How to replace cabin filter Nissan Qasqai J11. The Nissan cabin filter requires replacement - AutoPride service station will help! Where is the Qashqai cabin filter installed?

Russian car owners are well aware of the Japanese showroom model crossover NISSAN QASHQAI. Many drivers sitting behind the wheel are concerned about foreign odors that periodically penetrate into the passenger compartment.

All this happens because the cabin filter installed on board the car gets dirty from time to time. Besides:

— foreign odors get inside the car;

— the quality operation of the system that circulates air masses inside the car’s cabin is disrupted.

A dirty cabin filter forces the air conditioning system, as well as the heating system, to work harder. The latter wear out much faster. Fuel is consumed in large quantities, components are more likely to break down. If you do not replace the Nissan Qashqai cabin filter that has become unusable in time, you will soon have to change the entire system.

Broken cabin filters accumulate harmful chemical elements and bacteria, mold develops, which is very difficult to get rid of. The presence of mold and harmful impurities in the interior is the cause of allergic diseases.

The time to replace the cabin filter is determined by the degree of contamination of the filter itself. There are often situations when the filter becomes clogged long before the scheduled time. Taking advantage detailed instructions, we can do the installation by ourselves.

To replace the cabin filter, we will need wrenches with heads of different calibers, as well as a set of screwdrivers.

Instructions: how to change the cabin filter to Nissan Qashqai do it yourself + photos and videos

The process is carried out in the following sequence.

1.Remove the decorative plastic panel (it simply snaps off).

Replacing cabin filter Nissan Qashqai

2. To do this, direct the airflow to windshield, and set the temperature to maximum (the damper is in the uppermost position). As a result of this operation, the damper will be positioned so that it will not be difficult to reach it.

3.Using a flat screwdriver, remove the filter chamber plug.

4. Since the damper control unit will interfere with removing the filter, first remove this unit using a screwdriver. To do this, remove the chip from the control unit connector, and then unscrew the two bolts holding the block.

5.Remove the old filter and replace it with a new one. Pay attention to the direction of the arrow, it should match how the previous filter was installed.

6.Close the lid and install the adjustment unit back.

7. We put the decorative panel in place that is located under the steering wheel.

At the end of the operation, passengers will begin to breathe freely, and the car heater will work much better.

Also watch the video

What task does the cabin filter installed in a car perform? Naturally, it is responsible for air purification and serves as a dust collector. But to ensure fresh and clean air enters the cabin, the cabin filter needs to be changed periodically. If we look at books technical operation of this or that car, in particular the manual of the Nissan Qashqai, you can verify the following. The manufacturer's regulations for maintenance and replacement of the cabin filter require that it be carried out every 30 thousand kilometers. But given Russian operating conditions, the replacement procedure should be carried out no less than twice a year, and even better - with each arrival of a new season, be it summer or winter.

How do you know when it's time to change the filter?

If, after purchasing a car and using it, you feel an unpleasant foreign odor in the car’s interior, then this is the first sign that replacing the Nissan Qashqai cabin filter is mandatory, since it is not working at full capacity. And if the air flow in the car is not good enough, or dust is flying around and firmly settled in the cabin, then these are sure signs that the filter has become unusable. It is worth noting that some drivers also complain about poor performance of the stove, this also needs to be taken into account.

Although the procedure for replacing the cabin filter is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, the car owner can do it on his own. Filter replacement does not require special, complex tools. All you need is a Phillips and slotted screwdriver, a pair of cotton gloves, a small led flashlight, and of course, a brand new filter.

It is best to select an original filter from the manufacturer as a replacement, but an analogue that matches the design of the car and manufactured by a good company will also work.

Filter replacement procedure

Since the filter itself is located on the driver’s side, first of all you need to bring driver's seat in order. That is, remove the dirt and put some rags on the bottom so as not to stain your clothes. If everything is done in accordance with the points listed below, then the entire replacement process will not take much time and should go without delay.

  • The control unit itself will have to be dismantled, as it will interfere with replacing the old filter. To do this, you need to unscrew it using a Phillips screwdriver. After removing the unit, be sure to check the damper control wheel.
  • Now you can remove the filter cover itself. There shouldn't be any problems here; it snaps off easily. When pryed with a slotted screwdriver, it will easily fall out of the grooves.
  • Using the same slotted screwdriver, you need to pry up the old cabin filter and pull it out of its socket. When removing the old filter, bends and creases are acceptable, but you will still have to throw it away. The old filter, compared to the new one, is a pitiful sight. Flakes of dust hanging from all the grooves not only give off an unpleasant odor, they are also harmful to health. Therefore, by replacing the filter yourself, you can make sure that it needs to be changed on time, and not breathe in those flakes of dust and dirt that clog all its sinuses.
  • Next, the new filter needs to be folded like a butterfly, or an accordion, that is, fold into fold. And only then can it be installed, which will be much easier than when removing the old one.
  • After installation, you need to put everything back together correctly - you must follow the sequence in which the cabin filter was removed. First you need to replace the filter cover. After this, the damper control unit is installed back, and after its installation, the facing plastic lining is installed.
  • At this point, the process of installing a new cabin filter can be considered successfully completed. As soon as the car owner starts using the car and new filter will work at full capacity, only then will it be possible to feel the difference between what the driver and passengers breathed before the replacement, and what they breathe after it. Plus, many Nissan car owners Qashqai, after replacing the filter, they also note improved performance of the stove.


In addition, we suggest watching a short video explanation.

Replacing the Nissan Qashqai cabin filter must be carried out periodically, as on any other car; if the filter element is not changed on time, passengers will breathe dusty air, and the heater or air conditioner radiator will become clogged with dirt.

Modern car operated in polluted conditions environment, and soot and dust and exhaust gases from the road penetrate into the car’s interior.

To reduce harmful substances entering the interior of the car, a cabin filter is installed; it can also be called a stove or air conditioning filter. Replacing the Nissan Qashqai cabin filter must be carried out periodically, as on any other car; if the filter element is not changed on time, passengers will breathe dusty air, and the heater or air conditioner radiator will become clogged with dirt.

Replacing the cabin filter Nissan Qashqai (J10)

The compact crossover Nissan Qashqai has been produced since December 2006, presented in 2 generations:

  • in the J10 body (2006-2013);
  • in the J11 body (2014 - currently in production).

Nissan Qashqai cars in any configuration are equipped with air conditioning (climate control), so a cabin filter is extremely necessary here - the filter element protects the climate control system, preventing dusty air from entering the system.

According to the factory regulations, the air conditioner and heater filters should be replaced every second maintenance, that is, approximately every 20-30 thousand kilometers. If you do not change the cabin filter (SF) in time, dusty air begins to penetrate into the cabin, and the radiator of the heating system and the air conditioner evaporator become dirty. As a result, the stove stops heating normally and the climate system does not work well. It should be noted that when operating a car in dusty conditions, the air conditioner (heater) filter is changed more often.

On the first generation Qashqai crossover, you can replace the cabin filter yourself; this work is not difficult to do, but it requires care and accuracy. We change the SF as follows:

That's it, replacing the Nissan Qashqai cabin filter is complete. Some Qashqai J10 car owners, when replacing the filter, recommend removing the pedal assembly so that the filter does not become wrinkled. This is not necessary - the original filter element is sufficiently flexible. Of course, a non-original SF may become wrinkled, but the installation of such parts should be avoided altogether; their quality is difficult to guarantee.

On the new Nissan Qashqai models produced in 2014 and 2015, the SF is located in a different place - it is located in the passenger’s feet on the left side, below, next to the center console. Replacing the filter on a Qashqai J11 is even easier than on a Nissan J10, let's look at how this can be done.

We replace the cabin filter as follows:

There are a minimum of replacement operations here, so almost any driver can do this work with his own hands. True, there are nuances in this matter - when removing the filter element, you don’t have to be afraid of crushing it, since it will no longer be useful, but installing the filter element is not always easy. The filter element in its seat fits tightly, usually it easily goes through two thirds, and then it has to be pushed in. Original filters are best placed in their place, but they are more expensive.

For the Qashqai crossover, the industry produces original and non-original filters; car owners are offered products from different manufacturers:

  • PKF "Nevsky Filter";
  • JS Asakashi;
  • Corteco;
  • Concord;
  • Mann;
  • GodWill;

Depending on the manufacturer, materials may vary in price; the cost of parts ranges from 250 to 800 rubles. In addition to simple cabin filters, there are also carbon filters that filter the air more effectively, but they are more expensive. The advantage of coal SF is that it does not allow foreign odors coming from the road (street) to penetrate into the car interior. But this filter element also has a drawback - air does not pass through it well. GodWill and Corteco carbon filters are enough high quality, are a worthy replacement for the original.

On Nissan cars Qashqai J11 can be easily installed with SFs with a longitudinal “accordion”; they fit easily into place and practically do not crumple during installation. For the Qashqai J11, there are non-original “consumables” that are almost twice as thin as the original, but it is unknown whether there will be normal air filtration with such elements.

The car manufacturer notes that the Nissan Qashqai cabin filter should be replaced every 30,000 kilometers or every two years (whichever comes first). But in Russian conditions, in two years there will be nothing left from the filter, so it has to be changed more often. A dirty filter is the source unpleasant odors. It also leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the interior heater. Reviews from owners indicate that it is advisable to change the filter on Nissan Qashqai in Russia every six months.

The original Nissan Qashqai cabin filter is designated by code 27277 - EN000. The manufacturer also offers a similar element marked 27277 - EN025. Finding a cabin filter for this crossover will not be difficult, since the car is quite popular in our market. Analogs from third-party companies are also available for sale. Recall that a similar element is used on Nissan X-Trail T31.


To complete the work we will need:

  • screwdrivers (slotted and Phillips);
  • flashlight;
  • new filter element;
  • patience…

You will definitely need the latter, since doing everything is not so easy compared to other cars. So let's get started!

Replacement procedure step by step

1. First you need to dismantle the protective cover of the floor tunnel on the driver's side; it is made of plastic. To do this, we pull it towards ourselves.

The cover is secured with 4 latches, and a guide is also used. First we release the latches, after which we move the plastic to the right (details in the photo).

2.The next stage is preparing the temperature damper control module (yellow asterisk in the photo). The airflow should be directed to the windshield and the temperature should be turned on to the maximum (“HI” position). This will move the damper to the upper extreme position (the yellow arrow in the photo indicates the damper drive wheel). Another option is to move the damper to the lower extreme position, for which we turn the temperature to “LO” mode. Next, we dismantle the cabin filter plug. The lower half of the plug is bent using a slotted screwdriver (red arrow in the photo).

3. There is a latch at the top of the plug; removing the element is quite simple.

The location for installing the cabin filter opens before us.

4. At this stage, it will not be possible to remove the filter, since the heater damper control module is in the way. This element should be disconnected. We disconnect the chip from the corresponding connector of the control module and unscrew a pair of mounting bolts. Uninstalling the module is quite simple. Make sure the damper control wheel moves in one direction only.

5. After dismantling the block, the filter rests against the control module electronic pedal accelerator. Some car enthusiasts may come to the conclusion that they will have to remove the pedal assembly (some owners are accustomed to performing this procedure without fail). But in reality, we just need to bend the filter and pull it out, since we will throw it away anyway.

6. In the photo you can see what the original filter element looks like on a car with 20,000 km on the speedometer. As you can see, it is imperative to change it, even though it only managed to reach 2/3 of its recommended service life. By the way, there are arrows on the filter indicating the direction of air flow.

A similar mark is also present on the purchased cabin filter.

7. To install the filter, you need to twist it in the shape of a butterfly or figure eight. Check the direction of the air, the arrow should point towards the interior of the car. Interestingly, installing a new element is much easier compared to removing the old filter element.9. After this, the heater damper control module is connected. Before this, you should return the damper drive wheel to its original position and install the control unit, holding the wheel with a screwdriver. You can screw the block using a thin long screwdriver or an L-shaped tool.

10. Connect the electronic connector of the damper position control module and test the element for functionality. We start the engine and select different operating modes of the climate control system on the console (from minimum to maximum). The wheel should spin without any problems.

11. The final touch is the installation of the floor tunnel lining. - About cars - Information portal