Car tinting according to the new law. How to get permission to tint a car? Is tinting car windows allowed?

The dissatisfaction of motorists has not subsided since the adoption of the law on standardizing tinting for vehicles. Standards and requirements are becoming more stringent, and fines are increasing every year. By the way, the opinions of car owners are already divided, some believe that tinting a car is not particularly necessary, others do not part with the opinion that a car without tinted windows is not a car at all.

Let's look into current and future GOSTs, as well as the punishment for violation.

Additional information as of March 21, 2018

As of March 21, 2018, there were no changes in the penalties for tinting or in the technical regulations for tinting. However, it is already known that in the spring of this year deputies Russian Federation are going to return to discussing the issue of increasing fines. According to preliminary information, fines for incorrect tinting may increase up to 10 times.

According to the new discussion, it is planned to increase the fine for the first time to 1,500 rubles (versus 500 today). And if you violate it again, you will have to pay 5,000 rubles. As the legislators themselves assure, the likelihood that new law will be accepted, high enough.

For tinting, in addition to a fine, they will be required to eliminate the offense and cancel their registration. And this is no joke.

If this is your first time hearing about this, let us briefly explain the logic of both security measures:

The traffic police inspector has the right to demand the cessation of the offense, it is not even stipulated anywhere that it must be in writing; tinting is a violation that clearly did not occur on the way, therefore the traffic police officer has the right to demand the cessation of further movement with the violation;

Termination of registration is allowed to inspectors by the relevant Order No. 1001, paragraph 51 of which states that this procedure is carried out when malfunctions are detected with which control is prohibited.

Permitted tinting in 2017 according to GOST

In 2017, another law will be adopted on the deliberate darkening of car windows. This will become one of the most discussed bills in the automotive segment. The main aspect of the bill will be an increase in the fine for violation, as well as a possible tightening of standards. And now, many are thinking about possible consequences, and about when, all experts and deputies will already come to a common opinion.

At the moment, the fine is 500 rubles for violating standards. In 2017, it is planned to increase the fine to 5,000 rubles for repeated violations. This measure will be introduced to replace deprivation of rights. If you take a closer look at this bill, you can see both pros and cons. For example, the minimum fine will be 1,500 rubles, which will make violators think twice. But a maximum fine of 5,000 rubles will be an alternative to deprivation of rights for three months, so the choice will remain with the driver.

Also, a special limit will be established on the number of violations, allowing you to pay the minimum fine 12 times for violating tinting standards. For the 13th time, you have to choose. Between deprivation of rights or deprivation of 5,000 rubles. Also, the future of factory tinting that does not meet standards is unknown.

Front window tinting in 2017

According to the government, the absence of tinting on a vehicle increases safety traffic, and makes it easier for other law enforcement departments to detect offenders. There are many examples of this when armed criminals were detained. But there is another side that is collecting signatures from citizens of the Russian Federation against this bill.
But let's return to the tinting of the front windows of doors and windshields, the light transmission of which should not be less than certain standards. For example, the windshield must transmit at least 75% luminous flux, and the front side windows must transmit at least 70% of the light flux.

It is worth noting that the tinting of other glasses is not standardized by law and GOST; tinting is permitted with any film and by any means. As they say - What is not prohibited is permitted.

Also, in the law. A separate paragraph states that any tinting cannot distort the driver’s perception of colors. This eliminates the use of various color films. The next nuance that upsets car owners is that it does not allow them to use even light tones of the film. Consisting in the fact that windshields modern cars can absorb up to 20% of the light flux, and old ones up to 25% of the light.

Cost of tinting

It is worth recalling that fines for non-compliance with modern tinting standards are constantly growing. Therefore, it is worth thinking about tinting your car before making a decision.

Let's move on to the very essence of tinting, many car owners prefer to tint the car themselves, with some experience, the work is not difficult. But it is worth noting that for the first time, there will be mistakes and errors. But this is a good chance to save money cash and gain some good experience. As a last resort, it is better to spend the money saved on a second attempt.

To begin with, you need to choose a tint film and decide on the degree of tint. Here you can give advice: don’t save money on film, buy quality film. In this case, you can count on precise performance and long service life. It is easier to glue this film yourself. When purchasing, consider the required quantity and purchase with a reserve just in case.

When contacting specialists, several tinting options appear. The first of them is a regular tint film; the cost of covering it with film is not expensive. And if you compare the quality with the work done yourself, then it’s worth paying. You will receive your car faster, and the quality of work will be higher.

Another method of tinting is to spray a tinting layer on the glass; in this case, the tinting turns out to be of better quality and similar to the factory one. But this effect is obtained with the presence of high-quality equipment at a car service center and experienced craftsmen. This pleasure will cost from 5 to 30 thousand rubles, depending on the amount of work and the quality of the work.

Electronic tinting is the most modern word in this matter. A special transparent layer is applied to the glass, changing its transparency properties when a certain voltage is applied. This will allow you to turn your car tint on and off at the touch of a button. Agree, it’s very convenient, for example, in the dark, when driving in reverse. But the cost of electronic tinting will not please car owners who want fashionable tinting for their car; they will pay from $1,000 per square meter.

And in Russia, removable silicone tinting is increasingly gaining popularity. This tint is quickly installed and also quickly removed, and at the same time, it can be used many times. And the price tag starts from 4,000 rubles for a passenger car.

Question - Answer

Question: The windshield is tinted with a very light film, will there be a penalty?
Answer: Penalty will follow if light transmittance does not meet the standards when measured by the device.

Question: I have removable tint installed on my front windows, will I be fined if an inspector stops me and I remove the tint?
Answer: Since you have eliminated the cause of the violation on the spot. That should not be fined.

Question: My car has factory glass with a light transmittance of 65%, where can you find a certificate stating that this is factory glass
Answer: In this case, you urgently need to order a certificate from the manufacturer.

Question: Before measuring light transmittance, I removed the tint film, to which the inspector began to demand it to take measurements. Having received a refusal, the inspector searched the car and, in the presence of witnesses, seized the film for measurement. After which. A fine was issued. Tell me, were the inspector’s actions legal?
Answer: Since the violation was corrected on the spot, and the film is your property, the inspector did not have the right to seize it and take measurements. The issued protocol and the actions of the inspector can be appealed within ten days.

Question: Due to health reasons, I am prohibited from ultraviolet rays, can I, on this basis, completely tint the car?
Answer: For these cases, there is a special transparent athermal film. At the same time, you must have a certificate for it and a certificate of illness.

A huge number of car owners in Russia watched as the bill was submitted for consideration and the law on tinting came into force. Everyone was interested in exactly what changes to the traffic rules the new amendments to the law on tinting would make, and how this would affect the ability to tune their iron horse. Many were also waiting for the decision of deputies regarding whether a tax would be introduced on certain types of car tinting.

Nowadays, tinting cars is quite a fashionable and practical solution, which is why many people pinned their hopes on the bill on tinting.

Car tinting according to GOST

However, what is the essence of the problem? Why is this action limited by the law on tinting? It's very simple. The fact is that excessive tinting quite often causes accidents on the road. When drivers of cars with too dark tints find themselves in a situation where a traffic accident could theoretically occur, they react to external stimuli at a slower rate.

Excessive tinting does not allow you to see some details of the surrounding world, which distorts car drivers’ understanding of the situation on the road and makes their reaction slower.

That’s why this kind of tuning is regulated by traffic rules, as well as GOST and a special law on tinting car windows.

Window tinting

What car tinting is allowed?

As of March 2016, the rules for tinting car windows are as follows:

  1. Tinting of any car windows is allowed, but this rule is valid only if the light transmittance of the part is at least 75%.
  2. According to the law on tinting, rear window The vehicle, as well as its rear side windows, can be 100% tinted.
  3. According to the law on tinting, the car owner has the right to stick a transparent tinting film on the top of the car's windshield for sun protection.
  4. The use of mirror film, according to the law on tinting, is prohibited in any form or form.

Light transmission standards for car windows

These rules raise a number of questions for car owners. For example, everyone is interested in what is the maximum width of the strip of light-protective film that can be glued to the top of the windshield.

If we are talking about passenger car, then the width of the protective strip should not exceed 14 centimeters. However, it should be noted that inspectors always measure the width of this strip in three places (as stated in the law on tinting), and then calculate the arithmetic average of the three values.

Light protection strip on the windshield

Also quite common is the question of whether a driver will be subject to sanctions under the law on tinting if he covers the windows of his vehicle with a film whose light transmittance is exactly 70%. Unfortunately, it will most likely get hit. This is due to the fact that clean car windows themselves have a certain percentage of light transmittance. As a rule, it ranges from 95 to 97% percent. Accordingly, after covering the glass with a film, the light transmittance coefficients of both materials are multiplied and make the coating darker.

So if you don’t want to be fined for violating the law on tinting, always leave a margin of a few percent when tinting your car - this will definitely protect you from non-compliance with traffic rules.

It should also be taken into account that most light transmission measuring instruments used by law enforcement officials may produce an error, the likelihood of which increases many times over in the case of misuse. Therefore, traffic police officers, according to the law on tinting, must take at least 3 measurements in different parts of the glass, and then calculate the arithmetic average.

The law on tinting is violated very often

Permission to tint

Many car owners are very interested in the issue of obtaining special permission to tint a vehicle. You can quite often see cars driving through the streets whose tinting clearly does not comply with the law. Information about such violators is immediately entered into the appropriate information database.

However, special permission for arbitrary vehicle tinting can still be issued and obtained. Many car owners would even agree to pay a special tax in order to also receive such a license, but this is still useless.

According to the law on tinting, this opportunity can only be obtained by employees of various government services, who during their work may require a vehicle with exactly these characteristics. However, for a civilian to obtain such permission is an impossible task.

It is also worth noting that a car can receive permission for unlimited window tinting special purpose, but not the most ordinary passenger car.

Percentage of light transmittance of tinting film

Penalties for improper vehicle tinting

In 2016, changes to the technical regulations on the safety of wheeled vehicles and traffic rules were adopted and entered into force, which, in particular, affected several points related to tinting. Including:

  • for using tinting with reduced light transmittance, too wide a protective strip on windshield, as well as mirror tinting, the driver will have to pay a fine of 500 Russian rubles. This is also provided for in Part 3 of Article 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses;
  • For the use of tinting film with too low light transmittance, for the presence of an excessively wide tin, as well as for the repeated use of mirror tinting, law enforcement officers had the right to remove the license plates from any passenger vehicle. Yes, they “had”, since the law on tinting provided for such a punishment in the period from July 1, 2012 to November 15, 2014. Subsequently, this change was completely abolished, and the law on tinting became the same as before.

It should also be noted that, according to the law on glass tinting, the fine for violating traffic rules and standards for light transmission, the width of the strip on the top of the glass, as well as the presence of a mirror film on the glass in any situation will be exactly 500 rubles. This amount does not depend on the severity of the violation: for the one who exceeded the norm by 1%, and for the one who exceeded the norm by 50%, the punishment will be identical.

Violation of the law is punishable by a fine

You don’t have to worry about removing license plates and prohibiting the operation of a particular vehicle due to violation of the law on tinting - they completely stopped using it two years ago.

Frequently Asked Questions

Drivers who have already been charged with violating the law on car tinting are trying to come up with new ways out of the current situation. As a result, many are interested in questions such as:

  • Will it be considered that I violated the law on tinting and traffic rules if I remove the film immediately after law enforcement officers stopped me? Unfortunately, it will. This is due to the fact that penalties are imposed for the fact that the driver was driving a vehicle with increased level glass light reflections. Thus, if you tear off the film immediately after being detained, the fact that you were driving an illegally tinted car will still remain reliable.

Violation of car tinting rules
  • Are more serious penalties possible if the film is removed from the windows immediately after law enforcement officers issue a fine. If you remove the illegal film from the windows, the cause of the offense will be automatically eliminated, and therefore the traffic police officers will not have any questions or complaints about you, not to mention the likelihood of confiscation of vehicle license plates. However, if you ignore the request to remove excess tint, you may have serious problems in the future.
  • Can removable car window tinting help? Theoretically, it can. However, it will not save you from a fine if law enforcement officers record its presence on the windows of your vehicle. However, if you manage to quickly remove it and return it to the glass registration plates, then the inspector simply will not be able to present anything to you due to the complete lack of evidence and will conclude that the law permitting tinting was not violated.
  • Is it possible to appeal the decision of the traffic police if I am sure that I did not violate the rules? Of course you can. Moreover, situations quite often occur when the owner of the vehicle wins the case. Such appeals are carried out exclusively in court, and therefore it is advisable for you to begin collecting evidence for your defense right at the place of your arrest.


The answer to this question is quite ambiguous, despite its apparent simplicity. No, regarding resolution, tinting the front windows was not planned and is not planned. But let’s try to understand this issue more clearly, but in detail!

Is tinting allowed for 2020?

Yes. Allowed, but not everything is so clear...

If we are talking about news that has appeared on the Internet that some new law has allegedly been issued, which one way or another lifts the ban on tinting car windows, then there is simply no such law. It is impossible to prove its absence, so we can only suggest looking for its presence in the current legislation. But we regularly monitor changes in regulations and can safely say that as of March 25, 2020, there were no innovations and are not yet expected.

Update as of 02/02/2020: rumors have again begun to actively spread on the Internet that tinting is allowed. Moreover, even the date is mentioned - February 30 of this year. This is also not true, if only because this date does not exist, and latest news about this is nothing more than “fake”. Moreover, the authorities are considering increasing the amount of sanctions for tinted windows.

Update as of June 24, 2019: LDPR deputies proposed to completely abolish the fine for tinting as such - that is, to recognize the corresponding standard of punishment under the Code of Administrative Offenses as no longer in force. The fact that such a bill with amendments will enter into force is very low.

However, the subtlety lies in the fact that tinting as such has never been prohibited at all - even the front hemisphere of car windows. The exception is mirror tinting, which, on the contrary, was almost always prohibited.

So, tinting may be permissive, but what is it?

It is possible to darken the windows of the front part of the car, but the only question is the light transmittance and the driving of such a car. Simply put, the issue is the very letter of the law. And, according to the collection of these letters that make up the syllables and in the subsequent sentence, you are allowed to:

  • tint the car windows at least 100%, completely seal them with an opaque film, or at worst, cover them with plywood... But all this is provided that you do not drive a car - operating and driving with tinting is prohibited, but also not with any,
  • You can drive a car with tinted front windows if their light transmittance remains at least 70% - that is, they transmit through themselves (in any direction) at least 70 percent of the light trying to pass through such windows.

There is just a significant nuance - resolving tinting, which provides legal light transmittance, is not actually tinting at all - it will be useless for you in its main purpose - to darken the windows. The truth is that even athermal film does not always provide light transmission above the specified percentage.

For example, here is a wonderful one Tesla car with an example of permitted tinting with light transmittance above 70%

Where are the "proofs"?

It's very simple! The very fact of driving a car comes from traffic rules, which should be elementary for us as drivers. In particular, the Appendix to the Traffic Regulations " List of malfunctions for which it is prohibited exploitation auto" states that:

7.3. Additional objects have been installed or coatings have been applied that limit visibility from the driver's seat.

That is, it is the operation of the car that is prohibited under such conditions.

And the Administrative Code, which provides for a fine for tinting, also speaks about management:

3.1. Control a vehicle on which glasses are installed (including those covered with transparent colored films), the light transmission of which does not meet the requirements of the technical regulations on the safety of wheeled vehicles, entails the imposition of administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

What about 70%? As we can see, the Code of Administrative Offenses refers us to the Technical Regulations - the latter regulates the technical component of the car design and various components and additions to vehicles. In particular, Appendix 8 of the TR establishes the requirements for vehicles in operation, and section 4 of it tells us the following:

4.3. The light transmission of the windshield and windows through which forward visibility is provided to the driver must be at least 70%.

In fact, we find that tinting is permitted and has always been permitted.

When will all these restrictions be lifted?

The question is complex... And according to the state of affairs for 2020, it should be more like rhetorical - tinting is unlikely to ever be allowed. Most likely never, given the fact that in recent years The legislation on tinting is only becoming stricter.

Innovations regarding the simplification of legislation regarding the permission to darken car windows have never been considered or introduced for discussion at any level of legislative power.

I am tinted illegally, what awaits me?

As we mentioned above, tinting was not allowed, and the legislation on our topic is constantly becoming stricter. And, if you are not yet aware of all the cunning practice of law enforcement of penalties for drivers of tinted cars, then the following may make you abandon such an idea once and for all, probably in favor of sunglasses, which are not prohibited.

So, for 2020, if you are tinted outside the law (glasses with film block more than 30% of light), then you may be faced with:

  1. according to Part 3.1 of Art. 12.5 Code of Administrative Offences,
  2. the requirement to eliminate this malfunction with the prospect of going to jail,
  3. cancellation of vehicle registration with its subsequent renewal only after car inspection,
  4. possible introduction of increasing punishment up to and including deprivation of rights.

All this is not some kind of theory, but a practice that is used everywhere - in all regions of the country. On the contrary, a number of these penalties and measures to ensure that motorists have their cars cleared are contrary to the current law.

How is resolution tint determined correctly?

A logical question - if a certain light transmittance of glass is allowed, then how does the inspector determine it, not by eye?! That’s right, he determines it with a special measuring device.

Contrary to popular belief, there are no uniform requirements for measurements. People often discuss on the Internet that allegedly air humidity should not be higher than a certain level, that tint cannot be measured in the rain, that there is a permitted temperature range, and so on. Naturally, all this is without reference to legal acts. And without references, because not a single GOST, Technical Regulations or other regulatory documents regulate the mentioned measurement criteria. Although, there are still requirements.

Only one document regulates the measurement rules - the technical documentation of a specific device. If according to technical specifications It is not allowed to measure glass at temperatures below –40℃, for example, this cannot be done, and the measurement results obtained in this way in violation of the rules are not subject to being evidence when considering the case, according to Part 3 of Art. 26.2 Code of Administrative Offences.

You can find technical documentation for a specific device by simply searching by its name on the Internet.

By the way, this device must also have a verification certificate with an unexpired expiration date - that is, the device for measuring tint has passed all necessary checks its performance and calibration.

Today, the fight against tinting in our country is getting tougher - immediately after the cancellation of license plates for tinted windows, so-called demands or orders to eliminate the violation were used, after which drivers were imprisoned for up to 15 days. Moreover, a change is coming in the legislation to toughen penalties for tinting windows “not in accordance with GOST”, up to and including deprivation of rights. But this is in the future, and now we will consider the issue of permitted tinting, namely, the opportunity to earn money for health reasons, buy or otherwise obtain permission to tint in 2020.

The issue is that in some cases and for some categories of drivers, exceptions to the law can be allowed for a variety of reasons, and there are such exceptions in a variety of other aspects of the law. So, let's answer the question whether and how you can get a special permit for tinting, what law regulates this, is it available to mere mortal drivers and what is needed for this in 2020.

Permission to tint - method No. 1:

Firstly, the easiest way to get permission to tint is to tint “according to GOST”. The fact is that tinting in our country is not prohibited in principle (except for mirror tinting), but there are standards for light transmission and what kind of glass is allowed to be tinted. Namely, the front “hemisphere” can be tinted so that it transmits at least 70% of all light. This, of course, is very little, taking into account the fact that already from the factory the light transmittance of glass (and it is not even tinted) is 85-95%. Literally, the glass will become only a little darker, and if your goal when tinting is to become invisible, to significantly hide from the sun, then this legal method will not suit you.

However, if your goal is to protect yourself from the summer heat and stick athermal film, then we have good news for you - a number of athermal films (but not all) are tested for light transmittance.

Thus, you already have a kind of permission to tint - it is provided by law with the only compelling condition that the tint must transmit 70% of the light into the car.

Permission to tint - method No. 2:

Another method is much less effective, but, in any case, more useful than simply tinting the car and driving like that. The method is to know the loopholes in the legislation due to the “holes”, and there are plenty of them there. We will not cite here all the shortcomings of Russian legislation regarding tinting that allow it one way or another, we will only note that they are all divided into main categories:

  1. Shortcomings in basic laws: traffic rules, administrative codes. Thus, the Traffic Rules, when tinting is permitted, refers us to GOST 5727-88, which has long lost force, and in general GOSTs became optional after the introduction of Technical Regulations. The same Code of Administrative Offenses in the article with punishment for tinting ( refers to a document called " Technical regulations on the safety of wheeled vehicles", which has also lost force, and is replaced by a document similar in content, but already called " Technical regulations Customs Union on the safety of wheeled vehicles". And there are many more such shortcomings.
  2. Disadvantages in the procedures for determining light transmittance themselves. Thus, the determination device must have a verification certificate, and the measurement must be carried out strictly according to the instructions for the device. In fact, it is because of procedural errors in the glass measurement process that errors are made among inspectors, which can lead to the cancellation of the decision.
    In addition, there are a number of “life hacks” that eventually cease to work and are replaced by others during the measurement process. For example, remove the removable tint while the inspector goes to get the device, lower the windows and declare that the window regulator is broken, and so on.
  3. Cancellation of decisions upon expiration of court deadlines. Here it is a little more complicated and simpler at the same time - you are simply stalling for time through various types of petitions, challenges, and so on, and it becomes impossible to prosecute for tinting for the simple reason that the statute of limitations has expired.

It should be clearly noted here that, firstly, you will not learn these methods in two or three days or even in two or three weeks. Rather, you will have to learn full-fledged law in order to be able to operate the laws in your favor, because we must not forget that you are violating and you must prove the opposite, which is quite difficult. Second, judges and police officers are not fools, and both of these authorities are allowed to make decisions about guilt based on personal convictions, which means that minor procedural errors are unlikely to play a significant role in appealing a tint ruling.

Well, in the end, it is worth noting that this is not permission to tint as such - it is only an opportunity to defend your rights in the event of a mutual violation by government officials.

There is also another hypothetical way to get permission for tinting - to have a “blat” in the traffic police, and among the highest ranks. We will not discuss this method due to its illegality and, of course, mythical nature. However, there is an opinion that, having received “connections” in the structures, it is possible to obtain permission to tint.

Others legal ways There is no way to buy or otherwise obtain permission for tinting from the traffic police.

Previously, another myth spread: supposedly, if you get a certificate from a doctor stating that the driver has a special eye disease with impaired vision and pain in the eyes due to bright sunlight, then with such a certificate you will be allowed to tint the car. However, in 2020 this is indeed a myth, and it will be impossible to obtain permission to tint car windows with such a certificate. And there is some logic in this - after all, to solve the problem of immunity to bright sunlight, it is enough to wear sunglasses.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is developing amendments that will toughen penalties for driving a vehicle with tinted windows. The question of whether a tax on tinting will be introduced has long been discussed. Since 2015, owners of such cars will be fined 500 rubles. However, it does not frighten drivers much. Therefore, the government developed and implemented the Law “On Tinting”. Few people will be happy with the tax on vehicles darkened beyond the norm.

What's the question

Tinting is a darkening coating on vehicle glass that minimizes light entering the interior during operation. On the one hand, tinting reflects the sun's rays, protecting the driver and passengers on all sides from the blinding sun, heat and the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. But there is a fine for excessively tinted windows.

Administrative violation

For a long time, traffic police officers issued instructions to drivers to remove the film from the car within a specified time frame. In case of repeated violation, the motorist was sent to court or detained for up to 15 days.

Now a fine is used as a punishment. Its size depends on how many times the offense is detected. The tax on tinting ranges from 500 to 5 thousand rubles. for a repeat offense. For " regular customers» an additional preventive measure has been developed - deprivation of rights for up to 6 months. Traffic police officers can check the driver’s offense history on the spot. Therefore, there are no questions about determining the amount of the fine.

Until November 2014, there was a penalty for tinting in the form of removing state signs. After it was cancelled, there were many more people wanting to tint their car windows. Drivers are not afraid of a fine of 500 rubles.

From January 1, 2016, the measures were tightened again. In a tinted car at night. Visibility of the road is deteriorating. In this regard, the bill “Tax on Tinting” was developed. According to new standards, the light transmittance of glass should not exceed 70%.


In 2015, the bill “On allowing tinting for tax” was introduced. This regulation provides for a fine if the degree of shading of the glass is higher than that established by law. It is also planned to establish a ban on the use of super-tinted vehicles. The same regulatory act abolished the previous penalty - removal of license plates from a car.


For 2015, regulations have been developed that allow:

  • dim the rear side windows without restrictions;
  • apply film to the rear window;
  • glue the transparent film in a strip at the top of the windshield;
  • For front windows, the light transmission standard is 70%.

That is, you can still darken the car, but up to certain limits.

The law also provides for ways to change light transmittance - painting with a special mass, gluing film. The color stripe on the front of the glass should not exceed 14 cm in width. The use of “mirror” tints is prohibited. It is allowed to use blinds in the presence of external mirrors. To check, you can measure the degree of permeability at a stationary traffic inspection post. This process will not take much time.

Tax on tinting in Russia

The main change in the new version of the law is an increase in the amount of the fine. If the driver was punished for the first time, he will have to pay the same 500 rubles. The introduction of a tax on tinting in 2016 provides for an increase in the amount of the fine for repeated violations by 2-3 times, that is, up to 1,500 rubles.

The authorities also “took care” of the “fashionable and stylish” who are not very concerned about the new sanctions. A new rate has been developed especially for them - 5 thousand rubles. Violation of the standard will only be possible once a year. If the driver refuses to pay the fine, even by a court decision, he may be deprived of his license for up to three months. But this penalty will most likely only apply if you go to court again.

If the owner refuses to remove the film from the glass on the spot, inspectors have the right to detain state signs. It will be possible to get them back after fulfilling the requirements of the traffic police officers already at the police station. The cost of removing tint in a salon is approximately 2,000 rubles. But this can be done with a simple power movement. Traffic police officers have a construction knife specifically for these purposes. After 24 hours from the date of receipt of the notification, movement by car will be prohibited. So you will have to plan a trip to the salon on the day of registration of the act.

Is it needed at all?

It is still unknown whether the tax on tinting will be changed in the near future. However, opponents are already collecting signatures to lift the restrictions. Current standards provide for 30% darkening. Activists plan to raise this bar to 40-60%, arguing that tinting is not only “stylish”, but also a “necessary” detail that performs a number of important functions:

    ensures the safety of things inside the cabin (according to statistics, most often vehicles are opened in which the presence of personal belongings can be clearly seen);

    reduces the amount of fuel (to ensure the operation of the climate control program in the car in summer time consumes a significant amount of gasoline, and the presence of tinted windows can reduce costs).

One of the arguments that the authorities give in defense of the implementation of the law is that driving a vehicle with tinted windows is dangerous in the dark. However, statistics indicate the opposite. Drivers with poor skills and little experience are more likely to get into accidents. A logical question arises: why introduce a tax on tinting permission at all?


In 2014, the number of violations related to tinted windows increased sharply. Drivers are not afraid of a fine. But the risk of losing the right to drive a vehicle can be considered an effective punishment.

In 2015, about 60 thousand violators paid the tinting tax. Most of them live in the vicinity of Moscow and the region. This is 68% more than was recorded in 2014. In the Moscow region alone, violators paid 23 thousand rubles. as fines. Second place in the ranking is occupied by St. Petersburg with its 7 thousand violators. Drivers from the Krasnodar Territory (52 thousand people) and the Sverdlovsk Region also distinguished themselves. (35 thousand), Rostov region. (31.8 thousand), Dagestan (25 thousand).

These figures served as an incentive to amend the regulation. Experts, by the way, doubt that the government will take into account the activists’ arguments.

When will the tint tax be introduced?

The new bill received legal force on January 1, 2016. This document only provides for a fine. However, there were previously rumors that the authorities were planning to introduce a special tax on tinting. Allegedly, the driver will have to pay a certain amount to the cashier, receive a ticket, and then drive all year without fear of fines. So far this measure is not in effect.

Discounts on fines

The tinting tax in Russia is not the only innovation in 2016. On January 1, the Federal Law came into force, providing a 50% discount on the “Promotion” is valid only for drivers who want to repay the debt within 20 days from the date of receipt of the resolution. The preferential program does not include rough traffic violations: driving a vehicle while intoxicated, refusal to undergo a medical examination. If you commit a second offense within 12 months, the discount will no longer apply. Data about the “share” will be indicated in the resolution itself.

The grace period is calculated from the day following receipt of the notification. In order not to miss anything, you can track information through the State Services portal. A receipt for a violation that was detected by photo and video equipment can take a very long time. The car owner can receive it after the grace period.

Debtors will travel without a car

For darkening windows there is a tax on tinting and for 3 months. Willful non-payers of fees whose debt exceeds 10 thousand rubles will not be allowed to drive all types of vehicles from January 15. The restriction will be lifted immediately after the debt is repaid. This rule does not apply to all car owners. Exceptions include disabled people professional drivers, as well as persons whom this punishment will deprive of their source of livelihood. Drivers who violate this decree will have their license revoked for one year or be subject to correctional labor for up to 15 hours.

According to the FSSP, about 300 thousand people who have a debt of more than 10 thousand rubles may be subject to a temporary ban. At the end of 2015, the Ministry of Justice prepared a bill within the framework of which malicious defaulters of fines, alimony, and compensation for harm caused to third parties will not be allowed to take exams in the traffic police, issue driver's license,

New evacuation tariffs

FAS will present a methodology for calculating the cost of transporting vehicles parked not in accordance with traffic regulations. How this will affect the cost of the service remains to be seen. The bill has so far been amended regarding restrictions on the evacuation of trucks using bollards.

It's easier to fine drunk people

Another bill provides for a reduction in the number of documents that confirm that the driver was intoxicated. Currently, six papers are used for these purposes. Now their number has been reduced to three. The longer the inspector takes to fill out the paperwork, the more likely it is that the offender will escape. The project allows people under the influence of drugs to be sent directly to a dispensary. Reducing document flow allows you to reduce the time for registering violations.

Drivers can be “blindsided” without witnesses

Now inspectors evaluate a person’s sobriety based on his speech, coordination, and presence of fumes. They want to expand this list - add checking using technical means. Data from such devices will confirm that the driver is intoxicated. Therefore, a routine survey can be carried out. During the initial test, the amount of alcohol vapor will not be detected - the device will show whether there is any at all or not. The check will be carried out without protocols, witnesses or video recordings, but only during special traffic police raids.

Other changes

“Dangerous driving” is a term that has long been used by traffic police. But there is no liability for drivers. Methods of fixation remain unknown. The Russians themselves began to understand what it was. They have developed a social intolerance towards drivers who brake sharply or change lanes constantly. Dangerous driving is a set of certain maneuvers that are contrary to traffic rules. Work on ways to record and prove them will continue in 2016.

For systematic (three or more) violations of the same rule, the inspector may take away the driver’s license. A similar point system was already used in the USSR.

After the introduction of a toll tax for trucks weighing more than 12 tons, truckers began to organize protests. The carriers agreed to cancel the fee. Changes to the bill will be made in the first quarter of 2016.

From January 1, it is prohibited to sell Euro 4 diesel. The government plans to leave only gasoline on the market from July 1 best quality- “Euro-5” and higher. How this will affect prices is still unknown. Some economists argue that prices for fuel and cars with the corresponding engine will rise. Others claim that due to fierce competition in the market, the cost of petroleum products will not change.

Crimean drivers face sanctions. If they do not have time to re-register their vehicles, get Russian license plates and continue to drive with Ukrainian ones, they will have to pay a fine of 800 rubles. For repeated violations, the fee will increase 10 times. - About cars - Information portal