Ways to open a car door without a key. How to open a car door without a key How to open a locked car without a key

    Find the right tool. If one of the windows is a little ajar, then consider yourself lucky - you can get into the car pretty quickly. In the case of a mechanically operated lock, a straightened wire hanger (or any similar rod) with a small loop at the end is perfect. In order to disassemble the hanger, straighten it and form a loop at the end, you may need pliers with long thin jaws.

    • The loop at the end of the wire should be large enough to wrap around the drive head and small enough to hook it. The loop can be formed from the wire itself, or a piece of more flexible cord can be wound to its end.
    • In order to disassemble and straighten the hanger, you may need pliers with long, thin jaws.
  1. Insert wire. Insert a wire with a loop at the end into the gap between the glass and the body and bring it to the head of the lock drive.

    Grab your head. Put the loop on the drive head (like a lasso) and pull it up to open it. It may take several tries. But one successful capture - and voila, you opened the locked car!

    Open the unlocked door and take out the keys.

If the trunk is open

    Find the emergency cord. If your trunk is not locked, then open it. Look inside for the tail of the emergency release cord. Most often it can be found on the fifth door or on the trunk lid or on the roof of the luggage compartment from the inside.

    Pull on the cord. When you find the emergency release cord, pull on its tail. Then the backs of the rear passenger seats are unlocked; after that they can be folded inside.

There are situations when the car key is missing (stolen or lost) or is in the ignition, and the doors are locked with the central lock. Do not panic. Opening a car door can be done in many ways, the main thing is to be focused and follow the safety rules.

Break glass. The method is simple, fast, but not at all economical. After all, inserting automotive glass is not a cheap pleasure. At the same time, it is still possible to injure yourself and the knockout. Wooden wedge. For this method, you will need a wooden wedge up to 25 cm long and 3-4 cm thick, as well as a metal rod with a hook at one end. Gently bend the edge of the door in the upper corner with a wedge. Carefully drive it between the frame and the pillar of the car with your fist, because damage to the door seal and scratches to the paintwork are possible. Insert a rod into the gap, which was formed as a result of driving in a wedge, and turn the blocker with a hook.

Wire hook. This method is applicable to all models of the domestic automotive industry. From a thin but stiff wire (70-80 cm), bend the hook with a radius of 45 degrees. The length of the hook after bending is about 10 cm. From the side of the door handle, you need to bend the seal and insert the wire. Try to feel and then hook the door rod on which the lock button is located. After hooking the rod, pull the hook up. The door must open.

Electric drill. This method is not always cost-effective, as it results in the need to replace all the door locks or use different keys, replacing only one. Using an electric drill, you can drill out the core of the door lock (larva), then the door will open. Another key can be noticed by a metal blank, very similar in shape to it. As a blank, you can try using a flathead screwdriver or nail scissors. A piece of wire 1.5-2 meters long. This method is more suitable for imported cars, the principle of the locking system of which is that when the door handle is opened from the inside, the central lock is unlocked. At the end of the wire, which will be inserted between the upper corner of the door and the rack, you need to make a small hook. When the penetration of the wire deepens, it is necessary to make oscillatory movements in order to hook the inner door handle of the car. A slight upward movement of the wire with the hooked handle produces the opening of the door.

Lace or rope. This method is suitable for cars whose internal lock button is located on the top of the door panel and has a protruding shape. In the middle of the lace or rope (1 m in size), make a loop that can be tightened. But don't over tighten it. Insert the loop between the top corner and the post, slightly bending the corner of the door with improvised means. Alternately, gently pulling the rope with the loop in one direction or the other, lower yourself to the level of the door lock and try to put the loop on the blocker. Once dressed, tighten the loop and pull up. Raising the button will open the locked door. Specialist. This method - seeking help from qualified specialists - is very common. Even though it may cost a little to call in professionals, it will cost far less than repairing an improperly bent or scratched door or broken glass. Masters have a special tool and experience, which greatly increases the chances of success in opening a locked door.

The main thing when you get into a similar situation is not to lose self-control. Acquisition of experience and skills of opening a car without a key is best done in your car or in the presence of the owner. After all, opening someone else's car without the knowledge of the owner of the car is a criminal offense.

Sometimes there are situations in which the car door slammed shut, and the car key was left inside it. Breaking glass can be a radical solution. However, this method has a number of disadvantages.

Firstly, significant expenses for the purchase and installation of new glass, and secondly, the operation of a car in the absence of glass, especially in winter, will bring little pleasure. Therefore, car owners are interested in the answer to the question of how you can get inside the car on your own in the absence of keys, without damaging the car itself.

In fact, there are quite a few options for opening a car door without keys. To do this, you need to have the most common tools at hand, it can be a ruler or a tennis ball. The brand of the car is taken into account, as well as the model of the lock. In general, the mechanism is almost identical, with the exception of different types of power windows and a few small nuances.

As you might guess, domestic car brands are the easiest to open. In such machines, the simplest protection systems and simple designs of door locks. You can deal with such doors in the shortest possible time. Foreign-made machines will require a longer time to open them.

rope loop

To open the door using this method, you must have a piece of rope or fishing line. First thing bend the door corner. To do this, you can use any tool. Up to culinary wooden or plastic spatulas. It is best to use wooden pegs for these purposes.

In order not to scratch the car's paintwork, you need to stick electrical tape on the area where you will wield tools. In the absence of electrical tape, you can use a cloth.

A loop is tied on a rope or fishing line. This rope is pulled into the resulting gap. Now the most basic thing, you need to grab the door lock button with a loop, which opens the doors. As soon as the blocking button is in the loop, you need to pull the rope up and the door will open. With the necessary skill and a little luck, the whole operation will pass quickly enough.

Phone use

It is the simplest option with the only drawback - sometimes it is impossible to use it. Each car has a pair of keys, the second of which is at home. It is enough to call one of the relatives so that they deliver a spare key.

In order not to provoke criminals, you cannot leave the car unattended if the keys are inside it. You can ask the security guard to watch the car so that outsiders do not take advantage of the situation. This method does not make sense if an unpleasant situation has occurred far from home and there is no way to open the doors with a second key.

A way to open a domestic car or an old foreign car

An old car can be opened by first pulling out the window seal. This manipulation will unlock the door. As one of the ways, you can pull out the window itself, and after the car is open, put it in its original place.

An old car that has been in operation for many years can be opened in a similar way. The point is that the cylinders inside the door lock structure gradually wear out.

Care must be taken when attempting to use this method. To do this, carefully insert the key and do not make sudden manipulations. Slightly moving the handle from side to side, you can loosen the design of the lock.

Opening the car with a dead battery

Car door locks simply freeze at low air temperatures in severe frosts. The situation is aggravated if the battery of the car, which is equipped with a central lock, is discharged.

A second battery can help open the car. It will be necessary to open the hood and put the battery closer to the car. Next, you need two cigarette lighter wires. First we connect the minus of the battery and the base, the second we connect the plus of the battery to the starter. To open the car using this method, the presence of a second person is required, who will open the car with a key fob.

You can open the car through the open hood in another way. To do this, use the hood latch cable. It is necessary to get it, pick it up and pull sharply.

Opening the car with a tennis ball

To unlock a car door using this method, you will need a knife, an awl, and a tennis ball. With an awl and a knife, we cut a small hole in the ball, about the size of a finger.

Firmly attach the hole of the ball to the door lock and sharply press the ball with your hand. A sharp air flow will cause the flag to rise up, the door will be opened.

Application of wire to open the machine

Many have repeatedly seen on TV that car doors can be opened with ordinary wire. Now it's time to put this method into practice. Actually this one is quite simple. You need to have a small screwdriver, a piece of wire and a nail file with you. In the absence of wire, another improvised item will do, for example, a knitting needle or clothes hanger, and a small welding electrode will do.

First you need to pull out a few centimeters of the rubber window seal. You can pick it up with a screwdriver or a nail file. We bend the hook at the end of the wire and insert it into the gap formed.

The wire used must be strong enough not to bend from the manipulations performed inside the door. At the same time, too thick will not work, because it will not fit into the opening. Before you start opening the doors in this way, you need to turn off the alarm.

When you can find the lock, you need to move the wire to the left side with the same effort. The essence of the method is to feel the pull of the door mechanism and lift it up by pulling the wire. As a rule, people with a lack of experience manage to open the car door with 1-2 times.

You can use the wire to try another way to get into the car. If you manage to open the door window with your hands at least a centimeter and stick the wire into the open slot, then you can try to hook the blocker.

Opening car doors with a ruler

At first glance, it seems implausible that this simple stationery tool can handle almost all car locks. First of all, you need to pull out the seal near the lock and insert a ruler there.

This method is similar to the method of opening with a wire, with the difference that the pressure on the rod here will be done with a ruler. It will take a little effort to get the flag up.

Most likely it will not be possible to open a modern car in this way. because it provides protection against such actions. But for a domestic car, this technique is very relevant.

How not to be left without keys near a locked car

The car owner who left the keys in the car is not an isolated case. That is why experienced motorists are ready to give some tips so as not to be near a locked car without keys:

  • To avoid the need to open the car without using the keys, you can make a duplicate of the car key. It can be decorated in the form of a pendant and hung around your neck or put in your wallet and always carry with you. In extreme cases, you can use plasticine to make a mold of the car key in advance;
  • For those who live in regions with harsh winters, it will be relevant to turn off the automatic closing of the central lock in winter. This precaution allows you to avoid a situation where you need to open the car with a frozen lock and a discharged battery;
  • It will not be superfluous to disconnect the key and alarm key fob;
  • The door limit switches must be checked regularly for function.

There are many options for unlocking a car without using keys. These can be both the most radical methods, and methods that require some skill and special devices. However, if you put a little effort and perseverance, spend a little time, then anyone can cope with the task.

With most motorists, perhaps, there have been situations when, for one reason or another, the key to the car turned out to be locked in the car itself or even lost. And how in this case to open the car without a key? We will try to find an answer to this question. The main thing is not to despair. You are far from the first person who, after cleaning the snow or pumping up the wheel, suddenly had a chance to realize that the car was locked, and the key to it was inside.

The rudest but fastest way to open the car door if the key is lost or the battery is dead

We open the car doors with improvised means

Almost all those who at least periodically watch American films are familiar with this method. Cars in them are stolen with enviable regularity, and in order to get inside, they use the most ordinary ruler. Most likely, you won’t have a long metal ruler, if you don’t steal other people’s cars, so try to find a piece of fairly stiff wire 60-70 centimeters long. At its end, you need to make a small hook, after which our simple device will be ready to go.

Video: How to open a car without a key using improvised tools

It remains to stick the wire between the window seal and the glass and try to hook the rod going to the door lock with a hook. This is not so easy to do, since the thrust is about 20 centimeters below the compactor, but one of the attempts should be successful in any case. And immediately make a reservation - too thin wire will not work. It will simply unbend under the action of the load. It is also better to refuse too thick wire. It will be problematic to stick it between the seal and the glass.

But even before you start looking for a suitable wire, you should understand that this method will only work on domestic cars and some foreign cars. If, in your car, the door locks are blocked without lowering the vertical pin, then it will not work to open it without a key using a ruler or wire with a hook. Will have to look for another option.

Method number 2

The second way to open the car doors if the key is lost also suggests the presence of a wire. But if in the first case we needed a relatively small piece 50-60 centimeters long, now we need a segment 1.5-2 meters long. At its end, you should make a small hook with which you should try to pick up the door handle. And it doesn't matter that the door lock is closed. The thing is that on many imported cars, the first press from the inside on the door handle unlocks the locks, and the second press opens the door. And that is exactly what we need.

Video: How to open a car without a key.

So it remains to push the wire through the upper corner of the door into the car and use the hook on its end to pick up the door handle. It is not easy to do this, but it is possible. And if the car is started, then everything becomes even easier. In this case, the door handle can be left alone and try to get the wire into the power window button. A fraction of a second is enough for the glass to drop a few centimeters, which will allow you to get into the car in a couple of minutes.

Also note that the wire may not fit between the door and the seal. And in this case, it will not be possible to do without an additional tool. A small pry bar or screwdriver will do just fine. With their help, you will have to slightly bend the edge of the door, after which it is worth carefully driving a small wooden wedge about 2-3 centimeters thick into the resulting space.

As a result, you will get a gap large enough, which will allow you to relatively freely guide the wire in the desired direction inside the car. Naturally, bending the corner of the door as a pleasant operation, with all the desire, cannot be called, but in fact there is nothing wrong here. If you do everything carefully and put a piece of thick cloth under the screwdriver or pry bar in advance, then most likely even the paintwork will not suffer.

This is what a pillow for squeezing the doors or hood of a car looks like

By the way, instead of a wooden wedge, which is driven in with small taps with a fist or a small hammer, you can use a special device specially designed to wring out the hood or car door without damage. Its cost is around 500 rubles. It looks like a small rubber pad that is inflated with air and, thanks to the pressure created, creates a small gap between the car body and its door. With the help of a special pump that comes with the rubber cushion, the pressure can be increased or decreased, thereby increasing or decreasing the gap to the required size.

Method number 3

If there is no wire at hand, then to unlock the car without a key, you can use a piece of thin fishing line or rope. Another thing is that this method is not always suitable. A fishing line or rope will help out if there is a special flag above the lock of your car, which, if the car is closed, does not completely sink into the door trim. If this is just your case, then we take a piece of fishing line or rope, the length of which should exceed the size of the door, and divide it in half. After that, in the middle we make a loop, which as a result should be tightened. If the loop is made, then it remains to take both ends of the rope in your hands and push its middle part under the door.

Video: How to open a car door with a fishing line

The easiest way to do this is in the area of ​​​​the upper corner of the door, after which it remains to slightly shift the rope and throw a loop on the flag blocking the door lock. If the loop is successfully thrown over, then it remains to tighten it around the flag and then gently pull it up. The door is open! If it didn't work on the first try, then you should try again.

Perhaps the reason for your failure lies in the loop, which requires too much force to tighten, or in the material of the rope that is too slippery. Ideally, it is still better to use a fishing line. Under the door seals, which in modern cars are often duplicated and fit very tightly to the body, it will be much easier to stick it in.

It is worth mentioning that the three ways listed above may not always help. With their help, it is quite easy to open a domestic car or an old foreign car, but on modern cars that are protected from theft by much more advanced protection systems, all of them may be powerless. In modern cars, it is unlikely that it will be possible to insert a wire into the gap between the seal and the glass.

And in some cases, a rubber cushion simply cannot create the necessary gap without damaging the car. And in this case, opening the lock of the car without the help of a master who will take from 2 to 5 thousand rubles for his work, depending on impudence, will no longer work.

Quick but rude methods to open the car lock

The photo shows which glass is better NOT to break

  1. You can simply drill out the face of the lock. The advantage of this method is that the car body remains absolutely intact, but it is unlikely that the absence of scratches and dents after opening can compensate for the fact that subsequently the car owner will have to fork out for a set of new larvae for all door locks. Their cost, along with the replacement, will hurt the wallet.
  2. It is much easier and often cheaper to simply break the glass of the car and get into the cabin. To beat, as it is not surprising, is a simple rear side window. Do not break a small side glass, the so-called "window". It costs more than simple side windows and most often they are not available from dealers and they are brought to order. And, of course, do not forget about safety. Never try to break the car glass with your fist. A stone, a hammer, a heavy object - all this will do much better.

How to open the car if the battery is dead?

Quite often, motorists cannot open their car for another reason -. And in this case, a new battery that you installed recently does not guarantee absolutely anything. To fully discharge it, it is enough to leave the car with the dipped headlights on. is discharged, the alarm is turned off and the door is blocked. What should I do in this case?

Most often, the lock can be opened with a key, after which a new battery is installed on the car. But often it is not possible to use a mechanical lock. He can just freeze in the cold. Yes, and there are enough other reasons due to which the mechanical lock refuses to work. And if so, then you can’t do without special methods that allow you to open a car with a dead battery.

Video: Open Renault with a dead battery

Method number 1

We will again be rescued by a special pad, which this time needs to be put between the body and the hood of the car. If with its help it is possible to make a small gap, then it remains to connect, for example, with a wire, the positive terminal of your car’s battery to the positive terminal of another car, having previously fixed the “negative” wire on the rim, and at the moment of connection, press the button on the key fob. It is more convenient to do this operation together.

Method number 2

If there is no special pad, and most often this is exactly what happens, then you will have to crawl under the car and try to gain access to the generator. On some models, this is very easy to do, but it is possible that in your case you will have to tinker and, for example, remove the engine compartment protection. If access to the generator of your car is open, then it remains to find a fresh battery and two power wires with a cross section of about two square centimeters, each of which must have crocodile clips at its ends.

When you have all the necessary equipment in place, find the alternator positive bolt and connect it to the positive battery terminal. Connect the negative terminal of the battery, as in the first case, to any metal part of the car, which in this case will perform the function of "ground". And keep in mind that the positive terminals are closed first, and after that the "mass" is connected. If everything is done correctly, then immediately after the connection, the car alarm should work, and the car itself will open freely from the key fob. Naturally, to get under the car you need a jack. Read how to use the jack in compliance with safety regulations.

Method number 3

This method seems too obvious, but for some reason it is most often forgotten. If the locks on the doors of your car are frozen or refuse to work, then this does not mean at all that the lock on the trunk lid is also out of order. Check it out.

Well, the easiest way is to observe elementary care and turn off all energy consumers before putting the car in the parking lot. It doesn't hurt to keep a spare set of keys with you. In this case, you will never have to solve problems with a car that has suddenly become inaccessible to you.

Imagine a situation that you have closed the car door, and at the moment the latch of the lock is activated, you realize with horror that the keys have been forgotten in the ignition. It happens that mechanical locks are frozen or broken, or the battery is dead. In general, the keys are inside, and the doors are closed. What to do in this case, we will be told driving instructors .

The main ways to open the lock without a key

If you forgot the keys in the car, and the door was closed, then the best option is the help of specialists. But car instructors in this case, they are reminded that experts in opening doors without a key will have to wait at least two hours. In addition, the cost of such services is approximately two thousand rubles, although the price depends on the greed and impudence of the called experts.

But there are also cheaper methods that will help you in an unpleasant situation with closed locks and doors.

wire hook

For the first, simplest method, you will need a thin hook bent from wire. To do this, take a regular wire with a length of about 60 cm and bend the hook at an angle of 45 degrees. Note that the length of the hook is about 7 cm.

The wire should not be thick enough to pass freely between the seal and the glass, and not too soft to avoid straightening.

To open the door, it is necessary to insert the wire into the passenger compartment in the area of ​​​​the door handle and pick up the door pull, where the button is located. Having felt the thrust, we pull the wire up, thereby raising the pusher. All the door is open. Sometimes it is necessary to bend the window seal, but, as a rule, this is not difficult. This procedure, even for a beginner, will not take more than 15 minutes. By the way, this method is especially suitable for cars of a domestic manufacturer.

rope loop

The next method involves the use of a rope loop. This is already for cars where the internal button for closing the doors protrudes upwards, at least a little. Using this method of opening, it is often necessary to bend the corner of the door with the help of improvised tools. When bending, do not forget to put some soft cloth under the tool so as not to accidentally scratch the paintwork of the body. Don't worry, a little bending of the corner won't do any harm to the car. Usually a wooden wedge is used here, which is driven between the rear-top corner and the door post to create a gap of 2 cm.

Experienced drivers who have already encountered a similar problem say that sometimes the loop can be made after the rope has passed into the passenger compartment. Fishing line is also a good option, because it is very narrow, and where the rope cannot go through, the line will pass perfectly.

Opening the central lock

For the third way, how to open a car door without keys, you will need wire again. But here we will not talk about Russian cars, but about imported ones, where the security system is arranged as follows: the first time you press the handle from the inside, the locked door is unlocked, and the second time it opens.

To open the car door in this way, you need a wire about two meters long with a hook at the end. The wire should be inserted through the upper corner of the door and, bending it at the desired angle, hook the door handle. After that, you need to carefully pull the wire towards you.

It happens that the wire is too thick and does not fit between the seal and the door. Then you can use improvised means to bend the door. Again: take a soft cloth so as not to damage the body paintwork.

How to "loudly" open the door?

For a “loud” way to open car doors, if the keys are left inside, you will need a drill, better, of course, an electric one. With its help, you can drill a lock cylinder or its secret. However, after that, you will have to change the larvae in all the doors (otherwise one key will not fit all the doors, and this is very inconvenient).

Sometimes an ordinary blank will help, the shape of which is similar to a key. To open the door, it is necessary with a strong movement, so to speak, to plunge the tool into the lock cylinder, and then scroll with effort. If the force is strong enough, the door will open easily.

The most extreme method of getting into your car is an option for emergency situations (you are in the woods, on a suburban highway, etc.). This is glass breaking. It is better to break the right rear, because it may turn out that you have to drive to your destination, for example, in rain, frost, snow or strong wind. Never try to do this with your fist or hand, you may injure yourself. You need to take a hammer, some metal object or a sharp stone.

What to do if the battery is dead and the doors are closed?

It happens that the car cannot be opened using the central lock due to the fact that the battery is simply discharged, and the mechanical locks are frozen or for some reason do not work. There are several options here.

The first is to use an additional battery, for which you put it next to the car. Then connect one cigarette lighter wire to the battery minus and the car ground, and the second to the battery plus and to the starter plus, which is located under the car. At the moment of connection, the second person opens the lock with a key fob. It certainly works if you know how to open the hood from the outside.

In the second option, the hood lock cable will come to the rescue, which, as a rule, starts at the hood lock, then goes to the left wing and into the cabin. It is necessary to pick up this cable (at the radiator or headlight on the left), for example, with a wire, and then pull it sharply.

All of these options are, of course, only practical advice. There is only one painless and reliable way to open car doors without keys or a fob - to have spare keys.

Video on how to open a car door with a regular cord:

Good luck on the roads and be careful!

The article used an image from the site www.dragracingrostov.ru

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