Spider exhaust system 4 1. Spider on Priora: selection of equipment and detailed installation instructions. How does the collector work? What functions does the “spider” have?

Today I want to touch on one of the most important topics in keeping tarantula spiders, this is feeding. I’ll note right away that the article is being written for beginners, and will contain simple tips and rules that experienced keepers have long known.

What to feed the tarantula spider:

Tarantula spiders, contrary to their name, do not eat birds, but feed on small (about the size of a spider’s body) insects, which they hunt in their natural habitat. What to feed the tarantula spider at home?

The answer to this question is very simple - feeding insects. The most popular feeding insects are marble , Turkmen , Madagascan , Argentinean and other cockroaches, as well as larvae Zophobasa and mealworm.

This general rules, many people consider it optional to comply with them, and videos often appear on the Internet in which the spider is fed with mice or insects from the streets. To be honest, I also like to feed my pets with caught singing grasshoppers.

Why you can’t feed the tarantula spider insects from the street:

Small vertebrates in the form of frogs or newborn mice are very heavy food for the spider; it will eat it for several days, and at this time it will begin to decompose and fill with cadaveric poisons. I also sometimes saw messages on forums that after feeding on vertebrates, spiders, for unknown reasons, became ill with DS. It is not known whether this is connected or not, but, in my opinion, it is better not to risk it.

Again, if you still decide to feed the tarantula spider with small vertebrates, then make sure that the animal is healthy and purchased from a trusted place. Select animals by size; do not give large animals to the tarantula spider, they can damage it.

You should also not feed your tarantula spider other predatory insects, such as praying mantises, other spiders, or scolopendras. There were cases when the prey won the fight and killed the tarantula spider.

Let's summarize: You need to feed the tarantula spider feeding insects suitable size(about the size of the body of a tarantula spider, excluding legs), purchased from a trusted place, or from our own colonies.

How often to feed a tarantula spider:

Now that we have figured out what to feed the tarantula spider, let's find out how often it should be done.

An adult tarantula spider should be fed 1-2 times a week, appropriate in size feeding insects. When the tarantula spider has eaten enough, it will stop paying attention to food, but sometimes you need to determine for yourself that the spider has “enough” and stop feeding.

Typically, a sign that the tarantula spider has eaten is an increase in the abdomen in relation to the cephalothorax by 1.5-2 times. After this happens, feeding should be stopped to avoid abdominal rupture.

Feeding small tarantula spiders is a little more specific, and I put it in a separate , which you can read by going to link .

  • Do not feed the tarantula spider after molting for a certain number of days, which can be calculated by the formula: number of molts + 3-4 days. Otherwise, the food may damage the spider, or other, more specific problems may arise.
  • If the tarantula spider does not eat, there is no need to sound the alarm and create topics on forums like: “Alba has not eaten for the 4th day, what should I do?” Refusal to eat is absolutely normal for tarantula spiders; some of them can go on hunger strikes for a period of 1-3 months, without harm to health. This is what the family is usually famous for.Grammostola .
  • If the tarantula spider does not eat the insect right away, then you can crush the insect’s head and leave it with the spider overnight. If by morning the spider has not eaten the insect, then the corpse must be removed.
  • Do not leave food insects unattended in your spider's enclosure to avoid a number of problems that may arise. For example, during molting, a hungry cockroach or a zofobas larva can damage the spider, a female cockroach can give birth in a container with a spider, and the babies will run away through the ventilation, and so on.

It seems like everything I wanted to tell you may not have turned out very well, but there is a lot of advice here and some of them are even good. And so, with time and experience, you yourself will understand what and when you should feed your tarantula. Thank you for your attention.

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Which Spider is better: 4-2-1 or 4-1?

We will try to answer this question.

When tuning an engine, it is very important that the exhaust system of the car is an integral part of tuning. And here the question arises: which spider is better to install in order to get the maximum flow of power. In fact, the answer is very simple: the 4-1 spider and the 4-2-1 spider are identical in their technical characteristics, although when measured on a stand 4-1 shows a small (insignificant) increase in low revs, on the tops the spiders are exactly the same. So based on this, the answer is this. if the engine is assembled for low speeds, then the spider 4-1 will be a little better, for medium and high speed you can safely install any of them. Also keep in mind that installing one spider will give you a slight increase, the exhaust system is tuned as a whole, i.e. the resonator with muffler will also have to be changed, since then you can get an increase of about 10 hp.

And one more frequently asked question. What is the difference between the 4-2-1 spider and the 4-2-1 spider Subaru Sound?

Here the answer is also very simple, if you are tuning the exhaust system to get the maximum effect and not for antlers, then the 4-2-1 spider is definitely better for tuning than the Subaru sound. On a regular spider, 38mm of pipes were bent and they were the very first ones, then 48mm and 51mm were made at a certain angle so that at the outlet the exhaust gases from the cylinders would exit further through the system with less resistance, and not walk along the round pipes of 1-2 cylinders as is done on Subaru sound. Also, the sound of a Subaru is achieved thanks to the air that does not get into the engine, due to the fact that the escaping gases have to circle through the pipes, it gets between the strokes of the connection with which we get a sound like a Subaru, which is very audible at high speeds. But if you are not chasing power and you want to get the sound of a charged car, then

What kind of spiders are in the car? What do they do there and are they needed at all? Motorists affectionately call the spider the tubular exhaust manifold, which is integral part exhaust system. Why a spider? Yes, simply because appearance This important detail resembles the legs of a spider. And its appearance is determined by the functions performed by the collector. It is designed to “pick up” exhaust gases from the engine cylinders and, collecting them in a common pipe, conduct them to the following parts exhaust system. One more important function collector (spider) is the effective blowing and filling of the combustion chambers.

Structurally, spiders come in two types (patterns): stinger spider 4-2-1 and spider 4-1. The fundamental difference between these schemes is that in the 4-2-1 scheme, gases from four cylinders are first collected into four pipes, which then flow into two pipes, and then are combined into one. In the 4-1 scheme, everything is simpler: from four cylinders into four pipes and immediately into a common one. Already from this simple description it is clear that the 4-2-1 spider has a large extension, allowing it to provide good ventilation at low speeds and prevent the reverse movement of exhaust gases. Spider 4-1 is shorter, therefore it provides better airflow and, accordingly, an increase in power, but only at high speeds.

To reduce the heating of the operating collector and the space around it, the collector is thermally insulated during installation (for example, a heat-reflecting shield is installed or a high-temperature pipe braid is used).

Among domestic motorists, the 4-2-1 spider is more popular, since the small diameter of the pipes used in it provide greater speed of passage exhaust gases, which is important for effective purging of combustion chambers over a wider speed range.

That is why the Stinger company has released a whole line of such manifolds for VAZ cars.

Spider on a VAZ

The spider on the VAZ is designed taking into account technical features VAZ cars. The competitive advantage of Stinger is undoubtedly the production of manifolds for all VAZ models.

spider on VAZ 2105: made of stainless steel or high quality steel 08 PS, metal thickness 1.5 mm, primary pipes with a diameter of 38 mm, secondary pipes with a diameter of 43 mm, secondary pipes with a length of 620 mm, outlet with a diameter of 51 mm

spider on VAZ 2107: has the same parameters as the spider on the VAZ 2105, can be installed both with a standard resonator (however, in this case welding will be required), and with mufflers and “Stinger” resonators (spider 4 2 1 on the VAZ 2107 is installed without welding) .

spider on VAZ 2108: metal thickness 1.5 mm, primary pipes with a diameter of 38 mm, secondary pipes with a diameter of 43 mm, and a length of 440 mm, outlet with a diameter of 51 mm, Installation of this collector helps to increase power.

spider on VAZ 2109: primary pipes with a diameter of 38 mm, pipe length from the flange to the secondary pipes 350 mm, secondary pipes with a diameter of 43 mm, secondary pipes with a length of 440 mm, outlet with a diameter of 51 mm, distance to flaring 130 mm, metal thickness 1.5 mm. The spider 4 2 1 is mounted on a VAZ 2109 with a standard resonator using welding, with resonators and stinger mufflers - without welding, it helps to increase power.

spider on VAZ 2110: designed for an engine capacity of 1500-1600 cm3, stainless steel is used in manufacturing, primary pipes with a diameter of 38 mm, secondary pipes with a diameter of 43 mm, an outlet with a diameter of 51 mm. Spider 4 2 1 is mounted on a VAZ 2110 V regular system does not require welding, can be used as a catalyst replacement.

spider stinger subaru sound: designed for VAZ-2170, VAZ-2172, VAZ-2173 VAZ-2110-12 models, have the same technical specifications(diameter of primary and secondary pipes, length, wall thickness) as previous models, however distinctive feature This spider is that it imitates the noble “voice” of Subaru.

Call us at the numbers listed on the website, we will help you choose a “spider”.

To live, a spider must eat

One of the most important topics in the science of keeping house spiders is the topic of feeding. Moreover, the importance of this topic extends to absolutely all types of domesticated spiders - be it spiders or some other type of these creatures. Therefore, today we will try to learn about the tips and rules for feeding spiders, and how what can you feed your furry pets, and what is not recommended to give them?.

If you are planning to get a spider or have already got one, then you must familiarize yourself with this information...

What to feed your house spider

In nature, these predators feed on everything that moves, taking into account their size and measuring their capabilities. Living in your terrarium, which you have equipped for your pet spider, such a pet can rely solely on your choice in matters of its nutrition. That's why, We would recommend that you consider options for creating a feeding diet for your cutie spider from food insects. Such as Argentinean, marbled, Turkmen and other types of cockroaches (except for domestic ones - why? Read about this below).

What not to feed spiders

After the point about what you can give to spiders as food, we naturally suggest you consider the point about what you can’t give to them as food. So, despite the fact that there is an opinion that a spider can be fed with small vertebrates and even birds (they say, a spider is a tarantula, there is no need to think about what it will eat) - it is still not worth feeding them with frogs, mice and birds. The fact is that, as practice shows, very often after such feeding spiders begin to get sick and then die completely. Indigestion, or some other reason, but we would not recommend taking risks.

Also, you should not feed spiders with domestic cockroaches, much less release them to hunt them. Cockroaches may turn out to be sick, or migrate to you from your neighbors, having already been poisoned, and after such a noble dinner, your spider may stretch out its legs. Oh, you don't want this to happen, do you?

It is also not recommended to give the spider insects that you yourself caught on the street. It is, of course, good that you care so much about your pet that you turned into a breadwinner for him, but, like cockroaches, such insects can be sick or poisoned, and... goodbye spider.

If circumstances so arise that your spider is left without food, and you do not have the opportunity to purchase such food for it at a pet store (weekends, holidays) so that your pet does not go hungry, you can still go “hunting”. True, collect insects as far from the road as possible. After this, inspect them and rinse them with water. If possible, they can be quarantined; if not possible, hope for the best and feed your spider.

As for the ban on feeding frogs and newborn mice, this is still heavy food for your pet and he will eat it for several days, and during this time it will have time to decompose in a warm terrarium and become filled with cadaveric poisons. If you still can’t wait to see how your spider copes with a mouse, make sure that the animal is healthy and its size does not exceed the size of the spider itself. Since in such an unequal fight it is not known who will emerge victorious.

You should not give spiders other predatory insects as food. For example, mantises, scolopendras or other spiders. In this case, it will no longer be clear who you are feeding and who is serving as a living dinner. So, remember - it is better to feed spiders at home with food insects.

How often should you feed a spider?

The frequency of feeding depends on the age of the spider

Well, we have cleared up such nuances as what can be given as food and what cannot. Now, let's talk about the frequency of feedings. So, for an adult spider, the optimal diet would be the following schedule - 1-2 times a week. If you see that the spider does not finish its meal and does not look hungry, you can reduce the frequency of feeding and try feeding it once a week. In general, you should be guided by your pet’s appetite: if he wants to eat, let him eat; if he doesn’t want to, don’t force him.

By the way, you can determine whether a spider is full by the size of its abdomen; if it has increased 2-3 times than before the start of the meal, it means that it is better to drive the spider away from the food and take away its remains.

Some spiders are real gluttons and cannot control their appetite. But in this case, what threatens them is not obesity, but a rupture of the abdomen, which, in principle, can no longer be treated. So, you yourself should be the nutritionist for your spider.

Little spiderlings need to be fed more often - they have a growing body, so their portions should be smaller. Well, giving them live “big” game in the form of mice and frogs is strictly prohibited.

When not to feed a spider

Sometimes your spider will benefit from going on a diet. So, for example, it is not recommended to feed him immediately after molting. In order to find out when you can start giving him food, use this simple formula: what kind of molt was this (it’s better to write down such information in a separate notebook so as not to make mistakes) + 3-4 days for it, so that the spider’s body becomes stronger.

If you offer the spider food for several days in a row, but it stubbornly refuses it, you shouldn’t be too intrusive. Give him the opportunity to fast. Some spiders may not even eat for several months. This is quite normal for them.

And by the way, remember the golden rule - food remains (living or already dead) must be removed from the terrarium. Get yourself such a useful habit. Then, for example, you will avoid such unpleasant situations, like the birth of small cockroaches in your terrarium (if the female cockroach was pregnant) and their forays into your territory through the ventilation holes.

What to feed baby spiders

We have already written that small spiderlings need to be fed more often, and their portions should be small. But where can you get such small insects? If there is a shortage of this in your nearest pet store, we can help you out with practical advice.

Buy ordinary large insects and... cut them into small pieces. This is especially convenient with mealworms and zophobos. So, for example, one mealworm can be enough for lunch for 6-7 spiderlings.

Some sources on spider science and their maintenance write that spiderlings can be fed with bloodworms - this is both convenient and practical. However, we would not recommend that you indulge in such a diet. Yes, the spiders on the bloodworm eat off and begin to molt, but since the bloodworm itself contains practically nothing else except water, your spider on such “grub” is unlikely to grow healthy, big and beautiful. So, think about what you want - convenience for yourself or health for your spider?

Spiders are part of the order of arthropods, numbering almost 42 thousand species around the world. About 3 thousand species live within the former USSR. All spiders, except one variety, are predators.

Diet in the natural environment

Spiders are classified as obligate predators, whose menu includes exclusively small vertebrates and insects. Arachnologists mention the only exception - Bagheera kiplingi, living in Central America.

Upon closer examination, Kipling's Bagheera is not 100% vegetarian: during the dry season, this spider (for lack of Vachellia acacia foliage and nectar) devours its relatives. In general, the ratio of plant and animal food in the diet of Bagheera kiplingi looks like 90% to 10%.

Hunting methods

They depend on the lifestyle, sedentary or nomadic. A wandering spider usually lies in wait for its victim or carefully creeps up to it, overtaking it with one or two or three jumps. Nomadic spiders prefer to envelop prey with their threads.

Sedentary spiders do not run after the victim, but wait until it wanders into a skillfully woven net. These can be either simple signal threads or sophisticated (large in area) networks stretched to the observation post of their owner.

This is interesting! Not all hunters entangle their victims with webs: some (for example) simply wait for the insect’s body to soften to the desired condition. Sometimes the spider releases its prey. This happens in two cases: if it is too large or has a strong smell (bug).

The spider kills prey with a toxin concentrated in poisonous glands, which are located in the chelicerae or (as in Araneomorphae) in the cephalothorax cavity.

The spiral muscles surrounding the glands contract at the right moment, and the poison reaches its destination through a hole at the tip of the claw-like jaws. Small insects die almost immediately, but larger ones continue to convulse for some time.

Hunting objects

For the most part, these are insects that are suitable in size. Spiders that weave nets more often catch all flying creatures, especially dipterans.

The species “assortment” of living creatures is determined by habitat and season. Spiders that live in burrows and on the soil surface eat mainly beetles and orthoptera, not disdaining, however, snails and earthworms. Spiders from the family Mimetidae target spiders of other species and ants.

Argyroneta, a water spider, specializes in aquatic insect larvae, fish fry and crustaceans. Spiders from the genus Dolomedes, which inhabit wet meadows and swamps, eat approximately the same thing (small fish, larvae and tadpoles).

The most interesting “dishes” are included in the menu of tarantula spiders:

  • small birds;
  • small rodents;
  • arachnids;
  • insects;
  • fish;
  • amphibians.

Young snakes often appear on the table of the Brazilian tarantula Grammostola, which the spider devours in huge quantities.

Nutrition method

It has been proven that all arthropods demonstrate an arachnid (extraintestinal) type of nutrition. The spider has everything adapted for consuming liquid food, from the filtering device of the pre-oral cavity and pharynx, the narrowed esophagus and ending with a powerful sucking stomach.

Important! Having killed the victim, the spider tears and crushes it with its jaws, releasing digestive juice inside, designed to dissolve the insides of the insect.

At the same time, the spider sucks up the protruding liquid, alternating between eating and injecting juice. The spider does not forget to turn the corpse over, processing it from all sides until it turns into a dried mummy.

Spiders that attack insects with hard cover (for example, beetles) pierce their articular membrane with chelicerae, usually between the chest and head. Digestive juice is injected into this wound, and the softened contents are sucked out from there.

What do spiders eat at home?

Not bred, but true house spiders (Tegenaria Domestica) eat house flies, fruit flies (drosophila), mealybugs and larvae. Spiders specially bred in captivity adhere to the same rules as in the wild - to be interested in commensurate food items.

The right diet

The feeding insect should ideally fit into the range of 1/4 to 1/3 the size of the spider itself. Larger prey can complicate digestion and even frighten the spider. In addition, a large insect (fed during the pet's molting) injures its unhardened integument.

Growing spiders (1-3 days old) are given:

  • fruit flies;
  • young crickets;
  • mealworms (newborns).

The diet of adult spiders (depending on the species) includes:

  • exotic cockroaches;
  • grasshoppers;
  • crickets;
  • small vertebrates (frogs and newborn mice).

Small insects are given at once in “bundles”, 2-3 pieces each. The easiest way to feed arthropod pets is cockroaches: at least they are not known to engage in cannibalism, like crickets. One spider needs 2-3 cockroaches for a week.

Another word of caution is to avoid feeding your pets carnivorous arthropods such as scolopendra, other spiders, and insects like praying mantises. In this case, “lunch” will be an easy snack for those who are planning to satisfy their hunger.

Purchase (procurement) of feed

Provisions for spiders are purchased from pet stores, poultry markets, or from people specially involved in breeding live food. If you want to save money, grow food insects yourself, especially since it is not difficult.

You will need a glass jar (3 liters), at the bottom of which you will place fragments of egg packaging, bark, newspaper scraps and cardboard: a colony of marbled cockroaches will live here. To prevent residents from escaping, apply Vaseline to the neck, or better yet, cover it with gauze (pressed with a rubber band).

Drop a few individuals in there and feed them table scraps: cockroaches grow quickly and reproduce their own kind.

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