Puff pastry sticks with condensed milk. Cake “Log” made from puff pastry. Simplified cookie recipe

Holiday baking is an excellent occasion not only to feed your family deliciously and beautifully, but also to improvise a little. Today we are preparing a Christmas log cake using a more than simple recipe. We will have a chocolate sponge cake roll as a base, and as a filling I suggest trying delicate buttercream and aromatic cherries. Decorate this festive dessert with super chocolate ganache, sponge moss and meringue mushrooms.

Don't be intimidated by so many steps in the recipe - I did this on purpose to make the cooking process easier and to show everything clearly. In fact, in a maximum of 2 hours you will have a fabulous cake ready and you can make tea. I will show you how to decorate the Christmas log, but you understand that this is just my option, and your decor can be much more beautiful and elegant.

Regarding the Christmas log cake itself. In general, this can be absolutely any recipe, which you can easily create yourself if you wish. A sponge roll, some kind of stable filling and chocolate glaze - that’s the whole secret. My cake turns out richly chocolatey, with delicate buttercream and slightly sour cherry filling. You can prepare a simple white sponge cake or almond Mona Lisa, layer it with protein-butter, custard or other favorite cream. Even plain whipped cream is a great option.


Chocolate sponge cake:


Cherry filling:

Chocolate ganache:

Biscuit moss:

Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

Immediately turn on the oven to warm up at 190 degrees, since the biscuit dough is made very quickly. First, mix 90 grams of premium wheat flour and 30 grams of high-quality cocoa powder in a separate bowl. Sift everything to loosen the mixture and remove lumps.

Beat everything with a mixer at the highest speed for about 5-7 minutes (the time depends on the power of your assistant). The result should be an airy and fluffy mass that will increase in volume many times over. Well-beaten eggs are the key to a fluffy sponge cake.

Using a spatula or tablespoon, fold the dry mixture into the beaten eggs using folding movements, that is, scooping from bottom to top. We do not use mixers, combines or similar equipment!

We take a regular baking tray (I have a gas stove 60x60 cm), cover it with baking paper. Place chocolate biscuit dough on paper.

We level the dough with a spatula or spoon - it is desirable that the layer is the same in thickness. Place in a preheated oven on a medium level and bake the biscuit for about 10-15 minutes at 190 degrees. Just don't overdry it.

In the meantime, let's make the filling for our birthday cake. In a small saucepan or stewpan, put 200 grams of berries (if you have cherries with pits, remove them), add 50 grams of sugar and 1.5 tablespoons (this is a large tablespoon) of corn starch. If desired, you can replace the cornstarch with 1 level tablespoon of potato starch.

Place everything over medium heat and, stirring, cook for 2-3 minutes after boiling. During heat treatment, the berries will give juice, the sugar will completely dissolve, and the starch will thicken and bind the liquid.

Transfer the cherry filling to a separate bowl and let cool completely. You can put it in the refrigerator or take it out to the balcony.

During this time, the chocolate biscuit has already been prepared. You can check readiness not only visually, but also by simply pressing with your finger. The finished biscuit springs back and does not fall through.

We remove it right along with the parchment paper, put it on a towel and roll it all together into a tight roll. Let it cool completely in this position.

While the biscuit and cherry filling are cooling, prepare the buttercream. To do this, in a bowl, knead with a spoon 250 grams of cream cheese (necessarily at room temperature) and a tablespoon of vanilla sugar (grind in advance in a coffee grinder or replace with a tablespoon of powdered sugar with a pinch of vanillin). Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved and the cheese becomes soft and pliable.

In another bowl, beat 200 milliliters of cold heavy cream (30% or higher) until stiff peaks form. Just be careful not to overbeat the cream or you'll end up with butter and buttermilk.

Unwrap the chocolate cake and remove the towel. Apply buttercream evenly onto the sponge cake, leveling it with a spatula or spoon.

Roll the sponge cake with the filling into a tight roll, helping with a piece of paper. If your cake cracks (and mine cracked in one place) - no problem! Then we can easily hide all the shortcomings and flaws.

During this time we will prepare the chocolate glaze (ganache). Take 150 grams of chocolate (I used dark chocolate, but you can use milk chocolate if you wish) and 80 milliliters of cream. By the way, the cream does not have to be full-fat or, alternatively, you can simply mix 50 milliliters of milk and 30 grams of butter. Chocolate and cream must be melted until a completely smooth and homogeneous mass is obtained. For example, you can break chocolate into a bowl or saucepan, pour in cream and melt everything in a water bath. And you can do it even easier like this: pour hot cream into a bowl (it’s really very hot on your finger) and put chocolate in it, broken into slices (or better yet, chopped into smaller pieces with a knife). Quickly stir everything with a fork and in just a minute the glaze is ready.

We take out the chilled roll and cut off about 5 centimeters from each edge with a sharp knife. We place the roll itself on a suitable flat dish, and these same trimmings are placed on the so-called log in the form of knots. They won't hold up very well, but for now this is all just a fitting. I made the top knot thinner - I simply unrolled the cutter, cut off the half with the cherry filling (well, yes, I ate it right away) and twisted it back. If you like the result, you can cover the roll with chocolate glaze. If you still don’t like something, twist and turn the knots until you achieve the perfect result.

Carefully apply chocolate ganache to the log, leveling it with a spatula or spatula. We glue the knots onto the trunk using a thin layer of glaze - they set instantly. It's up to you to decide whether to cover the sections or not (I left it that way). The layer of glaze turns out to be quite decent. Place in the cold for 10 minutes to allow the ganache to harden.

After this, you can make the bark using a regular fork. We scratch the surface of the frozen glaze so that it becomes loose and resembles the unevenness of wood.

If desired, sprinkle the log with cocoa powder (you literally need a pinch of it - I didn’t mention it in the ingredients). The Christmas log cake is ready.

Look at this log! Like? Do you know how long it took? If you love homemade cakes, but don't want to spend all day at the stove, you'll appreciate a quick recipe for log cake made from puff pastry. The products, the complexity of preparation and labor costs are minimal, and the result will fit perfectly into the atmosphere of quiet and cozy family holidays.

The Puff Log cake is so popular that, like its older brother Napoleon, it has become a classic. If you cook it with custard or butter cream with condensed milk, it will indeed taste like Napoleon, but in a more original presentation - in the form of a rotten log, sprinkled with puff pastry.

Puff pastry is used as the base for the cake, which you can knead yourself or buy ready-made in the store. The dough needs to be thawed, rolled out, cut into ribbons and baked. From the resulting sticks, assemble the cake, coating it with cream based on condensed milk and cream. By the way, you can endlessly experiment with the filling. Custard, chocolate, butter or coffee cream is suitable, you can add nuts, fruits or berries. But in any case, it is better to prepare the cake in advance so that all the layers have time to soak and do not crumble when slicing. So, let's get started?

  • yeast-free puff pastry - 500 g
  • butter - 200 g
  • condensed milk - 1 can (400 g)
  • 33% cream - 200 ml

I roll out the puff pastry, defrosted in advance, to a thickness of about 3-4 mm and cut into thin and long strips. The thinner the ribbons, the better the cake will be soaked. I place the pieces on a sheet of parchment paper (dry) and put them in a preheated oven.

I bake at 200 degrees for 20 minutes. The result will be a whole pile of puff sticks.

I lay them out on a large piece of cling film. I trim the edges - the resulting trimmings will be used to sprinkle the cake.

I prepare cream from condensed milk, butter and cream. To do this, I use a mixer to beat well-chilled 33% cream to stable peaks so that they keep their shape. In a separate container, I combine butter softened at room temperature and condensed milk - the goal here is not to beat in the products, you just need to mix them until smooth. I add whipped cream to it and mix gently with a spatula again. I grease the puff sticks with the resulting cream.

I place the next portion of baked goods on top and coat them with cream again. Then I lift the edges of the film, thus forming a roll.

I press the product tightly with my hands to better hold its shape. I coat the top with the remaining cream and sprinkle with crumbs from the scraps.

I leave it for 1 hour at room temperature for soaking, after which I put it in the refrigerator for 6 hours (or better yet, overnight) so that the cream cools and hardens. The “Log” cake made from puff pastry is left to be cut into portions and you can make tea. Bon appetit!

  1. The recipe uses cream with the addition of whipped cream. It soaks puff pastry better than classic buttercream. If you still decide to remove the cream, then first beat the softened butter, and then gradually add condensed milk into it, without ceasing to work with the mixer. For flavor, you can add a spoonful of cognac to the resulting buttercream; it will add a pleasant nutty flavor to the cake.
  2. If the puff pastry is too hard, then the sticks baked from it can be soaked in sweet syrup or tea, then the cream will better saturate the layers.
  3. If you want to achieve an even greater resemblance to Napoleon, then prepare a classic custard for the cake.

Do you want a homemade cake and don’t want to spend a lot of time fiddling with it? Then this recipe is for you. A quick, inexpensive, but very tasty cake. Real home taste. It's quick to prepare - you won't be in the kitchen for more than 30 minutes, all you have to do is be patient and let the cake brew.

Ingredients for Almond Puff Pastry Log:

Recipe for Almond Puff Pastry Log:

Roll out the puff pastry without yeast and cut into strips about 1.5-2 cm thick. Place on a baking sheet greased with oil (I have a silicone mat). Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 12 minutes. The “logs” should be well gilded.

Meanwhile, make the custard. You can follow your favorite recipe or prepare a very simple cream - mix condensed milk with butter. Or boiled condensed milk with butter - also very tasty.
For the custard, I first pour flour into a bowl and then pour in milk in a thin stream, stirring constantly (I took part of the total volume of 1 liter). I make sure that no lumps form. The mass became like thick sour cream, add egg yolks to it, mix thoroughly.

And I add sugar 0.75 cup - 130 grams. If you like a very sweet cream, add a full glass of sugar.

Place the remaining milk on the stove, carefully pour the mixture into it, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps. And stir the cream, without leaving it for a minute, until it thickens. The cream should be “almost” brought to a boil, but not boiled. Remove the cream from the heat, cool to room temperature (I put the pan in a bowl of cold water), add room temperature butter and beat thoroughly with a mixer. Add zest (of lemon or orange), vanilla sugar and condensed milk. I love the flavor of condensed milk in the cream, although it is not necessary there at all. So you can leave it out if you wish. The cream is ready.

We took the finished logs out of the oven.
When rolling out the dough, I was in a hurry and didn’t roll out the dough enough - you see, they turned out a little high. This does not affect the taste in any way, it will just take the cake a little longer to soak.
So roll out the dough thinner - up to about 3 mm.

We take cling film, put a row of logs on it, pour cream on top very generously (don’t skimp on the cream, it should all go away)
and sprinkle with a generous hand of almond petals.
Almonds play one of the main roles here, so I don’t recommend skimping on them.

Place the second row on the first row, also grease with cream and sprinkle with almonds. Don’t be afraid that the cream “pouring out”, it will then be completely absorbed into the dough.

Recently, I discovered a wonderful cake recipe that won not only my heart, but also the hearts of my household. I myself did not expect such an effect. I also want to emphasize that food costs do not exceed 130 rubles. Well, labor costs are generally minimal.

For the cake, I buy puff pastry without yeast, which you can make yourself. I take it out of the freezer and defrost it at room temperature. I roll out the dough with a rolling pin in only one direction so as not to lose the layeredness of the dough.

All that remains is to cut the dough with a knife. The strips should be no thicker than one centimeter.

I spread parchment paper on a baking sheet. I carefully rearrange the strips and place them in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees.

In just 20 minutes the cake base is ready. I had to bake it twice because I couldn't fit all the strips.

Carefully move the dough to cool slightly.

You can start preparing the cream. There is nothing complicated here either. I take a pack of butter out of the refrigerator in advance.

Beat the softened butter with a mixer.

Pour condensed milk into the butter and whisk it well.

I'm starting to collect our Polen. I spread a large freezer bag on the table. It's big and durable. I cut the package so that it became twice as large. I place the first portion of strips a little closer to the edge.

I pour cream on top of them. I repeat this until the dough and cream are finished.

I carefully roll up the log. I'm trying to tighten it up a little. The cream may leak out on the sides, so I put small plastic bags on both sides. In this form, I send the log to the refrigerator to soak the cakes and harden the cream. This will take some time. I left the cake overnight.

I left a few sticks for decoration. I broke the strips to make it easier to sprinkle the log.

I ended up with a large log that had to be cut into two pieces so that it could fit on a large plate.

The log is cut quite easily, but it crumbles a little. The taste is reminiscent of a good Napoleon cake. It was moderately soaked and turned out to be incredibly tasty and not very sweet.

Bon appetit! Cook with pleasure.

I indicate the time without taking into account the time for the cake to harden.

Cooking time: PT00H30M 30 min.

Approximate cost per serving: 30 rub.

Today we are preparing a log cake. The recipe with a photo of this delicious and original dessert is simple, clear, budget-friendly and super-fast. The combination of puff pastry with butter cream will appeal to everyone who is crazy about Napoleon and homemade baking. The time spent here is much less than it takes to make a popular cake from the Soviet past.

In just half an hour, you can make a log cake from a minimal set of available ingredients. Our recipe with photos will show you step by step all the stages of cooking. It’s very good that, having mastered the basic technology, you can experiment with creams and fillings, decor and serving. Adults and children, having tried a piece of this dessert, will certainly ask for more. Therefore, there is no need to think, you need to adopt an interesting idea for a tasty addition to tea or decoration for the Christmas table.

Technology for making the Christmas log cake - comments on the step-by-step recipe with photos

  1. Strips 25-30 cm long are made from puff pastry rolled out to 3 mm thick.
  2. Bake them on parchment in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. The indicator of readiness is a beautiful blush.
  3. Cream is made from butter and condensed milk, to which coffee or cocoa is added if desired. Place the tubes on cling film, lubricating the layers with cream. Everything is wrapped in film and left in the refrigerator for a day. Before serving, remove the cover and sprinkle the cake with crumbs.

It couldn't be easier. No worries: whether the biscuit will rise or not. You take it and do it.

Briefly about the nuances of log cake with condensed milk - the secrets of a successful recipe and beautiful photos


Ideal - puff pastry without yeast. When baked it will give nice hollow tubes.

You can also use yeast puff pastry, but the tubes will be more fluffy, and the cake will eventually grow to gigantic proportions.

When answering the question of which option (homemade or store-bought) to give preference, we will confidently answer: take the one for which you have time. If you have a free hour, prepare it. If you don’t want to bother, buy it in the store.


  1. Condensed milk + butter (1:1). Beat softened butter with a mixer, add condensed milk to it, beat and mix with ground coffee, for example.
  2. Also delicious with pieces of prunes or dried apricots. With added cocoa. You can include nut or coconut crumbs.
  3. Boiled condensed milk and whipped cream.
  4. Boiled condensed milk and whipped butter.
  5. Custard in any variation.
  6. Mascarpone (another curd cheese), powdered sugar, sour cream.
  7. In general, any favorite cream that is popular in the family and with which the hostess is familiar will do. However, the classic recipe suggests greasing the log cake with cream No. 1 from the list. The recipe below with photos will tell you step by step about its production.


You can sprinkle with tasty crumbs:

  • from broken puff sticks;
  • grated chocolate;
  • coconut flakes;
  • almond petals:
  • any nut crumbs.

There are stories where berries or candied fruits are laid out at the top of the log.

Options for Christmas log cakes - list of recipes with photos step by step

In addition to puff pastry, you can use biscuit or honey. The technology will be slightly different, but the result will be the same: tasty and unusual.

Sponge log cake – recipe with photo

What we take:

  • wheat flour – 1/2 cup;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • boiled condensed milk – 1 can;
  • butter – 200 g;
  • chocolate – 1 pc.

How to cook

  1. According to a proven recipe, we make it from flour, eggs, sugar.
  2. Pour the dough onto a baking sheet lined with parchment and smooth it out. Bake for 15-25 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. If it turns brown, turn off the oven and wait another 10 minutes, then remove and cool. Then carefully remove it from the parchment.
  3. Beat butter at room temperature using a mixer. Add boiled condensed milk and beat again.
  4. To make a sponge log cake, you don’t need to be a genius. There are numerous recipes with photos, but there is no need to document the cooking process step by step. Simply rolling the same sponge cake into a roll is not difficult.
  5. We transfer the sponge cake onto a layer of cling film, grease it with cream and roll it into a roll. Wrap it in film and put it in the refrigerator for a day. Then remove the film and pour over the chocolate melted in a water bath.
  6. Decorate to taste. You can sprinkle with nuts (crumbs).


To get a chocolate log, just add cocoa (50 g flour and 50 g cocoa) to the basic biscuit dough recipe, and chocolate melted in a steam bath or the same cocoa (3-4 tbsp) to the cream. The recipe will be just as simple and quick. The photos will delight you with their color.

Honey log cake – recipe with photo

We prepare from flour, eggs, soda and honey.

After cooling, roll it out into a layer 3-4 mm thick. Cut into strips 2 by 30 cm. Place on a baking sheet. Bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 10 minutes. At this time, prepare the cream: beat 200 g of mascarpone with 50 ml of sour cream and 3 tbsp. l sugar.

Remove the finished sticks from the oven and cool to room temperature. Place on cling film, greasing with cream (5-6 pieces per layer). Wrap it up and let it soak in the refrigerator. Prunes will go well with this type of dough and filling. We decorate the log with this dried fruit when we take it out of the refrigerator. Only the entire surface of the cylinder needs to be covered with cream, and then dried plums or their pieces should be placed on top.

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