Rental of construction machinery and equipment without an operator. OKVED: equipment rental. Good afternoon I want to open an individual entrepreneur providing excavator and loader services. I can’t choose the qualifier and what tax regime my individual entrepreneur falls under

In order for enterprises specializing in the provision of special equipment for leasing or rental to legally carry out their activities, they must indicate the activity identifier in accordance with the classification of the updated OKVED code directory. Today we will help you understand the complex labyrinths of the all-Russian classifier, and explain how it is identified by new version OKVED directory for rental of machinery and equipment, as well as special construction equipment.

About the new version of the directory

The second version of the OKVED directory - OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2) was approved by Rosstandart Order No. 14-st dated January 31, 2014 (as amended on July 10, 2018).

The adoption of OKVED2 obliges economic entities already from July 11, 2016, when preparing documents, to indicate new, changed codes. The reference to old codes assigned to the type of activity of the subject, according to the expired old version of the OKVED directory - OK 029-2001 (NACE, ed. 1), is illegal.

Why is the OKVED code needed?

At its core, the OKVED directory is a statistical, analytical and accounting tool, with the help of which the activities of business entities are monitored, the rate of insurance premiums for an economic entity is determined, and territorial accounting policies are systematized.

The OKVED code assigned to a business entity is divided into a group and a subgroup, indicating the industry and type of activity of the entity.

The OKVED code is indicated during the initial registration of the subject with the Federal Tax Service. In case of expansion of production, introduction of new types of activities, you can add new (or missing) codes by submitting a tax application (form No. P14001).

Rental of special equipment: OKVED 2019

In the second version of the OKVED directory, such type of activity as “Rent and Leasing” is classified in Section N “Administrative Activities and Related Additional Services”.

To clearly demonstrate how OKVED identifies the rental of special equipment, we present a summary table in which we indicate the codes provided in the directory for each type of equipment and machinery, taking into account industry affiliation.

In the OKVED directory, rental of special equipment is presented in class 77, subsection “N” of the section “Rent and Leasing”:






by group

The rental of which equipment is identified by this code

Full spelling

OKVED code

Freight rental and leasing vehicles

Trucks, trailers and semi-trailers with a carrying capacity of over 3.5 tons; tractors, residential trailers

Rental and leasing of agricultural machinery and equipment

Tractors, agricultural machinery and equipment

Renting and leasing construction machines and equipment

Construction machinery and equipment, cranes, scaffolding and working platforms (their installation and dismantling is not provided)

Renting and leasing of other machinery and equipment not included in other categories

This group includes types of construction equipment and mechanisms on wheels and tracks, as well as equipment used in construction and not included in the two previous groups

Rental and leasing of handling equipment

The classifier does not specify the types of equipment in this group, but it may include lifting mechanisms used in the construction industry

What is important, for the OKVED codes indicated in the table, they are assigned only in cases where only special equipment without an operator is provided for rent or leasing.

If the terms of the lease agreement for construction and other special equipment provide for its operation by a specialist of the lessor (rent with an operator), then:

    The rental of freight vehicles will be identified by OKVED code 49.41 “Activities of freight vehicles”;

    Rental of construction equipment will be identified by OKVED codes from group 43 “Specialized construction work.” Here you need to select specific codes, depending on the work performed using special equipment. For example, 43.11 “Dismantling and demolition of buildings”, 43.12 “Preparation of a construction site”, etc.

It should be noted that according to the OKVED directory, rental of construction equipment, taking into account its availability various modifications, not all of which fell under the instructions of the classifier, are not described widely enough. In this case, if a business entity leases highly specialized equipment, the modification of which is not included in the directory, its use should be registered by analogy with the group and scope of application to which this type technology (or equipment) turns out to be the closest.

When switching to new OKVED codes 2 all old codes in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities were changed automatically, without the business entity contacting the relevant authority. After selecting the OKVED code for renting special equipment, the lessor-owner of construction special equipment needs to contact the tax authority to register and receive additional codes.

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs leasing equipment must indicate the appropriate type of activity code (OKVED) in their constituent documents. Thanks to this, they will have a legal basis for doing business. What will be the OKVED codes for equipment rental in 2019? How can I find out the code for a specific type of equipment? The answers to these and other questions are in our material.

Which OKVED code should be used in 2019?

Today, the OKVED-2 reference book is considered valid - “OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2)”, approved by Rosstandart Order No. 14-st dated January 31, 2014 (ed. 07/10/2018). The latest changes came into force on October 1, 2018, so entrepreneurs need to be extremely careful when choosing a type of activity code when registering with the tax service.

The OKVED code “Rental of equipment” in the classifier is defined as follows: in section N, select class 77 “Rent and Leasing” and subclass of type of activity 77.3, including the rental of various equipment. Next, you need to select a specific (at least four-digit) code.

For example, as a result of conducting business activities, organizations and individual entrepreneurs provide equipment for civil construction for rent and leasing. Type of activity code according to OKVED “Rental of construction equipment” 77.32. This group includes the rental of construction machinery and equipment without an operator, including cranes and work platforms without their installation and dismantling. When renting equipment with an operator, codes should be selected according to the corresponding types of construction work, placed under the general code 43 “Specialized construction work”.

OKVED code structure

Let's consider the formation of a digital code designation using the example of identifier 77.39.11 for the rental of automotive equipment:

    77 – class;

    77.3 – subclass;

    77.39 – group;

    77.39.1 – subgroup;

    77.39.11 – view.

By the number of characters after the dot, you can determine whether the directory contains an even narrower type of activity. The most detailed stage is the view.

Sometimes entrepreneurs may have a question as to how many characters of the OKVED code “Rental of Equipment” should be used. Most often this happens when registering a legal entity or individual, as well as when introducing a new type of activity. The law requires you to select at least a group; you cannot simply indicate a class or subclass. This means that the code must consist of at least 4 digits. The number of OKVED codes themselves in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs can be any.

If in the course of carrying out activities there is a need to register a new OKVED code or exclude an unnecessary identifier, you must submit an application to the tax office in form No. P14001.

Where can I find the current OKVED code classifier for 2019?

The directory is publicly available on the official web portal ]]> Ministry of Economic Development ]]> . At the top of the page you need to select the “Activities” item. After this, the user will be taken to the “Directions” section, where he needs to go to the bottom of the page and open the item “All-Russian classifiers assigned to the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.”

A table of OKVED codes for various types of equipment is given below.

OKVED code


Rental and leasing of agricultural machinery and equipment (without operator).

Renting equipment with an operator complies with the following codes:

    01.61 “Provision of services in the field of crop production”;

    02.40 “Provision of services in the field of forestry and logging”

Rental and leasing of construction machinery and equipment without an operator (rental of equipment with an operator is classified along with the corresponding construction work, the OKVED codes of which are located under the general code 43 “Specialized construction work”)

Renting and leasing of office machines and equipment, including computer equipment

Rental and leasing of office machines and equipment

Rental and leasing of computers and equipment

Rental and leasing of water vehicles and equipment

Renting and leasing of aircraft and aviation equipment

Renting and leasing of other types of transport, equipment and materials not included in other groups

Renting and leasing of other land vehicles and equipment

Rent and leasing of other things road transport and equipment

Renting and leasing railway transport and equipment

Renting and leasing of other machinery and equipment not included in other categories

Rental and leasing of engines, turbines and machine tools

Rental and leasing of mining and oilfield equipment

Rental and leasing of handling equipment

Rental and leasing of professional radio and television equipment and communication equipment

Rental and leasing of control and measuring equipment

Renting and leasing of devices, devices and other equipment used for medical purposes

Rental and leasing of commercial equipment

Rental and leasing of other machines and equipment for scientific and industrial purposes

We are planning to open an organization for renting out special equipment. We started collecting documents for registration, but ran into a problem: we don’t know what to indicate according to OKVED for special equipment services. Tell me how to choose the right data for an enterprise of this type?

Expert answer:

To officially register such a company, you need to know the OKVED codes for special equipment services and add the necessary ones to the list of types of activities. Only by indicating them can you legally become a lessor. These indicators must be entered when registering both an LLC and an individual entrepreneur.

New edition of OKVED

It is important to remember that in 2017 a new edition of the all-Russian classifier came into force. If an enterprise plans to rent out special vehicles to tenants without a driver in the future, then code 77.32 will suit it. These figures cover the rental and leasing of construction machinery and equipment. Having selected such data, you can rent out any specialized equipment, including cradles and scaffolding.

If the company is going to hand over special equipment along with the crew, it is necessary to select code 43. It stands for “specialized construction work” and has additional subparagraphs:

They regulate different types construction work - from dismantling buildings and preparing the construction site to finishing. The last paragraph includes all additional types of work.

This classification is suitable not only for companies involved in the construction of buildings and structures, but also for those who rent special equipment together with the operator. It is advisable to indicate several options from both groups at once in order to expand the range of activities.

Making additions

Special equipment rental companies can also provide additional services, such as cargo transportation or assistance to farmers. In this case, the future owner of the company needs to add additional data from the classifier to the list that is suitable for the desired activity.

When filling out documents, it is important to take into account all the nuances. Ideally, the company owner evaluates the possible areas of work for his enterprise and finds the appropriate options in the new classifier. Otherwise, when scaling your business and developing new types of activities, you will need to spend time making appropriate additions to the documentation.

If you plan to open an organization that provides diverse assistance to the population, and it is difficult to find all the necessary codings, you should contact a suitable law firm. - About cars - Information portal