Recipe for canning birch sap at home. Preparing birch sap for the winter with lemon. Delicious drink with lemon

Monday, October 12, 2015 16:35 + to quote book

Berezovitsa, birch sap, birch tears are the names of the same very valuable drink that has a beneficial effect on the entire human body as a whole.

Birch sap has a sharply reduced content of water with tritium and deuterium, and it also contains a special liquid that has a certain structure, which is very useful for the human body. This is one of the reasons why birch sap is valuable not only for its material composition, but also because of this liquid with a special structure.

This structure tends to change. And changes begin to occur from the moment the sap is extracted from the birch trunk and after a couple of hours, the structure changes dramatically. That is why it is recommended to consume birch sap fresh; it cannot be stored, much less canned.

What a pleasure it is to savor your own collected birch sap. It has a pleasant refreshing taste, and the drink also strengthens the human body. By the way, birch sap is practically no different from plain water. This juice has long been valued for its healing properties, because it is the most natural, environmentally friendly, chemical-free drink with a pleasant taste and healing properties.

During the period of snow melting, about a month before the leaves and flowers appear on the birch tree, you can notice sticky leaves. At this time, the movement of sap begins, popularly called “crying birch”. Within 1.5 - 3 weeks you can get this sweetish drink.

Birch sap, which you collect in an industrial area or near busy roads will only cause harm. It is also useless to spend money on buying juice in a store; during canning, almost all beneficial substances are destroyed.

Let's try to figure out how to properly extract birch sap.

A small piece of the outer bark is cut out, cleaned, and then a shallow hole no more than 3 - 4 cm is made with a brace. Almost immediately a brisk trickle will appear. The juice can be collected in a container using gauze or reinforced with a tin gutter.

Upon completion of collection, the incision should be tightly smeared with laundry soap, plasticine or wax. Such measures protect the tree from the penetration of fungi and bacteria. In ancient times, it was believed that the juice should be collected in a special birch bark container, in which the juice retains all its beneficial qualities longer. Nowadays, plastic or glass bottles are mostly used to collect juice.

It is important to be able to correctly collect birch sap without causing harm to the trees.

First rule.
Birch sap should be collected from trees with a diameter of more than 20 cm. Old trees and young thin birches are not suitable for collecting sap.

Second rule.
It is allowed to collect no more than a liter of sap from one birch tree at a time with an interval of 2 to 3 days. You can pierce the bark of a tree with a chisel or knife; the hole should not be deep. Insert a plastic or metal groove or tube into the resulting slot, through which the juice will flow into a fixed container. Having completed collecting the juice, be sure to either tightly close the hole with a piece of moss, or cover it with wax, plasticine or garden varnish.

You can use a more gentle method. A branch is cut from a branch, on the stump of which you can hang a bottle. Using this method, it is possible to hang several bottles on one tree at once. The cut branch should be let down a little. For convenience, the branch can be tied to a tree trunk or lower branch.

Remember that in the daytime, when the bright sun is shining, the juice runs much faster. Remember this and do not forget to check the filling of the container.

The most favorable period for collecting birch tears is considered to be the period from 12 to 18 hours; it is during these hours that the movement of sap is most active.

The number of holes that can be made on the trunk of one tree depends on the diameter. So if the diameter of the birch does not exceed 25 cm, only 1 hole is allowed. With a diameter of 25 to 35 cm - 2, with a diameter of up to 0.4 m, no more than 3 holes can be made, but with a diameter of more than 0.4 m, up to 4 holes can be made.

Tips for collecting birch sap

The period of movement of birch sap depends on the weather. If during the March thaw the sap began to flow, then on frosty days its movement may stop for some time. As a rule, the movement of sap begins in the second ten days of March, simultaneously with the active melting of snow, and around the same time the buds swell. The collection of sap is completed when the leaves bloom, around mid-April.

Only clean forests are suitable for collecting “birch tears”, because trees very easily absorb exhaust gases and harmful substances. A tree with a developed lush crown, with a diameter of at least 0.2 m, is ideal for collecting. The hole intended for collecting sap is usually made at a level of 20 - 25 cm from the ground. There is no need to make a deep hole, because the movement of sap occurs in the upper layers, located between wood and bark.

The collected juice should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours. The opinion that birch sap can be stored for up to 30 days without damage is erroneous; during this time, the sap loses almost all its beneficial substances.

It is worth noting that, like any other sap, birch sap is healthier to consume fresh, within the first 2 hours after collection.

By carefully cutting the bark and layers of wood, little harm is done to the tree.
In the scientific literature there is no mention of the death of birch trees due to the collection of sap, even on an industrial scale.

Sap production is one of the main indicators of a tree’s vital activity. If the amount of sap became less every year, then we could say that collecting sap undermines the health of the trees. Over the course of five years, tapping observations were carried out in the Middle Urals, which showed that sap productivity tends to increase.

Natural birch sap has long been valued by people for its miraculous properties.

Spreading and silver birch trees are used to obtain medicines. Leaves, buds, juice, xylitol (a sugar substitute), tar obtained by dry distillation of wood, and activated carbon are used. All these drugs have wide application in medicine.

Salts, minerals and other biological compounds dissolved in the juice result in a sufficiently medicinal product. wide range actions. Birch sap can contain up to 2% sugar. Birch sap contains various enzymes, plant hormones, tannins, acids, calcium, iron, potassium salts, glucose and phytoncides (substances with antibacterial activity)

Birch sap is an effective remedy for treating stomach, lungs,
liver. Used for radiculitis, arthritis, rheumatism. Juice is actively involved
in the destruction of urinary stones and helps cleanse the body of harmful substances. Along with this, birch tears stimulate metabolism, have regenerative properties and are an excellent dietary drink.

Birch sap is used in the treatment of anemia, vitamin deficiency, tuberculosis, colds, and uterine cancer. In some cases it is acceptable to use
as a diuretic, anthelmintic, for gout, scrofula, some types of edema, for the prevention of caries and other diseases of the oral cavity.

Regular intake of this juice tones and strengthens the human body as a whole. Collected in the spring, birch sap is also used for various types of allergic diseases, anemia and scurvy. This juice is especially necessary for people suffering from chronic sore throats and tuberculosis.

In the scientific literature there are also references to the antitumor and antioxidant activity of birch sap.

Have survived to this day and old recipes, in which birch sap is taken as the basis.

Below are several ways to prepare birch mushrooms.

1 way

The bark of a large young birch is trimmed and a transverse hole is made. Next, a splint should be firmly inserted into it, under which a collection container is placed. From a young tree you can get up to 40 liters of juice.

The collected juice is poured into a container, vodka, port wine, raisins and sugar are added. The contents of the container are thoroughly mixed to dissolve the sugar. The container is carefully closed and stored in a cool place for at least 60 days. After this time, the drink is poured into containers, carefully sealed and stored in the cellar, placed on its side.

For 5 liters of collected juice you need to take 750 ml of port wine, 1/2 liter of vodka, 600 grams of raisins and 1.2 kg of sugar.

Method 2

Pour birch sap into a container, add port wine, add sugar and add crushed and seeded lemon pulp and peel. Place the container in a cool place for a couple of months. After two months, the drink is bottled and stored in the cellar, laying the bottles on their sides on the sand. After 3 weeks of such storage, the birch bark is ready for use. For every 5 liters of birch sap we use 1 liter of port wine, 1.6 kg of sugar and a couple of lemons.

3 way

Birch sap is poured into a container and sugar is added, mixed thoroughly and boiled until the sap is reduced by 2/3. During boiling, skim off foam. Next, remove the container from the heat and filter the resulting liquid. When the strained liquid has cooled to about 40 degrees, pour in a thick yeast solution, vodka, and add lemons, cut into slices and pitted. The container must be full.

The container is left in a warm place for 12 hours, and then taken to a cold place for 7 weeks. Next, the juice must be filtered again and only after purification, poured into champagne bottles. Cork tightly by attaching the cork to the bottle with wire. Bottles should be stored in a cool place.

You will need 5 liters of birch sap, a couple of medium lemons, 1 liter of vodka, approximately 20 - 30 grams of yeast and 1.6 kg of sugar.

Immediately pour the collected birch sap into prepared bottles. Place a few raisins, lemon zest and sugar in each. The bottles are carefully sealed, strengthening the cork with wire, and stored for 2 - 3 months in a cool place. The aged drink will foam well. If desired, it is recommended to add sugar or honey before use.

For ½ liter of birch sap you need to take the zest of ¼ lemon, 2 teaspoons of sugar and a few raisins.

Birch sap is poured into a container, preferably a barrel, and honey and vodka are added. Leave the container in a warm place without covering it. After a couple of months, the vinegar will be ready. For 2 liters of birch sap, take 100 ml of vodka and 40 grams of honey.

Kvass from birch tears
The recipe for this kvass allows the juice to be stored for 2 - 3 months. Subject to storage conditions, the acidity of kvass increases, while the taste remains high.

Juice is poured into glass bottles washed with hot water. And they leave it to ferment. For every 0.5 liter of juice add 1 tsp. sugar, 2 - 3 pcs. raisins and a little lemon zest. The bottles are carefully closed, securing the cork with a bandage or wire. During the fermentation process, the pressure of carbon dioxide inside the bottle is created quite high, so do not add more sugar than recommended in the recipe, so as not to burst the glass.

After a few days, you will have a highly carbonated, pleasant-tasting drink ready.

Another fairly simple recipe for birch kvass.
An oak barrel is filled with juice, and a bag of heavily toasted rye bread crusts is placed there. After about 48 hours, the fermentation process begins. Next, add berries, cherry leaves, dill stems or oak bark to the barrel. After 14 days, you can drink kvass.

Quite often you can find this recipe for kvass. Add 20 grams to birch sap heated to 35°C. yeast per liter of juice. The resulting starter is left for a couple of days in a cool place. The resulting drink is then bottled and canned.

Golden birch kvass recipe
Kvass prepared according to this recipe turns out to be a beautiful golden color, and if you leave the drink to ferment a little, the kvass will acquire a pleasant aroma and will pleasantly tingle your tongue.

Dried apples, dried lemon balm branches and toasted barley grains are added to birch sap. The resulting mixture is infused for several days in a cold place; it is advisable to store the finished drink in the cold.

For 20 liters of birch sap we take about ½ kilogram of barley. The container is stored in the cellar for a week and a half. After this time, you will get an excellent drink that can be stored for up to 6 months in a cool place.

Try making it from freshly collected birch sap. syrup , A very tasty and healthy drink. It can be mixed with water or added to tea to taste.

Birch sap is evaporated over low heat. In the finished product, the sugar concentration can reach 70%. The syrup turns out to be quite thick, reminiscent of honey in consistency. Scientists have proven that the use of this syrup prevents and stops the development of caries.

For comparison, Canadian maple sap is 4 times sweeter than birch sap. Therefore, birch syrup is not so common.

You can use it very in a simple way canning juice . You will need: 1 liter of birch sap, 5 gr. citric acid and 125 gr. Sahara. All ingredients are mixed, filtered, poured into prepared containers and pasteurized

When mixing birch sap with the juice of other berries, vegetables and fruits, healthy drinks are obtained. Birch sap is also infused with thyme leaves, mint, rose hips, linden blossom and lingonberry berries.

It is not for nothing that birch was revered by the ancient Slavs; already in those distant times they knew the unique healing properties of birch. The Slavs believed that birch could take away all illnesses and adversities, and in return bring happiness.

After sacred rituals, birch branches and leaves were used as a powerful magical symbol and amulet at home. It was believed that birch wards off evil spirits and protects against natural disasters.

Some more important tips:

  • when choosing a tree, preference should be given to larger birches;
  • strengthen the container for collecting sap on the north side of the tree, otherwise the sap will begin to ferment in the sun;
  • do not collect juice until the last minute. It is better to collect sap from several trees;
  • Please note that there is no anthill under the birch tree. Otherwise, insects will “capture” your juice...

Recipes based on birch sap
Most best recipe- this means doing nothing with birch sap. Just drink it immediately after collecting it before all the beneficial substances it contains are destroyed.

Birch kvass
Add the juice of 2 lemons, 25 g to 5 liters of juice. yeast, 20 g sugar or honey. Carefully move all ingredients and pour the drink into bottles. Add a couple of raisins to each bottle. Next, the bottles are tightly closed and stored in the cellar. The drink will be ready in a few days. You can store this kvass for up to 4 months, checking the integrity of the bottle.

Another kvass recipe. Fresh birch sap is poured into containers, after placing a crust of rye bread in each. The containers are closed and stored in a dark place.

They make it from birch sap wine
To do this, take 6 liters of birch sap and 350 grams of sugar, boil over low heat to 5.5 liters. It is important to constantly remove foam. Pour 1 liter of white wine into the prepared container, add a couple of slices of lemon and pour birch sap into the same container. The mixture should be cooled to room temperature, add ½ teaspoon of dry yeast and leave for several days. Next, the container should be carefully closed and put away for another half a month. After 2 weeks, the wine will be ready to drink.

Various medicinal drinks are prepared based on birch sap.

Juice and oat drink
Mix 1.5 cups of juice with 1 cup of well-peeled oats. Leave the mixture in the refrigerator for 12 hours, then bring to a boil over low heat and cook until half has boiled away. Next, the mixture needs to be strained.

The drink is taken before meals, 100 - 150 ml three times a day for 30 days. This drink is useful for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hepatitis and pancreatitis.

Birch-lingonberry drink
Separate the juice of 150 grams of lingonberries. The resulting cake is poured with 1 liter of birch sap and boiled over low heat for about 5 minutes. The broth is filtered and cooled to room temperature. Next, add juice and honey squeezed from lingonberries. The resulting drink should be drunk within 2 days. The product is useful as a diuretic for edema, arthritis and gout.

Birch-wheatgrass drink
For 1 liter of birch sap you will need 100 g of dried wheatgrass roots. The mixture is simmered over low heat in a closed container until reduced by half. The broth is filtered. For urolithiasis, take 1 tablespoon every hour. For cholelithiasis, take 1 glass three times a day half an hour before meals.

Drink made from birch sap and lemons
6 lemons are washed, peeled and crushed. The resulting lemon mixture is poured with 1 liter of birch sap. The drink is infused in the refrigerator for 36 hours. Next, add 500 ml of honey and leave for another 36 hours. Hypotonic patients are recommended to take this drink three times a day before meals, 50 ml.

Birch-calamus drink
Pour 3 cups of birch sap into a container and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed calamus roots. This broth should be cooked over low heat for at least 15 minutes. Insulate the container and leave for 2 hours. As an expectorant and antifever, it is recommended to take ½ glass half an hour before meals three times a day. If desired, you can add honey to the drink.
collecting birch sap

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Some people have a tradition in early spring, and this is birch sap preparation. We often buy birch sap or sap in stores. But some people prefer to prepare it themselves. Fresh juice does not last long: maximum until mid-summer. Therefore, it needs to be preserved for the winter, and done correctly; otherwise the juice, clogged for future use, will simply turn sour. The following recipes will tell you about ways to preserve birch sap.

How to preserve birch sap?

The basic methods for its preparation are no different from preserving other juices. First, birch sap is pasteurized, poured into jars and sealed with boiled metal lids. Among the most popular recipes for collecting birch sap, the following should be highlighted.

Method 1
To prepare birch sap according to the first recipe, in addition to the main product, you will also need sugar, citric acid and an orange or lemon. These additives will act as flavor enhancers, since by nature birch sap does not have a pronounced taste. On average, take 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of juice. sugar, citric acid on the tip of a knife and citrus juice to taste. So the orange (or lemon) is cut into thin slices and placed in a bowl into which birch sap is poured.

Sugar and citric acid are also added there. The container is placed on the fire, and the juice should boil, after which it is immediately poured into sterilized jars. Each jar is additionally filled with 2 slices of orange (lemon), which are brought to a boil with the juice, and the container is rolled up. It is left at room temperature until it cools, and then the preservation is stored in a cool place.

Method 2
Preparing birch sap for the winter according to the second recipe, it is performed without auxiliary flavoring additives; Only yeast is used in the calculation: for 1 liter of juice – 20 g of yeast. Birch sap is poured into a large saucepan, heated slightly, and yeast is dissolved in it. After this, the juice is placed in the cold for 3-4 days. After the specified time, the juice is poured into jars and sealed hermetically.

Preserving birch sap for the winter is of course necessary. But during heat treatment, observing, it loses some of its beneficial substances. And not everyone can wait until winter - I want to treat myself fresh juice straightaway. To do this, there are recipes for preparing delicious invigorating drinks based on birch sap, which, although they do not last long (about 4-5 months), are distinguished by their excellent taste and benefits for the body.

Time has proven that the most reliable and simplest way to preserve birch sap is its fermentation. After straining the juice through cheesecloth and bottling, it is left to ferment at room temperature (about 10-15 C); Fermentation will begin in 3-4 days and lasts about 2-3 weeks. The result is a slightly sour drink, similar to kvass, with a pleasant aroma of birch sap. Before fermentation, you can add sugar to the juice (20 g of sugar per 1 liter), but not much, so as not to spoil the natural taste of the juice.

Birch sap is also combined with mint (70-100 g of dry mint per 50 liters of juice) or empty honeycombs (after pumping out the honey), which gives the drink a special taste and unique aroma. Next “Preparing birch sap” recipes They also use a fermentation process to prepare them.

Birch kvass recipe

To prepare birch kvass for 1.5 liters of sap you will need:

2 tbsp sugar,
- 15-20 pcs. raisins

Birch sap for kvass is bottled exclusively fresh, just collected. It contains sugar and raisins. If desired, you can add orange or lemon zest. The bottles are tightly closed with nylon caps and put away in a cold place, where they should be stored in a horizontal (lying) position. The foamy drink will be ready in 2.5-3 months. Birch kvass can be consumed in its natural form or with added sugar, as you prefer.

Recipe for a refreshing drink made from birch sap

For 10 liters of birch sap for a refreshing drink, you should take dried pears and apples (by eye) and 1 liter jar of sugar. Birch sap is poured into a large saucepan and sugar is added to it. Dried fruits are pre-tied in gauze and dipped in juice. The dish is covered with a lid and the workpiece is placed in a cool place to infuse. The ripening period of the drink is 2-2.5 months.

Birch tree recipe

For true lovers of birch sap, you can also prepare a (fortified) drink called “berezovik”. For 5 liters of birch sap you will need 1.6 kg of sugar, 2 lemons and 1 liter of port wine. For this purpose, lemons are washed and, together with the zest, cut into small pieces or slices, removing the seeds if possible.

Port wine, birch sap, lemon juice are poured into a separate pan and sugar is poured. The dishes are covered with a lid and taken out into the cold, where they should stand for 2 months. After the specified period, “berezovik” is poured into jars or bottles and carefully sealed. To prevent the lids from “flying off” from the container, they need to be screwed to the neck of the container with wire. Stored like this Preparation of birch sap in jars lying down in a cold place. Berezovik can be consumed 4 weeks after bottling.

Birch vinegar recipe

Preparing birch sap for the winter consists not only of clogging delicious drinks, but also healthy natural birch vinegar. To do this you will need 2 liters of birch sap, 100 g of vodka and 40 g of honey. All ingredients are mixed in a pan of suitable volume, which is then covered with gauze and placed in a warm place. The vinegar will be ready in 2-3 months. It will need to be bottled and stored in a cool place.

By observing, you can stock up on it for the winter, as well as all kinds of drinks based on it. Preparing juice is not a complicated process. It takes longer to collect the main product. Therefore, you definitely need to stock up on jars of this drink, which has rich beneficial properties and provides the body with a lot of vitamins and microelements.

Birch sap has a huge complex of vitamins and nutrients. For a long time, people have been drinking this drink to improve the health of the body.

Even in ancient times, many medicines were made from this nectar, which helped eliminate many serious diseases. However, not everyone knows what its benefits are, how to collect it correctly and store it for a long time.

The benefits of birch sap

Birch drink has a huge amount of useful substances and minerals. It is a remedy that strengthens the body's immunity.

The drink combines a large number of components that are included in the periodic table. The nectar contains salts: magnesium, manganese, silicon, copper, strontium, iron, aluminum, potassium, barium, titanium, nickel, phosphorus, zirconium and many others.

In addition, it contains a large amount of nutrients and beneficial substances - tannins, organic acids, enzymes and phytoncides. This entire complex has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body, improves health, and relieves many ailments.

Birch sap helps with vitamin deficiency and improves the tone of the body, eliminating harmful substances and toxins. Phytoncides, which are included in birch sap, increase immunity, help cope with various infectious and viral infections, remove dangerous infections and toxins from the body, strengthen the immune system and effectively eliminate many inflammatory processes.

In addition, it enhances metabolism and improves metabolism in the body. Perfectly calms nerves, eliminates blues and depression.

It also helps well with weight loss. By using it you can achieve excellent results and regain your slender body shape. It has good nutritional value, but its energy value is very low - 24 kilocalories per 100 grams of drink.

Collection rules

In addition, it is necessary to know exactly correct procedure collecting the drink. This procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. You need to arrive in the forest before dark. The greatest movement of fluid in the trunk begins in the morning and continues until night. Therefore, it is during daylight hours that a large amount of juice can be collected;
  2. Measuring the diameter of the trunk. Before collecting, you should measure the exact diameter of the trunk. It determines how many holes can be made in the barrel. For example, if its diameter is 20-25, then it can only be pierced once. If the diameter of the trunk is 25-34, then it is allowed to make two punctures, if the diameter is 35-39 - 3, if 40, then all four;
  3. Installation of special devices. It is necessary to place special devices near the tree. It is best to install the devices near trees with good sunlight.

Even during collection, you must adhere to strict rules:

  • It is forbidden to collect a drink from the first tree you come across without first checking for the presence of liquid in it. Sometimes some foragers simply cut off the bark of a tree and leave an open wound on it. It is absolutely impossible to do this;
  • You cannot collect liquid from young trees;
  • It is best to make the hole from the north. It is in this place that a large amount of juice always accumulates;
  • Before collecting the drink, it is best to make a shallow hole in the trunk. Experienced collectors advise that it is best to make a hole with a gimlet. After this, a groove or tube is inserted into the resulting hole, through which liquid will subsequently flow out of the birch;
  • After collection, the hole must be covered with special wax, plasticine or plugged with a stopper. This will prevent all kinds of bacteria from entering the tree, which can later cause rotting of the trunk.

You can see a detailed description of the process of collecting sap from a birch tree in the video below:

How to preserve birch sap: proven methods

This drink is very healthy and therefore many try to save it for the winter. To do this, it needs to be preserved.

During canning, all recipe requirements must be strictly followed.

Recipe No. 1

We suggest considering making syrup. It is prepared by evaporating it from birch sap.

To do this, you will need dishes with a large wide bottom - a saucepan or basin. Pour the drink into the container and boil over low heat.

When the liquid in the pan has reduced by three times, you need to add fresh nectar there again. This procedure should be repeated several times (about three times).

During cooking, foam is removed from the surface. No sugar is added to the syrup.

The resulting syrup should be filtered through cheesecloth and poured into special sterilized jars. Jars of syrup should be placed in a cool place.

Recipe No. 2

We can preserve birch sap according to this recipe as follows.

Fresh birch nectar must be poured into an enamel bowl and placed over medium heat. It needs to be heated to 80-90 degrees and boiled.

Then you need to sterilize the jars and pour the finished drink into them. Screw them with iron lids and place the jars in a dark place.

Also, the jars need to be wrapped in a warm sweatshirt or thick woolen cloth.

After 3 days, the jars are removed to a dark, cool place.

You can add sugar or citric acid.

Approximately 50 liters of juice will require 2.5–3 kg of pine needles.

First, place the pine needles in a pan or basin and then fill it with birch nectar.

Then put on medium heat and boil.

The resulting drink must be left for 8 hours to infuse.

Sugar or citric acid is added to the juice. Then it is poured into jars and they are screwed with iron lids.

The jars need to be sterilized at 90 degrees for about 30 minutes.

With citruses

It is best to add lemon or orange to the drink.

For 1 liter you need to put 2 tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of citric acid and one orange or lemon.

Lemon or orange should be cut into thin slices with a knife and placed on the bottom of an enamel bowl, sprinkle with sugar and add citric acid.

This whole mixture is poured with nectar and placed on low heat.

The liquid must be heated to 80 degrees and boiled.

Then the finished drink is poured into sterilized jars.

The jars need to be rolled up and placed in a dark place.

It is advisable to cover them with a warm blanket or blanket.

After 4 days they are removed to a dark place.

And here is the video recipe. Let's look and remember:

With lollipops

This drink can be preserved with candy. You can add candy to it different types– barberries, duchess, mint candies.

In order to prepare three liters of the drink, you need to add a couple of candies of the same type, 230 grams of sugar, and a little citric acid. This whole mixture is boiled over low heat.

Then it is poured into a jar and screwed on with an iron lid. It is best to place the jar under a warm blanket for 3-4 days. After this, the drink should be stored in a dark place.

We present to your attention a method for preserving birch sap with candies:

Treatment with healing birch drink

Due to the fact that this drink has a large number of useful substances, it can be used as a treatment for various diseases:

  1. For impotence or other male diseases, you need to drink about 5 glasses of the drink per day. After about two months, there will be an improvement, a feeling of vigor will appear, drowsiness and fatigue will disappear;
  2. During kidney disease, it is recommended to drink a mixture of birch sap and infusion of birch leaves. This mixture has good properties: it strengthens the body, improves condition, and normalizes all processes in the body. To crush stones and remove sand, you need to drink one glass of nectar on an empty stomach. You also need to follow a special therapeutic diet;
  3. For skin fungal diseases, the drink is used as a rub. You can make lotions and compresses from it;
  4. For sexually transmitted diseases, treatment with birch sap is used as an addition to the main treatment. You need to drink 6 glasses of juice a day. Along with this treatment, you need to follow a lactic acid diet;
  5. For sore throat, inflammation of the throat and mouth, you need to gargle and gargle with warm birch liquid.

Expand your knowledge in the field of cooking. If up to this point you didn’t know what it was, then definitely find out, it might come in handy!

To prepare your favorite julienne, you no longer need to preheat the oven and then wash it. you will learn how to cook this dish using a slow cooker.

And collected original recipes with lentils in a slow cooker. Bon appetit!

  • Before you go to collect birch drink, do not forget about the collection rules;
  • To improve the general condition of the body, drink 2-3 glasses of birch drink a day;
  • It is best to store birch sap in canned form. So he will keep his for a long time beneficial properties, and you can use it even in winter.

Birch sap is a very healthy drink. Proper canning will allow it to be preserved for a long time.

You need to assemble it correctly. However, during collection it is important to remember nature; collecting liquid from birches should not negatively affect the trees.

To do this, you must follow all collection rules.

kerescan - Apr 16th, 2015

Natural homemade birch sap is, of course, sap in jars with lemon, for sourness in taste, and with a little sugar, for preservation.

Photo. Birch sap

How to preserve birch sap for the winter.

To make birch sap at home by canning it in jars, you need to mix 10 liters of birch sap with 10 tablespoons of sugar and the juice of one lemon. Boil and, straining through a thin cloth or sieve, pour over, cover with lids and roll up. Turn the jars over and leave to cool. Then take them to a cold place for storage.

To improve the taste and aroma of birch sap, you can add leaves of mint, lemon balm, thyme and other aromatic herbs. You can add the juices of other berries to birch sap. For example, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, lingonberries.

Photo. Birch sap

Canned birch sap, of course, does not have the same benefits as freshly collected, but it is still beneficial for the body and can be used as a refreshing drink.

This is how easy it is to roll up homemade birch sap with lemon in jars, and the recipe for how to preserve birch sap for the winter can now live in your book of preserves.

Well, this is a photo for a “snack”: Birch sap in a jar, with pulp. 😉

Preparation of birch sap. Preparation

Harvesting usually occurs in late April – early May. It is better to collect from trees with thick trunks. To do this, you need to make a small hole in the birch tree, insert a tube into it, and the sweetish aromatic sap will flow into the prepared container.

Before harvesting birch sap, it must be thoroughly cleaned of contaminants. To do this, you need to strain it through a fine sieve. Then add all the ingredients: - sugar and citric acid, mix everything and put it on the fire. (There shouldn’t be a lot of sugar, the drink should be slightly sweet and have a barely noticeable sour taste, so don’t overdo it with the ingredients.

Do not add a lot of sugar and citric acid - the taste should be slightly sweet and sour. When preserving, birch sap cannot be boiled!

Birch sap cannot be boiled!!! During heating, it is necessary to constantly stir and skim off the dirty foam that will certainly appear with a slotted spoon.

Otherwise, the drink will end up with a reddish sediment.

No need to bring to a boil(otherwise all beneficial properties will be lost), as soon as the first bubbles appear, the fire should be turned off. Before pouring into sterilized jars, you need to strain again through gauze folded 8 times.

Roll up the jars, turn them upside down and leave them in that position for a day. Then turn the jars over and store in a cool place. At the end of summer - beginning of autumn, there is a good opportunity to cook a rich and aromatic compote from grapes and preserve it for the winter.

Preparing birch sap will not take you much time. As a result, you will get a pleasant, healthy drink.

Bon appetit!

Birch sap drink

If the preparation allows for long-term storage of this drink, then fresh birch drink can be stored for no more than two days.

But if you add lime and a little sugar to it, its shelf life will increase by another two days.

To prepare such a tasty and healthy drink you need ten minutes and four ingredients.

Ingredients for making a drink from birch sap:


Strain the birch sap through doubled gauze. It is difficult to achieve perfect cleanliness during collection. Small particles of bark and grass often get into the container, although this is not dangerous, it is aesthetically unattractive. Add crystalline sugar and stir with a spoon until completely dissolved.

Wash the currant branches in cold water, wait until they dry. Throw them into the jar. Place them so that they are completely covered with liquid.

Divide the washed lime into four parts. You need to wash it very well, because before transportation it can be treated with special chemicals. Squeeze lime juice into a jar. Send the skins there too. Stir all the ingredients with a large spoon, let it brew for twenty minutes and pour it into a glass to enjoy the wonderful taste and aroma of the drink.

The above components complement each other perfectly.

It is not advisable to replace lime with regular lemon, because in this case the strong aroma and taste of lemon will overwhelm the delicate notes of currants. - About cars - Information portal