Fluoride interesting information. Chemical element Fluorine - fun facts. Fluorine and nuclear energy

When a child is teething, parents begin to worry: does the baby have enough fluoride? In order for you to have at least an approximate idea of ​​how much this microelement your little one receives, here’s what you need to know about fluoride.

  1. Fluoride that enters the child's digestive system is transported through the circulatory system to the teeth. There it strengthens the enamel from the inside and helps prevent it. Fluoride that is applied to the teeth from the outside - whether it's in toothpaste or a substance applied to the teeth by the dentist - helps strengthen the new enamel that forms on the teeth. This is called natural remineralization.
  2. The development and strengthening of baby's permanent teeth begins... in utero! When the teeth are still in the gums. Fluoride that enters the baby’s body immediately goes into the teeth.
  3. Interestingly, people living in areas where there is sufficient fluoride in the water are 50% less likely to suffer from tooth decay.
  4. Infant formulas that are sold ready-made are made with water that does not contain fluoride.
  5. Fluoride, unlike other vitamins and minerals, can easily turn from beneficial to harmful. That is, a moderate amount of it is good for the teeth, but excessive amounts are harmful. The teeth begin to crumble - this disease is called fluorosis. If your child is prescribed fluoride medications, you should not increase the dose on your own.
  6. Inform your child that swallowing mouthwashes is strictly prohibited. They contain very high fluoride content. Squeeze a small amount of paste onto your toothbrush - about the size of a pea. By the way, this is indicated on packages of baby toothpaste. But there is no need for children to use “adult” toothpaste.
  7. If your child takes fluoride-containing medications, choose fluoride-free toothpaste.
  8. Pay attention to the fluoride content in the water your baby drinks - that is, the water you use to prepare his soups and compotes. If it contains at least 0.3 parts per million (that is, 0.3 ml per liter), your baby does not need fluoride supplements.
  9. If you are still concerned that your baby is not getting enough fluoride, keep in mind that many foods contain fluoride, and in significant quantities. These include cereals and vegetables.
  10. Doctors have still not come to a consensus regarding the need to take fluoride-containing medications for children on breastfeeding. Some argue that the fluoride contained in mother’s milk is quite sufficient, while others argue that there is very little trace element there. But one thing is certain: the fluorine content in

No matter how many times you say halva, your mouth will not become sweeter. The same goes for poisons, no matter how much you say that poison is useful, it will not cease to be poison. Man is designed in such a way that he does not want, and cannot, take poison directly in its pure form. Therefore, it is made in attractive packaging, and its use is accompanied by narcotic pleasure. Everyone knows what this poison looks like. This is the tobacco we wrote about earlier. There are many other narcotic poisons, the distribution of which is financed by the world government, but their spread is currently restrained by a number of natural reasons. But besides narcotic poisons, there are also non-narcotic ones. Therefore, they can be distributed relatively openly, without hiding. The main thing is to say that they are harmless, and in small doses they are useful.

This includes the vast majority food additives with index E, but also includes other poisons.

We will talk about one of them, fluoride. What does the average idiot know about fluoride? What, this is something useful for teeth and it is added to toothpaste, sometimes it is even found. All!!!

WIKI writes that Fluorine is an element of the 17th group of the periodic table chemical elements, second period, with atomic number 9. It is also written that it is a strong oxidizing agent, and also that it is very poisonous. Believe what is written, because Previously, fluorine was produced as a chemical warfare agent and this is a historical fact.

Further, WIKI, with reference to the National Toxicology Program, states that “Fluoride is a vital element for the body.” Baloven claims that this statement is a lie, and the usefulness of fluoride in small quantities is another myth of our time.

Quote 1.

"Fluoride is very toxic to the liver", warns Canadian expert

“Fluoride is “highly toxic to the liver,” expert Andreas Schuld of Vancouver, BC Canada said. http://www.rense.com/general12/fl.htm Schuld, head of the public organization “Parents of Fluoride Poisoned Children,” explained that “fluoride interferes with the metabolism of thyroid hormones, causing thyroid disease , up to myasthenia gravis, characterized by a progressive loss of muscle strength up to the inability to breathe."

“In the liver all fluorides interfere with the metabolism of thyroid hormones, creating thyroid disorders and associated diseases, such as muscle diseases, heart disease, etc.” Other effects can include a serious muscle disease that causes pain and weakness."

Quote 2.

Haven’t you noticed how persistently people, especially in the USA, have been pushing fluoride for consumption for a long time? In toothpastes, water fluoridation. And in Wiki, by the way, there is even an article “ Fluoride poisoning"- But medically the only proven effect of fluoride on the human body is bone cancer and infertility. The use of fluoride in toothpaste additives began with the fact that during the implementation of the “Manhattan Project” to create an atomic bomb in the United States, mountains of fluorides accumulated at DuPont nuclear production plants, which had nowhere to go. The rain washed away these gigantic mountains of fluoride and around these plants in Delaware - for a hundred miles around the land became unusable for Agriculture and generally speaking. Nobody wanted to live in a nuclear waste dump. Fluorine urgently needed to be put somewhere. Now, if you are in the know, the simplest question is:

where should we put the mountains of toxic substances if they are harmful to humans? - That's right, force the goyim to devour them!

And they brought in medical professors, among whom, of course, as they proved in 1952 in the case of “wrecker doctors,” that, they say, there are no “wrecker doctors,” who a week later presented heaps of dissertations and, like Al Gore, received several Nobel Prizes for the topic that fluoride, they say, “strengthens teeth.” And the former Austrian Jew and nephew of Sigmund Freud, Edik Bernes, with his PR team, immediately got involved and made “fluoride strengthens teeth” is an axiom. How, Watson, can anything strengthen something in the body that should not be in the body at all? - Ask this question, Watson, to any crypto-Jewish wit who likes to sprinkle wit on Internet forums; and let him go brush his teeth. Do you rinse your mouth with toothpaste? - Rinse. Is some of the paste swallowed? - Swallowed. How to brush your teeth? - The best toothpaste is tooth powder - calcium carbonate, which both, calcium and carbonate, are part of the body's tissues, as well as regular sea salt.

This is one of the clues why fluoride is so heavily added to pasta and drinking water. Fluoride is a fertility supplement that leads to infertility, which means it is a good help in carrying out the indigenous population.

Quote 3.

And, by the way, about fluoride. After all data about fluoride, which, they say, “strengthens teeth” - they are false. There is as much material as you want on the American Internet about the global “fluoride scam.” (one global scam - one brain trust) The only reliably confirmed effect of fluoride on the human body is infertility. Sperm stop moving. The egg does not mature. Information.

Quote 4.

Now listen to an indicative story about how the whole world was forced to fluoridate water and put sodium fluoride into all toothpastes, supposedly to strengthen teeth. — There is nothing but lies behind this statement - fluoride is a substance poisonous to the body and does not strengthen tooth enamel in any way. Where did this legend come from? - During the Second World War, the chemical concern DuPont in the United States accumulated gigantic reserves of toxic fluorine during the production of atomic weapons. There was nowhere to put it. One unfortunate day, this fluorine burst and leaked into the river. In New Jersey, all the fish died and even all the livestock died out. It is not surprising - fluorine, like aluminum, is an element not found in the body and foreign to it - that is, a poison, period. New Jersey residents sue DuPont." She was in danger of losing billions of dollars. Then DuPont hired a whole huge company of lawyers, doctors, publicists, journalists and set them a simple task - to turn things around in such a way that they say it’s all only for the benefit of people. Thus, the fiction was born - that fluoride is good for teeth. The DuPont company not only did not lose the case, but also received the opportunity from that very time to sell toxic industrial waste as a substance beneficial to the body. - “Ah - people will eat everything.” And you also pay money for fluoridated imported toothpaste! Here. full story

This is how they sell poison like candy.

Quote 5.

And tap water - for fifty years now, in addition to bleach, they have also been adding fluoride, which has been proven to reduce fertility, that is, the birth rate in people. That’s why they add fluoride, but it doesn’t help the teeth at all - fluoride is a drug with a strong anti-fertility effect, that is, a mass contraceptive given to all people under the guise of “strengthening teeth.” So now they put this fluorine in everywhere so that they don’t multiply. Quote 5.

In addition, ceramic filters do not remove fluoride from water. In the USSR - be grateful - people have not yet been poisoned with fluorine in water, but only with chlorine. In the USA, water is completely officially saturated with fluorine and chlorine, which in the First World War was a military poison gas. In the USA, the water is also saturated with extremely toxic fluorine, which is a waste product from the nuclear industry, which has nowhere to be disposed of, and this toxicant is sold to us, stuffed into water and toothpastes under various plausible pretexts, behind which there is no real truth. And there is a lot of information now on the Internet that fluoride causes infertility, loss of immunity, etc., etc.; and the old poisonous chlorine should not be written off either. The water we drink is toxic, and that's not just dirt. When you use a ceramic filter, this is clearly visible. After about 3 months, after installing new filters, a dirty brown residue like fuel oil appears on their walls, which must be cleaned from the filter walls with a brush, because it becomes clogged. And in order to purify water from fluoride, in this system they sell special screw-on filters of the same type, which are screwed on from below, from the side of the lower pan. Think about it: 4 filters on top - each about $50; and below if there are 4 more fluorine filters - another 40 dollars each - a total of 360 dollars only for a year maximum. Without a doubt, distillation is better, especially since distillation also removes fluorine.

Quote 6. They confessed

"USA admits adding fluoride to water is damaging teeth and has been a big experiment" video

Quote 7. This is an excerpt from a letter that Prof. Stoleshnikov quoted on his website:

"Good afternoon! regarding fluoride in toothpastes. I worked for a short time in the 90s in a chemical laboratory at a water utility; the bosses had the idea of ​​fluoridating the water, they say that in the Angarsk water there is not enough of it; the population needs it for teeth. They didn’t do this only because there was a very high risk of overdose and poisoning of people, but the necessary equipment and additives were purchased and successfully stored in the water utility yard in paper bags and boxes. So, at that time we were renting an apartment and we were being eaten by cockroaches, nothing helped, my aunts advised me to sprinkle this fluorine compound a little in the kitchen. I know that this connection is very good. toxic I don’t want to do this. but the cockroaches defeated common sense, I brought THIS literally a teaspoon IN A BAG home from work, and put it on the staircase at the doorstep. That was enough and they just got on the trail. not a single person in the 3-story entrance for a day.

Quote 8. Emotional. Original language without correction.

This was unearthed by American trackers. This is about how the alien leadership of the planet supposedly takes care of our teeth, and what they actually do. In the West, tap water is not only chlorinated, but also fluoridated! They are blatantly destroying the population with chemical warfare agents - chlorine.

And fluorine, it turns out, was previously used as an insecticide - a poison for insects. This is what it says on the old American bottle


It says that if you come into contact with fluoride, call a doctor immediately and use antidotes!

And now he, Blead, is in children's toothpastes and tap water!

Facts about the dangers of fluoride:

  • Fluoride has not been proven to be effective in treating dental disease. (Known since 1940s)
  • The fluorine layer must be hundreds of times thicker to protect the enamel from physical damage.
  • It damages not only bacteria, but also body cells.
  • Fluoride is a neurotoxin. Accumulates in tissues and bones for years. Lowers IQ, causing neuro-disorders similar to Alzheimer's syndrome. (Known since the 40s, confirmed in the 90s.)
  • Harmful to the digestive system and joints. (Known since the 70s)
  • Symptoms of fluoride intoxication are similar to colds, chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, inability to regain strength after rest. (Known since the 70s)
  • Strictly contraindicated for pregnant women (causes fetal defects).
  • Fluoride weakens the immune system (especially in young people).
  • Increases the impact of other toxic substances (lead, arsenic, pesticides). (Research from the 90s)
  • Inhibits key enzymes (known since 1943)
  • Reduces stress resistance (can be treated by stopping the consumption of Florida and consuming magnesium)
  • 1,500 scientists voted anonymously in California to ban water floriculture (1999).
  • Fluorine is banned (or partially banned) in some countries: China, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Holland, Germany, France, Hungary, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Japan. Isn't it strange why it is banned there?

Finally, watch a video from Australia about the fact that fluoride is poison in its pure form, and its use is unacceptable.

The most reactive element in the Periodic Table is Fluorine. Despite the explosive properties of fluorine, it is a vital element for people and animals and is found in drinking water and toothpaste.

Just the facts

  • Atomic number (number of protons in the nucleus) 9
  • Atomic symbol (in the Periodic Table of Elements) F
  • Atomic weight (average atomic mass) 18.998
  • Density 0.001696 g/cm3
  • At room temperature - gas
  • Melting point minus 363.32 degrees Fahrenheit (- 219.62°C)
  • Boiling point minus 306.62 degrees F (- 188.12°C)
  • Number of isotopes (atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons) 18
  • Most abundant F-19 isotopes (100% natural abundance)

Fluorite crystal

Chemists have tried for years to liberate the element fluoride from various fluorides. However, fluorine does not have a free nature: no chemical substance is able to release fluoride from its compounds, due to its reactive nature.

The mineral fluorspar has been used for centuries to process metals. Calcium fluoride (CaF 2) was used to separate pure metal from unwanted minerals in the ore. “Fluer” (from the Latin word “fluere”) means “to flow”: the fluid properties of fluorspars made it possible to make metals. The mineral was also called Czech emerald because it was used in glass etching.

For many years, fluoride salts or fluorides were used for welding and glazing glass. For example, hydrofluoric acid was used to etch the glass of light bulbs.

Experimenting with fluorspar, scientists have studied its properties and composition for decades. Chemists often produced fluoric acid (fluoric acid, HF), an incredibly reactive and dangerous acid. Even small splashes of this acid on the skin could be fatal. Many scientists were injured, blinded, poisoned or died during experiments.

  • In the early 19th century, Andre-Marie Ampère of France and Humphry Davy from England announced the discovery of a new element in 1813 and named it fluorine, following Ampère's suggestion.
  • Henri Moisan, a French chemist, finally isolated fluorine in 1886 by electrolysis of dry potassium fluoride (KHF 2) and dry hydrofluoric acid, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1906.

From now on, fluorine is a vital element in nuclear energy. It is used to produce uranium hexafluoride, which is necessary for separating uranium isotopes. Sulfur hexafluoride is a gas used to insulate high-power transformers.

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were once used in aerosols, refrigerators, air conditioners, foam product packaging and fire extinguishers. These uses have been banned since 1996 because they contribute to ozone depletion. Until 2009, CFCs were used in inhalers to control asthma, but these types of inhalers were also banned in 2013.

Fluorine is used in many fluorinated substances, including solvents and high temperature plastics such as Teflon (poly-tetrafluoroethene, PTFE). Teflon is well known for its non-stick properties and is used in frying pans. Fluorine is also used for cable insulation, plumber's tape, and as a base for waterproof boots and clothing.

According to the Jefferson Laboratory, fluoride is added to city water supplies at a rate of one part per million to prevent tooth decay. Several fluoride compounds are added to toothpaste, also to prevent tooth decay.

Although all humans and animals are exposed to and need fluoride, the element fluoride in large enough doses is extremely toxic and dangerous. Fluoride can naturally be released into water, air, and onto vegetation and animal matter in small quantities. Large amounts of fluoride are found in some foods such as tea and shellfish.

While fluoride is essential for keeping our bones and teeth strong, too much can have the opposite effect, causing osteoporosis and tooth decay, and it can damage the kidneys, nerves and muscles.

In its gaseous form, fluoride is incredibly dangerous. Small amounts of fluoride gas cause eye and nose irritation, but large amounts can be fatal. Hydrofluoric acid is also fatal, even in small contact with skin.

Fluorine, the 13th most abundant element in the earth's crust; it usually settles in the soil and combines easily with sand, pebbles, coal and clay. Plants can absorb fluoride from the soil, although high concentrations cause plant death. For example, corn and apricot are among the plants most susceptible to damage when exposed to elevated concentrations of fluoride.

Who knew? Interesting facts about fluoride

  • Sodium fluoride is rat poison.
  • Fluorine is the most reactive element on our planet; it can explode on contact with any elements except oxygen, helium, neon and krypton.
  • Fluorine is also the most electronegative element; it attracts electrons more easily than any other element.
  • The average amount of fluoride in the human body is three milligrams.
  • Fluorine is mainly mined in China, Mongolia, Russia, Mexico and South Africa.
  • Fluorine is formed in solar stars at the end of their lives (“Astrophysical Journal in Letters” 2014). The element is formed at the most high pressures and the temperatures inside the star as it expands to become a red giant. When the outer layers of a star are shed, creating a planetary nebula, fluorine moves along with other gases into the interstellar medium, eventually forming new stars and planets.
  • About 25% of drugs and medications, including those for cancer, the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system, contain some form of fluoride.

According to a study (report in the Journal of Fluorine Chemistry) in the active components of drugs, replacement of carbon-hydrogen or carbon-oxygen bonds with carbon-fluorine bonds usually shows an improvement in the effectiveness of drugs, including increased metabolic stability, increased binding to molecules targets and improve membrane permeability.

According to this study, a new generation of anti-cancer drugs, as well as fluoride drug delivery probes, have been tested against cancer stem cells and have shown promise in the fight against cancer cells. The researchers found that the drugs that included fluoride were several times more potent and showed better stability than traditional cancer drugs.

Interesting Facts You will learn about the discovery of chemical elements in this article.

Interesting facts about the discovery of chemical elements

Most of the chemical elements known in nature were discovered by scientists in Sweden, England, France and Germany.

The record holder among the “hunters” of chemical elements can be considered the Swedish chemist K. Scheele - he discovered and proved the existence of 6 chemical elements: fluorine, chlorine, manganese, molybdenum, barium, tungsten.

To the achievements in the discovery of chemical elements of this scientist, one can also add a seventh element - oxygen, but he officially shares the honor of discovery with the English scientist J. Priestley.

The second place in the discovery of new elements belongs to V. Ramsay, an English or, more precisely, Scottish scientist: he discovered argon, helium, krypton, neon, xenon.

In 1985, a group of American and English researchers discovered molecular compounds from carbon, which strongly resemble a soccer ball in shape. They wanted to name the discovery in honor of him, but scientists did not agree on which term to use - football or soccer (the term for football in the USA). As a result, the compound was named fullerenes in honor of the architect Fuller, who came up with a geodesic dome composed of tetrahedra.

The French chemist, pharmacist and physician Nicolas Lemery (1645-1715) at one time observed something similar to a volcano when he mixed 2 g of iron filings and 2 g of powdered sulfur in an iron cup and touched it with a hot glass rod. After some time, black particles began to fly out of the prepared mixture, and the mixture itself, having greatly increased in volume, became so hot that it began to glow. The separation of fluorine gas from fluorinated substances turned out to be one of the most difficult experimental problems. Fluorine has exceptional reactivity; and often its interaction with other substances occurs with ignition and explosion.

Iodine was discovered in 1811 by the French chemist B. Courtois. There is such a version of the discovery of iodine. According to it, the culprit of Courtois's discovery was his beloved cat: he lay on the chemist's shoulder while he was working in the laboratory. Wanting to have fun, the cat jumped onto the table and pushed the vessels that were standing nearby onto the floor. One of them contained an alcohol solution of seaweed ash, and the other contained sulfuric acid. After mixing the liquids, a cloud of blue-violet vapor appeared, which was nothing more than iodine.

In 1898, Marie and Pierre Curie announced the discovery of two new radioactive elements - radium and polonium. But they failed to isolate any of these elements to provide decisive evidence. The couple began hard work: it was necessary to extract new elements from uranium ore. It took them 4 years. At that time, the harmful effects of radiation on the body were not yet known, and tons of radioactive ore had to be processed. In 1902 they succeeded isolate a tenth of a gram of radium chloride from several tons of ore, and in 1903 Maria presented her doctoral dissertation at the Sorbonne on the topic “Study of radioactive substances.” In December 1903, Becquerel and the Curies received the Nobel Prize.

Discovery of bromine

French chemist Antoine Jerome Balard discovered bromine while a laboratory assistant. The salt marsh brine contained sodium bromide. During the experiment, Balar exposed the brine to chlorine. As a result of the interaction reaction, the solution turned yellow. After some time, Balar isolated a dark brown liquid and called it murid. Gay-Lussac later named the new substance bromine. And Balard in 1844 became a member of the Paris Academy of Sciences. Before the discovery of bromine, Balar was almost unknown in scientific circles. After the discovery of bromine, Balard became head of the chemistry department at the French College. As the French chemist Charles Gerard said: “It was not Balard who discovered bromine, but bromine that discovered Balard!”

Discovery of chlorine

It is interesting that chlorine was discovered by a man who at that moment was just a pharmacist. This man's name was Karl Wilhelm Scheele. He had amazing intuition. The famous French organic chemist said that Scheele makes a discovery every time he touches something. Scheele's experiment was very simple. He mixed black magnesia and a solution of muric acid in a special retort apparatus. A bubble without air was attached to the neck of the retort and heated. Soon a yellow-green gas with a pungent odor appeared in the bubble. This is how chlorine was discovered.
MnO2 + 4HCl = Cl2 + MnCl2 + 2H2O
For the discovery of chlorine, Scheele was awarded the title of member of the Stockholm Academy of Sciences, although before that he was not a scientist. Scheele was then only 32 years old. But chlorine received its name only in 1812. The author of this name was the French chemist Gay-Lussac.

1. People have not consumed inorganic fluoride for millions of years. Rat poison consists of 99.8% sodium fluoride, which is added to toothpaste, liquid soap, shampoos and drinking water. How could rat poison be of any use to humans? But people don't even think about it.

2. A good product does not need advertising. And all the advertising is about the benefits of chemicals. fluorine is a massive deception of humanity, which everyone can be convinced of, since according to its formula, inorganic fluorine is a real, powerful poison! Fluorine is a chemical substance of the second class of danger. "Ftoros" translated from Greek means "destroying." It is toxic if taken orally! Causes stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, salivation, difficulty breathing, weakness, trembling, heart attack, then convulsions and coma. Affects the kidneys and brain. Death occurs due to paralysis respiratory tract. The lethal dose is about 5-10 grams. Causes irritation upon contact with skin, pain and redness. In case of eye contact, ranges from irritation to serious eye damage. Long-term exposure to fluoride can damage bones (osteosclerosis), as well as fluorosis, which leads to bone fragility, weight loss, anemia, hardening (calcification) of ligaments, deterioration of general health and joint stiffness.

3. The number of people with caries in countries where they drink fluoridated water is no less than in those countries where fluoride is not used in drinks. In the book “Fluoride - the Big Deception” by the famous producer and BBC journalist Christopher Bryson, it is established that fluoride is a poison for bacteria. But fluoride is also so poisonous that it poisons not only bacteria, but also other cells of the body. It is advisable to consume sugar only in whole foods - nuts, fruits, dried fruits.

4. Only toothpaste and water without fluoride, and tooth whitening powders are safe for humans.

5. Fluorine is an extremely reactive non-metal and the most powerful oxidizing agent. It weakens the gums of your teeth!

6. Fluoride accelerates the aging of the human body! In his book Fluoride as an Aging Factor, Dr. J. Yamouyiannis writes: “The truth is that fluoridation is poisoning millions of people around the world.”

7. Most water fluoridation stations use aluminum sulfate and fluorides together. These two substances mix to form toxic aluminum fluoride. Aluminum is a foreign element for living organisms. It is practically not excreted from the body, is toxic to the kidneys, and when accumulated in the brain causes Alzheimer's disease.

8. Fluoride is one of the main reasons for the increase in cancer. In 1988, the Agonna National Laboratory (USA) published a study claiming that fluoride turns normal cells into cancer cells. In turn, Japanese doctor Tsutsui confirmed that under the influence of fluoride, normal cells not only turn into cancerous cells, but also lead to genetic damage to cells, which suggests that it is harmful to pregnant women and leads to the birth of disabled children. Even government Research in the United States itself, after analyzing 156 cases of cancer deaths, led to the conclusion that fluoride accumulated in tissues causes both cancer and other fatal diseases. Research by the chief chemist at the US National Cancer Center, Dr. Dean Burke, showed that fluoride in toothpastes, as well as drinking fluoride, causes up to ten thousand deaths from cancer per year.

9. Water and dental fasting with fluoride lead to brittle teeth and bones. Drinking water with fluoride or from toothpaste is deposited in the human body and is concentrated, as a rule, in places where calcium accumulates, i.e. in bones and teeth. About 20-40 mg. fluoride per day suppresses the activity of the most important enzyme - phosphatase, which is necessary for calcium metabolism. As a result, the bones thicken, but become brittle and brittle.

10. When the production of atomic bombs was launched, as part of the Manhattan Project, toxic fluorides began to accumulate in huge quantities in landfills. So much toxic fluorides have accumulated in DuPont landfills in New Jersey that they are washed away by rain and begin to seep into the soil. Pets in the area began to die, all the plants withered, as a result of which indignant residents filed a lawsuit against the company. With the task of finding some “therapeutic use” for fluorides, the DuPont concern hired famous lawyers and doctors. As a result, a widespread lie appeared and began to be replicated that fluoride supposedly strengthens teeth. As a result, the DuPont concern not only avoided trial, but also received an excellent opportunity, in the future, to get rid of toxic waste by selling it to us.

All over the world, billions of people drink and eat, with water and toothpaste, all this poison. Fluoride has never strengthened anyone's teeth.

11. Due to fluoride, the pineal gland is blocked and destroyed. The pineal gland regulates the release of melatonin, the “hormone of youth.” Research data from scientists shows that thyroid disease began to increase just at the time when the benefits of fluoride began to be promoted. It is known that the thyroid gland in the body is responsible for many processes related to metabolism. Violation of its work leads to serious consequences for a person, one of which is obesity.

12. Because of fluoride, genetic disorders occur at the DNA level; women give birth to mentally retarded and sick children!

13. In the 21st century, toxic cheap substances began to be added to many toothpastes, shampoos and liquid soaps for the sake of making dirty money on people! The most commonly used waste products from the nuclear, aluminum and phosphate industries are sodium fluorosilicate (sodium silicofluoride), sodium fluoride (sodium fluoride), fluorosilicate acid.

14. Fluoride affects the kidneys, respiratory system, central nervous system, heart, bones, and circulatory system. Causes irritation to eyes, respiratory tract and skin. Irritation does not occur immediately.

15. A person who thoughtlessly spends money on toothpastes and fluoride water does not have a single drop of self-love. Wise people have been using fluoride-free toothpastes and tooth powders for a long time.

5 Products Added Toxic Inorganic Fluoride (Fluoride, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), SLES)

1. Tooth powders.

2. Water with fluoride.

3. Detergents.

4. Skin washes.

5. Liquid soap.

6 types of replacement products without fluoride

1. Mustard instead of all chemical detergents.

2. White tooth powder instead of toothpastes.

3. Fluoride-free whitening powder

4. Products from “Nature Clean”. 99.9% natural ingredients, 0% toxic substances!

5. Phosphate-free washing powder Chistown.

6. Products of the company “SODASAN” (powders, detergents, shampoos, soaps, gels, fluoride-free toothpastes).

Harmful and dangerous components in cosmetics

Scientists have discovered many dangerous toxic substances in the list of ingredients used to produce cosmetics. The world's leading toxicologist, Epstein, speaks of 884 toxic substances; other scientists have isolated even more. Every year more than 1000 new chemical compounds appear, how many of them are also toxic? According to the EU Cosmetics Directive (Common European Cosmetics Regulations), out of 70,000 cosmetic components, only 3,000 are officially permitted in Europe. In Russia, the situation is completely different. Many of the components banned abroad in Russia are allowed for use in production, so even the composition of a jar of the same shampoo for the Russian and foreign markets can differ significantly.

Harmful and dangerous components in cosmetics: aggressive surfactants, sulfates

This includes:

  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) - sodium sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate
  • Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) - sodium sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate
  • Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate (ALS) - ammonium lauryl sulfate
  • Ammonium Laureth Sulfate – (ALES) - ammonium laureth sulfate
  • Cocamide D.E.A.
  • Cocomidopropyl Betaine
  • And some other slightly milder surfactants

SLS and SLES, ALS and ALES are used in various cleansing products - liquid soap, shower gel, shampoo, face wash, bubble bath, toothpaste, etc. Dangerous toxic substances with strong degreasing and anti-corrosion properties. In addition to cosmetics, they are used in household and industrial cleaning and degreasing products, for example, for washing engines and garage floors. Accumulate in internal organs, liver, heart, kidneys, eyes, and other organs, can cause cell mutation and various diseases. Particularly dangerous for children. They cause dryness, irritation and flaking of the skin, dry out the hair, weaken the hair follicle, and cause diseases of the scalp and body. Promotes skin aging. Reacting with other cosmetic components and nitrates in the blood, they form carcinogens.

Please note that if the packaging of a shampoo or other product says “without SLS”, this does not mean that there are no other harmful and dangerous ingredients, such as ammonium lauryl sulfate, for example.

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