Non-standard fasteners for license plates - what is the fine for? Punctuation marks Punishment for driving with fake license plates

State registration plates(GRZ) is the main identifier of the car and its owner. Operating a car without license plates or with license plates of inadequate quality is punishable by a fine or deprivation of a driver's license.

If the numbers are lost, stolen, or become unusable, they must be restored or replaced. Today this procedure at the State Traffic Inspectorate is extremely simplified and takes no more than 2 hours.

When is it necessary to change numbers?

State registration plates (GRZ) vehicle must comply with the State Standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 50577-93 and be clearly readable from at least 20 meters.

As a result of an accident, under the influence of the external environment and due to improper use, they can become unusable. The following are considered non-conformities to be eliminated:

  • mechanical damage, rust, paint peeling, etc.;
  • installation in inappropriate places. According to the rules, the GRZ must be installed strictly along the central axis of the vehicle (TS), front and rear.

Also the replacement procedure, i.e. numbers with a new combination of letters and numbers are issued, required when:

  • theft;
  • loss.

In these cases, in order to prevent further illegal manipulations with lost license plates, contacting the traffic police is mandatory. Otherwise, the numbers themselves can be installed by criminals on stolen cars, and fines for their violations will come to the former owner.

Number recovery (duplicate)

If the GRZs have become unusable, lost or stolen, they can be restored by ordering a duplicate (the same combination of letters and numbers as it was) from companies specially accredited for this work (Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated August 7, 2013 No. 605 “On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Affairs of the Russian Federation on the provision of state services for registration of motor vehicles and trailers for them").

Then you will not need to re-register the vehicle. When ordering, the owner only needs to present a vehicle registration certificate. Without providing a number that has become unusable. The cost of producing duplicates may be set at the discretion of the manufacturer. But usually it is equal to the cost of replacing plates at the traffic police - 2850 rubles.

The amount of the state duty for issuance, including replacement of lost or unusable:

  • GRZ - 2000 rubles (for a motorcycle and trailer - 1000 rubles);
  • PTS - 800 rubles;
  • Vehicle registration certificate - 500 rubles;
  • For making changes to a previously issued vehicle passport - 350 rubles;
  • GRZ of Transit vehicles
    on a metal base, for cars - 1600 rubles;
    on a metal base, for motorcycles and trailers - 800 rubles;
    on paper - 200 rubles.

Thus, the state fee for registration (with a change or issue of a number) will be:

  • for a car - 2850 rubles;
  • for a motorcycle, trailer - 1850 rubles.

The state fee for re-registration of a vehicle while retaining the license plate from the previous owner will cost 850 rubles.

Penalty for driving with fake license plates

In accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 12.2 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses dated December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ, driving with fake license plates is punishable by imprisonment driver's license for a period from 6 months to 1 year.

  • compulsory work up to 360 hours (for organized group persons - up to 480 hours);
  • correctional labor for up to 1 year (for an organized group up to 2 years);
  • restriction or imprisonment or forced labor for up to 2 years (for an organized group - up to 3 years).

You can often see on city streets budget models, decorated with nameplates of premium (and not so premium) classes. The most common example is tractors with a three-pointed Mercedes star on the grille. We asked representatives of the State Traffic Inspectorate whether such decoration is considered a violation and whether the owners of such cars can undergo a technical inspection. According to the inspectors, there are no complaints against them.

A couple of years ago, Chinese police Mercedes ML in Honda CR-V in order to issue expensive car for a more affordable one. In our latitudes, the opposite process is observed. And although the deception is obvious to most people, car owners continue to hang up their nameplates. One can only guess about the motivation of his compatriots.

“Replacing a logo may mislead eyewitnesses of, say, an incident,- the assumption was voiced on our forum. - For example, such a car committed a violation and drove away. A witness who does not understand brands, but remembers the image on the nameplate, will report to the police about a car brand that is not related to the incident. That is, he will claim that he saw an Audi based only on the four rings he noticed.”

“Clause 194 of the traffic rules prohibits the participation in road traffic of vehicles whose design does not meet the requirements of regulations, as well as those converted without the consent of the traffic police,- the State Traffic Inspectorate commented on - However, replacing a nameplate does not fit these definitions. Employees of the vehicle registration department also talk about this. That is, replacing the logo is not considered a violation, since it is not a constructive technical change. Such a car should pass inspection without any problems. It’s another matter if the owner manages to attach, say, a bumper or fender from another model. Such a transformation is prohibited by law.”

After becoming widespread on the road and increasing fines for traffic violation many car enthusiasts realized that in Russia, in fact, the authorities created a machine to replenish local budgets in addition to transport tax. Yes, of course, cameras on the road have brought order in recent years, reducing accident rates in many regions of the country. And it seems that what could be bad about traffic police cameras, of which there will soon be even more? But don't forget where you and I live. This is not Europe for you. Look where cameras appear like mushrooms: in various traps on the road. For example, recently the traffic police authorities have fallen in love with placing photo and video recording systems in the coverage area of ​​temporary signs. They also love to hang cameras in places where the maximum permitted speed changes sharply. This is why the number of fines issued in Russia is growing. After all, it would seem that over time people should have learned the Lord's Prayer, where the traffic police cameras are located, and, accordingly, the number of fines issued should have decreased. But no. Our authorities are not blind. So our citizens went to great lengths, hiding the license plates of their cars from the ubiquitous cameras on the road using various methods.

What don't you see today? Russian roads. But what is most surprising is the ingenuity of our car owners, who, apparently, have come up with 1001 ways to hide license plates from photo and video recording systems. Here you have magnets that partially hide the car number, and strips of dark tape, and black tape that changes the number or letter on the license plate so that the camera cannot correctly identify the car in case of a traffic violation.

Some people even decided to drive with their license plates upside down or rearrange the license plates under the car windows.

The most interesting thing is that such disguise is most often used by drivers in order to stand with impunity for free in paid parking lots, where evacuation of vehicles is not provided for by law (there is no road sign “Attention: a tow truck is working”). But you will be surprised: many motorists, probably in a hurry, often simply forget to remove such a disguise from their license plates. And imagine their surprise when they are stopped by traffic police officers and brought to serious administrative liability. Yes, yes, exactly serious. Unfortunately, many drivers think that if they hide the number, the maximum they will face is a fine of 500 rubles for unreadable numbers cars, which is issued when the car's license plates are dirty. But if you deliberately hid the number with a magnetic card, tape, or whatever else, then you face a fine of no more than five hundred rubles.

The fact is that in this case the driver falls under Part 2 of Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, violation of which is subject to administrative liability in the form of a fine in the amount of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for a period of 1 to 3 months.

Part 2 of Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: Driving a vehicle in violation of the rules for installing state registration plates on it

2. Driving a vehicle without state registration plates, as well as driving a vehicle without state registration plates installed in designated places, or driving a vehicle with state registration plates modified or equipped with the use of devices or materials that impede the identification of state registration plates or allow modify or hide them,

Involves imposition administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of 1 to 3 months
(edited) Federal laws dated July 22, 2005 N 120-FZ, dated June 22, 2007 N 116-FZ, dated July 24, 2007 N 210-FZ)

Sometimes our enterprising motorists deliberately remove one license plate from their car in order to drive along a predetermined route without a fine. For example, taxi drivers and gazelle drivers often use a similar method to get to their destination faster. Naturally, in order to get to the required address as quickly as possible, they have to violate the set speed. And if, for example, there is no front license plate, cameras on the road will not be able to identify the car. As a result, a cunning car owner will actually be able to drive along the route faster and without a single fine.

But many of these “smart guys” often forget that for driving without license plates, as well as even for driving a car without one license plate (no matter front or rear), serious administrative liability is provided in the form of a fine of 5,000 rubles or even deprivation of rights for up to 3 months . Yes, of course, the period of deprivation is short. But don’t forget that in order to get your license back, the driver will have to retake the theory test at the traffic police.

By the way, many drivers who practice driving with one license plate hope that they can convince the traffic police officer not to punish them, hoping to tell a fairy tale that the license plate has just been stolen from the car.

Such a trick will not work. Especially these days. Firstly, you generally do not have the right, according to current legislation, to drive onto the road without two license plates installed on your car. Secondly, if your license plate was actually stolen, you must take your passport and documents for the car to a specialized organization that produces duplicate license plates.

There are drivers who practice driving without one license plate, hiding from the camera lens, which has prepared for the valiant police officers the story that the number was lost along the way. After all, in fact, if this is so, then the driver began to move in accordance with the traffic rules. Therefore, it is theoretically impossible to hold the driver liable for such force majeure on the road. But that's why it's a theory. In practice everything is much sadder. Look at the judicial practice on similar cases in the Rospravosudiya database and you will find hundreds of examples of drivers being deprived of their licenses for driving without a license plate. And believe me, among such drivers there are many who actually lost their license plate along the way. As you can see, not only those who deliberately put one number in the trunk or in the passenger compartment are deprived of their rights or fined 5,000 rubles.

So we don’t recommend playing tricks with cameras like this. Remember that on the road it’s about safety traffic It is not only electronic photo and video recording systems that monitor. No one has yet removed the traffic police officers from the road.

What should you do if your front or rear license plate actually breaks? Is it possible to drive in this case without one license plate? Of course not. If you move, you will violate the current legislation. But many drivers simply don't understand this. In this case, many people mistakenly think that by pushing the number that has fallen off the license frame under the car window, they are not technically breaking the law. But that's not true. You cannot carry your license plate behind glass, as it will be considered that you are . Accordingly, you face liability under Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Are you deprived of your license for fake license plates?

Yes, yes and yes again. Don't even think about putting fake license plates on your car. But alas, there are more and more such cars in our country, whose owners deliberately hang up other people’s license plates, trying to hide the identification of their car from traffic police cameras.

Of course, most often the owners hang up such fake license plates in major cities in paid parking areas in order not to pay for parking your car. This is especially true in those areas and sections of roads where there are no road signs about the evacuation of vehicles for unpaid parking. As a result, park inspectors and other employees monitoring compliance with parking rules cannot identify a car with fake license plates and, accordingly, the cunning owner of such a car will not receive a fine for parking in a paid parking lot without paying.

But do not try to practice such deception. Did you know that for using counterfeit license plates when the car is stationary, you face a fine of 2,500 rubles (Installation of knowingly false state registration plates on a vehicle - part 3 of Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)?

Previously, it was necessary to change registration plates every time. In addition, we were obliged to change numbers when changing the region of residence. Now the situation has changed: we only get new cars at a car dealership without license plates; used cars are transferred to new owners with the same license plates.

In order to avoid penalties, you need to consider the following: Part 2 of Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for punishment in the form of a fine of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of the right to drive (from one to three months) for driving a car without numbers, or for driving with registration plates installed in places not provided for this.

Where should I put the numbers?

The installation locations of registration plates on vehicles are designated by the manufacturer. This is usually stamped on front bumper and trunk lid or rear bumper.

If you bought new car, then, having registered it, you need to set the numbers before you start driving. Some car owners, due to the lack of, for example, tools (special frames or the same self-tapping screws), attach license plates in the passenger compartment under the windshield and rear windows. This should not be done under any circumstances. If you get caught, they will rightly hold you accountable under this article. Therefore, before going to the traffic police, you need to prepare everything you need to attach the license plates.

But what to do if there are no specially designated places on the car? This happens, for example, if the car is equipped with a “non-original” front bumper, on which there is no place at all to attach a license plate. And it happens that the car is not officially sold here and the location where the rear license plate is installed is not designed for the shape of Russian license plates. In the first case, you can fix the number directly in the center or on the left side of the bumper using ordinary self-tapping screws.

In the state standard “State registration signs of vehicles. Types and main sizes. Technical requirements» it is stated that the front number must be installed along the axis of symmetry of the vehicle. However, it also stipulates the possibility of installing a front sign to the left of the axis of symmetry of the car in the direction of travel. To be clear, this is any place on the front bumper from the center to the end of the bumper on the left (as viewed from the driver's seat).

By the way, on some models (or Alfa Romeo) the fastenings for the front number plate are located asymmetrically straight from the factory.

Similarly, you can install a registration plate on the rear bumper. In this case, we install the number to the left of the machine axis. On serious SUVs, license plates are often installed not on the bumper, but on the roof, so that they do not get washed away during crossings. This is also allowed, the main thing is that the height from the base of the car to the sign does not exceed two meters.

If you have, for example, “American” ( rear numbers they are square), you can install the sign in a regular place using special adapters. GOST allows this. The main thing to consider here is the following points. The number must be readable at night. This means you need to provide lighting. If you can use standard license plate lights, good. And in cases where the number on the adapters is too far away, you will have to use special illuminated frames.

How to attach?

Today the most common fastening method is called “forever”. This is when the number is tightly screwed with screws or screws. The main requirement here is that the screw heads must be light-colored or match the color of the sign field. However, they should not block or distort letters and numbers.

The next method, not inferior to the previous one in popularity, is placing numbers in special frames. Car owners, as a rule, do not have any questions here. The frames are screwed to the bumper or trunk lid with self-tapping screws, and the signs themselves are secured within the frames with special latches.

If you are afraid that the number may be lost, additionally attach it to the frame with plastic clamps (light).

Became popular due to the appearance paid parking different kinds can also be used. GOST states that it is permissible to mount the number using frames. At the same time, it is not said which frames can be used and which cannot. The only restriction is that the room cannot be covered with plexiglass or similar protective devices.

You cannot use bolts with reflective caps when attaching the license plate. For this you can get a 500-ruble fine under Part 1 of Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The registration number must be secured in such a way that it is vertical and does not look “at the floor” or “at the sky”. And in the dark, all numbers and letters on the license plate must be distinguishable from a distance of at least 20 meters under standard lighting.

Photo: Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS, Yuri Mashkov/TASS, Georgy Sadkov and Ilya Pimenov/“Behind the Wheel”

Made interesting and important decisions for many owners of old cars Supreme Court.

He found that if a car owner changed the body or chassis, but did not re-register the car, this does not mean that he was driving a car with false license plates.

The fact is that recently the following practice has become fashionable among traffic cops and judges. For example, a driver changed the body of his car, but did not re-register the car and continues to drive it. A traffic police inspector stops him, checks the license plates, and the vehicle identification number does not match the one indicated on the registration certificate. That's it, he was driving a car with obviously false registration plates. And for this, Part 4 of Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for deprivation of rights for a period of six months to a year. And no evidence that the driver actually changed the body and drives with documents for it is no longer valid. For several years now, traffic police inspectors have not checked the engine number, and, accordingly, it is not included in the registration documents.

There is only one way to identify the car - its identification number. Namely, it is applied to the body that was changed. And, accordingly, it does not coincide with the one indicated in the documents.

And it turns out that the person is driving a completely different car, and not the one registered with the traffic police with the appropriate registration plates.

But this is, let’s say, a formal approach. After all, the car owner received the license plates on completely legal grounds, and then he did not change the car, but only changed one part. Yes, expensive, large and numbered, but the same spare part as an exhaust pipe.

Unfortunately, outright scammers also take advantage of the opportunity to change the body as a banal spare part. For example, it was thanks to this opportunity that the country was flooded with so-called “constructors”. To avoid high customs duties, some citizens import into Russia not a car, but its spare parts. Then they buy it somewhere old car same brand. They only need documents from him. Using these documents, the car is assembled from imported spare parts.

There are also more egregious cases. For example, some transport companies Having purchased 10 cars of the same brand and color, they register only three of them. And then, if necessary, they change the numbers from one to another. This is definitely driving a car with false license plates. But according to formal criteria, there is no difference between such figures and those who honestly bought the body. Moreover, the fault of the latter is that they did not make changes to the registration data in time. And this is a completely different article of the Administrative Code - 12.1. It only provides for a fine of 500 to 800 rubles.

And now at least two victims of unfair deprivation of rights managed to reach the Supreme Court. One of them is a certain Saghatelyan A.A. - drove a car with a replaced body in Kaliningrad. The second is a certain Agoshko A.A. - I was driving along the Ussuri highway in the Primorsky Territory in a car whose chassis had been replaced. In both cases, traffic police inspectors accused them of driving a vehicle with obviously false license plates. The magistrates supported this version and imposed a sentence of deprivation of rights for 6 months. The appeals did not bring any results. District and regional courts confirmed the earlier decision. However, the Supreme Court thought differently. In his decisions, he indicated that “false state registration marks should be understood as signs not manufactured at the manufacturer in the manner prescribed by law, or state registration marks with any changes that distort the symbols applied to them by the manufacturer, as well as state registration plates issued during state registration of another vehicle."

The applicant Saghatelyan presented to the court the contract for the sale and purchase of the body and a certificate of compliance of the vehicle design with safety requirements, issued by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate Kaliningrad region. Under such circumstances, the Supreme Court considered that there was no basis to assert that the numbers were forged, and decided to cancel the decisions of the lower courts and terminate the administrative case.

Agoshko presented a purchase and sale agreement for numbered units, an order for replacement work and an additional sheet to the declaration of goods confirming the legality of the import of these spare parts. However, he did not provide evidence of compliance of the vehicle design with safety requirements. The Supreme Court also found no reason to consider the numbers to be fraudulent. But, in his opinion, the requirement for permission to operate the vehicle was violated. Responsibility for this is provided for in Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code - a fine of 500 rubles.

It is clear that now all courts will make their decisions with an eye on these decisions. But what about those who take advantage of the gaps in the legislation, about whom we wrote above? The traffic police believe that article 12.5 can be applied. But the car owner has a period of 10 days to register a newly purchased car or make changes to the registration data. And if the period has expired, then Part 1 of Article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses should be applied - driving a vehicle not registered in the prescribed manner.

After all, when replacing license plates, it is necessary to make changes to the registration data, simply because they appear in the documents. It would seem that the article is harmless, just a fine, but for a repeated violation you will already face Part 1.1 of this article - a fine of 5 thousand rubles or deprivation of rights for a period of 1 to 3 months.

Dossier "RG"

In total, at the end of 2013, according to the traffic police, more than 53 million vehicles were registered in Russia. Of these, almost 23 and a half million are foreign cars. A little more than 3 million 606 thousand new cars, less than a year from their production, are registered. There are more than 6.5 million cars older than 3 years. From three to five years - 4.9 million.

One of the most popular segments is cars from five to ten years old. There are almost 12 million of them. Cars between 10 and 15 years old are not so numerous. Their number fell just short of 8 million. And finally, the largest segment is cars over 15 years old. There are more than 18 million of them traveling around our country.

It is not necessary to change the body of the car due to its age. Moreover, foreign manufacturers provide a 10-year guarantee against through body corrosion. But in most cases, bodies are changed not because through corrosion, but as a result of an accident, when its restoration is impossible or comparable in price to buying a new car. Another thing is that then you need to re-register the car. After all, the serial number was replaced. Before this, you must obtain from the traffic police a certificate of compliance of the vehicle design with road safety requirements. After all, in fact, assembly plants of foreign cars in Russia do the same thing they would do at a service station: they attach wheels, an engine and other equipment to a finished body. - About cars - Information portal