that the chair is roomy enough.

Types of securing child car seats in a car

Once you have chosen a car seat for your child, you learn how to install and secure it in the car. Securing a child car seat in a car is possible either using standard seat belts, or using Isofix systems. This system provides for guides with locks near the chair and built-in brackets near the car seat.

Check the availability of Isofix brackets in your car.

The advantage of this system is that it can be used to attach a child car seat. easy and convenient. The downside is that child car seats with Isofix mounts are more expensive.

But they can also be secured with regular seat belts if the car in which the car seat is placed is not equipped with the above-mentioned brackets.

Isofix - European system, there is also an American one Latch. The difference is that instead of guides there are belts with locks.

How to choose a car seat for a child: useful nuances

A car seat that fully complies with European safety standards must be marked ECE R 44. This is, in fact, the same one European standard, which regulates the characteristics of car seats.

There is no need to remind you how much and often everything that is within the reach of a small child gets dirty. It's great if you choose a car seat for your child that has removable cover, which can be washed in a washing machine.

How to choose a car seat for a child after one year without fitting? Do not focus only on weight-height-age indicators. Be sure to come to the store with your child and “measure” the car seat for the immediate user.

The child should feel comfortable in the chair, not too cramped. The backrest tilt in sleep mode should allow the child to recline, so that he can sleep comfortably during .

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While a car is moving, the body of a small child under 3 years of age experiences loads comparable to those experienced by an astronaut when launching a spacecraft. A feature familiar to all of us - a child's sleep during a car trip - is nothing more than a protective reaction of the body. During sleep, the load on the body is much lower.

It's no surprise that children fall asleep during car trips. This shows the child’s body’s protective reaction to overload while driving.

In Europe, transporting children in a car seat became mandatory at the beginning of the century. In our conditions, the use of car seats could significantly reduce the number of child deaths and injuries on the roads. Even the most attentive and careful driver is not insured against an accident due to the fault of other road users. Keeping your baby safe is the least that responsible parents can do.

Competition among car seat manufacturers is quite high, as is interest in the question of which seat is best. After all, both seat manufacturers and independent experts have children. Therefore, both abroad and in Russia, the reliability of car seats is often tested. Studies conducted using a dummy (crash test) showed that only 20% of seats create safety for a child in all test parameters. Even well-known manufacturers produce unsuccessful models. How can parents choose a reliable seat for their child?

What parameters to consider when choosing a child car seat?

Most important parameter– age and weight of the child. For manufacturers, the gradation (sizing) of seats is carried out precisely according to age and weight. We have already discussed the hyperstress on the child’s body when the car is moving. A fragile child who cannot yet sit confidently needs a car seat that allows his head to be positioned against the direction of the car - this reduces the negative impact on the child’s vestibular system. For a child under one year old, it is better to choose just such a chair.

If a child often sleeps during a trip, this is a signal for parents: the body does not perceive travel well. Such a child, even over the age of one year, will be helped by a chair that positions the child’s head against the direction of movement. Pay attention to chairs with adjustable backrest height - so that your child can sleep with maximum comfort.

Any reputable manufacturer will provide everything necessary information, which may be needed when choosing child seat. The table below provides information on seats from the German company RECARO.

From the table it is easy to understand that for newborns you need to buy the Profi Plus model, and for children from one to 12 years old the Style model is suitable.

The top belt anchor should be approximately 2 cm above the child's shoulder.

The top belt anchor should be approximately 2 cm above the child's shoulder

Manufacturer and cost of the product

As a rule, well-known manufacturers have great opportunities to produce high-quality and comfortable products. Also, do not be fooled by the idea that you can buy a car seat cheaper on the market or second-hand. A high-quality chair costs 200 - 300 dollars, regardless of where it is sold; an analogue on the market, which costs 2-3 times less, can only be a fake, for the quality of which a serious manufacturing company is not responsible. Such a pseudo seat will not ensure the safety of your child.

In a large store you will be offered an original product and will be provided with quality certificates. You can purchase a second hand chair only if you are 100% sure that it has not been in an accident and is not damaged in any way. Even with slight deformation of the structure, the effectiveness of the protective properties of the product is reduced by 30–50%.

Crash test of child car seats 2013

To determine the safety level of child car seats, so-called crash tests are carried out using dummies.

According to test results, the most reliable chairs are those from the following manufacturers: Germany (ABC Design, Concord, Kiddy, Romer), Italy (Inglesina, Peg-Peregо), England (Britax), Holland (Bebecar).

We were able to find a safety rating for child car seats based on testing of 163 models from different manufacturers. During testing, not only crash test results were taken into account, but also other parameters, such as comfort and design. Introducing TOP 3.

Based primarily on safety, then five stars received the Kiddy Phoenixfix Pro 2 model (price 187 euros).

Kiddy Phoenixfix Pro 2 - the leader in security

If we take into account not only safety, but also other parameters, the undisputed leader is the Kiddy CruiserFix Pro ISOFIX car seat (175 euros).

Kiddy CruiserFix Pro ISOFIX - overall test leader

In the top three there is also a chair from another famous manufacturer— Romer Kidfix XP Sict 2014 Isofit.

Undoubtedly, a car seat designed for children of a wide range of ages is more budget-friendly. But for a small child, a cradle chair will be more convenient, especially with frequent trips.

The cradle is lightweight and can be used as a comfortable baby carrier. In the car, the cradle will provide your child with a pleasant, comfortable sleep.

Some manufacturers produce models that are mounted on a chassis - you get a kind of transforming stroller.

Signs of a quality car seat

1. Availability of a certificate of compliance with ECE standards - Economic Commission for Europe or ISO - international standards. ECE or ISO marking is a guarantee of product quality and maximum safety for your child. ECE R44/03 or R44/04 indicates that the model has undergone tests that confirmed compliance with safety standards in Europe.

2. The presence of the model in the tables of crash test results, which are published in auto publications. In Russia, this is an “Autoreview” review. Tests carried out using dummies provide the most reliable information about product safety, which is empirically verified when driving at 50 km/h.

3. Securing the baby in the chair. The most convenient fastening is “Isofix”, which is additionally carried out using the car’s seat belt. Y-shaped mounts are the safest for a child. The belt should be as soft as possible - in case sudden movement The belt will apply maximum pressure on the child's body. All fastenings must be strong in appearance, the fastener must have an opening that is difficult for the child himself.

There are models on the market in which the belts are replaced by a table with soft upholstery. Such chairs do not restrict the child’s movement. However, common sense dictates that the absence of belts will significantly reduce the child's safety.

4. The metal frame is very important feature quality car seat. The metal frame, in comparison with the plastic frame, provides 2 times greater safety for the baby. This is due to the fact that metal is stronger than plastic and upon impact will not fly apart, violating the integrity of the entire platform, but will be partially deformed. In this case, the integrity of the structure will not be compromised.

5. The presence of soft upholstery for the head is most important for a baby under one year old who still does not hold his head tightly.

6. Availability of side protection, including for the child’s head. Manufacturers, as a rule, indicate in the annotation that the product provides lateral protection for the child.

What accessories should I buy for my car seat?

Manufacturers offer parents wide range accessories that make using the car seat more comfortable for the child. What accessories should you pay attention to?

  • Base for installing a car seat (6,000 – 10,000 rubles) – a stationary base is installed in the car, on which the seat is securely fixed with special fasteners. Each chair model has its own base.
  • Sun protection curtain (800 – 2000 RUR). If you haven’t thought about this accessory yet, think about the discomfort a child experiences from sunlight shining in his eyes and overheating, especially when he is unable to move due to the belts.
  • Muff-cover - a warm envelope for the smallest children (about 3,500 rubles). A warm envelope will protect the child from the cold. The removable cover allows you to carry your child out of the car in cold weather. The cover is made of harmless materials that will provide the child with warmth and comfort; it can be washed by hand and in a washing machine.
  • A neck pillow (about 2,000 rubles) will create additional comfort for sleep and protect the baby’s head during the trip.
  • Shoe covers (about 800 rubles, you can also use regular medical shoe covers for older children) or a seat back cover (about 1,500 rubles) - you will really appreciate these accessories on rainy autumn days.
  • Car seat cover (about 2,000 rubles) - can be used to replace a damaged cover or simply exchange the original cover, usually of a practical, non-marking color, for something colorful and original. Manufacturers also offer summer white covers that will protect the chair from heating up on sunny days.
  • A stand for a bottle/glass is a controversial accessory. It is thought that it is dangerous for a child to drink while the car is moving. Perhaps the stand will come in handy when parked.

Walking with my child on the playground, I constantly pay attention to caring mothers who run after their children, hold them, help them climb the slide, forbid them to swing too much on the swing, repeating every minute: “Careful! Watch where you step. Hold on tight." And their concern is understandable. After all, they protect the most valuable thing that is in their family.

Then dad drives up to the site in his car. A joyful child climbs into the back seat of the car and sits on his mother’s lap or stands between the rows, holding the backs of the front seats with his hands (after all, it’s much more interesting to keep an eye on the road). Then the car drives out of the yard onto a busy highway and disappears into an endless stream of cars...

Happy parents don’t even think about how dangerous it is for a child to be in a car completely unprotected and that in a critical situation they may not be able to help their baby, and the consequences of an accident or sudden braking can be much more serious than abrasions and bruises received on the playground .

I think many readers recognized themselves in the lines above, but still believe that in case of danger they will have time to grab and hold their child.

Then I will give you a few facts confirmed by organizations involved in the issue child safety in the car:

  • - when a car suddenly stops at a speed of 50 km/h, an unbelted child receives injuries similar to those caused by a fall from a height of the fourth floor.
  • — an unbelted child weighing 30 kg, sitting in the back seat of a car on the lap of a buckled-up parent, briefly gains a weight of 1 ton when the car suddenly stops at a speed of 50 km/h.

Are you capable of holding a ton on your knees with your bare hands?

  • — an unfastened dummy in an accident at a speed of 50 km/h hits windshield so much that the fragments penetrate the head to a depth of 1 cm. The overload upon impact reaches 192 g (safe threshold - 88 g), and the cervical vertebrae are broken off at moments of 154 Nm (safe threshold - 57 Nm).

Imagine what kind of injuries a child would receive in an accident while standing between the front seats.

  • — the thigh of an unbelted passenger sitting in the back seat of a car, in the event of an accident at a speed of 50 km/h, presses into the backrest front seat weighing 1300 kg. With the same force, he will flatten a child sitting on his lap or standing to the side in a side collision;

But every parent can provide protection to their little passenger in advance. You just need to put your child in a car seat.

Statistics, as you know, are a very stubborn thing and, according to the World Health Organization, in the event of an accident, a car seat increases the chances of survival among children under one year old by 70%, and by 54% among children from 1 to 4 years old.

Therefore, to ensure maximum protection for yourself little passenger Every parent should first of all take care of the presence of a child restraint seat in the car. However, given that the modern market offers chairs from a large number of manufacturers, both domestic and foreign, which differ in the weight and age of their future owner, ease of use, level of safety, quality of materials used, method of fastening, shape, reliability and of course price , then choosing a car seat often becomes a real headache.

How to choose a child car seat? Groups of car seats for children

When starting the process of choosing a child car seat, you should know that all car seats are divided into groups:

  • — groups 0;
  • — groups 0+;
  • — groups 1;
  • — groups 2;
  • — groups 3;
  • — universal groups 0+/1;
  • — groups 2-3;
  • — universal groups ½-3;

depending on the age and weight of the child. Moreover, despite the fact that the main parameter is weight, which is what is used to certify seats, it is necessary to take into account both parameters, the weight and age of the child.

Car seats "Group 0"

“Group 0” car seats are intended for the youngest passengers aged 0-6 months and weighing up to 10 kg. They have special carrying handles, so you can put the baby in the cradle at home and take it to the car, or take it out of the car and take it home without disturbing the baby’s precious sleep. In appearance, these chairs are more reminiscent of an ordinary stroller cradle and, as a rule, have special fastenings for fixing to the chassis of strollers from most manufacturers.

The main advantage of this type of chair is that the child in them occupies a completely horizontal position, which is safe and the only correct one from an orthopedic point of view, in the first months of life.

These car seats are installed on back row seats facing the direction of the vehicle, which provides excellent visual control and full access to the child from the front seats.

It is with this car seat that you need to welcome your child from the hospital and carry him in the car for the first few months.

However, despite all the advantages, such infant carriers have several significant disadvantages.

Disadvantages of group 0 car seats:

  • - size. Such car seats are very bulky and, when installed, occupy more than 2/3 of the back seat, leaving only one on the side. seat, and even that is not complete;
  • - weight. These car seats weigh just over 6 kg, which together with large sizes and a displaced center of gravity leads to the fact that carrying such a car seat with a child inside turns out to be very uncomfortable and difficult even for men, not to mention fragile girls;
  • - protection. The transverse position of the seat in the car does not best protect the child’s body in the most common frontal impact;
  • — price. The cost of this type of seat is much higher than the cost of car seats in the next age group - 0+. It is also worth considering that a Group 0 infant carrier can only be used until the child reaches the age of 6 months or weighs 10 kg. And then you will either have to buy a group 0+ car seat for several months, and this is an additional expense, or immediately switch to a universal group 0+/1 car seat, but this is a compromise towards reduced safety.

Therefore, car seats in this group are not particularly popular among buyers and, accordingly, the range of such seats is limited to literally a few models, which are quite difficult to find in stores.

Car seats “Groups 0+”

However, there are more universal “Group 0+” car seats. They are designed for children aged 0 to 12 months and weighing up to 13 kg. They, like “Group 0” chairs, are equipped with fastenings for fixing on the stroller chassis instead of a walking or sitting block and have a special handle for carrying a sleeping child from the car to home. Many models of such chairs can be used as a rocking chair, but it is worth remembering that such a chair cannot replace a full-fledged cradle and the baby’s continuous stay in it should not exceed two hours.

In a car, such seats are installed along the seat, so that the child is oriented with the back of his head forward, i.e. against the direction of movement. This rule must be followed! Because only in this position, when the car suddenly stops or brakes, the load on the child’s fragile spine and fragile neck is evenly distributed over the entire back of the chair and reduced to a minimum.

Children in such seats are fastened with their own five-point seat belt, and for the youngest travelers there is a special soft pad around the head and in the pelvic area. So that the baby takes the most horizontal position, and the head does not swing to the sides when turning.

Also, for ease of use, many manufacturers offer to purchase a special base for the car seat, which is attached to the car seat. The seat with the baby is placed on the base, the lock is latched and the infant carrier is securely fixed. You can also unfasten the carrier from the base and take it home simply, literally with one movement of your hand. But such a base costs about the same as the car seat itself.

You can also find out what types of infant carriers there are for newborns and by what criteria they should be selected.

Age Group 1 car seats

Age group 1 car seats are intended for children aged from 1 to 4 years and weighing from 9 to 18 kg. In most cases, such seats are installed facing the direction of travel of the car, and the child is secured with an internal five-point seat belt. In some models, the child is held in place by a special soft table, over which a standard seat belt must pass. The table is designed to provide even greater protection at the time of impact or sudden braking due to the increased load distribution area, and can also be used by the baby for games on a long journey.

Since children aged 1 to 4 years are still very vulnerable, and they have to ride in a car like adults, in the direction of travel, group 1 car seats, to provide the greatest protection, have deep sides and a very complex design. Consequently, among such chairs it will be difficult to find inexpensive models that score high safety scores.

Car seats for age “Group 2” and age “Group 3”

The range of car seats for age “Group 2”, for children aged 3 to 7 years and weighing from 15 to 25 kg, is very small. Therefore, to find such a seat, you will have to go around more than a dozen specialized stores, and car seats of the “Group 3” age group for children aged 6 to 12 years and weighing from 22 to 36 kg can only be called a car seat with a big stretch. This is no longer a familiar chair, but a seat-stand without a back, the so-called booster. It is used to lift the child and fasten him with a standard seat belt not over the neck and stomach, but over the shoulder, chest and hips. Due to this, during sudden braking, the belt does not injure the child and there is no risk of suffocation. However, boosters do not protect children at all in a side impact and show very poor safety results in general. And judging by the reviews, sitting in a booster for a long time is much less comfortable than in a full-fledged car seat.

Car seats “Groups 2-3”

Therefore, manufacturers, focusing on a longer age interval and observing the highest standards for convenience and safety, produce “Groups 2-3” car seats, intended for children aged 3 to 12 years and weighing from 15 to 36 kg. These seats are installed in the direction of travel of the car and are not equipped with internal seat belts. The child is fastened with a standard car three-point belt, which is threaded through special guides. Due to these guides, the belt fits correctly on the body and does not put pressure on the stomach and neck.

The main task of seats in this group is to provide lateral protection in the event of an impact, accompanying the child until the standard seat belt is activated. Therefore, the design of these seats is simple compared to group 1 car seats, and you can choose inexpensive model, meeting all safety requirements, will not be difficult. And more expensive models will differ only in the quality of the materials used and the availability of additional options.

Universal car seat groups

There are also more universal groups of car seats that simultaneously combine the characteristics of several groups and are cheaper than several seats for a narrower age range:

"Group 0+/1" for children aged from 6 months to 4 years and weighing no more than 18 kg. Sometimes such car seats are mistakenly purchased for newborns, but it is highly not recommended to use them until the child is sitting independently, since the backrest in them has a more vertical position compared to chairs of group 0+, which can create a harmful load on the fragile child’s spine. Such car seats are installed against the direction of travel of the car until the child reaches the age of 12 months and in the direction of travel when the child is over a year old. To secure the passenger in the seat, there is an internal five-point seat belt and a soft anatomical insert that changes the depth of the seat so that it is suitable for children. different ages and complexions. It is also worth considering that car seats of group 0+/1 are stationary, i.e. they do not have a carrying handle, which means that a sleeping baby cannot be taken out of the car along with the chair and taken home;

"Group ½-3" for children aged from 1 year to 12 years and weighing from 9 to 36 kg. In them, children under 3.5 years old and weighing less than 15 kg are secured with a soft table or an internal five-point seat belt, and then the internal belts or seat belt are removed, and the child and the seat are secured with a standard car seat belt through special car seat guides. Also, the internal safety table and belts are removed if the child is taller than 100 cm. Such seats are installed in the direction of travel of the car.

The main advantage of a universal car seat is that it saves money and time - instead of two seats, you can buy one. However, it is worth considering that universal chairs, combining the characteristics of chairs from several separate groups, are inferior to them both in safety and comfort. And also, due to the greater number of parts, adjustments and prolonged use, a universal car seat may break before the child no longer needs it.

Therefore, it is worth using such chairs during transitional stages, when the old chair is already tight, and the child feels too free in the new one. Or when the child has rare short trips.

In this article we looked at how to choose a child car seat based on the age and weight of your child, in the next article we will look at methods of installing and securing car seats (ISOFIX system), and also learn how to check whether a given car seat is safe. Read the article.

To summarize, I would like to note that each parent decides for himself whether it is worth spending time and money on buying a car seat. However, when making a choice, remember that in case of danger it is this that can save the life and health of the smallest passenger in your car.

You can also learn how to choose a child car seat from the video below.

P.S. We bought a MaxiCosi CabrioFiks car seat for our son ( group 0+), we were very pleased. And when he grew up, they bought him a Romer King ( group 1). This car seat lasted us until Dominic was 3.5 years old. The next and last chair was the Romer Kid ( group 2-3). And our daughter Ivona first inherited a car seat. Now Ivonka goes to Romer King and loves it.

From the moment children are born, parents' lives change noticeably. They must take care of the safety of children. A car seat helps protect children from injuries on the roads. These designs are designed for convenient movement of the baby in transport.

And since children grow quickly, there are different types of child car seats for them. Each of them is selected depending on height and weight. Designs should also be selected based on the frequency of trips and the perseverance of the child. Parents need to know everything about child seats.

Types of designs

Available in many types protective structures, differing in size, characteristics, design and other properties. You need to choose a product according to the age and body type of the baby. All types of child car seats based on European classification divided into 5 options:

  • “0”: in the form of a cradle, suitable for babies up to 10 kg, whose age is up to 1 year.
  • “0+”: can be used for a child weighing no more than 13 kg and under the age of 1.5 years.
  • "1": Suitable for weight 9-18 kg aged 1-4 years.
  • “2”: used for children from 15 to 25 kg.
  • “3”: used for weights up to 36 kg.

All types of child car seats have their own characteristics. They are not only accessories, but also necessary elements security. Every motorist should have such a thing for transporting children, because their health and life depend on it.

Group "0"

The product is presented not in the form of a chair, but in the form of a cradle. In it the child is in a supine position. Moreover, there is no replacement for such a product, since this cradle has fastenings and belts that allow you to fix the structure on the seat.

The seat secures the child with a soft belt. There is also protection for the baby's head. But testing the product did not provide brilliant results. Although it can carry children up to 10 kg, you should still purchase “0+”. And if a cradle is used, then the transportation of the baby must be carefully controlled.

Car seat “0+”

Compared to a car seat, these types securely secure the baby in the seat. In some characteristics and appearance they are similar. The “0+” seat can be installed on any seat facing the direction of the car.

If the product is attached to the front seat, the front airbag must be disabled. In addition, they are universal compared to cradles, since the chair can be used as a carrier or a high chair for a child.

Models "1"

This chair is used during the period when the child’s weight is 9 kg. This is about 1 year old. The product has a special design. It is like a soap dish installed in a frame.

In such a chair, the backrest can be fixed in different positions depending on the child’s condition. The structure is installed in the back seat.

Chair "2"

The product is used as a transitional option from stationary securing the child inside the seat to securing him with belts. It allows you to switch from a car seat to a regular seat. Place them in back cars.

Class "3"

The design is presented not in the form of a chair, but as a seat pad for older children. The product does not include belts because children are belted in cars.

It is necessary to choose all types of child car seats according to age. You just need to know about the safety characteristics and other functions of the structures. Only a suitable protective device will serve safe place for transporting a child.


How to choose a child car seat step by step? Crash test results are important. Guaranteed by ECE R44/03 marking, which confirms European quality. If it is missing, then you should not purchase the product, even if the seller assures of the excellent quality of the product.

Protective parts

For a child? Types of products differ in characteristics. For children under 3 years of age, it is necessary to purchase five-point or Y-shaped belts, which will prevent injury to the child. There are also internal straps that are secured in the crotch area.

Eat different types child car seat anchorages, which should be comfortable. You should also pay attention to weight. The convenience of the product will allow it to be used by everyone who will control the transportation of the baby. When purchasing a product, you need to make sure that the buckles and fastenings are secure.

It is imperative to take into account the type of material from which the frame and upholstery are made. It is best to purchase a removable cover as it can be washed. When purchasing, you should take into account all the details, because the quality of the design depends on their reliability. If you approach the purchase of a chair responsibly, you will only need 2 models “0+” and “1”.


All chairs consist of additional parts that expand the possibilities of their use. Many models have replaceable covers. If it gets dirty, it can be easily replaced with a new one. Different covers should be used depending on the time of year.

If you have a raincoat, no weather is scary. Carrying your baby to the car during rain or snow will not be a problem. There are designs with the function of installation on a frame, so it is used instead of a stroller. If you have a raincoat, you can comfortably walk from your car to your house, but you shouldn’t walk like that. It needs to be removed indoors.

Car seats have a special collar that protects the child during the trip. Even with sudden braking there will be no injuries to the cervical vertebrae. With the help of the collar, the child's neck is firmly secured even during sleep.

In addition to these features, car seats have rear-view mirrors that are aimed at the child when he is in the back seat. Additionally, there may be curtains, warm envelopes and overalls, and tables. When purchasing, you must immediately decide what functions you need from the chair.


Although they have characteristics great value, the manufacturer also plays a huge role. Nowadays, car seats are created by many companies, but the most popular of them are:

  • Chicco;
  • Maxi Cosi;
  • Bebe Confort;
  • Romer.

You can purchase products from another manufacturer, but they must be marked ECE R44/03. The high-quality chair has European and domestic certificates.

It should be taken into account that the safety of the product affects the life of the child. There is no need to save on purchasing goods. It is not advisable to buy a used structure. After all, if it is damaged, no one will tell about it, and such a product will not be absolutely safe.


Child car seats are quite expensive. Their price is within 17,000 rubles, but it does not last long. The cost may vary depending on the type of chair, manufacturer, characteristics.

If you buy a reliable design, manufactured according to European requirements, it will serve for many years. It is necessary to pay attention to it appearance, because damaged goods cannot be reliably protected when traveling. Chairs are sold in markets, stores and online.

Use and care

The child car seat is easy to use, no matter what the mounting system is. Before doing this, you need to read the installation and use instructions, and then the operation of all mechanisms will be clear.

Maintenance consists of regularly washing the cover, which is also done according to the instructions. If the product is not removable, you can use a vacuum cleaner. Cleaning the surface extends the life of the protective structure.

Child weight: from 0 to 13 kilograms, approximate age: From 0 to 1.5 years.

Armchairs of this group positioned against traffic vehicle . Carrying chairs of this group can be used as rocking chairs or regular chairs.

Such chairs must have a soft pillow to support the head and comfortable handles for moving. Recommended in the chairs of this group short trips. For parents, such chairs are convenient to use when carrying their child frequently.

Group 1 car seat

Child weight: from 9 to 18 kilograms, approximate age: From 1 to 4 years.

Models of this type are similar in design to the previous “0+” group. However, these chairs have several positions.

Internal straps hold the child firmly, without interfering with the movement of arms and legs. The device itself is made of a plastic base, a rigid frame and soft upholstery.

They can be installed both against the movement of the vehicle and along the road. A child can watch what is happening on the street through the car window. .

Group 2 car seat

Child weight: from 15 to 25 kilograms, approximate age: From 3 to 7 years.

Chairs of this type are designed for preschool and school age . Such seats provide a transition from the use of internal belts to conventional (car) seat belts.

As the child grows the backrest can be removed and leave only the seat. Car seats of this group are installed only in the direction of travel. The child can watch the road without interference.

This type of car seat prevents the child from rolling to the side. Long trips allowed.

Need to follow the position of the standard belt, since when emergency situation Placing a belt near the neck can be fatal.

A correctly installed seat should be raised so that the belt is located in the baby's chest area.

Group 3 car seat

Child weight: from 22 to 36 kilograms, approximate age: From 6 to 10 years.

These chairs are designed for school age children. The chairs of this group have the name - boosters. Here, padded seats are used as a safe car seat.

The child is fastened with a regular car seat belt. In the chairs of this group Long trips allowed.

Issued transformable chairs that are suitable for children from birth to 7 years. It is necessary to install the chairs only according to the instructions supplied with it.

Children under 12 months must be in a seat mounted against the direction of travel of the vehicle.

How to choose a car seat – Teledetki TV

Some statistics

As statistics show in many countries, after the use of car seats became mandatory, the death of children and the likelihood of severe injuries decreased by 3.5 times.

Considered the most practical transformable chair. However, it is better to change two chairs, well matched to the weight and age of the child (the total amount is the same).

The price of a quality chair is quite high, but completely justified!

Instead of a conclusion

Scientific research has proven that A child's car seat can save a child's life in the event of an accident. So you need to take full responsibility when purchasing a child restraint system.

Please note that chairs are installed on back seat car. If installed on front seat vehicles, the airbag must be turned off, because in the event of an impact it can seriously injure a child.

Shouldn't buy a used car seat. Since seats that have been in an accident must be replaced with new ones. With the slightest design changes, the protective properties of the chair are reduced. - About cars - Information portal