9 of Pentacles in relationships. The exact meaning of the nine of pentacles in tarot

In the 18th century Decks of fortune-telling Tarot cards were actively adapted to all kinds of religious teachings. This was due primarily to the fact that they were quite widespread among adherents of a wide variety of cults and sects.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of Tarot cards.

Nine of Pentacles - Card Meaning

The Nine of Pentacles depicts a richly dressed person in a garden, and this can be either a man or a woman. A falcon sits on a man's hand, and nine pentacles are scattered around the garden. The meaning of the card is as follows: a person received wealth and a title, but was left alone.

And the reason for this situation is not that he has no loved ones, and not that he has become greedy and evil. He simply overtook his loved ones in his spiritual development, and therefore they can no longer understand him. And now he is tormented by doubts: was he following the right path? But what is done cannot be undone.

In a more mundane sense, the card symbolizes the achievement of a goal or the completion of some difficult work that did not bring relief or joy. Therefore, the card advises you to think three times before implementing your plan. Otherwise, seek wise advice from a knowledgeable woman with a good reputation.

If the card comes out upside down, the result of all efforts can only be material benefits; neither happiness nor success are guaranteed. And appealing to a woman’s wisdom will also not be successful, since her advice is actually not as wise as it seems.

Description by Sarah Barlet's method

The Nine of Pentacles shows that your task is completed. You are prone to complacency, are ready to revel in success and are confident that only this path is correct. Having achieved a lot in work or in your personal life, you feel confident and independent. The graceful girl depicted on the card feels inner peace; a hooded falcon sits on her hand, symbolizing the ability to control one’s doubts and fears. A falcon can be taught to hunt and then return to its owner with prey. Likewise, you are free to choose to do whatever you want, as long as you are responsible for your actions.

This card also shows that it is time to think about yourself. If you received this card, ask yourself questions. How free are you? Do you like independence? Are you afraid to become confident or do you think that you don’t have to prove anything to anyone?

If the Nine of Pentacles is in the Obstacle position, you may be so arrogant, self-confident and jaded that you don't need anyone. Or do you think that you have achieved everything you wanted and there is nothing more to dream about? This card can also show self-indulgence and wasting time on pleasure.

Alternative description

The Nine of Pentacles depicts a woman in rich clothing decorated with flowers. She stands in the middle of a wonderful vineyard, touching the vines with her left hand. The vineyard represents the bounty of the land, which the woman values ​​and enjoys. On her right hand sits a falcon, a hunting bird symbolizing imagination and the ability to make far-reaching plans. Nine pentacles are woven into the vines, they surround the woman, and she clearly rejoices in her wealth. A hare sits at the woman’s feet, a symbol of earthly fertility. In the distance, on a hill, a castle is visible, personifying the woman’s achieved high aspirations, as well as material well-being and stability.

Meaning in fortune telling

Nine absorbs the meanings of the remaining numbers and forms the basis of a cycle that ends with Ten. The Nine of Pentacles indicates material wealth, security and comfort. The woman in the picture is richly dressed, calm and content. She is surrounded by earthly riches: her work has brought her material success, and now she can enjoy life.

The woman is alone, she stands holding a falcon on her hand, symbolizing her high intellectual abilities and imagination. Yes, she doesn’t need other people, although this does not mean that she doesn’t want to see them or that they won’t be near her. In this case, her loneliness is a sign that she has reached a state of inner contentment and will be happy, even if she continues to be alone. She is proud of her achievements, she is serene and at peace and does not need an audience to praise her for all that she has achieved. In a Nine of Pentacles reading, it signifies a period of calm when you can fully appreciate your place in life and enjoy a sense of harmony with your inner and outer world.

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Description of the Tarot card Nine of Pentacles

The Nine of Pentacles Tarot card often shows an elegantly dressed woman in a well-kept garden. On the woman’s shoulder is a falcon, a symbol of aristocracy. She can indulge in refined entertainment because all her tasks have been completed for the time being and perfect order reigns in her area of ​​functioning. She has finished all her business and can now pay attention to herself by throwing herself a holiday.

General meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card Nine of Pentacles in fortune telling and layouts

Direct card position

In the upright position, the Nine of Pentacles is considered a card of financial success, winning, large and often unexpected profits. It means a turn for the better, luck, a successful combination of circumstances, material well-being and changes that can make life much more comfortable. The card predicts exceptional success, which is achieved thanks to personal talents and efforts and does not spoil the personality at all. However, a person is usually left alone with his success, and it happens that he has no one to share his joy with.

Reversed card position

Appearing in a reading or fortune telling in an inverted form, the Nine Denarii represents financial losses, the collapse of endeavors, constant failures, which are most likely caused by ill-considered, hasty actions and actions of the fortuneteller himself.

The meaning and interpretation of the Nine of Pentacles card in fortune telling and layouts for work, business and career

Direct card position

The Straight Nine of Coins indicates a successful business and good profits. It may indicate satisfaction with the current job or type of activity, good relationships with colleagues and superiors. The card confirms a high professional level, a feeling of creative enthusiasm and satisfaction from one’s work.

Reversed card position

The inverted Nine of Disks is interpreted as fickleness and instability of the financial situation, the use of illegal sources of funds for investments, building relationships with unscrupulous partners who can cause financial damage or discredit the fortuneteller.

The meaning and interpretation of the Nine of Pentacles card in layouts and fortune telling for health

Direct card position

Tendency to intestinal disorders due to carelessness in nutrition.

Reversed card position

Health is good, but undermined by constant stress. The card may mean that a person lacks exercise and training.

Meaning and interpretation of the Nine of Pentacles card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

In the area of ​​romantic relationships, the direct Nine of Coins clearly communicates that existing relationships are built on mutual respect, complete trust and sincerity. If you are currently single, then the card indicates a quick acquaintance and the beginning of a new romantic relationship that will become serious and long-lasting.

Reversed card position

Inverted, the Nine of Denarii predicts disappointment in a partner, unfulfilled promises, unfulfilled hopes. Arcanum can indicate people who manipulate the feelings of others in order to achieve their own selfish goals.

The meaning and interpretation of the Nine of Pentacles card in layouts and fortune telling for personality assessment

Direct card position

The Nine of Disks card in an upright position describes a person of enormous willpower who can move mountains to achieve his goals. He is exceptionally friendly, his energy is directed in a good direction. A person is completely independent in his thoughts and actions and occupies a stable position in society.

Reversed card position

A person with high or, conversely, low self-esteem. Experiencing a humiliating position for himself.

Meaning and interpretation of the Nine of Pentacles card as a card of the day

Get ready for a pleasant surprise. Perhaps you will receive a message, or a message will be waiting for you at work. If you don’t count on anything like that, try to help a happy occasion and go in search of happiness yourself. Do something that you may have been hesitant to do, try something new, or at least buy yourself a lottery ticket.

Nine of Pentacles card advice in fortune telling and readings

Rethink your past life and find the positive aspects of yourself. Remain yourself, abandoning unnecessary ideals, unnecessary connections and dubious experiments. Fortune is on your side, so live with pleasure, with trust in fate.

Nine of Pentacles – Minor Arcana

From an astrological perspective, the Nine of Pentacles corresponds to Venus/Jupiter, symbolizing a big win. Venus is in Virgo. Virgo is in its second decade, expressing a deep synthesis of theoretical knowledge and practice. All human activities bring benefits not only for himself, but for society as a whole. Work brings him pleasure, but under the influence of this decade, a person carries within himself an idea that is aimed at the common good.

Other names for the Nine of Pentacles: Nine of Denarii, Nine of Coins, Nine of Money, Lord of material gain.

Brief description of Arcana: Achieving a goal, Prosperity, Material well-being, Unexpected success, Abundance, Security, Acquisition.

Description of the Nine of Pentacles

In the traditional classic Tarot deck, the Nine of Pentacles is represented by a luxuriously dressed girl walking through a fragrant garden that looks very well-groomed. A bird sits on her hand, and everything around is strewn with coins. The girl is in a good mood, she is calm and serene.

The Arcana Tarot of the Age of Aquarius depicts a happy mother spending time with her child. They are sitting on a beautiful green meadow, and in the distance they can see a luxurious, well-kept house. Mother and child are happy, calm and enjoying nature under a cloudless sky.

The sacred meaning of the Nine of Pentacles

The deep meaning of the Arcana is revealed to us by its image. We see a blooming, well-kept garden with fruits that are already fully ripe and ready for picking. It represents well-being and prosperity, sustainable material well-being, which a person has achieved through hard work. He planted his garden on time, cultivated it diligently, and now the time has come when his physical intervention is no longer required. Nature took everything into its own hands, as if in gratitude for the work, giving man a good harvest.

A well-groomed, richly dressed girl walks through the garden. She looks very calm and peaceful. She is happy with her garden, but her soul demands something new, strives for new achievements. We see a hunter who, taking a bird of prey to help her, went out on the hunting path. The bird tells us that the soul requires flight. The girl is in a calm search. She walks slowly and carefully listens to her surroundings. There is stability and impeccable order in her life, so she can get infected with a new idea and find her next activity. And now her area of ​​​​interest lies not in the material, but in the spiritual.

We don’t see people on the Arcana; the girl walks through the garden alone. This suggests that she has gone far in her improvement and development of the spirit, has gained vast experience and enjoys her self-sufficiency.

Mythological correspondence of the Nine of Pentacles

In mythology, the biblical story of Peter’s miraculous catch, which was unexpected for him, helps him understand Arkan, because he did not close his eyes over the net all night, and not a single fish was caught in it. After Jesus directed him to cast his net during the day, Peter hesitantly followed the advice, but received an unexpectedly huge catch that filled the boats so much that they almost sank.

The meaning of the straight Nine of Pentacles in the layout

The appearance of the Nine of Pentacles in a reading puts a person in a positive mood, because the card symbolizes material growth, financial success, and improved well-being. It may indicate unexpected profits or winnings. This Arcanum speaks of exceptional luck. Unexpected situations occur in a person's life that bring him pleasant surprises.

The Nine of Pentacles suggests that a person can carry out his plans and achieve his goals. Success and prosperity await him. Moreover, this success will be lasting, protected from various unforeseen circumstances.

The card does not speak of a carefree time and resting on the laurels of success, it indicates stability and peace after a job well done. All worries are behind us, life and circumstances are in complete order, the person has taken his confident position in society, all he can do is enjoy the fruits of his work. He achieved all this himself thanks to his own efforts and talents.

A person has achieved a certain comfort, but now it is important not to disturb it. To do this, it is necessary to observe personal discipline, which was built under the Eight of Pentacles, not to be content with what has been received, but to look for new opportunities to improve well-being, to show prudence in any matters of life, to take care of your wealth and its security.

With such a card, fate constantly throws up very successful moments, and a person must be ready to turn them to his advantage, especially if a Magician (I Arcanum) appears nearby. He now has every chance to implement his ideas, so he needs to take advantage of any situation.

In addition, Arkan indicates receiving gifts, winnings, unexpected and rather considerable profits from any source. The Nine of Pentacles can also mean receiving an inheritance.

The card definitely brings with it changes for the better, gifts of fate, pleasant surprises and tempting prospects. In combination with the World (XXI Arcana), the Nine of Pentacles indicates the long-awaited acquisition of financial independence.

The meaning of the reversed Nine of Pentacles in the reading

The reversed Nine of Pentacles is a very unfavorable card in a reading. She talks about the loss of something very important to a person. This can be not only material or property, but also loss of health, destruction of relationships dear to him. But most often this card indicates precisely material losses, because these are Pentacles after all. It must be said that these losses are quite large, up to and including bankruptcy.

An inverted Arcanum warns a person about a danger that threatens his usual way of life. This danger may conceal robbery, destruction, and violence. The threat is so strong that it can radically change life, turning everything upside down.

The card speaks of fraud, betrayal, empty promises, failure of all plans, disappointment, futile promises, harmful delusions, lies and inconstancy.

The man fell out of favor with fortune, and she turned away from him. There was chaos in life, disorder in business, lack of discipline, creative stagnation, lack of any ideas. The reversed Nine of Pentacles warns a person that he may be unrestrained, and this can lead to rash actions, compromising behavior, and rude statements with far-reaching consequences.


Although the Nine of Pentacles describes the pleasure of completing work and enjoying its results, it does not characterize a slacker or a lazy person. This is a card for a successful, fruitful and joyful business life. It promises good achievements, but with discipline and skill.

This is a map of business success, the emergence and implementation of ideas, a good and promising start to a business, and the successful completion of already started projects. It foretells movement up the career ladder, receiving an offer that is profitable in material and creative terms, receiving well-deserved authority and high assessments of one’s professionalism (the latter is strengthened by proximity to the High Priestess - II Arcanum).

The business with such a card is completely protected, all investments pay off, since the person skillfully approaches both business and financial issues. In addition, Arkan promises unexpected profits, rewards or bonuses.

Very often, the card describes professions in which a person can afford not to work hard, but to work only for his own pleasure.

The inverted Nine of Pentacles indicates that the person is not free to manage the business and is not independent in making decisions, since his partner has taken everything into his own hands. At the moment, he looks like a poor organizer, a person who does not know how to make the right decisions in difficult situations.

Business is under threat due to attraction of illegal sources of financing, relationships with unscrupulous and discreditable partners. All this entails financial losses, damages and lost profits.

If we are talking about an employee of an enterprise, then the inverted Nine of Pentacles indicates a loss of trust in him on the part of his superiors, which may contain the threat of dismissal.

Direction of self-development

The Nine of Pentacles teaches a lesson in enjoying the results of one’s activities, the ability to accept life in the form that it acquired as a result of long-term work on oneself.

With this card, the main thing is calmness, a measured flow of thoughts, correctness and rationality of judgment. A person should be content with what he has acquired, but not remain passive, but strive to move on.

An inverted card shows a lack of composure of the spirit, an inability to correctly assess what is happening in life, fussiness and anxiety, which leads to making mistakes and their unfavorable consequences. You need to put your mind in order, try to hear your true desires and strive for development, and not emptyly resting on the laurels of past successes.

Personal relationships

In personal relationships, the Nine of Pentacles shows complete satisfaction with the union. Peace reigns here, and, as a rule, partners do not clarify issues of love for each other, because they already know the real price of love and mutual respect. The relationship is quite stable and very predictable. Partners have a pleasant time in each other’s company without spoiling their nerves and mood.

If we are talking about a lonely person, then the Nine of Pentacles indicates a comfortable state, self-sufficiency and the desire for independence. Everything suggests that the person is satisfied with this state of affairs and is not very eager to change it. Such a person can enter into a relationship after calmly comprehending the unconditional benefits from this relationship. You can offer him a relationship only if the partner will truly make his life more interesting and better.

The Nine of Pentacles indicates that a person seriously values ​​what he has and lives by the principle “one does not seek good from good.” Be it union, be it loneliness. It will be very difficult to draw such a person into the sacred bonds of marriage. You won't scare him with talk about lonely old age. He will only smile at this, because he understands that peace and comfort are above all else for him.

If a single person has nevertheless come to the conclusion that he should enter into a relationship, then the Nine of Pentacles promises a meeting of the desired partner and a relationship that is developing quite successfully. This will be a good game.

An inverted Arcanum indicates disappointment in a partner who has not lived up to expectations and makes impossible promises. The Nine of Pentacles reversed describes a person who has no qualms about manipulating a partner’s feelings in order to benefit themselves.

Relationships with such a card are in danger of destruction or are even steadily leading to this. Partners are uncomfortable with each other, they resort to lies, dishonest manipulation, and betrayal.

A family may fall apart due to the inability of the spouse to become pregnant or bear a child.

Personality characteristics

The Nine of Pentacles indicates a person who is confident, calm and measured. Everything in his life is ordered, laid out on shelves, and he himself is in a state of bliss from his life. This is an aristocrat by nature, who prefers not to overflow with emotions, but to thoroughly understand everything and find common ground with any person.

He is the master of his life and everything that he has achieved through his own labor. He is distinguished by rich life experience and wisdom in everyday matters. He knows how to live beautifully and has the means to do so. He is not a spendthrift, but he is not used to being content with little. He loves everything luxurious, tasty, comfortable.

The Nine of Pentacles person pays enough attention to himself, he is well-groomed, has excellent taste, and is always dressed to the nines and in accordance with the occasion. His entire appearance speaks of wealth, prosperity, and success. You can feel safe next to him. He exudes spiritual comfort, self-sufficiency and a high level of intelligence. Status, financial situation, impeccable appearance, and the ability to live beautifully are very important to him.

Thanks to his high analytical abilities and well-developed insight, he always looks confident in the future, as if he knows in advance what will happen and how to react to it. The Nine of Pentacles person is supportive of people, optimistic, always looking for positive moments in any situation, while others do not perceive him as naive.

The reversed Nine of Pentacles describes a person who is unable to properly organize his life. He is characterized by deceit and a desire to achieve something in an illegal way. He does not value what he has, so he often loses, falling into anger and an aggressive state.

This person is not able to enjoy life, sees pitfalls everywhere, does not trust people, so he tries to close himself off from them as reliably as possible. He is restless, overly fussy, undisciplined, and sloppy. He has bad taste and an unwillingness to keep himself in order.


The Nine of Pentacles speaks of stable, good health, since a person takes care of himself, tries to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and exercise the body. The card indicates a good opportunity to conceive a child.

An inverted Arcana warns of an imbalance in the body and the occurrence of various diseases. Also, the inverted Nine of Pentacles is very unpleasant for women, as it indicates a difficult pregnancy, miscarriage or abortion. It warns of possible infertility or difficulty conceiving a child.

Layout for the situation

In situational scenarios, the Nine of Pentacles speaks of a favorable resolution of affairs, and the person will receive enormous pleasure from this. The situation will be resolved in the best possible way, allowing you to enjoy the result. A person will easily achieve his goals and achieve everything that was planned.

At the everyday level, Arkan indicates an increase in the family budget, receiving an unexpected reward, winning or acquiring an inheritance. You can also talk about serious purchases, including the purchase of real estate.

If we are talking about planning some events, then they will be successful and will bring personal satisfaction to what they have done.

An inverted card shows the collapse of all plans, an unfavorable development of the situation, unsettling. She talks about financial losses, unpleasant surprises, sometimes even a threat to property or human health.

The card promises the need to spend a lot of money due to some circumstances. In some cases, it warns about thefts and violent acts against a person.

You need to pay very close attention to the card’s warning about the likelihood of making mistakes due to rash decisions, compromising behavior, and incorrect statements.

Card of the day

A very favorable day that brings a lot of pleasure from what is happening. On this day all plans will be easily realized.

The Nine of Pentacles reversed indicates an extremely bad day. You may encounter deception, fraud, and rudeness from others. The plans most likely will not come true.

Card of the Year

A year of stable material well-being, good fruitful work that brings maximum pleasure, interesting and exciting vacation. This year, all undertakings and ideas will be realized with ease, and fate will throw small gifts. During the year you can count on an increase in income and serious acquisitions. The year is successful for those who plan to equip their home or buy real estate.

The inverted Nine of Pentacles warns of a difficult year full of disappointments in various areas of life. There may be serious monetary losses and business losses. There is a high risk of becoming a victim of financial scammers.

Arcana Council

The Nine of Pentacles recommends organizing everything in your life, breathing deeply and enjoying what you have. You cannot ignore your health, appearance and clothes: all this must correspond to the status of a successful person. You need to calmly observe the flow of life, solve problems measuredly as they arise.

The meaning of the Tarot card 9 of Pentacles first lies in the material component of a person's life. But this card can also indicate other nuances of life, warning about dilemmas that are completely unrelated to generating income.

Expanded meaning of the card 9 of Pentacles

The 9 of Pentacles card depicts an authoritative and wealthy person who has achieved everything he needed, but at the end of the road he is left alone. The point here is not the absence of loved ones. This person was so far removed from them in his own development that his loved ones did not recognize him. He doesn't know if his choice was right, but there is no going back.

In fortune telling, the meaning of the Nine of Pentacles Tarot is the successful completion of some task. What you are striving for is already close. But there is no guarantee that this will bring happiness to the fortuneteller. If his plans are still at the initial stage, you can be sure that they will come true. But whether to take on this matter is another question, because the results will not bring any joy to the fortuneteller. You should carefully consider all the consequences, finish what you have already started, and then start working on a new project.

The success you are waiting for will be achieved only through the efforts of the fortuneteller. There will come a period of pleasure achieved after hard work. The fortuneteller is confident within himself and his own strengths, but one should not confuse confidence and independence with selfishness. In other words, being detached from others can really ruin things with others. As you view the world from above, do not forget about those who were with you below.

Now is the right time for all real estate related actions, renovations, buying a new car, selling an old house and starting construction of a new one. Everything related to property and trade will turn out to be a success.

The meaning of the Tarot card Nine of Pentacles also lies in the advice to ask for advice from an experienced lady. She is familiar to you, you are convinced of her reputation, reliability and wisdom. Moreover, not only the fortuneteller, but also many other people have such a worldview about this lady.

Reversed 9 of Pentacles states that only the currency component of utility can be extracted from the case. There is nothing to talk about happiness or love successes - the fortuneteller will not receive this. Only real success awaits him. If in the upright position this card advises you to seek advice from the wisest lady, then inverted opposite it prohibits you from doing this. The lady's wisdom and experience are very exaggerated; she is very likely to make a mistake when giving advice to a fortuneteller.

Reversed 9 of Pentacles may mean the loss of friends or valuable property, as well as difficulties with the law. It is better to postpone active actions until later, and at the moment start reviewing the situation, goals and desires. There is a possibility that the pet will need the attention of a fortuneteller.

Nine of Pentacles Tarot - meaning for self-development

At the moment, it seems to the fortuneteller that he has reached the peak of his own development. This may be partly true - at the moment he is at the top of success, has no problems with funds, does not suffer from complexes and does not experience insecurity. But this does not mean at all that the development of a fortuneteller can be considered complete.

Emotional and spiritual development is what needs to be focused on at this time. Leave the real side alone. Take care of your own spirituality and work on good karma. This card often foreshadows the fortuneteller’s personality changes in the best way.

Apart from this, the card speaks of unlocking opportunities and discovering some spiritual wealth. It is not clear what will push you to develop new talents; it could be a meeting with the right person, literature that comes to hand by chance, and other options. The fortuneteller will have to move to a new level of consciousness and new abilities for development.

The meaning of the 9 Coins Tarot card in layouts for affairs and work

The Nine of Pentacles is one of the cards of monetary success, winning and material success. It predicts profit, a change in a bad situation for the better, luck and success in business. For businessmen, the card portends increased profits, profitable contracts, an increase in the number of clients, and an improved reputation.

The card also speaks of unprecedented success in finding work and studying. Your work with recruitment agencies will not last long, and the exams will be passed simply and simply, even if the fortuneteller did not expect this. There may be a bonus, a transfer to a more prestigious position, or a change of job to a more attractive option. Often this card foreshadows the ability to work for yourself, open your own enterprise, or make a profitable investment.

The Nine of Coins indicates the professionalism of employees, the satisfaction received from the work process, and creative enthusiasm. Reversed card means that you can only get the means, but satisfaction with the position and enthusiasm for the work are something that can be forgotten for now. There are likely to be problems in relations with employees, loss and deprivation of bonuses, fines and other tasks.

9 of Pentacles Tarot - meaning in relationships

The relationship value of the 9 Pentacles Tarot is only positive if the card is in an upright position. Such fortune-telling promises lonely fortune-tellers a meeting with a very fascinating person. This meeting will be truly impressive, and the actions associated with a new acquaintance will be non-standard. This person has every chance of becoming a fortuneteller’s life partner.

For those in a relationship, the card promises a pleasant time with your other half. This could be a cooperative vacation, reconciliation, the end of all problems in a relationship. True, the possibility of the fortuneteller meeting a person who is more fascinating to him is also not completely excluded. Trouble and unrest are not expected in his life in any case.

If this card comes up upside down when fortune telling about love and affairs, this speaks of commercialism and lack of emotions, the desire to use it specifically for the sake of obtaining material benefits. The card may also indicate excessive attachment to the advice of an older relative of one of the partners, a quarrel and the end of the relationship.

The meaning of the card in magical diagnostics

Magic diagnostics using Tarot cards is not just fortune telling, which shows whether the fortuneteller has damage or the evil eye. Such techniques allow you to find any interference in a person’s life with the help of warlocks, the degree of protection of the enemy from your magical blow, and also find out how the ritual worked. Any Tarot card in this case has a completely different meaning than in other layouts.

The meaning of the card 9 of Pentacles is protection in the graveyard. If you asked the cards about the degree of protection of the enemy, it is great. The enemy turned to the dead in order to protect himself from negativity and possible attacks from other sorcerers. If you have such an interpretation, but you did not place any protection in the cemetery, this indicates a strong connection with the forefathers and their protection. Maybe someone close to you took care of you and put protection on you without your knowledge - this also happens.

If you are wondering whether the ritual worked, and the Nine of Pentacles fell out for you in response to this question, the result is positive. Most likely, you will soon get what you were looking for. There is no directed influence if diagnostics are carried out for damage or the evil eye.

The meaning of the Tarot card Nine of Pentacles in personality characteristics

People who are characterized by Nine Coins in the upright position are quite self-sufficient and independent. If possible, they choose to work for themselves rather than for a corporation or boss. Such people can wisely manage their own property, as well as all their assets.

At the same time, they adore animals, are distinguished by their beauty and attractiveness, and do not focus only on making a profit. Such a person may have many friends and acquaintances, but they prefer loneliness. They can adore animals and keep several different species in the house. They adore nature and animals, and can participate in various environmental protection activities. This card can also mean the fortuneteller’s spouse.

Reversed 9 of Pentacles speaks of the dishonesty and guilt of the person being told fortunes. These are bad leaders with whom their subordinates are not happy, deceivers and swindlers, dishonest friends and deceitful comrades.

9 of Pentacles - combination with other Tarot cards

Like many other Tarot cards, the 9 of Pentacles, when combined with other cards from the deck, can change its meaning. From time to time, combinations of cards clarify the meanings of each of them, and from time to time they completely change the entire meaning of the layout.

So, for example, together with the Jester lasso, 9 Coins means a complete lack of material wealth. Inability to earn money, need, lack of funds even for the most necessary things. In combination with the lasso Mir, on the contrary, it speaks of gaining financial independence, stability of financial situation, and increasing income.

With the Two of Wands card, the Nine of Coins speaks of a reluctance to leave the comfort zone, indecision and laziness. With the Queen of Wands, this card shows a lady who is the master of her own life. She is self-sufficient and has a good income. With the Knight of Wands, the Nine of Coins warns of an unexpected move or a sharp change in lifestyle.

Overall, the 9 of Pentacles is a card that can give valuable advice and warn of potential troubles. For the most part, it is associated with financial status and work, but this card also reveals the difficulties of relationships, self-development and other aspects of human life.

After the dark and disturbing Swords cards discussed in recent articles, talking about the meaning of the 9 of Pentacles Tarot will bring us a bit of positivity. And not even a drop, but quite a lot of joy, because even in the old days this Arcanum was called the “card of financial success.” Understanding the interpretation of Arkan will be quite easy even for beginners, because everything is quite obvious if you look closely at its image.

General description of the card, plot and meaning in the layout

As always, we begin the analysis of the symbolic field of the map with a discussion of the classic drawing. So, what do we see as the meaning of the Nine of Pentacles Tarot according to the Rider-Waite? Naturally, this is prosperity, success, financial stability, luxury - this is evidenced by the image of a girl standing in a beautiful garden surrounded by bushes on which pentacles grow. A bird sits on the girl's hand. The young lady’s luxurious attire reveals her as a noble and wealthy person. What else can you add here?

Key words and ideas of the card in the layout

Try to compile a list of key expressions of the Arcana yourself, and then compare it with the list that we got:

  • Wealth
  • Financial stability
  • Profit
  • Luxury
  • Belonging to the elite of society
  • No restrictions
  • Excess

Meaning of the card in the upright position

The value of 9 Tarot Coins does not require detailed additions to the already listed keywords. One thing is clear: the card signals a stable period, especially in terms of finances. Although, in fact, it is money that often attracts the benefits of other spheres of life to its owner. The mood of the card is positive, even somewhat relaxed. A person feels safe, therefore, without fear of anything, he enjoys life.

The meaning of the card in an inverted position

The Reverse Arcana indicates the loss of something dear to a person, for example, money, property, social status. In a word, the map shows a loss of well-being and stability, destruction of usual comfort, broken plans.

The meaning of 9 Denarii in love readings

So, what is the semantic meaning of the Nine of Pentacles Tarot in love? Try to guess it yourself first - it’s not at all difficult, and only then take a look at our hint.

Straight position

The classic meaning of the 9 of Pentacles Tarot in relationships is a prosperous period when you can calmly enjoy the relationship. Please note that the main theme of the card is precisely safety, tranquility, but not outbursts of passion or situations from the category of “paradise with a darling in a hut.” We can say that the practical meaning of the 9 Pentacles of the Tarot in love is a pleasant time together, without thoughts about how to continue to live, what to live on and what will come of it. Sometimes under the map there are situations of comfortable loneliness, when a person feels good with himself, since he is completely self-sufficient.

Inverted position

The meaning of the Nine of Pentacles Tarot in a relationship when a card appears upside down is already a kind of inconstancy, a violation of the usual course of things, a way out of the comfort zone. Often under the reverse Arcanum there are: deception, unfulfilled expectations, betrayal of a loved one, everyday problems, including with finances.

The meaning of the card in fortune telling for health

Let's see how the card is most often played when diagnosing a health condition.

Straight position

Stability, good appearance, well-groomed, absence of physical ailments, for women - well-coordinated work of the reproductive system.

Inverted position

The inverted Nine Denarii Tarot takes on the opposite meaning: it is a violation of the proper functioning of the body. It cannot be said that Arkan signals serious illnesses, but rather simply some kind of malfunction that can easily be eliminated if a person takes care of his own health. Sometimes the card reports hereditary diseases, but this diagnosis needs to be confirmed or refuted by the surrounding Arcana.

Video about the meaning of the card in health fortune telling

The meaning of the card in layouts to describe the personality and psychological state of a person

The next point that we will dwell on in a little more detail is the meaning of the Nine Pentacles of the Tarot when divining a person of interest to us.

Straight position

A person from high society, a representative of the elite or the “golden youth”. If we are talking about a young person, then, most likely, financial well-being and prosperity appeared in her life thanks to her parents or an inheritance received. The card can characterize a darling of fate, as well as a prudent person who, for example, entered into a successful marriage. This also includes the wives of businessmen, oligarchs and other categories of people who deserve everything they have not on their own. State of mind - a sense of security, calm.

Inverted position

A person who had or could have had a lot, but lost everything himself or due to circumstances. For example, the heir to a family business who decided to simply resell it to someone else, a person who squandered his inheritance, etc. The state of mind is a feeling of instability when the ground is slowly disappearing from under one’s feet.

The meaning of 9 Coins in fortune telling for professional activities and finances

Let’s not ignore the significance of the Nine of Pentacles Tarot in work. Let's see what this numerical Arcana will tell you about your career, profession, and work environment.

Straight position

Achieving good results, success, successful completion of projects, a quiet period at work, a business that generates income, financial profit, sometimes unexpectedly (winnings, inheritance). In rare cases, Arcanum may indicate going on vacation. Profession - jewelers, fashion designers, nutritionists, employees of elite beauty salons, as well as those who can afford not to work, but do it solely for fun.

Inverted position

The meaning of the inverted 9 of Pentacles Tarot is instability in work affairs and finances, failed deals, collapse of plans, monetary losses, deals that bring losses instead of profits.

The meaning of the card when combined with the Major Arcana

Let's look at the most common combinations of the Nine of Pentacles Tarot with Trumps.

  • Jester: A frivolous attitude towards money, life, and also someone who gets everything easily
  • Mage: The right moment to act
  • High Priestess: Fount of Knowledge
  • Empress: The right investments
  • Emperor: Profitable business, successful business, family wealth
  • Hierophant: Spiritual Growth
  • Lovers: Mature, stable relationship
  • Chariot: Disruption of order, flight from stability
  • Strength: Sufficient motivation to accomplish what is planned
  • Hermit: Poverty, misery, stinginess
  • Wheel of Fortune: Periods of financial ups and downs
  • Fairness: Fair distribution of money
  • Hanged Man: Unstable financial situation
  • Death: Inherit something from relatives (money, property, business)
  • Moderation: Capital that has just begun to form
  • Devil: Welfare achieved through unrighteous means
  • Tower: Financial crisis
  • Star: The dream is already close
  • Luna: “False scenery”, window dressing
  • Sun: Big win, monetary gain
  • Court: Inheritance
  • World: Material independence

The meaning of 9 Denarii in combination with the Minor Arcana

It is not very easy to interpret this numerical card in the vicinity of other Minor Arcanas, but you can rely on the interpretations of the combinations we have given.

With the suit of Staves

  • Ace: Entering the activity phase
  • Two: Reluctance to leave your comfort zone
  • Troika: Well-appointed future, good prospects
  • Four: The meaning of the Tarot card Nine of Pentacles with the Four of Wands - purchasing property (apartments, houses, cottages)
  • Five: Peace is disturbed
  • Six: Anticipation of Triumph
  • Seven: Financial difficulties
  • Eight: The need to act
  • Nine: Deceptive calm
  • Ten: Boredom or waiting that tires
  • Page: Good news
  • Knight: Change of lifestyle or place of residence
  • Queen: Mistress of her own life
  • King: Prudent and careful management of affairs

With the suit of Cups

  • Ace: Prosperity in love
  • Two: Stable, secure union
  • Troika: Idle lifestyle
  • Four: Satiation with the bohemian lifestyle
  • Five: Partial losses
  • Six: Luxurious living in the past
  • Seven: Want everything at once
  • Eight: Voluntarily leave a prosperous life
  • Nine: Greed, stinginess
  • Ten: House is full
  • Page: Falling in love with a wealthy person
  • Knight: Gain the trust of a person from high society
  • Queen: Emotional attachment to comfort
  • King: Ability to manage property

With the suit of Swords

  • Ace: Meaning of Nine Tarot Coins with Ace of Swords - promising ideas
  • Two: Satisfaction with the current state of affairs
  • Troika: Temptation of a beautiful life
  • Four: "Golden Cage"
  • Five: Loss of fortune due to betrayal
  • Six: Leave the Rich Life
  • Seven: Fear for your wealth
  • Eight: Disturbance of peace
  • Nine: Suffering due to fear of losing something valuable
  • Ten: The end of a prosperous life
  • Page: Representative of the “golden youth”
  • Knight: Conflict in High Society
  • Queen: Influential rich woman
  • King: Influential rich man

With the suit of Pentacles

  • Ace: Great wealth
  • Two: Unstable, shaky position
  • Troika: Representative of an elite profession
  • Four: Value your position
  • Five: Missed chance for a beautiful life
  • Six: Money received from a patron
  • Seven: Results in the long term
  • Eight: A wealthy person who cares about the welfare of others
  • Ten: Money doesn't bite
  • Page: The meaning of the Nine of Pentacles Tarot with a Page of the same suit - learn family business
  • Knight: Attachment to material stability
  • Queen: Materialist Woman
  • King: Rich Life

Any capital must work. Money is needed in order to realize real dreams, and not to sit in a “golden cage”.

Card Warning

Think about how to protect what you have if stability is disrupted.

Questions answered by the map

  • What do you value more - stability or new experiences?
  • Are you ready to spend your whole life in a “golden cage”?
  • Do you consider yourself worthy of high society?
  • Do you have anything to be proud of other than financial security?

The Nine of Pentacles Tarot, the meaning and interpretation of which we discussed with you today, on the one hand is a very simple card, but on the other hand, its combinations with other Arcana can open up limitless possibilities for your imagination. Don’t just use ready-made interpretations, come up with your own!

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