Do I need to warm up my car engine in winter? Do I need to warm up the engine in winter. For or against. Difficult cold start

Hello, dear guests and visitors of the automotive site In the article you can learn how to properly warm up the car in winter and use the car in cold weather with maximum efficiency. The onset of winter and cold weather makes the driver look at the thermometer outside the window more and more often in the morning and watch the news anxiously.

Most drivers park their cars in the yards of houses or in paid guarded parking lots. There are warm heated parking lots, but they are available for motorists in large cities. Often the cost of renting one place is quite high. All this pushes drivers to force the courtyards of multi-storey buildings with transport throughout the year.

Negative temperature makes its own adjustments to the operation of the car. The load on the engine, cooling and heating system increases. All malfunctions climb out like cockroaches from cracks, making the average driver nervous.

The article will help you learn how to warm up the car in winter and properly handle the car at this time of the year. Novice drivers will find a lot of new and hopefully valuable information in the material.

A modern driver in the stream of information falling on him from various sources (the Internet, television, newspapers, magazines, neighbors in garages, etc.) sometimes does not know why you need to know and be able to warm up the car in winter. If you just sat down, started and went.

Sometimes the incoming information is so contradictory that it is difficult to understand the verbal flow and find a sound rational grain. The positive effect of warming up the machine is greater than the possible negative effects.

The following arguments speak of the benefits and necessity of warming up the machine:

Thick engine oil

Even high-quality synthetic oil, designed for use in winter at sub-zero temperatures, increases its viscosity. It thickens and the first few minutes after starting the engine does not work fully.

All this affects the efficiency of lubrication and reduces the friction of the working elements of the car engine. Smooth operation of the engine without sharp accelerations at idle allows the engine oil to heat up and thereby reduce viscosity. It becomes fluid and evenly distributed throughout the motor.


A car standing in the yard of the house in the morning may resemble a snowdrift swept up by snow. All glasses are completely frozen and covered with a crust of ice. Many drivers, having cleared a small space of the windshield, go out onto the road.

This is very dangerous, as visibility is significantly reduced and the driver cannot fully monitor the traffic situation. An incompletely cleaned windshield can cause an accident (traffic accident). It is important to completely clean the front side and windshield of the car and only then hit the road.

It is not recommended to use an unheated car engine. In the cold, the metal parts of the power plant are reduced in size. If you start the engine without warming up and give it a load, such actions will lead to accelerated wear of individual elements.

Warming up the motor will minimize the negative consequences associated with negative air temperatures. All elements of the motor will restore their previous dimensions after idling for 5-10 minutes.

Fuel consumption

Thrifty drivers who count every liter of fuel will be unpleasantly surprised by the fact that a cold engine consumes more fuel than under normal conditions.

This is due to the fact that under conditions of negative temperature, the formation of a fuel-air mixture is difficult. This is especially true for diesel engines.

To ignite the mixture, a greater amount of effort will be required from the diesel power plant. She will have to overcome the resistance of viscous fuel and cold air.

Vehicle interior

Using a car with a cold interior is a dubious pleasure. Cold seats adversely affect both men's and women's health. It is better to leave the house or apartment in advance and warm up the engine than later in the future to pay for laziness with health.


Warming up the car reduces the load on the battery. Many drivers, instead of gradually heating the windshield and rear window, turn on forced electric heating.

A cold battery begins to actively give off electrical energy to consumption sources. His performance suffers. All this can lead to a decrease in electrolyte density and a decrease in battery life.

According to a site survey among 130 drivers aged 18 to 65 years on the issue of warming up the car engine, the following data were obtained. Always warm up the car in winter 38.46% of drivers from the total number of respondents. Never warm up the engine 15.38% of drivers. Very rarely do it 19.23% of drivers and sometimes warm up the engine 26.92% of motorists.

In any case, the vast majority of drivers prefer to warm up the car in winter.

How to warm up the car in winter?

The steps to warm up the car engine and start it properly in winter are simple and do not require special knowledge from the driver. The main thing is not to be lazy and leave the house 15-20 minutes earlier to prepare the car for the trip. This will make it possible to use the car with the maximum level of efficiency in the most severe frosts.

The procedure for warming up the car in winter is as follows:

Preparing the car engine for starting

Before starting the car engine, turn on the dipped beam for a short time. Enough 30 seconds of time to "revitalize" the battery. Squeeze out the clutch of the car and thereby disconnect the starter from the crankshaft and gearbox. Be sure to include neutral gear.

This will help simplify the start of the car's engine, even at high negative air temperatures. If the car is diesel, you need to wait until the coil of the fuel heating plugs goes out. It is recommended to use glow plugs several times.

If the car engine does not start the first time, you do not need to "force" the starter and "plant" the battery. It is necessary to allow the battery to recover (30-40 seconds is enough) and try again.

When the car's engine starts, you can not immediately turn on the heating of the glass. You need to wait 1 or 2 minutes. It is not necessary to take heat from a cold engine from the start.

Directing warm air onto cold glass is not recommended. If there are small cracks, you can provoke their increase. First, air flows are directed to the passenger compartment and only then to the windows. You need to know and be able to properly warm up the interior of the car in winter.

While the engine is running and the interior is heated by warm air currents, you can start cleaning the car windows and headlights from the outside. This saves a lot of free time.

Attention should be paid to cleaning the windshield and side windows of the car. The level of visibility and traffic safety by car depend on their cleanliness. The optimal time for warming up the car in winter depends on the air temperature and the activity of using the vehicle. On average, 15-20 minutes is enough and you can hit the road.

Start of movement

The operation of a car in Russian realities implies that it will have to work for several months at sub-zero temperatures. Almost every driver knows the rule that in winter, before a trip, the car must be warmed up for several minutes. Many drivers even let the engine run for a while before going on a trip in the summer. But is it really necessary to warm up modern engines before driving?

Car manufacturers often indicate in the technical operation book that the engine installed in the car does not need to be warmed up. According to them, this procedure is a waste of fuel, and in many countries, prolonged idling of the engine, especially in residential areas, is completely prohibited. It turns out that the car does not need to warm up the engine? No, everything is not so simple, and within the framework of this article, we propose to consider why warm up the engine, and what will happen if this is not done before the trip.

Possible problems when operating a cold engine

The vehicle manufacturer's manual for technical operation does not always contain up-to-date information for the region where the vehicle is operated. Many foreign cars are sold in Russia, but the technical literature on them is not always adapted to the realities of our country. Without warming up the engine before the trip, the driver runs the risk of bringing the need for a major overhaul of the motor as close as possible. Let us consider in detail why it is necessary to warm up the engine before a trip.

Engine oil temperature

Every driver knows that the oil needs to be changed in a timely manner, but not everyone understands how the lubricating element acts in the engine. While the engine is running, the oil "runs" through it, like blood through the human body. When the engine stops, the oil drains into the sump, and only a small oil film remains on the engine elements. The longer the engine does not start, the smaller this film is, and the more dangerous it is to go on a trip without warming up the engine.

In the warm season, in order for the engine oil to disperse through the channels after the engine starts and begin to do its job, it takes about 30 seconds. Therefore, in the first 30 seconds after starting the engine, it is impossible to go on a trip even in summer. In winter, however, the situation is exacerbated, as the oil thickens during downtime due to low temperatures, and it takes additional time for it to go through a full lubrication cycle and reach operating temperature.

If the engine oil is not warmed up, not only wear increases, but there is also a high risk of a critical failure of the engine assembly, which will require immediate repair.


To trap carbon microparticles, chips, and other debris accumulated in engine oil, a filter is installed in the car. The main working area of ​​the filter is a paper with micropores through which the oil passes. Debris lingers in the paper, and the less viscous the oil, the easier it is for it to pass through the filter.

When the engine oil cannot pass through the filter element, the bypass valve opens and unfiltered oil is sent to the engine. Thus, dirt enters the engine, and if at this moment you start moving the car, the wear of the engine units will be maximum.

Warming up the engine for good oil flow is necessary both in warm and cold seasons. At temperatures below minus 10 degrees Celsius, it is recommended to warm up the car for at least 10 minutes so that the oil becomes less viscous and well filtered.

Oil scraper and compression rings

If you start driving the car on a cold engine, there is a high risk of damage to the oil scraper and compression rings located on the piston grooves. As you know, rings are installed in the engine to remove excess oil and create compression. During operation, they are subjected to serious loads, as they rub against the walls of the cylinders.

Many drivers have noticed that within a few seconds after starting the engine, it runs at high speeds, which after a while drop. This is due to the stroke of the engine cylinders. When heated, the cylinders, like any metal, expand by several microns, due to which they are released from the compression of the ring. At the same moment, engine elements begin to be more efficiently lubricated.

Without warming up the engine cylinders before starting the movement, the driver risks damaging not only the rings, but also the cylinders.

Hydraulic compensators and hydraulic tensioners

Hydraulic compensators and hydraulic tensioners necessary for chain tension correct the operation of the engine valves of modern cars. To work, oil must be pumped into the elements, which occurs after it has warmed up to operating temperature. If you start moving the car without warming up the lubricant, the gaps will be adjusted with little efficiency.

Oil sensor failure

A relevant problem for modern cars is the failure of oil sensors when the engine is running cold. Plastic sensors under the pressure of thick oil are damaged if you start driving, and the car begins to signal a lack of lubricating fluid in the sump.

This problem is relevant for machines in which oil sensors are installed in a plastic case. If the element is made mostly of metal, a malfunction may not be observed.

As you can see, several elements of the motor are at risk of damage or failure if you start driving on a cold engine. But the higher the ambient temperature, the less you need to warm up the engine. Car manufacturers, not recommending warming up the engine, are talking about a long parking with a working engine, which increases fuel consumption and pollutes the environment. Only in order to protect the environment, drivers are not recommended to warm up the engine before a trip; warming up does not negatively affect the engine itself if it works correctly.

How much to warm the car in winter and summer

Warming up the engine is necessary for proper operation, and it's hard to argue with that. Depending on the ambient temperature, it may take different times to warm up the engine:

  • Below -30°C. It is necessary to warm up the engine from 10 to 15 minutes so that the engine oil “warms up” to operating temperature;
  • -10°C to -30°C. You can limit yourself to warming up the engine in 7-10 minutes;
  • From +10°C to -10°C. It is enough to warm up the car in 4-7 minutes;
  • Above +10°C. A warm-up of no more than 1-3 minutes is required for the engine oil to disperse throughout the engine and reach operating temperature.

In foreign countries, where most foreign cars are produced and for which instructions are drawn up, temperatures rarely fall below -10°C. That is why manufacturers do not recommend warming up the engine before a trip, thereby noting that a couple of minutes of engine operation is enough for oil to spread through it and you can start moving. In Russia, where temperatures often drop well below -10°C, running the engine without preheating will result in engine failure.

Disputes about warming up the engine have been going on for a long time. Someone argues about the need to warm up the power unit, and someone declares the futility of this undertaking. Some sit down and immediately go, while others warm the engine to operating temperature and only after that they start moving.

In winter, the car engine cools down very quickly, and when it is parked for a long time, for example, spending the night in an open area, its temperature becomes identical to the ambient temperature. At the same time, the difference between the starting values ​​and the optimal ones for functioning most often exceeds a hundred degrees.

The biggest cold start problem is engine oil. Its viscosity is highly dependent on the ambient temperature. In cold weather, the consistency of the oil becomes thicker, which impairs the lubrication of the rubbing elements of the engine. This entails their increased wear.

Difficult cold start

In addition to all of the above, the following factors affect the operation of the power unit at low temperatures:

  • Type of fuel- a car equipped with a diesel engine necessarily requires winter diesel fuel.
  • Fuel supply type- Old cars with carburetor injection often feature manual throttle control.
  • Availability of automatic transmission or manual transmission- one way or another, there is oil in the gearbox, which also changes its viscosity at low temperatures.
  • Computerized engine warm-up control- the on-board controller selects the most optimal mixture supply, while the power unit enters the operating temperature mode in the shortest possible time.

When approaching the operating temperature range, the viscosity of the fluids becomes normal and problems with lubrication and increased mechanical wear of the engine and gearbox elements are relegated to the background. Another purpose of warming up the engine in winter is to bring the cabin to a comfortable state, as well as to defrost the windows.

Engine start button

Do I need to warm up the engine in winter

To begin with, the technical manual for most modern cars says that there is no need to warm up the engine before driving. Manufacturers indicate that engine oil and other technical fluids heat up evenly when driving at low speeds. That is, ICE manufacturing technologies and high-quality technical fluids make it possible to start driving in a gentle mode, without causing much damage to the engine's engine life.

The main purpose of such statements is the desire of manufacturers to convince car owners that it is not necessary to warm the engine. This was done, first of all, not for the sake of increasing the service life of the motor, but for the sake of the environment. It is a well-known fact that any engine in motion warms up faster, and with an increase in temperature, the catalyst begins to function. Obviously, warming up the internal combustion engine at idle takes longer, and fuel consumption increases when the engine warms up in winter. For these reasons, it is suggested to warm up the engine while driving in order to reduce the toxicity of exhaust gases as quickly as possible.

It is worth noting that in many European countries, certain norms are enshrined in legislation that prohibit warming up or long-term operation of the motor at XX in a residential area. That is, it is forbidden to warm up the engine in the winter or allow the engine to idle in the summer, otherwise the driver may be fined. Taking into account the fact that a car in the CIS for most people remains an object of significant material value, and environmental standards are not so strict, increased attention is paid, first of all, to the serviceability of the engine. It is also worth noting that the mild European climate cannot be compared with the difficult operating conditions of engines in severe frosts that are relevant for our winters.

But supporters of the refusal to warm up say that the car manufacturer would never indicate in the manual that you can go right away, warming up the engine on the go. The main argument is concern about the reputation of the brand and warranty obligations to the buyer. One can agree with this opinion, but only partially. A common practice today is a guarantee for a new car, which, on average, is 100-150 thousand kilometers. Such an indicator nurses virtually any modern motor without serious damage. That is, the margin of safety assumes such use without warming up, taking into account the observance of a number of additional conditions. However, not every car owner in the CIS changes his car to a new one at the end of the warranty period and is not ready to make major repairs after 100-150 thousand kilometers traveled. Given all of the above, it becomes clear that neither modern oils nor technologies are able to significantly affect the features of the internal combustion engine and the laws of physics. If you want to maximize the life of the motor, then the engine needs to be warmed up.

Do I need to warm up the carbureted engine

The modern automotive industry has abandoned the equipment of engines with such fuel supply systems. But, on our roads, quite often you can meet old Moskvich and Zhiguli, which continue to drive through the vast expanses of our country. To start a cold engine, a motorist has to play the role of an on-board computer, that is, independently adjust the fuel supply to the cylinders using the choke knob. Thanks to it, the required degree of enrichment of the mixture is achieved, which occurs by controlling the position of the throttle valve of the carburetor. In this case, warming up the car in winter has the character of a certain ritual:

choke lever
  • First, warm up the battery - for this you need to briefly turn on the dipped beam (for about 30 seconds).
  • Turn off all unnecessary consumers of electrical energy - lights, fans, and so on.
  • Depress the clutch.
  • Pull the choke to the required level - it is not always necessary to shut off the air as much as possible, it depends on the condition of the engine and the ambient temperature.
  • Command the starter with the ignition key - if the engine does not start immediately, you need to try again after about 30 seconds, as the battery capacity will be restored during this time.
  • When the engine starts, adjust the idle speed - it should be about 1200 rpm. This is done using the suction handle.
  • Release the clutch pedal - in cold weather, the engine may then stall, since the viscosity of the oil in the gearbox can be very high.
  • After a while, turn on the stove fan and warm up the interior - it is not recommended to direct the hot stream directly onto the glass, since a crack can be obtained from a temperature drop.
  • During the engine warm-up, gradually remove the suction - in the operating temperature ranges, enrichment of the mixture is not required.
  • After warming up, completely remove the choke.

Some imported cars with carburetor engines are equipped with automatic suction. The throttle control in this case occurs without the participation of the motorist.

Do I need to warm up a diesel engine?

Morning problems with starting a diesel engine are due to the fact that fuel has got into the gas tank, which does not correspond to winter operating conditions. In winter diesel fuel there are special additives that prevent thickening at low temperatures. Whether it is necessary to warm up a diesel engine in winter is a rhetorical question. Diesel engines have the same problems as gasoline engines. Plus, in cold weather, fuel filters become clogged with hardened paraffins, and this reduces their permeability. When there is a lack of fuel, it is very difficult to start the engine.

There are several ways to deal with these phenomena:

  • glow plugs— heat the fuel to operating temperatures.
  • Winter additives are the easiest way - adding 5-15 percent low-octane gasoline to the fuel.
  • Return of warm fuel to the gas tank through the return line This is how the fuel is preheated.
  • Electric filter heating- melts paraffin deposits.

Do I need to warm up the injection engine

The supply of fuel to the cylinders through the injectors is controlled by the injection computer. The on-board controller analyzes information about the temperature of the air that enters the engine, the temperature of the engine itself, crankshaft speed and coolant temperature. Based on this information, the electronics instructs the servo to change the throttle position. It has become much easier to warm up a car in winter - you don’t need to perform any rituals, just start the engine. All other operations will be performed by the programmed machine.

If you left and did not wait for the motor to reach the operating temperature range, observe the following rules:

  • For the first few kilometers, do not accelerate - the lubricant has not yet warmed up and the engine is operating in oil starvation mode.
  • The checkpoint is also still frozen - no need to operate it like Formula 1 racers.
  • There is no need to sharply load the suspension - the oil in the pillows under the engine and shock absorbers is still very viscous, these nodes should gradually come to working condition.

Modern cars are equipped with various devices that facilitate the operation of the car in the cold season.

There is no need to think about how to warm up the interior of a car in the winter in a short time; for the comfort of passengers and the driver, there are such options:

  • Heated steering wheel.
  • Heated seats.
  • Heated front and rear windows.
  • Heated mirrors.
  • Climate control that heats the interior before the classic stove fires.

Of course, all these "bells and whistles" help the motorist to leave the parking lot faster in the morning after a frosty night. But do not forget that 10 minutes of operation of a cold engine can be equated to 100 km. run. The piston group wears out, first of all, due to the fact that the piston made of aluminum alloy heats up much faster than the steel cylinder liner. At the same time, the gaps are significantly reduced, and the oil does not provide the required lubrication due to its high viscosity. Liners, rings, gearbox bearings suffer. Of course, modern additives are able to smooth out the strong dependence of oil viscosity on temperature, but no one has yet repealed the laws of physics.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that it is necessary to warm up the vehicle in winter in order to extend the life of the engine and gearbox. The warm-up time depends on the type of power unit and gearbox. If the frost is small, 3-5 minutes will be enough to warm up the oil. But to free the glass from frost, it will take a little more time.

The debate about whether it is necessary to warm up the engine in winter if the car is standing on the street has been going on since the last century. In this connection, this question does not lose its relevance? First of all, this is due to the possibility of operating modern cars "cold".

Most motorists with experience driving the first Zhiguli models remember that driving them with a cold engine, even on a cold summer day, was problematic. While the arrow of the engine temperature indicator did not exceed the second half of the scale, the movement had a “twitching” character. At the slightest pressure on the accelerator pedal, the engine choked. Warming up the Zhiguli engine was a rule that almost all drivers followed.

Video - is it necessary to warm up the car engine in winter:

Is it necessary to warm up the engine in winter before driving with foreign cars and modern domestic cars? If so, how to do it correctly and in what mode? Let's figure it out.

What modes of operation of the internal combustion engine are violated if the engine is not warmed up in winter

  1. Viscosity of car oil in the engine.

Most motorists fill in synthetic or semi-synthetic oil during the winter period of operation of a modern car. This grease retains its properties at temperatures down to minus 35 degrees Celsius.

It is difficult to determine what the viscosity will be at lower temperatures (and this happens in some regions of Russia). It is not a fact that the lubricant will enter the engine components with the required efficiency.

Thus, the operation of the engine, especially with increased loads, can lead to premature wear of engine elements. Considering that now there are many million-plus engines, a slight decrease in the resource may not be noticeable, but still there is a reason not to force the power unit.

  1. Compression in cylinders.

It is known from a school physics course that as the temperature decreases, the geometric dimensions of metal parts also decrease. This also applies to the cylinder block. Many drivers of cars with “run up” engines note that in winter they seize more easily during start-up.

Indeed, as a result of the reduction in the physical dimensions of the cylinders, the compression increases, which helps to start the engine. On the one hand, this is good for older engines.

And what about the new engines? In the event of a reduction in cylinder diameter, the piston rings will forcefully bore the cylinder, ultimately reducing compression. The designers provide for this moment, but the additional load on the engine can nullify their efforts.

  1. Antifreeze condition.

Antifreeze does not freeze at extremely low temperatures, but turns into a slightly crystallized mass with less fluidity. Through thin pipes and tubes, such a mass moves more slowly.

Firstly, it creates an additional load on the pump (especially at high speeds). Secondly, it can lead to a violation of the thermal regime of the engine, slow heating of the interior stove radiator.

Video - an experiment showing how long it takes to warm up a car in winter to a temperature of +30 degrees:

Driving in an unheated car interior is unpleasant and dangerous. In addition, it can be noted that the quality of antifreeze does not always correspond to that stated on the package.

  1. Change in the physical properties of diesel fuel.

Diesel fuel may wax. At the same time, it stops entering the cylinders, stopping its journey in fuel lines, filters, injectors. Most often this happens while driving. In this case, the temperature of the fuel line when blown by oncoming air can be significantly lower than that of the surrounding air.

Many diesel cars use the "return" mode to heat the fuel in the tank. Even a slight flow of warm fuel into the tank can prevent fuel waxing, an unexpected stop on the way.

Video - reasoning about whether it is necessary to warm up the engine in winter before a trip with foreign cars and modern domestic cars:

Which car systems are affected by the lack of preheating of the engine in winter

A car is more than just an engine. There are many other systems that are equally important for the operation of the car.

  1. Manual gearbox.

The determining factor is the fact that many motorists rarely perform routine oil changes, manual transmission flushing. During operation, the physical properties of the oil can change dramatically. Warming up the oil before operating the box helps to distribute it among the manual transmission mechanisms, therefore, increasing its resource.

  1. Automatic transmission.

Historically, most automatic transmission manufacturers are located in countries where extreme cold does not reach. There are complete sets of cars designed for cold countries, including adapted automatic transmissions.

In the use of Russian motorists are all options. The control of most automatic transmission models is based on the interaction of devices and components through oil pressure transmission channels. That is, the operation of an automatic transmission directly depends on its (oil) condition. From this point of view, warming up is the need to maintain the automatic transmission in working condition.

  1. comfort system.

In those car models where there is a high-quality comfort system, remote heating of the vehicle is a priori. The health and safety of the driver and passengers depends on the heating of the windows, landing zones, windshield.

  1. Operation of electrical equipment.

Electrical and electronic systems are very sensitive to low temperatures. Frozen insulation loses its elasticity. If it moves or is shaken in a frozen state, the conductors may break.

With a sharp temperature drop, abundant condensation occurs. Excess moisture enters electronic devices, rendering them unusable.

The negative impact of driving on a cold engine can manifest itself in the braking system, suspension.

Video - how to properly warm up the engine in winter and why:

Many motorists are guided by separate tips, which indicate that it is possible to start moving immediately after starting the engine in cold weather, if this maneuver is not associated with additional gas changes, engine loads. This has a rational grain, but only within a straight section in the yard, for example, to drive away from the entrance where picky neighbors live.

In urban conditions, it is difficult to imagine that it is possible to move evenly for three to five minutes to warm up the engine.

Video - is it necessary to warm the engine in winter:

If you live in a high-rise building, or the car is stored in a parking lot, in winter, preheating the engine is associated with waiting in the cold. In this case, it is rational to install a remote autorun system. Installation costs will pay off with the achieved comfort, saving time and money for car repairs.

Typical approximate warm-up time for various climatic conditions:

  • from 0 to minus 10 degrees Celsius - 2-3 minutes;
  • from minus 10 to minus 20 degrees Celsius - 3-5 minutes;
  • from 20 to minus 35 degrees Celsius - 5-10 minutes.

It is calculated that when the car is warming up, less environmental pollution and fuel consumption are performed than when driving on a cold engine.

The engine is considered warm when all its working elements reach the desired temperature. The coolant heats up first. This process can be controlled by the arrow on the operating temperature indicator. Then the elements of the upper part of the motor begin to warm up.

To what temperature to warm up? The slowest heating of the oil in the sump. That is why, even when the cooling liquid has reached the desired temperature, fuel consumption is carried out at idle and may decrease for some time. The heating of the neutralizer takes the longest time.

In general, the rate of vehicle warm-up depends on the mode of operation of the motor. The average warm-up time of the engine is 10-15 minutes at -20 degrees. Warming up must be carried out to operating temperature.

Do I need to warm up the engine in winter? All drivers know that the engine has a negative attitude to frost. This is due to the fact that when exposed to low temperatures, engine oil thickens. And when critical temperature levels are reached, it stops flowing altogether. This leads to the fact that the friction units begin to function "dry". Mechanical losses increase significantly.

Many drivers in the winter begin to warm up the engine before the trip in different ways. Each driver sets his own engine warm-up interval. Some wait half a minute and move off, others wait 5-10 minutes.

There are also motorists who try to warm up the engine in the summer. Do you need to warm up your car engine in summer? In addition, there are people who believe that it is not necessary to warm up the engine before a trip - this is a relic of the past and, on top of everything else, leads to additional fuel consumption. Why warm up a car engine? What should be feared?

Negative and positive aspects of engine warm-up

Is it worth warming up the engine? Consider the main negative and positive aspects of the situation when the driver did not warm up the car engine in winter:

  • Experts believe that engine oil is the "blood" of the car. When the engine is turned off, oil begins to penetrate into the sump. It remains in the pan until the next engine start. Oil flows from the walls and other elements. Before the start of the trip, the oil must fill all the channels, lubricating the valves, shafts, cylinders and more. In winter, the oil is thick. The car doesn't start well. It goes through all the channels with great difficulty. That is, if you do not perform a high-quality warm-up of the engine, then its wear will be high. A warm engine runs better. It needs to be warmed up.
  • Oil scraper and compression rings are located on the piston grooves. They are designed to remove oil, compression. They are located close to each other. They touch the cylinder and carry a considerable load. We know from physics that when heated, expansion of the cylinders is noted. As the temperature drops, the cylinders return to their original dimensions. If we do not warm up the engine, then the rings in the cylinder will be clamped excessively. When starting the engine, it is difficult for them to climb the surface of the cylinder. The heating procedure helps the metal to expand and make all the above operations easier.
  • The oil filter is a complex device. Its main element is a special paper located on a metal case. If the oil is liquid, then it passes through the filter element unhindered. The filter protects the motor from dirt and dust. Grease is very difficult to pass through the paper. Unfiltered oil enters the motor. When the engine warms up to 60–70 degrees, the oil becomes liquid, it easily passes through the filter without closing the bypass filter. The increased level of dirt contributes to the rapid wear of the engine.
  • Hydraulic compensators and a hydraulic tensioner are necessary to adjust the operation of the valves. These devices pump oil into themselves and perform chain tension, aligning the valves. If the lubricant is cold, then the work of these devices is of poor quality. What might be required to fix the problem? By warming up, we increase the efficiency of the engine.
  • Oil sensors also need to be warmed up. If this is not done, then you may encounter a situation where the engine is "squeezed out". This is due to excessively thick and unheated oil. The machine begins to inform that the oil level in the sump is critical.

Why can't the car engine be warmed up? Are there any positive aspects in the absence of high-quality engine warm-up? They exist, but, unfortunately, they cannot close the abundance of negative aspects.

In the absence of heating, fuel energy is consumed much less. "Cranking" the car in a short time without warming up emits less toxic substances. Without heating the engine, we contribute to the environmental situation. In the process of heating the engine, a large amount of harmful substances is released into the atmosphere.

Diesel and gasoline engines are different from each other. The diesel engine runs smoothly in the summer. In winter, this is very difficult to do. The fact is that the ignition process is carried out not with the help of a spark, but by heating diesel fuel and compressing it under pressure. In this regard, winter and summer diesel fuel are distinguished. Summer diesel fuel is thicker than winter fuel.

A diesel engine needs a warm-up period just like a gasoline engine. However, warming up a diesel engine during the cold season will take much longer. If the temperature approaches zero, then it is necessary to think about replacing diesel fuel. Do I need to warm up the injection engine? The answer is yes. Heating is carried out in the same way.

If the motorist decides to drive on a cold engine, then the car should drive slowly. The number of revolutions should not exceed 2000 per minute. The oil needs to be fully warmed up. All parts must be well lubricated with engine oil.

What is the best thing to do - warm up the engine or not?

Do I need to warm up the engine in winter or not? Each driver must decide for himself whether to warm up the engine in winter or this is not necessary. Do not forget that there are two periods - summer and winter. How to properly warm up the engine? How long does it take to warm up the engine? Winter is famous for the presence of negative temperatures, which sometimes reach -30 and below.

In such a situation, it is advisable to warm up the running engine of the car for at least 15 minutes. This time will be enough for all the working components of the motor to reach the desired temperature. At a temperature outside the window - 15, -20 degrees, the amount of time for warming up can be reduced (5-7 minutes).

Do you need to warm up when it's warm? Experts say that in the summer you should not pay special attention to warming up the vehicle. It will take 5 minutes to warm up the car. If it is excessively hot outside, then one minute will be enough to warm up the car.

Thus, in winter, it is necessary to warm up the vehicle for at least 10-15 minutes. Even if you notice that the load on the pistons has decreased, it is necessary to withstand a certain period. It is important that the cylinders, all shafts and other working elements warm up to the desired temperature. By warming up the engine, the motorist protects it from premature wear.

It is advisable to warm up only after a long standing machine, for example, in the morning. If you leave the car for 30-60 minutes, then, upon return, a warm-up of 3-4 minutes will be enough. If the car has been in the cold for more than six hours, it is advisable to warm up the engine.

Daily warming up and harm to the environment

Manufacturers and experts of many cars recommend not to focus on warming up the vehicle. And here it's not about saving the budget of buyers. They are guided by such an argument as ecology. Triggers contain high levels of toxic substances. So, in European countries it is forbidden to warm up the machine.

If you do not have enough time to warm up the car every day, then you can install an automatic start system. It starts remotely, the driver gets into a heated car.

How many drivers, so many opinions. It must be remembered that the engine is the heart of the car. It needs to be taken care of with special care. Whether it needs to be warmed up is up to you. - About cars - Information portal