Frozen masks with herbs and olive oil. Face mask honey and olive oil - The best healthy recipes. Anti-wrinkle face mask with olive oil

Olive oil has been used for skin care several thousand years ago, and due to its beneficial properties, this product remains one of the most popular cosmetics of natural origin to this day. Olive tree oil is an important component homemade creams and face masks, it contains a whole complex of vitamins and microelements that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, increase its elasticity and help fight the signs of aging. Face masks with olive oil can be used for any skin type, but they will be especially useful for sensitive dermis prone to dryness and flaking. The main advantage of such caring cosmetics is that it almost never causes allergies and is suitable for women of any age.

What are the benefits of olive oil?

Olive oil is recognized as a rich source of vitamins, in particular vitamin A (retinol) and vitamin E (tocopherol), which, being natural antioxidants, help normalize metabolism and slow down the aging process of cells. In addition, this product contains monounsaturated fats and essential organic acids - linoleic and linolenic, which take part in the construction of cell membranes and improve blood circulation in cells. Olive oil also contains squalene, a hydrocarbon that saturates skin cells with oxygen and prevents moisture loss, and sterols (unsaponifiable substances), which prevent early aging of the dermis and have restorative and regenerating properties.

Indications for use

Olive oil is recommended for use as a moisturizer and rejuvenator. This natural product can be used both in its pure form and as part of homemade masks designed to eliminate the following problems:

  • increased dryness;
  • irritation and peeling;
  • pigmentation;
  • cracks and other skin damage;
  • sagging and loss of elasticity;
  • acne;
  • dull complexion;
  • wrinkles

Rules for using masks

Masks made from olive oil have virtually no contraindications (except for individual intolerance to the components) and are excellent for regular use. But in order to achieve maximum effect from such procedures, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  • To prepare homemade cosmetics, you can use only unrefined olive oil, since such a product is not subjected to thermal or chemical treatment during production, which means it retains its beneficial properties to the maximum.
  • Before applying the prepared composition to the face, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test, because any vegetable oil, especially in combination with other products, can provoke allergic reactions.
  • Olive oil can be used not only for dry skin, but also for oily skin. In this case, the masks must contain citrus juices (lemon, grapefruit or orange) or low-fat dairy products.
  • The procedure time is in most cases about thirty minutes (depending on skin type). It is recommended to wash off oily compounds with water with the addition of lemon juice (a teaspoon of juice per one and a half liters of water).
  • You can take care of your face using homemade olive masks two or three times a week for thirty days, after which you need to take a short break.

Please note that there is no need to apply cream after removing the olive mask, because the oil forms a film on the surface of the skin that prevents the penetration of active substances into the cells, and excess fat can clog the pores, and then the skin will not be able to breathe normally.

Video recipe for the occasion:

Curd mask with olive oil and parsley juice

This home remedy refreshes the skin, removes signs of fatigue and improves complexion. The curd mask is suitable for normal and combination skin.


  • 50 g soft cottage cheese;
  • 30 ml olive oil;
  • a few sprigs of parsley.


  • Grind the parsley in a ceramic bowl until pureed.
  • Mix cottage cheese with butter and add green gruel to the resulting mixture.
  • Distribute the prepared mixture evenly on your face, and after twenty minutes, rinse with water.

Mask with olive oil and baked onions for dry skin

This product deeply nourishes and moisturizes sensitive skin. The effect can be noticeable after the first use.


  • 1 onion;
  • 30 g thick honey;
  • 50 ml olive oil.


  • Place the unpeeled onion in the oven and bake for half an hour.
  • Wait until the onion has cooled, then remove the peel and rub the pulp through a sieve or grind in a blender.
  • Mix the onion mixture with honey and oil, then apply the resulting mixture to your face (be careful not to get the mixture into your eyes) and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  • Rinse off the mask with warm water.

Fresh cucumber and olive oil cleansing mask

This mask perfectly cleanses the skin and also has a slight whitening effect. Instead of sour milk, you can use low-fat kefir.


  • 1 small cucumber;
  • 1 spoon (teaspoon) olive oil;
  • 50 ml sour milk.


  • Grate the previously peeled cucumber and mix the resulting pulp with the remaining ingredients. If the mixture is too liquid, add a little oatmeal to it.
  • Apply the prepared mass to your face with massaging movements and leave for thirty minutes, then rinse off the mask with water (preferably cool).

Tomato mask with olive oil for oily skin

This easy-to-prepare product eliminates oily shine and fights skin rashes. You can use pulp instead of juice fresh tomato, in this case the amount of starch must be reduced.


  • 20 ml olive oil;
  • 50 ml tomato juice;
  • 1 spoon (dessert) potato starch.


  • Grind the starch with tomato juice until smooth.
  • Add oil to the resulting mixture, mix and apply the finished mixture to previously cleansed skin.
  • After a quarter of an hour, rinse off the mask with water.

Nourishing mask with olive oil and carrots

A mask prepared according to this recipe perfectly nourishes and tones the skin, eliminates puffiness and relieves inflammation. If it is intended for skin prone to oily sheen, you can add a few drops of orange or lemon juice to the composition.


  • 30 ml olive oil;
  • 1 fresh carrot;
  • 20 g baker's yeast;
  • 1 tablespoon of sour cream.


  • Mix the yeast with slightly warmed sour cream and leave the mixture for half an hour.
  • Peel the carrots and grate them on a fine grater.
  • Combine the carrot pulp with the rest of the ingredients, mix thoroughly and apply the resulting mass to your face and neck.
  • After thirty minutes, rinse off the composition with water acidified with lemon juice.

Mask with olive oil and kaolin for oily skin

This home remedy perfectly softens and whitens the skin, and also eliminates oily shine and tightens pores.


  • 30 g white kaolin (clay);
  • 50 ml olive oil;
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice.


  • Add oil to the clay and stir until smooth.
  • Pour lemon juice into the resulting mass, rub thoroughly and spread the finished mask on your face using a spatula.
  • Wait until the composition dries, then remove it with a damp swab and rinse your face with water.

Mask with olive oil and egg yolk for mature skin

This mask helps fight signs of aging, smoothes wrinkles and evens out complexion.


  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 50 ml olive oil;
  • 20 g honey.


  • Grind the yolk with preheated honey and add butter to the resulting mass.
  • Mix everything thoroughly and apply the finished composition to the skin with massage movements.
  • Leave the mask on for twenty minutes and then rinse off as usual.

Soothing mask with olive oil and mint for sensitive skin

This product soothes and nourishes sensitive skin prone to irritation and flaking. Fresh mint can be replaced with one teaspoon of menthol oil.


  • 50 ml olive oil;
  • a few peppermint leaves;
  • 50 g soft cottage cheese;
  • a tablespoon of cream.


  • Grind the mint leaves with a pestle until pureed.
  • Mix cream with cottage cheese and butter.
  • Combine the resulting mass with mint pulp, mix and apply the finished mask to previously cleansed skin.
  • After thirty minutes, rinse off the cosmetic composition with warm water.

Nourishing mask with olive oil and apricot

Any homemade masks that contain fresh fruits have nourishing and moisturizing properties. After just a few procedures, the skin becomes soft and velvety.


  • 1 ripe apricot;
  • 50 ml cream;
  • 30 g olive oil.


  • Grind the apricot pulp in a blender and mix the resulting pulp with cream and butter.
  • Distribute the finished mixture on your face (you can use a brush) and leave for thirty minutes.
  • Remove the mask with a cotton swab and rinse your face with water.

Olive oil can be used without adding other components - just heat the product in a water bath, soak a cotton pad in it and wipe your face with it twice a week before bed. Such simple manipulations can provide your skin with complete care, and very soon you will notice pleasant changes: fine wrinkles will smooth out, the skin will become more elastic, and your complexion will be even.

Since ancient times, olive oil has been considered an excellent product for caring for the skin of the body and face, as well as hair. Today it is widely used in cosmetology: creams, emulsions and face masks with olive oil are very popular among women of all ages, with all skin types. Cosmetologists recommend using olive oil to prepare homemade cosmetics, which is what we’ll talk about today.

What is the value of olive oil

First of all, this is a unique composition. It contains two main vitamins - E and A. Vitamin E is responsible for the firmness, softness and elasticity of the skin, but vitamin A takes care of providing it with hydration and nutrition. This is a complex double effect on the epidermis.

In addition, olive oil contains other equally useful vitamins - B, K and D - which, in combination with monounsaturated fats, provide deep nutrition to the skin, preventing premature aging.

This is a complex of useful substances, microelements, vitamins and minerals, which are primarily suitable for dry skin, which is most in need of good hydration. By retaining moisture in the epidermis, olive oil softens the skin and smoothes out wrinkles without clogging pores. In addition, cell regeneration accelerates, that is, their ability to quickly recover, which manifests itself in a rejuvenating effect.

This product is also unique in that it is hypoallergenic - feel free to use it even in caring for the most sensitive skin.

How to use olive oil at home?

Let's look at the best way to use olive oil in caring for different skin types.

First of all, it is a cleanser that can be used both morning and evening. Heat the oil slightly by placing the container with it in hot water literally for a couple of minutes. Now soak the cotton wool in warm oil and gently wipe the skin. If you perform this procedure before bed, you can safely leave the product on all night. This is suitable for those who suffer from excessive dry skin. If you cleanse in the morning, then leave it on your face for 20 minutes, no more, and don’t forget to blot your face with a napkin afterwards.

It is worth noting that olive oil is considered a quality makeup remover. It perfectly removes even waterproof mascara or eyeliner - a good alternative to expensive products.

It is also used to nourish the skin around the eyes, which, as you know, is the most sensitive and prone to the appearance of early wrinkles. Simply lubricate the skin in the eye area, tapping a little with your fingers for better absorption. You can, as in the first case, leave the product overnight.

Olive oil masks

Of course, valuable olive oil is most often used to make masks, the recipes for which we will consider below.

  • The first method is the simplest

This is exactly the method that was mentioned earlier. Just heat the oil and apply it to the skin for 25-30 minutes. This is suitable for those who suffer from increased skin flaking and dryness.

  • Recipe for combination skin
  • Fruit and olive oil

If you want to get rid of excessive dryness, prepare masks based on olive oil, adding fruits/vegetables or the pulp of fresh berries.

For example, you can stir one large spoon of fruit and vegetable pulp with the same spoon of oil. Leave the mixture on your face for 15-25 minutes.

Note that fruit-olive masks are suitable, in general, for any skin type. The only difference is in the composition of the masks.

What fruits and vegetables are best? Here we pay attention to skin type. Banana, melon, gooseberry, lingonberry or persimmon are suitable for dry skin. Potatoes, radishes, peppers and carrots will prove equally effective here.

But in the case of combination or normal skin types, it is best to mix the oil with kiwi, orange or grapefruit, apple or peach. Raspberries, rowan or currants are also suitable.

  • Mask based on cottage cheese and eggs

This recipe is ideal for dry skin. Here you will need: full-fat cottage cheese - 1 large spoon, olive oil - 2 large spoons, egg yolk - one.

Literally immediately after you wash off this mask, you will notice how great your skin feels. This product is considered one of the best!

  • Saving aging skin
  • Cleanses normal and combination skin

Here we use butter in combination with flour. Mix one soup spoon of flour (rice or wheat) with a spoon of olive oil. You will get a paste-like mass. Apply to the skin for about fifteen minutes, then rinse with water.

  • Oily skin

It would seem, how can you use oil, which itself is oily, to care for skin prone to excessive secretions and acne? This is quite possible, because olive is indispensable for irritation, rashes and inflammation.

Let's take the following ingredients: starch - a teaspoon, olive oil - a teaspoon, tomato juice- A little. Initially, mix tomato juice, preferably freshly squeezed, with starch. Ideally, you should end up with a fairly thick paste. Now add the olive here and mix thoroughly again until the mass is homogeneous.

This olive-starch mask helps reduce pores, smooth the skin, and also prevent the appearance of hated comedones or blackheads.

  • Relieves sensitive skin irritations

In this case, we use a banana (one quarter) and a cucumber (a teaspoon) in combination with an olive. First of all, mash the banana, then mix the mixture with the gruel made from cucumber. Now add olive oil and stir again. Apply the mixture to the skin for half an hour, then rinse with cool water.

You will immediately notice how prettier your face is: there is no irritation, dryness has disappeared, and a healthy glow has appeared.

  • Cosmetic clay and olive for all skin types

Everyone knows about the amazing properties of kaolin, cosmetic clay. Why not combine it with equally healthy olive oil? So, let's take the following components: kaolin - a teaspoon, olive oil - a large spoon, water - a little to dilute the clay.

First, dilute kaolin in water. Stir until the mixture is as thick as sour cream. The water must be warm. After this, add the olive, mixing everything again. Keep the mask on your face for about fifteen minutes.

This great option for problem skin that needs to be dried and improve its overall appearance. In general, this recipe is quite effective - wrinkles are reduced, and acne and pimples are not so noticeable.

  • For freshness and radiance of the skin

An excellent mask based on honey (a couple of teaspoons), grated apple and olive oil. Preparing the mixture is very simple - mix all the ingredients. Now in a circular motion Distribute the mixture onto your face and wash off after literally 10 minutes. That's it - you look perfect!

The mask recipes presented above have repeatedly proven their effectiveness. They are no less useful than expensive cosmetics from popular brands. Why not take advantage of what nature has given us? Take care of yourself and be beautiful!

Several thousand years ago, humanity learned to grow olive trees. And the oil from their fruits turned out to be a truly healing product. A face mask made from olive oil is a natural product enriched with polyunsaturated acids, and taking olive oil internally normalizes cholesterol levels and cures some gastrointestinal problems.

Benefits of olive oil for facial skin

Here's what face masks with olive oil can do for your skin:

  • vitamin E – eliminates flaky areas, prevents premature aging;
  • healthy fats that are essential for moisturizing and nourishing dry skin. A thin film forms on the surface of the epidermis, which acts as a barrier against the effects of ultraviolet radiation, dry air, and unfiltered water;
  • The presence of iron in the oil helps to normalize the oxygen balance and enhances the nutrition of skin cells.

Masks with this oil have become a real salvation from wrinkles, dryness, aging, and premature signs of skin aging. The olive face mask has successfully proven itself as a moisturizing, nourishing, anti-fatigue, and rejuvenating product. The product also alleviates the condition of chronic skin diseases, especially dry dermatitis.

Thanks to the components of olive oil, a powerful rejuvenating effect is created. Based on this product, you can prepare healing masks, or use it in its pure form. With its help you can eliminate a number of skin problems:

  • eliminate foci of inflammation;
  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • restore skin elasticity;
  • discolor pigmented areas;
  • get rid of dryness and flaking;
  • emphasize the oval of the face;
  • restore radiance and freshness.

Which oil to choose for facial care

Only quality oil from olive can solve skin problems. When purchasing in a supermarket, carefully read the label. Best oil- unrefined, without additional components. The highest quality product is made in Italy. The oil has different colors - from bright yellow to greenish.

Face masks with olive oil

There are no contraindications to use face masks at home with olive oil. But you need to adhere to some general rules:

  • conduct a sensitivity test to prevent allergic reactions;
  • use only unrefined olive oil for making masks;
  • keep for no more than half an hour;
  • rinse with acidified water;
  • The course of masks is 30 days (a couple of times a week), then you need to give the skin a short break.

The best mask recipes

    Olive oil, egg yolk, honey and carrot juice.
    Mix the egg yolk with a small spoon of warm honey, pour in a large spoon of carrot juice and two spoons of olive oil.

    This face mask with honey and olive oil tones, nourishes, rejuvenates and restores the skin.

    Olive oil, honey, egg.
    Mix the egg yolk with a teaspoon of thick honey, then pour a little butter into the mixture.

    This mask evens out skin tone, tones, cleanses and nourishes.

    Honey, butter, cottage cheese and yolk.
    If your face no longer glows, has become dull and is covered with the first wrinkles, then use the following recipe: mix melted honey with a couple of large spoons of butter and add the yolk, mashed with a tablespoon of cottage cheese.

    This composition eliminates skin pallor, whitens, and evens out the first wrinkles.

    A mask made from honey and olive oil for the face is most effective in promoting medicinal properties relatively dry and aging skin, as a nourishing and moisturizing agent. It is able to saturate the epidermis with vitamins A and E, soothe and restore elasticity to the skin, protecting it from premature aging.

    Curd mask.
    If you have combination or normal skin, then there is an interesting recipe for you to restore freshness and vitality to your facial skin.

    Crush a couple of parsley sprigs until smooth. Grind two large spoons of cottage cheese with a spoonful of olive oil, and add green parsley gruel.

    Lemon mask.
    To eliminate wrinkles on the face and neck, use a face mask with olive oil and lemon, which will additionally give the skin whiteness and freshness.

    Squeeze the juice from a quarter of a lemon, mix with the yolk of one egg and a small spoon of olive oil. Now you need to add oatmeal to the mixture to make a thick paste.

  1. Onion mask.
    A baked onion mask can moisturize and nourish the skin after the first use.

    Take one onion, no need to peel it. Place in the oven to bake for 30 minutes. Only after the onion has cooled, remove its peel, and puree the soft center in a blender or rub through a strainer. It remains to mix with two large spoons of olive oil and a spoon of warm honey.

  2. Recipe for aging skin.
    If you want to restore freshness, youth and beauty, then an olive oil mask based on three gifts of nature is suitable for you: oil, honey and yolk.

    To prepare the product, you need to carefully mix a small spoon of warm honey with the yolk. All that remains is to add the main ingredient - 1 teaspoon of olive oil.

If olive oil is mixed with wound-healing tea tree oil (5:1), then the resulting mixture can be pampered not only for the face, but also used as a hair mask.

It’s so easy to always stay beautiful and young using healing face masks made from olive oil. And let no one guess what you have little secret forever tightened and fresh skin.

How to combine cream and olive oil

Olive oil is a gift from nature that helps maintain healthy skin, its youth and freshness. Many manufacturers include olive oil in their lines of creams for rejuvenating and nourishing the skin, tonics, masks and lotions.

If your cream that you use to nourish your facial skin does not contain olive oil, then you can safely add a few drops to it.

Olive oil can successfully replace your favorite cream. You just need to warm it up, apply the product to the skin (for about 20 minutes), and then blot your face with a napkin.

It is recommended that girls start using preparations with olive oil after 25 years, when the processes of withering and aging begin. Don’t forget to regularly lubricate your face with the miraculous oil, the result is worth it - wrinkles will smooth out, peeling and roughness will go away.

Olive oil can be found in many skin care products. And this is not surprising, because it can mitigate any negative effects on skin cells. If you regularly use masks containing olive oil, you are guaranteed to receive natural and effective care.

The oil contains many vitamins, beneficial elements and various acids. It is especially rich in vitamins A and E.

Olive oil has a rejuvenating effect, as vitamin E is able to renew cells, prevent aging and even out skin texture. Vitamin A is responsible for moisturizing and saturating the skin, and also improves blood circulation. The oil has hypoallergenic properties, so it is suitable for all skin types.

How are masks with olive oil used?

For aging skin, a mask with this oil will do perfect. If such a mask is used for oily skin, then the composition must contain citrus fruits or dairy products, but with minimal fat content.

Before using the mask at home, you need to make sure there is no allergy; to do this, apply a small amount to your wrist and keep it on for a long time. If no reactions appear, then you can safely use the mask, guided by the following recommendations:

  1. The olive oil mask should be kept for at least 20 and no more than 40 minutes.
  2. Apply 1-2 times a week.
  3. The mask should be washed off with warm water with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice.
  4. A mask with oil must be made strictly according to the recipe, which is why the choice of mask must be scrupulous.

Recipes for proven olive oil masks at home

Olive oil is a wonderful regenerating agent. In addition, it prevents the appearance of facial wrinkles.

Peeling masks

Olive oil is slightly heated and applied for thirty minutes. The mask is perfect for dry skin.

For combination, flaky skin, apply nourishing oil to problem areas daily.

For aging skin, lubrication is simply irreplaceable, because the oil will smooth out wrinkles and rejuvenate the face.

Masks for dry skin

Fruit or vegetable pulp must be fresh and thoroughly mixed with oil in equal proportions. The mixture is applied for 20 minutes, then washed off.

Any berries are suitable for dry skin. In addition, apricot, banana, persimmon or melon have a wonderful effect. As for vegetables, it is better to give preference to zucchini, potatoes, cabbage, cucumber or radish.

To moisturize combination skin, it is better to use citrus fruits, red currants, kiwi, raspberries, grapes, peach or watermelon. The proportions are the same regardless of the composition of the mask.

Softening olive oil masks

You need to take the fattest cottage cheese possible, it is better to take homemade cottage cheese in the amount of two tablespoons and grind thoroughly with olive oil (4 tablespoons). The mixture is applied for 25 minutes and washed off with slightly warm water.

If your skin is aging, then you should add a little honey to the mask. Before use, be sure to test to see if there is an allergic reaction to honey.

Olive oil anti-wrinkle mask

Mix olive oil and lemon juice in 1:1 proportions. You should wipe your skin with this product at least twice a week.

Masks for combination and normal skin

You should take a spoonful of flour and mix with butter to obtain a homogeneous thick consistency. Apply the mask to the face for thirty minutes and wash off.

Instead of flour, you can use ordinary clay used in cosmetology, only you use half as much clay as flour.

Softening mask for the winter made from olive oil

You need to turn the avocado pulp into a pulp and add enough oil to make a cream. The resulting cream is applied for about 20 minutes and simply removed with a napkin.

Soothing mask for sensitive skin

Banana and cucumber are mixed in equal proportions. Olive oil is added to the mixture and applied for half an hour, after which it is washed off with slightly cool water.

Rejuvenating mask

A small amount of olive oil is mixed with cosmetic clay until a thick paste is obtained. 20 minutes after application, the mixture is washed off with cool water.

Mask with whitening effect

Mix carrot juice, milk, low-fat cottage cheese and olive oil in 1:1 proportions. The mixture should be thoroughly rubbed in your palms and applied thickly to your face. You need to wash your face with warm water after 20 minutes, after which you wipe your face with an ice cube. All this contributes not only to hydration, but also to rejuvenation.

How else is olive oil used?

Olive oil copes well with many cosmetic problems. But not all women know about this:

  1. For chapped lips. If the skin on your lips has cracks, they need to be lubricated with a small amount of oil several times a day.
  2. For nails and hand skin. The olive oil is heated and baths are made for five minutes.
  3. For pregnant women and newborns. Olive oil can be used to moisturize baby's delicate skin instead of powder. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks in expectant mothers, it is necessary to rub olive oil into problem areas.

Using the above masks with olive oil will moisturize, tone and rejuvenate the skin, it will look healthier and velvety.

Since antiquity, olive oil has been attributed sacred properties. Not a single temple could do without illumination with a magical amber liquid. The goddess of wisdom gave humanity the olive tree - the main source of wealth, beauty and health.

Benefits of olive oil for skin

The beauty industry has long used olive oil in all kinds of products for hair, face and body.

Useful properties olive oil:

  1. Smoothes out all types of folds and wrinkles;
  2. Maximum nutrition and hydration;
  3. Restoration of all metabolic processes at the cellular level.

The base oil has become universal for all types of dermis due to the presence in its composition:

  • Retinol, tocopherol;
  • Vitamins B, K, D;
  • Unsaturated mono fats.

When asking the question: “which olive oil is best for the beauty and health of the face and body?”, first of all, you should pay attention to the country of origin - Greece, Spain, Italy. The unrefined product is extracted in two ways by mechanical or manual extraction (VIP class). Extra-natural and natural olive oil for the skin is the most optimal choice for preparing homemade cosmetics.

Using Olive Oil on the Face

  1. You can add a few magic drops of beauty to every ready-made and homemade cosmetic product.
  2. Using olive oil for facial massage after 25 years, until 70, you can forget about all aesthetic problems.
  3. The tenderness of the eyelids will be preserved by the symbiosis of herbal products - olive and castor oil at night, relieve swelling, and delicately care for the sensitive dermis.
  4. For allergic reactions the best option it will become olive instead of cream.

The best recipes for homemade face masks with olive oil

Anti-wrinkle mask with olive oil

Result: olive oil can restore the oval of the face against wrinkles. A magical moisturizing mask smoothes out small wrinkles around the eyelids and eyes, facial, nasolabial and forehead wrinkles.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention It’s worth paying attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos famous brands There are substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.


  • 12 drops of olive oil;
  • 1 ampoule of retinol.

Preparation and method of application: dilute the granules in warm water, without ceasing to stir, add nourishing oil and the contents of the ampoule. Pre-treat the boundaries of the forehead and hair with cream so that when removing the mask you do not injure the hair follicles. Cleanse the dermis with a micellar product and apply with a wide brush to the entire surface of the face without exception. Leave for half an hour, then steam with a towel and rinse off any remaining mixture. The procedure for facial wrinkles must be carried out over a two-week course.

Olive oil mask for acne

Result: in order for your skin to always radiate beauty and health, you should turn to folk recipes for cleansing your face. In cosmetology, acne can be treated in a comprehensive manner; an olive oil mask relieves inflammation without dehydrating or drying out the epidermis.


  • 7 drops of olive oil;
  • 13 gr. yellow clay;
  • 3 gr. lime zest.

Preparation and method of application: grate the citrus peel on a fine grater, add base oil and natural sorbent, dilute with distilled water. Before the procedure, scrub with oatmeal, apply the natural composition in a circular motion for 12 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with plantain decoction, treat acne with antiseptic ointment with tea tree oil.

Recipe for dry skin

Result: the best mask recipes will cope with excessive dryness and sagging dermis. Life-giving olive oil for the face will fill cells with vitamins and restore pH balance.


  • 15 drops of olive oil;
  • 23 gr. cream;

Preparation and method of application: pour brown algae powder with hot green tea, leave for 8 hours. After adding cosmetic oil and cream, steam your face with herbal infusion. Spread in a continuous layer using a sponge. Leave on your face for the maximum amount of time, more than 40 minutes. For very dry dermis, after 35 years, use a nourishing mask 3-4 times every 10 days.

Recipe for oily skin

Result: a facial scrub with olive oil perfectly cleanses and removes oily shine. Such recipes for facial skin are useful after frequent use of decorative cosmetics and professional makeup.


  • 7 ml olive oil;
  • 25 gr. oat flour;
  • chamomile and calendula flowers.

Preparation and method of application: turn the flowers of medicinal herbs into powder in a coffee grinder, add oatmeal and oil. Remove makeup with thermal liquid, apply the composition along the lymph flow lines, easily rubbing into the dermis. Leave for another five minutes, then rinse with linden decoction.

Mask with olive oil and honey

Result: a mask made of olive oil and bee products perfectly tones and accelerates the biochemical processes of the epidermis. Effective face masks strengthen blood vessels, preventing the appearance of spider veins.


  • 18 drops of olive oil;
  • 14 gr. honey;
  • 8 bee bread granules.

Preparation and method of application: honey must be candied, but if the product is liquid, you need to put it in the refrigerator for a day. Combine the ingredients, stirring thoroughly with a plastic or ceramic spoon. Apply with fingertips along massage lines with smoothing movements. Leave for no more than 7 minutes, rinse with green tea, moisturize with a light emulsion.

Video recipes: Cleansing and moisturizing face mask at home

Olive oil and lemon mask

Result: homemade face masks quickly whiten the dermis, eliminating the uneven distribution of melanin. Proper care for combination and problem skin can be easily done with your own hands.


  • 16 drops of olive oil;
  • 16 drops of lemon juice;
  • 12 gr. bean flour;
  • myrrh essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: grind the lentils in a coffee grinder until powdery, add fresh citrus juice, base oil and aroma oil. Wipe your face with a thermal product, spread the mixture for fifteen minutes. After rinsing with the broth, moisten with the prepared cream.

Mask with olive oil and yolk

Result: proven recipes with olive oil nourish and saturate the dermis, improving the membrane cellular structure.


  • 22 drops of olive oil;
  • yolk;
  • 10 gr. tramps.

Preparation and method of application: crush the tablet, add the yolk and nourishing oil. Remove makeup, pat skin dry with a paper towel. Apply the mixture with a brush, moving from the chin to the forehead. After half an hour, rinse off with a sponge and herbal infusion.

Mask with olive oil and vitamins

Result: the main wealth of Greece is included in best recipes against wrinkles. Rejuvenating your skin by improving its structure and color is not difficult at home.


  • 16 drops of olive oil;
  • 1 ampoule of retinol;
  • 1 ampoule of tocopherol.

Preparation and method of application: heat the cosmetic oil to 60 degrees, add the contents of the ampoules. In the evening, after removing any remaining makeup, apply vitamin oil overnight, and in the morning wipe the dermis with micellar liquid.

Mask with olive oil and sour cream

Result: protects the face from adverse factors environment proven recipes for skin. They are especially effective during the cold period; you can use a natural remedy in the summer, you just need to exclude the essential oil from the composition.


  • 18 drops of olive oil;
  • Elemi essential oil - 2-3 drops.

Preparation and method of application: combine the components in a ceramic bowl, apply a thin layer in the morning after cleansing the dermis, action time – 6 minutes. After blotting with a paper towel, you can apply makeup. The unused part of the mask is hermetically sealed with film; shelf life is up to three days.

Mask with olive oil and salt

Result: cleansing and moisturizing problematic facial skin can be combined in one procedure. The stratum corneum of the epidermis is removed without damaging the newly formed cells.


  • 19 drops of olive oil;
  • 4 gr. fine sea salt (iodized);
  • 6 gr. natural ground coffee.

Preparation and method of application: mix salt, coffee and olive oil until smooth. Wipe the surface of the face with a thermal product, apply in a circular motion, strictly following the lines of lymph flow. 4 minutes is enough, then calm the dermis with plantain decoction.

Mask with olive oil and clay

Result: when doing your own facial care, after 30 years, the best prevention of skin aging will be a unique oil with various types of clays.


  • 22 drops of olive oil;
  • 3 gr. green clay;
  • 5 gr. red clay;

Preparation and method of application: first combine the dry ingredients, stirring until completely homogeneous, then add the base oil, dilute with distilled water. Distribute on the face, avoiding the eyelid and mouth area. After ten minutes, rinse with citrus water and almond oil.

Interesting video: Beneficial properties and how to use it for skin at home - About cars - Information portal