What is an applied bachelor's degree and an academic bachelor's degree? Bachelor's and specialty: study programs Admissions Committee of the Institute of Economics, Mathematics and Information Technologies

The transition to the Bologna education system introduced innovations, replacing the one-level higher education familiar to everyone in Russia with a two-level one. Now training for most specialties is possible only through the bachelor's and master's degree systems, and only a few (medical, engineering, military) remain available in the familiar form of five-year education.

To answer the question “which is better, a bachelor’s degree or a specialist’s degree,” it is necessary to consider the advantages and disadvantages of these two forms of education.

Features of the Bachelor's Degree

The bachelor's degree is the first stage of two-level education according to the Bologna system. The undergraduate program allows students to gain general knowledge in their chosen field. Among its advantages, the following should be noted:

  • After just four years of study, graduates receive a diploma higher education and can make a choice either to continue their studies at the second stage (master’s degree) or to build a career.
  • It is possible to quickly change professions by taking special courses, without having to retrain for several more years.
  • A bachelor's degree is recognized in foreign countries, which gives its holder the opportunity to enroll in a master's program at a foreign university or immediately find a job in a foreign country.
  • The disadvantages of a bachelor's degree include:
  • Impossibility of employment for a number of positions in the educational sector in Russia and in government bodies without passing the second stage;
  • Inability to enroll in graduate school and defend a dissertation.

Features of the specialty

The difference between a specialty and a bachelor's degree is that a specialty is a five-year form of education familiar to residents of our country, at the end of which the graduate receives the title of certified specialist. The specialty program involves obtaining both basic knowledge and specialized training in the chosen profile. The advantages of this type of education include the fact that graduates of the specialty:

  • more quoted on Russian market labor rather than bachelors;
  • have the opportunity to teach at Russian universities and the right to hold positions in government agencies.

Now about the disadvantages:

  • A “specialist” diploma gives you less chance of enrolling in a foreign master’s program or getting a job there.
  • Entering a master's program after completing a specialty does not provide a deferment from the army, while a bachelor's degree + master's degree is a six-year deferment.

As you can see, both directions of higher education have both their pros and cons. Therefore, the question of what to choose, a bachelor’s degree or a specialty, is decided by each future student for himself, depending on his goals. Bachelor's and master's degrees are largely focused on obtaining theoretical knowledge, which means they are more suitable for those who want to develop in the scientific field. A specialty provides highly specialized knowledge and skills for professional activities.

Today we’ll talk about the principles by which students choose between a bachelor’s degree or a specialty degree and what advantages each of these training programs has.

Modern Russian system higher vocational education provides the opportunity to obtain several qualification degrees. If previously in our country only certified specialists graduated from universities, today young people have the right to choose between bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s and postgraduate degrees.

Let us note that if master's and postgraduate programs do not raise questions, since without further ado it is clear that this is a certain academic degree, then not everyone knows how a bachelor's degree differs from a specialist's degree. That is why today we will talk about the principles by which students choose between a bachelor’s degree or a specialty and what advantages each of these training programs has.

What are bachelor's and specialty degrees?

A specialty is a traditional form of higher education for Russia. Upon completion of training, a university graduate receives the qualification “certified specialist”. At the same time, he has the opportunity to go to study both in master's and graduate school.

Bachelor's degree is the first stage of higher education. The student chooses a direction in advance and studies according to it. Such education provides precisely the basics of a specialty, that is, the base of necessary knowledge for obtaining a profession. After graduating from a university, a student acquires a bachelor's degree and gets the opportunity to study for a master's degree.

And on bachelor's degree, and people who have completed secondary or secondary vocational education (that is, after graduating from college or technical school) can enter the specialty. It is believed that a specialty includes a bachelor's and master's degree program.

The difference between a bachelor's degree and a specialty degree

If you are planning to enter a higher education institution, then first you need to decide which qualification is more important for you: specialist, bachelor or master. This will greatly influence which company you go to work for. Employers react differently to bachelor's and specialist degrees. Also, Russian enterprises have the same requirements, while international companies may put forward completely different ones.

Everything used to be Russian students studied only in the specialty. Accordingly, after graduation they were awarded the qualification “certified specialist”. At that time, two-level systems were already in full use abroad. education system. After some time, such a system was introduced in our country. Now in domestic universities you can find both the old and the new system.

What are their differences? Let's see:

  • at a bachelor's degree you will study for 4 years, and at a specialty for 5 or 5.5 years (depending on the specialty);
  • A bachelor studies the basics of the profession and general disciplines. A specialty, on the contrary, involves studying a narrow specialty in a profile chosen by the student;
  • In the first 2 years of both qualifications I study general education subjects. Then the division begins.
  • At a bachelor's degree, you can get the basics of a profession and then go into any field; at a specialty, you most often gain knowledge in a specific narrow area;
  • Having received a bachelor's degree, a student can only go to a master's degree. A specialist can immediately go to graduate school, bypassing the master's program;
  • Bachelors can apply for free master's studies, since this level of qualification allows them to participate in the competition. For specialists, the master's degree will be paid, as it will be considered a second higher education. According to the law, a second higher education can only be obtained for money.
  • A bachelor can only get into graduate school if he completes a master's degree.

As mentioned above, many employers understand that graduates specialists study longer and, accordingly, gain more knowledge in narrow areas. Therefore, a bachelor’s degree in the modern labor market is less in demand than a specialist’s degree. However, employers are very mistaken when they believe that a bachelor’s degree cannot be called a completed higher education. By graduating with this qualification, the student receives all the necessary professional knowledge and skills.

Advantages and disadvantages of a bachelor's degree

Oddly enough, bachelor's degrees in Russia are now very popular. In modern Russian universities it is much more common than a specialty. What is the reason for such popularity of bachelor's degrees? Of course, the benefits it provides:

  • Bachelor's degree is considered international system education. Therefore, after graduation, the student can safely go abroad to work there. Europe has the same two-tier system.
  • the student appears large selection places of work. Due to the practice-oriented nature of the training without being tied to any one narrow specialization, a bachelor’s degree can apply for many vacancies that require higher education.
  • the training lasts only 4 years (that is, you “save” at least one year).
  • Already during the learning process, a student can decide on a further choice of profession and enroll in a master’s program in a narrower specialty (at the same time, he can continue his studies at the expense of the budget).
  • During their studies, future bachelors are given a deferment from the army.

Now let's say a few words about the shortcomings of this training program.

As mentioned above, employers often do not value bachelors because they are convinced that four years of study is not enough to acquire high level professional knowledge and skills. Another serious drawback is go to the budget Although it is possible to get a master's degree, it is very difficult. And a paid master's degree can be very expensive. At the same time, a deferment from the army will be granted only if the student is studying full-time in a master's program.

Advantages and disadvantages of specialty

A specialist has many advantages over a bachelor:

firstly, employers value students who have completed a specialty degree, which makes it easier for certified specialists to find a job;

  • secondly, after a specialty, you can immediately go to graduate school without wasting time studying for a master’s degree;
  • thirdly, it is easier to start doing scientific work;
  • fourthly, students are given a deferment from the army;
  • fifthly, future specialists have the opportunity to enjoy student life one year longer.

If we talk about the shortcomings specialty, then, first of all, it is necessary to note:

  • inability to go to master's programs on a budget basis, since this will be considered a second higher education;
  • Such education is not valued abroad. They only have a two-tier system and they have no secondary qualifications;
  • If you want to study further, then there will be no deferment from the army.

If you are striving for rapid economic independence, then studying for a specialty may seem too long to you (up to 6 years).

Let's sum it up

Choosing a training program depends on your future goals. If you are studying a specialty, then you are not so much getting an education as mastering a certain profession. While in a bachelor's degree, you will get sooner general education a specific focus than a specific specialty. It is also important to evaluate how long you are willing to study. If you need to get your education as soon as possible, then it is better to choose a bachelor's degree.

Assess for yourself whether you need a master's degree and whether you can afford it from a financial point of view. If you want to continue your education, but cannot pay for it, then it is better to go for a bachelor's degree. Then there will be a chance to get into a budget place. According to statistics, 20% of bachelor's graduates get into the budget department of the master's program.

If you are going to engage in scientific activities, then it is better to go for a specialty. This way you will save 1-1.5 years.

Pay attention to what company you want to work for. If international is preferable, then it is better to choose a bachelor's degree. If it’s Russian, then it’s a specialty.

Bachelor's degree- the first level of higher education, involves training in certain training profiles. The student receives fundamental training in the chosen educational program. Upon completion of training, the graduate is issued a diploma of higher education with the qualification “bachelor”, which gives the right to enter a master’s program on a competitive basis.

Specialty- level of higher education. The student receives fundamental and special training in accordance with the educational program in the specialty. Upon completion of training, the graduate is awarded the qualification "specialist", which gives the right to enter master's and postgraduate programs.

Persons with secondary general education, secondary vocational and higher education are allowed to study in bachelor's or specialist's programs.







Acceptance of documents for training for general budget places and for places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services ends:

  • July 10, 2019– for persons entering training based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the Academy (branch) independently for full-time and part-time and part-time forms of study at places within the admission quotas and at places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services.
  • July 26, 2019– for persons entering only by Unified State Exam results for full-time study at places within the admission target numbers.
  • August 5, 2019– for persons applying only based on the results of the Unified State Exam for full-time and part-time forms of study to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services.
  • August 21, 2019- for persons enrolling for distance learning at places under agreements for the provision of paid educational services.

Acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment ends:

for bachelor's degree programs and specialist's programs for places within the target figures and under agreements for the provision of paid educational services in full-time and part-time forms of study:

for places within the target figures for full-time education:

  • July 28, 2019 from persons entering without entrance examinations, entering places within quotas, if these persons simultaneously submitted applications for admission to two or more higher education organizations in accordance with paragraph 59 of the Admission Rules.
  • August 1, 2019 from persons included in the lists of applicants for the main competitive places and wishing to be enrolled in the first stage of admission to the main competitive places.
  • August 6, 2019 from persons included in the lists of applicants for the main competitive places and wishing to be enrolled in the second stage of admission to the main competitive places.

to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services:

  • August 10, 2019 from persons included in the competitive lists and wishing to be enrolled at the first stage of enrollment.
  • August 15, 2019 from persons included in the lists of applicants for competitive places and wishing to be enrolled in the second stage of enrollment.

for bachelor's degree programs and specialist's programs for places under agreements for the provision of paid educational services via correspondence courses:

  • September 6, 2019 from persons included in the competitive lists and wishing to be enrolled

List of documents provided by applicants:

For citizens Russian Federation:

  • identification documents, citizenship;
  • document on education or document on education and qualifications;
  • documents established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, giving the right to special rights or benefits - for persons applying for these benefits;
  • 2 photographs (3x4, matte, black and white) for applicants based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the Academy independently;
  • taking into account the individual achievements of applicants when applying for training. The procedure for taking into account individual achievements is presented in section IV of the Admission Rules.

For foreign citizens:

  • A document proving the identity of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation or the identity of a stateless person in the Russian Federation in accordance with Article 10 Federal Law dated July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation” ( with a translation into Russian certified in accordance with the established procedure * ). The last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the applicant, indicated in the translations of the submitted documents, must correspond to the last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the applicant, indicated on the entry visa.
  • A document on education or education and qualifications and (or) a duly certified copy of it (in the case established by Federal Law, also a certificate of recognition of foreign education). Documents received in a foreign country are presented legalized in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, or with an apostille (except for cases where, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and (or) an international treaty, legalization and apostille are not required).
  • Photos – 2 pcs. (3x4, matte, black and white).
  • Other documents specified in clauses 58, 62.1 of the Admission Rules.

If, when submitting a document from a foreign state on education, a certificate of recognition of a foreign education is required, then the applicant may, when submitting an application for admission, submit the specified document without such a certificate, followed by the submission of a certificate of recognition of a foreign education no later than the day the acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment is completed.

When submitting a document from a foreign state on education, which requires legalization or an apostille, the applicant may, when submitting an application for admission, submit the specified document without legalization or an apostille, followed by the submission of the specified document with legalization or an apostille no later than the day when applications for consent to enrollment are completed .

When applying for training in accordance with Article 17 of the Federal Law of May 24, 1999 No. 99-FZ “On the state policy of the Russian Federation regarding compatriots abroad,” the compatriot submits, in addition to the documents specified in paragraph 58 of the Admission Rules, originals or copies of the documents provided for in the article 17 of Federal Law No. 99-FZ.

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Rossotrudnichestvo

Having switched to the Bologna education system, Russia began to develop new higher education programs - bachelor's and master's degrees. Most universities began to train students in these programs. You can study for a bachelor's degree in four years. After this, the student either goes to work or continues his master’s studies. It lasts for another two years. The future master deepens his acquired knowledge. Upon completion of his master's degree, he can engage in full-fledged scientific activity.

Bachelor's degree

Bachelor students study for four years. The basis for admission is secondary complete education, that is, eleven grades of school. A graduate of a technical school or college can also study for a bachelor's degree. In this case, the training period will be three years.

Bachelor's students receive diplomas of higher education and a bachelor's degree upon completion of their studies.

But now students should learn to understand what an applied bachelor's degree and an academic bachelor's degree are, since recently these programs have also appeared in Russian system education.

Strategy 2020

Since 2010, a little more than 50 Russian technical schools and universities have been experimenting with applied and academic bachelor's degree programs. What is applied training of qualified personnel with higher education. At its core, this is an alternative to secondary vocational education.

The applied bachelor's degree became part of the finalization of the government program "Strategy 2020", aimed at the long-term socio-economic development of the country.

When the concept of “applied bachelor’s degree” appeared in the country, it was assumed that it would also be taught for four years. Later, experts leaned towards a three-year training program. Now they have settled on the first training option.

What does an applied bachelor's degree mean? Now this concept includes two aspects:

  1. Training of workers who will have higher education.
  2. Bachelor's degree, which has an expanded applied part, focused on the student's employment.

In higher educational institutions of the country, preference is given to the second option.

The meaning of an applied bachelor's degree

The main thing that attracts students to the applied bachelor's degree program is the opportunity to find profitable employment upon completion of their studies. As you know, a bachelor's student does not have certain qualifications. During the applied bachelor's degree program, the student studies the same basic part as during regular training, but the additional part is more practical-oriented. As a result, the student receives a clear qualification.

Preparing students for a specific profession, teaching computer skills and basic subjects aimed at supporting the activities of a manager, providing relevant practice and a diploma of higher education - this is what an applied bachelor's degree means. And trained personnel are in great demand in the modern labor market.

Three or four year training?

So, what is an applied bachelor's degree, essentially? This is a basic education supplemented by applied qualifications in a specific profession.

Previously, there was debate about three-year or four-year education. As a result, it was decided to focus on four years of study, since bachelor's students must receive the appropriate academic level of study.

When the system was first introduced, training programs in colleges and technical schools were proposed to be renamed applied bachelor's degrees. The duration of study in these educational institutions is 3-3.5 years. But the idea turned out to be untenable. In the end, an applied bachelor's degree remains a bachelor's degree, that is, it involves obtaining a higher education. Technical schools and colleges do not have such qualifications.

Academic bachelor's degree

Having understood what an applied bachelor's degree is and that it is focused on preparing specialists for working conditions, we can begin to understand the concept of an academic bachelor's degree. This training program aims to create a theoretical foundation in a large number of disciplines. There is no practical activity, since it is assumed that the graduate will acquire basic skills already at work. This form of training also lasts for four years.

Each student decides for himself what qualification he needs - academic or applied. What do applied and academic bachelor's degrees mean? The first is aimed at practical knowledge, while the second is theory oriented. Academic bachelors are purposefully prepared for research work. They are prepared to go on to study further - to get a master's degree.

Undergraduate difference

If you look at what an applied bachelor's degree and an academic bachelor's degree are, it turns out that the first is a worker with a higher education, and the second is a traditional form of higher education.

Further admission to the master's program is different for students of applied and academic bachelor's degrees. “Academic students” undergo a certain competitive selection, and “applied students” must first work in their specialty for a certain number of years before entering.

So, we have looked at what an applied bachelor's degree and an academic bachelor's degree mean. The difference between them is the presence of practical knowledge, skills and abilities. “Applied specialists” are narrow specialists with practical skills in a certain field. “Academicians,” on the other hand, have a broad outlook in a certain field of knowledge, but they lack practical skills.

Which bachelor's degree should I choose?

We figured out what applied and academic bachelor's degrees mean. However, yesterday's schoolchildren are faced with a choice: where to go next? Of course, you can go for a regular bachelor's degree, or choose an applied or academic one.

A bachelor's degree involves obtaining theoretical knowledge. There are also practical classes, but they are few. In the diploma of higher education, bachelor students will, for example, have the inscription “Applied Informatics”.

What does it mean when a student receives the practical knowledge base he needs and subsequent employment, coupled with higher education. By the time he graduates, he will already have an idea of ​​working conditions. To some extent, this is still the same specialty, but only in a certain specialty. In this case, the student’s diploma will indicate something specific, for example, “C++ programmer.”

If we consider what an applied bachelor's degree is, it is providing students with training with mastery of a wide range of competencies in areas such as education, culture and social sphere. The specialist must be prepared for teaching, research or cultural and educational activities.

So what should you choose? The fact is that now in the country there are no conditions for training the most ready workers, as is assumed in the “applied bachelor’s” program. In this case, a regular bachelor's degree is preferable. If only because specialists come out of higher education buildings educational institutions, having a fairly broad outlook in the chosen field of knowledge. They can go to work or go to graduate school, doing science.

An academic bachelor's degree has more advantages in this regard. Specialists have a broad outlook and can get a job not only in a specific specialty, but also in a related one. If you don't have practice, then it's not so scary. “Applied specialists” don’t have enough of it either. There is no necessary base in the country. Not yet.

What to do next?

Having learned what an applied and academic bachelor's degree is, and comparing these concepts with a regular bachelor's degree, you begin to ask yourself the following question: “Where to work then?” Getting a normal serious position with a bachelor's degree of any degree is quite problematic.

A specialist must acquire complete theoretical knowledge in the field of interest to him, and then learn to apply it in the workplace. Only in this case will he have the opportunity to approach work tasks creatively.

As a result, the program is aimed at teaching how to press a button. These are practical skills. But why this button is useful, what it gives and how to use it correctly, this is already a theory that you should know. Without full-fledged theoretical knowledge, a true specialist cannot be achieved even if he copes well in practice.

Having considered what an applied and academic bachelor's degree is, it is better to give preference to the second type of training.

In conclusion

For recent years The higher education system in our country has undergone significant changes. Many new trends and trends have emerged. In addition to bachelor's and master's degrees, students began to be trained in applied and academic bachelor's programs. What to choose and where to go to study next, everyone decides for themselves.

The Presidential Academy (RANEPA) offers applicants 22 areas of undergraduate higher education programs and 5 areas of specialty study. In total, RANEPA operates about 80 educational programs and profiles in basic socio-economic and humanitarian disciplines.

What is a bachelor's degree

Bachelor's degree is the basic level of higher education accepted in Russia and abroad. Bachelor's degree programs usually last 4 years. A bachelor's degree does not imply a narrow specialization, but guarantees general fundamental training in a wide field of knowledge in the chosen field. Upon completion of training, the graduate is issued a diploma of higher education with a bachelor's degree.

After receiving a bachelor's degree, the graduate can continue his studies at, and after graduation, enter the.

A bachelor's degree from a Russian state university is recognized by both Russian and foreign students educational institutions and employers.

Along with the new levels of higher education (bachelor's and master's degrees), there is a traditional type - a specialty, the program of which provides for a five-year study. Upon completion of the specialty educational program, the graduate is issued a diploma of higher education and is awarded the qualification (degree) of “specialist”.

Advantages of bachelor's programs at RANEPA

  • A diploma of higher education from one of the most prestigious state universities in Russia.
  • Study at the Presidential Academy, the only university in Russia with presidential status.
  • RANEPA is the largest socio-economic and humanitarian university in Europe, whose educational programs and technologies are highly valued in Russia and abroad.
  • Education at the Presidential Academy is carried out in close connection with practical Russian and international experience.
  • The Academy has partnerships with leading international universities and regularly organizes programs, seminars and master classes with the participation of world-famous foreign professors.

Bachelor's programs at RANEPA

  • Business informatics
  • State and municipal administration
  • Design
  • Journalism
  • Foreign regional studies
  • Arts and Humanities
  • Story
  • International relations
  • Management
  • Political science
  • Applied computer science
  • Psychology
  • Public Policy and Social Sciences
  • Regional studies of Russia
  • Advertising and Public Relations
  • Service
  • Sociology
  • Trading business
  • Quality management
  • Personnel management
  • Economy
  • Jurisprudence

The Academy also has 5 specialty programs:

  • Legal support of national security
  • Psychology of performance
  • Judicial and prosecutorial activities
  • Customs
  • Economic security

Contacts of the RANEPA admissions committee

Address: Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 84, building 6.

+7 499 956-99-99

(Bachelor's and Specialist's degrees)

Opening hours: 10.00 - 17.00

Admissions Committee of the Institute of Economics, Mathematics and Information Technologies:

Opening hours: 10.00 - 17.00
Phone: +7 499 956-90-07; +7 499 956-90-08; +7 499 956-90-09.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Acceptance of documents to the Academy for undergraduate and specialist programs is carried out separately by two admissions committees: the admissions committee of the Academy and the admissions committee of the EMIT Institute.

Acceptance of documents for undergraduate programs (on contract), for master's programs of the Institute of Finance and Sustainable Development (IFSD) is carried out at the address: Moscow, Signalny proezd, D.23A.
Acceptance of documents for undergraduate programs in the field of study 03/38/05 Business Informatics (on contract), for master's programs in the field of study 04/38/05 Business Informatics of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Data Analysis of the Institute of Economics, Mathematics and Information Technologies (FITAD EMIT) is carried out according to address: Moscow, st. Sadovniki, D.4, building 2.

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