Compassion definition. Dictionary. Showing compassion in everyday life

These concepts have a rather vague definition and cannot be measured quantitatively or qualitatively. One of these concepts is the feeling of compassion. inherent in each of us. Let's figure out how to distinguish it from other feelings, and what is good about compassion for a person's personality.

"What rain is to fire, compassion is to anger"

The feeling of compassion is something that each of us knows. As soon as a child begins to talk and explore the world, he already experiences the entire range of sensations familiar to an adult. Of course, these emotions are many times stronger than what people who have lived experience.

The baby's anger is strong, his love is boundless, and with compassion, he cries and longs to help. It is not known why people are able to experience sensations that are inaccessible to animals. The ordinary instincts of other representatives of the animal world cannot be compared with love, hatred, jealousy, and pity. Perhaps all these manifestations of “humanity” are a great gift or voice of our soul. Compassion in this case is one of the most powerful melodies of the spiritual song in our heart.

Compassion - what is it?

Let's try to describe what it's like. When we see the pain of a friend or stranger, this sight resonates in us with the voice of compassion. This is expressed in the desire to provide help, sympathize, and console with a kind word or deed. Compassion is not a completely pleasant feeling, since, without experiencing any physical or moral influence from the external environment, we nevertheless suffer. On the other hand, it is considered very virtuous for the spiritual development of a person.

What else is the feeling of compassion expressed in? It's not just about understanding someone else's pain. It manifests itself in sensitivity to others, attention to their problems and experiences and, of course, help. Perhaps the highest goal of compassion is to provide all possible help to those suffering. No matter how wealthy you are, you are eloquent. It is believed that seeing a person in need of something is a sign for each of us, saying that he needs to help him with everything possible that we have.

Where did compassion come to us from?

This feeling is not new at all. Feelings of compassion are something that arose along with love for others from the very beginning of a person’s formation as an individual. A completely natural reaction of a normal person is to help someone who needs help. All religions talk a lot about compassion and the importance of developing this quality in oneself. Regardless of which god believers consider theirs, everyone knows that compassion is completely right and healthy for the soul. And any religion prescribes helping those who are in need. We are talking not only about our family and friends, but also about complete strangers.

Compassion today

The modern world does not encourage compassion. However, there is no point in blaming the world; those who live in it are to blame. From childhood, children are instilled with the idea that “it’s either you or you,” that they need to fight for a place in the sun. Let the parents raise the child in love, but there is school, teachers, peers, aggressive television and the Internet. As many believe, conscience and compassion are rather atavisms that prevent us from living a full life. The little man very quickly realizes how much he needs, and most often he does not have it. Compassion prescribes sharing, giving what you supposedly don’t have enough for yourself. We say “supposedly” because if you are healthy and surrounded by the love of loved ones, then you have everything you need.

A new phone or branded clothes will never make you happy, no matter what advertising promises. But you can make the mother of a sick child, an old grandmother or orphans in an orphanage happier with a small personal contribution. But this is very difficult to understand and even more difficult to do.

Don't go to extremes

However, in addition to widespread callousness, there is also a downside to excessive compassion - grief and despondency. There are people who, instead of being happy with what they have and sharing their happiness with others, are constantly sad. The feeling of compassion in them is hypertrophied. Such individuals see only grief around them, and this plunges them into a state of chronic depression. Such a feeling does not bring anything useful for the development of the soul, but only harms. will not allow himself to be discouraged, just being healthy. Therefore, compassion is useful only in its “pure” form.

The meaning of compassion

Why is compassion given to each of us by nature? What good does this feeling bring to us? The answer is obvious - no practical benefit in the form of accumulation of property, and at the same time a colossal “income” in the form of gratitude.

Agree that the best that each of us experiences cannot be measured in monetary terms. How much is friendship or love worth? Compassion also costs nothing (moreover, it is even fraught with “losses” from an economic point of view). However, having succumbed to this emotion and made a donation or talked to someone who is feeling bad, we feel some kind of bright excitement somewhere “in our soul.” This is that wonderful feeling that gives meaning to the lives of each of us.


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Sympathy and pity caused by the suffering and misfortune of another person.

He felt a feeling of compassion for Vera, pain and regret that a good person was suffering because of him. Chekhov, Verochka.

- How will you work today? - Marusya asked, looking with compassion at Yegor’s swollen fingers. Koptyaeva, Fart.

Small academic dictionary. - M.: Institute of Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Evgenieva A. P. 1957-1984.



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COMPASSION is one of the forms of manifestation of philanthropy, sympathetic understanding of the mental state of another person. Tactfully expressed compassion and willingness to help soften the difficult, unpleasant feelings that arise in another person in the event of failure, loss of loved ones, etc. The feeling of compassion is the concrete humanism of interpersonal relationships. It tells you how to see someone like yourself in another, how to put yourself in the place of this other, and understand the importance of moral and psychological support among people.

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Greetings, dear readers and guests of my blog! Today I want to talk to you about such an important human quality as compassion, its examples and distinctive features. This is one of the highest qualities of a person, only on one condition: that it is true and not false. It is sometimes confused with worldly charity, or pity; I will tell you how they differ a little later. Therefore, read the article to the end.

In explanatory dictionaries you can find a definition that this is pity for someone else’s grief, shared suffering. Of course, we can talk about this topic for a long time, but I believe that this definition is fundamentally wrong.

Compassion is a person's ability to feel the emotions and experiences of other people. It is the light that comes from one person and softens or even heals the pain of another.

Compassion has its own components, without which it cannot be complete. These are kindness, mercy, love, respect and patience.

Let's look at each component in more detail.


This two-root word literally means “sweet heart.” What does mercy mean? First of all, selfless help. For example, helping an elderly person carry bags, feeding a hungry street dog, or simply listening to someone. Secondly, mercy is the ability to forgive.


This is a caring attitude towards people and the world as a whole. Kindness is not always obvious; sometimes it is not easy to see.

Let me give you two parents as an example. The father generously feeds his little son with candy, cakes and other sweets that he asks for. But his mother, on the contrary, does not allow him to indulge in sweets. Of course, in the child’s opinion, dad is kinder in this situation. But is this really so? Sometimes what is mistaken for kindness is simply an inability to refuse, simple conformity. Of course, in this case, real kindness and care are shown by the mother, although it is hidden behind external severity.


A lot has been said and written about love, because it is such a broad and comprehensive concept that one can talk about endlessly. But now we will look at love as a component of compassion.

Of course, it is much easier to empathize with your loved ones, because the emotions of kindred spirits resonate at the same frequency. What to do with strangers or how to show compassion to the enemy? In order to learn to love and feel the whole world around us and its inhabitants, it is necessary to improve and develop our spiritual qualities.


The object of compassion must be treated with respect. Even if it is a small earthworm, it is the same creature of nature needed by this world. Without proper respect and understanding, compassion turns into pity and humiliates the one to whom this feeling is manifested.


When you do something, it happens that they are not appreciated. Patience in this case will be an indicator of sincerity.

Showing compassion and empathy

Let's look at some examples of how compassion manifests itself. Let's start with the most common one.

Worldly charity

Charity is now in fashion among famous, rich people. I have nothing against this fashion, quite the contrary, perhaps it is the best of all existing ones and I support it. Only such good deeds done for selfish reasons (the pursuit of fashion trends, the desire to look better in the eyes of others, fame, recognition) cannot be called sincere compassion. It will not be able to cleanse the soul and fill it with light.

Very rare individuals do not flaunt their good deeds. If a person is driven by such selfish motives, then let’s say if they were not justified, if they did not glorify him properly, then it is unclear whether he would have committed such a charitable act.

True Compassion

True compassion comes from the depths of the heart, it inspires a person to do good deeds without demanding anything in return.


tikshavah karunikah

suhrdah sarva-dehinam

ajata-shatravah santah

sadhavah sadhu-bhushanah

The sadhu is patient and merciful and is the friend of all living beings. He has no enemies, is peaceful, strictly follows the injunctions of the sastras and is endowed with all virtues.

A sadhu is a deeply spiritual person who has dedicated his life to God and strives to give knowledge to others. And all the qualities of compassion, according to this verse, are fully manifested in him.

He is patient and merciful. He develops friendship for all living beings - this means that he treats people and animals equally mercifully. Every living creature in this world has the right to life. Such a person does not harbor enmity towards anyone, even if someone is hostile towards her. While performing good deeds, the sadhu is patient, since often people do not appreciate his actions. The true task of such a person is to save the souls of others, and not just the body. As one of the proverbs says: “What is the point of saving the clothes of a drowning man if you need to save him himself.”

Therefore, true compassion can only be fully experienced by highly spiritual individuals who are willing to sacrifice everything in order to give true knowledge and happiness to others. To bring other people closer to God, to give them the opportunity for spiritual progress.

It happens that a person wants to show his compassion, but as soon as his comfort zone is touched, all good intentions disappear. The conclusion in such a situation is obvious.

Video - a story from ancient Vedic scriptures about compassion

Compassion for children and animals

Many people find it much easier to feel compassion for children and animals because their souls are pure and innocent. Unfortunately, it is impossible to help all the sick and homeless, but still we can do a lot.

For example, you can refuse to eat meat, in this way you will show mercy and save several innocent animals. One social organization calculated approximately how much meat a person eats in their lifetime: more than 1,000 chickens, a dozen pigs and cows. I started 12 years ago, thereby saving more than a hundred animals.

Compassion for other people

Many people have problems with compassion and empathy for their own kind. Projection comes to the fore, and unpleasant thoughts and arguments enter the head: “Why should I help someone, I have enough problems myself,” etc.

A fair summary of this story is that the well-fed do not understand the hungry.

How to develop and shape compassion

To begin with, I will try to explain why you need to develop compassion in yourself.

Compassion makes our heart wider, but selfishness, on the contrary, narrows it.

When we have a “big” heart, then we have good relationships with others, we feel healthy and complete. And gradually our consciousness approaches God

As a result of selfishness, the heart narrows, illnesses and misfortunes come.

Our modern civilization ties a knot in the heart, if you look at everyone, they are all tortured and unhappy.

People without this quality exhibit callousness and cruelty. Sincere feelings cannot enter such a soul - neither joy nor love. When we empathize with others, our soul is purified and becomes more receptive to peace and spiritual knowledge.

As I already said, it’s easier to sympathize with someone else’s grief when you’ve experienced a similar unpleasant event in your own skin.

The main key to developing compassion lies in spiritual self-improvement.

One of the barriers to compassion is self-centeredness. People are too fixated on their “I” and thoughts about their own good. Try to practice empathy at least once a day. Look at some person and ask yourself the question “What would I feel in his place?” It is best to do this during a conflict situation, thereby you will complete 3 missions at once:

  1. take your mind off your own negative feelings;
  2. practice empathy;
  3. mitigate the conflict.

The difference between pity and compassion

Now I will tell you the difference between pity and true compassion. There is a significant difference between these concepts. Pity is a destructive and destructive feeling, and compassion is bright and creative. Pity is inaction, while compassion provides help. Pity comes from the mind, and compassion from the heart.

Let's analyze these statements using an example. Imagine a seriously ill person. Relatives are sitting next to him, crying and feeling sorry for him. They already doom the patient and give him an internal message that he will not be able to cope with difficulties. Thus, they drive a person into an even greater abyss of misfortune, and he gives up.

Compassion carries creative energy and good spirits. A person who truly demonstrates this quality will not remain idle; he will provide all possible assistance and look for optimal ways out of the situation. Such people emanate vibrations filled with light and love, which in themselves have a beneficial effect on those around them and give them the strength to overcome difficulties.

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Compassion is a person’s ability, with the help of the energy of Love, to understand the suffering of another person and help him

Not every person is capable of compassion. For this you need. Those who have this power manifested through kindness, truthfulness, and humanity are capable of compassion. This quality of character and personality is characteristic only of spiritually strong and exalted people. This is absolutely helping other people.

True Compassion requires action, not sentiment, a person with the true intention of compassion provides real help, and is determined to do everything that is humanly possible and even beyond it for another, absolutely selflessly. Compassion is when, having seen an accident, you stop and with your skillful actions help people. Compassion is when you do for others out of a sense of responsibility, kindness, and a sincere inner desire to help! The decision and actions for help, as a rule, come from you absolutely automatically at the subconscious level. This is real compassion.

Compassion can be shown with kind words. First of all, through a warm look, touch, abstract word.

“Compassion is a manifestation of Love. It should become the essence of your attitude towards other people and influence all our thoughts and actions,” says the Dalai Lama.

Compassion is an active life position, ready to actively help another. Pity and Sympathy are different; they do not imply a desire to help and understand the suffering of another person.

Remember a very important rule and conditions for showing Compassion - You need to make sure that the person wants help!

Compassion and kindness go together, but they have some differences. Kindness is when you show kind feelings towards a person, satisfying his needs, doing what he wants.

Compassion gives a person not what he wants, but what he needs.. Often the sufferer wants what is harmful to him. A compassionate person will give a person what is useful, what is useful to him.

Compassion is the basis of humanity. “ Compassion is the highest form of human existence,” said Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Compassion is a quality of consciousness that is either present in a person or not. It is determined by a strong desire to help. Compassion does not condemn anyone. Compassion is your ability to put yourself in the place of the sufferer and understand him. Compassion fills a suffering person with the energy of true Love.

Compassion is the ability to take another person's point of view. Only a person under the influence of the energy of goodness can understand another person. This does not mean that he thoughtlessly adopts all his life principles.

A compassionate person understands that each person has his own level of consciousness, his own level of development. Compassion helps a person within the framework of his own Kindness.

Many vices are disguised as compassion - Sentimentality, but a dedicated person will easily detect fakes, tearful pity and encouragement.

When dealing with fakes, a person feels tired, hopeless and pessimistic. By the way, suffering is sent down to a person so that he can learn certain life lessons, understand where he was wrong, and find the strength to cope with the difficulties and challenges of fate. - About cars - Information portal