Is it possible to improve the marks on the tank? New game achievement - marks on gun barrels. Our standard prices for obtaining marks on barrels from scratch to regular tanks

You can order from us a guaranteed mark on the trunks (perks). In order to place an order, you simply need to select the current mark percentage (the selected value must be no lower than the one you currently have) and the desired percentage. To get 1 mark, the selected percentage must be 65%, to get two - 85%, to get three - 95%. The minimum final mark percentage is 85% (2 marks).

Attention! There are a number of “complex” tanks (which are more difficult to mark than others), for which there is a separate price list. These tanks include: Super Conqueror, WZ-111-5A, WZ-111 1-4, rev. 260, M48A5 Patton, about 268.4, about. 430U, T22sr, Type64, T95E6, Type 5 Heavy, Chimera,FV 4005 Stage II, Progetto M40 mod. 65, UDES 15/16. Regarding promotional and prize tanks (which cannot be purchased or pumped out at the time of order, for example volume 907), you need to check the price with the operator or at the post office (orders for them are accepted on an individual basis). The same applies to tanks that were introduced into the client less than 3 months ago.

You can see examples of completed work

You will also receive:

  • Tank experience
  • About the torture of the crew
  • Master Badge (almost always), Epic Achievements

Required conditions:

  • The tank must be in top configuration
  • The crew must have 100% basic skill and at least 2 upgraded additional skills. skills
  • The contractor must have the opportunity to retrain the crew at his discretion (if necessary).
  • The contractor must be able to install the necessary upgrades
  • The account must be in the RU region. If you have a different region, check the availability and price with the operator.

Requirements for the presence of silver on the account:

  • There must be enough silver to purchase modules or gold for replacement (up to 1.5 million credits for level 10 vehicles if modules are not installed).
  • The amount of silver required for battles depends on the level of equipment, the current and required percentage of the mark:
    • Up to 5 million credits if there is no premium account and reserves for silver, level 10 equipment, from 0 to 3 marks
    • Up to 3 million credits when using a premium account, or there are silver reserves (minimum 15 hours)
    • For vehicles of level 9 and below, no more than 2 million if you have a premium account or reserves. You can check the exact quantity with the operator

If you want to order marks on several tanks, you can make several orders at the same time, or order battles to improve WN8 by indicating in the comments that you need to play on certain tanks (specify a list of several) and upon reaching the mark, move to another.

Popular tanks with revenge (perks) on the barrels: IS3, T44

Starting with version 9.1, a new type of achievement will appear in the game - distinctive marks on gun barrels. Historically, such marks reflected the number of destroyed enemy equipment - the only possible indicator of the performance of the crew of a combat vehicle in reality. However, in military operations, tanks were used en masse, often with the participation of other branches of the military, so in most cases it was very difficult to determine whose shot destroyed the target. This was the key reason why the marks were not widely used.

In the game, the destruction of an enemy tank is also not always an objective indicator. Agree: dealing with a heavy tank alone and finishing off an enemy with one shot’s strength is not the same thing.

The most objective indicators of a player’s personal performance are average experience and average damage on a tank. Experience per battle is already taken into account for awarding class marks, and high average damage will be rewarded with marks on the gun barrel: the higher the player’s performance compared to the results of other owners of the same tank, the higher the degree of achievement and the more marks on the gun barrel.

Damage based on intelligence is also taken into account, which makes the achievement available for light tanks, which are designed not so much for dealing damage, but for identifying targets for allies.

Accounting is carried out separately for each tank starting from the release of version 9.1. Battles that took place before this update do not count: this is necessary to create equal conditions for all players. Damage statistics are collected daily, so any changes in the game are taken into account.

For calculations, the results for the last series of battles on the tank are taken, and not for all battles, which allows you to quickly track the player’s success.

Attention! Calculating statistics and assigning marks only applies to vehicles from level V in random battles. Team, company, clan and historical battles do not affect the receipt of marks!

Historically, marks were an attribute of tank aces, so obtaining them is not very easy. For example, to get an initial level and one mark, a player must get into the top 35% on the same tank; the second level of achievement (two marks) is awarded to the top 15% of players, and the highest (three marks) is awarded to the top 5% of players. The appearance of the marks is recreated based on historical prototypes.

In addition to marks for aces, all players receive a rating, which, unlike other abstract ratings, directly reflects the player’s effectiveness on a specific tank in terms of the main indicator of personal skill - damage dealt and assistance in causing damage to the enemy.

The indicator is displayed for each tank in the “Achievements” > “Vehicles” > “Awards” section in an explicit form: “Your damage indicator is better than N% of players on the same tank.”

The more consistently a player deals damage, the fewer battles are required to calculate his personal indicator. On average, it may take from 50 to 100 or more battles to achieve the highest level of achievement.

Marks received are added to the tank forever and cannot be lowered or taken away. Taking into account statistics for a series of battles and a large step of the indicator for subsequent degrees guarantees the absence of random success. Players can optionally turn off the display of marks on their tank both for themselves and for other players, but other people's marks will still be displayed.

Players love to brag about their achievements to others, and because of this they look for ways to... After they were added in 2014 with update 9.1, many people had the opportunity to earn a badge of distinction, proving their mastery of controlling a specific vehicle.

Now getting marks on the WoT trunk For some, it is the primary reason why they log into the game every day.

Why are marks needed?

Notches are assigned to accounts that have the best statistics on a specific vehicle. They help distinguish a truly skilled player from other tankers. Getting marks on the trunk- a very difficult process that requires regular practice and constant victories, which not everyone succeeds in.

The number of notches can vary from one to three, and the more there are, the more skillful the gamer is considered.

How are they issued?

Farming such a sign is not an easy task. The system monitors statistics on tanks every day starting from the fifth level. Those people who are in a certain TOP receive one, two or three. If a person thinks how to earn a barrel mark, he must know the criteria:

  • one notch is given to users who are in the top 35% of WoT players using a given vehicle;
  • two - 15%;
  • three - 5%.

The main criteria for determining the most skilled players are two parameters: damage caused and assistance in destroying the enemy. The more enemies are “shot”, the higher the chances of earning this insignia. It is issued forever, the display can be turned off at the request of the owner.

Ways to earn

If a person is interested, how to get marks on gun barrels, he can use a number of proven techniques:

play on a tank no lower than level V, which he masters perfectly, since this way there is a greater chance of inflicting 2-3k damage to the enemy;

use equipment with a high penetration level and high damage;

go to the match in a platoon: friends will suggest suitable methods, how to get marks on a trunk on a map, and will also help you achieve success in battle;

use the services of sites providing such services.

Where to order pumping

If a person thinks, he can contact the service site. The resource employs professional tankers who have experience in performing this task.

The client will need to provide account information and indicate which vehicle they need to go into battle with. As a bonus, it is guaranteed to improve statistics and farming resources. You won't have to think anymore about marks on WoT gun barrels, how to get them, and you can enjoy them.

Starting from version 9.1, a new type of achievement will appear in the game - distinctive marks on gun barrels. Historically, such marks reflected the amount of destroyed enemy equipment - the only possible indicator of the performance of the crew of a combat vehicle in reality. However, in military operations, tanks were used en masse, often with the participation of other branches of the military, so in most cases it was very difficult to determine whose shot destroyed the target. This was the key reason why the marks were not widely used.

In the game, the destruction of an enemy tank is also not always an objective indicator. Agree: dealing with a heavy tank alone and finishing off an enemy with one shot strength is not the same thing.

The most objective indicators of a player's personal performance are average experience and average damage on a tank. Experience per battle is already taken into account for awarding class marks, and high average damage will be rewarded with marks on the gun barrel: the higher the player’s performance compared to the results of other owners of the same tank, the higher the degree of achievement and the more marks on the gun barrel.

Damage based on intelligence is also taken into account, which makes the achievement available for light tanks, which are designed not so much for dealing damage, but for identifying targets for allies.

Accounting is carried out separately for each tank starting from the release of version 9.1. Battles that took place before this update do not count: this is necessary to create equal conditions for all players. Damage statistics are collected daily - thus, any changes in the game are taken into account.

For calculations, the results for the last series of battles on the tank are taken, and not for all battles, which allows you to quickly track the player’s success.

Attention! Calculating statistics and assigning marks only applies to vehicles from level V in random battles. Team, company, clan and historical battles do not affect the receipt of marks!

Historically, marks were an attribute of tank aces, so obtaining them is not very easy. For example, to get an initial level and one mark, a player must get into the top 35% on the same tank; the second level of achievement (two marks) is awarded to the top 15% of players, and the highest (three marks) is awarded to the top 5% of players. The appearance of the marks is recreated based on historical prototypes.

In addition to marks for aces, all players receive a rating, which, unlike other abstract ratings, directly reflects the player’s effectiveness on a specific tank in terms of the main indicator of personal skill - damage dealt and assistance in causing damage to the enemy.

The indicator is displayed for each tank in the “Achievements” > “Vehicles” > “Awards” section in an explicit form: “Your damage indicator is better than N% of players on the same tank.”

The more consistently a player deals damage, the fewer battles are required to calculate his personal indicator. On average, it may take from 50 to 100 or more battles to achieve the highest level of achievement.

Marks received are added to the tank forever and cannot be lowered or taken away. Taking into account statistics for a series of battles and a large step of the indicator for subsequent degrees guarantees the absence of random success. Players can optionally turn off the display of marks on their tank both for themselves and for other players, but other people's marks will still be displayed.

Recently, Wargaming has become more active and has begun to carefully introduce, albeit small, but quite interesting updates for its game project. Among all the endless number of updates, it is worth noting one very interesting thing, which is known as stars on the trunk in WoT. What is this update? Why was it introduced, is it worth closely monitoring it?

And in order not to wander in doubt, you need to prepare. In this article we will reveal the whole truth about this update and why it is needed at all. True, you should not rejoice, since it is aesthetic and does not carry any special advantages.

New aesthetic feature

Stars on the barrel in WoT are a new aesthetic update to the game that allows you to visually determine how successful the user is in the game with a given type of vehicle. This innovation marks stars on the gun barrel depending on the participant’s performance in combat using a certain type of vehicle. That is, the function is not general, but is designed for each tank individually.

The stars on the barrel in WoT are an indicator of the ability to wield combat vehicles, and in more detail, they reflect the effectiveness of the game in terms of dealing damage compared to all players in WoT. For example, one star shows that a player has an excellent damage indicator, which only 35% of “colleagues” have, two stars indicate that 15% have this result, and three stars even say that the person is in the top and his result Only 5% of gamers have it.

How to get stars?

Everything is clear with the characteristics of these stars, now it would be interesting to find out exactly how to get them and whether it is possible to lose them altogether. To get stars on the barrel in WoT, it is enough to carry out battles well and effectively with high damage. If you consistently place in the top 3 players in terms of damage per battle, you will certainly get closer to the stars on the barrel.

It is the damage that involves applying stars to the barrel; your aesthetic statistics will depend on it. But at the same time, it is worth considering that if you start to be careless about damage and fight disgusting battles, then the chance of losing stars on the barrel will noticeably increase. Try to conduct each battle effectively and with the maximum possible damage. Only in this way will it be possible to maintain a well-deserved result and be able to break away from your competitors.

Differences by nation

In addition, do not forget that in WoT the stars on the trunk were introduced in connection with the historical evidence found. Allegedly, the tankers themselves applied such indicators to their tank. But it is also worth considering that there are several nations in World of Tanks, so the designation may be different, although the difference is not so extensive.

For example, the nations of China and the USSR put stars on the trunk, while others in WoT replace the stars on the trunk with simple white stripes, of which there are also three, they are applied exactly according to the same rules as the stars themselves. Therefore, you should not be surprised that some tanks have different markings on the barrel. And you shouldn’t relax, since the introduced aesthetic statistics have their place in the game.

Importance of this indicator

We figured out what the stars on the trunk mean in WoT, now we just need to understand what weight they have in the game. Oddly enough, in the game gamers began to pay more attention to each other, since the marks on the barrel show how well the player controls his technique, whether he should rely on it, whether he should be afraid, etc. After all, if a participant has 3 stars, then he probably plays well, and it’s worth thinking about before throwing him and doubting his decisions. In addition, many clans introduce their own player evaluation system, which also takes into account marks on equipment, this allows you to determine as accurately as possible how well and what a particular player plays. Thanks to the marks on the barrel, it has become easier to determine what a gamer is like, whether it is worth listening to him, covering him, and generally being afraid of him if he is among the rivals. In addition, it is worth noting that the developers introduced this update as a test and now intend to develop their idea. It is not yet known exactly what the developers want to introduce, but it is already becoming clear that they do not plan to shelve this idea; work is already underway on its development. - About cars - Information portal