What to do if a ban on registration actions is imposed. Checking a car using traffic police databases: registration, accident, theft, prohibitions Traffic police ban on registration actions

On February 10, 2015, the Internet media actively discussed the topic of such a legislative measure as a ban on registration actions. This measure gives bailiffs the opportunity to impose restrictions on registration actions with both movable and immovable property in the traffic police or Rosreestr.

Increasingly, when trying to register a purchased used car, new owners are faced with a serious problem. It often turns out that it is impossible for them to go through the desired registration procedure with the traffic police MREO. The reason for this is debts previous owners, because of which Novgorod bailiffs issued almost 4,000 decisions banning the registration of vehicles. If the car owner is found to have debts, the bailiff issues a decision banning registration actions and sends it to the traffic police. This means that the debtor will not be able to sell the car until he has fully paid off the debt.

Debts can be of various kinds: for loans, alimony, taxes, housing and communal services or fines. For refund purposes Money collectors, bailiffs are obliged to seize property, incl. and cars. To prevent cars from being “lost” to new owners, registration is prohibited. True, the possibility of concluding a purchase and sale agreement without official registration sometimes plays a fatal role here.

In this case, the new owners may not even know that they are simply getting involved in someone else's debt problem. This is exactly what happened to citizen K., who recently purchased a Honda Accord and found out that the Novgorodian to whom this car was registered owed 150 thousand rubles only on loans. And until the debt is repaid in full, there will be no talk of lifting the ban.

In such cases, we can advise citizens to try to terminate the vehicle purchase and sale agreement: first, voluntarily, then through the courts, notes Nadezhda Astafieva, head of the department for the sale of debtors’ property. - But it’s even better before the transaction, before giving the money, to check the previous owner for debts through the “Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings” service on the FSSP website by following the link (http://site/iss/ip/). If the seller has debts, then there is a high probability of his property being seized. In addition, the absence of the original title should always raise questions, because this may indicate that the car is in collateral.

The ban on carrying out registration actions with movable and immovable property belonging to the debtor is applied by bailiffs as a measure of compulsory execution. Today, this measure is actively used in the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia in the Novgorod region.

Press service of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia for the Novgorod region

Each territorial traffic police department is responsible for registering cars and their parts. Only government agencies are authorized to carry out registration activities. To qualify for registration, the car owner needs to timely submit a package of documents, which are slightly adjusted depending on the specifics of the process.

Classification of services from the traffic police

Registration actions offered by the traffic police are described in the following list:

  • car registration;
  • registration of a motorcycle or trailer, semi-trailer;
  • registration of a vehicle in another region or another region, which is valid for a limited period of time;
  • issuance of duplicate numbers and registration certificates, PTS;
  • change of registration information, which includes replacing license plates, changing colors, recording changes in structural details;
  • deregistration vehicle during disposal, during the conclusion of a purchase and sale agreement, if it is planned to export the car outside the borders of Russia.

Registration actions provided by the traffic police cost completely differently in 2016, it all depends on the complexity of the process and the region where the operation takes place.

Documents for registration actions with the traffic police

Due to the extensiveness and diversity of registration actions in the list from the traffic police, it is difficult to identify one list of papers that cannot be dispensed with when completing paperwork. Therefore, we suggest viewing an approximate list, for example, if you need to register a car for the first time:

  • a written application for registration of a new or used vehicle;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty in 2016 for the issuance of signs regarding the registration of vehicles;
  • papers establishing the right to own a car or trailer;
  • a document that deals with payment of the state fee for issuing a certificate of registration of a car or motor vehicle, including a trailer or semi-trailer;
  • paper indicating the applicant’s identity, for example, a passport;
  • if there were “Transit” signs;
  • passport issued for the car;
  • a document approving the responsibility and rights of a trusted citizen to represent the interests of the car owner when the main manipulations are registered;
  • an insurance policy denoting the liability of a citizen who is also the owner of the car;
  • provided car or, in its absence, an inspection report of the vehicle.

What is a ban on registration of a car?

It also happens that it is difficult to register a used car with the traffic police again the next time you buy it. In 2016, drivers are actively discussing a legislative act prohibiting registration of cars. Accordingly, buyers are faced with a situation where they must check whether there is a ban on registration.

By law, bailiffs can indicate restrictions on subsequent actions to register a vehicle; this is possible if there are debts transferred from previous owners. As soon as a debt is discovered, the bailiff service stops registration operations, after which this fact is reported to the traffic police.

Accordingly, in order to register a car, the current owner must first resolve the financial issue, and only then properly formalize the sale and re-registration of the car.

Who imposes restrictions on registration actions

Institutions that have the right to impose a ban on vehicle registration:

  1. Judicial authorities - resolve disputes arising on issues of vehicle ownership, property division between former spouses. The ban is initiated even before the final decision of the judge.
  2. Investigative authorities - if a crime has been committed in which the car was used, or if the vehicle is wanted by law enforcement agencies in connection with illegal actions.
  3. A ban on registration can be issued by customs in cases where there are suspicions about the illegal import of a car into Russia, if the rules of the law are violated when preparing and receiving documents recording the results of inspection by customs officers and paying fees at the border.
  4. Bailiffs who are executors - the reason may be the presence of a court decision to collect from the owner of the car existing debts to pay fines, tax deductions, utilities, alimony and other important payments. Restrictions are considered legal if there is a court decision.
  5. The traffic police department, which is engaged in investigative work - if the traffic police department has received information about the participation of a car in an accident, damage to some areas of the registration tables, where the VIN code is applied, the number on the body, the license plates on the engine.
  6. Social protection authorities - come into action when registration actions of the traffic police affect the rights of children who have not yet turned 18 years of age. The employees go to court with this request.

How to remove restrictions from a car

If restrictions have already been imposed, it is not possible by law to continue registration. Registration of a car is provided only after the ban on registration of the car is lifted, and by the very authority that first imposed the restrictions.

The procedure is formalized by a corresponding resolution, the text of which is drawn up according to the model specified in the law. For example, the ban was initially imposed by bailiffs, which means that in the end each of them must give a permit, this is the only way to cancel the existing sanctions.

In order for the owner of a car to have the right to legally operate and dispose of it, the car must be registered with the traffic police. This implies that public authorities know who owns the vehicle and on what basis.

The owner of the car has the right to dispose of it, like any other movable property: sell, donate, lease in accordance with Art. 209 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In a number of cases, the motorist’s right to dispose of the car is limited, that is, a ban is imposed on performing registration actions with the vehicle.

With this restriction, a person is not deprived of ownership of his property and still owns it, but cannot sell it to anyone, donate it or otherwise dispose of it.


If the owner of a car for which a registration ban has been introduced sells it to another person, the buyer will not be able to register it and, therefore, will not receive the right to legally use the vehicle.

How to check for a ban?

A ban on registration actions can be introduced in several ways. Depending on the specific measures, the procedure for a car owner who wants to check for restrictions will vary.

You can find out whether the car is pledged either through a notary or on your own.

In the second case, you must enter the car data on the website of the register of pledges of movable property.

Reasons for banning car registration

The most common reasons are the following:

    presence of unpaid fines for violating traffic rules;

    arrears in payment of transport tax;

    securing a statement of claim when considering a case in court;

    debt collection in the course of enforcement proceedings during the forced execution of a court decision;

    violation of the rules for importing vehicles into the territory of the Russian Federation;

    criminal investigation;

    suspicions that the car has been stolen or its license plates have been changed;

    conclusion of a pledge agreement movable property between individuals or legal entities.

A car can be seized by the following authorities:

    court - when considering a civil, administrative or criminal case;

    FSSP bodies - in the case of forced execution of a court decision;

    law enforcement agencies - during the investigation of a criminal case;

    customs control authorities - if there is a suspicion of violation of the rules for importing a car into the territory of the Russian Federation.

How to remove the ban?

Situations often occur when unscrupulous sellers try to sell seized cars without telling buyers anything.

Sometimes new owner finds out about the arrest only when trying to register the car with the traffic police.

There are two ways to remove restrictions from your car:

    obtain a document on lifting restrictions from the government agency that imposed the ban;

    apply to the court with a corresponding statement of claim.

The first method is relatively simple and least expensive in terms of both time and money. First you need to contact the traffic police to find out exactly which government agency a ban on the use of a car has been imposed. Having received necessary information, you should contact this government agency and, if possible, eliminate the reasons for the restriction (pay a fine, transfer the item, fulfill an obligation under the contract). After this, you need to obtain a document canceling such a ban and contact the traffic police to have it removed from the vehicle database.

The second way to cancel a decision banning registration actions is to file a lawsuit in court.


This method is most often used by those who do not agree with the decision of a government authority, as well as those who are unable to contact the seller.

Copies of the following documents must be attached to the statement of claim:

    plaintiff's passport;

    a copy of the vehicle registration certificate;

    a purchase and sale agreement or other document that indicates the conclusion of an agreement between the seller and the buyer;

    a certificate from the traffic police indicating the reasons for the seizure of the car;

    receipt for payment of state duty.

In some cases, the consideration of the case may drag on for a long time, but if the court rules in favor of the buyer, the purchased car can be registered, since the ban will be transferred to other property of the former owner or cancelled.

If you need to remove the arrest from your car, we recommend contacting our specialists who have great experience to challenge the actions of government authorities in courts of all levels and will help you protect the ownership of your property.

The ban on registration actions provides for a significant restriction of the rights of the car owner. To learn what this means, what are the reasons for introducing encumbrances, and how to check a car before purchasing, see below.

What does ban mean?

What is a car registration ban? This is a form of liability that limits the rights of the owner. Encumbrance with the disposal and use of the machine. Formally, the citizen retains the right of ownership, but loses the opportunity to drive the car and dispose of it as an owner: sell, give, etc.

  • Restrictions. They limit the right to use and dispose of the car (example: securing a claim for division of property).
  • Ban. Does not allow you to completely dispose of the car: sell it, use it as collateral, etc.
  • Arrest. This is an encumbrance imposed by bailiffs, excluding further disposal, use and possession of the vehicle.

A ban means that registration and other actions with a vehicle in the manner prescribed by law are not allowed. However, restriction of registration rights does not entail loss of ownership rights. It is retained by the citizen, but to a limited extent. If a car is banned, it will not be possible to restore the title or other documents on the vehicle if they are lost.

Reasons for introducing bans

Knowing why a restriction has been imposed on car registration, you will be able to quickly eliminate it and then completely dispose of the car that belongs to you. If the owner’s fault is minor (for example, a small debt to the bank), you can bypass the ban on registration actions by eliminating the basis.

Note! How to find out the reason and understand why the ban was imposed? The grounds are found in the decrees of government agencies that have the right to apply restrictions. We recommend that you study them carefully to understand how to proceed.

The most common reasons for introducing a ban on car registration:

  • non-payment of taxes,
  • debt to the bank
  • ensuring the safety of property,
  • detection of inaccuracies with PTS,
  • providing incorrect information about the car,
  • Wanted vehicle announcement,
  • violation of the procedure for importing foreign cars into the Russian Federation.

A car with a registration ban cannot be registered with the traffic police. Meanwhile, the lack of registration of a vehicle is the basis for the application of administrative liability in the form of a fine. Its size is determined on the basis of Art. 19.22 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and varies from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles.

Which authorities have the right to prohibit the disposal of a vehicle and why?

The grounds, rules and procedure for imposing restrictions are determined taking into account which government body introduced them:

Who imposes encumbrances on registry actions in relation to a car?Reasons and features
CourtIt imposes a ban on registration actions, resolving controversial issues (example: division of property, including a car, upon divorce).
This ensures that the vehicle is protected from the possibility of being repossessed before a decision is made.
Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP)They impose encumbrances on the vehicle upon receipt of a court decision. More than 30% of such cases are related to failure to fulfill alimony obligations. Other grounds: non-payment of tax contributions, debts on housing and communal services payments, etc. Therefore, it will be possible to eliminate the restrictions of bailiffs on registry actions by paying off the debt.
CustomsThe reason for imposing restrictions on registration actions is the replacement of the car or insufficient information. Employees of this service have the right to apply restrictions if the procedure for releasing the brakes of a foreign car is violated.
Investigative and inquiry bodiesThe reason is to place the car on a national or international wanted list. This does not allow re-registration of a vehicle for the purpose of resale of a stolen car.
traffic policeThey apply this measure in case of an accident, as well as if areas with a VIN code and information plates were damaged.

How to check for restrictions

What to do if your car is seized? First, find out if there is a restriction. Main available methods:

  1. go to the traffic police portal (tt.gibdd.ru) through the online form,
  2. go to the MREO and request information about the vehicle,
  3. use the FSSP portal (fssprus.ru),
  4. visit the territorial bailiff office and find out whether a ban has been imposed and how to lift restrictions on registration actions.

Note! Do not trust third-party sites and resources that ask for payment to provide this information. Most likely, these are scammers. All data on whether encumbrances have been applied are freely available.

If there is a ban on registration actions, then the next step is to eliminate it. Otherwise, you will not be able to use the car, even if you recently purchased it and paid the full price.

Removing restrictions - how to do it correctly

If bailiffs or a court have imposed a ban on registering a car, it is important to clarify when this happened: before purchasing the car or having it completely transferred to your disposal. Step-by-step instruction, how to remove the ban on registration of a car if it is applied to the current owner:

  1. Check what restriction applies to the vehicle. To do this, request from the traffic police or the FSSP a photocopy of the resolution imposing the ban.
  2. Read the document. Determine what violation caused the restrictions to be applied. If the document contains incorrect information, it can be appealed.
  3. Eliminate the cause. For example, pay off a debt to a bank or management company, pay off arrears on alimony payments, etc.
  4. Take the document confirming the removal of the encumbrance. Who lifts the ban? Only the authority that applied this restriction.

What restrictions are lifted automatically? Those that are not caused by violations of the car owner. Example: a ban on the use of a vehicle imposed by the court upon receipt of a statement of claim is lifted automatically when a decision is made on the case.

How quickly can a ban applied to the previous owner be lifted? The average period is 2 months. Possible methods: the first is to contact the FSSP with documents indicating that the car was sold, and the second is to submit an application to terminate the agreement with the seller and return the money.

How long to wait for the encumbrances to be lifted

Having learned how to remove the restriction on vehicle registration, you need to follow these steps and take a document confirming the removal of the encumbrance. This resolution will need to be submitted to the FSSP or another body that applied the ban.

The next step is to wait until the data is entered into the database. How long should it take? This usually takes 7-10 days. During this period, you will continue to be restricted in your ownership.

How to speed up the deadline for lifting restrictions? The only thing that can be done is to personally visit the authority that assigned the encumbrance and submit for review documents that will confirm the elimination of the cause (example: a bank statement about the absence of debt). If the information is not entered into the database within 2-3 days, we recommend contacting the government agency employee again and clarifying the reason.

Note! The duration of the ban is not limited. If you do not remove the encumbrance in a timely manner, it will be followed by the seizure of the vehicle.

Is it allowed to operate a car with prohibitions on registry?

It is prohibited to operate a vehicle with a registration ban. The period for registering a car after its purchase is 10 days. At the end of this period, it is prohibited to use the vehicle to travel around Russian roads. The only way to obtain the right to use a car is to eliminate restrictions on registration actions in the traffic police or other body that applied this encumbrance.

If, despite the prohibition of registering a car, you use it after 10 days after purchase, traffic police officers have the right to take administrative liability in the form of a fine. Its amount for the first violation ranges from 500 to 800 rubles, for subsequent violations - up to 5,000 rubles. An additional measure of liability for using a car with a prohibition on registry is deprivation of a driver’s license for a period of 1 to 3 months.

Why is it dangerous to buy a car with restrictions?

Lifting the ban on vehicle registration is a mandatory condition for its sale. However, many unscrupulous owners neglect this rule and sell the vehicle without removing the encumbrances.

What is the risk of a ban on registration actions for the new owner? He will not be able to drive the purchased car. The reason is the inability to register it. It is prohibited to use the vehicle without registration. Any action in the traffic police related to the re-registration of a car with existing restrictions is suspended.

To prevent possible difficulties, it is important to check whether there is a ban on registration actions. If yes, negotiate with the owner to remove the restriction or refuse to enter into the contract. It will not be possible to re-issue the ban and reduce the cost of purchase due to this.

So, it’s worth purchasing a car with an encumbrance only if you don’t plan to drive it or if you do, but at the risk of paying a fine, deprivation of your driver’s license, and even confiscation of the vehicle itself.

Today there is a market for cars that are sold and used with a ban on registration. At the same time, the new owner risks being left without money and without a vehicle at any time, while the old owner receives fines, pays taxes and is responsible for the operation of the car.

In what situations is a ban useful?

A ban on registration of a car during a divorce may be required during legal proceedings. If you make claims related to the division of property, this will protect the car from dishonest actions of the second party.

The next situation when imposing a ban on registration will play a positive role is putting someone on the wanted list. In the event of a car theft, this will prevent it from being re-registered to a criminal or buyer.

How to ban registration actions? Usually this measure is introduced in court, the traffic police or bailiffs independently, but upon your request to secure a claim or upon an application requesting that the car be put on the Russian or international wanted list, it can also be imposed.

Limiting registration actions for a car is not just a measure of responsibility, but in a number of situations it is an opportunity to prevent many unscrupulous actions (for example, illegal transfer of a car to third parties).

To prevent the introduction of restrictions on cars, we recommend that you fulfill your obligations in a timely manner!

When purchasing a car, a potential buyer may find that the car is subject to a registration ban. Is this circumstance something dangerous for the buyer? In what cases is this prohibition imposed? And how is the ban lifted? These issues will be discussed below.

A registration ban is an administrative measure according to which the car owner loses the right to any registration actions regarding the vehicle. The object of the ban can be either a car or a trailer. After the ban is imposed, a person can continue to drive such a car, but he cannot re-register it to another person (the rules are similar for a trailer).

A ban on registration actions is imposed if the driver fails to fulfill his civil obligations (late fine, refusal to pay alimony, etc.), as well as in the event of theft of the car.

Who can impose a ban?

The imposition of a ban is carried out only on the basis of a court decision or a special act - a resolution that is issued and stored in the Bailiff Service (FSSP). The following organizations may act as initiators of the ban:

  • The courts themselves. Most often this happens in the case of resolving controversial issues that relate to the division and/or sale of property. For example, during a divorce, the car remained with the ex-husband, but the court ordered the ex-wife to pay certain monetary compensation - in this case, the court may additionally impose a registration ban on such a vehicle.
  • Customs. If during registration a person does not pay customs duties, then these authorities can, through the court, impose a ban until the debts are repaid.
  • Police. If the car was stolen, then it is quite likely that the thief will want to resell the car - to reduce the likelihood of such a transaction, the police may require the court to impose a ban.
  • Traffic police If the traffic police inspector imposes a fine on the driver, and the driver evades paying the fine, the traffic police may go to court to impose a ban.
  • Social services. If the ex-husband has a car, but he does not pay child support, then the mother can contact social authorities to prohibit her husband from registering.

Who is lifting the restrictions?

After a ban is imposed through the court, the case is transferred to the FSSP. To lift the ban, the owner of the car must first fulfill his obligations, which he evades, and then the body that initiated the ban lifts it. For example, the measure in question was imposed due to a traffic fine - in this case, the person must contact the traffic police and make payment. Restrictions can also be lifted through the court (for example, if the ban was imposed by mistake).

Arrest, ban and restriction - is there a difference?

Remember that there is a difference between the seizure of a vehicle, a ban on registration and a restriction on property rights regarding a car. Main differences:

  • The registration ban applies only to situations where re-registration of car documents is required. Even if the court has imposed a ban, the owner still has the right to drive the vehicle or use the car as collateral. Theoretically, such a car can be sold, although in practice it is unlikely that anyone will want to buy such a car, since it will not be possible to register it in their name.
  • The restriction on the exercise of property rights only affects the possibility of transferring the car to another person. That is, you cannot sell such a car or use it as collateral.
  • An arrest implies the removal of a car from use (most often, vehicles are confiscated in favor of the FSSP). If the court issues a seizure order, the person is deprived of all rights to the car, and the seizure can be carried out using compulsory measures.

How to check a car for restrictions?

Information about the ban is stored in the traffic police database, and you can check this information using the traffic police website or the FSSP. Below we will look at these verification methods.

Check through the traffic police website

The check is carried out like this:

  1. Open the traffic police website, select “Services” and “Car check” or follow the direct link https://gibdd.rf/check/auto.
  2. Enter the vehicle VIN code, select “Restrictions” and click the “Request Verification” button. Wait for the operation to complete.
  3. If there is a ban, then a special window will pop up, where all the basic information about the ban will be indicated (the basis for imposing the ban, the court order, the name of the bailiff, and so on). If there is no prohibition, a window will pop up indicating that the relevant information was not found.

Check through the FSSP

You can also check the information through the Bailiffs website:

  1. Open the FSSP website, select “Services” and “Bank of Production” or follow the direct link http://fssprus.ru/iss/ip.
  2. Enter your region of residence, full name and date of birth, and then find the “Find” button. At the end, a window will open in which it will be indicated whether the machine is prohibited or not.
  3. Using the FSSP website, you can also find out the details of the ban: to do this, through the traffic police website, find the resolution on imposing restrictions and copy the resolution number - then in the search menu on the FSSP website, select the “Search by individual entrepreneur” option, insert the resolution number and click the “Find” button "

How to remove the ban?

To remove the restrictions, you must fulfill your obligations, evasion of which served as the basis for imposing the restriction. In general, the algorithm is like this:

  • Find the ruling. This can be done using the traffic police or FSSP website (we discussed this issue above). You can also submit a request through a personal visit to the MREO.
  • Read the resolution to find out what served as the basis for the ban. If you do not agree with it, then collect documents and go to court to protect your rights.
  • If you agree with the resolution, then you must fulfill your obligations, which you are avoiding. For example, you still have traffic fine- in this case, the fine must be paid.
  • After paying all fines, you need to contact the authority that initiated the ban. You need to submit an application to this body with a request to cancel the registration ban (you also need to take your passport and documents for the car with you). As a result, you should be given a decree to lift the ban.
  • In some cases, at the end you should also submit a copy of the decision to lift the ban to the FSSP.

Is it possible to sell a car that is banned?

Yes, you can sell a car with a ban, but in practice this makes little sense. After all, the new owner will not be able to re-register the car in his own name until you lift the ban, and the new owner will not be able to drive the car without registration. Therefore, it is unlikely that anyone will want to buy a car that they cannot drive. Selling a car with a ban is also stupid because transport tax and fines will be sent to the old owner.

How to remove the ban in case of sale?

The procedure here will be standard - search for a resolution on the traffic police website, pay fines, receive a paper on lifting the ban, transfer information to the FSSP, and so on. Please note that the driver must deal with all these matters, however, if a power of attorney is concluded, the buyer can also be involved in lifting the ban.

Does it make sense to buy a car with restrictions?

It is not recommended to buy a car with restrictions, since you will not be able to re-register it in your name until former owner will not remove the restrictions. Since re-registration is not available to you, you will not be able to obtain a license for the car, so you will not have the legal opportunity to drive the car. Actual driving of such a car is equivalent to driving a vehicle without documents, for which a fine and suspension from driving followed by evacuation are provided.

There is a limitation on the car - what can you do with it?

The ban on registration actions only applies to actions related to the re-registration of a car to another person. Therefore, a prohibited driver can drive a car, transport goods, take out insurance for a vehicle, buy other cars, and so on. However, please note that in the future the FSSP may take more serious measures. For example, in the case of a large outstanding fine, the bailiffs may additionally issue an order to seize the car - in this case, the person will be removed from driving and the car will be confiscated.

Is it possible to drive a car with a trailer that is restricted?

Yes, you can. If a registration restriction is imposed on a trailer, then the same rules apply as in the case of a car (you cannot re-register the trailer, but you can operate it in any way). There are no penalties for this.

Is it possible to circumvent the law if the car is seized?

If the FSSP has made a decision to seize the car, but the confiscation has not yet occurred, then you can use one trick - when searching for cars, traffic police officers use a database that applies only to the current region, and information from other regions is not available to them. For example, a car is registered in the Leningrad region, and a traffic police inspector stopped you on the road in the Moscow region - in this case, after a check, you will be released, since the check will show that you are clean before the law.

What should I do if I have paid my debts, but the ban is not lifted?

According to the law, after payment of debts, the ban must be lifted within 3 days, excluding weekends and holidays. If this period has passed and you are still listed in the debtor database, then you should write a complaint and send it by mail to the traffic police and the FSSP. If nothing has changed after filing a complaint, you need to go to court.

Is it possible to speed up the lifting of the ban?

It is almost impossible to speed up the lifting of the ban. However, you can speed up the time for submitting complaints - to do this, you do not need to send the complaint by mail, but hand it over in person to the traffic police and the FSSP.

Is it possible to dispose of a car without permission?

Yes, you can scrap a car with a registration restriction, but in practice this makes little sense. After all, the scrapped car will still be yours until you deregister it, and if there is a ban, it is impossible to deregister. If you pay transport tax, then after disposal you will still be required to pay all payments.

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