How the car starts. How to start a car? Councils and recommendations. Starting the engine in winter

Driving Practical tips How to start your car correctly - a complete guide

How to start a car correctly - a complete guide

Driving a car is a dream for many. Many people imagined or dreamed how they get behind the wheel of a car, start it, take off under the roar of the engine. But, in fact, you can get into an awkward situation already at the initial stage - at the start of the engine. 8 out of 10 newbies don't know how to do it. Anyone would say: “Well, what's so difficult about that? I inserted the key, turned it, and drove off! ”, But it wasn’t there.

Having settled comfortably in the driver's seat, making sure that all the mirrors are set correctly, that there is easy access to everything you need, you can start the engine.

Having inserted the key into the ignition lock, we begin to turn it clockwise. If it does not work, then try to twist in the opposite direction. In a situation where this does not help, you need to use a tricky and extremely simple method: just press the brake pedal and only after that start turning the key. This is not some kind of malfunction or minor damage, this is a modern safety mechanism. It is mainly present in new cars. After you have done these steps, the car should already start. Most cars have a steering wheel lock. In the locked position, neither the steering wheel nor the key will turn. In this situation, you just need to slightly simultaneously move the steering wheel and turn the key until it is unlocked.

Starting a car with a manual transmission

Before turning the key, you need to understand whether the car is in gear or not. The fact is that when parking a car, it is usually put on the handbrake and gear (first or reverse). If you try to start it like that, then the car will jerk a meter and a half forward or backward and stall. Therefore, either before starting we move the lever to the neutral position, or, more correctly, when cranking, depress the clutch and put the lever in neutral position.

The car in this case must be on the handbrake and you must be sure of it, otherwise it may roll downhill. If you are not sure, apply the brakes as well.

Some cars have a clutch fuse installed. If you do not press the clutch pedal to the end, it cuts off the supply of electricity to the starter. After the engine is started, continue to hold the clutch pedal until the gearshift lever is in the neutral position. Otherwise, you can expect the car to just start shaking and twitching.

Carburetor and injection car

If you've ever wondered about starting an engine, you've probably heard that you need to press the gas pedal before turning the ignition key. First you need to know for sure whether it is a carburetor car or an injection car. It's definitely not worth pressing in the injector gas.

In the case when the car is equipped with a carburetor, you need to make sure what condition the engine is in: hot or cold. If the engine has been running recently, it is considered to be hot. It is also believed that even if the car has stood under the scorching sun all day, the engine is still in a cold state.

If the engine of the machine is hot, then the gas pedal does not need to be pressed. But if you still had to do this, then this indicates that the engine has some kind of malfunction and needs to be repaired. When starting the car when the engine is cold, it uses a little more fuel. We press the gas pedal several times, about 1 or 2 times, after which we try to start the car. In the case when it still does not start, you need to try to press the gas pedal a couple more times. The thing is that when this pedal is pressed, the carburetor plug will close, while passing a small amount of fuel into the engine. Each time the gas pedal is released, fuel is injected into the engine, so you should not overdo it with this matter. Otherwise, you can simply simply flood your engine, after which it will no longer start. When starting a cold one, it is worth pulling out the choke handle (if any) and as the engine warms up, you need to smoothly sink it to its initial position.

Starting a car with an automatic transmission

In such a car, of course, there will be no clutch pedal. Look in the manual for your car, in which position of the gearshift lever should the engine be started. Usually these are “P” and/or “N” modes. Also, many cars with automatic transmission will not start if the brake pedal is not pressed at the time of starting. Read how to use an automatic transmission and you will have no questions left.

If it was not possible to "force" the car to start within 1 minute, you should wait about 5 minutes. This is necessary so that the starter has the opportunity to cool down. Otherwise, it may burn out. Be sure to make sure the gear selector is in the neutral position. If, nevertheless, the car suddenly starts, the car may jerk, which can lead to a collision with someone or something.

Do you have any questions? We look at how to start the car from BloggerAvto:

How to start a car in winter

Not only do you just need to be able to start the car, you also need to know how to start the car in the winter. Usually problems with this case begin when the temperature outside is about 15 and below. The very first problem that may arise is that you will not be able to get into the car, because. his windows and doors were frozen. What to do in this situation, read here: “Doors and windows froze - what to do?”

You literally need to know step by step what to do in such a situation.

  1. We make sure that the radio, stove fan, heated seats and windows are in the off state. All these devices are superfluous battery power consumers.
  2. At this stage, you need to let the battery warm up. To do this, you can turn on the high beam for about 30 seconds or the low beam for about 2 minutes (this recommendation is relevant for older cars). If there is any doubt about the car battery, then you can repeat these steps several times.
  3. We press the pedal responsible for the clutch several times, while taking into account that this is done on a car with a manual gearbox (manual gearbox). On injection machines, do not touch the gas pedal until the machine is running. After the engine starts to work, you should not abruptly throw the clutch pedal, but you need to gradually release it.
  4. We start the engine.
  5. If you cannot start the engine 2 or 3 times in a row, you just need to wait a while - about 1.2 minutes.

See how to properly start a car in severe frost:

If nothing helps, then the battery may have frozen, what to do in this situation, see the link.

We start a diesel car in the winter season

glow plug indicator

It is especially difficult for a diesel engine to start in winter due to fuel waxing. In cold weather, it is worth refueling only winter diesel fuel - pay attention when refueling!

Diesel engines are equipped with glow plugs. They heat the fuel, making it easier to start the engine. Therefore, before starting, turn on the ignition and wait, until the glow plug indicator goes out. In severe frost, you can let the indicator go out several times and only then start up.

If it still doesn’t start and you are sure that the problem is definitely not in the battery (by the way, to be sure of it, read how to choose the right battery), then the diesel fuel has frozen.

The easiest thing to do in this situation is to drive the car for a few hours in a heated garage (your, friend, or indoor at the mall.)

If this is not possible, then you just need to warm up in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe oil and fuel filter. To do this, there must be access to the bottom of the car: i.e. either raise it with a jack, or use a flyover, pit or lift. A blowtorch is usually used as a heat source, you can try a home or building hair dryer (you need a source of electricity.) Then try to start the car again.

Starting a car without a battery

Every driver has probably come across a situation where his car simply does not start for unknown reasons. And the problem may appear as a result of damp or hungry weather, as well as due to a weak battery. In this case, you need to try to start the engine from the "pusher".

If the problem is that you cannot find the key, then read - “How to start a car without keys”

You need to make sure that your car's brakes are working properly. You can use a second car, a slope in the road, or a few heavily built men as a tugboat. If the car has a carburetor, then you first need to pump up a little fuel by pressing the gas pedal about 3 or 4 times.

Now you can start. Insert the key into the ignition switch and turn it. After that, you can push the car. As soon as the car has received a slight acceleration, you need to press the clutch pedal and switch the handle to the position corresponding to the second gear. Now you need to carefully release the clutch pedal. You need to feel a small push, after which the engine should start. All actions must be done calmly, but quickly, in order to avoid any mistake. After the car has started, you can stop it, but do not turn off the engine, but let it warm up for fifteen or twenty minutes.

If this operation did not work the first time, you can try to do it several times.

Before trying to start your car in this way, you should read in the owner's manual whether the manufacturer allows such an action. For many modern cars, in particular the Chevrolet Aveo, this can lead to serious engine damage.

If it is not possible to push the car with the help of men, or there is no cable to disperse the car with the help of another car, or this method of starting is prohibited by the manufacturer, then you can “light up” the battery of a broken car from a car battery in a usable condition. This requires special wires with clamps to pass energy from a working machine to a broken one. You can read detailed instructions on this method here.

Never try to start the car if you are a beginner and do not understand this at all. In this case, it is better to turn to a more experienced person on this issue in order to avoid unnecessary and extremely unpleasant breakdowns.

And to end on a positive note, look - the girl is driving for the first time and cannot start:

Nobody canceled the law of meanness, therefore, the battery often runs out at the most inopportune time: here you are stopped on the side of a busy highway, but you can’t move, the car won’t start. It's a shame, isn't it?

How to understand that the battery is dead?

  • After turning the key in the ignition lock, the vigorous “grunt” of the engine is replaced by slow and viscous sounds;
  • Indicators on the dashboard are dimly lit (or do not light up at all);
  • From under the hood, crackles and clicks are heard.

How to start a car if the battery is dead?

Method 1 "Start-charger" . The easiest and most painless way to start the battery is a special device. It is connected to the network, the mode switch is put in the "start" position. The positive wire of the ROM is connected to the + terminal, the negative wire is connected to the engine block closer to the starter. Turn the key in the ignition, after the car has started, the starter-charger can be turned off.

This method is suitable for all types of cars (with automatic and manual transmission).

Method 2 "Give me a light!". To do this, you will need: a “donor” car - 1 piece, wires for lighting (a cross section of more than 16 sq. mm), a key for 10. The battery of the donor car must be in normal working condition, do not try to light a 12-volt unit from 24- volt, the voltage should be the same. An exception is the recharge of a 24-volt battery from two 12-volt batteries, which are connected in series. Cars are placed side by side, but they should not touch. The engine of the "donor" is turned off, the negative terminal must be removed from the second car. Observe the polarity, otherwise the electronics will simply fail. Basically, the negative wire is marked in black, and the positive wire is marked in red. The positive terminals must be connected to each other, then we connect the minus to the "donor" and only after that the minus to the reanimated machine. After that, you can start the "donor" for 4-5 minutes, so that the "dead" battery is recharged, then you can start the second car and let it work for 5-7 minutes. The terminals are disconnected, let the car run for 15-20 minutes, charging is faster when the engine is on.

Method 3 "Increased current" . The battery can be recharged with increased current, the battery can not be removed from the car, but the negative terminal must be removed from the vehicle with the on-board computer, otherwise the electronics will “fly”. The current can be increased by no more than 30% of the standard readings. For example, for a 60 Ah battery, a current of up to 8 amperes is allowed. The electrolyte level should be normal, the filler plugs should be opened. Charging lasts 20-30 minutes, then you can start the car. Often resorting to this method is not recommended - it shortens the "life" of the battery.

Method 4 "Towing or pushing" . For towing you will need: a cable, 4-6 meters long, a car for towing. The cars are connected to each other by a cable and accelerate to 10-15 km / h, the towed car needs to turn on 3rd gear and gradually release the clutch. If the car was able to start, you can unhook the "sweet couple". The main thing in this method is to coordinate the actions of drivers, otherwise serious damage can be done to the neighbor's transport. The method is only suitable for vehicles with manual transmission. You can use human resources instead of a towing car. Accelerate the car downhill or on a flat road. They push by the rear racks or trunks, otherwise you can get serious injuries (for example, slip and get under the wheels).

Method 5 "Lithium batteries" . Reviews about it are very mixed, for recharging you can use a laptop, phone, camera and other equipment with lithium batteries. It takes 10-20 minutes to recharge, you can connect it using a car cigarette lighter or directly to the battery. The devices are suitable for all types of vehicles.

Method 6 "Crooked starter" . Such a thing for cranking the crankshaft rescued many motorists. To do this, you need a jack, 5-6 meters of a dense rope or sling. Using a jack, you need to raise one of the drive wheels, 5-6 meters of rope are wound around it, the ignition and direct transmission are turned on. Pull the end of the foot with a sharp movement, you need to spin the wheel well.

We hope that our article will be useful to you, and in an emergency you will not be at a loss and use these tips!

Why is the battery draining

Any, even the highest quality battery is discharged by itself over time, and this happens for various reasons.

5 Reasons Why Your Battery Drains Quickly

  • The battery has exhausted its resource (4-5 years);
  • The alternator does not charge the battery during the trip;
  • There is a current leakage in the on-board network;
  • Forgot to turn off the headlights or radio for a long time;
  • Exposure to critical temperatures (hard frost).

How to avoid frequent discharges and how to extend the life of a car battery - read on, we have collected all the useful tips on this topic in one handy list.

  1. Do not frequently run the engine for short runs.
  2. Do not leave the battery in a discharged state, let it be stored in a charged state.
  3. Do not let your car battery run down frequently.
  4. Do not allow the plates to be exposed, check and add electrolyte to the correct level.
  5. Check the alternator belt tension and replace the belt if it becomes too loose.
  6. Visually check the wiring in the network to quickly eliminate leakage currents.
  7. Watch the battery connection contacts - they can oxidize, wear out or be damaged.
  8. Make it a rule to check the car inside and out in any situation when you arrive at your destination. All electrical appliances and lighting must be turned off.
  9. In severe frosts, disconnect and transfer the battery to a warm room.
  10. In cold weather, charge the battery to the maximum more often so that the frost cannot drain the battery to the end.
  11. In winter, use special "warming" covers for the car battery.

Any driver can find himself in a situation where the battery on the car runs out, and it is impossible to start it by turning the ignition key. As a rule, the discharge of the battery for the owner of the car is always an unexpected turn of events. Although in the vast majority of cases it has quite objective reasons that have their consequences. The first feeling is confusion and annoyance. Especially when a person is alone on the track, or you urgently need to go somewhere, but you can’t start the engine. What to do in such a situation and how to start the car if the battery is dead?

The reasons why the battery "sits down" most often

Like it or not, very often the sudden stop of the batteries in the car contributes to the negligence or distraction of its owner. For example, if the driver forgot to turn off the headlights or listened to the radio all night. It is not surprising that the battery quickly discharged with the headlights on, and no matter how the owner starts the car in the usual way, the battery resources will not be enough to start the engine.

It may also happen that the battery will be completely discharged - in fact, to zero, and its capacity will no longer be possible. Such situations should not be allowed, and when traveling it is important to remember such things as the elementary saving of battery power.

Besides, cold and frost are also always an additional provocative factor for weakening the battery. Especially if she has been in a cold room for too long. Any driver should be aware that in winter it is impossible to allow the battery to be discharged “to zero” , otherwise, it can be fatal to him.

Be that as it may, the driver who finds himself in such a situation for the first time will have to learn how to start the car if the battery is dead. There is nothing complicated in how to determine if the battery has run out.

Signs that your car battery is dead

Signs of a dead battery are always present, these are symptoms that are difficult to confuse with any other malfunction.

How to understand that the cause of the “stalled” engine is in the battery:

  • when the ignition key is turned, the sound of the engine changes abruptly - it becomes weak, more monotonous and stretching;
  • if the battery is dead, the charge indicator light on the car's instrument panel dims or a light bulb may not ignite ;
  • when trying to start the engine clicking noises coming from under the hood of the car .

Fortunately, there are many tried and true ways to start a car if the battery is dead.

First, let's list them in order:

  1. To start the car, you can push it . But the method does not work with all cars.
  2. The car can be started through the cigarette lighter . In this case, you need to “light it up” from the battery of the donor car. Or from a special starting charger, if available.
  3. Fast charge method . If there is a conventional battery charger nearby with the ability to adjust current indicators;
  4. « sling"- manual untwisting of the crankshaft using the transmission (not for all machines).
  5. A technique called "drunk battery" . A tough, but sometimes effective way out, when there are simply no other means at hand.

Manual push method

It is one of the most common - of course, in the city or where there is a busy highway. To do this, the driver needs to turn on the speed, and a few people will simply push the car from behind so that the wheels spin, and the engine itself starts up due to the transmission.

Before helpers push the car, the driver should use (best of all!) reverse gear . As you know, her gear ratio is greater than the rest. The road surface should be as firm as possible and not slip. - in this case, the car will start faster.

Further turn on the ignition, try to properly depress the clutch and instruct assistants to push the car. As soon as speed is gained, the clutch must be released and, if there is sufficient tire grip, the crankshaft will be driven by the transmission. When you understand and hear that the engine has started working properly, depress the clutch again and give gas to stabilize the engine.

Despite the effectiveness of this good old method, it will not work in winter on a slippery road . In the case of a smooth and slippery surface, the grip of the wheels with it will be very low. And this means that the included transmission will simply work “idle”.

However, if you take the car in tow with a cable and another car, the method can still work. But not always: most likely, it will be necessary to drag a stalled car along an icy track for a very long time in order for its wheels to spin as it should.

Also, the “pusher” method cannot be applied in relation to machines with an “automatic” gearbox. . As for injection internal combustion engines, the “pusher” is also not recommended here. But, if the case is critical, there may be no other way out.

"Lighting up": a method for all cars

The output is optimal for all cars, regardless of whether they have a manual or automatic transmission. The main thing is to find a second motorist who will come to the rescue by providing his car as a donor. And that the battery of the assistant was sufficiently charged.

In order to start a car with a dead battery from another car, you will need a special wire with clips at the ends. The donor car is brought close to your car.

It is important to know how to light a cigarette correctly so as not to make mistakes:

  • Turn off the ignition on one or the other machine.
  • Connect the batteries to each other with alligator wires, observe the polarity - the positive pole of one battery to the positive pole of the other - and only then the negative pole of the donor battery is brought to the mass of the receiving car (this can be some unpainted part of the body or even the engine).
  • Start the engine of the donor car . Let it remain running for a while, while the battery that receives the charge “comes to life”, having been recharged.
  • Turn off the donor engine, remove the wire and try to start the engine of your car , which should already be slightly charged. If the motor does not start, the circuit can be repeated again, and it should succeed.

In no case do not start the car if the battery is dead and the engine of the “donor” car is running. If you start the engine of the “receiving” car without turning off the second engine, the “donor” starter may break.

You can also light a cigarette if the battery on the car is dead from a special charger and starting device designed for this purpose. The scheme of the method itself is similar to lighting from another car. The method is very convenient and also universal for everyone. However, the driver will have to make sure that this charger is always with him. You can carry it with you, and this will protect you in advance from situations where there may not be people nearby who can help.

Fast charge method

If you have a travel charger on hand that can adjust the current value, you can quickly recharge the battery using it. To do this, charge the battery as usual, just keep it for no more than 15-20 minutes, setting the current indicator to no more than 10 percent of the nominal battery capacity.

The method always works, but you can’t call it useful for the battery: the battery may lose a significant amount of capacity . Therefore, it is recommended to use it only in emergency cases.

Sling method

It means manual untwisting of the crankshaft using transmission and is suitable only for cars with manual transmission . One of the driving wheels of the drive is jacked up, then the highest speed is turned on, the sling is wound around the wheel (it must be a very strong rope, at least a path of meters in length). After that, the ignition is turned on.

The wheel is spun by hand: you need to pull hard and sharply on the rope sling. At the same time, it is important to know how to rotate the wheel correctly and accurately so that the line does not get tangled. In this way, you will eventually wind up, but not in winter . Also, the volume of the engine of your car should not exceed 1.5 liters.

Drunken battery method

In fact, this is not a joke, and we are talking about a really working method, used only under certain circumstances of a specific force majeure.

It is clear that alcohol-containing liquid will have to be used to start the engine. And therefore, a picture immediately appears before my eyes, when a company having a fun rest in the forest listened to the radio tape recorder all night, and in the morning it turned out that the car would not start.

As always, there is no limit to human ingenuity. You can pour a liquid containing alcohol into the battery cans. The main thing is that it does not contain sugar. Each compartment is filled with up to 30 ml red or white wine . enters into an active chemical reaction with alcohol, the resistance drops, and the voltage becomes higher - and the motor starts.

Remember: vodka or moonshine will not start the car because sugar is present in both drinks.

Of course, such a DIY method will completely destroy the battery, but if you happen to be in a remote place, then it can be a real salvation.

How to extend battery life

In order to have as few emergency situations with the battery as possible in your life, follow simple rules. They will help to avoid sudden force majeure circumstances.

You need to know how to properly care for the battery and monitor its operation:

  • Take your battery voltage readings often , do not forget that the indicator of a well-charged battery should be 12.6-12.7 volts.
  • If you are the owner of a liquid acid battery, check the condition of the electrolyte and lead plates and maintain it of necessity.
  • Don't let your battery run out of juice . Deep discharges reduce its capacity, which can have a fatal effect on starting currents, especially in winter.
  • In winter time it is worth taking extra care of the battery and buy a warm cover for him . BUT if the frost is severe , then it must be removed from the machine and bring it out of the garage into the heat .
  • Always keep an eye on the condition of the machine's terminals . When they are oxidized, the electrical conductivity deteriorates, which can even block the flow of electrical impulses.
  • Constant short trips, unfortunately, contribute to the rapid discharge of the battery because in their process it does not have time to recharge from the generator. Try to reduce the number of short trips as much as possible . And if that's not possible, give your car "long" trips of 40 minutes or an hour, at least once or twice a week.

And of course, you should always keep an eye on the battery charge indicator on the scoreboard and always turn off the headlights and radio if you are away for a long time.

Starting the engine with a dead battery is a process that is often accompanied by a stressful situation. Therefore, try to follow the simple rules for operating and caring for the battery so that such situations do not arise.

In America, the share of new cars sold with a manual transmission is only 6 percent. Therefore, for many American drivers, driving a car with a manual transmission causes great difficulty. So many drivers are accustomed to driving vehicles with automatic transmission. In our country, the share of cars sold with a manual transmission is still slightly larger than with an automatic transmission, but, nevertheless, for many drivers, driving a car with a manual transmission causes a lot of difficulties. We have prepared for all motorists instructions and a small guide that will help you learn how to drive a mechanic.

Manual transmission cars tend to cost less than automatic transmission cars. But driving a vehicle with a manual transmission will not only save you money when buying a car, but it will also open up a whole new world of driving for you.

Note that many are still equipped with a manual gearbox. But even buying an inexpensive weak car will allow you to significantly reduce fuel costs, since a car equipped with a manual transmission consumes much less fuel than a car equipped with an automatic transmission.

What are the other advantages of mechanical transmissions over automatic transmissions? A manual transmission is much more reliable than an automatic transmission, and besides, the cost of repairing the mechanics is much less than repairing a complex machine.

Plus, driving a car with a manual transmission than a car with an automatic transmission.

Step one: What are manual transmission gears for?

A manual transmission requires the driver to shift gears independently. Most cars with manual transmission have 4 or 5 speeds plus one reverse gear. In order to master where each gear speed is located and what each of them is for, you need to know the following:

Clutch pedal. When you press the pedal, a special mechanism in the box gives you the opportunity to select the desired gear using the gearshift knob. Remember that you can only shift the gearbox if the clutch pedal is fully depressed.

Neutral gear actually means that torque from the engine will not be transmitted to the wheels. When the engine is running and the gear is in neutral, if you press the gas pedal, the car will not move. With neutral gear engaged, you can engage any speed from this position, including reverse gear.

For most manual cars, 2nd gear is the workhorse, as 1st gear is primarily for pulling away. Second gear will help you get your car down a steep hill or help you navigate through a traffic jam.

Reverse gear is somewhat different from other speeds in a manual transmission. This speed has been given a slightly larger range of operation than first gear. You can accelerate faster in reverse than in 1st. But reverse gear does not "like" when the car drives in this mode for a very long time (it can lead to failure of the gearbox mechanism).

So reverse gear is not a way of basic movement.

The accelerator pedal allows at each speed to use the maximum engine torque set for each speed. When accelerating in a car equipped with , you feel every speed, which gives every driver a unique feeling of drive and better control over the car.

Step Two: Get to grips with gear placement

Before learning how to ride a mechanic, you need to master the location of each gear speed, which are indicated on the shift knob. After all, you will not look at the handle while the car is moving, where what speed is located ?! Remember that for perfect shifting, you must fully depress the clutch pedal, otherwise each gear will turn on with a characteristic screech or crunch, which can lead to transmission failure.

If you are a novice driver, then first look from the side of the front passenger seat as another more experienced driver simultaneously presses the clutch pedal and shifts gears. Pay attention to the maximum speed of the car in each gear.

At first, even after studying the location of each speed, you will still mentally remember where this or that gear is located. Over time, you will stop thinking about shifting gears every time and will do it on an unconscious level (mechanically). It's all about habit. So if at the very beginning you do not have the ideal skill of driving a car with a manual transmission, then do not be discouraged and do not fall into despair. The speed of gear shifting and much more will come to you as you accumulate driving experience.

Another problem for any novice driver who drives a car with a manual transmission is not knowing when and what speed to shift. In order to know whether the correct gear is engaged at a certain vehicle speed, we advise you to focus on the sound of the engine.

If the engine speed is very low and the car does not accelerate, then you are in high gear and you need to change to a lower gear.

If the engine speed is very high, then you need to shift into a higher gear to unload the gearbox.

If your car is equipped with a tachometer, then in order to understand when it is necessary to change speed, be guided by the number of engine revolutions. Although each make and model of a manual transmission vehicle requires a different shift order, in general each gear can be shifted when the engine reaches 3000 rpm. You can also use the speedometer to guide you when you need to switch gears.

For example, change gear every 25 km/h (1st gear 1-25 km/h, 2nd 25-50, 3rd 50-70, etc.). Remember that this is just a general rule for shifting manual transmissions. And than these values ​​will deviate upwards.

Step three: Start the engine

Place the shift lever in neutral position with the clutch pedal depressed before starting the engine. Do not shift gears without pressing the pedal, as this may lead to failure of the manual transmission. After starting the engine, warm it up to operating temperature. If you are warming up the car in winter, do not release the clutch pedal for the first few minutes of warming up after engaging the neutral gear. This will allow you to warm up the frozen oil in the box much faster.

Attention!!! Do not start the car engine with the gear engaged. This will cause the machine to move uncontrollably, which could lead to an accident.

Step Four: Use the Clutch Correctly

The clutch is a mechanism that helps you smoothly change gears. Always fully depress the clutch. If you change gear while driving without fully depressing the clutch, you will hear a grinding or crunching sound. Try to avoid this so as not to damage the box.

Also remember that the left foot should only press the clutch pedal. Right foot only gas pedal and brake pedal.

At first, it will be difficult for you to ideally release the clutch after changing gear. You have to get used to it. If you experience problems with this, we advise you to slowly release the clutch after changing gear in order to feel the moment the gear starts.

Avoid unnecessary acceleration of the vehicle when the clutch pedal is not fully depressed. Don't develop the habit of leaving the clutch pedal depressed for more than 2 seconds (even at traffic lights - use neutral speed).

Many novice drivers have trouble releasing the clutch pedal too quickly. Don't be discouraged if you don't succeed. Over time, you will get used to and will not notice how coordinated you are shifting gears. Remember that everyone experiences difficulties with this. As soon as you begin to drive frequently in dense city traffic, you will quickly gain experience.

Step five: Coordinated action

What's happened ? This is your door to the world of driving acceleration and a special feeling of the car. But in order to fully feel the true pleasure of driving a car with mechanics, well-coordinated and coordinated actions are necessary. As an example for the 1st and 2nd speed, we will give all your actions, which over time you must bring to automatism.

Depress the clutch pedal to the end. Switch the gear knob to first gear. Start slowly releasing the clutch pedal while gently and slowly depressing the gas pedal. Having brought the clutch pedal somewhere to the middle, you will feel that the torque has begun to be completely transferred to the wheels. Slowly releasing the clutch pedal to the end, accelerate to 25 km / h. Next, you need to switch to second gear. To do this, again squeeze the clutch to the end and shift the speed to second gear, then slowly, lowering the clutch pedal, slowly add gas.

Step Six: Downshifting

Downshifting is a method of downshifting a car when decelerating. How you shift gears when slowing down and how an automatic works when the vehicle slows down makes a huge difference. Downshifting will not only help you slow down the car, but it will also allow you to shift to exactly the speed you really need.

Downshifting will help you in bad slippery weather, both in summer and in winter, not to resort to braking with the brake pedal in case you need to slow down, which makes it safer to drive a car, unlike a car equipped with automatic transmission.

Here is an example of how you can use downshifting to stop a car at a speed of 70 km/h:

- Press the clutch pedal and shift the gearbox to 3rd gear by moving your right foot from the gas pedal to the brake.

- Release the clutch pedal slowly to avoid high revs.

- Depress the clutch pedal again before stopping.

- Do not include, as a downshift, the first speed.

This method of stopping will allow you to stop much faster and safer than when braking with a single brake pedal..

Step Seven: Reverse Speed

Be careful when shifting the vehicle's reverse gear. If not engaged correctly, the shift lever may pop out. Never try to engage reverse gear until the vehicle has come to a complete stop. On some models, in order to engage reverse gear, you must first press the top of the gear shift knob.

Remember that the reverse gear has a high range of operation, so be careful not to press the gas pedal hard, as the car can quickly dial dangerous.

Step Eight: Driving on the Hill

As a rule, most highways do not have a flat plane due to the terrain. Therefore, stopping on the road, in many places the car without a brake begins to roll back. Starting on a road with an inclined plane is much more difficult than on a flat terrain. In order to perfectly learn how to get under way on a hill, you need to consolidate your skills with the following exercise.

Get on the road with an inclined plane and put the car on the handbrake (“handbrake”), turn on the neutral gear. Now your task is to release the handbrake, turn on the first gear, squeeze the clutch pedal, move off on the hill, releasing the clutch smoothly while pressing the gas pedal. At some point, you will feel that the car has stopped moving backwards. It is in this position that you can keep the car on a slope or hill without brakes.

Step nine: Parking

When leaving the car in the parking lot after you have turned off the engine, depress the clutch pedal and engage first gear. Thus, you will protect your car from rolling away in your absence. For reliability, it is also necessary to raise the parking brake lever (or press the button if the handbrake is electronic). The main thing to remember is that when you return, before you start the car, you must definitely shift the gear to neutral.

Step Ten: Practice

All these actions will seem to you at first very difficult and difficult. But it's all natural. During the operation of the car, your experience will grow. Remember that the more practice, the more driving experience you get. If after that you are still afraid to drive a car, then do self-driving training at any site where there are no other cars. Thus, you will gain confidence in driving a car.

As soon as you become bolder, we advise you to practice in the early morning or at night in the real road conditions of your locality. Learn all the roads, especially where you expect to drive the most. The absence of cars at this time will give you confidence.

Many people are afraid to drive a car with mechanics. Some say that it is not comfortable and not modern. Don't listen to anyone. The manual transmission, despite its outdated technology, remains one of the most reliable transmissions in the automotive industry.

Yes, at some points, the mechanics slightly reduce driving comfort, but for this you will be rewarded with much more control over the car, increased power, better fuel efficiency, cheap maintenance costs and not expensive repairs (compared to automatic transmissions), a valuable driving skill that allows you to You control almost any vehicle in the world.

If, when you try to start the engine in the car, you hear a characteristic viscous sound and a click of the starter, then your battery is discharged. But do not panic, because even with a dead battery, a car can be brought back to life - for example, we already know three ways to start a car if the battery is dead.

What to do if the car battery is dead

A discharged car battery can cause a lot of inconvenience to the driver - and it is especially worth being wary of such a situation in the cold winter, when the temperature drops to -20 and below. The trouble is that even a completely new and fully serviceable battery can lose about half of its charge overnight in the cold, as the electrolyte density increases and the starting current drops, which slows down the chemical reactions and prevents the battery from releasing stored energy.

If your battery is dead, but time allows you to wait, then you need to remove it and take it home and warm it - this will increase its starting current, and the battery will be able to return to work. But on the road, you don’t have to think about it - so let’s look at ways that will help you find out how to start the car if the battery has run out somewhere on the road.

How to start a car from a pusher or tug

If you have a car with a manual transmission, then the traditional method of how you can bring the car to life is suitable for you - it starts the engine by accelerating the car and shifting into gear. However, it should be clarified that this method is suitable for cars with an injection engine only if the battery is not completely dead, that is, a certain amount of battery capacity will allow it to pump fuel from the fuel tank into the system.

To do this, check that you have a tow rope and find a person nearby with a working car who wants to help you. Or assistants who will push your car.

The procedure is simple:

  1. First, two cars should be connected with a cable if there is a volunteer driver.
  2. Then turn on the ignition, squeeze the clutch and, without releasing the pedal, switch to 3rd gear.
  3. At this stage, you can give a command to the second driver to start moving - or let strong assistants push the car.
  4. You need to accelerate to about 20 km / h, then release the clutch.
  5. The engine starts - then squeeze the clutch again and give the assistant a signal.

How to light up a car

This method is the most popular and good because it is universal and suitable for any car. But in order to carry it out, do not forget to carry with you special starting wires with clips, which are also called "crocodiles". In addition, you will again need someone else's serviceable car to help.

The workflow is as follows:

  1. Drive the donor car as close as possible to your recipient car - they should be bumper to bumper, or at least bumper to fender.
  2. It is imperative to turn off the engine of the donor car, as well as turn off the ignition of both cars - this will prevent the occurrence of a power surge when lighting up and damage to the electronics of the donor car.
  3. Connect one end of the red starting wire to the plus of the charged battery - it will do the same with the dead battery of the recipient.
  4. Now connect the negative black wires: one end to the negative battery terminal of the donor car, and the other to some unpainted body or engine element of the recipient. In this way, we prevent the donor battery from discharging.
  5. Next, you should start the donor engine and let it work for a few minutes. Then stop the engine and turn off all appliances.
  6. Attempt to start the engine of your recipient vehicle. When done, leave it in this state for 2 minutes, then disconnect all the wires in reverse order.
Important: the battery capacities on both cars must match or differ in favor of the auto-donor. Do not try to light a car with a large engine from a small car. The same applies to the voltage - it must match, for example, both the donor and the recipient must have a battery voltage of 12 V, or both 24 V.

How to start a car with a booster

And the third way to start a car if the battery is dead is to use a special device called a booster. This useful and autonomous gadget allows you to quickly charge a dead battery without the help of other cars, wires and pushers, and it is suitable for cars with any type of engine and transmission.

What to do to start the car with a booster is described in the instructions for each such gadget, but in principle, the course of action often coincides:

  1. First, turn on the ignition in the car.
  2. We connect the booster to the battery terminals, not forgetting the polarity.
  3. We start the car. If the engine size does not exceed two liters, then there will be no problems at all. Voila!

How to start a car with a cable

There is another way to start the car if the battery is dead - for this you will need a cable and a jack. See the following video for execution:

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