Special education correctional pedagogy where to work. Corrective pedagogy in primary education. Characteristics of professional activities of graduates

The relevance of using the achievements of special pedagogy in the primary education system

Unfortunately, in recent years there has been a sharp decline in indicators of social protection and children's health, which leads to the fact that in the conditions of primary school education an increasing number of children show signs of borderline disorders in the development of higher mental or psychophysiological functions and are characterized by poor health. Without identifying classical forms of anomalies in the development process, such children experience difficulties in the process of learning and mastering a new social role as a student, as a result of which they lose faith in themselves.

Increasing concern for children in this group, awareness of the need to strengthen the role of the teacher and educational institution in protecting the physical, moral, and mental health of the individual increases the relevance of the development of correctional pedagogy in primary education.

Object area of ​​correctional pedagogy in primary education

The growth of destructive manifestations among young people, the emergence of the phenomenon of child cruelty, vandalism, and juvenile delinquency determined the formation object area of ​​correctional pedagogy, which includes the study of situations and risk conditions for the development of a growing person, adaptation problems and disorders that are reflected in the process of interaction of the individual with the natural and social environment, the phenomenon of school, socio-psychological maladjustment.

Risk conditions causing manifestations of adaptation disorders

Note 1

The phenomenon of the occurrence of school maladjustment is due to a combination of a number of factors that form risk states - situations characterized by violations of harmonious relationships, interaction between the personality of a junior schoolchild and the surrounding socio-natural environment.

Traumatic situations can be reduced to the following groups:

  • states of risk of academic failure arise when didactic requirements do not meet the level of development of general activity, intellectual, psychophysiological functions of the individual, ensuring the success of school education;
  • states of social risk arise in a situation where a child is forced to protect himself from extremely high school demands. A defensive reaction can take the form of loss of motivation to learn, passive or active protest against a non-prestigious position in the learning environment, search and assertion of oneself in a substitute activity;
  • health risk states arise when a child with high educational motivation, due to the formation of psychophysiological functions, cannot protect himself from overload at the behavioral level, as a result of which, as a result of overexertion, a “failure” inevitably occurs at the level of weak body systems;
  • complex risk states synthesize the risk of adaptation disorders in several of the above areas.

Indications of a low level of adaptation capabilities of a schoolchild at the initial stages of education

The reasons for the emergence of the phenomenon of school maladjustment and the need to use the possibilities of correctional pedagogy are due to a number of factors, including the following:

  • deviations in health, psychosomatic development;
  • insufficient level of psychological, pedagogical and social readiness for schooling;
  • insufficient level of formation of psychophysiological, psychological prerequisites for the implementation of school education.

Types of adaptation disorders in primary school age

The need to use the possibilities of correctional pedagogy seems relevant when any symptoms of maladaptation of a younger student appear, which can be presented at the following levels:

  1. Pedagogical level is revealed in numerous learning difficulties and in mastering a new social role for the child as a student. The child develops gaps in knowledge, a lag in mastering educational material, partial or general failure, and refusal of educational activities. Tensions arise between the child and the teacher, parents, which can develop into a conflict situation.
  2. Psychological level of maladjustment is caused by difficulties in the learning process with a high level of motivation, which forces the child to instinctively defend himself against school demands that are too high for him, which leads to loss of motivation to learn, a shift in emphasis from school activities to substitute forms of activity, in passive or active protest against school systems.
  3. Physiological level of maladjustment acts as the basis for the development of pathological conditions of various kinds. In his desire to escape from schooling, to avoid the experience of feelings of inferiority, the child complains of poor health, symptoms of pre-neurotic conditions, pre-illness, and pre-pathology arise.

Many people believe that correctional pedagogy is pedagogy aimed at correcting children with difficult behavior. People call them “neglected” or children from dysfunctional families. But correctional pedagogy in primary education has long since acquired other directions. But let's figure it out.

Who is a special education teacher?

The specialty “Correctional Pedagogy in Primary Education” is aimed at helping children with disabilities and intellectual disabilities learn. These can be either congenital or acquired diseases.

Such children are trained in a specific correctional institution, where correctional teachers work. They weaken or replace developmental deficiencies.

The duties of a correctional teacher include:

  • Carry out pedagogical control.
  • Plan the goals and objectives of lessons, focusing on each child.
  • Evaluate the process and results of activities.
  • Conduct pedagogical diagnostics.
  • Work with children's parents.
  • Select a program taking into account the characteristics of the class.
  • Create a subject-development environment in the office.
  • Write reports for each child.

Who does the correctional teacher work with?

Answering this question, it is easier to say with whom the correctional teacher does not work. Children with autism, Down syndrome, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, musculoskeletal system disorders, as well as visually impaired and hearing impaired. Therefore, when going to study for the specialty “Correctional Pedagogy in Primary Education,” people often receive several additional specialties. This profession allows you to constantly be in the process of learning, since there are so many branches of correctional pedagogy.

Where to study?

They study to become a special education teacher in technical schools, colleges and universities. If a specialist already has one, he can take courses to improve his qualifications. When choosing such courses, focus not on the price, but on the fact that you are taught to study according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Correctional pedagogy in primary education is not the easiest profession. It requires not only a certain character, but also a sense of calling to the profession. And although before going to college or university, teenagers do not think about how their professional life will develop in the future, there are a number of scientific books that can help determine their choice of profession.

Where to start studying?

In it you can find information:

  • About the basics of pedagogy and its specific field - special (correctional) pedagogy.
  • About school maladjustment.
  • About educational relations and the organization of correctional and developmental education.
  • About pedagogical diagnostics.
  • About the main directions of correctional pedagogy.
  • On the development and improvement of spatial concepts, coordination of movements of the hands and fingers, visual perception.

The book consists of a whole introductory course, which, in addition to the above, talks about everything that a specialist may encounter.

Methods in correctional pedagogy

Corrective pedagogy in primary education is based on several specific methods.

  1. The conversation method or the method of collecting psychological and pedagogical data through communication between the teacher and the child. At the same time, much depends on the teacher’s ability to create an emotional and psychological atmosphere suitable for the child. During the conversation, the teacher not only interprets words, but also non-verbal signs. This method in correctional pedagogy is suitable only for children with developed speech functions.
  2. This method is divided into several different methods. You can observe the child by being involved in the process of his activity, or vice versa, standing on the sidelines. You can do this openly or, on the contrary, closed, using the Gisella mirror. Typically, the teacher keeps a plan of his observations, writes down feelings and thoughts, and then analyzes the material received. However, there are also disadvantages to this method - each person interprets what he sees according to his own standards.
  3. Questionnaire method. The most standard and widespread method. Children in primary school are not always able to fill out the questionnaire, so it is not suitable for every type of institution and not every child.
  4. Method of pedagogical experiment. This method uses personal data, conversations, observations and much more. Establishing connections and patterns is the main goal of this method.
  5. Method and anamnestic information. With this method, a patient is examined and a diagnosis is made based on his medical history. The study also includes looking at crafts, school notebooks, and much more that the child has made.
  6. Method of studying documentation. Each school maintains a specific file. It is from this that correctional teachers can, after analyzing, draw conclusions.

These are the simplest and most well-known methods. However, there are more serious methods, such as PMPK (psychological-medical-pedagogical council), where absolutely all information received by psychologists, speech therapists, parents, social workers, special educators and doctors is collected and processed. The purpose of this method is to draw up an individual development plan for the child.

Some statistics

Despite the demand for the specialty “Correctional pedagogy in primary education,” the salary is quite low in the regions of Russia. The situation has worsened with the crisis. Based on statistical data, salaries in Moscow fell from 40 to 30 thousand rubles. But the demand for special education teachers has not fallen, and there are quite a lot of vacancies. The same demand can be observed in the Leningrad region and Altai region.

The highest salaries are in the Moscow region and the Republic of Tatarstan - 32.5 thousand rubles each. Slightly lower is the Leningrad region with a salary of 30 thousand rubles. And the top 5 are closed by the Astrakhan and Kemerovo regions with wages of 18 and 16 thousand, respectively.

However, when choosing whether to enter a university with a degree in “Correctional Pedagogy in Primary Education” or not, you should focus not only on salary and demand in your region - what’s more important is whether you want to devote your life to this!

Full-time training involves the following training periods:

1. Based on secondary general education (11 grades) - 2 years 10 months

number of budget places in 2019 - 50

number of paid places in 2019 - 25

02/44/05 CORRECTIONAL PEDAGOGY IN PRIMARY EDUCATION (educational standard), Download

Training program for mid-level specialists, specialty 44.02.03 Correctional pedagogy in primary education, Download
Curriculum, Download

Specialty: Corrective pedagogy in primary education

Training in this specialty has been conducted since 2010.

The graduate's qualification is a primary school teacher and primary school teacher of compensatory and correctional and developmental education.

This specialty allows

1. Conduct lessons, extracurricular activities, extracurricular work with primary school students of compensatory and correctional developmental education.

2. Carry out pedagogical control, evaluate the process and results of students’ activities.

3. Conduct pedagogical observation and diagnostics, interpret the results obtained.

4. Determine goals and objectives, plan work with parents and persons replacing them.

5. Create a subject-development environment in the office.

6. Participate in research and project activities in the field of primary education, including compensatory and correctional developmental education.

What do they teach?

Students get acquainted with the basics of special pedagogy and psychology, methods of teaching mathematics, the Russian language, the surrounding world, and fine arts.

Future teachers are taught to determine the goals and objectives of lessons, extracurricular activities, plan them, organize extracurricular work with students in primary classes and primary classes of compensatory and correctional and developmental education.

Who to work with?

Graduates can work as primary school teachers in schools and as compensatory and correctional-developmental primary school teachers.


Graduates with a degree in “Correctional Pedagogy in Primary Education” are in demand on the labor market, since joint (inclusive) education for children with disabilities and children without disabilities is being introduced in regular secondary schools.


Correctional pedagogy is a complex, comprehensive specialty that, in addition to theoretical information about psychology and teaching methods, is based on serious practical experience in interacting with children who have health problems or mental development disorders. The work of a correctional teacher consists not only of teaching primary school students a number of general educational information, but also of nurturing the child’s visual perception and increasing communication abilities. One of the main subjects studied during training is the methodology of teaching various types of activities, including productive ones. In addition, various aspects of organizational activities are considered that will help the future teacher become a class teacher.

Who to work with

The work of a correctional teacher involves a number of sensitive issues and is often carried out in state educational institutions. A specialist with a diploma in pedagogical education is in demand as a primary school teacher, educator, or social worker. The compensatory and correctional-developmental profile of education can be implemented not only in specialized, but also in general educational institutions, including kindergartens, schools, boarding schools, orphanages, sanatoriums and dispensaries. In all these institutions there is a shortage of personnel; modern correctional pedagogy needs qualified personnel capable of fully engaging in both educational and administrative work.

Two trends today determine the meaning of the transformations that, with difficulty, breaking through the thorns of established views and traditions, make their way into the work of the school: the transition from the unification of education to its differentiation, individualization, and adaptability; transition from a school of learning to a school of development. In the book that you are holding in your hands, dear reader, its authors, relying on the research material they have received over many years, try to answer one of the most difficult questions for educators: how to combine and apply both of these trends in the education of the most vulnerable and a pedagogically unprotected group of children - children at risk of school maladjustment.

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