Phone search service by car number. How to find out the owner by car number. Dangerous aspects of purchasing a car from a reseller

Car owners often have situations when they need to find out the owner of another car by its license plate, or, more simply put, how to find the owner of a car by license plate. This is a labor-intensive process that requires significant material and time costs, but with some effort, you can achieve the desired result.

Cases when information about the owner of the car is required

Not taking into account cases of idle curiosity, there are many circumstances when information about the owner of a car is necessary to protect one’s own interests:

  • when purchasing used cars, when the specified information helps to verify the legal purity of the purchased vehicle;
  • when committing another car emergency situation when the driver leaves accident scene;
  • when a vehicle causes harm to the health of other persons:
  • if the machine damages buildings, structures, curbs, or other objects;
  • with the participation of a vehicle in the commission of a crime.

How to find out the owner by his car number

There are several ways to find the owner of a car by license plate number. An interested party can take several paths:

  • contact the traffic police;
  • search on special Internet portals;
  • purchase disks with databases of vehicle owners;
  • contact specialized organizations.

Each of these methods has its drawbacks. Let's analyze them in detail.

How to find out the owner of a car by the number in the traffic police

The traffic police has a database containing complete data about car owners, but such information is classified and cannot be disclosed at the request of each citizen.

To find out the owner from the traffic police database, you need good reasons for this. One of them is an official request explaining the reasons for finding out the identity of the car owner, for example, to prosecute for participation in an accident, to search as a witness to an event. When formulating a request, it is worth describing the circumstances as fully as possible (color, brand, distinctive features, car model).

A request to identify the owner of a car can be submitted not by a personally interested person, but by his representative, for example, a lawyer. The lawyer's request will clearly justify the need to obtain the specified data to provide legal assistance.

If another driver has committed any offense against you, it is possible to file a statement about this with the traffic police. The traffic inspector is obliged to respond to the application by opening the appropriate proceedings - upon reviewing the documents, the interested person, as a participant in this proceeding, will have the opportunity to familiarize himself with the documents and, accordingly, establish the identity of the culprit road accident.

Purchasing disks with databases of vehicle owners

Such discs are quite common on black markets - there are nationwide and regional versions of them. However, the reliability of the data on such disks should also be questioned - the information on them is often incomplete and outdated.

How to find the owner of a car by car number for money

Many organizations/individuals offer similar services. Their ability to search is based on personal connections with traffic police officials from whom necessary information It happens quickly, without additional formalities.

Such assistance is provided by organizations involved in the purchase/sale of used cars. They, along with intermediary operations, offer services for checking cars and identifying the owner by license plate. Some of these companies can be found on the Internet by entering the query in the search bar: “all ways to find the owner by car number for free and for a fee.” Using the electronic service, you can submit an application to receive the information you are interested in and familiarize yourself with the report via the Internet - everything is quite convenient.

You can also use the services of a detective - a specialist who will find the owner of the car and carry out the necessary investigative measures. The cost of services starts from 5 thousand rubles and depends on the complexity and search time.

Thanks to the Internet, the buying and selling industry is developing at an unprecedented speed. People buy used cell phones, cars and apartments. The more serious the purchase, the greater the risk of falling for the trick of scammers. Checking the seller by phone number will help determine that everything is in order with the goods, otherwise after the transaction is completed you will have to deal with it through the courts.

Why do you need to search for an ad by phone number?

In the field of trade, a search by phone number may be necessary to check the seller's integrity. This is especially true when buying a car, real estate, or renting an apartment. There may be simpler goals: not to check the seller by phone number, but simply to find a lost ad that they forgot to bookmark, and a set of numbers is the only known information. You can find such information on the Internet very quickly.

How to find an ad by phone number

There are sites on the Internet where you can find an ad by phone number. To search on Avito, regardless of whether you are buying a mobile phone or renting an apartment, use Mirror. If you are interested in information about a car, AutoInfo, Akham and the official website of the traffic police will help you identify the fraudster (there is a database of all wanted cars, which can be viewed online). For any case, an indispensable assistant is a search engine (Google, Yandex or others).

On Avito

To search for advertisements by phone number, use the Avita Mirror website. The field for entering the initial data is located on the main page. Enter the numbers into it and click “Search”. Avita's mirror searches not only current, but also completed and deleted advertisements. Sometimes users complain that searching for a phone number didn't turn up anything when it should have. In most cases, the method works.

Search engines

The two most popular search engines in Russia are Google and Yandex. If one does not find the information, be sure to try the other. The search rules are the same:

  • experiment with the format of the number (purely a set of numbers, numbers separated by a hyphen, etc.);
  • enclose the query in quotation marks so that the system searches for the exact occurrence;
  • try searching with and without an international code;
  • special attention pay attention to sites with black lists of scammers (you can go to them and search directly there).

Outbid check

The risk is especially great for those who buy a used car. In addition to scammers who are trying to sell a stolen car, there are many resellers operating in this area. Cooperation with such persons risks the fact that you will overpay for a car that will very quickly fall out of satisfactory condition. The outbid scheme is “take cheaper - sell more expensive”, and it very rarely happens that for low price they give away a good car (unless the owner urgently needs money).

In fact, these are practically inoperable cars that were hastily painted and new windows were installed in them. These could also be “drowned” cars (time bombs) or those whose rental rate was artificially reduced. To avoid unpleasant surprises, you need to carefully check both the product itself and the seller for integrity. One way is to search your phone on the Internet for other similar advertisements.

Avinfo website for checking vehicles and identifying resellers

The AutoInfo database contains information from the most popular services where cars are offered for sale. The Avinfo resource has its own telegram bot that simplifies the search procedure. Thanks to this, you can not only check the seller, but also find out more about the condition of the car, the restrictions imposed on it, and track changes in value. Instructions for use:

  1. Go to the Avinfo website.
  2. Sign in and log in.
  3. From the main page, go to “Check car by owner number”.
  4. Enter phone number.
  5. Click "Search".

Through the service, they search not only for mobile phones, but also for car license plates. This allows you to learn more about the car. Even resellers do not cover up numbers on product photographs, otherwise it will look suspicious. The search is performed, including by uploading an image; the official telegram bot AutoInfo works on the same principle. The result is provided in the form of a report in the messenger response message.


Drivers sometimes need to find out the history of the car they are interested in. Usually in such a situation they go to the traffic police website and conduct a search indicating the registration state. numbers or VIN of the vehicle, but are not always received full information. However, with the help of Bot Telegram, the search will provide not only information about a specific car, but also about its owner, as well as the seller and reseller.

Telegram - autobot - an auxiliary program that operates automatically, written for the telegram messenger.

Avinfobot is a useful resource in Telegram, used to check and obtain information about:

  • the number, date and time of publication of advertisements for the sale of a vehicle on websites (,, etc.);
  • price changes for these advertisements,
  • telephone numbers.

By clicking on the “demo access” button, 24-hour free testing is provided. After this, in order to receive information, you need to pay for the service for a certain period of time. After this, a series of operations are performed.

  1. By searching for the messenger, you need to find the program and click on the “Demo access” button.
  2. Click on “Verify phone number”.
  3. In the window that appears, click on the inscription “To confirm the number...” text about unlocking
  4. After clicking on it on the main portal, fill out the form.
  5. A text about unlocking and a card with the applicant’s information on the site appears.
  6. After entering in the text field registration number click “send”.
  7. A list of messages associated with the car appears.

Attention! If there is no information about the car in the database, then the search will give a negative answer about the absence of the necessary information.

Car owner's phone number by car number

The life of a motorist is full of situations when he needs to make a call to the owner of the vehicle. For example, call the driver of the car in front of you in a traffic jam just to chat or warn about something.

The Telegram messenger has a special chat bot, the program of which allows motorists to communicate via mobile phone. At the user's request, you can get the car owner's phone number here.

To do this you need:

  • Install the AntiParkon chatbot application and register.
  • Find a chatbot in the group of the same name.
  • Start a conversation with the bot indicating the registration number of the car with all characters without spaces.
  • Based on this data, the bot gives out the personal data of the car owner, its make and phone number, which is registered in the Telegram database.

Thus, searching for information on Autobot Telegram gives positive results.

Car number

You can find out information about the car number using the Telegram bot service. Using this service, it is not always possible to find out the personal data of the car owner, his address, but the registration history usually indicates the registration state. car number.

How to add a car number to an auto infobot for telegram

The functions of the infobot for telegram are very extensive, the resources of which are free. Motorists for the convenience of communicating with other drivers and obtaining information about vehicles the rest must register on the Telegram portal. How to register:

  • In order to add your car number to the database, you first need to install the telegram application on your mobile phone or computer.
  • Go to the messenger and use the search engine by clicking the button to add @avinfobot
  • A chat appears, where you need to click Start.
  • After this, you should send information about the car and owner.
  • Thus, govt. The car number is added to the Autobot Telegram database and you can use the convenient service.

Important. To ensure that the data received via the Telegram bot by car number is reliable, it is better to use two bots - AntiParcon and AVinfoBot.

Autocode allows you to find out the history of a car before purchasing quickly and easily. You don't need to look up the VIN - just enter the vehicle's license plate number. You will receive a vehicle report based on information from the traffic police database and other official sources. The information obtained will help you avoid legal problems after purchasing a vehicle.

What does checking by car number reveal?

A full report is generated within 5 minutes. From it you will learn:

  • PTS data;
  • history of registration actions;
  • mileage history;
  • data on participation in an accident;
  • repair insurance calculations;
  • presence of traffic police restrictions;
  • information about the theft;
  • information about collateral;
  • information about working in a taxi;
  • recycling data;
  • information about technical inspections, compulsory motor liability insurance and fines;
  • sales ad history and much more.

You can check your car by license plate without leaving your home. The report will be generated online, and a link to the report will be sent by email.

Why is it important to check a car by license plate number?

— Victim, did you recognize the person who stole your car?

- Your Honor, after his lawyer’s speech, I doubt that I even had a car.

Evgeny Loginov, auto expert, head of the “My Expert - Yekaterinburg” project:

“A car is a technically complex product. As I like to tell my clients: “It’s not like going to the store to buy bread.” That's why even new car with a mileage of 10 thousand km and only one owner, it needs to be checked carefully.

In our work, we often come across the fact that sellers do not finish the negotiations and sell cars after an accident, with adjusted mileage, problem engines and gearboxes. It could be worse. You can run into intermediaries in the sale or, more simply put, outbids. These comrades alter steering wheels, reupholster the interior, restore vehicles after serious accidents, when the cars have broken geometry or airbags deployed.

When buying a car with an “unclean” history, you not only risk expensive repairs to the engine, gearbox and other elements, but you also simply risk your life! In the event of a repeat accident on such a car, the airbags are unlikely to deploy.

Another important aspect of buying a used car is the legal component. Whatever nice car, if it has problems with documents, there are registration restrictions or it is stolen, then you will not register such a car. The most harmless thing is a restriction in registration due to a fine that was not paid former owner. It’s much more serious if the car’s VIN number is broken, the frame number is unreadable or erased, or the engine number is missing.”

What happens if you don’t get your car checked before purchasing?

- Honey, my car broke down.

- Strongly?

- In half.

Real stories of victims:


“A year ago, my wife and I bought a used car. No errors were found upon purchase. In addition, on the recommendation of the seller, we went to the nearest service center, where we were assured that the car was in complete order. We haven’t thought about how to check the car in other ways. In general, they took our word for it and made a serious mistake, because upon registration with the traffic police it turned out that the car had been restored after a major accident. For proper operation, the car lacked many expensive parts. What can I say? I could only sell it for spare parts.”


“Several years ago I bought a car from a private person. Together we took it off the register and registered it in my name. A few months later, the police came to me and took away the title to examine the signatures, and then the car itself. It turned out that the first owner turned to scammers to sell the car, after which he never saw them again. All this time the car was wanted, and I didn’t even know about it. The seller was never found. I had neither a receipt for the transfer of money nor real data from the seller. In short, I was left without everything. Now I’m three times more attentive.”

How to punch a car by license plate in 5 minutes

The algorithm for checking through the service website is as simple as possible. Follow the steps:

Through "Autocode" you can check any car by state number. To get a full report, you need to pay 349 rubles. Our database contains information about all cars registered in the Russian Federation. It is available to you 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. To get a car by license plate, you don’t need to go anywhere, look for VIN and other data. The verification is carried out in 3 steps!

How the service generates reports

Especially for you, we collect information from all sources available to us. They include both government (traffic police database, pledge of registers) and commercial structures, including insurance companies, banks, leasing companies. From a huge amount of data, we create a single, most informative report for each car. The report is generated online and is relevant at the time of its order.

Why is it better to check your car through Autocode?

With Autocode, you can check your car online using its license plate number quickly and efficiently. The check allows you to trace the car through the database literally from the assembly line to the point of sale. Not only individuals, but also specialized salons request the necessary information on cars from Autocode.

Why choose the Autocode website:

  • reliability and quality of reports verified using the traffic police database (we guarantee compensation for damage if the report turns out to be unreliable);
  • the ability to check a car by registration number;
  • test result after 5 minutes;
  • applications for Iphone and Android for online checking;
  • examination Japanese cars without a VIN code - a unique service opportunity;
  • favorable price for professional sellers auto - .

After checking the car by license plate, you will know exactly what the car is. Using these facts, you can fairly reduce the purchase price.

Autocode is a website for checking a car by license plate number, which allows you to find out real data about the car right at the time of purchase and protect yourself from an unwanted transaction.

On almost all classifieds sites you can filter by seller: company or private owner. By choosing only private advertisements, you will definitely weed out salons official dealers, but single resellers and unofficial salons will most likely pretend to be private owners until the last moment. So let's not relax.

Typically, private owners always sign with their real name and write it with a capital letter. Outbids and “gray” car dealerships, as a rule, write “seller”, “owner”, “private person” and so on.

2. Pay attention to the inspection location

Another indicator is the location of the inspection. Private owners always indicate the exact address, or at least the area in which the inspection will take place, or the metro station. Resellers are limited to just the city.

3. Read the description

Resellers and especially car dealerships write very sparsely, without details. This is immediately obvious. Their favorite phrases: “The car is in excellent condition”, “All questions by phone” and so on. Resellers often write general information about the model: “Excellent family car, economical, practical, never let me down.” Or they simply list the options separated by commas.

It can be quite easy to distinguish a car dealership that pretends to be a private owner from a real private owner using photographs. Car dealerships often photograph cars against a white wall, against the wall of a car service center or their own car dealership. Sometimes there are even photographs against the backdrop of a brand wall.

The car dealership will also issue a tag on the keys, tires treated with ink, removed numbers, crystal clean interior, protective paper on the mats, washed engine compartment.

And car dealerships rarely post more than seven photos. Moreover, the posted photographs were taken, as a rule, from traditional angles: front, rear, several photos with a three-quarter view, photos of the interior. There will never be detailed photos problem areas or some features. This is easily explained by the fact that car dealership managers simply do not have time to understand the details, and they put photography on stream.

It is more difficult to distinguish private resellers who have only one or two cars in circulation. Sometimes it is impossible to do this without calling. Nevertheless, I discovered the following pattern for myself: if a car is photographed against the backdrop of a gas station, then with an 80% probability it is a reseller. I don't know why, just experience. And one more thing: resellers cover up car numbers. And although private owners often do this too, resellers’ numbers are always painted over more accurately.

As an example, I took several screenshots of advertisements, from which it is immediately clear that they are from resellers. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that conclusions about whether an advertisement is from a reseller or not should be made only on the basis of several signs. If nothing in the ad confused you or confused you, but you have doubts, then it’s time to call.

There are four signs that the ad is from a reseller:

  1. Instead of a name, it’s unclear what.
  2. Instead of the inspection address, just the city is indicated.
  3. The numbers in the photo are covered with a neat white plaque.
  4. The description contains no specifics at all; it only states what can be said about the car at first glance and from the documents.

There are two obvious signs that the car is being sold by a reseller:

  1. In the “Seller” field it says “for Solaris”. This immediately makes it clear that the reseller has several cars in stock at the same time.
  2. In the seller's comments again there is no specifics, no punctuation marks, almost everything is in small letters. Private owners usually try to carefully arrange advertisements.

5. Make a phone call

Never delay making a call, do it right away. When I call, I usually say something like the following phrase: “Hello, I’m calling about a car.”

If they ask you which car you are calling about, you can immediately hang up: this is a reseller.

If the advert has a female name, such as Natalia, call and intentionally change the name. Start a conversation, for example, like this: “Hello, Olga. I'm calling about a car." If the girl does not correct you, then, most likely, this is a call center operator of some “gray” car dealership. Although there are exceptions.

And here is another scenario. The advertisement lists a man's name as the seller, and a woman answers the phone. She says that she is a sister, wife or daughter, that she can tell about the car, but that the owner will come to inspect it. Most often, this is again a call center operator. To check, ask her when you can call to talk with the owner (the man listed in the ad). If she doesn't answer you exactly, you can end the conversation.

6. Ask questions

For some reason, many people are embarrassed to ask questions over the phone. Don't be shy. The more you find out over the phone, the better for both you and the seller (unless, of course, it is a reseller).

Ask for specific things. For example, where the technical inspection was carried out, what was last done in the car, what problems and problems there are, what alarm system is installed, what additional options is in the car. It is best if you call a lot of ads to write down the answers so that you can check them in person (this way you will have the basis for believing or not believing the seller as a whole).

Be sure to ask whether the owner is talking to you or just an assistant for the sale (brother, matchmaker, son, husband, friend, intermediary). About the number of owners of the PTS, whether the PTS is original or a duplicate. Don’t hesitate to ask what is already written in the ad.

The importance of this stage is that resellers speak as if reluctantly. They, as a rule, do not know everything about the car, so you can rarely hear specifics from them. They often say: “Come for an inspection, I’ll tell you everything” or “It’s all written in the ad.”

A private owner will almost always patiently answer all of your questions, even the most stupid and banal ones.

At the same time, many, answering one question, immediately go into details that you didn’t ask about: where and what nut they changed, what they said at the car service center, what kind of oil they filled in, and so on and so forth. It is with such sellers that you need to arrange a meeting. - About cars - Information portal