The traffic sign is prohibited, is it possible to drive? Road sign "No movement". Traffic Laws. Exceptions for the above prohibition signs

Prohibition signs are familiar to all drivers - driving past without paying attention threatens to pay with money or.

Although a white circle with a red rim - a traffic prohibited sign - there are exceptions for a certain category of persons and professional machines.

According to traffic rules, the traffic prohibited sign, although it has exceptions, warns of the seriousness of the intentions of law enforcement agencies in the event of a violation of movement on the road.

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Type of prohibition sign

This white round stencil with its red inner circle seems to say that you can’t drive any further. Drivers often encounter it in cities and rural settlements where there are park areas and vast courtyards of high-rise buildings.

For all signs installed on roads, a manufacturing standard is determined, and the surface is covered with a special reflective substance.

What territory is the sign valid for?

Everyone who drives a vehicle knows that if they encounter a white circle with a red frame on their way, driving under this sign and driving is prohibited, except for exceptions, a fine will follow from the traffic police officers without fail.

The ban is imposed regardless of the direction; there are restrictions both at the entry and exit from the territory, and it has additional designations.

Each prohibition sign has its own active zone, only in which a law enforcement officer can impose a fine.

For signs prohibiting traffic, the effect extends to the first intersection on the road, but if there are no intersections there, then the termination occurs with the end of the road line. At the same time, regardless of the quality of the road surface, dirt or asphalt.

Who is banned?

Typically, a white stencil with a red inner circle is provided with special signs that contain information limiting entry by time or other:

  • closed and forbidden area
  • carrying out repair work on a specific area
  • closing a section of the street for festive events
  • regulates passage to a residential area, courtyard

A similar sign is installed if there is a side exit onto the roadway, and an informational explanation is attached to the prohibition - in which direction you can move further.

Who is allowed to pass the sign?

In a number of exceptions, the prohibition does not apply to cars. These include:

  • Vehicles belonging to the vehicle fleet or serving enterprises located in this area
  • cars of citizens living in this territory
  • minibuses
  • driving their own vehicles or being transported by a driver
  • transport belonging to the post office with a specific designation on it

It is possible to prove to a traffic police officer the legality of crossing a restricted zone only by providing him with the appropriate permits. A driver with a car servicing a store located within the boundaries of an active sign must have invoices with goods for this enterprise.

If a person lives in this area, he submits a passport with registration. People with disabilities, in addition to identification documents, provide their car with a sign corresponding to their status.

What will be the punishment

Legislators limited themselves to fines for violators crossing the prohibited zone.

They believe that the driver does not create dangerous situations if they have driven under the sign, of course, when the driver behaves adequately with the representatives controlling this section of the road.

It is hardly possible for someone who has not documented their right to pass under the sign to challenge the violation.

Illegal actions by law enforcement officers can only be proven with data from a video recorder, recorded on camera and provided to the court.

Rudeness to police officers will not bring positive results even to law-abiding people. You should not give the “rights” into the hands of the inspector, read the protocol drawn up carefully, and sign only a correctly and reliably drawn up document.

The most correct recommendation for drivers is to move competently and pay attention to all traffic rules. The rise in road accidents requires strictness from legislators. Every year the requirements become more stringent, the rules are updated, and ignoring serious signs will not bring positive results in accident-free traffic.

The futility of disputes between lawyers and driving personnel has long been confirmed by accident reports and road battles.

Learn more about prohibition sign 3.2 in the video:

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The “No Traffic” road sign is one of the most odious for drivers and the most beloved for State Traffic Safety Inspectorate employees.

It is used to prohibit the movement of any vehicle along the section of road indicated by this sign.

The driver should distinguish between the signs “No traffic” and “”. The “brick” sign prohibits entry from the indicated direction onto the road section, but traffic along it is not prohibited.

The driver just needs to choose the option of entering this road from other directions. In turn, the “No Traffic” sign means that this section of the road (or adjacent territory) is not intended for traffic at all.

Formally, the “No Traffic” sign has no coverage area. It is installed and operates only from its location. Side exits to the road may be equipped with this sign along with signs, or, prohibiting movement in the directions indicated by the arrows.

But if the driver managed to get onto this section of the road from some other (for example, side or rear) passage not marked with a sign, he did not legally violate the rules.

The “No Traffic” sign has a number of exceptions that allow certain categories of vehicles to ignore it without actually violating the rules.

Firstly, the sign does not apply to route vehicles (MTS). Here it is necessary to clearly remember that MTS is a public transport vehicle with the purpose of transporting passengers and moving along a route established for it with specific stopping places (or stops on demand). This means that a passenger bus returning to the garage after disembarking all passengers cannot ignore the requirements of the “No Traffic” sign, since at that time, according to the rules, it is no longer an MTS.

Secondly, the effect of the sign does not apply to drivers living or working in the area designated by the sign, as well as those serving enterprises, institutions and organizations located in it. Unfortunately, the question of whether this sign prohibits access to the garage location for a car still remains open. It is not known whether it is possible not to pay attention to it? In addition, the sign can be ignored by vehicles of the Federal Postal Service of the Russian Federation. However, it must be remembered that you should enter a section of the road prohibited by a sign at the nearest intersection to your destination.

Thirdly, the effect of the “Traffic Prohibited” sign does not apply to disabled drivers of groups I and II, as well as to vehicles that transport such disabled people, as well as disabled children.
Violation of the rules for passing the “No Traffic” sign leads to administrative liability in accordance with the sanctions of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

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  • fine for driving under a no-traffic sign
  • sign 3 2
  • no traffic sign
  • road sign no movement

Sign 3.2 refers to categories of prohibiting and means that no traffic of any kind is allowed on the section of road that begins behind it. Movement he "cuts off" in both directions, that is, a fine will be imposed for entering and exiting under a traffic prohibited sign.

Traffic regulations determine that a “No Traffic” sign is needed before the side exit on the road, in addition to him install one of the signs(8.3.1.-8.3.3. )

Sign area

To the crossroads or to the sign, which would canceled the action. The “No Traffic” sign has certain coverage areas:

  • when entering closed and restricted areas;
  • where repair work is going on;
  • if in honor of a holiday or significant date this area is planned to be pedestrianized;
  • in front of yards (may be accompanied by a “dead end” sign).

Freight transport also has its limitations. You can find out more about them.


The “No Traffic” sign has exceptions - “more equal than others” in this case will be:

  • cars " Post office» with a characteristic identification mark (diagonal white stripe on a blue background);
  • route transport;
  • cars transporting disabled people ( 1st and 2nd groups, it doesn’t matter in what capacity - driver or passenger);
  • cars of citizens permanently residing in this zone or service enterprises that are located in it.

Of course you need to have documents with you, proving, What this one is on you the ban does not apply.

For example, invoices, certificates, passport with registration. As for disabled people, we are talking not only about documents confirming their status - that goes without saying.

Herself the machine must be equipped with appropriate signs, indicating that people with disabilities ride it.

Keep in mind that the “road guard” will most likely stop the person driving under the limiter. After which he will ask for documents and if they are not available, then a fine will be issued for driving under the “no traffic” sign.

What is the difference between a no entry sign and a no movement sign?

Penalties(3.2. does not imply deprivation of driver's license, as opposed to “brick” sanctions). In addition, a “brick” does not mean that driving in the opposite direction is prohibited.


What is the fine for driving under a “No Traffic” sign? Not that big, just 1,500 rubles (Art. 12.16 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Why so little? The authorities believe that despite the violation of the “no movement” sign, this act in itself is not dangerous and the driver does not create an emergency situation. After all, no other cars are expected to be in this zone. But neglect threatens with deprivation of rights.

How can traffic police officers prove this offense?

Usually they don’t have to prove anything - a traffic police patrol is located nearby, which records the offense. After which the car, which risked not noticing the eloquent sign, is stopped in order to find out what the reason is. Or the fact of illegal entry was “caught” by a video camera.

As for challenging, That it's practically impossible. It's better to tune in to this right away. Isn't it what do you have have a document proving that you had the right to travel .

Or the camera does not recognize that the car is yours (for example, unreadable license plates). It's another matter if you are faced with arbitrariness.

For example, you are a forwarder for a store that is located right in the disputed territory, you have You have documents with you confirming the fact of your workbut you are still detained.

Or the “guardian of the roads” claims, despite your registration, that there is another road to your area and you have the right to use only it. Or even worse, they confiscate your rights.

Don't be rude to the policeman, but don't give him your driver's license either. Write down everything that happens, on camera or video recorder— the audio recording will not be accepted in court as evidence.

Don't rush to sign. Can Also require a protocol to be written out and sent to you by mail at the place of registration. It’s easier to try to challenge it this way than if you were “accepted” before the circumstances were clarified. If this happens, contact a lawyer as soon as possible.

Still, the best option is not to ignore the prohibitions. After all, as driving instructors say, all these rules are written in blood. When faced with the excesses of inspectors, do not tolerate and as soon as possible Contact a competent auto lawyer for advice..

Useful video

Be careful! How easy it is to violate traffic rules - driving under the traffic sign is prohibited, see the video below:

Last updated April 2019

How many times during his driving does a motorist encounter a “no entry” sign? Agree, quite a lot. Approximately only once does the desire arise to break the ban and drive under the sign, taking a shortcut. What driving under a “brick” can lead to: a fine or other punishment depends on the situation. To understand the details, read this article.

Road sign 3.1

This sign belongs to the category of prohibitions, that is, providing for the absolute impossibility of the driver to follow the sign.

A ban on movement under a “brick” sign can be:

  • if the driver enters a road where only one-way traffic is allowed on the opposite side. You should pay attention to whether there are special signs indicating the beginning and end of a one-way road (signs 5.5 and 5.6);
  • if, after entering sign 3.1, the car begins to move along a lane intended exclusively for route and public transport;
  • if travel through the territory (adjacent to something - supermarket, gas station, underground parking) is prohibited. In this case, at the exit point there must be a sign “exit onto a one-way road”;
  • if the sign is in a place where there is a need for a detour (for example, due to repair work), and therefore movement is expressly prohibited.

It is important to understand that prosecution under the Code of Administrative Offenses for driving under a brick can result in a fine only if the requirements for the visibility of the installed road sign are met. So, if real visibility does not allow you to see a sign more than 100 meters away when moving, you can fight in court for the groundlessness of bringing to administrative responsibility.

When appealing the decision, it will be necessary to present supporting evidence of the inability to distinguish the meaning of the road sign.

In other cases, there may be various interferences that affect the driver’s perception of the installed “brick” sign.

Thus, an entry ban may be blocked from drivers by trees, buildings, technical devices - such situations on the road are rare, but they do happen. In order to record important circumstances, a note should be made in the protocol that the “brick” was not visible to the car owner and indicate what exactly it was covered with.

In practice, there are cases when, on a highway with a complex road junction, the sign was obscured from view by a truck parked on the side of the road, and therefore the court of second instance canceled the decision to impose administrative liability.

According to GOST, the sign must be placed directly on the road surface or to the right of it, not covered by anything and clearly visible. In any other cases, it will not be difficult to challenge the legality of the decision.

Entry is prohibited under penalty of fine

The mildest punishment for driving under a “brick” awaits those who ignored the ban on entry in parking lots, gas stations, access roads to government and medical institutions, etc. Such violations are considered non-compliance with the requirements of traffic rules signs, that is, they fall under Part 1 of Art. 12.16 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

In practice, there are cases when traffic police inspectors, with full confidence in their rightness, issued a fine of 5,000 rubles or drew up a report with the deprivation of a driver’s license for a period of 4-6 months. Out of ignorance, many motorists (mostly inexperienced, with little experience) really believe that they have committed a serious traffic violation, that is, driving into the oncoming lane.

At the same time, you need to know your rights: in the situations described the amount of the fine will not exceed 500 rubles, since there was no traffic in the oncoming lane as interpreted by the Traffic Rules. At the same time, a warning may be an alternative punishment.

In some driving situations there is no liability at all. Thus, according to judicial practice and the Resolution of the Plenum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, “traffic” laws do not provide for any penalties for driving in reverse on a one-way road. In this case, if during such movement the “entry prohibited” sign was violated on the opposite side, the motorist will not be held accountable.

If the driver did not comply with the requirements of the prohibitory sign and, having passed it, continued driving in the lane for public (route) transport, he will be subject to monetary penalty in the amount of 1500 rubles.

Let us remind you that in 2019, every driver has the right to pay half of the fine imposed (provided that payment is made within 20 days), including the fine for driving under a brick.

When rights are deprived

If, driving under a brick, a motorist drives into the oncoming lane, then a fine (in the amount of 5,000 rubles) is rarely applied, most likely there will be deprivation of rights for up to 6 months.

The fact is that in this situation the driver commits a gross, double violation of traffic rules, thereby creating the most dangerous situations on the road. A head-on collision between two cars, one of which was moving under a prohibitory sign, is far from uncommon.

If a similar violation was committed again, then most likely the inattentive driver will face deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of one year. The only exception to this rule is when violations are recorded by video cameras - then you will have to pay 5,000 rubles.

Let's sum it up

Briefly, all of the above cases can be reflected in the table:

Question - answer

When driving under the “brick”, I thought that I was moving through the territory adjacent to the store, but it turned out that this was a one-way road, what fine would I face? Will they take into account that I was mistaken about the meaning of the road route?

Unfortunately, if the sign was installed correctly and was clearly visible, then inspectors will interpret your mistake as inattention and ignorance of traffic rules. The violation is serious, it corresponds to Part 3 of Art. 12.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the sanctions of which are severe: up to 6 months of deprivation of rights or a fine of 5,000 rubles.

I heard that in Moscow and St. Petersburg the amount of punishment under the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation is greater than in other cities. I drove under a “brick” in Moscow, how much of a fine will I be given?

Indeed, in cities of federal significance, entering a prohibiting sign indicated by you and then moving into a lane for public transport entails a fine of 3,000 rubles.

If you have questions about the topic of the article, please do not hesitate to ask them in the comments. We will definitely answer all your questions within a few days. However, carefully read all the questions and answers to the article; if there is a detailed answer to such a question, then your question will not be published.

“Traffic prohibited” is a prohibitory sign that restricts the movement of vehicles on a specific section of the roadway.

Movement prohibited - 3.2

The sign will be installed on a section of the route where there is a ban on vehicle traffic. The use of a noticeable emblem 3.2 in places of side exits is provided along with signs:

  • 8.3.1;
  • 8.3.2;
  • 8.3.3.

Important ! Signs indicate the direction in which the ban applies.


There are a number of exceptions that apply to vehicles that have the right not to comply with the regulations specified in the traffic rules under the No Driving sign:

  • vehicles serving enterprises located in the specified zone;
  • cars belonging to citizens living in this territory;
  • minibuses;
  • transport carrying or operated by disabled people;
  • equipment owned by the postal service, marked with a diagonal white stripe applied to a blue background.

Attention ! Entry and exit of citizens in these vehicles is carried out at the nearest intersection.

Attention ! Car owners living in the restricted area drive under the sign.

Traffic is prohibited for trucks

The rules provide for restrictions that apply exclusively to trucks. Sign 3.4 is installed, prohibiting entry into a certain territory of certain categories of transport:

  • heavy vehicles;
  • tractors;
  • self-propelled vehicles;
  • trains with a mass exceeding 3.5 tons.

Attention ! The indicated tonnage is taken into account by default, since it is not written directly on the sign.

If it is necessary to indicate the tonnage of trucks that are prohibited from moving, then a road sign 3.4 is installed with a mark of 8 tons. Vehicles with a weight exceeding this indicator are not allowed to enter the specified territory or section of the route. There are certain exceptions that apply to the following vehicles:

  • cars transporting people;
  • postal vehicles with special markings;
  • transport without a trailer weighing up to 26 tons, serving enterprises in the specified area.

Attention ! Entry and exit is carried out at the nearest intersection.

Stop, then move

There are also a number of signs prohibiting movement in the chosen direction without first stopping:

  • 3.17.1 - customs: a ban is established on passing through the checkpoint without completely stopping the car;
  • 3.17.2 - danger: travel is not allowed because an accident occurred on the section of the route ahead, there was a fire or another natural disaster. There are no exceptions based on the sign;
  • 3.17.3 — control: prohibition of travel without suspension.

It is possible to identify the signs by external signs, images on a white background and a red rim. A similar sign is 3.1, completely prohibiting the entry of all vehicles, with the exception of those traveling along the route. The sign has a red background with a white rectangle on it.

Attention ! Driving under this sign may result in the deprivation of your driver's license.

Prohibition group - movement is prohibited

The galaxy of prohibitory signs is complemented by sign 3.3, informing about restrictions on the movement of transport in all directions. The ban traditionally does not apply to minibuses, trolleybuses and trams, as well as cars driven by disabled people and postal service vehicles.

Motorcycle drivers should pay attention to sign 3.5 Traffic is prohibited for motorcycles, which does not allow the movement of two-wheeled vehicles, including those equipped with a trailer and having a total curb weight of 400 kg.

It is advisable for tractor owners not to lose sight of object 3.6, which establishes a ban on the movement of this vehicle along certain sections of the route. The ban does not apply to self-propelled vehicles engaged in servicing enterprises located in the territory limited by the sign.

There is object 3.7 in the galaxy of traffic prohibiting signs, which does not allow the passage of trucks and tractors equipped with trailers and prohibits the towing of all types of transport.

The most common are signs that restrict the passage of heavy vehicles. Sign 3.11 does not allow trucks with an actual total weight exceeding 7 tons. Sign 3.12 has a different meaning, limiting the load on one of the axles to 6 tons.

Excess height exceeding 3.5 meters is controlled by sign 3.13, and a width of 2.7 m is regulated by road sign 3.14. The series of prohibitory symbols is completed by sign 3.15, which applies to mechanized road users with an overall length of 10 meters.

Special attention should be paid to 3.32 and 3.33, which control sections of the route on which vehicles transporting dangerous goods and flammable substances can travel.

Fine for violating the No Traffic sign

Violation of traffic regulations will result in a fine of 500 rubles. The amount and procedure for collecting money is established in Art. 12.16 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. A small penalty is caused by the inability of the violator to interfere with other participants and create an emergency situation, since according to the rules there should be no other vehicles in the specified area.

Mostly symbols 3.2 are installed on sections of one-way roads in order to prevent oncoming cars from passing. If you enter such a site, the fine increases to 5,000 rubles. The traffic police inspector is guided by circumstances and when they lead to the creation of a dangerous emergency situation, the punishment is reduced to deprivation of rights for up to 6 months.

Violation of the rules in the case of travel under 3.3, 3.4 is punishable by a charge of 500 rubles, and neglect of the 3.5 sign will lead to a legal charge of 300 rubles. Identical sanctions in the amount of 500 rubles are imposed in case of neglect of other objects of this group.

Legislative aspects governing the imposition of fines

The imposition of penalties is regulated by the administrative procedural code, namely Article 12.16. The legislative act contains seven sections regulating traffic rules. The driver is recommended to familiarize himself with all provisions in order to know his rights and obligations:

  1. failure to comply with markings and signs is punishable by charging money in the amount of 500 rubles;
  2. performing a maneuver in violation of the instructions given by road signs - 1000 - 1500 rubles;
  3. moving against the flow on a one-way roadway - 5,000 rubles, deprivation of rights for 4 - 6 months;
    1. repeated violation of the previous paragraph - a driving ban for 1 year and sanctions in the amount of 5,000 rubles, if the fact of the offense is recorded by surveillance cameras;
  4. stopping and parking in the wrong place - 1500 rubles;
  5. parking or stopping in an undesignated place in cities of federal significance - Moscow, Sevastopol, St. Petersburg - 3000 rubles;
  6. truck passage in restricted areas - 500 rubles;
  7. violation of plate 3.4 in cities of federal significance - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol: 5000 rub.

Features of application and patterns

The effect of the objects extends to the entire section of the path following the installed sign, up to the signs that cancel them or the next intersection. There are a number of patterns by which it is possible to classify the symbols considered:

  • identical appearance - the products have a white background and a red rim, with an image in the center of the main information indicating the subject of the ban;
  • have a number of exceptions - the ban does not apply to mechanized equipment engaged in servicing enterprises in the prohibited zone and owned by citizens living in the specified area;
  • comparable penalties regulated by the Administrative Code.

Drivers do not face serious penalties for violating the rules, since practically no situations are created that provoke the occurrence of dangerous road accidents. 3.2 is considered an exception, since it is often installed in places with one-way traffic. If you drive onto the roadway against the main flow, the stakes increase sharply, the cost of an error or malicious intent increases for the driver 10 times.

It is required to carefully monitor the situation while moving on a mechanized vehicle and promptly identify installed signs in order to avoid accidental passage. It is recommended to first study the route and the symbol location map in order to develop an alternative route. Carefully study the Administrative Procedure Code, which contains data on the amount of penalties for unlawful actions of drivers.

Installation is carried out in places accessible to drivers and traffic police officers. If the object is not visible from the window, then the driver has the right to challenge the penalty, since an important rule was violated. Watch the road carefully and know how to defend your rights during discussions with traffic police inspectors. Operate with real facts and articles of the administrative code. - About cars - Information portal