Tightening seat belts for children. Fest children's seat belts - reliable protection for small passengers. Video “How not to fall for a fake Fest - review of the original overlay”

Fest children's seat belts are rightfully considered one of the most reliable means for transporting children of any age. Judge for yourself, your car is a source of potential danger even for adults. If there is trouble on the road, children may suffer even more. To prevent this, let's consider the pros and cons of the Fest device, as well as its installation in the car interior.

1 Child safety during everyday driving

Anyone who gets into a car automatically becomes more vulnerable to damage. And although every car is equipped with seat belts and airbags, sometimes even they are not able to protect the driver and passengers of the vehicle. In addition, the protection system in the cabin of each car is designed for the average adult. How to prevent injury to a child in a car?

To avoid dangerous situations for children when transporting them by car, the legislation of the Russian Federation and other countries of the post-Soviet space has established certain rules. According to them, small passengers under 12 years of age can be in a car equipped with child restraints. This means that for the safety of children it is not necessary to buy special car seats. An alternative to it is the Fest children's device, which not only has all the qualities of a car seat, but also costs much less than the latter.

2 Advantages of Fest children's belts

As you know, the main problem with standard seat belts in a car is its poor placement for children. If you fasten a 5-6 year old child, the belt will go right over the little passenger’s neck. It’s not difficult to guess what this entails, especially when you have a fidget in your cabin. To avoid strain on the baby’s throat, experts advise equipping the car with Fest belts. They consist of fasteners with buttons that are needed to secure the standard belt on the child’s chest.

In our country they are produced in two versions. The first is a separate clasp, and the second option is a clasp with additional belts to secure the legs. In the first case, they are intended for children weighing from 19 to 35 kg, and in the second - for children weighing 9–18 kg.

Fest children's belts, like other additional accessories for the car interior, have advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of adapters include:

  • compact sizes of belts;
  • versatility;
  • low prices;
  • full compliance with GOST No. 41.442005 and all international standards;
  • more effective protection of the child's head;
  • With the adapter, children can be transported in the front seat of the car.

Indeed, the advantages of using Fest belts are more than obvious. The device has a modest size, which allows you to carry it with you everywhere, even when you and your child get into a friend’s car. The adapter can be used for children of all ages and weights. It is much cheaper than any child car seat.

3 Disadvantages of children's adapters

Don't forget about the disadvantages of child seat belts. So, in certain cases there is a risk of the lower part of the belt shifting under the child’s body. This is due to the fact that the clasp slightly raises this part of the adapter in relation to the optimal position on the chest of the small passenger. This problem can be solved by using an additional Fest belt. Another disadvantage of the device is the formation of folds in the lower part of the belt. Because of this, the latter has less contact with the child’s body, increasing the load in the event of an accident.

The third drawback is the limited ability to use child seat belts in older models of cars. In such cars, the standard seat belt runs only diagonally, without a lower horizontal belt.

The Fest belt does not provide any side protection for the child. As practice shows, a child car seat copes with this task much better. Another significant drawback of adapters is the constant need to prove to traffic police inspectors that the child seat belt fully complies with child safety standards in the car.

4 How to choose a child restraint?

The first thing you should focus on when purchasing a baby adapter is the number of attachment points. If your child is under five years of age, it is better to buy a seat belt with three anchors. If your children are older, you can buy safety belts with two fasteners. As for the sizes of adapters, there are some peculiarities when purchasing. First, you need to pay attention to adapters of moderate length.

The belt should be so long that you can see your child from any rear view. Due to the fact that most are selected for installation in car doors, the child should be positioned as far as possible from them. Ideally, children should be positioned in the center of the back seat of the car. Based on this, you need to select the length of the child seat belt. But you shouldn’t take a belt that’s too long either, otherwise it won’t be of much use. The width of the device also plays a big role.

It is recommended to purchase an adapter with the maximum available width. Such belts are much more effective at restraining children during sudden car impacts. There is only one manufacturing company on the domestic market for children's safety belts - the Fest company. The products of all other enterprises are either a copy or a fake. Therefore, most experts advise buying adapters for children exclusively from Fest, and always with a certificate and warranty card.

Children's safety is always the most important thing. Therefore, parents must choose restraints for their child with great responsibility in order to create the safest conditions possible while traveling by car. What a child seat belt is and how to use it correctly is described in this article.

What is a seat belt

This is a special means for securing passengers in vehicles, which is capable of holding a person in place in the event of a sudden stop or accident. The belt can be on the right or left side, depending on the seating position.

Every car has seat belts. They are basically three-point, automatically retracting into place. Thus, they do not interfere with the passenger at all and do not hinder his movement. And most importantly, they tightly press the fastened person in case of a sudden stop.

The child seat belt is designed to secure children of preschool and school age in the front or rear seat of a car. All parents are required to secure their children in the vehicle to increase their safety during transportation.

According to standards, a child's seat belt is a certain set of elements with the necessary parameters of flexibility and strength.

Why do you need a seat belt?

Retaining devices occupy a vital place in the process of transporting children. Firstly, all the kids are very active and mobile. Therefore, it will be more comfortable for mom or dad to drive if the child is wearing a seat belt. Secondly, no one is completely protected from dangerous situations that can happen while vehicles are moving. Therefore, all parents should take care of the safety of their children and arrange a place in their car with high reliability and protection.

Thus, if the baby refuses to sit in a special car seat, and also if he has already outgrown it, parents can purchase a seat belt for the child. In addition, it is recommended to be used in conjunction with other retention mechanisms.

If anyone doubts the advisability of using this device, we will provide some numbers. According to official data, the presence of a child seat belt in a car reduces the risk of head injuries by 8 times, neck injuries by 6 times, chest injuries by 18 times, and abdominal injuries by 27 times. And most importantly, a seat belt for a child saves his life. Thus, since parents used this protective device, the death rate of children during car accidents has decreased by more than 70%. These figures are more than convincing and testify in favor of seat belts.

Benefits of child seat belts

A child wearing a seat belt is held in place during heavy braking. In this way, the possibility of serious injury is minimized.

Important features of a child seat belt

All parents need to consider that the restraint system must be appropriate for the size and weight of the child. A very important parameter is the seat belt adjuster for children.

The regular three-point seat belt found in every car is intended only for adults and is not always suitable for children. Thus, due to different body proportions, in the event of a collision, a child wearing a regular seat belt will receive a strong blow to the heart and lungs.

Children's car seat belts are specially designed for babies and small children. Their design is designed taking into account the size and weight of the child.

Methods for securing a child with a seat belt

To secure a child with a regular car seat belt, manufacturers suggest using an additional device - a small strap that allows you to pull the branches of the main belt together. This mounting option can be used as an additional option for a child car seat.

The second way to secure a child is to use a child seat belt adapter. It is a special triangular-shaped overlay. The adapter plays a very important role for child safety, as it pulls the diagonal line of the belt away from the child's neck. This significantly reduces the risk of injury to the cervical spine. This protective cover comes with Velcro and buttons.

The next mounting option is a booster. This device is a special lining that is attached to the car seat. It ensures that the child sits high and therefore reduces the risk of suffocation by the belt in the event of a sudden stop.

In addition to the options described above, there are special three-point child seat belts. But today they fail all crash tests and are considered dangerous for a child's stomach. Five-point seat belts for children have a slightly different design. Therefore, they are used by most manufacturers of child car seats.

Seat belt adapter as an alternative to a child car seat

Recently, seat belt adapters have become increasingly popular. They belong to a group of individual fastening devices and are designed to shift the position of the branches of the car seat belt. The adapter is put on a regular belt and secured with buttons.

The child seat belt adapter has the following advantages:

Manufacturers and most sellers point out another advantage - the ability to use the adapter without a child car seat. There is currently debate about this statement. The fact is that since their development, many parents have had time to evaluate the reliability and safety of this device from their own experience. Unfortunately, the adapter does not provide the level of child protection that a high-quality car seat guarantees. In addition, traffic police officers began to fine drivers who transport children secured with an adapter without a car seat.

Children's seat belt "FEST"

Among all modern restraint devices, the most popular is the FEST seat belt for children. This is a domestically produced device, unique and easy to use. And most importantly, in terms of safety parameters, the FEST belt is superior to many other restraint devices and even some car seats.

This device is intended for transporting children whose weight ranges from 9 to 36 kg. For passengers weighing between 9 and 18 kg, the belt should only be used in conjunction with a special strap.

The FEST fastening is very comfortable and ensures high safety for the child. It is easily and securely fixed to a regular car seat belt and does not interfere with its operation. The installation and removal process takes only 20 seconds.

The developers designed the device in such a way that in the event of an accident, the possibility of injuring a child due to limited mobility is reduced. At the same time, the seat belt buckle can be easily opened if necessary.

How to choose a belt fastener

When purchasing a restraining device, most sellers will convince you that the device they offer is very safe and will ensure excellent safety for the child. But this is not always the case. Therefore, when choosing a seat belt or adapter, it is recommended to independently study which seat belts for children are the most reliable and high-quality.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the fastening. It should be reliable, but at the same time not injure the child. The next important parameter is the seat belt lock for children. Firstly, the protective device must be easily and quickly fixed. And secondly, it is very important that the child cannot unfasten the seat belt buckle on his own.

You should also look into the child seat belt limiter. It should always respond to sudden movements.

When choosing an adapter, you should check the reliability and quality of attachment to car belts.

Responsibility for an unbelted child

According to the law, children under 12 years of age must be transported in vehicles only with the use of special restraints. For violation of this requirement, a fine is imposed on parents.

Drivers who transport unbelted children aged 12 to 16 years are also subject to punishment.

The issue of transporting children in a passenger vehicle remains open today. Many people believe that when using a child seat for a car there is no need to think about this, because the baby will be safe in it. But this is not entirely true. About what are the rules for transporting children in cars, what is a seat belt adapter for children and what types of child restraint devices are there.


How to transport children?

In the event that a child of any age gets into a car, it is necessary to monitor him with special care and follow certain rules. And these rules should be aimed at his safety first and foremost. After all, the body of children of any age is less strong than that of adults; therefore, even minor injuries can greatly harm the child. Of course, today many vehicles are equipped, but do they always help?

Can I fasten it with a regular belt?

If there are no other safety restraints, then, naturally, using a regular belt is advisable. However, in the event of an accident, such a belt will only harm the baby. After all, standard seat belts, even if you fasten them correctly at first glance with your own hands, are not suitable for children in terms of height and build.

If the belt goes over the neck, then this is fraught with suffocation in the event of an accident, especially if the strap is loose.

To hold or not to hold?

Some parents think that in the event of a car collision, their baby, sitting in their arms, will be reliably protected. But this is far from true. When the car suddenly stops, the child’s body will fly through the car’s interior at high speed, and its weight will increase several times. Actually, it will be very difficult to hold him even for a man, not to mention a fragile woman.

In addition, there is a huge chance that a parent who leans forward during an accident may crush the baby with his own body. Therefore, this method of transporting children aged 1 to 13 years is the most dangerous.

It turns out that these two most common methods of transporting babies are unsafe, so what to do?

How to choose a seat belt for a baby?

The only option left is to buy a seat belt adapter for transporting children. This device is intended for children aged four years and older, whose weight has not yet exceeded 36 kilograms. The adapter is designed for use with standard straps. Even if your car is equipped with airbags, you simply need an adapter for transporting children.

Belt Fest

The need to use this device appears in cases where the baby’s height is up to half a meter. Sometimes parents add pillows to help their offspring sit higher. However, the use of pillows is not advisable. Sitting on a pillow for a long time reduces the comfort of the baby's stay on the seat.

The principle of “Fest” is to adapt the position of the standard strap to the height of the baby. He will be able to sit on a comfortable seat, and the safety element itself will go over the shoulder and belt, like an adult. The adapter, or as it is also called a three-point restraint for a child, is used as an independent restraint device. Regardless of whether your car is equipped with airbags or not. As for its main features:

  1. This device for a child over four years of age is universal and can be used without the use of other car accessories, for example, separate seats.
  2. The Fest three-point pads for children over four years of age are easy to install. The triangle mount only needs to be properly fastened to the fastener.
  3. This three-point pad “Fest” will not take up much space in the car.
  4. If a five-year-old child is correctly fastened with a fastener, the child will feel comfortable and secure in the seat, and long trips will not tire him.
  5. The Fest children's safety pad is designed to provide additional comfort for a small passenger in the car. This pad allows you to reduce the pressure of the straps on the child’s stomach.
  6. The price of the “Fest” child restraint pad for a child over four years of age is the lowest when compared with other restraint devices.
  7. The “Fest” restraint device for small passengers over the age of four years is designed in such a way that during emergency braking of the car, the risk of injury is minimized.
  8. The Fest restraint device is intended to be used with only one baby. If you want to do everything right, then don’t even think about fastening several children with one device, but only do it as shown in the photo. Otherwise, no car airbags will help you.

  1. As tests of the device have shown, if the adapter is fastened correctly, the load on the child will be an order of magnitude lower than, for example, when using a child seat or conventional belts.
  2. If you bought a Festom belt, then you don’t need to spend a lot of money to buy a large car seat.
  3. Usually, when operating such types of car devices for a child over four years old, traffic police officers do not issue fines.
  4. Leonid Roshal, one of the most famous domestic pediatricians and surgeons, once recommended the Fest belt for a car belt. It cannot be ruled out that this was said for advertising purposes, but tests of the device indicate otherwise.
  5. As shown in the photo, now a small child can be carried in the front seat of a car. Having a “Fest” belt, you can communicate more with your child.
  6. In addition, this belt has received a European quality certificate.
  7. According to online reviews, the Fest belt is a reliable device. In addition, the company itself is a reputable manufacturer of this kind of devices and has been present on the domestic market for several years.

Types of child restraint systems

Child restraints are also special seats. They are divided into several types and classified depending on the age of the offspring. Below is the classification of chairs by groups:
  • group “0” - chairs for children whose weight has not yet reached 10 kilograms;
  • group “0+” - devices for babies weighing from 0 to 13 kilograms;
  • group “1” is designed for children whose weight varies from 9 to 18 kg;
  • group “2” is intended for babies whose weight ranges from 15 to 25 kilograms;
  • and finally, the last group “3” is designed for offspring weighing from 22 to 36 kilograms.

It should also be noted that the manufacturers of these devices produce chairs for children that correspond to certain classes. The approximate age of the children in this case is indicated:

  • classes “0” and “0+” are intended for children aged from 1 to one and a half years;
  • classes “0+” and “1” are intended for children up to approximately 4.5 years old, can be mounted both in the direction of travel of the car and against it;
  • chairs of group “1” can be used by children aged from 9 months to 4.5 years;
  • devices of groups “2” and “3” and “1” - “3” are used for children from 3 to 12 years old; As a rule, such seats are equipped with a device that allows you to adjust the seat to the height of the backrest; in addition, they can have a design that can be adjusted in accordance with the dimensions of the passenger.

As for installation, seats belonging to classes “0” and “0+” must be installed in such a way that the small passenger has his back to the windshield, as in the photo. This is the main rule when transporting babies. This is done so that in case of emergency braking or an accident, the head of the small passenger is held by the seat itself. For older children, the chair can be mounted in the direction of travel.

As far as space is concerned, this chair can be mounted both behind and in front. But keep in mind here that if your vehicle is equipped with airbags, they should be turned off. Otherwise, if the airbag deploys, it may cause injury to the small passenger.

A car is a source of potential danger, and a child inside it is especially vulnerable. After all, most standard security systems are designed for the average adult. Legislators in Russia and most other post-Soviet countries made sure that frivolous parents did not skimp on protecting their children, and clearly spelled out the rules for transporting small passengers.

Road traffic regulations state that up to the age of 12, a child must be protected using a “child restraint”, that is, it does not have to be a child car seat. The FEST child restraint system is precisely a cheaper and more compact alternative to the latter. Let's try to understand the pros and cons of such a device, as well as its level of safety. It’s also worth noting that not everyone realizes that the need to protect their child extends far beyond the car. For adults raising schoolchildren, we recommend reading the article “If a child is bullied at school, what should parents do?”

Advantages and disadvantages of the seat belt adapter for children FEST

Advantages of the FEST device:

  • Its compact size makes it easy to take it with you on trips without your own car and use it when traveling in other people's cars. When used in your own car, the adapter can even be stored in the glove compartment;
  • A universal device for children of almost all ages, designed for a weight from 9 to 36 kilograms, that is, for children from about a year and older. This means that you will no longer need to periodically buy a new device or car seat;
  • Significantly lower cost compared to a child car seat;
  • Corresponds to Russian GOST 41.442005 and international mark E744R-040802;
  • Better head protection compared to a standard seat belt;
  • Can be used to transport a child directly in the front seat.

The disadvantages of the FEST device include:

  • In some cases, an enhanced effect of diving under the lower strap of the belt is possible, due to the fact that the clasp slightly lifts it up relative to its normal position. Can be eliminated by using an additional FEST strap;
  • Folds form on the bottom of the belt straps, which reduces the area of ​​contact with the body and increases the load in case of accidents;
  • Not recommended for use in older cars with old seat belts, where the belt runs only diagonally and does not have a horizontal strap;
  • Poor protection of the child's head from damage compared to a child car seat, does not provide lateral protection;
  • Worse protection of the child's body than when using a child car seat;
  • Possible problems with traffic police officers, who will have to prove that this adapter complies with traffic rules.

Scope of application of the FEST seat belt for children

As a conclusion, we can say that the scope of application of the FEST seat belt for children is better limited to ride-sharing or taxi rides. Since it allows you to relatively securely secure a child in a car where there is no car seat, but easily fits into a purse. It is also suitable for taxi drivers themselves, for whom carrying a child seat in the trunk may be an unaffordable luxury, and the FEST adapter, due to its compact size, will not burden you with its presence. In the same case, if you have your own car and you value the safety of your child, the best solution would be to buy a branded car seat that will provide maximum protection for the child even in the most critical situations. Just keep in mind that when purchasing a Chinese nameless car seat, you risk no less! After all, no one knows how it will behave under significant load in an accident.

In Russia, finally, which concerns the rules for transporting children in cars. So, from now on, the new rules for transporting children under 11 years of age are regulated by changes to the traffic rules adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation No. 761 of June 28, 2017.

For example, new rules oblige drivers to transport children under 7 years of age only using child restraint systems () that are appropriate for the child’s weight and height. That is, from now on it is strictly prohibited to transport children using “belt adapters”, frameless devices and other seat belt guides. For violating this traffic rule, the driver faces a fine of 3,000 rubles.

Transportation of children under 7 years of age is permitted only in car seats and boosters.

How can children under 7 years of age be transported in a car?

Let us recall that previously the legislation allowed drivers to use, in addition to car seats and boosters, when transporting children, various "other devices" , which include: book, frameless device, seat belt strap corrector (adapter).

But, according to changes in traffic rules, now the words "other devices" removed on the basis of Government Decree No. 761 of June 28, 2017.

Accordingly, transportation of children under 7 years of age is now possible only in special car seats, boosters, which take into account the height and weight of the child.

So, according to the new Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 761, changes are made to paragraph 22.9 of the traffic rules:

Traffic rules 29.9 Transporting children in a car

"Transportation of children under the age of 7 years in a car and a truck cab that is designed with seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX child restraint system*, should be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) that are appropriate for the weight and height of the child.

* The name of the ISOFIX child restraint system is given in accordance with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR RS 018/2011 “On the safety of wheeled vehicles”.

The ban on children's vehicles for transporting children was necessary in connection with studies that found that such devices not only do not protect children during an accident, but also aggravate the consequences of the accident.

Thus, as a result of comprehensive tests, experts found that such devices do not provide adequate safety for children compared to car seats and boosters.

It is also worth noting that during testing of frameless child restraint devices, seat belt adapters and other similar devices, it turned out that the consequences of an accident for a child are aggravated compared to seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle and used to secure the child without any additional devices.

That is, in other words, seat belt adapters, frameless devices, etc., cause more harm than simple car seat belts.

How to transport children aged 7 to 11 years?

According to changes in the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations, on the basis of Government Decree No. 761 of the Russian Federation, clause 29.9 also includes changes related to the transportation of children aged 7 to 11 years.

Here is a quote from the new traffic rules:

Transportation of children aged 7 to 11 years (inclusive) in a car and a truck cab that is designed with seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX child restraint system must be carried out using (devices) appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or using seat belts, and in the front seat of a passenger car - only with the use of child restraint systems (devices) corresponding to the weight and height of the child.

The installation of child restraint systems (devices) in a passenger car and the cabin of a truck and the placement of children in them must be carried out in accordance with the operating instructions for the specified systems (devices).

It is prohibited to transport children under the age of 12 on the back seat of a motorcycle.

Is it possible to transport a child between 7 and 11 years old in the front seat without using a car seat?

According to the new changes to the traffic rules (clause 29.9), children aged 7 to 11 years are prohibited from being transported without a car seat in the front seat.

Accordingly, in case of violation of this clause of the traffic rules, the driver faces a fine for violating the rules for transporting children in a car. A fine of 3,000 rubles.

Is it possible to transport children aged 7 to 11 years in the back seat of a car without a car seat?

Yes, according to the Government Decree, which amends clause 29.9 of the Russian Traffic Regulations, it is permitted to transport a child in the back seat aged 7 to 11 years, both in a car seat and without it. But in this case mandatory use of seat belts.

Accordingly, the use of seat belt adapters and frameless child restraints for transporting children in a vehicle is prohibited.

So, according to the new legislation, the driver has the right to transport a child in the back seat without using a car seat. In this case, you need to fasten a child between 7 and 11 years old with a regular vehicle seat belt.

Is it dangerous to transport children aged 7 to 11 years without car seats?

It is worth noting that the appearance in the traffic rules of a clause permitting the transportation of children from 7 to 11 years old, on the one hand, simplifies the rules for transporting a child in a car, but on the other hand, it makes you think that transporting children using seat belts does not always provide adequate protection during an accident .

Here it’s all about the height and weight of a child aged 7 to 11 years. After all, you must admit that children are different. For example, it is not uncommon for a 7-8 year old child to have the height and weight of a 10-11 year old child, and vice versa, it is not uncommon for an 11 year old child to have a small weight and height comparable to a younger child.

Accordingly, if you fasten a seat belt on a child aged 10-11 years old, who looks like a child 7-9 years old (due to height and weight), then the seat belt will not be able to fully protect the child from the serious consequences of an accident, since the seat belt is in principle designed for passengers of a height and weight that generally corresponds to people over 12 years of age.

So we recommend that drivers still use a strictly special car seat for transporting children under 11 years of age, which is naturally safer for your child compared to conventional seat belts.

Yes, of course, if your 10-11 year old child looks like a 12-14 year old teenager, then it is not advisable to buy a special chair for him. In this case, you should use standard seat belts when transporting a child in the back seat.

Remember that just because the law allows children between the ages of 7 and 11 to be transported without a seat does not mean that this is the safest method of transport for your child. The main thing is height and weight.

For example, if your child is not tall enough, then if he is wearing a seat belt in the back seat, there is a risk that during an accident the lap belt strap will move onto the stomach, which can lead to severe injury to the abdominal organs, which is naturally dangerous to the child's life.

This occurs due to the peculiarities of the skeletal structure of children under 12 years of age. Accordingly, if your child is small in stature and weight, and despite the fact that his age allows you, in accordance with current legislation, to transport children using seat belts, it is best to use it to provide maximum protection for the child in the event of an accident .

Also remember that under no circumstances should you transport children aged 7 to 11 years in the front seat using a seat belt, since this is not only now prohibited by paragraph 29.9 of the traffic rules, for violation of which you face a fine of 3,000 rubles, but and very dangerous, since even in a minor accident, a child in the front seat can be seriously injured.

When will the new rules for transporting children in a car come into force?

According to current legislation, Government Decrees come into force seven days from the date of their official publication. Since Resolution No. 761 of June 28, 2017 was officially published on the website of the Government of the Russian Federation on July 3, 2017, the new rules for transporting children in a car will come into force on July 10, 2017.

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