What happens if you mix water. Myths about water: is it possible to mix boiled and unboiled water? Rumors about “dead” water and its harm

Question from a reader.

« Good afternoon Sergey. Please tell me if it is possible to mix antifreeze with water. The thing is that my antifreeze level is low, and it’s not possible to buy it now, I’m on vacation, writing from a tablet. So I’m wondering if it can be diluted with plain water? Isn't this dangerous? I'm waiting for an answer Sergey, respect for the site, it really rules, it helps even on vacation»

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In principle, antifreeze and antifreeze are practically the same thing (more details). Therefore, if you read the article on my website, you will understand everything.

However, I will repeat it again for you. And a lot of people ask this question, email me - is it possible to mix antifreeze with water.

So, antifreeze is a type of antifreeze, consisting of ethylene glycol and special additives. It was developed in 1971 in the USSR. They are distinguished by concentration, brand 40 has a blue color, the most common in Russia, it is poured into many Russian cars, remains liquid up to – 40 degrees Celsius. There is also red antifreeze, grade 65, used mainly in the northern regions of our country, thickens at temperatures below - 65 degrees Celsius.

Now to the point. Of course you can, antifreeze consists of approximately 60 to 70 percent water, and only the rest is additives and ethylene glycol. In summer, at high temperatures, water from antifreeze, accordingly, the level drops. Unless of course you have a radiator leak. Therefore, if you “catch up” the antifreeze level by adding water to the norm, there will be nothing wrong with that. The main thing is not to overdo it. There is no need to pour excess water. Remember - with a cold engine, the antifreeze level may drop, because the cooled liquid has a lower level than the hot one.

Again, in the summer you can drive even with a weak solution of antifreeze (that is, a lot of water has been added). But before winter, you need to replace this antifreeze. Diluted antifreeze loses its temperature regime, and even at minimum temperatures it will simply freeze.

There is also no need to greatly dilute the antifreeze because the anti-corrosion properties of the liquid decrease. The more water in the antifreeze, the greater the chance that the car's cooling system will rust.

And lastly, if you are on vacation and have nowhere to buy antifreeze, buy a five-liter canister of ordinary drinking water at the nearest store and bring the antifreeze to the level. You can drive on this liquid even until the first cold weather, - 1. - 5 degrees Celsius. But then replace it, it will be better for the engine itself, and for the engine radiators and heater.

One of the rather old urban legends says that you should not mix boiled water with unboiled water for drinking. Among the beliefs about the consequences of drinking such water, there are many options, ranging from poisoning with nausea and vomiting, ending with a decrease in immunity and the development of a number of diseases with their further transition to the category of chronic. No one can provide any objective argumentation as to why all this should happen and what chemical processes take place there.

Rumors about “dead” water and its harm

One of the most common justifications for the myth is that after boiling water becomes “dead”, and mixing it with “living” raw water does not allow the body to recognize what it is actually being given. Allegedly, in the so-called “dead” water, along with all microorganisms, they die after boiling and all beneficial properties, and other substances. It’s funny, because salts, which are the main beneficial substances dissolved in water, will not disappear when boiled, perhaps only their concentration will decrease slightly. It will not decrease in vitamins, because most likely they simply aren’t there. But the stories about “dead” water are an unsubstantiated legend, which has no scientific confirmation.

Rumors about the harm of water memory

In second place is the theory of water memory, according to which the body can only absorb homogeneous water, and boiled water mixed with unboiled water remains heterogeneous further. There has been talk about the memory of water for quite a long time, but most often it turns out to be nothing more than fiction for a successful fraud with the sale of water charged with success, health and the treatment of certain diseases. We all remember tricks about charging water from the TV screen, but the maximum that could be obtained from such water was the placebo effect.

And so all the main arguments of supporters of the veracity of the legend turned out to be unconfirmed from a scientific point of view and unconvincing even from the point of view of simple logic. There is no confirmation, only beliefs that this cannot be done. Now let's turn to the logical side of the question of whether it is possible to use mixed boiled water with unboiled water.

What happens to raw water when mixed with boiled water?

Essentially, mixing boiled water with raw water will simply result in unboiled water again in all its properties, which are important for its consumption by humans. If unboiled water from a particular source may contain bacteria and viruses, they will be transferred to the boiled water when mixed. Yes, their concentration will drop, but a small amount of unboiled water containing them will be enough to spoil a large amount of boiled water. That is, from a microbiological point of view, you cannot mix raw water with boiled water for the same reason that you cannot simply drink raw water.

From the point of view of the composition of impurities in water, their concentration decreases during boiling. Chlorine comes out with steam when water is heated, various elements settle in the form of scale on the heating elements. Therefore, mixing boiled water with unboiled water will simply lead to the fact that the composition of the final mixture will turn out to be more similar to the composition of unboiled water; elements that could have been completely released during temperature treatment will appear in it again. It turns out that from the point of view of the chemical composition of impurities in water, mixed boiled water with unboiled water will be more similar to unboiled water.

That is, from a scientific point of view, nothing bad will happen when mixing, it’s just that the mixed water will actually be unboiled with all the ensuing consequences. For some sources of water, drinking it raw is dangerous, for others it is quite safe, for example, if it is tap water. If you use filtered or bottled water, then there will be no negative consequences. Believe less in unfounded rumors and choose your water sources more carefully!

In this article we will discuss common rumors about Is it possible to mix antifreeze with water?

Is it true that coolant (antifreeze or antifreeze) can be mixed with water? Such questions arise mainly in the summer, when the chances of engine overheating sharply increase ( Why does the engine overheat?).

Can antifreeze be diluted with water?

Every experienced motorist knows that you should monitor the coolant level in the system as often as possible. If the coolant level in the tank is below the “minimum”, and you need to add just a little. The question immediately arises buy expensive antifreeze or you can add a little ordinary water to the antifreeze?

IN summer time years, many motorists are interested in the question mixing antifreeze of different colors, but we will talk about this in the next article. Let's decide anyway Is it possible to mix antifreeze with water?

If you turn to the rules for help technical operation car offered by the manufacturer, then there is no place for such conversations. Manufacturers strictly prohibit any spontaneous mixing antifreeze with water.

Mixing antifreeze with water is prohibited for the following reasons:

  1. Antifreeze includes special additives that have the necessary cooling and lubrication properties. IN case of mixing antifreeze with water their effect is significantly reduced.

If you don’t have money, or there is no auto store nearby where you can buy antifreeze for refilling, you can add water to the cooling system . What happens if antifreeze is mixed with water?

Using water as an addition to the engine cooling system is possible, but for a short period of time, and is not recommended. can lead to corrosion of aluminum engine parts, clogging of the radiator of the cooling system, and a decrease in protective properties. Diluting antifreeze with plain water fraught negative consequences, so the option of adding water to antifreeze exists, but this has its own risks. Domestic cars this combination is more easily accepted, but on foreign cars, I would not recommend trying this a mixture of antifreeze and water. If you had no choice and you added water to the cooling system reservoir, you should completely replace antifreeze in the engine. At the same time, if you decide to add water to the antifreeze, then in any case you should use distilled water. It is prohibited to fill with ordinary water. Using ordinary water as a coolant will cause damage to cooling system parts.

Is it possible to mix antifreeze with water in summer? ?

Mix antifreeze with distilled water It is possible, only for a short period of time, if there is no possibility of filling antifreeze nearby.

Adding water to antifreeze in winter is strictly prohibited, this may lead to “unfreezing of the unit”. The water will simply freeze and cause damage to engine parts. If you added even a little water to the antifreeze in the summer, then before the onset of cold weather, be sure to completely replace coolant with antifreeze. It is advisable to use high-quality antifreeze; the use of water as a coolant is history.

Don't be confused! Antifreeze concentrate is mixed with distilled water!

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