2nd Nagatinsky passage, railway station nearby

Wondering how to get to 2nd Nagatinsky proezd, 2, building 6 in Nagatino-Sadovniki, Russia? Moovit helps you find the best way to get to 2nd Nagatinsky Proezd 2/6 from the nearest public transit station with step-by-step directions.

Moovit offers free maps and real-time navigation to help you find your way around the city. View schedules, routes, opening hours, and find out how long it takes to get to 2nd Nagatinsky proezd, 2, bldg. 6 based on Real Time data.

Looking for the nearest stop or station to 2nd Nagatinsky proezd, 2, bldg. 6? Check out this list of stops closest to your destination: 2nd Nagatinsky Pr.; 7th Trolleybus Park; Jewelry Z-D.

You can get to 2nd Nagatinsky proezd 2, building 6 by metro, bus, tram or train. These are the lines and routes that have stops nearby: Bus, Train, Subway, Light Rail,

Want to see if there is another route that will help you get there faster? Moovit helps you find alternative options routes and times. Get directions from and directions to 2nd Nagatinsky Proezd 2/6 easily from the Moovit App or Website.

We make getting to 2nd Nagatinsky Proezd 2/6 easy, which is why over 720 million users trust Moovit as the best public transit app. Including residents of Nagatino-Sadovniki! No need to download a separate bus app or subway app, Moovit is your all-in-one transit app that helps you find the latest bus and subway timetables.

The closest to the house in 2nd Nagatinsky proezd no. 2 b. 8 in Moscow is the Kolomenskaya metro station, 1300 meters away, you can walk to it in 20 minutes, you can also walk to the Nagatinskaya metro station in 23 minutes. Railway station Nizhniye Kotly is a 24-minute walk away. From the Kolomenskaya metro station to Moscow, 2nd Nagatinsky proezd, building 2, building 8, you can take tram 47, 47k, 49, after passing 3 stops, you need to get off at the 2nd Nagatinsky proezd stop. Tram number 47, 49 goes to Nizhnie Kotly station, go 5 stops, from the 2nd Nagatinsky proezd stop.

Metro nearby

Railway station nearby

Ground transportation from the metro

Kolomenskaya Nagatinskaya Shabolovskaya Oktyabrskaya ZIL
Routes From the station Before the stop
47 ZIL
2nd Nagatinsky passage
(9 stops)

Detailed information on how to get to the house Moscow, 2nd Nagatinsky proezd, building 2, building 8 from metro stations or railway. What type and route number of public transport is more convenient to use. At what distance is the nearest stop to the house in 2nd Nagatinsky Proezd, no. 2, bldg. 8. How many stops do you need to make? public transport and at which stop to get off to get to 2nd Nagatinsky proezd, building 2, building 8 in Moscow.

You can easily find any house using the address search located under the map. Enter the desired address there, and a blue mark will show your request.

To plan a route, use the route building section with explanations, which is located under the map.

The route can be laid not only on a given street, but also to any point. You can choose which transport you will use to get there or whether you will walk. Enter the address of the points yourself or indicate on the map. To do this, click on the “point on map” button opposite point “A” or “B”.

Postal code -

Where is Nagatinsky 2nd passage in Moscow. Location

2nd Nagatinsky passage is located in the Nagatino-Sadovniki area. The length of the passage is 1503 meters. Direct street address: Russia, Moscow, Nagatinsky 2nd passage.

Street intersections: 2nd Nagatinsky Proezd intersects with 2 streets: Nagatinskaya St., Nagatinsky 1st Proezd

View from satellite traffic jams You can turn on their display with the “Traffic” traffic light button, which is located on the toolbar at the top right of the map.

You can see some streets physically, this is possible thanks to photographs taken by special car. To do this, click the "Layers" button and select panoramas. On the map, those streets that offer panoramic views will be highlighted in blue. Click on the highlighted area and enjoy watching.

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