Punishment for hiding the state number. How to hide license plates in a parking lot. Video: How some traffic police inspectors cheat with unreadable license plates

A “classic of the genre” can be called the use by car owners of all kinds of camouflage materials and objects from the trash that come to hand to hide the license plates of their cars from the glass “eye” of the parking lot. “Soldier’s ingenuity” suggested covering part of the number in a street parking lot with a piece of paper, a plastic bag, or a fallen leaf if it happened in the fall. This method worked until the city authorities hired a staff of foot inspectors who, upon seeing the covered license plate of a toll car standing in the toll zone, manually remove the “foreign body” and photograph the license plate of the disguised car using a service gadget. In this case, a fine for non-payment of parking is sent to the cunning car owner.

The next way to get away with fines for violations is paid parking authorities has become a method of dismantling the license plate of a car. The car owner parked the car, removed the license plate from it and calmly went about his business. After all, the law does not prohibit leaving a car without license plates. You just can't ride it. The topic has become so popular that savvy entrepreneurs have even managed to make good money by selling special magnetic state registration plates over the Internet - which are much easier to remove and install than standard ones. It worked for a while. But then the city authorities abruptly pretended that they were afraid of parked cars without license plates - supposedly they pose an increased terrorist threat.

Therefore, “for the safety of citizens,” such cars urgently need to be taken to impound lots. Someone would try to take away a truly bomb-laden car...

At the moment, the following method has become somewhat popular for hiding a license plate number. The car owner installs a set of the above-described magnetic license plates on his car and carries with him a couple of fake license plates. As a rule, these are car “license plates” of some non-existent state. During parking, real ones are replaced with “toy” ones. And there is no reason to evacuate, and there will be no fine for non-payment of parking. However, this method threatens with problems from Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, or rather its part 3: Installing knowingly false state registration plates on a vehicle promises a fine of 2,500 rubles.

The most truly dangerous, although the most elegant in appearance, way to hide in a parking lot involves the use of some kind of technical devices- like curtains that move over the license plate on command from a remote control, rotating frames and other “technical solutions.” If a traffic police inspector finds such a device on a parked car, then you can get by with a fine of 2,500 rubles, as mentioned above. But if the inspector waits until the car with “mechanized” license plates starts moving, its driver will face either a 5,000 fine or deprivation of his “rights” for up to three months.

What is photo recording? To put it simply, this is an instant photo of your car in the event that you fall under the influence of special radars that are installed in areas of mass vehicle traffic. Why are such radars needed? Then, to charge you fines for speeding and other traffic violations!

Knowing the principle of operation of such photo radars, craftsmen began to come up with means of protecting car license plates, because without a license plate it is very difficult to find your car. All kinds of means of protecting license plates have been invented: nets for license plates, sprays, lenses with filters, frames with an infrared emitter. But does all this “know-how” really help? Let's figure it out.

Using a grid to protect your number

Based on the fact that the radar camera is installed at an angle of 45 degrees, sellers of the grids claim that they are excellent at masking the number. In the sense that the camera cannot “see” the license plate of your car, since the grid “blurs” it, as it were.

The purity of the number in the digital camera lens is only 14 pixels. But the grid cells for the number are so thin that the camera simply does not notice them. And in this case, the license plate of your car is perfectly and clearly visible! And any post on the road will immediately figure out your cunning, and you will have to talk to live traffic cops, which will affect your wallet even more significantly. The first myth has been debunked: the net costs 3-4 USD. doesn't work!


Consider the following method of protecting your number - using a spray. Sellers unanimously assure that you just need to apply a layer of spray on the license plate and a miracle will happen: the number will give off a very bright highlight that will reliably hide your number. But even in this case, such a statement from the seller is pure deception: the number is visible as if it had just been washed! Bottom line: the spray myth is nothing more than a myth.

Attachable lens with polarizing filter

The essence of using this lens is that at an angle, half of the license plate becomes invisible. But the fact is that the lens only works if the photo is taken from the side at an acute angle. But photo and video radars are installed on top. Therefore, here too the myth about the lenses remains a myth; the number is clearly visible.

So we got to Agent 007's gadget:

Infrared frame

Infrared light emitters are installed around the entire perimeter of this gadget. Visually, such illumination is invisible. But video and photo cameras supposedly should have problems, because digital technology is very sensitive to infrared radiation.

Simply put, in theory, a beam of invisible rays should illuminate the number, like a photo flash, and the number will not be visible. Is this true? No, not like that, because photo and video radar cameras without any problems “see” not only your license plate number, but also the glowing diodes on the frame. Why? But because the system of these radars operates in the visible light range: this is more than enough for the system to take a clear picture! Bottom line: Agent 007's gadget doesn't work either.

No one will argue that sometimes our roads are not conducive to driving clean cars. This may be due to weather conditions or simply poor maintenance of public utilities and roads. We started talking about the cleanliness of the car due to the fact that the topic of this article will be unreadable or dirty numbers on the car, which directly depend on the cleanliness of the car itself and the presence of dirt on the roads.
If you think about it, the concepts of a dirty and unreadable number are still different concepts. Since the number may be unreadable due to the fact that the paint has simply worn off or it has been covered with something (mesh, plastic, paper, etc.), therefore it would be more correct to talk about unreadable numbers. In this article we will talk about what criteria are determining in order to recognize a number as unreadable and what fine awaits a driver with such a number.

Criteria for an unreadable license plate on a car (erased, obscured by something)

The criteria for unreadability are regulated, oddly enough, not in a separate technical document, but directly in the legal document of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Article 12.2 in the form of a note. So, in the note to this article it says...

State registration plate is recognized as non-standard if it does not meet the requirements established in accordance with the legislation on technical regulation, and unreadable if at a distance of 20 meters it is not possible to read at least one of the letters or numbers of the rear state registration plate in the dark, and in the daytime at least one of the letters or numbers of the front or rear state registration plate.

Comment: That is, during the day, both of the state signs installed on the car must be readable. But at night, the front sign may not be visible, and the driver will not bear any responsibility for this. At night, traffic police inspectors will only be interested in the rear state registration plate on a car (motorcycle). This is exactly how this interpretation should be understood.

Here I would like to develop the topic of the unreadability of the license plate. This is exactly the moment where the human factor is present, or rather, human abilities and ambitions play a role. Let's say someone is able to see a license plate from 25 meters, but the paint on the number may be erased. And another will say that he cannot determine what is written on the number even from 5 meters away. As a result, dirt, lack of paint and even lack of lighting at night for rear number, all these are circumstances that indirectly affect the readability of the issue. They do not contain a single objective parameter that would unambiguously determine an equivalent definition of license plate readability for everyone. This is bad, but there is no way around it... That is why, when a driver is issued a fine under Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Part 1, there is often a certain feeling that the fine was issued unauthorized. Let's talk further about the fine that may be imposed for an unreadable state registration plate.

Fine for an unreadable (erased, no paint) state registration plate

You will be fined for an unreadable sign under Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Driving a vehicle in violation of the rules for installing state registration plates on it”, part 1, which in this case reads as follows...

...Driving a vehicle with unreadable, non-standard or installed in violation of the requirements of the state standard state registration plates, with the exception of the cases provided for in part 2 of this article - entails a warning or imposition administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles.

That is, if a driver does not have a visible symbol on his car’s state registration plate due to worn-off paint, he will be given a warning or given a fine of 500 rubles. Read more here "Fine for erased number". This article also applies to a dirty license plate (For more details, see the article “Fine for a dirty license plate on a car”). Yes, indirectly, dirt can also be attributed to intentional pollution, that is, to a substance (material) with which the driver may want to hide the symbols on the state sign. However, a fine for a dirty license plate is usually issued under Part 1 (Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) or they are simply asked to wipe the plates on the spot.
In addition to this case, we would also like to consider the option when drivers try to hide the symbols of the state sign deliberately. So, for example, in this case, glass and film are used to create glare during photo and video recording, and the numbers are covered with a grid or simply with strips or sheets of paper. What punishment and fine are provided in this case!?

Fine for an unreadable (taped, covered with film, net, piece of paper, magnets) state registration plate

In this case, it is worth turning to the same article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.2 but part 2. It is this that will give the answer to the fine for the actions of unscrupulous motorists who are trying to hide their license plates by using various materials that prevent the identification of the sign. So part 2 of article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation says...

Driving a vehicle without state registration plates, as well as driving a vehicle without state registration plates installed in designated places, or driving a vehicle with state registration plates equipped with the use of materials that prevent or complicate their identification, shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of 1 to 3 months.

That is, if a driver is caught using film, plexiglass, mesh, etc., he faces a penalty of 5,000 rubles or even deprivation of his license. It should be noted that this point cannot be applied to drivers who cover their license plates with a piece of paper in the parking lot, because in this case the driver is not driving the vehicle. TS is worth it!
As a result, they can issue a fine for a hidden license plate only if the driver is driving a vehicle, if it is parked, you can be offended at the driver for as long as you like, call him a bad person, but this is not a reason to issue him a fine.

How to avoid a fine for an unreadable or closed number

Here it is worth saying a few words about the case when the driver’s license plate is unreadable. Let's say a traffic police officer says that the state registration plate is not visible to him from 20 meters. In this case, it is worth politely appealing to the fact that everything is relative. That someone else may well read this sign. In this case, it is worth referring to the alternative to Article 12.2, Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which provides for a warning rather than a fine. If the driver has no unpaid fines or no other violations for 6 months, then you should definitely say so. All of this will be an argument for getting off with a warning rather than a fine. If a fine could not be avoided, you can certainly talk about this in case of violation of part two, that is, when the driver covered the license plate, then you can save a little on it. More on this later.

How to pay a fine for an unreadable or closed number with a 50 percent discount

When is it possible to deprive a license for a number that is covered by something?

According to Article 3.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, deprivation of a special right is possible only by decision of a judge. That is, if the traffic police decides to issue a fine on the spot, then it will only be a monetary fine. If the inspector decides to send the report to the court, then only the court will decide the fate of the driver, and the court can also impose not a deprivation, but a fine. It depends on the circumstances.

Question and answer on the topic "Fine for an unreadable, hidden license plate"

Question: What is the fine for an unreadable sign if the paint is worn off or it is dirty?
Answer: Minimum fine (500 rubles) or warning

Question: What is the fine for the fact that a sign is covered with something and cannot be read while driving a vehicle?
Answer: This is equivalent to the absence of a state registration plate - a fine of 5,000 rubles.

Question: Is it legal to issue a fine under Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, part 2 (closed license plate) if the vehicle is parked?
Answer: No. Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, part 2, talks about driving a vehicle, without special cases.

The alarming situation prevailing on today's roads forces law enforcement officers to install cameras and entire systems for photo and video recording of offenses everywhere.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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Such equipment is the most incorruptible and unbiased recorder of events on the roads. And every year the number of such systems recording offenses is growing.

The quality of photographic equipment used on the roads is also improving. Along with it, the number of car owners seeking to avoid punishment for committed offenses is growing.

This " craftsmen"trying to fool cameras and systems in different ways. Very often they succeed.


Video cameras for recording violations often do an important and necessary job, filming all violations in a row. Thanks to video recording, the traffic police inspectorate identifies the violator.

A little later, the person who committed the offense receives a “chain letter” containing a description of the situation (protocol of the violation), a photo from the scene of the violation, indicating the amount of the fine.

But often the facts of punishment are not fair. Is it possible to compare a drunk driver who exceeded the speed limit, hit a pedestrian and left the scene of the accident with taking an accident victim to the hospital?

He also violated the speed limit, right? If this can be explained to the traffic police inspector, then the camera simply records violations without determining the condition of the drivers.

This means that if she did not record the collision, then both drivers will be fined for speeding on this section of the road.

But unlike home computers, police equipment sits outside in all weathers, snow, rain and wind—breakdowns are not surprising.

However, if they incorrectly record the speed of the vehicle, this will already be illegal in relation to car owners. But they will still have to pay a fine.

It is not surprising that more and more people want to hide their car number from the all-seeing eye of a video camera.

Many drivers would therefore like to protect themselves from possible technical failures, incorrect information and fines. Proving this in court is a thankless and absolutely futile task.

What you need to know

The very attempt to hide illegal acts in some cases can also be punishable. This applies primarily to car registration plates.

But it is precisely by them that traffic police officers identify the violator. For those who want to make car license plates unrecognizable, unreadable or invisible, changes have been made to.

According to the amendments to the code, the owner of a vehicle will be fined 5 thousand rubles if he intentionally hid the license plate number from photo-recording equipment. The opposite still needs to be proven.

On what principles does this system work?

Driver passenger car was fined for speeding while the car was on board a tow truck, which was speeding.

There are many such examples. The technology makes mistakes, its electronic memory has failures, although the systems themselves are configured mainly for round-the-clock operation in multitasking mode.

Our roads are mainly equipped with classic emitting radars such as “Strelka” or “Chris”.

They work by changing the frequency of the signal reflected by a moving object (Doppler effect) in autonomous mode. “Strelka” is capable of “leading” several objects at once, starting from half a kilometer.

As soon as the car enters the radar field of vision, a violation is recorded and the car is tracked. Its number is photographed and recognized at a distance of 50-60 meters.

The Arrow may get confused if vehicle repeatedly changes lanes, and then completely leaves the visibility zone, and then the system can assign the speed of the intruder to a completely different car.

Such errors can be eliminated by the Cordon radar. It simultaneously recognizes the registration plate, speed and coordinates of the car.

So the radar will not be able to confuse the cars. Most existing cameras are capable of reading license plates located in front.

This gives some freedom to motorcyclists who, as you know, do not have front license plates by design.

Motorcyclists do not pay any attention to speed limit signs, and when they see a camera, they press as close to the cars as possible. It is clear who will receive the “letter of happiness”.

Recently, many systems have appeared that read the “backs of cars” and, accordingly, rear license plates.

Some of them are capable of handling two directions of traffic at once if they are installed directly above the median.

The Avtodoriya complex measures the speed of cars in a different way. The average speed is calculated over a certain section of the route.

There are no radars, there are only cameras taking pictures at the beginning and end of the site. It would seem that the length of the section is known, and the time of its passage is also known. Speed ​​is easy and simple to calculate, but errors are not uncommon here.

It turns out that the system can arrange the photos incorrectly - one car at the entrance, a completely different one at the exit, if the numbers are similar.

Recognition failure occurs. The Vocord system has a different principle - several pictures are taken in a row to calculate the average speed.

There is also no radar. Speeding is calculated on very short sections of the road.

The Autouragan system determines the speed by changing the size of the car's license plate, and in this case, errors are possible.

For example, due to computer failures or viruses. Complexes without radars incorrectly determine coordinates and time.

And for short-range Autohurricanes and Vocords, a strong gust of wind is enough to cause absurd speed indicators to appear at the moment a violation is detected.

In short, the operating principle of most complexes is as follows: the system takes a picture on a specific section of the road controlled by the system.

The photo is sent along with the specific address of the car owner. He has the right to appeal the decision within 10 days, and must pay the fine within a month.

How to hide a number from video cameras

While manufacturers were launching the production of new and more advanced systems for video recording of violations, car owners were not sleeping peacefully.

Many tried to find an “antidote” for the video recording system, despite the manufacturers’ convictions that this was not realistic.

This raises fair doubts because the driver of a car with a dirty or ice-covered license plate does not receive a fine.

And sometimes even clean numbers are not recognized by the systems. That’s why, to the best of their imagination, car owners are trying to create a “protection system against the system.”

The most common methods

Number one on our list of the most common methods is a registration plate covered in dirt.

But this number can pass if the car rushes from the village to the city after rain, and the driver simply did not have the opportunity to wash off the dirt from the number plates.

If he is stopped by traffic police inspectors, he can apologize and, in front of the inspector, wash off the dirt from the license plates.

But even in this case, you can get a fine, for example, if within a radius of 500 km there is excellent clear weather, no precipitation was predicted.

It will not be difficult for an inspector to find out whether there was rain in a neighboring region. And if the driver simply covered his license plate with mud before the trip in order to quickly get to the city from the nearest village, he will face a fine.

The film, called a polarizing filter, can distort the image if it is not placed at the right angle.

But this possible misconception of violators can be detected by the inspector within a couple of seconds. And then an inspection of the car and a fine are inevitable.

Many inventive drivers have learned to use curtains to cover license plates, special frames that change the license plate to another.

These miracle devices are not cheap at all, even if they are assembled by the experimenting driver himself. In addition, there can be no guarantee of the effectiveness of these devices, but the guarantee of a fine is real.

Some car owners install electrical devices that turn over or cover license plates.

This is thoughtless because inspectors have eyes and can detect all these simple frames. They also keep an eye on all the new products on this market and can distinguish regular numbers from “spy” ones.

This is how car owners themselves hide license plates from traffic police cameras - for example, using glitter. Allegedly, under the rays of the sun, the reflections will not make it possible to recognize the license plate number of the car.

Specially for this purpose, they buy varnish and glitter, mix and apply. It doesn't look like the shine of snowflakes in winter. But glitter can be detected by an inspector.

And he will understand why the man applied varnish and glitter to the registration plate. Chocolate foil and regular discs can also cause reflections that may prevent the system from recognizing license plates.

You can simply wrap the numbers in paper or a rag and secure them with tape. But in all these cases, punishment is inevitable, because one thing will be obvious - the driver wanted to hide the car number.

All this is done to ensure that video recording cameras do not recognize the license plate number in the event of a violation.

When license plates are brand new, you can remove the paint with acetone or nail polish remover. It should be taken into account that the place where the paint was removed will soon turn yellow.

Leaves no trace brake fluid, but you will have to rub for at least half an hour. Sandpaper can remove not only black, but also white paint, so it is important not to overdo it.

Video: how drivers try to hide license plates from radar cameras

If the inspectors catch the driver in his “witchcraft” over the license plates, and, moreover, catch him in this thankless task, in addition to the fine for speeding, a fine for damaging the license plate may be imposed.

Which method is the least dangerous?

Among car owners who have received letters of happiness more than once, there is an opinion about the in a safe way hiding registration numbers.

So, how to hide your number from traffic police cameras without violating or at least with minimal risk?

It is believed that only dirt can save a violator from the eye of the cameras. Dirty roads have not been canceled, just like rain or dirty melted snow.

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