How and where to pay traffic police fines without commission? Moscow parking on social networks How to pay an administrative fine without a resolution number

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the process may take several minutes

How to pay a traffic police fine online?

Paying a traffic police fine online is quite simple. The procedure will only take a few minutes; you will not need to enter your traffic police details or print out a payment receipt.

To pay you need one of the following documents:

  • Driver's license.
  • Vehicle registration certificate.
  • Resolution on the imposition of an administrative fine.

You can pay an administrative fine online using bank cards of any Russian banks:

  • Visa;
  • Mastercard;

Payment of a fine on a driver's license without a vehicle

1. To find traffic police fines based on your driver’s license, use the “By Driver” tab.

2. Enter the series and number of your driver's license. The series and number usually consist of 10 characters in one of the following formats CCBBCCCCCCCC or CCCCCCCCCCCC, where C is a number and B is a letter. For example:

  • 12AA123456
  • 1234987654

When entering, you can use both Russian and English characters.

The search time can range from several seconds to several minutes.

This method allows you to find fines received by the driver while driving various cars. So if you drive several cars in turn, then I recommend looking for fines using your driver’s license number.

Payment of fines on the vehicle registration certificate

1. To find traffic police fines by registration certificate number, use the “By Vehicle” tab.

2. Enter the series and number of the vehicle registration certificate. The series and number usually consist of 10 characters in one of the following formats CCBBCCCCCCCC or CCCCCCCCCCCC, where C is a number and B is a letter. For example:

  • 12AA123456
  • 1234987654

3. Click on the "Find!" button and wait until the search is completed.

This method allows you to find fines received by different drivers while driving the same car. If your car is used by several drivers, for example, employees of one organization or members of one family, then use this search method.

In addition, fines for unpaid parking can also be found by the vehicle registration certificate number.

Payment of traffic police fines by resolution number

1. To find traffic police fines by the number of the resolution imposing an administrative fine, use the “By resolution” tab.

2. Enter the series and number of the traffic police resolution. Decree numbers usually consist of 20 or 25 digits. For example:

  • 12345678900987654321
  • 1234567890123210987654321

3. Click on the "Find!" button and wait until the search is completed.

This method can be used to pay fines one by one if you have the appropriate regulations.

If the driver has lost the order, he can obtain information about fines using one of the above methods.

How to pay a traffic police fine online?

If unpaid fines are found based on the information entered by the driver, the following form will appear on the screen:

1. Select the fines you want to pay in the table (check the appropriate boxes).

2. Enter the driver’s details (Last name, First name, Patronymic, email address).

3. Confirm that the entered data is correct by checking the appropriate box. After this, the “Pay!” button will appear.

4. Click on the "Pay!" button.

You will find yourself on the payment page:

Fill in the fields provided with the following information:

1. Card number - 16 digits on the front of the card.

2. Owner's name - first and last name indicated on the front side of the card (in Latin).

3. Valid until - month and year on the front side.

4. CVV/CVC - the last three digits on the back of the card, to the right of the signature.

Receiving a payment receipt

A receipt for payment of the fine will be automatically sent to your email address.

If you have not received a receipt or made a mistake in your email, you can get a receipt at the support service - [email protected].

How much time is given to pay a traffic fine?

In 2019 and 2020, the administrative fine must be paid within 70 days of receipt.

How to pay a traffic fine with a 50 percent discount?

The discount when paying a traffic police fine applies only to fines received by drivers starting from January 1, 2016. To receive a discount on fines, you must pay them within 20 days from the date of the decision. Moreover, when searching for a fine, you will immediately see it taking into account the discount.

In conclusion, I suggest you download the current one.

Module for checking fines for the site

If you want to install a module for checking traffic police fines on your website, then use the following html code:

This code can be installed on any html page. The recommended width for installing the module is 620 pixels.

Good luck on the roads!

Regardless of their position in society, wealth and life position, every resident of the Russian Federation has encountered an administrative violation at least once in their life. You don't have to kill someone or steal something to do this.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


It's fast and FOR FREE!

It’s enough to forget your insurance policy at home, press the gas pedal when overtaking, or simply forget to pay a fine for an illegally parked car.

What is it

An administrative offense is a type of punishment on the part of regulatory authorities for an act committed that contradicts certain norms of law.

The nuances of this type of punishment:

  • a person who has reached 16 years of age is subject to administrative liability;
  • in the case of a minor act, the offense may be cancelled.

The authorized bodies have the right to cancel the decision to commit an offense and limit themselves to an oral remark. Otherwise, an act is written out, which records the reason for the act, the amount of the fine and the number of the resolution subject to mandatory payment.

Types of punishments and the price of the issue

The most common types of administrative penalties are:

  • warning;
  • administrative fine;
  • confiscation of the instrument for committing the offense;
  • arrest;
  • disqualification;
  • compulsory work.

The violator has the right to appeal the decision on an administrative offense within ten days from the date of its receipt.

The amount of the minimum fine is determined by the Code of Administrative Offences.

If the fine is not paid on time, you will have to pay it double. You can also face arrest for 15 days or community service for up to 50 hours. The type of punishment is determined in court.

Video: Appealing a decision

Legal side of the issue

All violations are controlled, defined and interpreted by the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations. The Code itself is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation. If any disputes arise regarding the resolution, these documents should be used as a guide.

The decision on administrative violation comes into force y:

  • after the expiration of the period established for appealing the decision or complaint itself;
  • immediately after the decision is made, unless it is subject to appeal.

The document is subject to immediate execution. This applies not only to individuals, but also to state authorities, local governments, officials and legal entities (Article 31.2 of the Administrative Code).

If it is unclear to the person who received the decision how to implement it properly, then you can contact the court, authorities or officials for clarification of the issues that have arisen. This procedure cannot exceed three days.

If more than two years have passed since the date of entry into force of the decision to impose an administrative penalty, then it is not subject to execution. If a fine is issued to a minor, then the responsibility for paying it passes to his parents or other legal representatives.

If an organization has paid a fine, then, according to clause 2 of Article 270 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, this amount is not taken into account when determining the tax base for income tax. In accounting, this amount is reflected as part of other expenses, using the appropriate entries in accordance with clause 12 of PBU 10/99.

How to receive and find out about debt

It is not always possible to receive a resolution on an administrative offense in person. Such documents can be generated after receiving evidence, for example cameras that automatically record a violation.

In order not to wait for the document to appear, you can find out in advance about the presence or absence of an administrative case:

  • by registering on the website;
  • on the website of the Bailiff Service;
  • by personal contact with the traffic police or SSP$
  • official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (

To find out about the debt, the number and series of your passport or driver’s license is enough. No one forbids paying fines in advance, because there are a variety of ways to do this.

Options for paying a fine under an administrative offense decision

Payment of a fine under an administrative offense decision is possible in several ways.

Sberbank Online— just go to the section “Payment of traffic police fines;

— “Payment of fines”

- search by resolution number - UIN 18810161160910044755.

The same actions are available at an ATM and at a branch of a financial institution.

State Services PortalYou need to register on the site, receive a personal login and password, find the appropriate resolution and pay by entering your card details. Here you can print a receipt for payment and a check.
Yandex MoneyIf you have an online wallet
www.fssprus.ruJust enter your full name, date of birth and region of residence
Electronic payment systems— WebMoney;

— Yandex.Money;

Here you just need to enter the payment card number and phone number with a sufficient amount in the account required to pay the fine

If more than two years have passed since the protocol was issued, it is automatically canceled. If this deadline has not arrived, then no more than sixty days are allotted to pay all fines. Having the resolution in hand, you can pay the fine at the cash desk of any bank, at Russian Post offices, and even through self-service terminals.

Do not forget that the violator has the right to pay a fine of 50% within 20 days from the date of the decision. The resolution always contains payment details that can be used in any credit or other organization.

Certain nuances must be taken into account:

  • details for making payment must be provided by the body bringing to justice;
  • It is recommended to make payments through banking institutions in order to receive a reliable receipt containing the necessary information about the payment (check number, amount, account to be credited);
  • all payment receipts are kept for three years;
  • each fine is paid separately;

The Code of Administrative Offenses does not oblige to send a copy of the payment receipt to a higher authority, since this responsibility is assigned to the organization conducting the transfer of funds using the provided details.


In order not to bring the case to the bailiffs and not to pay unnecessary sanctions, you should comply with the deadline for paying administrative fines:

  • payment is required no later than 60 days from the date the resolution enters into force;
  • The decision can be appealed within 10 days from the date of its issuance;
  • An application for an installment plan or deferred payment is submitted after a ten-day period given for appeal, but not more than 60 days.

After two years from the date of adoption of the decision on an administrative violation, the judicial proceedings end. However, it may be suspended if the bailiffs prove that the offender is independently making attempts to impede their work.

Rights and obligations of the violator

  • 10 days to appeal and challenge with the provision of all evidence (documents, video recorder, witnesses);
  • 60 days for payment.

If these deadlines are violated, then you should expect the following consequences:

  • doubling of debt;
  • forced community service for up to 50 days;
  • arrest up to 15 days.

If three months have passed, then the case is transferred to the bailiffs, who begin enforcement proceedings. The violator will be sent a summons for a conversation and delivery of a resolution to initiate enforcement proceedings.

Five days are given to voluntarily pay the fine. The document contains details for depositing funds. A copy of the payment document should be provided to the bailiff. The amount of debt can also be paid to the district bailiff department.

If these deadlines are violated, an enforcement fee of 7% of the fine will be collected. To prevent unpleasant situations from occurring, you should always keep receipts. There are failures in the program or system of the body involved in issuing administrative violations. A check for payment of a fine is a guarantee of fulfillment of your obligation under the received decision.

Appeal against the decision

Not a single driver can even guarantee himself that he will not be fined by traffic police officers in the very near future. After all, now not only are inspectors with radars on duty on the roads to monitor compliance with the speed limit, but also special video cameras have been installed that record traffic violations by road users. The situation with parking in large cities is particularly acute, since it is quite difficult to find a designated parking lot, and if one is found, then all the spaces in it may be occupied. So drivers have to leave their cars in prohibited places, taking risks.

Regardless of the reason why the driver was issued a fine, he will still have to pay it. Therefore, how to do this and get an answer to the most exciting question: “How to pay a traffic police fine without a commission?” and will be discussed in this article.

It should be noted that there are now a lot of payment options. This can be done even without leaving home (the main thing is that you have the Internet, the rest is a matter of technology). You can pay your fine online using:

  • Internet banking;
  • Various electronic wallets;
  • Sites that specialize specifically in fines.

In addition, payment can be made through a terminal, of which, by the way, there are plenty of them installed in big cities. Another option is a traditional trip to a Sberbank branch.

Do not forget that every time the driver pays a fine, he pays a commission for the services of a financial intermediary (bank, terminal, website). That is why it is believed that paying traffic police fines without a commission is an almost impossible task.

Deadline for paying a fine to the traffic police

The deadline for paying administrative fines is regulated by the Code of Administrative Offenses (Article 32.2):

Since the matter concerns the entry into force of the decision to impose an administrative fine on the driver, we will figure out from what moment this document is considered to have entered into force:

Art. 31.1 interprets the deadline for appealing the decision, which is given in Art. 30.3:

Therefore, the fine for an administrative offense must be paid within 70 days (60 days for execution + 10 days for appeal).

In addition, we do not recommend throwing away the receipt/check for payment within 1 year after payment. This is the only way you will be guaranteed to be protected from various kinds of incidents that arose due to errors in the system, and you will be able to present a document (if necessary) as proof of the fact that money was transferred to pay off the fine.

Receipt form for payment of traffic fine

If you have a receipt form with you, you can pay the traffic police fine at the bank with minimal costs.

The easiest way to obtain such a receipt form is directly on the traffic police website ( To do this, you need to have a resolution on the administrative violation case and fill out all the necessary fields directly on the website, namely:

  1. Subject of the Federation;
  2. Name of the traffic police department;
  3. Full name of the payer;
  4. Payer's address;
  5. No. of the resolution on an administrative offense;
  6. Amount of the fine.

After entering all the data regarding the payer and the purpose of the payment, you should carefully check the receipt, print it, and go with it to the bank branch.

This is what a correctly completed receipt looks like on the traffic police website

Where can I pay a traffic police fine without a fee?

Let's figure out whether it is possible to pay traffic police fines with a minimum commission. The best solution to this problem would be to pay the fine online.

Payment of traffic police fines via the Internet

The development of modern technologies allows you to do a lot on the Internet. Now it is possible to easily pay for traffic police offenses online, but for this you will need electronic money or a bank card.

It is important to remember that payment of traffic police fines via the Internet without commission can be made:

  • On the State Services website;
  • On the traffic police website;
  • Through popular Russian payment systems, such as Yandex.Money (, Qiwi (, WebMoney ( ;
  • Through Internet banking, if the driver has such a service. In the Russian Federation, the most common service is Sberbank Online

It is important to understand that some of the payment systems presented above have a commission even higher than what they would charge the driver during a personal visit to the bank. It is better to clarify this point for yourself in advance so as not to overpay.

Payment online

To pay the fine, you will need to fill out this form, find your offense, and then transfer the money. This method is very convenient because:

  1. Saves driver time;
  2. The form itself is simple and will not cause any difficulties when filling out (when paying, you only need to enter your full name and email address);
  3. The amount to be paid is immediately visible.

Payment via SMS

You can pay via SMS using the service given above. This way you can pay fines via SMS messages, bank card, electronic money, etc.

Through a bank branch (Sberbank)

Not all banks accept payment of fines. It is better to find out about the possibility of doing this in advance (by phone).

The only bank that is guaranteed to accept payment from you to pay off a traffic police fine is Sberbank of Russia. It should be noted that in this bank it is impossible to pay fines without a commission at all. The approximate Sberbank commission for paying one fine is 40-50 rubles.

Payment via Sberbank Online

The recently introduced new service “Sberbank Online” allows users to quickly make any payments. Thus, cardholders of this bank will be able to quickly pay the traffic police fine. To do this, you will need to register and create your own account.

Payment details can be copied from the official website of the traffic police, and then make the payment. For reference: the payment commission is 1% of the amount.

It is important to remember that you can pay a fine with a personal card only if the owner’s full name matches the full name of the driver to whom the fine was issued.

Please note that if the central traffic police department receives incorrect/inaccurate information, the car owner will continue to be listed in the database as a debtor. However, it is impossible to correct personal data (full name) in this payment system.

Payment through the Yandex payment system

To make payments in the Yandex payment system, you must know exactly:

  • region and region where the protocol was issued.
  • name of the traffic police department;
  • Resolution No.;
  • personal data of the car owner.

The Yandex payment system charges a commission for the transfer in the amount of 1% of the amount, but not less than 30 rubles.

The payment will be processed after entering the required data. It should be noted that this payment method is convenient for those drivers who often use the Yandex.Money wallet, since it will not be a problem for them to go there and transfer money using the necessary details.

Payment at Tinkoff Bank

Tinkoff Bank has recently also provided the opportunity to pay traffic police fines. This can be done through a special online service, which is designed for bank clients. The commission for such a payment will be only 20 rubles.

This type of payment has some advantages, namely:

  • the user can independently control his payment in his personal account or use the help of bank employees to do this;
  • The payment procedure in this case will be fast and convenient.

If you are not a bank client, a commission of 20 rubles is a very small amount in modern times.

On the State Services website

If the user has registered on the State Services portal, then the commission for paying the traffic police fine will not be charged to him (as indicated on the website). In this case, the information entered in the registration form is saved in your personal account and will be automatically used by the system when paying for subsequent orders (if any appear).

However, in the section of the portal “How to get the service” information is posted regarding the conditions under which payments are made. It indicates the amount of commission when paying fines using a bank card, as well as a mobile account. These are the prices:

  • Plastic card - 2.3%;
  • MTS - 4%;
  • Rostelecom and Tele2 - 5%;
  • Beeline - 7%;
  • Megafon - from 6.9 to 9%.

From this we can conclude that when paying through the State Services website, indirectly, but still, a commission will be charged from the driver, both when paying with a plastic card and through the mobile account of a specific telecom operator.

If you do not trust such a method as payment through online services or there is simply no Internet connection, then it is advisable to go to the bank to pay fines. In this case, you will have in your hands a bank receipt with a posting, which will prove that this fine was paid on time.

Regardless of the payment method chosen by the driver, we recommend following these rules:

  • The receipt/payment receipt must be kept for 1 year from the date of payment. If you have this supporting document, you will not be forced to re-pay a fine that you have already paid off (such situations sometimes arise due to internal failures in the system).
  • When filling out the receipt, you need to be careful, since an error in just one digit of the details can lead to incorrect crediting of money, which means that the fine will not appear in the system as paid off by the driver under a specific resolution.
  • It is advisable to use SMS after payment to find out about the receipt of funds.

Summarizing the above information, we can conclude that today there are practically no ways to pay a traffic police fine without a commission. The exception is some special offers and promotions of credit institutions, which are not offered often.

Russian legislation establishes that commission should not be charged only when paying mandatory taxes and fees, and traffic police fines do not apply to these categories.

However, it is mandatory to pay for an offense that is imposed on the driver by a specific resolution. According to Russian legislation, 70 days are allotted for this. Payment within this period is considered timely and does not entail additional unpleasant consequences or sanctions for the driver.

In this case, the driver has the right to use any of the above methods of payment for collection. The choice in this case depends solely on the personal preferences of the payer. We have tried to describe the most convenient ones so that each user can choose a profitable (with a minimum commission) and fast way to pay traffic fines. We hope that the information collected in this article was useful to you and that you will use it in the future.

Most likely, there is no longer a person who has not received a single administrative fine in his life. The reasons may be different, for example, violation of traffic rules. Many had to stand in long lines and go through tedious procedures for paying receipts.

No one enjoys this, so the question arises whether it is possible to pay administrative fines in other, more convenient ways, for example through Sberbank Online.

Payment of an administrative fine Sberbank online

In order to pay off a fine for violating traffic rules, Sberbank has a separate option, which is located in the service. Now we will tell you in more detail how to pay a traffic fine via the Internet.

To do this you will need to follow these steps:

  • Open your personal account;
  • Indicate the card with which you want to make a payment;
  • On the right side of the page you will see the “Operations” section, click on it;
  • After that, click “Pay”;
  • Among the list of possible payments, you will see the direction you need - traffic police, click on this item;
  • Then indicate the type of payment - “Traffic Police Fines”.

When you complete all these steps, the system will prompt you to search for all unpaid fines. To perform this search, you will need to enter your driver's license number in a special field.

  • Another search method is possible thanks to the vehicle registration certificate number. Interestingly, if you want to find your fine using the certificate, you will need to enter the data in Cyrillic (Russian keyboard layout), although the registration certificate may be written in Latin (English keyboard layout). Of these two options, let’s say you choose to search using a driver’s license, click “Continue” in this field.
  • After this, the “Unpaid Fines” section will display all your debts that you have not paid. It will also indicate how much you need to deposit. Now you just need to select the fine you want to pay. Then, once selected, click Continue.
  • The next stage is depositing funds, here you will need to check all the data and indicate how much will be withdrawn from your card for payment. Now you can click Continue again.
  • And now the last stage is confirmation. You have one more opportunity to make sure that the data is filled out correctly, after which you need to confirm the operation.

We also recommend that you read:

There are two options for this:

  • Via SMS;
  • Using a one-time code.

Of course, it is best to print a receipt; it will record the fact that the fine has been paid. It can be added to other documents that you carry with you. If a police officer has any complaints, you can easily confirm your law-abiding behavior using this document. The described method is very convenient and allows you to easily pay traffic fines with a bank card via the Internet.

Payment using a receipt and details

You can pay the fine to Sberbank Online using a receipt and the recipient's details. When you are issued an administrative fine due to a violation, you are given a receipt with which you must repay the debt. In this document you will find all the necessary information to pay the fine - in particular, information about the recipient’s details.

So, here is another way to pay a traffic police fine via the Internet. To use this payment method, proceed according to the following scheme:

  • open your personal account;
  • select “Payments and transactions”;
  • click on the “Pay by details or receipt” service;
  • on the next page you will be required to fill out the details from the receipt (account number, INN, BIC).
  • now indicate the card from which you want to write off funds to pay off the fine and click “Continue”;
  • This will be followed by filling in various fields, there are fields that must be filled in, they are marked separately;
  • in the field where you need to indicate the purpose of the payment, enter “Payment of an administrative fine”;
  • at the end you need to indicate how many funds you approve for debiting and click “Continue”;
  • you will then be taken to a page where you will need to confirm the transaction. Make sure you fill in the data correctly, just as we described earlier, select the option to confirm the operation.

When you complete all these steps, the fine will be paid off and the money will be sent to the details.

Obviously, this procedure is very simple. You don't even have to leave your home to pay the fine. Remember that in order to repay the debt, you must have the necessary funds on your card balance. It is important to take into account that the bank charges its own commission for the fine payment service. The amount of this commission is usually calculated from the amount you specified during the payment procedure.

In this article we looked at the question of how to pay a traffic police fine via the Internet. We hope that the information provided was useful to you and you will no longer have to stand in long lines, paying with your time and nerves.

Publication date: 2014-03-13

The imposed administrative fine cannot be tolerated. But if the appeal does not bring results, you should comply with the rules for the execution of this type of penalty, so as not to worsen your situation. In this article we will tell you how to pay the fine and what negative consequences await defaulters.

Deadline for payment of fine

Once you receive a copy of the citation, you have ten days to appeal it. If you do not appeal, after this period the decision will come into force. If you appeal, but unsuccessfully, the resolution will come into force from the day the act of leaving it unchanged is issued.

When the resolution comes into force, the sixty-day period for voluntary payment of the fine begins to run. This applies to fines imposed by the traffic police, the court, and any other authority.

Where and how to pay

The details for paying the fine must be provided by the body that holds you accountable.

Pay through the bank so that normal documentary evidence remains. Save the receipt.

It is important to remember that multiple fines must be paid separately.

Currently, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation does not provide for the obligation of the offender to send a copy or original of the payment receipt to the body that issued the decision. For this, the relevant information must be provided by the bank that accepted the payment, another credit institution or paying agent.

To avoid the consequences of the bank’s failure to comply with this rule, you can send a copy of the payment document to the body that brought administrative liability. But even if you don’t do this, in the unfavorable scenario (enforcement proceedings have been initiated in connection with an allegedly unpaid fine), you will always have on hand confirmation of proper payment.

Consequences of failure to pay a fine

If the fine is not paid within the specified sixty days, the order for enforcement will be transferred to the bailiff service. At the same time, the body that imposed the fine, or the bailiff (if the fine was imposed by a court), can draw up a protocol on an administrative offense under paragraph 1 of Article 20.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (evasion of paying a fine).

The issue of prosecution under this article is decided by the magistrate. You will be invited to a trial where you can argue that the claims against you are unfounded. Possible liability:

  • a fine of twice the amount of the unpaid fine, but not less than one thousand rubles (the upper limit for individuals is five thousand rubles - we refer to paragraph 1 of Article 3.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation); or
  • administrative arrest up to fifteen days; or
  • compulsory work for up to fifty hours.

Restrictions on traveling abroad

The bailiff, initiating enforcement proceedings to collect a fine, provides a five-day period for payment. If the fine is not paid, the bailiff begins to exercise the powers granted to him.

One of them is a temporary restriction on the exit of a debtor-citizen or individual entrepreneur from the Russian Federation.

According to Article 67 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”, this measure is applicable only if the amount of debt is more than ten thousand rubles.

If the fine was imposed by the court, the restriction on travel is set by the bailiff. If another body, the bailiff, applies to the court for a restriction.

The adopted resolution is sent to the debtor, the Federal Migration Service and the border authorities.

The decision can be appealed to the court if you consider it illegal.

If there were grounds for restricting travel, you should pay a fine and apply to the bailiff to complete the enforcement proceedings and lift the imposed restriction. - About cars - Information portal