How to properly issue a waybill for a truck. Rules for issuing and maintaining waybills Features of accounting and storage of documentation

Each departure of a freight vehicle from the garage of the organization must be accompanied by the receipt of a "voucher". Thus, the driver receives a document in which all the data about the upcoming trip are entered. Based on it, a route is drawn up, which the driver must follow on the road.

The law obliges drivers to always have a “voucher” on hand. Often, traffic police officers, in addition to other documents, also check the availability of a waybill. At their request, the driver is obliged to provide a sheet for verification. Naturally, the waybill that is properly executed is considered valid.

With the help of the waybill, the route is tracked. It also allows you to calculate the mileage of a freight vehicle. In addition, information about how the driver worked is noted here. How much time did he spend on the road, when he left the garage, when he put the car in it. Thanks to this information, the driver is paid a salary. From this we can conclude that the waybill, which the driver must have on the road, is considered no less important document than the driver's license, registration certificate, TTN.

Vouchers are used not only in special firms that are engaged in freight transportation. This document must be completed in any organization that has its own fleet official cars. The only difference here is that motor transport organizations are required to use a specially designed form. The rest of the firms are allowed, relying on internal orders, to independently develop the form of a "voucher".

Many documents of strict accountability, which must be in the accounting department of the organization, also include waybills. As you know, without a primary document, the accounting department does not have the right to write off funds and display various business transactions.

On the day when the car leaves the garage, the dispatcher draws up a waybill. Immediately before leaving, the driver receives it in his hands. At the end of the work shift, the driver must hand over the “voucher”. If this is not done, the driver will not be able to get it the next day, respectively, will not have the right to leave the garage.

Do not forget that a truck requires a lot of money. For example, for every hundred kilometers MAZ 5516 needs about 30 liters diesel fuel. Tractors of foreign manufacturers will need even more. Here you can add an oil change, a change of expensive tires, etc. Maintenance. As a result, the company spends quite large amounts, which should be officially written off. The waybill allows you to do this.

(Video: “Issuing a waybill”)

In addition to writing off fuel and lubricants, the document allows accountants to calculate the driver's salary. Naturally, he himself should be interested in getting a "voucher". If for some reason it is not received, this flight will not be taken into account when calculating salaries.

Types of waybills for trucks

Of course, you can develop a form for compiling a waybill yourself. However, many firms use a standard form for these purposes, which is convenient and familiar to many organizations. Regardless of this, the form must contain a list of basic data:

  • document's name;
  • registration date;
  • the name of the company that makes the ticket;
  • description of the business transaction;
  • positions of employees who are responsible for registration;
  • signature of the driver carrying out the business transaction.

For trucks, three types of waybills are used:

Form No. 4

This form is used in the case when freight transportation is intercity in nature. The front side of the document has a red stripe, which indicates that intercity transportation is taking place.

Form No. 4-p

The form was called "time-based". Time-based rates are used to calculate wages for work. Can be used when working with two customers at the same time.

  • Form No. 4-c

The document is issued for transportations for which payment is made at piece rates of uniform tariffs. Among other information, it contains data about the company that owns the cargo vehicle.

Front side

  • date of completion and title of the document;
  • name, address, mode of operation of the company, its contact details;
  • information about the vehicle. The state number, brand of the vehicle, its garage number, and other information must be present here;
  • details of the driver carrying the goods. The full name, series and number of the driver's license are entered here;
  • date of departure of the vehicle, time of its operation, number of kilometers driven, time of arrival at the garage;
  • fuel information: volume received, its costs and balance;
  • a specific task that is set for the driver on this flight, namely, the address of delivery of the cargo;
  • the signature of the driver and responsible persons, which include the medical worker who examined the driver, the dispatcher, the inspector and the mechanic who checks the car's serviceability.

Back side

This contains information about the progress of the task. Not only the date of departure and arrival at the destination is indicated, but also the data of the speedometer, the name of the recipient of the cargo, pieces of TTN, how many walkers were made, the route. Special attention it is worth giving additional information:

  • if there was a downtime, its reason and time are indicated;
  • is there a difference between the norm and the actually consumed fuel;
  • by how much the trip time was deviated from the planned one.

Download the form and sample in form 4-P

Front side

The date of preparation of the document is indicated, as well as its title. In addition, you will need to enter the OKPO code, the name of the company and its contact details. Enter information about the car, its number, brand and other information. If the use of a trailer is implied, indicate information about it. Information about the driver is also necessary when issuing a "voucher". Below is a table that also needs to be filled out:

  • detailed information related to the operation of the vehicle and the driver;
  • indicators related to the movement of fuel: receipt, expenses, balance;
  • time of arrival, address of the place of arrival and name of the recipient company, other tasks performed by the driver.

Also marked here:

  • the dispatcher on the issuance of fuel and tasks;
  • a health worker confirming the driver's admission to the trip;
  • a mechanic who checked the technical serviceability of the vehicle;
  • driver, who confirms the completion of the task and the delivery of the car.

In addition, the form has a special block designed for additional marks. This includes data on repairs, accidents or other unforeseen situations that could disrupt the route.

Back side

Designed to indicate the sequence of tasks that are assigned to the driver. In fact, it is here that the route that he must follow is prescribed. Additional information should also be included here:

  • places where loading and unloading of cargo will take place;
  • time and date of departure and arrival;
  • number of TTN or other accompanying document;
  • the name of the companies, both the sender and the recipient, the signatures of their responsible employees.

Also below you can see special columns designed to mark whether there were downtimes on the route, their duration and reasons. If the driver used more fuel or was delayed for a significant amount of time, this information will not allow them to be blamed.

The reverse side of the form has a second part, which is intended for information about how the driver worked:

  • how much fuel was consumed;
  • the total working time of the driver and the car;
  • time spent on loading / unloading, road, downtime;
  • total mileage and number of trips;
  • volume of cargo delivered per shift;
  • the size of the salary accrued to the driver for the shift.

Download the form and sample in form 4-C

Document storage order

Waybill falls into the category of primary documentation that must be kept in the organization for a certain period of time. As a rule, such documents are kept for five years. However, if we consider "vouchers", there are some nuances that cause problems at many enterprises.

Yes, the shelf life of the "voucher" for vehicles with increased payload is five years. However, it must be remembered that if during this period the control authorities did not conduct inspections, these documents cannot be destroyed. In addition, if the work is dangerous, harmful and hard, it gives the driver the right to receive a preferential pension. Often it is the waybill that is the only confirmation of this fact. In such situations, it must be stored for at least 75 years.

Upon arrival, the driver gives the "voucher" to the accountant. It can be stored right here, or donated to the archive of the organization. Considering all the features, the sheet is stored here until the time comes to write it off. As a rule, such documents should be stored in a separate room, which is equipped with blank cabinets or special racks. To prevent paper documents from spoiling during long-term storage, the windows are hung with thick curtains. For these purposes, many organizations equip basements for archives.

Sample form form 4-C

Unlike form No. 4-c (piecework), the waybill form No. 4-p (time-based) is used subject to payment for the operation of the car at a time-based rate. This form is designed for simultaneous transportation of goods to two customers within one working day (shift) of the driver. The tear-off coupons of the waybill are filled in by the customer and are the basis for the owner of the vehicle to present an invoice to the customer. Accordingly, such a tear-off coupon is attached to the account. The waybill itself, in which records are duplicated about the time the car was operated by the customer, remains with the owner of the vehicle. On the basis of the waybill, a record is kept of the operation of the car during the working day. Waybill No. 4-p is issued to the driver against receipt by an authorized person, subject to the delivery by the driver of the waybill of the previous day of work.

Truck waybill 4-p

In the case when inventory items will be transported with time-based payment for the operation of the car, the numbers of commodity-transport documents are entered into the waybill and one copy of these commodity-transport documents is attached, as a result of which the number of tons of cargo transported and other indicators reflecting the work are indicated. car and driver. Filling in the waybill before issuing it to the driver is carried out by the dispatcher of the organization or a person authorized to do so.


The rest of the data is filled in by employees of the organization that owns the vehicle and customers. Waybills in forms N 4-c and 4-p are issued to the driver against signature by an authorized person for only one working day (shift), provided that the driver has handed over the waybill of the previous day of work. The issued waybill must necessarily have the date of issue, the stamp and seal of the organization who owns the car.


In the section "The work of the driver and the car" in column 5 "Speedometer readings", the mechanic of the checkpoint (checkpoint) or the technical control department (OTK) records the speedometer reading when the car leaves the line, and in column 6 "Actual time" with a clock stamp puts down the actual time of departure of the car from the garage. In the event of a malfunction or absence of a clock stamp, the time is recorded manually in the following sequence: day, month, hours, minutes.
4. In the “Fuel movement” section in column 12 “Balance at departure”, the mechanic of the checkpoint or quality control department records the amount of fuel in the car’s tanks at the exit, and certifies the correctness of all entries made with a signature in this column. 5. In the lines dedicated to the technical serviceability of the car, the mechanic of the checkpoint or quality control department certifies with his signature the transfer of the car to the driver in a technically sound condition and permission to leave the garage.

Truck waybill

In the line "Signature of the dispatcher", the dispatcher certifies with his signature that the details of the waybill filled in by him are correct and that the driver has a driver's license. Filling out the waybill before leaving the garage is carried out in the following sequence: 1.
In the section "Movement of fuel" in columns 9, 10 and 11 and in the corresponding lines, the tanker, the technician for fuels and lubricants(Fuel) or an authorized person record the amount of fuel dispensed. 2. On the front side, a person authorized by the transport organization to carry out a pre-trip medical examination certifies with his signature the state of health of the driver and the possibility of allowing him to drive a car.


Truck waybill (form n 4-p)

If the car performs tasks for the implementation of intercity transportation, then the driver is issued a form No. 4-m. There are also special forms of waybills for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities.

We will not touch on all of them, since the filling principle is almost the same, in addition, there are orders from the State Statistics Committee, which accountants, of course, know about. Filling out the waybill truck The sheet is issued for one working day, except when the car is sent on long business trips. The number of the sheet and the date of its completion are entered in a special log book, for which the dispatcher is responsible. Information about the date of departure is entered into the waybill, the type of task is indicated - a business trip, work according to a schedule, work on weekends or holidays, column, brigade and so on.

How to fill out a waybill for a truck? - forms


It should be remembered that participation in filling out the waybill is not allowed, with the exception of signatures certifying acceptance (when leaving) and delivery (when the car is returned). by a person only for one working day (shift), subject to the delivery by the driver of the waybill of the previous day of work. The waybill is completed in the following sequence: 1.

Under the name of the document, the date of its issue (day, month, year) is recorded, which must correspond to the date of registration of the issued waybill in the journal. 2.

Waybill 4s or 4p

When transporting goods, the waybill of a truck is the main document of primary accounting, which, together with the consignment note, determines the indicators for accounting for the operation of the vehicle and the driver, for calculating the salary of the driver, as well as for making settlements with customers for transportation. We will tell you about the form 4-p "Truck waybill" in our consultation.

The truck waybill (form No. 4-p) was approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of November 28, 1997 No. 78. You can download the 4-p truck waybill form from the link below: Waybill 4-p: download the form (free of charge) application and completion of form 4-p were also approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 1997 No. 78.

Form N 4-p (time-based) is applied subject to payment for the operation of the car at a time-based rate and is designed for the simultaneous transportation of goods to two customers within one working day (shift) of the driver. The tear-off coupons of the waybill are filled in by the customer and serve as the basis for the organization-owner of the vehicle to present an invoice to the customer. An appropriate tear-off coupon is attached to the invoice. The waybill remains in the organization that owns the vehicle, it repeats identical records about the time the car has been operated by the customer and serves as the basis for accounting for the operation of the vehicle during the working day.
In the “Fuel movement” section in column 15 “Rate change factor”, the dispatcher records one general coefficient of change in the fuel consumption rate for the entire day of the vehicle’s operation, associated with the operation of the vehicle at an increased fuel consumption rate, in column 16 “Special equipment operation time” and column 17 “Engine operation time”, on the basis of the relevant entries in the TTL attached to the waybill, respectively, records the operation time of special equipment and additional engine operation time under special operating conditions (engine operation that rotates loading and unloading mechanisms, etc.). These details are necessary to determine the additional rate of fuel consumption. The correctness of filling in these details the dispatcher certifies with a signature under the appropriate columns. 3.

Truck waybill 4p or 4s

Trips last for several days. Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of November 28, 1997 N 78 approved standard forms of waybills, including for freight transport. 4-s and 4-p. For piece workers and time workers. It is more convenient for me to use a 4-c waybill, although our salary is time-based. I do not fill out the "salary" section. I do not calculate the salary for each trip. To do this, there is a work schedule, timesheet, calculation. statement. How critical is it that instead of 4-p I give drivers a waybill 4-s? Can there be claims from the tax authorities? And yet, I understand correctly that if there are international transportation, the waybill will remain the same, there is no special submarine for international transportation? we used this for international transportation. Write in the UP which submarine you use, so there will be no questions Natalia, thanks for the answer.

Waybill 4p or 4s

Add here the cost of repairs, oil changes, punctured and worn out expensive tires - the amounts are very large. The waybill also allows the driver to correctly calculate his salary, the amount of which may depend either on the mileage or on the total time spent driving.

Truck Waybill Forms Here are samples of filling out, you can download blank blank sample forms at the very bottom of the page. To date, there are several forms of the sheet, approved in 1997:

  • form 4-c;
  • form 4-p;
  • form 4th.

Form 4-c is used if the driver's pay is piecework - the mileage and the number of flights performed per shift are taken into account.

Form 4-p - used for time wages, usually this form is issued if you need to make delivery to several customers.

For freight transportation, a truck waybill is used in the form No. 4-C. How to issue it, we told in the article and gave a sample filling. B Waybill lank 4-C can be downloaded in a convenient Excel format.

On the freight transportation the company must draw up waybills, regardless of whether it uses its own transport or rented. Such documents are needed to write off fuel costs and calculate the salaries of drivers. If drivers receive payment for work at piece rates, they use the waybill form 4 C. The article contains instructions for filling it out.

Waybill Form (Form 4-C)

The waybill of a truck - form 4-C was approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated November 28, 1997 No. 78.

It is not necessary to use the unified form. Companies and entrepreneurs can develop their own waybill form 2017. The main thing is that it contains the required details (orders of the Ministry of Transport of September 18, 2008 No. 152 and of January 18, 2017 No. 17). Record the use of non-standard documents in the accounting policy.

  • reference
  • Mandatory details of the travel document:
  • name, date and validity of the document;
  • information about the owner of the car;
  • type and model of the vehicle;
  • state register sign car;
  • odometer readings when leaving and entering the garage;
  • date and time of departure and arrival;
  • signature and full name of the employee who puts the odometer readings in the document, date and time;
  • Full name of the driver;
  • date and time of pre-trip and post-trip medical examination of drivers;
  • stamp, signature and full name of the medical worker who conducts the medical examination;
  • a mark on the pre-trip inspection of the technical condition of the machine with the date and time;
  • signature and full name of the inspector of the technical condition of the vehicle.

The procedure for filling out a waybill for a truck

How to fill out a waybill for a truck (sample filling 4-C at the end of the article) is prescribed in the resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated November 28, 1997 No. 78. Form 4-C has one page on which you need to fill out both the front and back sides.

Waybill 4-C: front side filling

At the top of the document, put the company stamp (if any), the number and date of the document. Enter the name of the organization, its address, phone number and OKPO code. If required, fill in the code with the mode of operation, columns, and crews.

Please provide details of the vehicle below: the make of the vehicle, registration number, garage number, information about the trailer (if any). After the information about the car, write down the data about the driver - full name, details of the driver's license and personnel number.

  • Important:
  • If the driver does not have a waybill during work, he faces a fine of 500 rubles. (part 2 of article 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Car and car operation. In the table, write down the planned and actual time of departure and arrival from the fleet, the speedometer readings at the beginning and end of the work shift.

Fuel movement. Indicate in the table the type of fuel, the amount at the beginning and end of the shift, as well as the amount of fuel filled. If necessary, write down the fuel consumption ratio in relation to the company's standards. This coefficient can be found in the order to write off fuel and lubricants.

Driver task. Enter the name and address of the customer, where you want to deliver the goods, and the time of delivery of the car, the type of cargo and its volume in tons, the number of trips.

After the tables, put the amount of fuel needed.

Before leaving for the flight, the medical worker must examine the driver. If the admission is allowed, he indicates his position on the waybill, puts his signature with a transcript.

The mechanic checks when leaving and returning technical condition car. The transfer of the vehicle from him to the driver and back is carried out by transfer signatures.

In the section "Marks of the organization - the owner of the vehicle" write down information about the accident, repair, etc.

A sample of filling out a waybill for a truck in the form No. 4-C

Waybill 4-C: filling in the reverse side

The upper part of the reverse side is filled in by the carrier. He records information about all his routes during working hours: where, when and what time the vehicle arrived, the number and numbers of accompanying documents.

In the "Special Marks" section, the driver records information about the reason, type, duration of downtime. For example, the deviation of the travel time from the planned one and the excessive consumption of fuel occurred due to the difficult traffic along Prospekt Mira.

The lower part of the reverse side is filled in by the dispatcher or other authorized person. It records information on gasoline consumption, which are calculated according to the norm and in fact. Next, he puts the operating time of the vehicle with a breakdown by types of periods, the number of rides and arrivals in the garage.

The dispatcher also determines the mileage traveled, paints the total mileage and with the load, indicates the amount of the transported cargo.

Filled out truck waybill form

Each company must issue waybills for the operation of freight transport, regardless of whether it is its property or whether it rents it. The voucher is the most important document for accounting for the cost of fuel, wages, and is also included in the forms required for checking the car, which are requested by traffic inspectors.

The mandatory form of the waybill is not provided for by law. The company has the right to independently develop the form, based on its own needs.

However, there are two types of it: a typical intersectoral form 4 s and which an enterprise can use when drawing up primary documents for the operation of transport.

They differ in the method of calculating payment for transportation services. The waybill of a truck form 4-c is used when piecework indicators are used for the calculation, the second form is used with a time-based payment system.

A truck waybill is issued by responsible persons in the company for one day or shift. A mechanic, an inspector for a pre-trip medical examination, a dispatcher, a tanker, a car driver must put down their marks in it.

Waybill of a truck sample filling

Let's take an example of how to fill out a waybill.

Front side

The company puts its own stamp on it. The document must have a number, which is determined when registering it in a special journal, as well as the date of its completion.

If necessary, the code with the mode of operation, columns, and brigades are filled in. The following indicates the make and type of the truck, its government number, garage ID.

Full name is written below. driver, his personnel number and details of driving rights vehicle.

If a trailer is used for transportation, then the same information is filled in the corresponding columns as for the car.

The first table on the right records data on the work of the driver and transport. Here, the planned and actual dates and times of departure and arrival, speedometer indicators are put down. The following columns indicate the type and code of the fuel used, the amount of fuel filled, as well as at the beginning and end of the day. In the same table, it is necessary to reflect information about the operating conditions of the machine (coefficients), the special equipment used. These data are endorsed by all responsible persons.

Next, the dispatcher fills in information about the task that the driver must complete. It includes an indication of the name of the company that will have the car at its disposal, the address and time of delivery, the type of cargo carried, the number of trips, mileage, tonnage. After that, the person in charge determines the amount of fuel required by calculation and writes it in the appropriate line, confirming the data with his signature.

Before leaving the line, the doctor must examine the driver and put a permit in the form of a stamp on the tickets.

When leaving and returning, the mechanic checks the technical condition of the machine. The transfer of the car from him to the driver and back is carried out by transfer signatures.

V section "Special marks" information is entered about the accident that occurred, about the briefing by the inspector for traffic safety, repairs, etc.

Back side

On the reverse side, the driver or a representative of the customer organization makes notes on the progress of the task: what time and where the car arrived, the number and numbers of accompanying documents. It is desirable to certify all these data with the seals and signatures of the responsible persons of the counterparties. The table is endorsed by the dispatcher and the driver.

Downtimes that occur are noted below. Data on the reason, type, duration of it are recorded, and the signatures of the responsible persons are also put.

In the lower table, the dispatcher enters the results of fuel consumption, calculated when applying the standards and upon the fact of using fuel. Next, the operating time of the machine is affixed with decoding by types of periods. The following columns indicate the number of rides and visits to the garage. The mileage traveled by the car is determined, if there was a trailer, then his. Here the total mileage and with the load are signed.

Data is entered on the amount of cargo transported by the machine and trailers, and the ton * km indicator is determined, on the basis of which invoices are issued to customers. This section is endorsed by the taxi driver.

Below, for reference, data on the codes of car brands, trailers are recorded and the indicator of the days of operation of the car is filled in.


First of all, the responsibility for the correct execution of the waybill rests with the director of the company, then with the officials - the mechanic, the dispatcher and the driver himself.

For trucks, a waybill of form 4-C or 4-P is used. You can download the forms of these forms, as well as a sample of filling out the waybill in excel format at the end of the article. This form must be completed for each individual truck at each trip.

The dispatcher issues a waybill to the driver at the beginning of the working day, during the day the driver notes in it information about his route, completed tasks, fuel consumption, kilometers traveled. At the end of the working day, the waybill is handed over by the driver to the dispatcher against signature, the truck itself is handed over to the mechanic, who checks the technical condition of the vehicle.

Accounting uses waybills to write off fuel costs (in addition, it is compiled), as well as to calculate the wages of the driver.

The waybill form 4-C is used, as a rule, for piecework wages for the driver, when his salary depends on the amount of work performed. The waybill form 4-P is used in the time-based wage system, when the driver's work is paid in accordance with the hours worked, days.

Sample Fill

Consider the features of filling out a waybill in the form 4-C.

At the beginning of the work shift, the driver accepts a truck from the mechanic against signature, signature and mechanic, and the driver is placed at the time of acceptance of the vehicle in the 4-C waybill. The waybill is issued to the driver by the dispatcher, while the time of departure of the car from the garage, the speedometer readings, the amount of fuel in the tank and the amount of fuel received are noted.

Information about the organization, the truck, its trailers and the driver is filled in.

In the subsection “task for the driver”, it is indicated at whose disposal the car comes, notes the route of its movement - the address of the loading point, the time of loading and unloading, the name of the cargo, the distance traveled.

Fuel consumption is noted by the driver in the "fuel movement" subsection, in which the following is filled in:

  • brand of fuel;
  • the amount of fuel dispensed;
  • balance upon departure and return;
  • the amount of fuel handed over at the end of the day;
  • coefficients of change in established consumption rates;
  • working hours.

On the second sheet, the driver fills in the sequence of work performed during the working day, information about the actual loading, unloading, details of the attached primary documents (acts, waybills) are filled in. - About cars - Information portal